-'.V;. if?;; f t?HBXiAZBTTE. -V ' f ASHEVILLE, N. C. - A !?iblished Eef6?Diiig Except Mondays Tm-A3KBVII&E GAZETTE FUB- shw company. Jamea E. Norton. President. TERMS XP STJBSORIPnON: ........ 'r ' - -V . - , JMSty oaxeftte, one yeam. ..14.00 .. 1.00 "Daily Gazette twelve week. ; ; ; I X vrasouic vuo umwuu...... ... i 'tTTekly Gazette, orw yeajr..... .... 1.00. Vv4Xe)dy Ga9etL olz m onti .CO v't : -'-- - u?!. GAZETTE TELEPHONES : ustneasT office, 202, two rings. Jtaauoman voome, zuz, tsnree rmg. V if i; The best 7m- Purnitu e is .the least expensive. 4--;Wdtli proper care it will wear and look i.well tor years. Shoddy furniture looks well for a time, and then 'the buying operation must he repeated. --'-.We 'sell nothing but good furniture, and the prices are probably lower than you tbdnk. Th ; Empo ii m. 45 PATTON AVE. VOTING TO INJURE THEMSELVES Some men have the courage of their Hx'convictions in policies, and orhers have 'not. The man who is satisfied that a lrpublican administration is safer for v'f.this country, and better for his own his neighbor's interests than would -1 e;a change to a democratic adminis ,itratibn, yet will go to the polls in No . ifrember and vote the; democratic tick- e is a curiosity, bu-unfortunately for 1 himself and the rest of the community ! . Jphlch he exists not a rare one. More i "ttah any section of the country is the "south vitally interested in the preser I syation - of the prosperity that has spread throughout the United States ! unde)r, Mr. , McKinley-s administration, j ; . We are in the midst of an era of great industral growth. We need the de mand for the product of our mills and r 'ffupfarms and the good prices that ..come with prosperous times. We are ; ienefltted by the confidence of capital ist.s who will invest their money in In dustrial development. All this we ; have -now under William McKinley and republican congress . Would we ! iiavltif Bryan was elected president? Mr.' Bryan and the platform ion which he 'stands arp pledged to overturn the financial policy of the nation, to at tack' the industries of the country un der the fiction of destroying trusts," and 'to play, havoc with the country's foreign policy. Their open avowal is toi abandon the policies under which the. country has been raised from de presion to prosperity. The voter who realizepf'this and yet votes for William T. - Bryants a fit subject for relief from 1 he-management of his own affairs, .lany'fbf these unfortunates realize heir own' fatuity and pray to escape romllje consequences of it. Says the -oijjsville (Ky.) Post: "Teire are itlhoniteanids, fthere are ihran redar of Ithoiisiainds of omen tlhrougliout 3 ' south w!ho will vote .lagatostt Mr. jIOmflty''wltli the lhoie )andi the ex ctlaowitibM (hie will be elected, never .;16aj).h(B noWlhw!elslt.t r,ay9the 'Oharlotte Observer: "A3inoa every dtay it (the Obarver) 2'3:lllJdi'v&lduail or ireceiivea & leitter m er wljto. S gotnig (to vote Cop Bryj . lit .ttw)i)e.ttliart: somebody else will 11. the -ywfce.. land that Ihe will -mot be 3CtedJ jhxfre will toe on. rfihe etuanp to artfr; Carolina, this year epeakers who !i;im)ak jrtnig for Btryiani, i wiho fcAVje 'ino BtomSach for itihe fight i. w!hio are: l)oin'glinig to their hearts tor y idly5, to come when we llvy geH :!c tpdemoratio eandld)ate ankl . !V-"JV xxxooooooxooooocoook JVbfi weather has had temdency 1xrr'-da getttlng people to ' delft.te'bi'ytrig'. their winter Underwear, and while sales in this depaient haye, not been up to last year, still we had to make - someearches and find goods of this class very scares in the hands " ot nnanuf acttirers ? . Would; therefore advise 'our friends that can ''eh)Td&''oy'iVhe3.T supply before the real cold weather conehich '".is 'Ukely to occur any day. Examine our stock of Undefweajr while the stock is complete. . iNewigoods In &it depar foments. BON, MARCHE, 5 south nam su rimM trwrfnWtnlM. ; - It S3 IDiCW BO W North Cax6lii)a'0im to edldStloia towhat tie IxxulvjUte toflVkbttnB pfctperB day - iaSbove; The C2batanogo News, a eeimine Bieyvnrr&W cnargeS "veryt)i&ay who keeps up mOi the run of ftfliings to, Tennessee politic kmow a that excepting The K3haubtaiiogjs. News aad he KiioasrPiilei'SetfQi. dadiy iiieB?pia3er in, 'tate would sbout'td eee ir. Bryan nepttdSaited Bryanlias at last thrown off a dis guise. He appears 'in the unqualified guise of a revolutionist. His speeches in Indiana the past week find no ex tenuation, even in political despera tion. In a country where there is less freedom of speech,, among a people less tolerant than the American people, Bryan's ' definant, reckless, riotous ut terances would cost him ,toi personal liberty. He, has violated every, sanctity of political civilization. He has sought to turn the west against the east. He has brutally arrayed the debtor against the creditor. He has defiantly and ex ultingly invoked a.conflict between the native and the unnaturalized citiaen. He has boldly attempted to inflame the civilian against the American sol dier. He tells the suitor to re3ist the. -Judge. He tells labor. re?ist capuai. He preaches the un-American doctrine of force, insubordination, discontent, revolution. He would teach toe Amer ican people to "love the Filipino and hate their brother Americans." He is a demagogue, a revolutionist, a , de- sriictionist, a public enemy. Is such a man fit to be president? That is the paramount issue. PROSPERITY m IIS CONTINUANCE (Continued from first page.) any an ti -'trust legislaitioia'. He cited' xne She man, ajuti-ittrust law land explained it and said that this was -as far as congres could go until the conxatuition was mendea. He said that Mr. Bryan demand a re-affirmsatioa of the Chicago plaJtTorm, that .had proved so "disastrous to the democratic party, arnd refused too -run' unless there was a specific djeclaration for 'the immediate restoration ox tnaTi "will-o'-the-wisp" body "of death" fiiee and unlimited free coinage of sil ver at ike ration of 16 to 1. He saldi that Bryan was the 'greatest dilatator that this country Jhad ever produced and insisted on having his 'way iini face of the fact that every single predidtloai ihe Tirade In 1896 'had turned out to be absolutely false; ithat it certainly re quired 'the greaitesit 'amount of unmiti gated clheek to fiace the people again on tlriese questions. That everythiinig Bryjun said was speculation theory, surmise. inference, aaid showed t'he diseased oon- dAtion) of an overworked pessimiS'tic 1m aginattion. He said if Bryan expedited to see at his inauguration in Washiiiiiig- ton. either Ge.neral Weaver or itihe Hon . "Coin" Harvey, or Mrs. Mary Ellen Lease, Sitamding on (the Capitol isteps delivering a great oration on the "Iim- itiaitive and Referendum" while a rem nant of 'Coxey's army on the outskirts of the rabble, engaged in clapping thier chapped (hands" and throwing up thedr "swealty nights," howling "dowmi with the government" "every man for hismelf" "ithe devil "take the 'hind most," and "a hot time iin the old 'time to-might." (great applause. ELECTORAL ChMiDaIES. Hon. 'C. C. Boone, republican camtdi date for elector from the Ninth district, vra-s in the city yesterday. The joint debate between Mr. Boone ama Mr. 'Campbell which was ttk take place here tonight has been postponed on account of Hoini. Alf . Taylor's lecture at the opera house tonight. The date for the discussion has not been fixed yet, but it will very likely be October 30. The candidates will have a (nest from speak ing till Monday, when they will fill an appointment at Waynes ville. Y0UTSEY SUIWEWHI BfcTTtR. Georgetown, Ky., Oct. 11. It was announced before court met this morn ing that Toutsey was somewhat better and had eaten an egg and drank a glass of milk for breakfast. He was still in a stupid condition, however, and answered no questions. He was not in the court room when court met. Mr. Crawford asked a postponement of the trial till tomorrow on account of the condition of the defendant, and the or der was made. Most of life's shadows result from standing in our own light. IT'SJPOPULAR. 1 j00 boxes of Wheat-Hearts were con sumed iifl' Ashevllle during August. REST-CURE PLACE. One of the most beautiful houses In Ashevllle, charmingly situated, Bur rounded by 62 acres of lamd; on street car line; 10 minutes' walk to poatoffice. Dlegamt general cctble (or rer 1 cure boarders. Hygienic diet for those under treatment. I , QUISI9ANA SANITARIUM, 167 French Broad avenue. One way to suppress a chronic (bor rower is to get your work in first. JOB COULDN'T HAVE STOorf IT If he'd had! Itching Piles. They're terribly annoying; but Bucklen'S' Arni ca Salve will cure Ithe worst case ef Pile ota earth. It has cured thousands. For injuries, pains or bodily eruptions it's the best salve in the world. .Price 25a a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by au druggists. " -t ' i v ; f 1 " , - - A GEARinEAU; rooi digestion; sound sleep; a Jheappetite and a ripe btd-a?-,re some of the results of th use f Tutts Liver Pills. A single ?oss will convince you of their vondenu! effects and virtue. A Known Fact. A.n absolute cure for sick Head ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stomach, dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills SOME OF MR. CRAWFORD'S QUEER INCONSISTENCIES His Tangled Argument on That Con- te&feSlurs on the Soldiers. Ednasvilh Henderson County, N. C., Oct. 9. The congressional candidates spoke today from the porch of Mr. Ja cob Lyda's residence. The crowd was small, and on account of the distance from most anywhere and of Mr. Moody's desire to catch the train at Hendersonville in order to return to Asheville this evening, the speeches were shorter than usual. Crawford opened and returned to his old statement: "The people who vote are responsible for our laws and our officials. If the laws and officials are good, the people should be commended; if bad, they ore to blame." Beg pardon, Mr. Crawford! Don't you mean the people who vote and get their votes counted? Tou certainly can't mean that the people whose votes got into the wrong box, or were simply counted the other way, or in the eastern counties, are responsible for any thing the democrats do In office. Crawford insists that all his votes were thrown away and made void and of no1 effect when they destroyed his majority of two hundred odd. He thinks that is robbery, etc. Doubtless the democratic machines will steal enough votes in a few, per haps in one, of the negro counties to destroy McKinley's majority in the eighth and ninth districts, thus stea ing all his votes dn these districts well as throughout the state. What does Crawford have to say S to the propriety of that? He declines to express himself di rectly, but he approves it indirectly by indorsing the "Majesty" of the Sim mons law and by supporting Simmons and advocating placing him in the sen ate instead of in the penitentiary. He says still that there is n prosper ity, that money is as tight as it ever was and that we are face to face with the hardest times we have ever known. Comment won't improve that. If we could only get Crawford to write that statement over his signature: "Wm. T. Crawford, Candidate for Congress," it would make a bully republican cam paign document Fancy sending to congress a man who doesn't know any better than that. If he does know better, v-hy then ! Moody replied again to Crawford's oft repeated statement that the vote of Asheville was thrown out "because a negro thief swore a lie, three months after election." He showed that the vote was thrown out because the other witnesses were intimidated and pre vented from testifying by the illegal arrest of that witness against the wish and over the protest of the federal of ficer in charge of the investigation on a charge of perjury, a charge they never dared to push. They never tried to indict him for perjury.. He was convicted later of stealing a pair of shoes . The "Elder of the Presbyterian church," Mr. Murphy, probably knew enough law to know that the state courts have no jurisdiction in the case of perjury alleged to have been com mitted in United States courts. There fore, there could have been no object in arresting him through the state courts, except the hope of intimidating the remaining witnesses. iNor did Mr. Crawford and Mr. Murphy show any desire to have the negro's story investi gated, serious as the charge against him was. Oh, no! they never at tempted to have him tried for per jury! They are proud to state, how ever, that he was convicted for "steal ing a pair of shoes," which same has as much to do with the case as "the flowers that bloom in the spring." He also forcibly contrasted the dem ocratic program of liberty and equal rights for the "cannabalistlc," "polyga mous," "savage," "civilized," "patriot ic," "little brown men" in the Philip pines with the policy of disfranchising the black men and illiterate whites of North Carolina and governing them without their consent. Great Scott! What a howling farce it would be, this sentimental tommyrot about imperialism, in the mouth of a Sim one democrat. What a farce It would be.lf it were not despicable treas on, that Is costing the lives of better Chinese? Chinese Question Is like & great puzzle you Hook out v of onevye amid ee It one w&y, look out otf another eye amid you see It another way; so It is no wonder the foreign powers cannot agree taa to ithe best way of settling Ithe great questions. Germany, England and France, Russia Ulapan and America, at first on one side then (the other. Keep your eye on Russia, he is coming-out ahead to the game. The powers, have agreed m one isubrjeot, viz. : that Rum ford Baking Powder is" the most whole-, some and economical powder on, the aharket . When the t oreigm troops Wve. China they are requested -to leave at least one can. of Rumsford Baking Pow der -for the Empress, for she will have' Indigestion If she Sdoes not use that powder i the ibiscuits and cake, and besides will he as mfcd as an October mullet. . eiranxong ourldlera theJBhdHp irrtnfyti . There was a worn an In the audlenca who Has, a son ; In the . IPhiUppinesr, amCiigthe brave boys who nave vomni eered to defend pur flag in that far off .corner of our dominion. As Moody told how and In what way politicians of the Bryan and Crawforl stamp were, in their selfish hunt for office, endang ering the lives of our solliers there, her eyes filled and ooverflowedand time and again she was heard to sob':' "That bo." That's true." "That's what my eon says." She is one of those on whom Bryan, Crawford et al. levy campaign contributions ' of blood and suffering by keeping alive the Insurrec tion'that they may have a "'paramount issue." They must have something to take the minds of the pe- rle off the other planks of their platform. And they don't care what it costa when some one else pays the bill . Think of the brave lives snuffed out in an insurrection that those on the ground all agree would have collapsed long ago without the aid of such Amer ican (how it -hurts to have to call them Americans) lieutenants of Agulnaldo as Bryan and Atkmson. Sacrificed for the sake of a campaign j cry, and one that is mighty close to j idiotic at that. SPEECH BY JUDGE tWART. Discussed the Issue of the Day to a Large Crowd at Franklin. Franklin, N. C, Oct. 11. Ex-Judge JI. G. Ewart spoke to a large crowd in the court house yesterday, and al though the assemblage was largely democratic, they gave the judge the best attention throughout his entire re marks. Judge Ewart is greatly liked by the citizens of Macon county, and his speech of yesterday means many votes for the republican ticket. The judge offered to divide time with any democrat that would present himself. but as none offered to meet him, thougfi many learned democrats were present it being court week we are prone ta think that they, like the child who was once burnt, dread the fire, very wisely kept still. As the Judge was in the best of spirits, the reader can well Imagine that he made a great speech, eloquent, learned and logical. Va., writes "I am using Kodol Dyspep sia Cure in my . ractice among1 severe oases of 'indigestion' and find it an ad mirable remedy." Many humdreda of P'hyscians depend om the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure In stomach troubles. It digests what you eat, and allows you to eat all the good 'food you meed, providing you do not overload your etmei hv Gives Instant relief and a permanent cure. Dr. T. C Smith. - Trying to keep from worrying Is what worries some people. BATHS AND MASSAGE. Plain tub, Russian, Turkis.li, gltz trunk, fountain air sun and eand oths at the Quisisana Nature Cure sanitarium, 167 South French Broad avenue. Iiady and gentleman, physi cian m charge. r "Want" advertisements see page 6 Grand Opera House MONDAY, OCTOBER 15. ENGAGEMENT 01 MR. CHARLES B. Accompanied by Miss Marie Drolnan, AND" A SPLENDID SUPPORTING COMPANY, PRESENTING A NEW ROMANTIC COMEDY DRMA By LEE ARTHUR, Private John Allen, A mew play of the South A fascinat ing story Deep heart interest Clever Comedy Strong Situations Thrilling Climaxes . POSITIVELY an' elaborate Scenic Production, entirely new and appropri ate to the Atmosphere of ithe Play. Regular prices of admissiocu. Seats on sale at Paragon Pharmacy. Private Wire, Continuous Quotations. MurphyO& Co., Brokers. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS STOCKS, COTTON, New York Office, 61 Broadway... 11 Church St., Ajsbevllle, N. C... PHONE 649. REFER TO , Blue? Ridge Nsnttonal . Ashevllle; N C. Cfharlotte National Charlotte, N. C. Seaboard! National New. York. Lowry Banking Co., Atlanta, GrL Capitol City Bank. Attamiba. " Ga. : . Rradtreet Ooan'al Agency. t IHIAIMFOKO Bank, Bank; T Bank, J - - - v TROM this date I am devoting my 5 time to daily business and pre-! a a a n oarations for I s oaCHRISTMAS.w Bainbridge 47 Patton Avenue. Late of San Antonio, Texas. 43 South spec WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, 8gXXXXCXXXXXCXX)COOOOOOO The Cheltenham Fountain at the Candy Kitchen, represents the highest type of fountain-building that Llppia cott makes. It's attractive, cool id dainty. Our Ice Cream and Soda parlor, fci the rear, is a model of cleanliness and ele THE CANDY KITCHEN, Telephone 110. ASHEVILLE. 60LL&GE FOR YOUNG WOMEN. A non-denominational school for girls and young women offers advanned college courses with de degrees, seminary courses with diploma, and excel lent preparatory school based upon the entrance requirements of Wellesly, Smith, Vassar, and Bryn Mawr. The college is thoroughly progres sive and appeals to the public for patronage on the ground of merit and not of cheapness, though the rates are as low as is compatible with the best instruction and excellent equipment. For further particulars and catalogue address the president, Archibald A. Jones, As&eville, N. C. Something Savory for Dinner. The smell of good meat a -cooking to a hfumgry man 4s like incense In the m tt'ila of the devotee. "We jut said good meat. To secure fchat culinary perfumery, tthen, order your alb roasts, Joints of muttor. legs -of lamb, -tieak chops--aU the delicacies In the meat and poultry lime at Zimmerman and Whitehead's, andi be content. Nowhere in Asheville can you get better eatls P Won as to quality, quantity and price. Zimmerman & Whitehead, CITY MARKET. NATIVS AND WESTERN Te"1 phones 4.. MEATS. O CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take laxative Bro mo Quinine Tablets . Aii oruggista refund the moner if a VMVMVMVMVMkVWVWt'HvMyMVMI'M - r - q Shop, o 9 Main Street, ? ej Book .. .Telephone 218 ... g Ice Cream. Pure led Cream OUJlverac your ret dence by the pint, or gallon. Sherbert, Snow and Soda all kind a served at The Cheltenham. 28 Patton Avtnttt. JUT - RECEIVED The First Mackinaw and Salmon Trout of (the season. They are ig-m"ig tth most delicious foods sold on any (mar ket. Our Dine Points Just received are form in size and most delicious in var- I Asheville Fish Co. 'Phone 289. Center City Photographs. "Buy good ones; cheap phot igrapjhs (fade quickly and are not fit to ,be kept In sfeht. At om r studio we make nothing but the finest photographs, and our rep utation has grown to such an ex tent that lb Asheville and vicin ity the phrase, 'fLewls are tlie best," has become byword. LEWIS'; ' THE PHOTOGEAPHEB, 69 S. Main St. . , .. . . . . '-V " 'vt"! ?t,t.ffjf;f f)fa la on each box. 25c. ft'T'"' t. V 1 I' 1 ? "t ' it T . 1 ' s