: - , - ' , J THAhhntlJE GAZETTE juLs - ; ; V 1 -V-Jv" " BMBBMHBaBiHBaBBBlMBII ; . - - - - -.- - . INA NEWS. J?ffGfffl(2)p: : : U Inl 10 mm, I At and Below Cost. 1 I In order to make room for our large stock of 1 fall Shoes which will begin to I days, we have of less than six E The Bargain Centre of Asheville. 1 Carolina S North western R. R. Schedule Effective April 1, 1900. Northbound Passenger. Mixed. Mixed, No. 10. No. 60 . o. 62. Iv Chester... 8:10am 7:60am Lv T'kville... 9:15am 9:52am Jjy Gastonia. .10:13 jn 12:35pm.. Lv L'colnton.ll :03am 2:15pm........... Lv Newton... 11 :52arrt 3:32pm Lv Hickory.. 12 :15pm 5:50pmLv 9:0am At Lenoir.. . 1:16pm 7:50pm 11:25am Southbound Passenger. Mixeu, Mixed. V No- 9. No. 61. No 63. Lenoir.... 4:30pm 1:30pm Lv Hickory.. 5:35pmLv 5:30am 4:26pm Lv Newtoa... 6:05pm 8:30am......... Lv L'cojnton.... 7:00pm 9:18am.. ....... Lv Gastonia... 8:15pm 11:10am. ... Lv T'kville. 9:21pm l :12pm.... Ar Chester 10:31pm 5:15pm........; 20 minutes for & pper at G- ltonia. -No, 10, northbound, connects tit Ches ter with Southern railway, S-board s Air LI . Lancaster & Ch tcr railway from all points south at Tor U.e with the South Carolina & Georgia- railway E.; at Gastonia with Southerm Tailway; at Llricolnton with .Seaboard ir Line; at Newtcn and Hickory, wij Southern railway'. No. 9i southbnhnri miVm dose connection at all Junction points." t AaaresB: 7. F. REID. L. T. N.CHOLS, V Auditor, , ;, Geo. la. , Chester. S. C. WA Ota-ITTT T- TIC , nr. . J 1- : " . ST. L..AND WESTERN- AND N- ,ATItAJJTIC RAILWAYS. . v , mTh great through line to Arkansas. Texa aodjlhe North-west. :itTaieTaSy NaS C?1 tlaatl vtL-vlm?'-Jym:le daily trains to 2eepew and elegant day ue- 0f.- V tween Chattanoo- ' tanooga :-ffkB07xvllle- ' Florida, aire c03itemTiljH-ni . , you iwiat, ! Tour Intert Ji nna you will find it : n Ttema. w m -m aoiuiev. a A., Nash villa. A., Unoxvills and 12 Patton Avenue, LM3 E WOHERTS AD f inn 3 b NX selected from our pairs of a kind For the Next Ten 'QUEEN OP SEA ROUTES" C...TO Boston, Providence . .AND.. a New England Resorts 18 VIA THE . Merchants' and Miners' Trans. Co. Steamship Lines NORFOLK, VA. st&imers leave or Boston every MmW Jyf WedaewlayrFiriday and Saturday 6 p. xn. Leaye f or'Providenoe every idiay, Thursday nd Saturday at 6 p. m. ;nV:;- '-'- f .i-i.-r ''. STMAMBRS NBt, PAST AND, BSLB- . . v -J i $ pANT ;; A i v - Aooommodalion-A and CulsSme TJnsufr cwsed. Send for .Muatrated folder. ' . tu WKIGHT, Agent Norfolk, Va." J. C, WHITNEY, Trafflic Manager, n ,W P.TUKNER," n General Passenger Agent General Offices, Ba.tmre Md. . t DOiES IT PAY TO BUY, CHBA'? iAiJS?. medy for eoudisnd colds is an right but you want something hat will .relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung doubles. What shaU ou doT toI ?1S.ma5di1Ilt result dimate? Tes, Jii1We; lf PsIbBe for-you, then ISofK6. tte ONLYmed? m1,1111111 U civilized countries with success In severs throat iatfcs,the tissues to destroy" the rm disease, but aUays'inflamtionf cfSS easy expectoration, give aeood ft! genres the ?Ient LTu LS arrive in a few 1 stock all shoes 1 which we offer 1 days, NOTTCOB. By virtue of . the power contained in a deed of trust executed to me by R. R. Porter and wife on the 13th day of May, A. D. 1890, and registered in- book 20 on page 185 et seq, of the records of deeds of trust in the registers office of Buncombe county, N. C, to secure payment of a certain note 'de scribed therein, and default having been made in the payment of said note ' I will on Wednesday, the 22d day of Au gust, A. D. 1900, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse Jdoor in the city of Asheville Buncomlbe county, N. C, pffer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, to satis fy said .note and interest, the follow ing described lot or parcel of land sit uate, lying and being in the city of Asheville, county and state aforesaid on the east side of Flint street, in said city and bounded and described as fol lows; : , . v, Beginning. . oa a stake lm Rankin's southwest corner on the east margin of splint street and runs' south 34 e 79 feet to a -stake, thence N. 64 1-4 east 154 feet and three inches with Shope's line, to a stake, thence N.31 1-4 west 90 feet, to Rankin's corner to ner), thence south, 60 west 166 feet with Rankin's, line to the. beginning containing, 1-3 of an acre, more or iSs. It being the Jot deeded to R. r, Portr by TC.;Starnes, T. P. Starne?V eo. H . s tames in December- 31 1 rss .Thto 20th day. of JulynaoJ. . -. . B.. RANKIN, - ffML eq vm Suqmauxai aaojaq aoa J oqiM. trB-utienen nsnuim ht , 1 fiTOMiru 'AND .MYtRvTROUHLrfi No woman objects to a; court-ship ' emhairklng -in ft' , EXCtJRSlDN TO NIAGARA.:" . One of the : oyahle Cnd r excursions of-the seasonlwiu he vfa TS-?11? to Niagara :-TlCs e-.ect..last year. Details can . c c. JI. " - were In be had The rural free mall delivery service out of BSaiteigh. wll ibeg"in 'August 1. Three carriers will serve an area, of .52, square 'miles. - . We are requested to announicethat Che Mibdhell coomty , Baiptlist Stirteay scihiool convention wiia 'meet at Wiite Oak churdh on Friday 'befiore fhe-lfti Sunday in July iBakers ville Mirror; -Rural free delivery .-was established on the 23d Instant at Smithneld, John- stion County; one carrJ'efr; lengtlh of route 27 mfiies; area covered, 26 square miles; population served, -700; carrier, ' Ttue eig'hth annual session of the Niorth Carollrta Sunday sdhool dhau- tauqua wtill be held in the town of Lenoir, beginning- Tuesiday afternoon, August 14, and closing- Sunday even ing1, August .19, 1900. Mr. Matthews, the Maxton mialon grower, is noiw shiipping watermelons to the northern. majrkptist.nA- t:Vi rata nf about twenty carload per day. His large field of nearly 60 acres is a curi osiity to t'he wMte and a xxaradise to the colored) peoptei.r -Ex. The boiler of a thresher machine ex ploded near Cleveland mill ''today, killing Blanche Alexander and Tild&n jaiis, Docn maimed and white mAi of high standing. Alfred Palls and Mr. Buff were seriously injured. Shelfoy Cor. Raleigh Post. The teach'ers' institute for Alleghany -county wih begin Sett ember 10 and conunue uwo weeks. On the 20th of ; September ttoa regular nine months' session of Sparta institute will com mence with S. "W. Brown and Miss Minnie Blackwell principal's. Sparta i(Nelws. Captain S. B. Briggs, one of the county's most influential citizens, died at Ms home on Cane River last Wed nesday. Cap'tain Brigg wais for a num'ber- of years clerk of the superior court of Yancey county, had" served the county as representative, and had nuea many other positions of trust and honor. (Bumavi lie Eagle. The large granite works now going on by tne Rowan Granite company j and J . C MoCanleste, J. T. Wyatt and others are beginning to bear fruit. We hear that lunfber is arriving- for a depot at Granite Quarry. It is badly needed. Big business will be done there as soon as an agent arrives to attend to the business. Granite Quar ry now has four stores running. Sal isbury Sun. LINCOLN COUNTY Hon. Clandius Dockery Addresses Over 800 People Lincoin County, N. C, July 23. The writer was present at the stpeaking at Bess' chapel in this bounty on Satur day, the 21st. Hon. Claudius Dookery spoke to an attentive audience of over 800 people for two hours or more. His speech was convincing and was ac knowledged by the detaocrats as well as the populists and republicans (pres ent as being the best and clearest ex position of the issues of the day that they had heard this campaign. Mr. Clyde Hoey, a democratic speak er of at least eight months experience as a constitutional lawver (hp havlrnr (had his license no longer than that) at tempted to reply to Mr. Dockery in a two hours' rambling talk of misrepre sentationis and abuse. . A hearer Who claims to have kept tally says that Hoey used the word nigger 486 times in his remarkable arguiment. All the Hoeys in the world could) not have successfully answered Mr. Dockery's arguments for they were unanswiera trte, 'being' biased as they were on the settled and fundamental law of the land and on truth. Old Lincoln up to four or five years ago used to go some thing like 800 democratic majority, but now it is different. She will poll a strong majority againsb the amend (miemt and we hope to carry the , full -ticket, and' have good grounds on which tx base .this hope. "God save the state." DOCKERY AT TAYLORSVILLE Taylorsviile, N. C, July 21. The court house here was packed full of white voters on the 18th to hear the political issues of the day discussed by Hon. Claudius Dockery, the republican candidate for lieutenant governor. Hds speech surpassed the highest expecta tions of his friends. His argument -was tnjgiutui convincing, wnicn was shown by the hearty cheers he receiv ed he so ably defended the . rights of common people. AT CATFISH. The writer acsomipahled Mr; Dockery to Cat Fish, N. C. - There we were delighted to be met by po many gray headed men who expressed them selves as opposed to the proposed amendment, who had hitherto been democrats. Here the speaker, as in Taylorsvilte the day before, was given close attention, the audience' listening to every -word as. it fell from his lips. The republicans in Catawba and Alex ander counties are well organized and are making a determined fight. It "is conceded that much sood was n.c.cxmv- pushed by Mr. Dockery's speeches. -- - A VOTER. , liUac ALL TOUR PAIRS WITH ' ,y m Medicine Chest in HselL ' t SIMPLE, SAFF AND QUICK CURE FOR g Cramps, Diarrhoea, Colds - . ojm gn sr, m e u ralgla; - v Rheumatism... ' , , t ' 25 and 50 cent Bottlea.' 13 11 n ra BtHAlJtUh IMITATIONS. f " . . . BUV ONLY THE GENUInc ei 1 1 I wnicn speeauy corrects and cures . J! I J T Z T-1 t 1 many uisoruers oi uiver, ciaaoer ana Jiealtn-keeper. -It makes men and women well, and then keeps them well. It is the greatest medicine you ever saw for Constipation. Capt. Wm. Waller, 103 Washington Avenue, Washington, N. J, garr I was troubled fearfully with my liyer and bladder two years ago. There was an entire stoppage of my urine. I had to use a catheter. My doctor did me no good. I read lote about Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and I got a bottle. - It helped me from the word go. I weigh twenty pounds heavier than I did, and I have no more albumen jn my urine. In short, I am cured." A large bottle of Favorite Remedy la Id by drugtfsts for $t, or tlx bottles for f ft. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. and rour natne and address to th TYR. n i vm rKKNEDY CORPORATION, Rondout, N. Y., nennoning tnis paper. You will receive by re tarn mail, absolutely free, a trial bottle of Fav nte Remedy, and a pamphlet containing val aaMe medloal advice, sucn as everybody needs. EXCURSION RATDS. The following special excursion rates have been offered by .the Southern Railway company: ' Axsoount Baptist association Jeptlha (railroad station, Brecard, Nr C.) Tickets on sale July 24-26, inclusive, witlh ftnal limit July 31, 1900. Round trip rates from Asheviltei, N. C, $2.20. Account North Carolina State Par ents' conference, Wilson, N. C. Tick ets on stale July 30 to August 1, inciu- ' sive, with final limit August 10, 1900. Round trip rate from Asheville, N. C, $13. Account annual meeting' Royal Knisghts of King David, Fayetteviile, N. C. Tickets on sale July 23-25, in clusive, with final limit July 29, 1900. Round trip rate "from Asheville, $12.20. Account North Carolina Baptist Sun day school dhatauqua, Lenoir, N. C. Tickets on sale August 13-15, inclusive, with final limit Septemiber 1. 1900. Rund' trip rate frtm A&heviiie, $3.40. etson sale August 11-13, inclusive, wd'th final limit August 21, 1900. Round trip rate from Ashe ville, $9.40. Account grand encampment I. O. O. I Jr. of North Carolina, Wilmington, N. C. Tickets on sale August 14-16, in clusive, with final limit August 20, 1900. Round trip rate from Asheville $15.65. Account annual meeting Norttt Caro lina Fire Underwriters' association, Morehead City, N. C. Tickets on sale August 12-14, inclusive, with final lim it August 18, 1900. Round trip rate from Asheville, $16.80. ' Account annuial meeting Society of Friends, High Point, N. C. Tickets on sale August 6-8, inclusive, with final limit August 20, 1900. Round trip rate from. Ashieiville, $7.30, X 1 Account Christian Workers, Marshall, N. C Tickets on sale July 23 to Au gust 3, inclusive, with final limit Au gust 7, 1900. Round trip rate from Asheville, $1.10. Account annual meeting Lady Knights of King David, Raleigh, N. C. Tickets on sale July 22-24, inclusive, with limit July 29 1900. Round trip rate; from Asheville, $11. Account Sunday conference A. M. B. church, Asheville, N. C.-Tick&ts on sale July 25-27, inclusive, with final lim it July 31, 1900. Account Southern Bpworth League conference, Atlanta, Ga. Tickets on sale July 24, 25, with filial limit August vy- -Kounu trip rate from' Ashe- viue, ?Y.95. Account Aion'treat Bible conference, -cwaxK mountain, N. C Tickets on sale. .uut -ist inclusive, with final limit .usuet, auu. jttound trip rate from Asnecme, 50 cents. '.tot tun mrormation' call' on ticket agents, or address F.. R. Darby, G. P. & T. A., Asheville, N. C, or R. V. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. 'A- western Jury recently brought in the following verdict: "We find the prisoner guilty as charged, tout we do hot believe he is the right man' PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Promote laxnriKnt giimfli. Wover Fails to Betrtore Grar Core aeaip die8ea ft hair fmUine. Entire stock of G. A. Mear's summer hoes and Oxfords at first cost. Y0(JR FACE - .... .. . ; - - . , 4 " If Your Fortune. Throw away cosmetics. American 'Women spend -? o,uoo,uoo annually for ioaons etix, mot of wnicn mm made ot noi- sonous euist mc-a and estroy.'.', :a. skin. To 0.. secure a Nat' 1, Rosy, Healthy Compierioca, get a . . . VIRGIN RUBBER MASK., Restore original contour, n permanent:! ly removes pimples,- freckles, -; black tionsv m..lmperfecV .AbsolntelyHsjmless; Results Guar anteed. r r, ' !7l ; -Write' for particulars 1 Price 13.00 ' br mai Gtoves $2.00 and. 12.60. . street. Tew York. ', - - . -,. C : A. RAYSOn, are tie most dangerous ailments that afflict mankind to b dreaded even more than rang affections. Very 6f ten they cause no pain, and get a deep foothold' before the patient knows it. A man or woman may will be frightened when the urine is discolored or contains a seaimen? ; wnen mere is pain t in the small of the back, a scald ing, sensation in passing water and frequent desire to urinate, especially at night. These symptoms are positive proof that relief must be found quickly before it is too late. Science has produced a vegetable cure in Dr. David Kenncdy'o Favorite Remedy, not only Kidney Diseases but alu tii i T-.-I , -. . " - ' -w 15100a. It is a health-builder and TRY THIS TEST. Putsomeurineina erlass tumbler and let ft stand 24 hours. A sediment at the bottom or a milky, cloudy appearance indicates that tha kidneys are in a dangerous condition and thai Favonte Remedy is badly needed. Healthr urine is clear and does not etain Vn, ,COPrSlCHT On Sultry Summer Days... I you DflQib(aftly don't care for much meat, J)lrt wha you do purchase you want i to be fresh and' The appe-Mte flags, amd natwne but the t !fy attra. we tuft E 6' yoU re dmed to disapfeointmemt elshre. Better try us first. Zimmerman & Whitehead, CITY MARKET. NATIVE AND WESTERN Telephone 4. MEATS The Trains between C1IICIKIIATI, TOLEDO & DETROIT run through the f mous aa 2tr tile Miami valley and numerous prosperous" villages and cities si western Ohio and southern Mich igan. There are four throngk trains each way. Pullman sleep ers on ntjgnfr1 trains. THE MICHIGAN FLYER, vestibuied earries pari and cafe arc, wit elegant through day coaches. . Leaves Cincinnati 1 pm; ar rives Toledo 6:50 p. m.; arrives Detroit 8:20 p. m. One ef tk finest trains in the central states. THE C. H. & is the direct e frori ri-mmn and the south to the papular summer resorts of Michigan sad Canada. Oonrae-Jts at Toledo wits steamers on Lake Brie and with rail lines for interior points; at Detroit with rail and steamer lines for inl. d and lak resorts. MEALS are served in the C. 5. & D. cafe cars a la carte, one thus ba ' fog able to order as c. sired, at moderate prices. F UR PAST TRAINS ttwees Cincinnati, Indianapolis -jf Cmi cago. Agents of eoninecting reads will sell you tickets routing vis x C. EL. & D. Ry. f s D. G. EDWARDS, N Passenger Traffic Manager, Clndnaati. O Dancino Class. The Misses Coffin's dancing class for children meets every Thursday after noon from, 6 to 7:30 at Ii. U. hall. (over H. C. Johnson's store) on Pstton avenue. v THE IaATBST: DANCES AND GER- , - MAN FIGURES TAUGHT. Private lessons given. Children may enter the class' at any time. Particu la cand teims mav bft ioMained at the hall on Thursdays or at 44 'Phillip The DeliMfally Cool Summer Besorts 'Of jthe North and Northwest are reach ed most quickly and comfortably via the,; Chicago1 . & North-Western BY, antong the principal 1 resorts being Mil- wauicee, . wauKesna, maaison,, istaKee Lake, Lake.' Geneva. Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Devil's - Lake.' Green Bay, 'Neenah-Menasha, Marquette,- Gogebic Lake,r : Ashland, : St., ?Paul, Minneapolis and'Dutoth. V'For ticketsi tates) and full inforinatapplyttoan agen. or 'for a copy of "Hints ito; Tourists," giving ; aetaixea ; imornration, ' sena wv cents' in postage to N:.'M.'' Breeze, 49 N rthsPryor.-St.jW Atlanta iGal,' or W- H . IlEiskern, General - Passenger . and 1 1 SfefcTb

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