fit it It t - - - : - ' - Ljtf ASHEVILLE GAZETTE. XUGUST 15, I9."t " ' ' ' . "'' ' '. " m-;sy.-;;t:., ;.,v.jwf gyV' --y-a--- - - , - -- - Zl--- ' - --- -l- J : : 1 s - " Ik j f . A" ' 'V.r - - 1 ' f ' "... . - ,1, .- "V1 1 Xf V r - " "... -: A Fine Offering ol sea poops. FRESH 'WATER FISH, STRIPED BASS, BLACK OBAJSS, PEEiCH, and . MOUNTAIN OTROUT, ORABMIEJAT, for Deviled Crabs, Salads, etc. BLUKFISH, : FLOUNIK5lS, TROUT, HAIilBUT, LOBSTERS, CLAMS, E7TC, ETC. Young's Fish Market, In the corner, Central Market. Telephone 23 Tfce Parag-oppoeite postoiBce. The best 5c GIGA The AshevilIT Hardware Company. Assistant District Attorney OB. Spen cer Black1urn, of (Winston is in the city. There will he a daoce at the Manr tfhia eveninff. A car willTun arter, tne dance. . , CxA. F. ,A. Lincoln, was to the- city yesterday2 He reports that the White ! Sulphur Springs hotel Obtaa 265 guests cow. . , - ' , -. . v .T. n.r Miirnhv has declined the chair- ' mansMp of the democratic congression al convention om account of busimess interests and h!s health. Thomas McGuire, the s-teward f the Mountain iRetreat association, was m the city yesiterday, and reports a i-arge number of visitors there. Ad excursion arrived from Union, S. C yesterday at msoon, ana will re turn .this afternoon at 5:45. Abouit 400 people, mostly colored, came on it. The directors of the Good Road as sociation met yesterday aifternooin'. Dis mm i mJSl "The SIga ofthe Book. Have yoa seen thttn? Those DLA CK FRAMES In order, ttb dose out a- few patterns trf mouldtog' we have - . made them into stock Frames. 8x10 filze 35c. 10x12 ie eOCi.t Whlle they last only.. Other styles and eizee made to 20f SOUTH MAIN STREET. Pfcome 254. ; E06ER8' BOOK STORE Don Monkey With Your Bicycle r ii 1 missin of t.he work" of the Biltmore Vrf'" Cdrill. rviiriicf?, mrwat: oif ifhir attention SMOKE BLOMBERG'S SELECTOS JF m BLOMBERG ...THE LiEADINQ CIGAR STORE. 17 Patton Avenue. Established 1887. Quick and polite attention to all. The Flower missioim will run an ex cursion to Brevard next Tuesday, leav ins Ashevdlle at 8:30 p. m., city time. Thft fare for the iround trip will oe $1.00. The will of Nancy Hunter, deceased, ha been, filed; in. the office of the clerk rf the Surjerior court. disDOSime- of about $900 worth of real estate and other property. Att the drill last night the Blue Ridge Rifles decided! not to go to Raleigh to attend the unveiling of the Vance mon urnent on account of ithe ivery short time allowed in Raleigh and the ap proaching in&pection. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Howatt cele brated the twentieth anniversary of their marriage last Saturday. When Mr. Hdwaitt returned to Ms store rrom dinner he found an elegant oak roll top desk substituted for his former desk greatly to his surprise. A negro tramp on one of the wrecked TVO flAQl? onrl WflflYt UTTT T trains near Morgan! ton, was killed and UL O. U AUJJJ dillll VY UUifll U JjlJ amother tramp on the train had his arm OSTEOPATHISTSs There Is no doubt in my mind that Osteopathy will reach and cure many chronic troubles that medicine would have little or no effect on. This is testi fied to by men and women in the high est walks of life, nd from all over the state of Illinois. Gov. John R. Tanner, of Illinois. Rooms in Drhumor Bldg. f hone 683. broken and was injured in ouaer ways The night ttrains were delayed consid erably by 'the wreckage, but by yes terday aUternoon ail trains were run ning regularly. The ladies of the Arden chapter, Daughters of the Amerieam Revolution,' have issued invitations for a "Pioneer Supper," to be cooked over th ex camp fire, upojii the Lawn of the Arden house, -Saturday evening, September 1, from 7 .to 9 o'clock. Supper will be served1 for the benefit of the chapter house, and 'there will be dancing on; the green A great many magistrates through out tne county have failed to make re turns oa warranit in their courts. This is a criminal offense, as the law re quires that they make returns on all warrants on which they have acted on the firstt day of the term. The so licitor contemplates making out in dictments against' them for failure to perform rtheir duty. Three, excursion will be run (to Ashe- ville today, the first one arriving here from Marion about 2 o'clock, city time, the next from Gastonia a Litrtie later and one from Burlingtoni before 4 o'clock. The first return at 7 p. an., city time, (tomorrow, 'the second at 8:30 and the third at 11 p. m., all tomorrow. This information is as accurate as the of ficials of the Southern can give About 500 people saw Muller & Pooles vaudeville performance at Look out park last night. With baton twirling, acrobatic work, song, comical sketches, trick bicycle riding and slack wire walking the program, is varied-and amusing. Vance Guest made a splen did clown, in the trick bicycle riding and C. Muller and Frank Kennedy clown in the acrobatic work. Am other performance will be given tonigtht and a matinee tomorrow . Ill fl ri l 1 r oo imsi netf-.AVhln . 1 1 j I ' . icawuau.c un ii extra announced last me?it. worK. btraw hat3 cleaned as good as Hew for 25c. Phone 389. J, C. WIliBAR, Prop. 4 N. Court Square over Gazette office. Milk and Separated Cream Pure milk at 5 cents a quat; sepa- wted cream at $1.00 per gallon. Deliv ered morning and evening; Telephone r sepd postal to HILLSIDE, DAIRY, EMMA N C. Special for Visitors and Public. Join the Asheville Pressing Club. When anything is wronig with it, bring' it to us anid in the end you will find 3 far' better and cheaper tna If you had' done rtlhe work yourself, for in attempt ing to remedy a small -trouble yoa are likely to make a big trouble. We are not only well equipped to do ithe .work, but know ithe business. And this knowledge makes us capable of doing Whait is necessary in the best and quickest manner, vat the smallest cost. Try us. Asheville Cycle Company, Phone 228. 18 and 20 Church 8t. A Chance to Make Money.. . What the People Want Is fresh fiB. We have perfected . ar rangemeats by which, we are getting aauy smpments of the finest spotted trout, Spanish mackerel, ,etrpedi and black bass,; flounders, and many other kinds of fine fish; also chicken. halibut; the fklest of all halibut at the Asheville, Fish Co. Center of Market, Phone 28f. : Hot Fish Balls! No odor, no bones, no I J . trouble One package J will make ten bklls, by simjply mixing with cold ed potatoes. Heat J I them, then eat them, j H C. Johnson, f 39 PATTON AVENUE. I ASHEVILLE Ice Coal Co. J887 beixiblb.1900 BEST QUALITY HARD AND SOFT GOAL AIID WOOD 0000 A PURE ICE OF CRYSTAL CLEARNESS 14x14 THICK KEEPS LONGER PHONB 40. 34 PATTON AVE. ASHEVILLE Ice Coal Co. H. T. COIiLINi, Pre THE GREAT REMEDY of t,Q . unquest onably Pain -Killer, for the in stant relief of all burns, scalds, bruise etc., and for pains in the stc - h and bowels as well as in mrM, cholera morbus. No family Bhm,i tend to keep hou by them. Avoid substitutes; there but one Pain-Killer, Perry Das'. Price, 25c. and B0n. v . yVe are offering liberal dis counts in every department and by buying from us you V x save money. Money saved f90 is money made. Men and Boys Suits at cost. Straw Hats at half price. Han atfs $5.00 Tan Shoes $4.00, 18 Patton Avenue, Phone 261. w GOOD HOSE. That's the kind we sell at 8 and 9c per foot. It's worth 10 and 12c, but we bought it low and you get the benefit, Lawn Mowers $3.50 and up. Brown, North up dc Co.. 33 Patton Ave. 'Phone 142. I RECEIVE DAILY Bananas and Delaware Grapes. Charles U. Monday CENTRAjLi MARKET. S talls 9 and-10 mihmmimiiMmiiiiiiciiii.M.. ................. HP' ,,,l,,,,lll,lll'""lHllllllHHm!IIHIIIIIHIHlilllHiHIIIIIIII 1 SEASON GOODS... I Refrigerators and Chests, China and Japan Mattings, Lawn and Porch Goods, Hammocks, Etc., Etc. ' 1 w Your clothes will be cleaned and pressed only $1. per month to regular members. Cleaning preparations are played the the best and workmen experienced. Ladies' work will receive special atten- 9MOKE TRAYLOR'S AGISTS AT 6 -CENT CIGAR. In Superior court yesterday Lum Jen kins was acquitted of ithe charge of in jury ito property. A restraining order was glvetn against the sale of the prop erty of A. T. Cooper under execution which was to have been held today. Mr. Cooper had confessed judgment to $8,000 worth of property to hie brother, and it was td have been under this. which Mrs. Cooper alleges is a fraud ulent scheme to defraud her of alimony' as she mow has a suit pending for all- f mony. The cases against W. W. Long and Katie King were taken up and the evidence all submitted. (&iami& Med action. I In order to close out all Summer Piece Goods in our i Tailoring Department we offer all $25.00 Suits for $20.00 27.50 " 22.50 30.00 ; 25.00 32.50 27.50 35.00 30 00 t tU-W OJiKJU X We guarantee a perfect fit and the best of workman- i t ship. X I The Whitlock Clothing House, ! j No. 41 Patton Avenue. MARRIAGE LICENSES The following marriage licenses were issued by the register of deeds yester day: fW. M. '-Elliott to Charlotte G. Crump. . Thomas F. Reynolds to Gussie Plum - an one . Ed. H. Taylor to Elsie Roberts. . Blue Ribbon Lemon and the natural fruit flavors. Vanilla PRIVATE SCHOOL. Mrs. M. W. Williamson, will reopen her private ecnool at No 94 Woouifin on Monday September 3rd. Tour patronage is solicited. For reference any one interested may consult her pa trons: Messrs. W. A. Blair. J.,. H". Tucker, W. T. Mason, F. F. Bain,bridge, H. S, Walton and Dr. G. W. Purefoy. Try ice cream flavored with Riue Ribbon Lemon a;nid Vanilla. You will appreciate thesuggestion. Lookout for Your Tires. This hot,, dry spell is hard on. carriage wheels. It expands the tires and contracts the, spokes. Your wheel .will be ruined if the tire is not tightened. We tighten a set of tires' in half an hour and charge only 50 cents a. tire. BURNETTE & LAMBERT, I 85, 87 and 89 South Main Street. W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., I FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. 16 PATTON, AVENUE. . , . S TIIHI ill 'IIIIIIlHIIIIilMIMItliMIIMFIlllIIlIf lllllllMllllllliflilllMIIllUMIIIIimillHllf Cooling Summer Drinks produce a breezy frehne whea nu.d of pure ingTedieiit. To smile wiatit mercury sizzles, one Las only to be for tified with healthful beverages prepared from the fine whiskies, brandie ghm, Jamaica and Santa Cruz rum clareta, sherries, etc. No doubt ever attefcea to the quality and value of anything par chased here. Our same stands at ai THE "BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR GO. 43 South Main Stieet. Telephone 72, DSIOIiOOi4iO!!D!QaDD4E3a4DaCEB4aa4a a a a f JAB 9. BAWTipa, Pr2Iax3. J. B. StANSIK, CBBilck BflTTBRY PARK BANK CAPITAL STOCK $100 000. BUSDfESS. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. flUnS DKPOfllV UOTLs rOK BKMT. 5 c m ; in -1 pin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiini lUHiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I AUGUST REDUCfldNS. I MEH'S DEPAETMENT. Men's Shoes. will 'Beginmlrog' Monday morning we close our line or OXFORD TIES: , All TurneT'a $5.00 for $3.75. , ' All Crossett'e $3.50 for $2,75. ' Fall , line "Turner's" Patent "Leather.' shoes Ju&t received. Price $5.00. , WOMEIT S DEPARTMENT1 Summer Wear lor Women. Everythtog in sninmer ready-to-wear fabrics for women will be sold at AB . . SOLUTE COST for. the next teat days: Wash Waists, Silk. Waists, Under - wear, iParasols, Hats; Skirts, Suits i: The Outfitter" ASHEVILLE. N.C. 11 Patton Aveii Phon6 i78;; ue: s 'Phone 206. .. I aye to live And live to dye, The more I dye Tne tetter I live. And clean all ladles' and gents' clothes, laces, hall curtains, blankets, cheiille curtains, etc., ; by chemical process, which not only cleans the most delicate Calorics, but disinfects taem .the same time. Fine organdie dresses and flannel suits a specialty, ; ? " Carl Schultz, PRACT37AL XYER AND CLEANER. :i:v55; Sotttfrkaiii ':siicci7VS . ; 1 phone 26; : h Clia!aitOiDIIQIiaDQaiODlIOilSliBi(OIQiO0 The Finest Line of French Briar and Meerschaum Pipes Berkeley South of New York at the Cigar Stand. trustworthy Merchandise. H. Redwood & Co. .... V. .... y f ; 7 & 9 Patton Avenue. Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes and r Hats, fintterick Patterns.-