THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE,. OCTOBER 5 1900 TO -V V i tf v ' V. V - ' 4 ' I r -5 I,- ill 'if n s ' -V (5 XL: 1. Sf THE GAZETTE. AJSHJBVJJLLB, N. C. PiIiseEtery morning Exeept Mondays fJWtm ASHEVTIiLE GAZETTE PUB LISHING COMPIAUT. Stames E. Norton President. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Dally Gazette, one year ...$4.00 Daily Gazette, twelve weeks...... 1.00 Da&y Gazette, one month1 ... 40 "Weekly Gazette, one year . 1.00 Weekly Gazette, six month .60 GAZETTE TELEPHONES: 3usnesa office, 202, two rings. Editorial 'rooms, 202, three rings. (( 1 ) The best Furnitu e is the least expensive. Wdth proper care It will wear and look 'well for years. Shoddy furniture looks well for a time, and ithen the buying operation must he repeated. We sell nothing but good furniture, nsoA the prices are probably lower than you thdnk. The EmpOi ium, 45 PATTON AVE. THE OPPRESSED FILIPINOS. "We have no right to ake from' the Filipinos what our fathers prized so liighly. This proposition is not only 4ad, but 't threatens the very life and the perpetuity of republican principles in this country.," piously observed F. M. Simmons at the Asheville opera' house Wednesday night, and we can eee his eyes water for the poor, op pressed Filipinos, who are being de iprfved of the freedom '-which our fore fathers prized so highly. These words of the hero of the late"glorious victory" in North Carolina and the author of the Simmons law, .about republican prin ciples being threatened in this country would draw tears from a wooden image Elsewhere, in his address the patriotic Simmons referring to the election in this state in August said: "It was bet ter for the negro as well as for us that he should be eliminated and we elim inated him." And how did you "elimin ate" Mm? How in New Hanover? How in Halifax? How in Rofbeson, Ede-eoombe and all the other counties in which the negroes1 are numerous? Did you do it according to the United States consitution, or the constitution of North Carolina? Is high way, robbery elimination? Is the counting tof 4,500 negro votes in Halifax county as dem ocratic eliminating them? Is the elec tion of a democratic 'governor in North Carolina by stolen negro votes not eliminated in the return but counted es cast for the democratic candidates -defending the perpetuity of republi can principles in this country? Oh, the poor, black Filipinos! How our tiearts bleed for them that they should be deprived of -what our forefathers prized so highly! "We" who eliminate negroes at home, weep for the elimin ation of tnose abroad. They who "love F. M. Simmons for the "enemies he has made" rmist also stand in awe struck admiration of hlnx for his devo tion to the principles of the republic end their application to the negroes . in the Philippine islands. Mr. Sim . nons -gave further notice that he la "heart and soul for every single plank The stock of KID GLOVES we carry would do justice to a large metropolis. The celebrated Centemeri Kid Gloves stand without a peer. We have them in blacks, whites and the latest fall shades in glace and suede. ,A new feature is their Washable Glace Kids in all colors, which can be washed with water and ordinary soap. We also have a ? line of Kid Gloves at 89c; a guaranteed Glove for gt. 25, in colors and black; Misses' Kid Gloves in, large assortment. 3 : BON MARCHE. is south Mam st of the Kansas City platform." With some people 4Jt tatoneor a re pudiation of the United States constitu ion. Mr. Simmons aid he was "proud er than ever of the ;reat leader (Bry an) ; he stands today tfie first dftzen of the land; "first ln wisara9 f breadtii of power and moral grasp, the peer of any man1 living- in the world today.'' Now if Col. -Bryan wouiaeadorse the Simmons' law and North Carolina red shirt militarism, we could regard the demoaguinaldite national campain as inaugurated in this state. Cleveland's former cabinet does not support Bryan to rany great extent. John G. Carlisle was elected "last week to the presidency of the lawyers' Sound Money Campaign club, and Wil son S. Bissell and Daniel S. Damont are as firm in their advocacy of the gold standard and in their opposition to Bryanism as Mr. Carlisle. Nor is Mr. Carlisle the only democratic lawyer in the new Sound Money club. He is associated with Wheeler H. Peckham, Franklin Barrett, George C. Rives, George Hoadley, Francis Lynde Stet son and other men of prominence who vote the democratic ticket when, as the Times says, there is a democratic platform. The Swiss republic has a standing army that is forty times as large as ours proportionately to the population. It also has the referendum and sever al other things, but no signs of a war or an empire. The United States is not the only successful republic on eaTth. In answer to Bryan's declaration that the republican party claims credit for beneficial acts of Providence, Roose velt .says he is willing to admit a fusion of the party with Providence but he never knew of the democratic party having acted with Providence. Dr. Mac Arthur, the well known Bap tist minister, in speaking of Chinese misisons, said he doubted if China had an (organization so vile as Tammany. He might also have mentioned the North Carolina red shirt (boxers. The news from China indicates that the empress doesn't mind beheading a few officials if a little thing like that is necessary in order to be let alone. Four weeks from today the national campaign of 1900 will be a thing of the past. That was a rousing reception that Roosevelt had in Lincoln, Neo. t A man out west gives bankers a tip for making a tidy sum of money in case Bryan is elected. The (plan is as follows: In October of 1900 a certain banker, having $106,000 on deposit In his bank and believing Mr. Bryan will be elect ed, takes the $106,000 to Wall street, and purchases 200,000 Mexican silver dollars for 53 cents each each of these heavier and finer than the American silver dol lar. 'He then stores his Mexican silver dollars in his vaults. In March, 1901, Mr. Bryan being pres ident, and a free silver coinagejaw en acted, the banker takes1 his 200,000 Mexican isilver dollars to the United States mint and has them coined into 200.000 American silver dollars! He then issues a notice to the depos itors to meet him in the bank and ad dresses them as follows: "My friends and depositors, you, have to your credit in my 1ank $106,000, and as I intend to retire fromi business I herewith give you your $106,000 in bright, new Amer ican silver dollars and you will note that I have 194,000 left for myself! Be fore I start on my pleasure trip to Eu rope kindly tell me whom I shall thank for this handsome present?" In the year 1896 the average attend ance in tfhe public schools of this coun try wasi 9,747,015, for whom 400,325 teachers 'were employed, alt an expense of $116,377,778, tne -total outlay for edu cation iin. public schools being $184,453,- 780. In 1897 there was an average dally attendance of 10,089,620 children there were 403,333 teachers, officers, and 'teach ers were paid $119,303,542, and ithe whole expenditure for public school mainte nance was $187,320,602. In 1898 they lhad 10,286,092 daily attendamce, 409,193 of fleers and teachers were employed to conduct them, at $123,809,412, and the whole cost of public schools was $194, 020,470. The Washington Post thinks the ap pearance of Sixto Uopez, the Filipino emissary, in this counitry is umttimely, to say the least, aind says: "He will do the cause of the Filipinos no good and. most certainly will iprove an em barrassment to the democrats In Ithe further exploitation of Hheir paramount issue. The manifestos' whldh he has issued5 from Uondon have natural ly fallen flat. If our democrattic frietad have brought hfan here and it is 'dif ficult to credit such a theory they can not too soon send him hack to London." -5 mmmmmmmmmmr , . . , , i i.i ii i i j i i i tii ii , , . mmm mm mm S A CLEAR HEAD. good digestion; sound sleep; a fine appetite and a ripe old age. are soine of the results of the use 6f Tutt's Liver fills. A single dose will convince you of then wopdertul effects and virtue. A Known Fact. An absolute cure for sick head ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stomach, dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills Mrs. Frank Leslie has again resigned her editorship of Leslie's Monthly, but it is said that her "resignation" ds of the kind to which she is not resigned. The recognition of the labor union seems to be the issue now inthe coal fields. Wages have been raised to the point demanded. A "New York physician think the heavy shoes thaic are now fashionable for 'women's wear, as well as the pres ent style of' corsage, are going t)o in crease 'their doctor bill this winter. Makers of fashions evidently act on the French met to that it is necessary to suffer in order to be beautiful. Some of (the valuable records at the Woodlawn police station in Chicago, used in tracing criminals, 'have ibeen eaten by two goats. Chemical examinations made in the laboratory of the university of Uur toainai, 111., thave shown tnatt soil in which for twenty-four years Indian corn has been annually raised showed 50 per cent, more exhaustion' tohan soil on which for the same length of time .there had .been a rottation of crops'. The business concerns in' Germany having the largest 'number or em ployes are Krupp's works,, at Essen with 44,087 Workmemi; the Hamburg American line, at Hamburg, with' 14 643; North German Lloyd, at Bremen, with 11,200 hands; the Vulcan ship yards, at Stettin; with 7,208 workmen. STATE POLITICS. t At the regular , meeting of the Mc Kinley and Roosevelt club of Hickory tomorrow night, Prof, J. J. Britt, of Bakersville, will address the club on the issues of the day Your sins will find you out, Mr. Sim mons, but if you can use your ma chinery against Garr and Waddell, as successfully as you used It against the republicans, your chances are good for an election whether you enjoy fruits of fraud, intimidation, redshirtdsm, or not. 'Davie Record. There are only 12,369 white voters In Edgecombe county, yet that county went democratic (?) in august by 8,500 majority. Now, the question arises, will the Carr and Simmonsi vote com bined in Edgeoomibe (be 2,369, or will they still have that 3,500 majority? Will they have all the "niggers" down, there to go democratic (?) again? If the com bined vote is only 2,369, will they not show to what extent fraud and vote stealing were practised? The Cauca sian. When J. B. Fortune, Independent (?) candidate for congress, went to fill his appointment to sipeak at Boiling Springs, Cleveland county, he only found six persons present, and as they all said they were Buxton demiocrats the ex-postmaster, ex-senator, ex- clerk, etc., decided not to speak. Ver ily, how time changes all things. Time was when Fortune could draw a larger crowd than any republican in Cleveland county. Hickory Press. BRYAN'S PLATFORM My plaltform is like Joseph's coat, A crazy-quilit to get a vote. The wildest hobby I will mount, If I can call it "paramount. Come ye to rAe who nurse a sore, Add I will cure you evermore. On one thing only I'm intent I wamt to be your president. Bryan' platform, per Col. Gruber. - .. McCLURE'SFOR OCTOBER. The Octtober number of McClure's opens 'With an article on "The Strategy of Na'tfional Campaigns," attractively il lustrated by Uay Hambridge. The frontispiece, showing Governor Roose velt and Senaltor Hanna in Conference at republican national Iheadquartejrs, and the strikingly original portraits of Cleveland, Blaine, Quay, Croker, Bry an and others, lend especial interest to (this paper on the tactics of party man ager in the pr evidential campaigns of the past twenty-five years. The au thor has been in the thidk of the fight and has evidently been brought- very closely into contact with the great lead ers in the hattles which he describes. "Want" ads. in the Gazeitte reach Asheville people. Boarding houses advertised1 under classified head in the Gazette People's Column. Want Advertisements In the GueU 110 in the Sbade. Baltimore, Md., Aug. Slsrt. The thermometer would not have reg istered such a mark if some bad boy had ndt! put ewme Rumford Baking Powder under It. The Summer Resorts can turn the thermometer up side down and place Rumford Baking Powder un der it end it would register 30, just the cost of the powder per lb, vd. 30c. Rumford ia bound to riseu How much money are you giving away, when: you pay 50c. for a baking powder, when you can buy the best (Rumford) ait 30c. ? Your grocer may offer you a bak ing powder for a less price than the Rumford, but you can put it down es containing alum and should not be used. Ail first class grocers sell and use Rumford. . M . .i - if- J . .w ' c - - ' ..-., 11 J - , 11 1 i ii i CHRISTIAN SCIENCE- Editor of the Gazette: J "A41 know tfeafc la OixisiaaiHscljfcnce the patient and praxrtltiooer' depend on and trust God and: God alone for the healing !: of "he ; body1' - ia& well as the casting outt of in. Can ft be more inf ui to die trusting God than it is to die trusting some one 'else than God? Can the one who advises Ithe implicit trust in God toe more sinful than the one -who advises Implicit trust In some thing less than God?" The above paragraph, consti the gist of the defense or explanation of Mary Hatch Harrison the Christian Scientist who was in attendance on the child, Henry Parson's, previous tto his death . It seems strange that sophims so apparent should pass unchallenged, or that intelligent peo ple for a moment should be deceived by them. Carried (to its logical comp el us km the inference from Miss Har rison's statements would be that al though God has provided means for the accamplishment of certain ends He is not so much honored by having His children sltudy those means amd use them for the maintenance or restora tion of health as by having thein ig nore the means and appeal to Him di rectly to act independently -f them. In other worda, they assume 'that God prefers to work through 'miracles thairu Sn accordance with .the ordinary laws of nalture, although 'the experience of the race contradicts this assumption. If one is suffering from1 thirst the Scient ists do not advise him! "to truslt God and God alone" for relief, while refus ing the water everywhere provided. They forget that the same God who supplies water to abundance for daily needs also caused the bearing Itlhin'gs to grow "whose leaves are fo'r the healing of the nations." To learn the proper ties of these mere remedial things to investigate to experimenk in the whole realm of nature, animal, vegetable and mimeral, surely this is legitimate and praiseworthy and implies no distrust of Him who made all bhangs. If it is mot impious .to "depend On" the drink of water when one is thirsty, neither is it wrong to look for relief from other ills land discomforts in nature's grealt labo ratory. To repudiate these good -gifts, to condemn them all as "drugs" and nostrums is neither wise nor logical. There seems to be no reasonable ground for confidence thalt when one ignores natural law, trusting that a miracle will save him from the results of his acts, that wiH be justified. He who ' casks himself from the cliff is not so wise as he who, recograizing his limitations, walks down the mountain side with care and courage. Trust in Cod is shown by trust in ithe conditions He has enforced rather than in our own ability to override them or His desire to have us attempt to do so. E . H . C TEA IH CHINA. Tea growing, which forms one of China's most important industries, gives employment to thousands of wo-in-yen. This useful plant is not cultivat ed in tea gardeajs, as in India, but in patches on sloping iground, where it iwill receive plenty of moisture. Tea grows in China to a height of about three feelt and the first picking is the most important; it consists mainly of young leaves, covered iwiith a iwhltish! down, called iim Chinese pekoe, while souchong means small or rare variety: congoo, worked, from being well work ed in 'the after preparation, and Bohea, from (the locality. Great care must be taken not to in jure the plant, and thus spoil the raext props. Womemi and children strip the I twigs and can pick about fifteen pounds fir-day. The 'leaves are spread on shal low trays to dry off the moisture; they are then thrown on to .the hot pans for five minutes and rolled, on ratKan ta bles before being exposed out of doors for a few hours, durilnig which, they are carefully watched, turned and opened out. The process' is repeated a second time and the leaves are then dry and! dark. Different kinds of flowers sni as roses, orange blossom, jasmine and gardenias, are used to scent the tea. Like the French, the Chinese have but two regular meals in the day, one at 8 or 10 in the morning, the other at 5 or 6. There are numerous dainties on the ttable, which are eaten with the chop sticks, and -tea is the-beverage. The Chinese some times make their tea in teapots, much as we do, but they also frequently make it separately, ' direct ly in each cup, throwing in a few! leaves and pouring on .them 'the boiling water. The cups, which are as large as our breakfast cups, are provided with' lids, which are left on while the :ea is brewing. Pipes are smoked at inter vals during 'the meals. Chicago News. ROBBED THE GRAVE. A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver, of Philadelphia, as fol lows: "I was in an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sun ken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite, growling (weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters ; to my greato joy, the first bottle made a decided improve ment. I continued their use for Ithree weeks, and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim. No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at all druggists . Private Wire, Oontimiuou Quotations. Murphy H& Co., Brokers. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS STOCKS, COTTON, New York Office, 61 Broadway... 11 Church St., Askeville, N. C... PHONE 649. . REFETR TO Bine Ridge Nctenal Bank, Ashevllla. N. C ?-T Charlotte NatOonal BaokfZ Charlotte, N. C. Seaboard National Bank, New York. Lowry Banking Co., Atlanta, Ga. Capitol City Bank; JLtlasuta, Ga. Bradstreet Oom'al Agency. ft ; i this date O A ofno tn T flail tt a Darations for a 9 Balnbridge's Book ShopM . 47 PattoD Avenue. . Late of San Antonio, Texas. CO IPAWJJEJJCDIK. 43 South WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, .. .Telephone 318 ... The Cheltenham Fountain at the Candy Kitchen, represents the highest type of fountain-building that Lippin cott makes. It's attractive, cool tkd dainty. Our Ice Cream and Soda parlor, tn the rear, is a model oi cleanliness and ele gance. 8 THE CANDY KITCHEN, I Telephone o. Good Positions, Better Positions, tbe Best Positions Can be secured through Shoo kley'a Agency of Commercial Empky ment. Oldest and 1 st establish -U. Agency of the kind la the South or West. Nlnefty-two situations secured the past year. Skilled employees al ways wanrted and always In demand. If you cannot do high-claw service and thus secure a good sal y, why not complete a course at ASHEVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Complete course In1 b-kkeeping and business, $35,450; complete course in shorthand and typewriting, $35.00; complete course in telegraphy, $50.00; Ergllsh course, $5.00 per monltih worth $10.0. BEGIN A COURSE NOW. You have the best part of the year before you. College corner , Patton avenue and Hayrwood street, opposite postofflce, over Paragon. Bmiployment Agency same building. Call for H. S. SHQCKLBY. flSflkVILLE. COLLEGE. FOR YOUNG WOMEN. A non-denominational school for girls and young women offers advanned college courses with de degrees, seminary courses with diploma, and excel lent preparatory school based upon the entrance requirements of Wellesly, Smith, Vassar, and Bryn Mawr. The college is thoroughly progres sive and appeals to the public for patronage on the ground or merit and not of cheapness, though the rates are as low as is compatible with the best instruction and excellent equipment. ' For further particulars and catalogue address the president, ArcMtald A. Jones, Asneville, N. C. 1 i Two Phones, rescs:tv We have (placed' In our tall In Ctty Tie First Mackinaw Market another 'phone the eame mam- nrtA Qolrn Art riUA11f ber us ithe old. We found tt necessary UU. OdllilUll lrUliu to place this phone' to on eocouima of some of our caistomers, vm' vp, - flndin the 'phone busy. StJ?, f00, are among ba "KWt delicious (foods &old on any tmsr- ZimmeTinan & WMteheal r31 . ' tnrra to size and most delicious in fl CiTY MARKET. S NATTVB AND TBSTERN U33AEX , t , , Asneville Fish Co. 'Phone 289. Center City 2srkal O CUBE A COUD IN ONI DAT ?SasS9 Take Ijaxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Gazette All druggists refund the money if it Sfw11 VB' ; Bea he People Is on each box. 25c. r "of AhRrv 'i' v I . am devoting my Tvnol-naoc onrl nnA- McHM'ffWjjnE, Wain Street. (14I4ll$!3IIS!$M$W4r Ice Cream. Pure Ice Cream dcUvwrs t your ret dence by the pimt, qpuut or gallon. Sherberts, Snows and Sedas ff all kinds served at The Cheltenham. 28 Patton Avenet. $ f y - ' u,.i ri ..... 1 ' " ' i u j 1 1 ... c---; " ' 'Ul i -if. t . 1