i.t i. .-" VOL Ife-HQ, 216 ASHBVUjLE, N. JO., WEDipSD&Yr IIORNING, OCTOBEl 1900 PEICE 5 GENTS OESTREICHEn&CO 500 yards All Wool in black. 54 inch Cheviots .grays and blues, worth 98c the yard, for Monday and Tuesday at ; 50c. ' We are showing a full line of all the latest weaves in Dress Materials in cluding Broad Cloth, Venetians, Zibeliens and Novelties, all at our usually low prices. FURS. We direct' especial attention to our line of Furs in Scarfs, Boas and Collarettes at prices ranging from 98c each to $30.00 each, OESTREIGHER&r.O 51 Patton Ave. If we have it, it is the best. ATTRACTIVE, CONVENIENT, ECONOMICAL. The Cole Heater. mmi mm mm ASHEVTLLE, N. C. SOUTHEAST XR. COURT SOU ARB. PHONE 87. MASSAGE . . STEAM. BATHS. Treatment for: Nervous, Rheumatic fc-'J other diseases. finecial: Thur Braunditt 1 asarage for Female Disease; Also Face Massage. PROF. EDWIN GRUNER, ES S. MAIN ST. TELEPHONE 20. '(GEmduate Chemniltz College, Germany Btonejly -with Oakloancf Heig5it Sana- Some or offlce Treatoaent. Offtca m. 11 a,, m. to 1 9. ou. 2. to 4 s. mi A' Imm imo W 'ftiirnitixne xf etU tar fall trade I ing receiYed -dSEdPur Sine mM slease to . : To- patronage NO OBJECTION EXPECTED To Miners' Demand That the Advance Shall Continue Till April, Companies Determined Not to Recognize the Union. Large Assembly of Strikers Collect ing at Tamaqua. Every Colliery in Panther Valley to lose FEWER MEN EXPECTED TO RE PORT FOR WORK irailS MORNING THAN HERETOFORE OENERIAXi GOHIN'S SOLDIERS READY FOR ANT EMERGENCY. New York, Oct. 16. High traffic of ficers of some of the coal roads left here today for Philadelphia, for the purpose of holding a conference with the Philadelphia and Reading1 and oth- -er representatives of itihe coal producing1 interests in regard to the xnanens' strike. There is good authority for the statement that not one of the coal com panies nor individual mine owners will raise any abjection to the miners' de- knand that the ten per cent, advance in wagea shall be maintained until ithe month of April. The companies " re main, firmi in their determination not to recognize the union. Tamaqua, Oct. L. This town is till ed tonight "with strikers from' distant points and General Gobin's soldiers are in .camp two miles away ready for any emergency. The object of the gather ing of strikers here is to prevent the miners employed by the Lehigh" Goal Navigation company in Panihejr. Creek valley from continuing' work. Strikers are earning in. by tlhe hundreds land it 3a thought that they will keep coming during the night. It 4s thought here that the assembling of tihis large body of strikers will have the effect of clos ing every colliery in Panther valley. Dunkellsherger's colliery of this place ha been shut down. Strike emissaries are at work tonight, and it 5s thought that fewer miners will report for work n the collieries of Panther Creek in the morning than heretofore. GOEBEL ELECTION LAW HOT REPEALED A Supplementary Bill Approved Yes terday by Gov. Beckham. Frankfort, Oct. 16. Governor Beck ham this afternoon (approved the only election toil! passed, during the extra session. The bill has an emergency clauise which goes1 into effect tamed! ately. The law repeals no part of the Goebel law, but is in addition to that statute. The law provides several penalties for violating the election aws; otherwise it throws safeguards around the voter. RESCUE OF THE CAP TURED TWENTYH1HTH Iasurgent8 Starved Into Surrendering the Men. Manila, Oct.' 6. The 'rescue of Cap tain Shields and fifty-me men of 'the Twenty-nith regiment, captured by the insurgents in the isla'md of Marlnduque was due to the energeltic action of the geenral in command who drove v the insurgents into the mountains wtoere they could get mo food, and thereby starved them into surrendering the men. LEAGUE GAMES YESTERDAY. At Pittsburgr RHE ... 2 4 6 4 .7. 0 O'Connor; Pittsburg Brooklyn Batteries: !Leever and Kitson and Farrell. ON MONTPORD. House of 11 rooms and large lot. One block from Haywood street. $1,500. ON CUMBERLAND. v $2,800. House of rooms, almost new, well tniiit; all i modern conveniences. :S'FIM -P6tat Brokers, Pbooe .Kl. SS Pattox avenue. - . . fit ;v' y P Photo by Pach Bros., Sevr York. A NEW PICTURE OF COMPETITIVE ROAD FOR ASHEVILLE ACCORDING TO STORY BROUGHT HERE FROM TRANS YL- -VANIA COUNTY. The Toxaway Company Said to be In terested. Connpany Making Surveys for a Rail road Between Toxaway and Seneca, . and "Wants Seaboard to. Meet Coin i pany'is "Road at That Point. An Asheville business man, w)ho has just returned from Transylvania coun ty, is of the opinion that Asttieville may yet have a competitive Taiilroad. The Toocaway company is making surveys for a road from that place to Seneca, S". C, and 'the company would like to have tShe Seaboard Air Line meet tihem at that point. About fif teen (miles of the proposed line have al ready been Staked off. The Toxaway company has Just completed a road from Brevard to Toxaway, and a regu lar schedule lis being operated on the extension. It is said that in the event the Seneca project goes througn the Toxaway company will ask the people of Ashe ville to aid in the construction of a road from Horse Shoe to this city. Horse Shoe is a small place, seven miles beyond Hendersonville, on the Transylvania railroad. Thi road bed would follow the French Broad river, and therefore the cast of grading would be comparatively small. At a recent meeting of the stock holders of tlhe Toxaway company it was decided to build forty additional rooms to the Fairfield Inn. Q DRUG STORE NEWS. U G Baldwin's -Crab Ajpple Cream is an excellent application for chap ped hands rough skin and all in flammatory conditions requiring a cooling, soothing apiplication.lt is pleasant to use, being nicely perfumed and neither sticky nor greasy. 25 c. Cri'r'Jnt's No. 24 for cold. Q n When your child needs to take Cod Ldver Oil give it Grant's Egg Emulsion. We have a number of lirtMe ones who are now taking' it wdtih a relish and showing re tnarl able gains in flesh and strength . D B Grant's Cold cents. Cream, 15 and 25 Baldwin's Mel Myrrhine ia a Q tooth and; mouth wash th gives splendid satisfaction . For cleans- D ing the teeth, strengthening the q gums and correcting the br "th it is an efficient substitute for Q (tooth powder. 25c. : - - O . Grant's Talcum Powaer, toe . L GRAFT'S PHlRDAGY, a ' a a - TELEPHONE 10. PRESIDENT M'KINLEY. ft CONTRAST OF CRAWFORD PARADES IN THE OTJDEN TIME THEY NUM' BERERED A THOUSAND; TOTAY, Democratic Confession That Moody Will Carry Hay wood. More tand More Apparent as the Days Go by That Crawford Is Beaten and Fines Creek, Haywood County, Oct. 13. We had 'a big crowd here today, perhaps the biggest ye have had outside the towns. We had the brass band again, or rather Crawford had it, but we heard it play Dixie lust as clearly as though we had 'paid for it. Brother Crawford is striving violent ly of late to make a splurge. He had the band yesterday &t Waynesville, as here today, the same band. On both occasions also he Ihas had a vast and imposing parade of mounted men. Yesterday 57 men were in line and to day 51. They are tickled to death with t their "vast popular outpourings," but they say that a few years ago any demo cratic candidate could get a thousand horsemen in here easily at any time. Now they are proud of 51. Times have changed you see. This morning a dem ocrat told me that he expected Moody to carry Haywood county, which was carried by Crawford two years ago by over 800. This is more than Moody counts on, though not one, not even Crawford's supporters claim: for him1 much more than half his last majority. As the days near on toward the 6h of November it becomes more and more apparent, that Crawford is beaten and beaten badly, and Crawford shows his appreciation of this fact in his manner and appearance. His only chance to get a certificate lies in wholesale frauds in any precinct they think it safe to try it in and there are net many in which it will be safe this time. Watson & Reagan S. E. COURT SQUARE. For Rent 1 Room House, furnish ed, per mo.. $200 9 '- Room House, furnished 175 11 Room House, furnished 75 9 Room. House, furnished 100. 9 Room House, furnished 50 6 Room House, furnished 35 10 Room House, furnished 85 9 Room House, furnished 40 Beautifi' Country Place, furnished 100. Beautiful 10 Room (new) House furnished 75 9 Room! House, unfurnished, per mo. $14 6 Room House, uffiifurnished, per mo. .22 7 Room House, unfurnished, per mo.. 25 8 Room House, unfurnished, per mo.. 20 12 Room House, unfurnished, per mo. 30 18 Room House, tnnfurnished, per mo. .75 10 Room House, unfurnished1, (per mo. .34 8 Room House, unfurnished, per mo. .35 We have a large amoumt of property for sale. Call and see what we have before you Invest. WVhave sonni of the jest; stock, grain and Fruit farms to be offered In the b unty for'sale very low v -. - -v. .- - , -- Watson & Rea"ah If fie does get a certificate by use of the frauds, provided for in the Simmons force bill he won't keep it long. Not long, Mr. Crawford! And. you'll have to do a lot of stealing to get it in the first place. Moody opened -here and was most at tentively listened to by the crowd gath ered on the hillside about the cburch, wthich was far too small to hold them. He again devotdd a good deal of time to the Jonathan's Creek fraud, because here 4n the same part of the county the people know the facts and are more in terested in it than the people of other sections. Crawford goes imdghty slow on all these matters when he is in a nejghborhod where the people are ac quainted with the facts. He yells about something else there. Moody read again from tne official reports of our military and civil om cerS In the Philippines, describing tne circumstances' under which hostilities commenced there, and ho roasted Crawford for setting up against this testimony the excited and ill-consider ed wobAs of Hoar in a speech :nad be fore 'the treaty was ratified. By the way, one of Crawford's friends on the outskirts of the crowd at Canton the other day, was wildly indignant and was moving around with blood in h's eye and a four-inch knife in his fist. His grievance was that Moody ciLcd Crawford a follower of (Hoar. The same oharge was made today, but no one wanted to fight about it. He does not follow Hoar in fact; what he does is to take ihis stand where Hoar did before the treaty waJs signed . He has not, like Hoar, the intelligence to see and the honesty to admit that the position is changed now since Bty- an helped ratify the treaty, and that there is nothing now that can be done except to put down the insurrection. He sat down where Hoar once stood, but it does not suit him to progress with Hoar. -Ul he knows about the Philippipe question he got from the things Hoar said when he was im perfectly informed, and Crawford even twists Hoar's mistakes about till they have lost what little semblance of truth they once had. Crawford talks a lot about what he calls the "treaty" with the sultan of Jolo. Mr. Crawford don't know, or at any rate, is careful hot-to: say that it is not a "treaty" at all, but simply a temporary agreement entered into between General Bates and the sultan. Nor does he tell that the piresident in his message to congress said: "I have confirmed this agreement, subject to the action of congress-, with -the reser vation, wlhich I have directed shall be communicated to the sultan of Jolo that this agreement is not to bo deem ed iri any was to authorize or give the consent of the United States to tlfe existence of slavery in the iSulu archi pelago." Mr. Crawford doesn't read that, he merely complains in general" terms of the "treaty" which he does not read to the people, and recites the amounts we pay monthly to the sultan- and his chiefs. This amount he gives In Mex ican silver dollars free silver dollars but he does not say so. Thfus he more than doubles the antount, which makes him feel even better than if he had di rectly stated it falsely. BOER COMMANDO AMBUSHED. London, Oct. 16. A despatch to the central news from Durban sates that Bethune's mounted Infantry ambushed a Boer commando near Vryheid, Milling sixty, wounding thirty-five and cap turing the remainder, numbering sixty five. HOMEOPATHS AT KNOXVILLE. Knoxville, Tenn., Oct. 16. The sev enteenth annual meeting of the South ern Homeopathic Medical association convened here this morning, the ad dress of welcome being delivered by Mayor Heiskell. LITTLE FOLKS' FOOD. Let th children have Wheat-Hearts and1 milk for breakfast and suiroer. Nothing is cheaper. Nothing is bet ter for them. They love it. Wie are showing every day an EXHIBITION OF HIGH GRADE FOODS and choice orovisions, that will inspire confidence in our gro cery methods. FerriSyHamB at 17 cents and Ferris Bacaa at lS'Cents is the best the market offers. Have you tried "Hllsbury" Flour for light bread and. rolls? It is used by our bakers. 24 lb. sacks, 75 cents. CURBNCE SAWYER BOCER. 6 NORTH COURT SQUARE. I"R0CKBJi00X FARM Z CREAMERY BUTTER " GOL. BRYAN IM NEW YORK Addresses an Immense Gath ering at Madison Square Garden. The Speech Devoted to Same Old Campaign Scare-crows Flash Light Photographer Takes Snap Shot at the Speaker. Meetings Held Also at Tammany Hall and Cooper Union. DISPLAYS OF FIREWORKS AND COLORED LIGHTS IN THE STREETS PORTRAITS OF THE DEMOCRATIC1 CANDIDATES DIS PLAYED. New York, Oct. 16. Bryan received an ovation tonight seldom accorded to any one. He witciessed three immense meetings, one In Madison Square gar den, one at Tamany hall and another ait the 'Cooper Union. He also made a few iremarks to an immense crowd which assembled at Madison square. In all the streets adjoining 'the hails at which he spoke there were great dis plays of fireworks, colored lights and streets jammed with people. The aniost important meeting was at Madison Square garden. A few minutes after .the buidling opened it was jammed with people. The hall was profusely decorated with flags and bunting. Di rectly over, where the 'speakers were seated, in blazing lights, was the senti ment: "We Wish to remain a free people,", and underneath were the portraits-of Bryan and Stevenson. On ibe entrance of IBryan the audi ence rose. In a 'body and cheered wild ly for fully five minutes ton Bryan, and when he was introduced the audi ence again rose to its feet and cheered for several mibinutes. While Bryan was standing, motlonin for silence, without warning came from the mid dle of the floor a blinding flash and a dull report. Instantly there was a cloud, dn Bryan's face. (He fixed his eyes ontthe spot from yhich the' dis turbance' came,' but when he sawf it was only from a flash light of a pho tographer taking his picture Bryan joined in the laugh which followed. Bryan spoke for an hour and ten mln uets and was. listened to most attent ively. His speech was devoted to the discussion of Imperialism, militarism and trust ts. He delivered hist last speech tonight at (Cooper Union. At the eomciusioto of this speech he was driven to the Hoffman House for a night's rest. REPORTED DAFEAT OF BOXERS. Washington, Oct. 16.T-The secretary of state has received tthe following tel egram from United States Consul M Wade at Canton: "Imperial troops 'have retaken Huichow and rebels have dispersed to the eastward." London, Oct. 16. A despatch from Shanghai says it is reported there that 12,000 Boxers 'have been utterly routed at Tsangschao by 5,000 of Yuan Shi Kai's trops under General Mei. In consequence of this . thousands of Shantung Boxers in the neighborhood of Pekln and Tien Tsln. are returning to their homes. ' JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF HAND PAINTED SOUVENIR CHINA AT J. H. LAW'S, 35 PATTON AVE. Best grade Lowest prices. Ice & Coal Ot. coal, coke. Lard coal. 'Phone 4.-AshevUI - 4 e t t t i Let us Present Our Card I 4 We want to became acquainted! with you, and show you some of the choice properties we. have for aale. We know Ithey will In terest you. We know you will profit greatly by onakins .aai in 8 vestment cow n. B. B0STIC CO., I - 23 Patton Ave. 1 1 1 : 5- i i Hi' 1U it Si 1 j1 :l .i .ft' ''I I Ert A .1 V I I' : v -, : , Heal Estate Brokers v fc' ,ii;r.-.... L-rattoAveniie.