Si -f&, - l i 4 jv- " ' -A " -r THE ASHEVILLE GAZFTTP- OCTOBER. 55 1900. (.r, - . ji...r. . . .; ,' - 5Tf! r -v. . ..J . . i The Hem lort The iLEADJNG NAUONAli RBFUBLI CAN NBWBPIAPBR, thoroughly vlp to date, and alwajs a vtaunch advoaateid upporter of Kepubllea. principle, will oontalB tae oxosi reuawe uhb 01 o th THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN Including dicusBlonK correspoaidenc end speeches ot the ablest polklct lc dera, brilliant editorials, reports fro m all sections of the land shcrwing prog- re of the work, etc., etc., and will eommend Itself to the careful perusal ot every thoughful, intelligent voter who has the true interests of his country at heart. .. NEW Published Monday, Wedneday and Friday, is in reality, a fine, fresh, every other day YORK TRIWEEKLY j Dally, giving tb ilatesV - tfewf on days of Issue, and coverina news of TRIBUIIE the other three. It con tains all Important for eign war and cHher ca ble news which appears in TH1 IXAILT TRIBU1NB of same date, also Domestlo and Foreign Correspondence, Shot Sto ries, Elegant Ualf-ton Illustrations. Humorous Items, Industrial Informa tion, Fashion Notes, Agricultural Mat ters an Comprehensive and Reliable Financial and Market reports Regular subscription prices $1.50 pes year. We furnish it with TUB WEEKLY GAZETTE for $2.00 per year. Send all orders to The Advertisers Sure Returns. ( Uoct A Good Tan fer fir eents.&t Druggists, saiocni. Mews-Stands, Uenerai Shops. Ther baalsh pais, indue sleep, aad pVelong Ufa, One rires relief I No Batter what's the matter, aaa will do too good. Tea samples pentais senior saall 9 aaf WJ UI JUMU I T ISSI Co., i!J Rj, Jr. where meals are served on the European planat reasonable prices. The night train is equipped with Pullman Sleepers, and both night and day train with free Reclining Chair Cars and comfort able through Coaches. Either train on the Cotton. Belt from Memphis offers the fastest and shortest route to Texas. Write and tell us where you are going and when you will leave, and we will tell you what your ticket will cost andwhat train to take to make the best time and connections. We will also send you an interesting little booklet, "A Trip to Texas." T. R. WYATT, T.P.A . , Cincinnati, Ohio. H. H. SUTTON, T. P. A., E. W. LaBEAUME, G. P. 2nd Hand School Books Bought and Sold.! J Save money buying secomd-hand school books here. Many of these Cave been rebound and are practically as good as new. Usually you save one half of cost. "We buy second-hand school books, If in good condition, at reasoj able prices wamt ".II books used in graded schools of the city. . Look up all your school books and send them to us. Limited stock of new school books, also pens pencils, ink, book bags, etc. v " Ray's Bookstore 8 N. Court Square. Boarding Hfouee pleB Columiny Aids, - page , C Peo- Tribune HEW . YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE Published on Thurs day, and known fox nearly sixty years in every part of the Uafct ed States as a Nstlsnal Family Newspapsa of the highest slass Cos farmers and vfllasjsrs. It contains oil tbs most lmnortanii (rananwl m iwi oJ THE DAILY TRIBUNE up to hour of going to press, has entert&iniaa rsadw Ing for ever member ol.tHs fsmtly,ilold and young. Market reports srWiii rs accepted as authority by -farmers -and country merchants, and is -clean, vtp ts date, interesting and! lnstructivs. Regula aubscrlptioil jjrlas XX90 per 4We furnish it withi TED WEEKLY GAZETTE for $1.25 per yea. Gazette, Ashevilfe, N. C in the Gazette Get . Try fcr yourself. rs fluid Grceera, Restasrutt, stores sua Barbers an4 one thousand tsshV adAres en noeli NiSpraos It,, Maw En route to Texas. It will cost you only 50 cents extra to ride all day in a Cotton Belt Parlor Cafe Car (25 cents . for a half a day) . Passengers toTexas, viaMemphis,can take advantage of this Car, which is furnished with easy . chairs, has a Gentlemen's Observation Smoking Room, a Ladies' Lounging Room and a Cafe W. Q. ADAMS, T.P.A., Nashville. Teon. Chattanooga, Ten. A ' ' and T. A., St. LouiyifflT " 60 YEARS- EXPERIENCE G t' Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sendii a sketch and deacripion ms .. Brieuy ascertain oar opinion free whether at Inyentlon Is probably patentable. Comruuiiio:, aons strictly confldentfaL Har.dboos: or. Patent sent free. Oldest agency for securiu? patents. jPatents -taken Niroagh Munn & Co. receive tpeeial notice, without cbjv-pe, in the Scientific Jinscricas. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Iartreat cir culation of any pcientiflc Journal. Terms, 33 a year ; four months 4L- gold by all newsdealers. MUNN Cs8,Bro flew Ycrt T.e dazette la the best medoim for advertising, hotels and boarding house. Ctaly AahevUl aper Bold on tralnii. Gazette "Want" tOaJbieet result. A 1 1 4 FARMERS' INTEREST III NATIONAL POLITICS BLACKBURN TAEKS OF BUSINESS : MATTERS IN ASHE COUNTY. Questions Voters as to Their Share in National Prosperity. Contrasts to Present Good Prices of Farm Products With Those of Four Years Ago Campaign in the North ern Counties Advancing Enthusi astically. Special Correspondence of the Gazette. Transon, Ashe County, N. C, Oct. 8. Mr. Blackburn is today at Transon, Ashe county. This is the point at which the democratic candidate had an appoinment some days ago, but did not have a sufficient number to wnich he could speak, in contrast to the num ber (one) who came to meet the demo cratic candidate, Mrv Blackburn to- weather, hajl more than two hundred voters beside the women and children. This heretofore has been a democratic township, two years ago being more than fifty majority democratic. All concede this precinct to Mr. Blackburn in the coming election by at least forty majority. Hisspeech today was greeted by the number of voters present with vocifer- I jV '5 I Photo by Sarony, New York. MARK TWAIN AS HE LOOKS TODAY. After a long stay abroad Mark Twain is coming home. Although he is 65 and his hair is almost white, he has recovered his health and vigor. The gret humorist has not yet laid aside his pen and is still doing good work. oua enthusiasm, and many, heretofore democrats, were among his most en thusiaatlo hearere It is to be remem bered this is all k stock raising coun try, with "cattle upon the thousand hills," (and sheep by the hundreds) and each mountaineer Who lent his pres ence to the si-t-ech of the republican candidate for congress knew full well There are never any ex ternal signs of Cancer until the blood is polluted and the system thoroughly con taminated by this deadly virulent poison. Then a sore or ulcer appears on some Eart of the body ; it may be small and armless looking at first, buf as the can cerous cells form and are deposited by the blood near the sore, it increases in size and severity, with sharp shooting pains. No matter how often the sore ia removed 'by the Mirgeons knife or flesh destroying plasters, another comes and is worse. """The real disease is in the blood, and the treatment must begin there. The blood must be invigorated and and when this is done cancerous cells can no longer form and the sore will heal naturally and permanently. Mrs. aran m. Keesling, 041 Windsor Are.. Bristol, Tenn writes : am 41 years old, and for three years had suffered with a severe form of Cancer on my jaw, which the doctors said - was incurable, and that I could not live more frJ than six mont hs. I accept- ffifi: sd their stafcmenf as true. 'hi& and had given upveul hope of ever wmj wen again, when my drugftiit, know ing of iy coudkion . recom mended S- S. S. After tak Insr a few bottles the sore began to heal, to the surprise of the physicians, and in a short time mscie a complete cure. 1 have gained in flesh, my appetite is splendid, sleep refreshing in fact, am en joyinc: perfect health ' overcomes thio straclive poiso" and removes every vestige 3 of it from the system, ' makes new-, rich blood, Btrensrthens the bodv aud builds up the general health. If you have a suspicious sore, or have in herited any blood taint, send for our free book on Cancer, and write to our medical department for any informatiori or advice wanted ; we make no charge 'for this ser vice. Your letter will receive prompt and careful attention, and will be held in strictest confidence. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, 6A. timet the force of every word that fell from Mr. Blackburn'. lips. He dwelt at length upon the price of each agricultural product, every fowl that is sold f rnui the farm; sheep, hors es and cattle. The price from 1802 to 1896 was contrasted with that of 1S3S to 1900, and he tnly asked the vo:a f the people present upon the condition t?vat it 13 to their interest to support him. The" enthusiasm was unbounded among those present. I learned that there wers but three who were not out spoken .Blackburn mf.n. " - Mr. Bla.:kbuin's campaign is a con vincing one. The Impression upon the audience today, twio hundred or more stalwart mountaineers, who make their livings upon their little plantations, from farm products and live stock, is in marked contrast to the demagougic talk of the democratic orator. The lat ter finds no 'field here for his visionary prognostications, since the people have not forgotten what they received for every farm product, as well as for their live stock. So intensely interested are the people In the discussion of the issues, that lit tle attention is paid to the conditions of the weather when it is learnedthit Mr. Blackburn is to speak. " v. These are truly freemen. Stuffing ballot boxes, unregistered voters and intimidation are things entirely un known to them. Each man expresses his sentiment by depositing his ballot unmolested and having that ballot counted, and everyone is a sovereign in the fullest meaning of that word. "The softest zephyrs," Mr. Black burn said today, "whisper freedom to the child, rocked in its cradle, and the shrill winds of winter shriek freedom in stalwart manhood's ear. We're all one upon a common,level and no vile machine dares assail freedom's eternal habitation or liberty's permanent abid- ing place. No revolution dares stalk abroad, nor murder, nor circumspec tion. The rights of the citizen are in variable and to all the ballot is se cure. "He who dares preclude his country men from exercising the right of the franchise will be punished as is right. I am just in receipt of a letter from Greensboro, stating that six of those registrars who suppressed our vote in the August election have been indicted in the United States court at Greens boro. We only ask the registration of our lawful voters, and none but Law , ful voters, and this we must have and will have. The laws, of this country as well as our constitution insure to ev ery man who obeys the laws the right to cast one ballot and have that ballot counted as oast, and it is our duty aa citizens of a common country to main tain these laws and see that they are executed. "Give us our rights under the consti tution and all is well. Otherwise, law lessness and anarchy reigns supreme. I appeal to each and every citzen to aid in the vindication of our system of gov ernment. In this section we fear no intimidation, and when the will of the people la registered a majority will be counted in our favor." We passed' Ore Knob on our way from Transon to Jefferson. The Ore Knob Copper company operated these mines about twelve years, getting out some of the richest copper ore that the coun try haa ever produced. It had to be hauled fifty miles overland, and when copper got cheaper it proved too ex pensive and the mines were abandoned in 1892. About six hundred hands were employed and during several years as high as three thousand men were on the ray rolls. At one time seven big nail Regs of Mexican dollars were used to pay off tne men. A mountain of ore is still piled at the mouth of the tunnel and the smelter and furnaces are still there - General Manager Clayton of the old company now owns all of the stock, and with a railroad through this section work would be revived. .This project is practically certain of fulfill ment if Mr. McKinley is re-elected. INDIGESTION, resulting from weakness of the st6mach,' is relieved by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great stom ach tonic and cure for DYSPEPSIA. The most feasible route Is from the Norfolk and. "Western at Ivanhoe Va,. up the Ne-w "river through Qralsoni Va., Ashe county N. C., "and Allegheny county N. " C, ' tapjtngr the famous' magnetic iron belt and will be within, a. few miles of the mica mines, running probably to Bristol, Va. These mica mines are in "Ashe county, and have been opened since July L this year. They are owned by the Caro lina Mining company, with. C. E. Zeek as general manager. There are nine veins opened already, and a mill is be ing built to grind the mica to make mica flour for lubricating purposes. A great deal of the best sheet' mica found In the state Is being taken out. About two tons of mica is now being taken out and the veins are not fairly opened. Lieutenant Zull is the superintend ent and has had a great deal of experi ence in mica work. The mines are (Continued on sixth page.) te of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas Goutoty. Frank J. Chenay makes oath t-e.t he is the senior parttner af the, firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the city . of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of 5100 for eaob and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by ittoe us of Hall'fl Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHEJNT3Y. 8wom to before me and subscribed In my ipresenfce, this &U day of December, A. D. 88. (Seal.) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken in ternally and acts direcltly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system bnd for testimonial, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohk. Sold by Druggists, 75o. Hall's Family Fills are the beet. True politeness consists in treating others as you would like for others to treat you. The great success of Chamberlain's Oolio, Ckolera and Dlarroea Remedy in the 'treatment of bowel complaints has made It standard over the greater part of the civilized world. For sale by C. A. Raysor. druggie . Some people are like hens; they no sooner accomplish anything than they make an unnecessary fuss about it. - Do not get scared if your heart trou bles you. Most Jiketly you sufler from indigesttion. Kodol Dyspepsia cure di gests what you eat and gives the worn out stomach perfect rest. It is t.e on ly preparation krnowu that comoleitely digests all classes of foods; that is why it cure the worst cases of indigestion and stomach ti juble after everything else has failed. It may be taken in all conditions -and cannot help but do you arood. Dr. T. C. Smith. A woman of experience says it is im possible to keep children or stair car pets in place without using the rod. The best method of cleansing the liv er is the usr of the famous little pills known as PeWitt's Little Early Ris ers. Easy to stake. Never gripe. Dr. T. C. Smith. If you would have Mary marry, a sin gle letter inserted in the proper place will bring about the desired result. A THOUSAND TONGUES Could not express th rapture of An nie B. Springer, of Philadelphia, when Dr. King's New Discovery cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. She says: "After all all other remedies and doctors had failed it soon removed the pain in my chest arad I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember do ing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout Ithe Universe." Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed t cure all troubles of the Throat. Chest or Dungs. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottles free at all druggists. A Wonderful Cure of Diarrhoea A Prominent Virginta Editor -lad Al most Given up, but was" Brought Back tm perfect Health by Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea) Remedy. Read Hi Editorial. Prom the Times, Hillstllle, Va. 1 suffered with diarrhoea for a long time, and thought I was past being cureJ. I had spent much time and money and suffered so muc' misery that I had almost decided to give up all hopes of recovery and await the result, but noticing the advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di aa hoea Remedy and also some testi monials stating how . some wonderful cures had been wrought by this reme dy, I deoided to try it. After 'taking a few doses I was entirely well of that trouble, and I wish to say further to my readers and fellow suffereru that I am a hale and hearty man today aud feel as well as I ever did in my life. O. R. Moore. Sold by C. A. ysor, druggist. It is said that an enterprising south side museum manager has on exhibi tion a merlady and her merbaby, at tended by a mermaid. QUESTIONS AJsraWBLRJSD ! Yes, August Flower gtlll has the larg est sale of any me -orae In the civl aed world. Tour motors ana grandmoth er never bought of using anything el's for Indigeatiom or Biliousness Doatora were scarce, and they eJdora heaua - Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart Failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and step fermentation of undige ted food, regu late the action of the liver,, stimulate the nervous and organic action of tha system, 'and that la all they took when feeling dull and bad 7lth headaches vn4 other ache. You only need a few dose ot Green's August Flower in liquid form te make you satisfied -here i nothing serious the matter with you. For sale W. C. Carmichael'. The circus proprietor is always in tent on his business. Feelings of safety pervade the house held that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy thait pro d :ces immediate results. It is in fallible for coughs, colds and croup and f" throat and lurag troubles. It will prevent consumption. Dr. T. C mith. Widowers, like tupbled-down houses, should be repaired. STOPS THAT COUGH AND WORKS OFF THE COJU). Laxative Bromo-Qulnl e Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. FINE y. PHOTOGRAPHS We make aO klnda of good photos most of the Imoortaat Photo ar&ohio work hereabouts comes to us because ire have a thorough knowledge ot how to make) tfeera. " " Whether you want a partraiV iphoto at your bouse, inside . or outside, "a group of frfends, a flash-light, or any- thing ia trie photographic line, we cab do it ae well and generally better than , others. - We are better fixed for lit, snore men. more apparatus, more skill and taste. Ordinary galleries have one or two workmen, iwe have five oar six; other.. gaueriea get along with one or fcwo c-" -nieraav we .have seven, one of Which Is the largest in the South. W da no aheap work, but our prices Terr Jow wnea tne qu lity is taken fnrto oonsidertutiofl. Ray' 's Studio, ft N. Court Square- T " Why Don't Cone 10 us and see what we can do in the way ofsav ine, you i.oney : Gasoline, per "gallon ljic fCercscne oil, " 14c Fini Toilet Soap, per tove Polish, Rising Sun, 10c size 5c China, Glass and Tin War.1 at half price. Seeing is 'be lieving'. The I. X. L. Grocery Store, 22 Patten Avt. 'Phone 107. Howard A. Haven. Wrght C. Stout. MFMBERS OF TH New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. Baoki rs and Brokers NASSAU STREET, CORNER WALL, NE YORK. s Deposit accounts received, subject to check on demand. Interest credited monthly on daily balances. Accounts of banks, corporations, firms and individuals receiv a on fav orable terms. Coupons, interest, dividends, notes, drafts collected for our correspondents Orders executed for the purchase or sa on commission, of bonds, -t. ks, investmex1" or carried on margin. Clients may telegraph orders nd in structions at our expense. Copies of telegraphic code may be had on appli cafion. Information regardir 3 quotation cheerfully furnished. Ball&Shepparti, 16 Court Square Any one wishing to put steam, heat to their building could not do better than use a K arr i s b u o o ) er But you mu9t have experienced work 2 en to do the work and we tre oaa 4emt tthat we can please vou: BALL & SHEPPABj) TDLBPHOM. 68. News and Opinions National Importance STT3ST ALONE CONTAINS BOTH Daily, by mail,- $6 a year Daily and Sunday by mail, $8 a year' The Sunday Sun Is the greatest Sunday newspaper la the world. Price 5c. a copy. Bylmail $2 a yew Address THE SUN, New York. Dancing Class The Misses Coffin's dancing class for children meets every Thursday after noon from 5 to 6:30 at C. L. U. hall, (over H. C. J1 nson'9 store) on Patton av e. THE LATEST DANCES AND GER MAN FIGURES TAUGHT. Private lessons given. Children may enter the class at any time. Particu la rs and terms may be obtained at th hall on Thursday or at 44 Phillips St : HAVEN S, STOUT, i . ' 1 f 1 .V .-."V - i i ti ft -t I. 4 2 I -. ' 1 t'1 t ' ti i ft. u , . i -; . oil is' 4 i - ? 4 - f