BAROII RUSSELL'S FUI1ERAL Distinguished friends of the Lord Chief Justice Attend. Uondon, Aug. 14. The funeral serivli ces oE Baron, Russell of Killowen, lord chief Juatlce, took place at Broomton Oratory "this morning; in the presence of a large congregation. Father Matthew Russell, a brother of the, deceased chief justice, celebrated low mass. At the conclusion of the services a heare bearing the plain oak coffin and '.. six coatihes containing the principal mourn ers proceeded by road for Epsom, where the interment took place. V Among those present were United State Ambassador Ohoate, Mr. Henry White, secretary of "the United1., States embassy; Mr. Francis Kawle, repre seciing the American Bar association; , representative of the prince of Wale, the Right Hon. ."William. Court Gulley weaker of the house of commons, Lord Rosebery, and many members of the beech, bar and the medical and; theat rical professions. - A MURDERERS FAREWELL. Farrell Visited by His Fiance Before Removal to Prison. Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 14. Rosslyn H.. FarreH, the confessed murderer of Express Messenger CDane, was taken to 4iae Toledo and Ohio central depot this morning by the sheriff and removed 'to 3arysiiile on the 6:05 train. It is the intention that a" special grand jury be aLt once summoned tto indict him. . . At 2 o'clock this morning the1 anguish of Miss Costlow, Farrell's fiance, be came unbearable, and after a long struggle with her pride her love for the lerring man "overcame alLelse and she begged to be "taken to hie side. Her father ait. last yielded to her agonized entreaties and consented, to allow her to go and accompany him to the prison. The visit was conducted with the utmost secrecy and was" very pa thetic. It was at once a meeting and A parting forever. rt -V If your live is out of order, fusing BaioQ-snesa, Sick Headache, Heari v ; urn w Constipation, take a dose of On retiring and tomorrow your di gestive organs will be regulated and yon will be bright, active and ready for any' kind of work. This -has been the experience of others : it will be yours. HOOD'S PILLS are sold by all mdiHj dealers. 25 cts. f. . P. HUIITIIIQTOII OEAD. the Taken Suddenly 111 at a Camp in 1 Adirondack. New York, Aug. I. Colli P. Hunt ington, president of the Southern 'Pa cific railway, died at Pine Knot camp, near Durarit, on Raequetrte lake, In- the Adirondacks, at 12 o'clock last night. He was taken suddenly .ill,, it is stat ed, and carried into it he house where he died in, a few moments before any thing could- be done to relieve him. Yesterday be continued in good health and made mo complaint of Ill ness. He retired last nigb1 at 11 o'clock apparently in the best of health, and so far as can be ascertained slept soundly, as no disturbance was heard from his room until a shout time before his death. Moans proceeding from Mr. Huntington s room' aroused members of the household and they immediately went to his assistance. In abotwt ten minutes he was dead. It is supposed Mr. Huntington's death was caused by heart trouble, Mr. Hunttington's private secretary, J. B. Gates received a message at nis res idence, the Hotel Majestic, this morn ing, announcing: his sudden death last night. Mr. Gates left for Camp "Pine Knot on the first train early this morning Friends of the Huntingtotnt family -m this city ait once sent a cablegram to London, addressed to the Princess Hatzeldt, the adopted daughter of Mr Huntingdon, announcing the death of her father. A despatch received from London by the Associated Press says the Princess Hatzfeldt is booked to sail for the United States on board the steamer Majestic, August 15. On Sultry Summer Days... you probably don't care for much meat, but what you do purchase you want to be rresh and of the highest grade. The appetite flags, and nothing but the snort appetizing of comestibles &ave ttr attraction for you. If we can't please, you're doomed to disappointment lewhere. Better try us first. Zimmerman & Whitehead CITY MARKET. NATTVB AND WESTERN MEATS. Telephone 4. COLORADO STILL R SING. 1 Inhabitants Along the River Lands Becoming Alarmed Port Worth, Aug. 14. There has1 been no cessation in the rise of tihe Colorado river, it is now wK'hin a few feet of the recent rise which caused great de struction along the valley, and it is be lieved It will overflow. Three more bridges have already been swept away by ithe rapid current. The inhabitants along the river bottom are becoming uneasy and are moving out. It has been raining daily for-30 days. COIIDITIOnS 111 : ; THE PHILIPPINES INTERESTING LETTER FROM. A UNITED STATES OFFICER - " ON DTJTT THERE. Filipinos Absolutely Unfit for Salf- Goverament. A Fact Only Too Evident There and Too Litotie Appreciated in this Coun tryThe Work of the Peace Commis sion Praised Policy Advocated by Army Men. 11 wwujzersL-navlnfir tr- ceot ""vwv; uie jtinmppines , would-, doubt less, be a Valuable AnrnrfccftJftni . a. I - tne Proposition has ita , commendation la the fact that these islands fell to- nix in cae. iortuines of war, and we owe t to the world to accept aB the responsi bilities. . FOUR MEN DROWNED. Memphis, Aug. 14. Four employes of rhe steamer. Hill City, en route from New Orleans to Memphis, lost their lives this morning at Blue Point land ing. Miss. The men were engaged in repairing the wheel of the vessel when the plank gave way and ithey were pre cipitated into the river. All were drowned. The dead are: William Brown. . "A. Freshen. . John Darg. 1 Fireman, whose name could not be learned. The Hill City arrived in port this morning and the officers reported the catastrophe. The victims of tihe acci dent resided in St. Louis. ivTate Wire. Continuous Quotations. BDEPHI & COMPANY, BROKERS STOCKS, C0TT6N, GR i AND PROVISIONS. New Tork Office, 61 Broad, ay. Telephone 649. IV CHURCH STREET, ASHBVILLE, N. C REFER TO Sloe Rid6 Nations Back, Asltevllle, N. C Charlotte National Bank, Charlotte, N.C Seaboard National Bank, New York. Lowry Banking Co., Atlanta, Ga, Capitol City Bank, Atlanta, Gf Xmdtreet a -'mercia! Agency TELEGRAPHERS WIN. Pittsburg, Aug. 14. fter several conferences with the Baltimore & Obio railroad officials, the Order of Railway Telegraphers 'have secured recogni;ion of the order and' a readiu&tmrftit of wages and conditions; which will ba aa vance in wages and a reduction of hours to the majority of the two ithous- and or more operators employed on the Baltimore & Ohio system. In some in stances ithe advance will be between $5 and $10 per month. WILL FIGHT AUGUST 24. New York, Aug. 14. FitzsLmcmons and Snarkey signed article this after noon for a 25 round 'bout before the Coney Island Sporting club August 24 for a purse of $25,000. HITCHCOCK FOR THE SENATE. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 14. The World Herald prints from Gilbert M. Hitch cock, publisher and owner of that pa per, the announcement that he will be a democratic candidate for the United States senatoiship tto succeed John M Thurston. , Ladles' Common Sense Oxford Ties, size 2 to 4, 25 per cent at lees than. cost. G. A. Mears. i Pure Certified i cured Mr Jersey W i ssrs f I 4 rom the BILfnORE FARMSpAIRY. The absolute purity and health fulness of this milk la guaran teed by our system of daily vet- 2 erinary Inspection an sanitary 1 PREVENTED A. TRAGEDY. Timely information given Mrs.1 brge Long, of New Straiirsvllle, Ohio, saved two lives. A frightful cough had long keyt her awake every night. She had tried many remedies and doc tors but steadily grew worse "until urg ed to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her; and she Writes this marvelous medicine' also Long of a severe attack of Such cures are positive power to cure all throat ehtest , and lunsr troubles . Only " w cents and $1. Guaranteed. Trial bot te free at all drug stores. 200 pairs Ladles Tan Oxfords, 2 to B, Just one-half price. G. A. Mears. St control. STORY OF A SLAVE. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease Is the worst form of slavery. George p. Wllllaims, of Manchester, Mich.;" says: "My wife has bem eo helpless for flvte years that she could not turn over In bed alone". After using ..two bottles of electric jbitters she is wonderfully im- The following extracts from a Jetter received recently by a gentleman, m Asheville from one of our officers in the iPhiloppines gives much idteresting information of affairs in ilhose islands: Cavite, P. I., July 10, 1900. I have been intending to write you for a long while, and 1 'owe you extra apologies for not (having done so, or at least for not having acknowledged the (many and very acceptable papers and periodicals that have" be em (received from you by the transport in their re curring arrivals every 15 days. In the reorganization, or rather or ganization, of 'tlhis station with inexpe renced clerks and employes, I have had to do practically all of the books, returns and correspondence myself, and event ye?t cannot be assured of their cor rectness except by personal inspection; this otuside of regular work, and I have as a result had) but meagre time for letter writing and have done little of it. The trials of mosquitoes, heat, of the climate and prickly heat practically preclude any reading rr writing in the evenings. In fact, existence out here has its amusing peculiarities and draw backs, but, by and large, for the trop ics, it has none of the very serious side t hat the newspapers are so fond of di lating on in their penny-a-liners, or what our reporters would call space- work. The time passes pleasantly enough, however, for the surroundings. We ibave a sort of a kind of a house, 4n miserable repair, in the itown of Cavite, which answers for many of the comfonts of a home, and the ser vice at the station is interesting enough and busy enough to render tthat part acceptable. The status quo in the iPhiliooines s rather an inscrutable matter Just now, and really has but little share of the public interest as compared with the unpleasantness ia China. A general amnesty was proclaimed on Jiuaie 15, to laspe in 90 days, when the next umber on' the program, what ever it may be, will be promulgated. There is a general confidence that Gen eral MacArthur will develop it all at the proper ttime, though saying little, but sawing wood; interviews with him are infrequent and unsatisfactory. As for, the amnesty, many of the in surgent leaders have of late disposed themselves in convenient places about Manila for easy capture, taken the oath and become more or less good; citizens, in time to save wheir precious necks, and variously acquired gains. The ofh-; j ers keep in the brush to carry on a fairly lucrative practice of marauding, English thieves, Spanish ladrones, or hold out in the hope of a democratic victory at the presidential election, when they are sure the country wil$ be iturned over to them at once. Of course there are continual brushes with this 'unorganized, g&ng which are paint ed and embroidered in your newspaper reports accordingly a it strikes the Im agination) of tthe reporter to be of greater or less moment. It is a fact, however, that the idea of independence and desire to drive out nine Americans Is so general under present conditions which a word from Aguinaldo could practically efface that there is not a ; town, ci:y or .village In any of 'these is lands, excepting perhaps the Sulu ! group, where it is safe for any one to ' venture beyond the outposts unarmed, in many places without a guard, either . bv day or by night. Of course much of this is due tohigh I waymeai', ladrones, who recognize in a ! foreigner fine opportunies for loot, but 1 still this feeling is fostered in many of rthese ladrones by the political con dition. That this people and their country are in no condition for self government is only too evident 'here and only too little appreciated in the states. Naturally simple, provincial, for the mostpart illiterate and poor, with the most circuimS'cribed noticum of itlhe world in general; with a criterion of the past only, fromi which they derive no confidence in governmemital Justice and probity; with an experience ol feudal district control, practically inaccessible to regulation by the central orgatclza Wonand where ithe complained of friars have provided all assistance for the satisfaction of cupidity and avarice, small wonder that their suspicious cun- ming should exact a sealed contract on terms, and which they desire to be speciously worded for the ever ready money consideration; and with it all the best of reason why ic will 'take gen erations to instill anv ideas of 'personal honor and business integrity. A policy, then, will have to be made from accurate knowledge of 'tihe people themselves and be formulated on a system of "change without notice," ac cording to developments. The peace commission 'has it all In hand and from their voluminous memoranda will be able, by the time ithey take 'hold in September, to set a fair start towards the restorattiorv of confidence. Prominent men in the army out here advocate, as a first step, the erad- icationv complete, of the memory and methods of Spain by the sole use of English and Tagalo. The Tagalo vocabulary is meagre and has been enriched by many Spanish words for ordinary use which' will for a timer' Jhave a bold; but tfcat the Spanish language is generally spoken in the is lands is a very mistaken idea; but a small percentage of them know more of it than ai Chinese laumdryman does of Englisih. STJHMEE SCHOOL 00HCERT Program of the Seventh of the Serie Tomorrow Bight The following- is the Moeram, fnr Summer school faculty concert to Le held at the . opera bouse tomorrow might: Polonaise brHHante. for siano and cello .Chopin Caryl Florio and Bruno Steindel.. Z. Kecit. and aria: "O ruddier than the cherry.'! ; '. . Handel Thomas J. Pennell. I. Violin solo: 'Blegie".. Henri Ern Henri Ern. I. Aria from "La Traviata" Verdi Miss Nellie Harben Knight. 5. Songs: ' (a) Time Enough Nevin (b) Thy Beaming Eyes McDowell (c) A Good Bye.. . Rogers ' Thomas J. Penmell. 6. squlsse for cello and. piano.... Caryl Florio . . (Repeated by request.) Bruno Steindell and Caryl Florio. 7i Songs: (a) Blegie Massenet (b) Your Yoice ..Denza (c) Angel's Serenade ........... .Braga (d) The Magic Song Meyer Helmund Miss Nellie Harben Knight. Each song with cello obligato by Bruno Steindell. 8. Violiin; solos: Gavotte Henri Ern (b) Mazurka .Henri Ern Henri Ern. 9. Solos and chorus: "Heaven and the Earth Display," from "Ath- aile" Mendelssohm Mis Nellie Harben Knight, soprano; Miss Emily D. Reynolds, mezzo so prano; Mrs. Archibald A. Jones, con tralto; 'Summer sclhool chorus; Thomas J. Pennell, conductor; Miss May Kim berly. pianist; Ferdinand Dunkley, organist. : z. z : VrT- 1 5 . ii ii i in ii ii t im ii , ir" f 1 iin n n rs n n : rat t n y .. v : u i l 1 't t ii Av" 1 1 l - - v V .1 ... .... W0R BEGINS NEXT WEEK. Under Hew Management of Weaver- ville Electric Road. The officers of the new Asheville & Weaverville Electric Railway and Pow er company are: Don J. Barnes, pres ident; .John R. Badrd, John N. Ram sey, O. D. Revell, Asheville; J. B. Lotspeich, Edward F. Vandiver, W. E. Weaver, Weaverville, directors. The have a 99-year charter and a 30 year franchise in Asheville to carry passengers and freight and to be op-; erated by eleotricity. ,They are developing the water power at Balrd's Falls on Reems creek, wbere they will get 600 horsepower. This is the same falls the first company began to develop, and rthe company -has se cured the same right-of-way through the county and from the city limits of Asheville over North Maim street to Magnolia avenue, over Magnolia to Flint, Flint to Hiawassee, Hiawaseee to Penland and Peniand to College, where they end. The dam is two-thirds com pleted and: work will be resumed on it next week. Work on the grading will also begin next week, starting at the Asheville city limits and going toward Weaverville. They will stop about every half mile, and on the route will be three beautiful parks. The fare to iBeaverdam creek will be five cents and to Weaverville 0 cents. When the line is in operation (they will give employment to about 25 men. The Rammer warehouse in Asheville has been secured as a terminal warehouse, land in Weaverville a station and ware house will be built. Mr. Barnes, the new pre&ident, who was the engineer for the first road, is spending all his time here on the work. He understands electrical work well and will push it rapidly. The errading to Weaverville will be completed' and then the entire rtrack laid, the grading in the city being done as the track is laid. S As cheap as any In the market,, 1 proved and able to do her own work owing to its high ; per cent . nutrient solids and fats. -3 Apply to any of our wagons, or 'Phone 68. This supreme remedy for female dis eases quickly cures niervousness, seep lessness, melancholy,- headache, back ache, fainting and dizzy pells.: It Is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down TvPrvT. Cure Eruaranteedi Only 50 cents. Sold by all druggists. , Ladles Tan Oxfords; abut one-half A second; propositiomis that for a time to come ithe-people- have oppor tunity to, gain a livelihood, and1 be in duced thereto by a 'liberal employment bv the ovemraent. Roads and railroads1 -.are urgenrtly needed for general convenience ana for rapid transport of troops and supplies; many public works need construction, or are out of repair, and tihe general san itation needs complete reorganization. Then extensive 'improvements1 ia agri culture are required, not only in meth ods, but in -appropriate andi ' saleable products not grown or kmowh. It 4s a large ttask, bgt offers great opportunities' for skiir and judgment. Not many left, but we had such a quantity Tl of them to start with, nothing but exceptionally iow pnees would ever moved them out so quickly rt At One Price. All Linen Trimmed Skirts, worth $2.00 and $2 .50 at " . . i . . . . An the fine white PK lace, trimmed, worth $3 ... Fine white Duck and PK Skirts, $1.50 kind at .98c 98c 49 c CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. The republican congressional conven tion takes place at Waynesville today. A number of the delegates and others have already gone to Waynesville. Among xihese are Collector H. S. Har kins, Frank Fanning, A. C. Patterson, James Morgan, John O'Domiell, G. S. Cannon, C. U. Monday, George S. Har- kins and G. W. Reed, who went yes terday. Chairman Wilson and others will g-o today. Among the members of other delega tions who were in the city yesterday en route to Waynesville were: J. A. Hendricks, Marshall; N. J. 'Lance, Hot Springs; J.- N. Gentry, Madison, Judge H. G. Ewart. W. A. Wood, W. J. Da vis, W. C. Rector, Judge O. V. F. Blythe, H. 'S. Anderson, Henderson ville; W. F. Morgan, G. W. Crawford, Dr. W. P. Jones, D. S,. iMasters, W. J. Souther, McDowell county; Sheriff V. B. MoGaha. Brevard. T. S. Rollins and J. J. Groom of Marshall were in -the city laeit night, going to Waynesville. Table Linen, Towels and Napkins at Prices That Mean Quick Sales. Pare white Table Linen, 72 inches wide, real saiin damask, extra heavy, at $1.50 yard Extra large Napkins to match at $5.50 dozen. 72 inch Scotch linen, white as snow, very fine goods, guaranteed perfect in weave, at 08c yard Napkins tomatch;$3,oo dozen SPECIAL PRICED LINEN. 72 inch Satin Damask, elegant goods, 70c special. 70 inch Irish Damask, regular 98c kind, spe cial 66c yard, 500 vards fine Blftflrheri T A n An Tlatnoelr fJ j inches wide, extra bargain at 58c yard. napmns at low prices, considering the quality of goods offered, (We guarantee these prices as goods can be returned if unsatisfactory in any way.) 5d dozen Linen Napkins 17x17 inches, a bar gain at 75c dozen. 50 dozen full size, nice smooth Napkins, good patterns, $1 dozen. 50 dozen very choice full size Linen Napkins, extra values, at $2.50 dozen. Finer goods at $3, $4.50 and $6 dozen. Hack Towels, for Quality, Size and Pride Cannot be Duplicated Every Day In the Week. 17x35 inches Linen Huck at 10c eech, worth i2ic. 18x36 inches Linen Huck at $1.50 doz, worth $2.00. 20x40 ioches Fine LinenHuck at $2.00 dozen, worth $2.50. 20x40 inches fine Linen Huck, hemstitched, at $3 dozen, worth $3.00. BATH TOWELS. ODD FfcLLOWS' GRAND LODGE. New Bern, N. C, Aug. 14. The grand encampanent I. O. O. P. meets here tomorrow, 'Louis C Bowlitt, of Greensboro, grand patniasreh. It will elect a delegate to the sovereign grand lodge, 'which meets ait Richmond, Sep tiennher 17. There are now 115 lodges in the gtate, with 6,400 members. Do YonrFeet Ache and Burns Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot Base, a powder for the feet. It ools the feet and n akea tight or New Shoes feel easy, Cures Corns, Bunlcns, Swol len, Smarting; Hot. Ja! us Sore anu Sweating Feet. Allen Foo-Ease re lieves all Dai& and - en rest and com fort. We feave over 30,000 testlmooials It cures while yo. waiy Try it today. All irujrgisls and shoe stores set! It, 25o Samnle aent Audress Allen S. Olmsted, Le Boy1. THAT THROO&ING HEADACHE. Would quickly leav you, if you used Ii King's New; Idfe Pills. Thousands of ufferers have proved their match- i less merit for sick and nervous head aches They make pure blood and build up your heafth. Only 25 cents, aloney backv If not cured. Sold by all druggists. . 50 dozen large size Bath Towels, 20x49 inches $1.50 dozen 50 dozen extra large white Bath Towels, dozen. 50 dozen purewhite Bath Towels, 25x56 ,50 dozen $3 in. The platform, of the Kentucky demo crats makettoeni accessories after the fa.-rfstoj (Tenjn) , News. . sun, DEALS EXPLANATION. 1 Big Break in Cotton Goods Prices. Sheets, PillowJCases and Sheetings at less prices than they have been for some time. You always get the lowest prices when you buy of us. Pepperill Sheets 81x90 inches, prices changed from 59c to 49c each. 10-4 Pepperill Sheeting 22c yard 9-4 Pepperill Sheeting 20c yard 5.4 Pepperill Pillow Casing 12c yard 300 Pillow Cases 36x45 inches 10c 200 very fine Hemstitched Cases 38x45 inches!i8c. On account of delayed freight our Sheets and Pillow Cases failed to arrive in time for Mon day's sale. But they are now in and all can be accommodated. 7 VMIIIIIIIllllllllllllll.lllllKtKlllllMUl Itlllldl..!..... 1M.' i 8 mi a t R ml 'irice, G. A. Meats 1 X ., 1 1 . s- r - - "zr v 7 i. -