V ,1 -1 " j'.' ' : THJS iilEVTlXE GAZETTE AUGUST 15, 1900. J. i V7 I f 1 5 v- 3" . v 3 . Wr. i 1 1:1 if - A ( t si. - V, 71 M . nmwun mmnnn niiimmflmipmnmnn fo) ALTO pis3 The Bargain Centre of Asheville. 3 CAROLINA NEWS frJ..'- The ice factory at'- Salisbury was struck Sunday by lUghttning. The lights were put out and other -slight- daranag done. "" v The Salisbury cotton mill, which, ibas been closed down for several days, re sumed operation yesterday morning in full blast. y I LOWEST PRIDES I Taffei Sill; ver Asked for Waists. Fine immensely you profit when say with all the sincerity and f We want you to realize how E you buy here. Therefore we g conviction plain English can convey that I We ask you less for like or better I merchandise than any other store in 1 the city. ..... . . . . . X I Unsurpassed Taffeta Silk Waist 1 Offering. H Just received 68 Taffeta Silk Waists, entirely new crea- g S tions many are made with the new Bolero style -tucks and 3 S hemstitching designs are the favorite embellishment and 3 every ?tyle is a clever adaptation. All the new shades, em- 3 E bracing lavender, violet, cerise, turquoise, royal blue, white, 3 H beige, castor, cardinal, pink, light blue and black. Not one 3 H in the lot worth less than $6 50 and up to $8.50. 3 Tthe Btiaite Optica;l Society of North Carolina wiJ meeit in Greensboro on ' Wednesday and Thursday, the' 22d aaid 23d imstajift. Tihroug-hO'Uit the state during fhe eleotion, and since, it is undeniably itrue that the negroes have behaved extremely well. Tairtkro Southerner. The total indebtedness1 of the Gold Hill 'Copper company is about $30,000. What steps thie holders of isltock in (the company intend ttaking is yet un known. TheylwHil probably lannounce some defini te plan shortly The first -bale of . new cotton that has been seen on this market wasi received 'today by Sanders, Orr & Oo., and was bought from them by R. A. Lee. Price 9 1-2. The cotton was shipped from Johnson, S. C. The bade weighed 523 pounds, and graded good middllnig. Charlotte News. Mr. J. A. Wesbrook is the (most ex tensive grower of cantaloupes in this section, having about forty acres de voted to that crop. Up to last Monday he had shipped over 4,000 crates and even then the shipment was up to the daily average. Prices have been satis factory and the season very favorable. Mt. Olie Adveirtiser. On his way home from Henderson to Townsville Saturday, accompanied by ! several neighbors . Peter Harris, former ly of Littleton, was stabbed and in sfian'tly killed by Williiam Reece. It ap pears that ill feeling had for same time existed between the parties, owing ifco the marriage of Harris to the step daughter of Reece against the .wishes of her parents. A Morganton exchange says: A .white woman, who gave her name as Mrs. Snow, of ChtarlOtte, came to Mot ganton last February and rented a room, from Mrs. IN. L. !Beach. She said her husband was a traveling man and a man visited her occasionally and paid her bills. In June a child was born. On the 4th of July the woman said she wanted to go to Charlotte and I employed an old colored - woman who had nursed Sier .to 'take charge of the child while she was 'uwayr As the wo man has not "been theard Irom since. it m presumed ithat ish'e has deserted the child, and the old oolored ,-woman is in a quandary to 'know whajt to do with it." : ; i Rev. A. A. Pruden, who is traveling in the initeresit of 'St'. :Mary's school alt Raleigh, went to Hills'boro this morn ing. Signal! success has crowned his efforts since he has been engaged in soliciting fund to pay off the indebt edness of that well known educational institution. He has just rounded out six months in jthe work,, and during that time ho secured $16,500. This is a splendid showing and proves Mr. Pru den to be the very man for the place . It is doubtful whether any one could have done better, or even equally as well. The trustees and friends of the institution are highly tpleased with his splendid efforts. Durham Sun. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CletnaM and bemtifie the halt; PromntM a, Itnuxiant srrowth. Wever Tails to Bestore Gray iair xo its xouLaiui voior. CaiM scalp diseases & hair falling. jOc, and $1.00 at Druggists Will Interfere Next Time. A Lewisfon man was passing through a country district near the city one day, when off in a field he saw a boy throwing stones" through the glass of a deserted house. The man's first impulse was to shout to him to stop, but then he thought that the boy's father 'should have taught him better things, and it was not his duty to chastise another man's children for their wickedness. So he went home that night and began to tell the instance at supper table. His boy. who had been out in the country hunting all day, began to turn colors and finally broke out: "Well, pa, you needn't be so round about. You know it was me, and I guess the man who owns it knew, for I saw him running after me down the road." Before that evening was passed, sure enough, the owner of the old house drove up and demanded the pay for the glass $1.3-1. Augusta (Me.) JournaL 'Chinese are dangerous enemies, for they are treacherous. That's why all counterfeiters of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve are dangerous. They look like DeWitt's but "instead of ihe all-healing wTitch hazel they all certain in gredients liable to irrita'e the skin and cause blood poisoning. For piles, in juries and skin diseases use the origi nal and genuine DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Dr. T. C. Smith. Best screened coal, coke, hard coal. 'Phone 40. Asheville Ice & Coal Co TDd!ay miDy. wyloiyl HI 0 TOE Inl "Mi 10 and 12 Patton Avenue. 1 iiiuuuuiiuuiiuiuiutuuittuuiuiuiummiuiuuiiuiuiumiuiuiitiiiiuiitiuiniuuuuiiuti Ladies' Oxford Ties at cost at G. Mears Shoe Store. LEMOITS AS MEDICINE f They regulate the Liver, stomach Bowels, Kidneys and Blood as era pared "by Dr. H. Mozley, in hi Elixir, a pleasant lemon drink, it Cure biliousness. constipation, indigestion headache, malaria, kidney disease f? vers, chills heart failure, nervous nroe" tration, and all other .diseases caused hv a torpid or dio.ased liver and kidnvs It is an established fact that lemons when combined properly with other liv er-tonics, puctuce the most desirable rtC suits upon the stomach, liver, bowels kidneys and blood. Sold by dnnreisf.' 50c and $1 bottles. "sts. Mozley' s Lemon Elixir Cured me of elck and nervous head ache, -I had been subject to all my ijfe Mozley's Lemon Elixir. Cared me of indigestion, and nervous prostration. I got more relief, and at onoe, from Lemon Elixir than all ether medicines. J. C. Speights In ian Springs, Go. ' Moziey's Lemon Elixir Cured me of a long-standing case of chills and fever, by using two bottles. J. C. Stanley, Engineer OS. T. Va. & Ga. R. R. Mozley's Lemon Elixir Cured me of a case of heart disease and indigestion of four years standing. I tried a dozen different medicines" None but Lemon tDlixir done me any good. Tules Diehl, Cor. Habersham and St. Thomas sta Sarvannah, Ga. Mozley's Lemon Elixir.: I fully Indorse it ror nervous prostra tion, headache, indigestion and consti pation, having used it with most satis factory results after all other remedies had failed. J. W. Rollo, Wtsst End, Atlanta, Ga. It is related of iMadas that whatever he touched turned to gold; nowadays 'if you but touch some men with gold, they will turn to anything. The soot.ving and heallag properties of Chamberlain s vougn Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt acd perma nent cures, have made It a great favor ite everywhere. For sale by C. A. Raysor, druggist. A young -man may die but man must. am old Continued cheerfulness is a (manifest sign of wisdom. Dr. David Kennedys K&vorite Kemedy CURES ALL KIDNEY. STOMACH -AND LIVER TROUBLES. SOUTHERN RAILWAY ; EFFECT JUNE 10, 1900. Carolina & North western R. R. Schedule Effective April 1, 1900. Northbound Passenger. Mixed. Mixed. ; ' No. 10. No. 60 o. 62. Lv Chester... & :10am 7:50am. Lv T'kville... 9:15am 9:52anti Lv Gastonia..l0:13 jxl 12:35pra Lv L'colnton. 11 :03am 2:15pm Lv Newton... 11 :52am 3:32pm Lv, Hickory. .12:15pm C:50pmLv 9:0am At Lenoir 1:16pm 7:50pm u:zbam i Southbound Passenger! Mixeu. Mixed. 1 No. 9. No. 61. No 63. Lv Lenoir.... 4:30pm 1:30pm Lv Hickory.. 5:35pmLy 5:30am 4:2jpm Lv NewtoB,.. 6:05pm 8r30am Lv L'colnton .... 7 : 00pm 9 : 18am Lv Gastonia... 8:15pm 11:10am.. . Lv-Y'kville. 9:21pm i:12pm Ar Chester lC:31pm 5:15pm -20 minutes for pper at G tonia - No. 10, northbound, connects at Ches ' ter with Southern railway, S board Air Li Lancaster & Ch tcr railway -.-' from all pointa south; at Tor. li e with Y the South Carolina & Georgia railway 1-0 -E.; at Gastonia with Southern' railway; C ;at Jncolnton with Seaboard ir Line; At'Newtcn and Hickory with Southern "'railway. No. southbound, makes close connection, at all junction points. . Address: E. F. REII, ItU T. N.CHOLS, Auditor, - - Gen. Man. Chester. S. C. 'QUEEN OP SEA ROUTES" mm TO Boston, Providence a-ntA New Wand Resorts IS VIA THE Merchants' and Miners' Trans. Co. Steamship Lines NORFOLK, VA. VIRGINIA COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES. ROANOKE, VA. Opens Sept. 18, 1900. One of the lead ing schools for Young Ladies in the South. Magnificent buildings all mod ern improvements. Campus ten acres. Grand mountain scenery In Valley nf Va., f famed for heaFh. European and American teachers. Full course. Su perior -advantages in Art, Music and Elocution. Students "from thirtv states. F"or catalogue address MATTIE P. HARRIS, President, Roanoke. Va. No. 21. No. 37-11. No. 35. 4.30 pm 12.05 am 6.55 pm 3.50 am 9.20 pm 6.22 am 10.43 pm 11.15 am 6.10 am 6.07 pm 12.10 am 12.01pm 8.35 pm 1.10 am 2.09 am 5 .15 am 9.10 am 7.40 pm 10.12 am 8.03 pm 10.52 am 9:01pm 11.13 am 9.20 pm 12.34 pm 10.30 pm 2.12 pm 2.20 pm 12.10 am 5.55 am 2.40 pm 12.15 a. u 7.20 am 4.02 pm 1.29 am 9.20 am 5.55 pm 3.00 am 11.00 am 7.40 pm 4.25 am 11.35 pm 7.40 am 7.10 pm 7.10 pm 1.05 pm 6.40 am 50 am 7.30 am 7.30 pm No. IX. Eastern Time No. 12-38. i . r v New York Ar . 12 . 43 pm Lv Philadelphia Ar. 10.15 am Lv Baltimore Ar. 8.00 am Lv. Lv. Washington Ar. .. Danville Ar. 6.42 am 11.25 pm Lv. Richmond .Ar. 6.40 am 9.10 am Lv Norfoli . 2.50 pm Lv.; ' Selma .. 3.50 pm Lv Raleigh . 6.35 pm Ar Greensboro .Ar. .Ar. .Ar. .Lv. ?.20 am S.50 am 2.45 am 11.45 pm Lv. Lv. Lv.. .. . Lv. Central Time. , . Salisbury Ar. . Statesville Ar. Newton Ar. , .. Hickory Ar. , .. Mariom Ar. 12.03 am Lv Biltmore Ar. ......... Ar Asheville Lv. 9.20am Lv Asheville Ar. 10.38 am Lv Hot Springs Ar. 12.30pm Lv Morrostown ........Ar. 2.10 pm Lv Knjville Ar. 5.5'jpm Ar. ....... Chattanooga Lv. 7.40 am Ar Memphis .; Lv. Ar Bristol Lv. 6.35 pm 5.27 pm 5 .00 pm 4.41 pm 3.22 pm 1.40 pm 1.30 pm 1.10 pm 11.45 am 9.50 am 8.25 am 4.00 am 9.15 am 6.33 pm Ar. Nashville Lv. 10.00 pm 7.50 p i Ar Louisville Lv 7. 45 pm Ar Conciratati ....Lv. 8.00 pm 8.Sem Ar... New Orleans Lv. 7. tCam Ar.. Mobile .Lv. nashville, . chattanooga and t. l. and western and ' : ; . Atlantic: railways. , .The 'great through line to Arkansas," Teiaa and the North-west. Three daily trains between Chattanooga, Atlsxta ' r . Nashville Doable daily Mains to Memphis i mdChlcago. Thronga Pull- nuia sleepers and elegant day coaches ' - tthiout clMtne' ween' Chattanoo- -. g vjmd St. Louis, "ana , pet.veen dhat tanooga &nd Jacksxmvllle, Florida. If 'yoti " aire - .contemplatlnjr a trip interest to write or caU-on. . -WIi;Danley,;OVA g NashviHe, Steamers leave or. Boston every Mon day, Wednesday, Friday; and Saturday it ( p. m. Leave for Providence verj Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at p. m. STEAMERS NEW, FAST AND ELE GANT. Accommodation and Cuisine Unsur- D&ssed. Send for illustrated folder. R. H. WRIGHT, Agent Norfolk, Va. J. C. WHITNEY, Trafflo Manager. W. P. TURNER, General Passenger Agent. General Offices, Battmsre Md. TeaNB. t iLiLatnt, S.-P A, . Oor. 9th and v t street, Chattanooga, Tean. . t WV TV Rorr T. P, AsvKaoxvilla; ri THE HOT 1PRINGS OF ARKANSAS, VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. The Hot Springs' of Arkansas are owned by the U. S. Government and have its endorsement for the cure of rheumatism, malaria, nervous troubles chronic and functional ailments and a score more of human ills. The climate of Hot Springs is cool-and delightful in Summer, owing to 'its elevation among the Ozark Mountains, and is the best time for treatment. 100 hotels for all classes. .Write Bureau of Infor mation, Hot Springs, for illustrated book giving full Information. For reduced ' excursion tickets and particulars ,of the trip, see local agent or address iW. A. Turk, Gen'l Passr. Agt. Southern Ry., Washington, D. C. No. 14. 7.00 am . 08 am 8.02 am 9.13 am 11.22 am 3.20 pm No. 10. 2.05 pm 2.12 pm 2.57 pm 4.00 pm No. 34. 8.00 pm 8.10 pm 9.00 pm 10.15 pm 6.00 pm .12 5 am A AND S BRANCH. Central Time. Lv Asheville Ar. Lv .". Biltmore Ar. Lv Hendersonville Ar. Lv Tyron Ar. Eastern Time. Ar Spartanburg .......Lv. 9.35 pm Ar Columbus Lv. No. 13. 6.15 pm 6.07 pm 5.11 pm 4.00 pm 3.40 pm 11 40 am No. 36. No, 34. N B. 6.35 am ......... ..... , 2.56 am . 11.25 pm 9.05 pm 1.30 pm 6.25 pm 5.55 pm 12.35 pm , 11.35 am 8.50 am 9.40 am -8.53 am ......... . r 8.18 am r 8.01am 6.02 am I .. ....... 6.26 am ......... 5.20 am '.. 5.15 am 6.00 pm 9.25 pm 4.00 am 4.28 pm 7.52 pm 2.30 am 2.40 pm 6.00 pm 1.15 am 1.20 pm 4.25 pm 10.00 pm 9.55 am 9.15 am 8.15 pm 2 xio 9.1; am , 7.40am 8.80am 7.30 pm 7.00 pm No. 9. No. SI. 12:10 pm 9.05 am 12.03 pm 8.55 ana , 11.13 am 8.02 am 9.58am 7.00am 9.55 am 7.08un 6.10an DOBS IT J5AY TO BUY CHEA ? The Delightfully Cool Summer Resorts Of the North and Northwest are reach ed most qulcklylLand comfortably via the Chicago &r North-Western R'y, among the principal resorts being Mil- wauKee, wauKesna, maoison, Jr isnaKee Fond au Lac, i n 4m Mr .t.tna v. I Lake, Lake Geneva, it -M-mA nZZZJL Green Lake, Devil's Lake, Green-Bay, and daiisM result of t&roat and lunc I Neenah-Menashar . Marquette Gogebic Wubles. -What shall ou do? Go to "alLake AsWandVm. -Minneapolis warmer and more regular climate ? Yes, J f31 "'!Laa TmJ possible; If not possible for you, then I InfaL5P5l3:, agent, Zm mw. MA avt- ..uWTor for a copy of Hints to Tourista." that nais beem introduc- In Jl eivillEed I gTPS!-.wiwiBuuiuiugn( send two countries -witt success: in Severe iitSmMis I cents intajtoN.M. Breeze, 49 and lung troubles, rBoschee German n. rtn yor ou, . Auan-ta, ua., or- W. Syrup." It not only heals and stinra-1 Knlskernr General , Passenger, and latw the ttosues to destroy the germ disease, but allays Inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest,- and cures the patient. Try ONE bottle; jllecosjmended; imanyyesjtsby an "drurists In the trcria. Fcr tzlt ty Ticket Agent,; Chicago. Entire stocky ofGy 'Af Mear's sttmltner itices and Oxford a at first cwt,.-S' f.i7pm 7.10 am Ar Charleston Lv. 7 00 am 11.00 pm Central Time. F,15am Ar Savannah L - 12.05 am 9.25am Ar....... Jacksonville Lv. 7.45pm ; 8.00am Ar...v...... Augusta Lv. 9.m 9.30pm 3.55pm 5.10am 6.10am Ar Atlanta .....Lt 7.50am 11.50pm 11.60pm ....i.... 7.40am 8.30pm 8.80 pm At....... New Orleans ....... Lv. 7.45pm 7.55am 7.55am 7.40am Ar Memphis .. ...... .Lv. 9.00pm ' JfcAAA ......... ......... ......... 7.10pm 830 am 8.80 im Ar.... Macon Ly. 6.00 am 7.10ptn 7.10pm ; 3 i a , Dally Excep. No. 17. 9.15 am 10.45 am 11.00 am 12.40 pm Sunday MURPHY BRAHJH No. 19 v Central Time. 2.45 pm Lv Asheville iAr. .ICpm Lv WaynesvlUe Ar. 4:30pm Lv.. Balsam i.Ar, Lv....v... Bryson City. Lv.' Ar... Murphy ........Ly. No. 18. 5.50.pm 4.10 pm 3.35 pm : 45 pm No. 20 12.05" pm 10.38 am .... l.10am .... 8.40am .... S.SOam .... Trains 87 and 1L and 12 and 8S. ct.rry Nanooga, Birmingham and! Mobile, via Pull man tleepers between New York, Washington, Ashe"vine, ' Hot ' Springs, Chattanooga and- Nashville. Trains ,9 and U, and 10 and 12 between Jackson ville, Savannah, Charleston, Asheville, Hot. Springs, Knoxvllle and ClncinnaU. Trains 35 and SS-carry Pullman sleep ers between C Salisbury, : Ashevllle,uHot Springs, Chattanooga and Memphis. C T " Trains S3 and 34; carry Pullman elepi era between Asheville, Atlanta Macon; !a ' Spartanburg; and Pullman sleep ers between-;. Aye-rllle,- K-csvKI,! C!:t- Morrlstown. Trains 18 and 14 carry PtQlinan par lor cars ; between. Asheville, Spartan burg,; lumbia and Chariest' o."'- " Together with our exceUent , equip ment and schedules to the norta vand. e r V, all rail through Washtngton the public's special attention Is called to our ra0 and-, water route; to the north anflf east Southern Railway: and the j Ches-" -i Dally Except Sunday. Comfort (Fort Monroe), Vs., Vlrjin Beach, Ne port News, etc ' ; - x; , j j,- - .; Frank &. Gannony Tlrd . lce Presi dent' and General Manager,. Washing ton, D. C; J. Mu' CuIpw Traffic Manr Washington, D. ; . A. , Turk, Gen eral Passenger 'Agent, tWashlngtos, r" q.; S. L Hardwlck, A. V;;P Atlftf 4a, : aa.; C A. Benseater, A. G. P. Chattanoogi" . Tenn.j W H. Tayloe, A G. B. A., LoulivUle, Ky.;: - . 3. IXJJ Cl.y Passenger and; Ticket Agent. Asf