fell: Us Your; Troubles... V Wte .donx asK . you to give us your entire trade all at oncer Just a little at m, time a. smalt (trial order ; 'will do "to fcegin with. ' That's "how; our' Talgest customers today Inaugurated taeir con-, nections wlth us. Now jowthlng:? could induce them to trade elsewhere. " , Starch, best lump, per pound.. J. 05 Oil, keresene, per gallon....,, .14 Vinegar, beat, per gallon..-...;.. -.22 -Bice, broken, per pound., ; .05iv ;f Bice, good ...t..., .p6 1-2 Bice, best imported v... .OS Peaches, pie 12 1-2 Peas, early June, per- can...... .06 14 Corn, sweet, per can ......... , . ,07 1-2 Potted ham, per can.-, 04T Pepper sauce, per 'Dottie...:., .05 Mmrtard, in large tun3Sler.wk..i . ;Qfr Catsup, per bottle. .i 05 1 v Wise men know more ithan they tell but fools always tell more ,ihan : they know. We have only such goods as are fit to sell, and only: sxicli prices. willsell them. - - " . . - -". - The L X. L.1Qrocery; Store, 22 Pat ton Ave. . 'Phone JOT: Artistic - Portraiture A customer from a northern city jys she had never been able to get a good portrait until -we mtde tnem for her. Possibly the others didn't take the in terest in it we did; may be we know how more ithan they anyway sfye was pleased and 'gave us a good order. One of our last customers wnen hand ed ten proois iiKeat tnem ai ana or-- dered from six different negatives. We have everything necessary for un usually good phoios-skill, taste and all necessary apparatus; every, part of the work is correct. We are rapidly gaining customers who adopt our ideas about fixing up for pictures, and! frequently leave the selection of ones to finish up to us. They always get good portraits. It's our business to know what will make you look best, and after seeing proof we e (the :best judges of the ones that will look best and reflect credit upon- ray's Studio Phone 67. ' The University ol North Carolina The head of the State's Educa tional System. Three academic courses leading to 3e- Professional courses in law, medicine and pharmacy. Scholarship and Loans to Needy. Frflfi Tnition to TUltiOn $60. Candidates for j Ministry, Minis ( ter's Sons and . Teachers. . Summer School for teachers. 612 students besides 161 in summer school. 38 teachers in thfe laculty. For catalogues and information ad dress - F. I VENABLB, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. VIRGINIA COLLEGE , JOB. YOUNG LADIES. 1 ROANOKE, VA. Opens Sept. 18, 1900. One of the lead ing schools for Toung Ladies in the South. Magnificent buildings all mod ern, improvements. Campus ten acres. Grand mountain scenery in Valley f Va., famed for heaKJi. , 'European and American teachers. Full course. Su perior advantages in Art, Music and Elocution. Students from; thirty states For catalogue address MAfETTlID P. HAiRRIS, President, Roanoke, Va. Howard A. Haven. Wright C. Stout ' MEMBERS OF THE New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. HAVEN & STOUT, Bankers and Brokers NASSAU STREET, CORNER WALli, NEW YORK. Deposit accounts received, subject to ehck on demand. Interest credited SMOLthly on daily balances. Accounts of banks, corporations, firms ud individuals received' on favorable teams. . Coupons,, iaterest, dividends, notes, drafts collected for our correspondents. Order exscuted for the purchase or ale on commission, of bonds, stocks. Investment or carried on margin. Clients may telegraph orders and in structions at our expense. Copies of telegraphic code, may be had on appli cation. Information regarding quotatlona fceerfully furnished - Dr.DECK SHAKiKQMORE 50c. a bottle at Sdruggists or direct txm Dr.. Decker Medicine Co., Patter son.' N. J ERS 1 Ti;EiiTAitu;u.'.?Aifii- . .,, - v V " '2--' r z- - : -V . - ?hn. Pritchkxdrciiarlea Mcei Tear At a aid Otliefi Wai Speak.V i V chmond ; Pearson .' will "speak guishine, July 25. ' ' :" Darlington, July 26. - Marshall, July 30. "'N 'o.-jCharles Price", will ' speak at Fuquay Springs, Wednesday, Julj 25. Hon. T, N. Halliburton will spek at J " t - - ' ; ..Upper Pork Election Precinct, July 30. Huffman's Sfore, July 31. Hon Spencer Blackburn, will speak at-v ' - . , Joy PostofBee, Wednesday, July 23. ;WIkesboro, July30, " 1 Senator j; C. Pritohard will speak at Morganton Saturday July. 28. lOol. Oliver H. Dockery will speak at , iBurllngton, Saturday night, July 28. ; Wilkesboro, , Monday, July 30 . 'Hon J. R. 3&dCfeary WilT kpeak at Burlington, Saturday . night, July 28. REPUBUGA1I CAMPA1GII. ' Where Public Meetings Will be Beld During Present Month .The following gentlemen will "address the people at the times and places in- dicated: Judge Spencer . B., Adams, candidate for governor, and Attorney General Zeb Vance Walser will speak at ; i Brevard, Thursday, July 26. Hendersonville, Friday, July 27. Columbus, Saturday, July 28. Marshall, Monday, July 30. Asheyille Tuesday, July. 31. Hon. A. H. Price amd Hon. M. M. Harsihaw will speak at Glen Alpine, Wednesday, July 25. Old Fort, Thursday, July 26. Hon O. J. Spears will speak at Wdit, Wednesday, July 25. Atlantic, Wednesday, July 25, at night. Straits, Thursday, July 26. Diamond City, Thursday, July 29, at night. Hull Swamp, Friday, July 27, at night. Beaufort, Saturday, July 28. Wild Grass Chapel, SaT r lay night, July 28. Hon. J. A. Ashburn wfll speak at Westfield, Friday, July 27, at 1 p. m. Pilot Mountain, Saturday; July 28, at 1 p. m. 1 Danbury, Monday July 30, at 1 p. m. PUBLIC SPEAKING. Appointments of Linney, Moody, J. G Grant and Others. Hon. R. - Z. Linney, Hon. J. M. Moody, Hon. J. G. Grant, and others will address the voters at the following times and places: Morgan Hill, July 24, 11 a. m. Weaverville, July 24, 8:30 p. m. Leicester, July 25, 11 a. m. Swannanoa, July 26, 11 a. m. Candler's, July 27, 11 a. m. OSverybody is invited t: come out and hear these able speakers. Free dinner on the grounds for all. Brass band will enliven the occasion at all these places. W. E. LOGAN, Chm. Co. Rep. Ex. Com. LEMONS AS MEDICINE, They regulate the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys and Blood as pre pared by Dr. H. iMozley," in his Lemon Elixir, a pleasant lemon drink. It euros biliousness, constipation, indigestion, headache, malaria, kidney disease, fe vers, chills, heart failure, nervous pros tration, and all other diseases caused by a torpid or diseased liver and kidneys. It is an established fact that lemons, when combined properly with other liv er tonics, produce the most desirable re sults upon the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys and blood. Sold by druggists. 50c and $1 bottles. Mozley's Lemon Elixir Cured me of sick and nervous head ache, I had been subject to all my life Mozley's Lemon Elixir. Cured roe of indigestion and nervous prostration. I got more relief, and at once, from Lemon Elixir than all other medicines. J. C. Speights, Indian Springs, Ga. Mozley's Lemon Elixir Cured me of a long-standing case of chills and fever, by using two bottles J. C. Stanley, Engineer E. T. Va. & Ga. R. R. Mozley's Lemon Elixir Cured me of a case of heart disease and indigestion of four years, standing, I tried a dozen different medicines, None but Lemon 'Llixir done me any good. ' Tules Diehl, Cor. Habersham and St. Thomas sts., Savannah, Ga. Mozley's Lemon Elixir, I fully indorse it for nervous prostra tlon, headache, indigestion and const! pation, having used it with 'most satis factory results after all other remedies had failed. J. W. Rollo, "Wtsst Eod, Atlanta, Ga. Treatment That Failed. "You have been suffering from sleep lessness," said the physician. "You hit it the first time, doc, said the worried looking patient. "I don't want to give you any seda tires if 1 can avoid it. Here, is a plan that works well sometimes: Just try to picture " yourself another person asleep Your own sleep will come through sug srestion.V "Huh! It is the other fellow asleep hat is worrying me. ,1 got a roommate that snores like a buzzsaw going through a knot.' Indianapolis Press. WOULD NOT SUFFER SO AGAIN FOR FIFTY TIMES ITS PRIGB. I awoke last nleht wlth-severe pains in my stomach. " I never leit badly In all mv life. : When I came down to work this tnorninz I felt - so weak could hardly work. I went to. Miller & McCurdy's . drug-store and -they fee-, omended Chamberlain's . Colic, Cholera and JDiarrhoea , medy. It- .worked like marifl nd one uose fixed me aU right It jerta nlv is ..the finest... hing I ever used for stomach trouble. shall not be wit' out it' In my Hon? hereafter, for I should not care to en. ( re the sufferings of last night again for fiftv times its nrice. G. H, Wil son. 11 vervm &n . Bureettstown, Wash ington county,, Pa. This remedy Is to sale y C. A. Raysor, j'ruggist. 11 ZESTERDAYTJ "QUOTATIONS i ON NEW', YORK" EXCHANGB ANll CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. More Cheerful Sentiment Begirding 4 Chinese Situation.' Highest, Lowest and "Closing Quota tions for Active Stocks by Special Telegraph From the Various Ex changes. Reported by Murphy & Co., Brokers, 11 Church Street. Asheville. 'New, York, July 24. Dondon" prices this "morning were from 1-8 to 5-S lower,' bu't the cables said that a more cheerful sentiiment prevailed tfcre on the continent regarding the Chinese situation. There was some buying of Americani socfe in the London market for German account. Otoening stock ex change prices tended to irregularity, but in- t!he main firmness was exhibited. In the industrial quarter of the market last nigiht's closings were shaded, but moderati& buying orders in sugar re sulting, in a rapid gain of more than 1 per cent led to an improvement along the line. Among the specialties B. R. T. was qui'-.e active and firm. Buying of the steel stocks had the appearance of short covering. American Tobacco scored a substantial gala in 4he early dealings. New York, July 24. The Big Four cent, declared a. dividend of 1 1-2 per pa yaible September 1. STOCKS. High. Low. 34 1-2 21 7- 43 34 1-2 1-2? 1-4 94 3-4 26 1-4 69 1-2-75 5-8 79 1-2 56 27 1-2 126 3-4 59 3-8 34 3-4 180 25 3-4 79 17? 1-4 7 "84 1-2 119 1-2 128 3-4 12 1-4 73 1-8 91 154 4-8 50 5-8 29 1-2 130 33' 34 5.1 71 1-2 20 1-2 31 1-8 1(28 1-4 99 1-4 59 3-8 106 7-8 111 3-4 33 1-2 11 1-8 52 72 111 57. 1-2 75 1-2 10 3-4 69 09 80 Clos. 34 1-2 21) 7-8 43 1-4 34 3-4 127 5-8 96 5-8 26 1-4 69 5-8 75 5-8 79 1-2 56 27 1-2 126 3-4 59 3-8 S4 3-4 180 26 3-8 79 1-2 177 1-2 67 34 1-2 119 7-8 128 3-4 12 1-4 73i 3-8 91 156 50 5-8 25 1-2 130 1-2 33' 3-4 Amn. Cot. Oil... 34 1-2 Am. Hoop... 22 1-2 Anaconda 43 3-8 Am. St. & W. .. 39 Am . -Sug . Ref . . . 129 1-2 Am. Tclb 98 7-8 AT&SF 27 A T & S F pfdi... 70 3-8 B. & O 77 B. & O. pfdi. . 79 1-2 Rkyn. R. T 59 3-8 Ches. & Ohio 28 C. B. & Q 127 3-4 C C C & St. L. . 60 1-4 Colo. F- & I 35 3-4 Con. Ga 180 Con. Tofb 2S 5-8 Cbn. Toto. pfd 79 1-2 Del. L. & W....177 1-2 Fed. Steel pfd... 68 1-4 Fed. Steel 35 3-4 Illinois 120 1-8 Jersey Central .129 3-4 Rep. Steel 12 1-2 L. & N 73 7-8 Manhattan L 92 1-8 Met. St. Ry....l56 Mo. Pac 51 3-8 Nat. St 26 N. Y. Cen 130 3-4 N. & W 33 3-4 Nor. Pac 52 51 1 71 1 120 1 31 1 1281 3 99 1 59 3 Nor. Pac. pfd... 72 1-8 Ont. & W 20 3-4 Pac. Mail 31 7-8 ' Pennsylvania ... 129 3-8 People's Gas 100 Read. 1st pfd... 0 3-8 Rock Island 107 5-8 107 111 3-4 St. Paul ........112 3-4' South. Pac. 34 5-8 33 1-2.: Southern 11 1-4 11 1-8 62 72 111 57 1-2 75 3-4 11 l 69 09 1-8 80 Souther m pfd..... 52 7-8 Tenn. C. & I. . . . 74 1-4 Third Ave ..Ill 3-4 Union Pac 58 1-2 Union Pac. pfd. . 75 3-4 U. S. Leaith 12 U. S. Leath pfd. 69 1-4 Wheel. & L. E. 09 1-8 W. Union Tel... 80 COTTON. New York, July 24. Cotton in Liver pool closed 3 to 4 points lower than yes terday. This market opened 10 poiiuts lower on August and 3 to 5 points down on new crops; became steadier on some shorts covering, but he undertone was quiet unitil the receipt of the govern ment's1 weekly, weather report, the summary of which being less favorable than expected stimulated Che demand for the new crop deliveries, causing an advanlce of aJboutt 8 points from the lowest prices for the day despite the fact that no complaints have been re-. ceilved from any of the sections re ferred to as less favorable, it is a bull market and higher prices are looked for. Firm; epot,. 10 1-8. High. Low. Close. January .., 8.30 8.15" 8.29 (February. 8.25 8.17 8.31" March 8.36 8.20 8.35 April 8.26 8.26 8.36 May 8.34 8.26 8.39 Uuly 10.02 9.88 10.01 August 9.40 9.22 9.39 September '.. 8.80 .8.64 8.79 October 8.47 8.31 8.46 November 8.35 8.18 8.33 December 8.28 8.15 8.28 LIVBRPOOL COTTON. By private wire to Murphy & Co. The following were the ruling quota tions in the exchange today ; Tone, quiet, sales? 3,000 bales, dling, 5 27-32;- Opng. Feb.-March - March -April 4.33 mid- Clos 4.35 4.34 June-July 5.43 5.43 5.38 July-Aug 5.36 Aug.-.Sept. 5.15 Sept. -Oct 4.59 Oct. -Nov 4.45 Nov.-tDec. t. ... 4.39 Dec. -Jan. 5.18 4.62 4.89 4.20 3.90 CHICAGO MARKET. GRAIN. S, .Chicago, July 24. Wfaeat trading was dull throughout the morning' and prices were barely steady. At the opening the market showed a falling off of 1-4 cent from the -final of last night, but dur ing the firt half hour 'was steady, advancing- to 1-8 cent below last night's close. iThe foreign markets were all lower after our decline of . yesterday, Liverpool showing a falling off of 5-8 to 3-4 d. London was 3-4d lower, .and (Paris showed a decline of 20 to 25c. Re ceipts in the northwest were moderate, amounting- to 226 cars againk 203 last week ana 282 last-year. In the west and southwest,, however, the movement f is. literal, and- the pressure of. cms -wheaJt oa the market is having some ei-fect- Trading during the morning was i quiet and mostly' of a local character. (Foreign houses were showing but lit tle attention in trade, as there was a apparent lack of outside interest, wihat -was weak at-midday and dur ing the afternoon was easy under sell leg on the. large receipts ana tne tman .export demand. . Tie close n.s q.;cc. .orn. prices &x the openlngvwere a-bout -j-" "cww .iasc nignt s ciose on re-. ains -would; be sufficient to carry the crojk. through. The movement, hotw- j ever was small, and iiita Mght off ertnga -and a good demand for com neia prices steady durinsr the morning. Corn ; was. easy durine the rntxm in sympathy wfth wheat, but 000,000 bushels: . . "Poor Wealth" Is the worst kind of poverty. However rich a woman may be, if her health is ""poor" she is poor indeed. She has ho appetite for food and the choicest dishes cannot tempt her. She turns and tosses through a restless night on a couch which might woo an empress to slumber. one nas no strength tor household cares, no delight in social pleasure. She sits " perked up in a glistering grief wearing a golden sorrow." She is a wife and mother. But she has no happiness in either relation. She knows her husband's Kfe isset in tune and time to the minor musicbf her own misery. If her child laughs or cries her nerves quiver with pain. Ask such a woman if she would like to be well; to be her husband's comrade, her child's playmate. Could there be-i but one answer ? Such a woman can get well if she will. All her symptoms indicate- a diseased condition of the delicate womanly or ganism. Cure that condition and the woman will be lifted up to the full en joyment of health. In ninety-eierht cases out of every hun dred Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will cure womanly diseases, will restore the womanly health. It has cured tens of thousands of women many of whom had been given up by physicians and inenas. it is essenuauy a meaicine ior woman's ills. It dries enfeebling drains. It heals inflammation and ulceration. It cures female weakness and bearing down pains. It tranquilizes the nerves, re stores the appetite and gives refreshing sleep. "Favorite Prescription" differs from almost all other medicines put up for woman's use in that it contains no alco hol and is entirely free from opium, co caine and all other narcotics. It is in the truest sense of the term a' tem perance medicine. A Constant Sufferer I had been a constant sufferer from uterine disease for five years," writes J. A. Steorts, of Yan kee Dam, Clay Co., West Virginia, "and for six months previous to taking your medicine I was not out of my room. Could not walk or stand. as there was such pain and drawing in left side ana Dean 11 j down weignt m region ox uterus, accompanied with soreness. I suffered con- k statitlv with headache, pain in back, shoulders. arms ana chest: had palpitation nervous prostra tion, constipation, dizziness, ringing in ears: could not sleep, and breathing was so difficult at times I could not lie down. Words fail to de- jScribe my sufferings when I wrototo you for advice., id a snort time 1 received a kind letter from yon telling me I would be greatly bene fited, if not entirely cured, by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. When I had taken one bottle of the 'Prescription,' together with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets and the focal treatment which yoU advised, I could walk (with the sup- port 01 a cane), tne drawing and pain in side ana searing down weight were not so bad, and when I had taken three bottles of the medicine the periods were regulated.M was not so nervous, could sleep well, and the pain in side and bear ing down had vanished. I have taken six bot tles of 'Favorite Prescription,' two of 'Golden Medical Discovery ' and four vials of ' Pellets, and my health is better at this time than it has been in five vears "With grateful thanks for your kind advice, and witn Dest wisnes." Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets are- a most effective laxa tive for women. They cure bilious ness and sick head ache. Surprise Dishes. The Romans wore very fond of surprise dishes, such as pigs stuffed with live thrushes, and. to anticipate a little, this taste descended so near our own times as the reign of Charles II, as witness a rec ipe of that date for making two pies which were to be served together, . one containing live birds and the other live frogs. When the'latter was opened, "out skip the frogs, which make the ladies to shriek and skip." while the birds when released were to add to the' general con fusion by flying at the candles and put ting out the lights.! A dish of peacock was a favorite plate at Rome and was served at the beginning of dinner. The bird, having first been done to death by stifling was then skinned: the inside was filled with the flesh of other birds and the whole sewed together and finally sent in to table affix er to a small branch as U alive. Chambers' Journal. THE HOT SPRINGS OP ARKANSAS, VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAT. The Hot Springs of Arkansas 'are owned by the U. S. Government and have Its endorsement for the cure of rheumatism, malaria, nervous troubles chronic and functional ailments and a score more ol human ,111s. The climate of Hot Springs is cool an6V delightful in Summer, owing to' its elevation among: the Ozark Mountains, and is the best .time for treatment. 100 hotels for all classes. Write Bureau of Infor mation, Hot Springs, fof Illustrated , book giving full information. , For. reduced excursion tickets ana l particulars of the trip, see localgent , brr address W. Ai" Turk, Gen'l Paesr. j Agt. Southern Ry., Washington, D. C. - 4 aHS0Uhout mx,it wtBtiont" About; the :Howlinffi. and i.ft.5pal-.corn4ralsinr states.": vc- - s i and a general heiip tKnih ..t.ho. rvrf i -Eesms at llriXlnn!v, Sn-nVin. -v I AM ! 1 j ' ' -r - r Editor" 'of theGaaette: t .The Gastonia 'News and also ' Mia J Cnaratte; Observer seem to think that Mr. ianney did not make a. great speech at Gastonia on .Titiv 1R ; 1st. CouM a man make a great the time. joie was speaKingf i, it ne waa not pouring not snot Irato your camp, wliy was that howling mob set on ham? 3d. If the amendment will not dls ifrantehise any wihites, why was he liissed tat When speaking about the ne gro? 4th. If the man who assured Mr. Linney to go on (he would kee5 order), was not aiding the howling crowd, why was order not kept? Was it not only a sham? . 5th. Were there any In. that orowd guilty of distributing bogus tickets with Linnley's name covered four years ago? 6rh. Was there any one in the to death on ago? If .so, crowd that rode a horse election day four years what was his mission? 7th. Has not some one of the crowd who threw the. eggs (or aided therein) (With one hitting Mr. Linney and but one taking effect on Mr. L. L. Jen kins) never received any aid direct or indirect fromi Mr. Jenkins? 8th. Were any or all Of that inter rupting crowd natives of Gaston or were tfhey from other states and coun ties? 9th'. What do the good citizens of Gastonia say of such conduct? 10th. What do you think of the town that indulges in such? And With the name that Gastonia is now getting in her progress over our wide world? Is it an honor or dishonor for her officers to tolerate; such? Of having the name of howling down and egging a member of congress, whose, voice has been heard and felt from the classic hills of Boston to -the Gulf of Mexico, and from the portly castles of- Chicago to the eastern shore. Whose naJme has been written upon the walls oif congress far a'bove any democrat from North Caro lina. Never before has he been greet ed witih such conduct; he must surely have been making a great speech or he would not have been treated thus; he was giving some plain truths which they feared would take effect, and they did not want him. further to discuss them. Etoes the party expect to carry this election in such manner? If a democratic speaker were to get howled down or rotten egged the dem ocratic press of North Carolina would never stop writing about It, but ob serve the golden rule, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." X. T. Z. ! PEKSdDMAiL! Berkeley arrivals: Thos. D. James, Wilmington; F. A. Wightman, Atlan ta; W. J. Savage, Knoxville; John W. Fisher. Newport, Tenn.; Henry Spain, Bsadtimore; Will MioEtver, Chester, N. C; C. B. Allen, Knoxville. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hutchison ar rived yesterday from Charlotte and will remain', here until the work on the Biltnrore road, is completed. " Mrs. Charles D. Stradley and 'wo children, of Greenville, S. C, are vis itine W. C. Stradley on Starnes ave nue.- SxS Miss Lila Rector -went to Swannanoa yesterday. Mts. Nellie Bewley Frierson and children, of Anderson, a. C, are the guests of Mr. J. M. Snttth at 26 Ar lington place. $x IMiss Frances Kohler, of Savannah, Ga., is visiting her brother, B . F. Koh ler, at 7 Starnes avenue. Miss Kohler will spend the summer in Asheville. Arch Nichols left yesterday for An derson county, Where he will spend a week. SS The following are recent arrivals at Rockledge: iMiss D. A. Burkett, of Tutoku, Md.; A. D. Sale, -of Aitlanta; W. W. Wannamaker, N. H. Rich, of St. Matthews, S. C;; I. Rich, of Den mark, S. C; Miss Marie Holiday, Miss Mary MaJcAuley, of Atlanta. $ Miss Ger Walser, of Asheville, is vis iting Mrs. R. Lee Wright. Salisbury Sun. WHITE MAN TURNED YELLOW. Great consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexing ton, Ky, when they saw he was turn ing yellow. His skin slowly changed Color, also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaun dice. He was treated by the best doc tors but without benefit. Then he was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy,- and he writes: "After taking two bot tles I was wholly cured." A trial proves itsmatchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 50c. Sold by all druggists. Don't be ashamed to begin life with a .small shoiw; you miay 'eventually be come the owner of a three ring- circus. QUESTION ANSWEE D. Yes, August Flower t!U has the larg est sale of any medicine In the civl zed world. Your mothers and grandmoth ers never thought-of using anything else for Indigestion or Biliousness - Doctor were scarce, end they' seldom heat J. c" Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart' ITallure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation, of umdige ted food, regu late the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic, action of the system, and that is all they-ook when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower in liquid form to fnake you satisfied .here is nothing serious the "matter with you. For sale at W, C. Carmlchaers. Every old bachelor thinks it is the easiest thing: in the worM to manage a wife. Want advertisements in the Gazette. bring" sure returns-. 4- nazette want tuGa bring quick return pepsia lUore Digests what you eat. Itartificially digests the food and aids Nature n strengthening and recon Itrnctlnsr tbe exhausted dlcestive nr. gana. It is the latest discovered digest- anij ana too JN o otner , preparation can approacn it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cores 1 Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Siok HeadacheGas tralglaCrnmps, and all otherresults of imperfect digestion. Prepared by E.C DeWltt A C Chicago KITCHEN HELPS. Unbleached canton flannel maes good dishcloths. Never let the flour dredger, salt jar, etc., remain unfilled. Refill them as soon as they are emptied. A little vinegar put into a frying pan and heated over the fire removes the odor of fish or onions from the utensil. The kitchen cupboards and dresser drawers should be kept tidy day byday. Never let them get into such a state tha thej need a "good turn out." ECZEMA. ITCHING HUMORS. PIM PLES CURED BY 6. . b. Bottle Free to Sufferers, tresfelng Eruptions on tne Skin x you feel ashamed to be seen tn company.? Do Scabs and Scales form .on thc Skin, Hair or Scalp? Have you Eczema? Skin Sore and. Ci-cked? Bash form on the akiu? PricKlim? Pain to the Skin? Boils? Pimples? Bone Paine? Swol len Joints? PalHmg Hair? All Run Down? Skin Pale?- Old Sores? Baiting Sores? Ulcers? AM these are symp toms of Eczema and Impuritd -a and Poisons hi the blood. To stay curedi take B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) which makes the blood pure and rfeb., B. B. B. will cause the sores to heal. Itching of eczema to stop forever; the skin to become clear and the breath sweet. B. B. B. is just the remedy you have been looking1 for. Thoroughly teet- ea for thirty years. Our readers are advised to.-try B. B. B. For sale by all druggie ts at $1 per large bottle; six large bottles (full treatment) $5. Com plete directions with each bottle. Sj sufferers may test It, a trial bottle given away, write for it. Address BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. Describe your trouble and free personal medical ad vice given. Entire stock of Children's Shoes at cost. G. A. Mears. Ball&Sheppard, 6 Patton Ave. Any one wishing u 'pnt etetm heal tn their building could not do bt&f than ujm Harrisburg Boiler But you mint have experience work men to do the work, and w ar aill demt that we can please you. BALL & SHEPPARD . TBLBPHONE 88. Tate's Annex, Mountain spring one and one-half miles from Tate Spring. Fine llthia and chalybeate springs flowing from side and base of Clinch Mountain. Beau tiful scenery among the hills; hotel, cot tages and grounds greatly improved and now open to visitors at these low rates: $1 to $1.50 per day, J7 to 58 per week, $2E to $30 oer month. Hack line from Tate at moderate prices. Privi leges df Tate to guests, and Tate water kept on draught for those desiring it. For further information address Thos. Tomlinson, Owner. TATF SPRI S, TfiJNN. News and Opinions or National Importance THE SUIT ALONE CONTAINS BOTH Daily, by mail, $6 a year Daily and Sunday by mail , $8 a year The Sunday Sun In the greatest Sunday newspaper i the world. Price 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year Addrec ' TH1. 8TJN. New York. BO YEARS' EXPERILNCE Trabe Marks ' Designs COPVn!5HTS &.C. Anyone sendlt a sketch and description may qrickly ascertain our opinion free whether aa Inrention is prvVabJy patentable. Corojnanifa- , tions strictly confldentiaL Handbook on Patent ent free. Oldest jxency for securing paten tn. Patents taken Srooirh Moon & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in tne Scientific African; Alumdsomely lllnt rated weekly. T.srtrest cir culation of any ticientlflc Journal. Terms. 33 yesr ; i monthfl 41 Sold b all fsoirBJUeni. f HUNH & CHew York- Branch Office. 62& F 8t- Washington. D. C V.' - s V J - V - v Ir" 1 ' -V 1. . y.