, - . . .- , ... THE ASHEVILLE GAZFTTF SEPTEMBER 4 1900. 1 I V " ii to t ; i 'if 1 'f t ti ( i'r ii J Ml' 1 1 " W 5 'lift ii , 3 i 1 1 '! !l i Mi '.-1 w '-1 if i i I! y a I P si Ml II. tin i I 6.1 I. I 5 ( ' j ' i " 1 - 'V 1 . I 'I I f . t . 1 , , - ' - :' 'J J fiiHSS! r r - i m shtsswwsssss tMS BI U U U i-3 v -3 mmmmmm S)(C5 0 (MflK The Bargain Centre of Asheville. no 2 ( The Greatest Bargains of the Season j CAROLINA NEWS. Will B egin Here Today e You who know the standard of values HERE can read I the merit of these offeringsshowing our ability to UN- 3 E DERSELL all competition, 2 6olf Suitings DIRECT FROM ARNOLD, CONSTABLE & CO. Splendid assortment of plaid back Golf Suiting, strictly all wool, the pop ular styles for walking and golf skirts. In all shades, including the scarce grays, in both Oxford and light grays, reverse side in all sorts of handsomest plaids imaginable. 1 $2.00 Values, $1.23 I $6.00 Walking Skins, $4 98 ' Women's finest all wool Walking Skirts, in medium and light gray, with reverse side in a variety of nobby plaid combinations, heavily stitched around the bottom. 22c Bath Towels, 14c E 50 dozen extra heavy Turkish Bath Towels, full generous size, made of soft heavy double twisted thread. We sell E them regularly at 22c and they are cheap at that. Special Today, 1 4c. F nest Silk and Wool Crepons. SPECIALLY LOW PRICED. 3 Todav we put on sale some of the 3 finest Crepons, marked at a price that 3 will make short work of them. Tnere's g a splendid range of patterns and styles g to select from, including the very new- 3 est weaves. 3 $4 00 qualities... .$3 23 3 2 50 " ... I 98 3 1.50 " ... 98c 3 All tue New Homespuns 1 In. the very newest shades of gray cas- z tor and Oxford, 56 inches wide, strictly z all wool, extremely stylish and service- z able, gl.50 quality. . ' Special for Today, 98c yd- Mi 89c Table Linen. 59c Jl Full bleached Irish Table Linen,':: strictly all pure linen,-, in a choice line 3 of patterns, fine heavy quality, close : woven, and never sold under 89c. 2 special Today, 59c. r A band of negro burglars has been captured at Newton. They had en tered the .house. of -five or six people and terrorized the town. . j The Goldsboro Table company, a new corporation to manufacture ta bles, Jas a capital of $12,000. Work on the plant has already begun at Goldsboro. The Borden Manufacturing com pany, Goldsboro' s new cotton mills, is ready for the machinery, which has already been purchased. It will be one of the finest cotton mills of the state. Winston will break all former rec ords this year in the sale of leaf tobac co. President Coleman's report Sat urday shows that 21,073,240 pound have been marketed in 6(e eleven months of this tobacco year. Rev. J. F. England, who is visiting here, and who is well, known to many of our readers, was brutally assaulted by a school teacher named "weatherly at the postofHce at Ramseur, where he lives. On the Sunday precious he had preached a sermon in which he urged the importance of having only men of the highest moral character in politics, in the pulpit, in the school room, it eems that Weatherly felt that he was hit. Xenoir Topic. A slick tongued fakir called at Mr. Afljlrew Heedlok's on Thursday of last week anq taiKea nim into giving an order for a lightning rod. He prom- sed to. make him a present of 72 feet and sell him the rest for 47 1-2 cents per foot, estimating that it would cost him $1 or 20. Mondl y the fakir's accomplices came and put up the rod. After deducting the 72 feet they got Mr. Heedick's note for $47.50 for $100 fppt. Our .neonle- would do well to fight shy of these cattle. Lincoln Journal. V S lUil The fact tha;t a 'protracted meeting has been broken up on account of bad feeling engendered by a runaway mar riaere is causiner no end of "talk. In this correspondence a few days ago it was mentioned that Mrs. W. E. Mas sey, who was taken from her husband S'oon after the wedding vows were spoken and has been kept practically a prisoner for more than three months attempted to go to her husband dur ing a series of meetings at Berea church, six miles south of Durham, and that there was quite a scene when the father detained her by force. It seems now that this was but the be " THE o) ALT IE ginning pf the trouble that caused the minister tt announce that the meet ing would: close in rather, an abrupt manner. The .. next day af ter this trouble the minister in charge of the meeting went out as usual to preach two sermons, but when he arrived on the ground he sawtbat . there was trouble in the air fandte,fter- a hasty consultation it wasdecided best to close the meeting at once, and this he did. I have had a talk with the fa- ai S-l i n a . Liier ui tne young may ana ne says that he never detained his daughter by force and that she could go to her husband, if she so desired, at any time. But in this statementhe is not borne out by the story told by others. Rumors that the girl would be taken from her father by force spread and tne minister saw tnere was trouble brewing and closed the meeting. The affair has caused no end of trouble and the church and neighborhood are both split in two factions and the end is not yet. Durham cor. Charlotte Ob server. The progressive' nations of the world are the great food consuming nations. Good food well digested gives strength. If you ctamnort digest all you eat you need Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat. You need not diet your self. It contains all the digestants combined with, the best known tonics and reconstructves. It will even digest all classes of food in a bottle. No other preparation will do this. It instantly relieves and quickly cures all stomach troubles. Dr. T. C. Smith. T&e Genu of North Carolina, There are found in North Carolina more than 150 species of gems, in cluding the rich "hiddenite," or lithia emerald, which is not known to occur elsewhere. There were 23 corundum mines in operation in 1899, and the price of corundum has risen from 4 to 20 cents a pound. There should be a well arranged exhibit of North Caro lina gems at the Tan-American Ex position at Buffalo next year. LEMONS AS MEDICINE They regulate the Liver, Stomas Bowels, Kidneys and Blood as rvl pared by Dr. H. Mozley, ln ki itffT Elixir, e pleatant lemon drink, it curJ! t-liftusneas, constipation, indigestion headache, malaria-, kldrey diaeaae f. vera, Chills, heart failure, nervous iroi tratlon, and all other diseases caused by a torpid or di-ased liver and kidnv. It la an established fact that lemons! when combined properly with other Uv er tonica, pi duoe the moet desirable rI suits upon the stomach, Urer, bowel, kidneys and blood. Sold by druxids' 50c and $1 bottles. wt. Mozley's Lemon Elixir Cured me. of sick and nervous head ache, I nad been subject U all my lif Mozley's Lemon Elixir. Cared me of indigestion and nervous prostration. I got more relief, and at once, from Iiemon Elixir than all other medicines. j. c. &pelghti In ian SDrings, Ga. Mozley's Lemon Elixir Cured me of a long-standing case ot chills and fever, by using two bottle. J.C.Stanley, .engineer us. . va, & ua. R. R. Mozley's Lemon Elixir Cured me of a case of heart disease and indigestion of four years standing I tried a dozen different medicines None but Lemon UMxir done me any Sood Tulee Diehl, Cor. Habersham atd St. Thomas sts Savannah, Ga. f Mozley's Lemon Elixir. I fully Indorse n tot nervous prostra tion, headache, indigestion and consti pation, having used it with most satis factory results af tel aj; ,oth i remedies had failed. vr. Rolls, West E;nd, Atlanta, Ga. The great success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarroea Remedy in the treatment of bowel complaints has made it standard over the greater part of the civilized world. For sale by C. A. Raysor. druggist. Adversity is the sieve of friendship used to separate the wheat from the chaff. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanttsf ud beaatifie the hail. Promotes a tirrnrnnt Crowth. Never Tall to Bestore Gray HM u Its joauum coior. Caret icalp diesea ft hair falling. 0e,andlJ0at Druggist! Adevrtise in the Gazette for results. In conversation a wise 'man is some times at a loss how to begin, but a fool never knows when to stop. Ladies' Oxford Ties at cost at G. A Mears Shoe Store STOPS THJ COUGH AND WORKS OFF THE ?OLD. Laxative Bromo-Quinir.e Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. Experience is a sort of compass that a man seldom thinks of consulting un til after he has lost his way. Extra Fine Carolina Head Rice. Kro-gers. The Gazette is the best medium for advertising hotels and boarding houses. Only Asheville paper soli on trains.' sou rHERN RAILWAY IN EFFECT JUNE 10, 1900. No- 21. i No.'?T-ll. 4.30 pm 6.55 pm 9.20 pm No. S5. 12.05 am 3.50 am 6.22 am No. SI. Lv. Lv. Eastern Time .. New York .. Philadelphia . .. Baltimore .. .Ar. At. .Ar. No. 12-38. 12.43 pm 10.15 am 8.00 am No. X6. 6.35 am 2.56 am 11.25 pm No, U. N tX. 10.43 pm 6.10 am 11.15 am 6.07 pm Lv. Lv. Washington ,. Danville .. .Ar. .Ar. 6.42 am 11.25 pm 9.05 pm l.SOpm if. 10 am 12.01pm Lv. Richmond .Ar. 6.40 am 6.25 pm 8.35 pm 1.10 am 2.08 am S.ir am 9.10 am 2.50 pm 3.50 pm 6.35 pm Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. .. Norfolx . Selma .. .. Raleigh . Greensboro Ar. f.SOam 5.55 pm .Ar. ?.6Qam 12.35 pm .Ar. 2.45 am 11.35 am .Lv. 1145 pm 8.50 am p 10 and 12 Patton Avenue. iaiuimiuiuiuiiuiuuiuuiuituiuuiiuiumiuiuuiuiiuiuiuuuuuiiuuiiuiuiuuiiuiuiuiug Carolina & North western R. R. Schedule Effective April 1, 1900. ! Northbound Passenger. Mixed. Mixed. No. 10. No. 60 o. . LT Cheater... 8:10am 7:50am Lv Y'kville... 9:15am 9:52am Lv Gstonla..l0:13 jn 12:36pm Lv L'colnton.ll:03am 2:15pm Lv Newton... 11 :52am 3:32pm Lv Hickory.. 12 :15pm 5:50pmLv 9:0am Ar Lenoir 1:16pm 7:50pm 11:25am Southbound Passenger. Mixeu. Mixed. No. 9. No. 61. No 61. Lv Lenoir.... 4:30pm 1:30pm Lv Hickory.. 5:35pmLv 5:30am 4:26pm Lv Newton... :05pm 8:30am Lv L'colnton.... 7:00pm 9:18am. Lv Gastonia... 8:15pm 11:10am Lv Y'kville. 9:21pm l:12pm Ar Chester lC:31pm 5:15pm 20 minutes for b pper at G tonia. No. 10. northbound, connects at Chea ter with Southern railway, S board Air Li Lancaster & Ch tcr railway from all points south; at Yor. ii-e with the South Carolina & Georgia railway E.; at Gastonia with Southern' railway; at IJncolnton with Seaboard .ir Line; at Newton and Hickory with Southern railway. No. southbound, makes close connection t all Junction points). Addreee: E. F. REID, L. T. N-fHWb, Auditor, i QUEEN OF SEA ROUTES" , VIRGINIA COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADLES. Boston, Providence ..AND.... New England Resorts IS VIA THE Geo., Mas.. Chester. S. C NAJHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA AND ' ST. K AND WESTERN AND , ATLANTIC RAILWAYS. The great .tihrough line to Arkansas, Texas and the North-west. Three dally trains between - Chattacooga, Atlanta NashTlHe Dannie dally trains to Memphis and Chicago. , Through Pun man sleepers and elegant day coaches without change t tween Ctaattanoo- g and St. Louis, and bet veen Cbat tanooga and Jacksonville, Florida. If ycoi , are. contemplattng a trip, cc nny pomt. you wiu nna it oM roar interest to write ot; call on. W.-s L, Danley; G. P. A., NashvtlSo, Merchants' and Miners' Trans. Co. Steamship Lines rnoM NORFOLK, VA. i-mers -leave or Boston every Mon- vodmesday, Friday and Saturday - m. Leave for Providence every .av .Thnrsdav and" SatUirday at 6 p m. - K aMSRS NEW, FAST AND ELE GANT. , 'coommodatJfeon- and Culs4ne Unsur- d Send for Illustrated folder. . R. H. WRIGHT, Ageoi Norfottcva. J. C WHJTNBTr, Trafflc. Managflfc W. P. TURNER, General Pa f freer Agent. nneral Offices, Ba-timsre Md. ROANOKE, VA. Opens Sept. 18, 1900. One of the lead ing schools or Young Ladies in the South. Magnificent buildings all mod em improvements. Campus ten acres. Grand mountain scenery in "Valley of va., ramed for heai'in. European and American teachers. Full course. Su perior xLvantages in Art, Music and Elocution. Students from thirty states For catalogue address MATT1H P. HARRujS, President, Roanoke. Va. SUMMER HEAT This is the season for bowel complaints. Green apples and cucumbers produce cnenvand Perry Da vis' Pato-Kllter cures them. To the troubled stomach it cornea like a balm. the wind is assuaged and the trouble ceases. Everyi druggist In the land keeps Pain -Killer, and no one should be without it in hL family. Avoid sub stitutes, there is but one Paia-KiHer Perry Davis. Pries 25c end 50c. 5.55 am 7.20 am 9.20 am 11.00 am 1.05 pm 9.10 am 10.12 am 10.52 am 11.13 am 12V34 pm 2 .12 pm 220 pm 2.40 pm 4.02 pm 5.55 pm 7.40 pm 11.35 pm 7.10 pm 7.40 pm 8.03 pm 9.01 pm 9.20 pm 10.30 pm 12.03 am 12.10 am 12.15 a. 1.29 am 3.00 am 4.25 am 7.40 am 7.10 pm 9.20 am 10.38 am 12.30 pm 2.10 pm 5.5'J pm 7.40 am Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. At. Central Time. . . Salisbury .. .. Statesville .. Newton .... . . . Hickory . . . . Marion i .. . , . Biltmore . . . . Asheville . . , ,. Asheville .. . Hot Springs . . Morrostowo . .. Kn -ville .. Chattanooga . . Memphis . . Bristol ... .Ar. .Ar. Ar. .At. .Ar. .Ar. Lv. .Ar. .Ar. .Ar. .Ar. .Lv. .Lv. .Lv. 6.35 pm 5.27 pm 5.00 pn 4.41 pm 3.22 pm 1.40 pm 1.30 pm 1.10 pm 11.45 am 9.50 am 8.25 am 4.00 am 9.15 am 9.40 am 8.53 am 8.18 am 8.01 am 6.52 am 5.26 am 5.20 am 5.15 am 4.00 am 2.30 am 1.16 am 10.00 pm 9.15 am 6.00 pm 4.28 pm 2.40 pm 1.20 pm .i5am 8.15 pm 9.25 pm 7.51 pm C.OOpxn 4.25 pm 1. pm J. H. Lattlner. 8. P. A.. Oar. ttfc sad n t street, caaitxanoogsw -ream. . W. T. Rogers, T. P. - EnasTUSs, j. 6.40 am 6.33 pm .. Ar Nashville Lr. lO.OOpm 9.1iam ...9.m 50am 7.50pn Ar Louisville Lv 7.45 pm' 7.40 am 177777773 777777777 7.30 am 7.80 pm Ar Condimati Lv. 8.00 pm 8.10 am 8. team Ar... ... New Orleans Lr 7.89 pm - i - 7.tCam Ar...M Mobile Lv 7.00pm . . A! AND S; BRANCH. No. 14. No. 10. ' No. 34. Central Time. No. 18. No. 9 . No. St. 7.00 am 2.05 pm 8.00 pm Lv Asheville Ar. 6.15 pm 12.10 pm f.OS am 08 am 2.12 pm 8.10 pm Lv Biltmore Ar. 6.07 pm 12.03 pm 8.6tta 8.02 am 2.57 pm 9.00 pm Lv Hendersonvllle Ar. 5.11pm 11. IS am 8.02 am 9.13 am 4.00 pm 10.15 pm Lv Tyron Ar. 4.00 pm 9.6 am 7.00 am Eastern Time; .....j... 11.22 am 6.00 pm 12 Bam Ar Upartanburg .......Lv. 3.40 pm t.55 am 7.08 am 8.20 pm 9.35 pm Ar Columbus Lv. 1140 am 6.10 an . i i - ......... ".17pm 7.10am Ar Charlestoa ..Lv. 7 0am U.OOpm Central Time. f.lBam Ar Savannah L 12.05am 9.25am At Jacksonville .......Lv. ... 7.45pm . i ; ; 1 ; f 8.00am Ar Augusta ..Lv. t.OOpm 9.20pm 1 . i , ...v..... 8.55pm 5.10am 5.10am Ar Atlanta Uv. 7,50am 11.60pm 11.50pm 7.40 am 8.30 pm 8.10 pm Ar New Orleans tv. C. & IIC. '? he? direct route from Asheville and the Mountain Resorts to Augusta, Georgia, ana Carolina points does it pay to buy CHEA t Pullman UHair Uars from Ashe- A cheap remedy tot eouh and; colds I ville to SpartaDburp;, Pullman wrTSJ Buffet Cars from Spartanburg to and dangerous results of throat and lung A iipjnsta. troubles. What shall o do? Go to a VJl Leave Asheville :00am In either case take the ONLY remedy I HeDaersonville.... 9:0S am that has Deen introduced In a3 civillxed a i.nny, , . k countries with:succesa to -eves ithroat I, ' Spartanburg 11:45 am and lung troubles, "Boscheo's Qsnssn I Arrive A ntrnsta i S-in nm Syrup.- It ; mot only heals and attmu-1 aukubl.............. o. iu pm la th tissues tb destroy tho?jferm Aiken 7:30 pm disease.) but allays lnnmatloTL causes I ,-N -5 r-. . JrmSr ,.eetHt your tickets read-via bottle. Recommenaea many years vr I o. xMauuurK auu ,tue unarJestOn aUilrtjKita thsmwia. -'For salyf VVpitern CnroliriA. R.n w. c.'Osrmiesaci. , " i -------- ,Tjr : 7,45 pm 7.65 am 7.55 am 7.40 am Ar Memphis Lv. - 9.00 pm ,t 7.10pm 8.80am 8.20am Ar..... Uaoon Lt. .00am 7.10pm 7.10pm MURPHY 0 I No. It. 9.15 am 10.45 am 11.00 am 12.40 pm No. If 2.46 pm Lv.. Ashevffle Ar. ..lCpm lv waynesvills .......Ar. 4.80 pm Lv.. ..... Balsamr ....... ...Ar. lv Brysos City .......Lv. Ar.......... Murphy Jjt. No. 18. ' 5.50pm 4.10 pm 2.85 pm "45 pm No. 20 12.35 pm 10.28 am 10.10 am 8.40 am 5.80 am i ..... . Daily Excep- Sunday. rrains 27 and 11, and 12 and 28, otrry Pull man .leepers between New York, Washington, Asheville, Hot Springs, Chattanooga and Nashville. Trains v and U, and 10 and 12 between Jackson ville, : Savannah, Charleston Asheville, Hot Springs,; Knoxvllle and Cincinnati. Trains 25 and 26 carry Pullman sleep, era between Salisbury, Asheville, Hot Springs Chattanooga &nd Memphis. Trains S3 and 84 carry Pullman sleep ers ibetwee Ashevme, Atf antaj vMaconj !a Spartanburg; and. Pullman sleep rs between Ashevine, KoozvUL -Chat- . I - . tanooga, Birmingham md lloblls, I via Morrlstown. ; , I . - Trams 12 and 14 carry'; Pulmian par lor cars between 1 Asheville, Spartan burg, c lumbla and Chariest n. i Together with our v excellent equip ment and schedules: to the nort jand e all rail through Wks!agtont ! the public's special attention is called to3 out rail and rwater route to the nortb and east Southern Railway and the Ches 9 sjaoirs srnpatros "nim, mT od ie& pio . Tixja Ximods trs &n -pjtC5 A fanoyton v xA0Zm sfvp Dafly Except Sunday. Comfort (Fort Monroe), Va., Ylrti Beach, Ne port Nsws, etc ; Frank's. Gannes, TUri "Vice Pl dent and General -Manager, WasW ton, D. J. M. Culp, Trafflc Washington, D. ; ' . A. Turk, eraj Passenger Ageat, Washlngw. ; Hjurdwlck Ai . P. A., ta,(. ra.i C. A Benscater, A. G. F. Chattanoogi'. Tean.; W., :H. Tayloa ' rs. t" k t ..t ii. ' . ' t T)Srli ClPassenger and Ticket Agea-