. , -.1 . . : . -j : f j 2 jf t " - 5. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER2 7 1900. r n 1 'f '- THE MARKETS A L. J BY TELEGRAPH The public should , understand that many pedicines contain ingredients that r were never intended by Nature to enter the hu inan system. Such dangerous things as lead, rtoDoer. zinc, mercury and arsenic are fre quently used, to say nothing of stimulants jnd opiax-es. Qr. David IConncdy'o Favorite Romotfy jn the other hand, is an absolutely iafe and harmless medicine for all diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood. It contains no minerals in any form, no danger ous stimulants, no mercury or . poi ion. It contains vegetable juices only. Invalids and children; can take it with perfect safety. It is a grand medicine for aged people, who are growing weak as the years pass by. 'For all dis tressing forms of Kidney Troubles and for stubborn Constipation it is Incomparable. It goes deep and cures, Wm. Brown, of Danbury, Cowl, had Kidney Tronblo tht Tory wont way. He could not sleep, and had to get up constantly during the night. Urine passed from him involuntarily in the daytime also. Two or three bot tles of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy restored his Kidneys to per fect action. A tarf bottl f Favorite Remedy can be boaght at drag ttona for $1, r six bottles far ta. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Bend roar name and address to the DR. DAVID BSNNEDY CORPORATION, Rondout, N. Y., attttofling' this paper. You will receive by re torn mail, absolutely free, a trial bottle of Fa write Remedy and a pamphlet containing val ubla medical advice, such as everybody needs. TRY THIS TEST, Put some urine in a glass tumbler and let it stand 24 hours. A sediment at the bottom, tr milky, cloudy appearance indicates that the kid- neys are in a dangerous condition and that Favorite Remedy is badly needed. Healthy urine is clear and does not stain linen. THE BURLINGTON ROUTE New througb train, to Parian Pa get Sound, "-.he .urlinrtoai Northern Pacific Express," No. 41, from St. lxyi at 9:00 a. m. for Kansas City, St. Jo eph, Northwest m Nebraska. Black Hills, Wyoming, Montana. W jsni ijj tom, Tacoma, Seattle, Puget Seund anl Portland, Oregon,' via Billings, Mont. tie short line and time saver to the Up per Northwest. To the Puget Sun is 77 hours. Through coaches, chair cara (seats free), standard sleeper and din log cars with through tourist kleepeni from Ktjuujt City. , This is tk mala traveled route St. Ixraia to the Nortk west. , Number S, "Nebrasksv-Ctolurado Bz presa," midday train from St. Louis fsr :;etraaka, Oulorado, Utah, Paeiiie Coast; one night t Denver. Alas for St. Paul, Minneapolis aoJd beyttnd. No. 15, at 8:46 p. m... St. Ixmis U Kansas City, Omaha, St. Joseph, Kan sas, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah. Pa dflc coast, via Denver, also to the North wiest Montana, Waahin; ten, Or egon, via Lincoln and Billing Please -write: j J. N. MER.RIL.Ti, Gem So. Agt, S N. Pryer St., Atlanta, Qa,; L. W. WAKB LBT, Gen. Pass. Agt., St. Liouir, Mo.; HOWARD BLXJOTT, Gen. JL, n., St Louis, Mo. YESTERDAY'S QUOTATIONS' ON NlEJW YORK (EXCHANGES AND CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET., Pi o visions Quiet and Steady Crops Fair Condition Good Highest, Lowest and Closing Quota tions for Active Sitpcfce toy Special Telegraph. Features of the Cotton Market. . .. Reported by Murphy & Oo., Brokers, 11 Church Street, Asheville. . He is a fool "who thinks that others do not think. Dr. David Kennedys Ifavorife Memedy Cures all kidney. Stomach 'AND , LI VCR TROUBLES. New York, Sept 26. The stock anar ket opened quiet but genemlly at slight advances (from yesterday's final level. The covering of short comltracts, -wihich was the feature of yesterday's declines was resumed' at the opening of 'busi ness tMs morni'ng and was again ap parently Ind-uced1 by the absence of any considerable liquidation' or pressure of kliudl upon the araarkeit. There was very little change in actual outside condi tions. The repoits fram the auithracite coal region inidiciated rather irn'ore threatening conditions ttihi morning, but neither the general stock market nkr any of ''the shares particularly con cerned were materially affected in coon sequence. The London market far American stocks was shown at slightt advances, an additional helpful influ ence in the (local dealings, arad! moderate purchases for foreign account were made. Strong features at the opening were Sugar, T. & I. and People's Gas. Among the specialties and in the rail Ivtay list St. Paul, U. P. and JC. & O. and CVCainthaJttan Railway advanced sharply after the opening and B. R. T. was also in fair request. Late In- the day the report was circulated that Mar kle Bros.' men will go back to work Thursday. This affected the general list very (favorably and the imarkelb Im mediately (became strong and excitedi, closing1 at a sensational advance over last might's figures for the entire list. Sales first hour, 80,697. Prominent bull imtereslts bid tup stocks 'but 'with drew on appearance of long stock. London trade 'bought moderately. A large amount of Utnloni Pacific com mon has -been marketed between .68 and 54. The stock has been .lougiht by small traders around TStreet and they did not care ito hold it against loss. It is certain insiders are confident as ever lio regard to vaiue of the Union Pacific and the probability if its being able to maintain a dividend. New York Sept. 26. -Cotton in Liv erpool declined' 13 and 16?64d. on near SOUTHERN RAILWAY IN EFFECT JUNE 10, 1900. "s1 N.tt. No. S7-11. No. . 4.30 pm 12.05 am 6.55 pm 3.50 am 9.20 pm 6.22 am Lv.. Baltimore Saetern Tima v New York At. Lv Philadolphia Ar. At. No. 12-S8. 12.42 pm 10.15 am 8.OO1 No. tS. 6.15 am 2.86 am 11.25 pm No. U. N t2. 10.43 pm 11.15 am Ijv Washicton Ar. 6.42 am 9.06 pm 6.10 am 6.07 pm liV Danville Ar. 11.26 pm l.SOpm 12.10 am 12.01 pm L.V. RlchxionJl .Ar. 6.40 am C.26 pm 8.35 pm 9.1Qam Lv Norfolk Ar. ?.20am 6.55 pm 1.10am 2.50pm Lv Selma Ar. .Warn 12.35pm 2.09 am 3.50 pm Lv Raleigh Ar. 2.45 am 11.35 am 5.1Cam 6.35pm Ar... .... Greensboro ..Lv. 1145pm 8.60am 5.55 am 7.20 am 9 20 am 11.00 am 1.06 pm 9.10 am 10.12 am 13.62 em 11.13 am 12.34 pm 2.12 pm 2.20 pm 2.40 pm 4.02 pm 5.55 pm 7.40 pm 11.35 pm 7.10 pm 7.40 pm 8.03 pm 9.01 pm 9.20 pm 10.30 pm 12.03 am 12.10 am 12.15 a. . 1.29 am 3.00 am 4.25 am 7.40 am 7.10 pm 9.20 am 10.38 am 12.30 pm 2.10 pm 5.60 pm 7.40 am Central Time. Lv...." Salisbury Ar. Lv Statesvine Ar. Newton ...Ar. Lv Hickory Ar. Lv Mariom Ar. Lv Biltmore Ar. Ar Asheville ........ Lv. Lv AahevlUe ....Ar. Lv Hot Spring Ar. Lv Morrostown Ar. Lv Kn vllle Ar. Ar Chattanooga Lv. Ar Memphis Lv. Ar Bristol Lv. 6.35 pm 5.27 pm 5.00 pn 4.41pm 3.22 pm 1.40 pm l.SOpm 1.10 pm 11.45 am 9.50 am 8.25 am 4.00 am 9.15 1 9.40 am 8.63 am 8.18 am 8.01 am 6.52 am 5.26 am 6.20 am 6.15 am 4.00 am 2.30 am 1.16 am 10.00 pm 9.15 am ....... 6.00 pm 4.28 pm 2.40 pm l.SOpm 9.66 am 8.16 pm l . a ... . i . 9.25 pm 7.68 pm 6.90 pm 4.26 pm I. pm - i M. i I 6.40am 6.33 pm ....... Ar Nashville Lv. 10.00pm 9.1; am ., 60am 7.60 pr Ar... Louisville LV 7.46pm 7.40am , i 2 r- 7.30am 7.80pm ......... Ar Conctnoatl .........L. 8.90pm J.30am ......... 8. It am Ar New Orleans lit 7.3 pm ......... 7. ttam Ar Mobile Lv 7.99 pm - ' 1 1 " No. 14. 7.00 am 08 am 8.02 am 9.13 am 11.22 am 8.20 pm No. 10. 2.05 pm 2.12 pm 2.57 pm 4.00 pm 6.0Qpm 9.35 pm No. 84. 8.00 pm 8.10 pm 9.00 pm 10.1 pm 12 5 am A. AND S; BRANCH; Central Time. Lv. , Asheville Ar. Lv Biltmore Ar. Lv Hendersonville Ar. Lv Tyron ,. Ar. Eastern Time. Ar partanburs; ...... .Lv. Ar Columbus ...Lv. No. 18. 6.16 pm 6.07 pm 6.11 pm 4.00 pm 8.40 pm 11 40 No. t. 12.10 pm 12.08 pm 11.18 am 1.6 am 9.66 am 1.10 aa No. 88. 9.96 am 8.66 am 8.02 am 7.99 am 7.98 am " 17 Dm 7 10 am Ar Chariest Lv. 7 Oam 11.00 pm - ' - r Central Time. ... ffi&am Ar Savannah . 12.06 am ......... ......... . o 2Sam ......... Ar Jacksonvlll Lv 7.45 pm ......... o 00am Ar.... August. ....... Lv. 9.00pm 9.30pm "v m p - . - a 8 56pm 5.10am 6.18am Ar..... Atlaata Lv. 7.60am 11.60pm 11.69pm - : i - . 7 40am 8.80pm 8.89pm Ar New Orleans .......Lv. 7.46pm 7J6am 7.66am w- ' 7.40am Ar. MempMi .........Lv. 1.00pm . .- ... 7.13pm 8.80am 8.39am Ar........... jlCacom ....... ....lv - 8.00am 7.10pm 7.19pm ......... -No.lT. Ko.19 9.15 an 2.45 pm 10.45 a: n .lCpm 11; 00 am 4.80 pm 12.40 pm ......... MURPHY BRANCH; Central Time. Lv Asheville ......... Ar. Lv.. WaynesvUle .Ar. Lv.. ..... Balsam ..Ar. Lv.. ...... Bryson City .......Lv. Ar Murpky ..Lv. Ne.18. S.tO'pm 4.10 pm 8.85 pm 1 46 pm Iho. 20 12.85 pm 10.88 am 19.10 am 8.49 am . 6.10 am .. .. ...... .. Illy Excep- Sunday. I n and U, and 12 and 38, ccrry man .leepers between New Tork, nlngton. Asheville. Hot Springs. 5? and in .nA 19. h At ween Jackson- Savannah, Charleston, - Asheville, rt, Kaoxvllle and Cincinnati. H kJ8 u and 36 carry Pullman sleep- I Ttu' ittanooga taifl Memphis. S wlW and M carry Pullmaa tfeep vween Asheville, Atlanta; Macon, artanburg; and Pullman - sleep en Aahe-riiie, Knoxvill. Chat- tanooga, Birmingham and Mobile, via Morristown. t ' Trains 18 and 14 carry Pnllxnaii pr lor c&M between AahevlUe, : Bpx4n burg, C lumbia and Chariest . Together with our ewellen eqnrp ment and schedules to the next o er: ' all rail through' Waiatogtonv the public special attention Is called toi eur ran and water route to thenorthand east-ecutkera BaUway aad fly : siioxre mpe! rf PUi io pio lTA ? ATTmuodde o suj Dally Except Suafiar. Comfert (Fort Monroe), Y., Vlrgma Beach, ,Ne port News, etc ' - , - raak S. Csfl TUri !ce Presl and 10 and u-64 d. am late swsitlonflt I w wnrg& reoejpes ait Bouuiera ports land Interiors and freer offerings to (Europe. This tmarket opened about seven points lower and further declined about six points aa Hq-uidaitAng sales land more aggressive feeling among professional .bear operaftors, recovered about six points toward 12 o'clock, on some shortts covertag. The unoc- taHaalty about the crops, and belief in 'higher (prices ultimately if total yield promises to be under 9 750,000, 4s apt to attract speculative buying on soft spots. VALUABLE PEBBLES. STOCKS. High. Anaconda 41 1-2 Am. S. & w. . 30 5-8 Am. Soig. Ref . . 114 3-8 Am. Tob .... 87 7-8 A. T. & S. F. . 26 1-2 A. T.1& S.F. pfd 8 5-8 B. &O 67 1-2 B. & O. ptMi . . 75 Bkyn. R. T. ... 49 3-8 Ches. & O. . . . 26 5-8 C. B. & Q. . . 122 Colo. P. & I. . . 29 3-4 txm. Uas. ... 116 Con. Tob 25 1-4 Fed. Sit. pfd. . 61 1-2 Fed. 'Steel. ... 31 5-8 Gen. Bleotrie... 133 1-4 Illinois 115 i4 Jersey Central . 131 Rep. St 10 3-4 L. & N 70 1-4 Manhattan L Met. St. Ry. Mo 85 3-4 146 1-4 Pa; 48 1-4 25 127 3-4 48 3-4 19 1-2 28 Nat. St. . N. Y. Cen. Nor. Pac. . Ont. & W. Pac. Mail. . P una 126 1-2 People's Gas. .. 84 3-4 Read. 1st. pfd.. 54 3-4 Rock Island. .. 105 St. Paxil 112 1-4 Soulthern 11 1-8 Southern pfd .. 51 1-2 Tenn. C. & I. . 55 Union Pao ... 55 Union Pac. pfd 71 7-8 U. S. Leather .. 9 3-8 IjOW. 41 29 7-8 112 3-4 85 1-4 26 67 7-8 66 74 3-4 48 1-8 26 120 5-8 29 5-8 164 3-4 24 1-8 61 1-4 30 5-8 133 115 1-4 128 10 1-2 bi 1-4 85 143 7-8 46 3-8 24 1-4 127 1-2 46 1-2 19 1-8 27 1-2 125 3-8 83 3-8 51 3-8 103 3-4 111 1-4 11 1-8 51 52 1-4 54 . 71 3-4 9 1-8 CI os. 41 ' 30 114 6 8 86 1-2 26 68 1-4 66 7-8 74 3-4 48 3-4 26 1-2 121 29 3-4 166 24 1-8 61 1-4 30 5-8 133 115 1-4 131 10 3-4 69 3-4 85 146 1-2 47 1-4 25 127 1-2 47 3-8 19 1-2 27 1-2 126 54 3-4 104 x 112 1-4 11 1-8 51 53 1-4 54 7-8 71 7-8 9 1-8 COTTON. 'Cdtiton recovered the morning's de cline af ten poiints owing- to Orders1 to buy from the souitih, chiefly New Or leans. The feeling is mervous and un certain as large receipts are expe-ted to cause some further decline, but the fear of early killing frost or furtiher crop deimage is a dominating feature. Port receipts this week may reach 270.000, against 150,000 last week and 246,000 same iweek a year ago - COTTON. New York spot 10 3-4. Hhrh. Jan 9 63 Feb 9 61 Ma-r 9 62 April. . 9 53 May 9 62 4 9 46 June. . July . Aug .' .. 9 40 Sept ".. 10 20 Oct .. 10 04 Nov 9 56 Deo 9 63 Low. ' 9 44 9 45 9 44 9 44 9 44 9 46 9 40 10 02 9 85 9 56 9 44 Close. 9 62 9 62 9 62 9 62 9 62 9 61 9 60 9 48 10 30 10 02 9 75 9 62 dentGenaJN stomach. Good heaUfc tol- iron. MJm v . . ,. Waailngton, D. I eraTPaweiiaWAjw Ci S. I . Hardwlck, A-" V P. Atlan ta? !hu; C. A. Beajat, A.a. A W. JL -XUhJiomH CRAINS. Chicago, Sepit. 26. The conditions which developed In the wheat market this morralng were not important. The opening -was at a little decline from the final off yesterdiay, and the foreign mar kets iwere also a lilttle disappoiinting.. London and Liverpool were both' dowmi with small interest reported at the mark. London market and Paris was quiet. Thetra.de aflter the opening ap peared ito 'be largely professional. The IlMnois crop report states that prospects favor a smlaller acreage this year than last and the com1 crop isisafe. North west receipts were small, only 315 cars, against 799 'last year. The govemmietntt) bulletin says the acreage of winter wheat in the Ohio valley will be smaller than last year and in some sections seeding is being delayed, on account of Hessian fly. Wheat iwas firm at mid day on light offerings. The close iwas barely Slteady. CHICAGO. High. Low. Wheat Oct 78 Nov 78 3-4 Corn Oct 40 3-8 Nov 37 1-4 Oats Oct 21 7-8 Nov 22 1-4 Ribs Oct Lard Oct 7 07 Nov 7 05 :-rk Oct 12 00 76 3-8 77 1-2 39 1-4 36 5-8 21 5-8 22 1-8 Close. 77 1-4 78 1-8 39 1 37 1- 21 7-8 22 3-8 55 7 50 7 52 7 02 7 02 12 ob 7 05 7 02 12 00 CORN. Trade was again unse'titled with a squeeze In September, and prices ad vanced rapidly. Other deliveries showed but little -change. The crops continue fair and weather conditions were good. Corn is practically saf e arad in the prin cipal states li.!he crop is reported- secure. Corn was strong for near deliveries and fairly adtive at midday. Later deliv eries was 'less responsive. The close wa steady. PROVISIONS . Provisions opened quiet and about steady with trade mainly present. , Live hogs were in fair supply at unchanged prices. Provision closed dull. NlEJW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE. Wheat High. Low. Close. Deo 84,1-4 83 3-8 84 Corn Dec 42 1-8 41 5-8 42 1-8 1 I TVERPOOL COTTON. By private wire to Murphy " Co. The follc-wlng were the ruling quota tions in the exchange today. Tone quiet. Sales 3,000. Mid, Opng Jan-Feb 5 17 Feb-Mar .. .. 5 17 Maa-Aprf! 5 14 Aprtl-Mlay 5 13 May-June. 5 12 June-July ; . 5 11 July-Aug ..' 5 07 Aug-Sep- 6 56 Sep-Oct 6 05 Oot-iNov 5 36 Nov-Dec 5 26 Dec-JamL ... 6 22 6 7-8. Close & 16 5 13 512 5 10 5 09 5 07 5 06 6 53 6 59 5 31 5 24 5 19 : Large sun spots, astronomers say, caused the extreme heat this summer, and-i doctors declare nearly all iowa good dlgeatloo. .Kodol Dipepsla Cure digests wlbjait yon eat. If s you have indigestion or dyspepsia It wfil quickly relieve and permanently cure you. Dr. T. C Smith. X TAniffia Er.: . XL Dmeby, r. 1 ; A -; qo pairs xjaai- -xvu uiiww Cl.y Passnger a& Tleket Aet. AOa-. 0 A vxur 00 pairs Iiadlea' Tan roxfords, J to 5, Preeiona Stones , That Come la the Font of GraTeL Did you ever search for unusual peb bles? Nearly everywhere there are semi precious stones to be found in the com mon gravel, but few people know how to look for them, says the Cincinnati, En quirer. Jasper is red, mottled with every color of the rainbow, but not transparent; carnelian is red, of many shades, trans parent; chalcedony is white or gray, transparent and rather -soft; rock crystal is white and transparent. Make your pebbles wet, hold them up to the light, and, if you can see through .them, they are, according to color, carnelian, chal cedony or rock crystal. If there are no flaws, these pebbles are worth cutting for ornaments. Now, if the pebbles are banded black and white or brown and white, with the white bands transparent, that is onyx, a valuable stone used for cutting into cam eo gems. If the pebbles are banded in red, white, gray or any other colors, they are agate. Some agates are banded of a dozen different kinds of precious stones, others are like clear glass, with beautiful mosslike or treelike markings, and moss agate is worth money. Jet is a soft, opaque, black stone, which was once the sap of the pitch pine, but has turned into a fine variety of cannel coal Fragments of fossil pine trees are always found with the jet. Hundreds of tons are used for mourning jewelry. None of these stones are so precious as the topaz. Pebbles of topaz may be known because they are very clear yel low. The darker kinds are known as smoky quartz. Another class of lovely gem pebbles are the common amethysts, ranging through every possible shade of purple and violet. Garnets appear as deep red, transparent crystals, stuck u the rock and looking at first sight like the heads of rusty nails. ECZEMA. ITCHING HUMORS. TIM PLUS CTJR1BJ1J BY B. B. B. Bottle Free to Suffer rs. tresslng Eruptions on the Skin so you feel ashamed to be seen in company I Do Scabs and Scale form on the Skin, Hair or Scalp? Have you Eczema? Skin Sore and Ci-cked? Rash form on the Jkto? Prickling Pain ln the Skin' Bolls? Pimples? Bone Pains? Swol len Joints? Falling Hair? All Run Down? Skin Pale? Old Sores? Hating Sores? Ulcers? AM these are symp toms of Eczema and Impuriti and Poisons in the blood. To stay cured take B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) which makes the blood pure and rich. B. B. B. will cause tLe sores to heal, itching of eczema to stop forever, the akin to become dear and the breath sweet. B. B. B. la just the remedy you have been looking for. Thoroughly test ed for thirty years. Our readers are advised to try B. B. B. For sale by all druggists at $1 per largw bottle; six large bottles (full treatment) $5. Com plete directions with each bottle. Si sufferers may test it, a trial bottle given away. Write for it. Address BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. Describe your trouble aod free personal mrdlcal ad vice given. DAILY GAZETTE: Is on sale at the folloY7 ing places in the state : :-ggVTTJJC: 2 S. 4 H. Taylor Rogers. C. V. Ray. F. P. Bainbridge. Asheville Printing Co. L. Bkunberg. Battery Park Hotel News Room. Berkeley Hotel News Room. , Swannanoa Hotel New Room. Southern Railroad Depot. ON ALL TRAINS of the Southern Railroad entering and leaving Asheville. HENDERSONVILLE: A. F. P. King. WAYNES VILLE : Waynes vllle Pharmacy . B .EVARD: Leonel Young & Fisher HOT SPRINGS: Mountain Room. Park Hotel News RALEffGH: rarboragh House N-vs Room. MORG ANTON: B S. Gaither. CHARLOTTE: Buford Hotel News Room. GREENSBORO: MeAdoo House News Room. WINSTON-SALEM: Phoenix Hotel News Room.' Carolina M-Weslim Railway TIME CARD.' Effective September 16, 1900. Northbound Passenger. Mixed. 7.40 am 8.30 am 8.46 am 10.40 am 9.48 em 12. $7 pm 9.48 am 1.15 pm . ..10.45 am . . . 11 . 33 am . ..12.00 m . ..12.15 pm ... 1 . 16 pm Passenger. . .. 2.00 pm . . . 3.02 pm . . . 3.30 pm 2.45 pm 4.30 pm 5.10 pm 5.50 pm 7.50 pm Mixed. 6.30 am 8.50 am 9.20 am Good resolutions are like pet bears few people keep them. You can spell it cough, coff, caugh, kauf, kaff, kough or kaugh, but the only harmless remedy that' quickly cures it Is One Minute Cough Cure. Dr. T. C. Smith. A fool in the society of the wise is like a fish out of water. Dr. David Kennedys fiavorite Memedy CURES ALL KIDNEY. STOMACH AND LIVER TROUBLES. A man who is deceived by good for tune is crushed by ill-fortune. REST-CURE PLACE. One of the most beautiful houses In Asheville, charmingly situated, sur round ed by 62 acres of land; on street car line; 10 minutes' walk to postofflce. Blegantt general table for rerJ cure boarders. Hygienic diet for those under Si tin .fin t QUXSISANA SANITARIUM, 167 French Broad avenue. A smelting furnace is not an appar atus for cooking smelt. - 1300 pairs Men's 1 ummer Vici Kid Shoes, tan and black, at rstual cost at G. Mean Shea St- . 50 YEARS "CrEXPERIENCE T" I 1 ... -v w." T-ll 11 A TRADE 1Y1 ARlvS OrsiGNS Copyrights Ac qrlekly ascertain our opinion free wbetner an invention Is probably patentable. Commmricn. tiona strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent sent free. Oldea agency for Becurlnp' patents. Patents taken borough Mann & Co. receive tpttial notice, without charsre, in the Scientific America;;. A handsomely flrastrated weekly. Jreest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms. S3 a year i focr months, 4L Bold by all newsdealers. HllUfl & Cg,3618 Hew York Branch Office. 625 F 8 Washington. t. C. C. & 17. C. The direct route from Asheville and the Mountain Resorts to Augusta, Georgia, and Carolina points. Pullman Chair Cars from Ashe ville to Spartanburg, Pullman Buffet Cars from 8partanburgto Augusta. Leave Asheville 8:00 am Hendersonville.... 9:02 am 8partanbiirg...... .1:45 am Arrive Augusta.. ........... 5;10 pm Aikfn w 7:30 pm See that your tickets read via SJp - rtanbug and the Charleston & Western Carolina Baihpray ;: Chester Leave.. Torkville " . . Gasbonla " . . Gastonla " . . Llncolnton " Newton . . Hickory " .. Hickory . . Leno'ir Arrive. .. Southbound. Lenoir Leave Hickory " Newton " Lmcolnton Gastonla " Gastonla " . . Yorkville Chester Arrive CONNECTIONS. Chester Southern Ry., S. A L. & C. Yorkville S. C, & G. Extension. Gasrtonia Southermi Ry. Llncolnton S. A. L. Newton and Hickory Southern Ry. Lenoir Blowing' Rock Stage Line and C. & N. E. F. REID, G. P. Agt., Chester. S. C. 4.20 pm 11.10 am 5.20 pm 12.35 pm 5.30 pm . . 6.40 pm .. 7.50 pm 1.12 pm 3.20 pm 5.15 pm L., and Tranlvania Railroad Company, General Offices Brevard, N. C. SUMMER SCHEDULE. In Effect June 14. 1900. Si am 0.20 I.S5 7,40 85 $.1 STATIONS. 1.15 1.S0 1.42 1.62 2.01 2.10 2.15 2.25 2.45 Lv.... Brevard ....Ari9.50 6.11 ...Davidson River... Penrose Blantyr Etowah Po nnnn Horse Shoe Yale 18 401.... Ar. Hendersonville IiVj8.20j5.2t i (3 if a. Ul 9.33 8.23 3.18 9.03 8.55 ".50 f ti llac tattoos. Connects with Southern Railway at Lenderson ville. J. P. HATS, General K jnager. T. S. BOSWBLL, Superintedent. Bre-rard, June 'A, 190Qt. The C. H. & D. Trains between CINCINNATI, TOLEDO & DETROIT run Chruh tike mous aa. 1st tile Miami valley aod numarwss prosperous villages and cities' tf western Okie and southsrn Wehr Igan. Tkere an fsur . tkrorJ trains each way. PuUmea stosp era on nikt Iraias. THE MIGHIGAII FLYER, Tubuiei ames pari and cafe arc; wttSI elegant through day caachsa Leaves Cincinnati 1 p. m.? stm rivea Tc4eds 6:S0 p. nx; arrtrssi DetroU 8:20 p. m. On f ttsi finest trains in tfea central THE C. H. & II Is the direct m firori and the soutn te the fsgcStf ' summer reeorVs of TtftcliigaaranI Canada. Connects cut Toledo "wltai steamers o Lake Brie andwlttt rcl liner, tor interior padnte; - at Detroit wit ran and steames lines for lnlxl and lata rsscrti. MEALS are served ta tfcu C. ft Dfl cafe cars a la carte, one tana W tng able to order as 4dd, M moderate prlees. - F UR FAST TRAINS tfctrree Ciacinnati, IndJtauiaUs 1 Cs4 cago. " Agents of eonnsotlsis; rtade win sell yea ttekete roattaf -rla-C. H. D. Ry.. -t,: '.-: . D. O. EOWAEDS. : ..'ti, 'Ladles' Oxford Tie at cost at A Maars Shoe Store. i u J ( .V ,71 '1 I -4 ft i ' f v r - 1 1 'r v