'ti a. - , - ...... ASHEVILLE GAZETTE, OCTOBER 10 1900. . And do you understand what tout real, troubled jarol Mosil 1 people treat ttiemseles forthe ' 1 t wrong disease. H ydti wtilstop juiH ! think a moment, foil can avoid or Cor rect mistakes.; Did,your;sickis3 blgin in the stomach 1 Did it then spread to the Liver, Kidneys and'Blood ? If fhat Is so, then you can readily see thai by takmg a medicine that is good' for Stomach, Kifineys, Liver, Bladder tmd Blood, you are sure 1 to get at the sat of the trouble' beyond question, the Tory best medicine for the purpose is i . Drm David Kennedy' o -Si It is the pre-eminent cure for the; kidneyand Bladder.. By mang thoM vital organs well, it pif t all jj-cids and poisons from' the blood. It sets mat ters right in thestoiiiach,proinotmggentIe,c th bowels, and permanently removing the causdiof Mgestion and Dyspepsia. W. I. Mfller, of Rhinebeck, N. T4 JTim used Dr. David EnsedT'f '' rTorit Renwdy for a jsnmber of jresari, and finds it the best medicuw ha arar uad for Iirar udlXidaay ToobleaV Ha recommends it ldghly. A Urt bottl f Farorlto Remedy U Mid by drafts for f f, or fx hrttlm tar $ L TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Bend your name and address to the DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORATION, Rondout, N. Y., OMnttonltiff this paper. You will receive by re turn mail, absolutely free, a trial bottle of Fa rorite Remedy, and a pamphlet containing ral table medical adyice, such ai eyerybody necda. The C. H. & D. Trains between CINCINNATI, TOLEDO & DETROIT C H & D RY ADVT tros tWmukrs run through the famous and fer tile Miami valley and numerous prosperous villag1 and cities ol (western OMo and Soutnern Midi itran. There are four lUmyugOi trains each way. Pullman; eleep ars otai tght trains. THE MIGHICAN FLYER, vo,tibuiM carries parlor and! cafe oars, -with ele&ant through day coaches. Leaves Cincinnati 1 p. m.; ar rives Toledo 6:50 p. m.; arrives Detroit 8:20 p. m. On of the finest trains in the central taJbes THE C. H. & II Is ttJhe direct line from Chicago J eunid the south .o the popular summer resorts of Michigan aad Canada. Cinnects at Toledo with f steamers on Lake Erie and wltfl I rail lines for interior polnfts; as Detroit with rail and steamer I lines for inland and lake resorts. JEALS are served to the C. H. & D. cafe care a la cante, one tihus be ing able to order as desired, at moderate prices. FOUR FAST TRAINS between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and Chi cago. Agents of connecting roads, will sell you tickets routing via C. H. & D. Ry. - Z. G. EDWARDS, Passenger Traffic Manager, THE BURLINGTON ROUTE Nvw thrmMrli train to Pot!' nd. Puget !Eoumd "The Burlington Northern Pa- Iciflc Express," No. 41, from St. Louis ph, Northwestern Nebraska, Black ills, Wyoming, Montana, WasMngtoa,' 'acoma, Seatltle, Pugct souno ana 'ort.la.nd.. Oresron. via Billings. Monx. .he short line and time saver to the up- Northwest. To the Puget so un a in in hours. Through coaches chair cars ispats free), standard sleeper, and dm- nr cars with through tourist sleepers Eram Kansas City. This is the' maim; Jtraveled route St. . ouis to the North Iwest. Number 5, "Nebraska-Colorado Ex press," midda. train from St. Louis for Ifs braska, Colorado, Utah, Pacific w-oasx; one mgnt no uenvw. aw i-w. fet. Paul, Minineapolis and beyond. No. 15 at 8:15 p. m., St. lxuia to fcansas City, Omaha, St. Joseph, Kan fcas, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, 'Pacific coast via- Denver, also to the JNorxn.- pest Montana, Washington, Oregon, fria. Lincoln and Billing. Please write: J. N. MERRILL. Gen. So. A?Tt.. 5.N. IPryor St., Atlanta, Ga. ; L. W. WAKE- fjEY, Gen. Pass. Agt., St. Loiiis, Mo.; I ward EJLIOTT, Gen. Man., St. Ifouis, NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA AND ST. L. AND WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAIL W AYR. The o-t-w if-Timiifirh Tln trt Arksjuafl. frexas and the North-west. Three daily -ains between Chattanooga, Atlamta 1 Kasv11ll. TVmibl dailv trains ta pemphis and Chicago. Through Pull- Mtheut change L tween Ckattanoo- and St. Louis, and bet veen Cmat- Itaiiooga and Jacksonville, Florid. 1 you are coin.ernilatlnf a trip. "Hi? nni-mt. vnn will fln? it . O J oar interest to write or call On. fcW. l. Danley, G. P. A., NashvUl, Tesji. ll..k ? i . Kogers, T. P. A., Kjowxville, H F. Snx'tk, Traffie Maaujjer, Nai2i- Till, t meet him on (the street. If you 'lorit he may g-et even by cutting you ' iien in our ohiiT-. BISMARCK'S IRON NERVE ?re not found where Stomach, Liver,. Kidneys and T?wia o m wifir. V J. - l rf V V . 1.X Villi monlt 4.Vn. . 1U! J .J-'U success they bring, use Dr. King's ANew Life Pills. Only 25 cents at all 5 I . Ibein looked after. , :- : ( .' r 4. S I lltif .1 15 1 flf I , v mtrJ 1 f - ,- j i 1 1 w : r 1 Favorite Put some urine in a glass tumbler an4 let ft iwmu bouib. a Beaimeas as ue Dottom or a milky, cloudy appearance indicates that the kid nejra are in a dangerous condition, and thai r avonie j&emeayis Daai) needed. uealthr urine is olear . does not staia linen. TIME CARD. Effiective Sepit ember 16, 1900. Northbound: Passenger. Mixed. . 7.40 am 8.30 am (Chester Leave.. Yorkville " .. Gastonia " . . Gastonia " . . .... 8.46 am .. .. 9.48 fim 9.48 ami .. ..10.45 am ....11.33 ami 12.00 im .. ..12.15 pm 1.16 pm Passenger. 10.40 am 12.27 pm 1.15 pm 2.45 pm 4.30 pm 5.10 pm' 5.50 pm 7.50 pm Mixed. 6.30 am 8 .50 am 9.20 am 11.10 am 12.35 pm 1.12 pm 3.20 pm 5.15 pm Dlncolnton " .. Newton Hickory " . Hickory . Lenoir Arrive . Southbound. Lenoir - Leave. Hickory " Newton . " . . 2.00 pm . 3.02 pm . 3.30 pm . 4.20 m . 5.20 pm 5.30 pm . 6.40 pm ,. 7.50 pm Lincoln ton " . Gastonia " . Gastonia ' ... Yorkville " . Chester Arrive . - CONNECTIONS. Chester Southern Ry., S. A. L.f smd L. & C. Yorkrille S. C. & G. Extension. Gastonia Sbuthermi Ry. LiiuColnton S. A. L. Newton axtd Hickory .luthern fly. Lenoir Blowing Rock Stag Line and C. & N. E: P. RE1D, O. P. Agt., . Cnester. S. C Transylfania Railroad Gompn), GeerfJ Offices Brevard, N. C. SUMMER SCHEDULE. In Effect June 14 1900. STATIONS. a ri' 6 am 6.20 HAS Lt. . n Brevard ..Arl9,50f ll.(H...DaVidbn River... 19.S2 s.ts 1.421., Penrose 8.2316.11 1.62 . Blantyr 12.01 ........ Etowah 9.03 2.10I Cannon 2.15 Horse Shoe 8.55 .50 2.25 Tale 8 401 7.40 2.45 Ar. Hendersonville Lv, 8.20j5.2l I lag tatiocs. Connects with Southern Railway at Lendersonville. J. F. HATS, General K jiager. T. S. BOSWELL, Superintedenti Bre-ard', June 14, 1900. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Trains Nos. 39 and 34, between Spar itanburg ami Miorristowiff, will be dis continued for the season, effective Oct. 21, 1900. Mobile-Asheville sleeping car line No. 523, operated on these trains, wi!i be discontinued between Ch.it4anoog-a and Ashevlle, effectiv Occber U, 1900, last car leaJU Asheville October Vo 1900. Charleston-Asheville parlor car line No. 537, operated on trains Nos. 33 an 3 11. will be discontinued, effective October 21, 1900, last car leaving Asbe vllle October 20, 1900. There will be a special excursion1 train operated over the Southern rail way from Asheville, N. C, to Chatta nooga, Tenn., and return October 22-23.- This train will leave Asheville Monday, October 22, at 7 a. rn., arriving at Chattanooga 5:30 p. m. Returning-, this train will leave Chattamooga 7 p. m. October 23, thus giving all the ex cursionists ainple time to visit the many attracti ns in and around Citat- tanooga. The fare from Ashenlle to Chatt'tapooga aaid return this train wilPbe $3".00. " Eicellerit arrangements tuave been.miadfi ffor the accommodating oflof both white and 0oloredi passengers'. A SLIGHT ATTACK of mi may bring on Diarrhoea, which is, in many cases, . followed by inflammation of the stomach arid other ' dangerous com plaints. :A11 such disorders are danrrer oui and 'should in their infan y Je treated with the best knjwn remedy. The meritd of Pain-Killer are known and it is recognizel c s the standard spe cific for cramps,, diarrhoea, eto Avoia substitutes, there la I t one Pa! f UaUftr, Perry Davis!. Price 25c (and 50c. .' J SSkmr., rninrribt m,TV SO vmrftltUteU that tfto&v aire iimhao-DV unless they have worita Rctsz f oiniietihihs: to worry about. . I,', 1 1 IMMORTELLE warm moment of n jiiw r ri fj&sout tick rose! r i -? Sums all the summer's lorely blooai" ' . . Boiid her. soul epitomize Who lies before as now with Uddsfl Filth's amaranth of truth 1 yCroMtning her jputhi, A ; . i - j As SQTPftjgtelodioua pptg or strata May so contain All of sweet music in one chord Or lyric word - So did her loving heart suggest ' All dreams that make life blest, , i Who lies before us now with pulseless breast. Love's asphodel of duty CiwaiBg;Jher beauty. Madison Cawein In - -Woman's Home Oompan- MHL r ONE OF NATURE'S ODDITIES. Phenomenon That Follows Digging . In Trinidad's Asphalt Lake. -' Few people who travel brer file - as phalted streets of New York are aware of the origin of . the black, pitchy mass that goes ta Jnaloe up the basis of the smooth roadway under their feet. Eight een hundred miles, almost due south from New York, lies the - Artie tropical island of Trinidad, a British possession off the coast of northern South America. At the south western extremity of this colony the famous Pitch lake Is located on the summit of a small hill less than 200 feet above the level of the sea. In appearance there is nothing phenomenal about this wonder of the tropics, hut a visit to the lake, as it is familiarly called, reveals one of the most unaccountable oddities of nature in the annals of travel. The tourist may take passage to the "land of the humming bird," as Trinidad people like their community to be called, and after securing accommodation at the only decent hotel in the colony proceed to the lake by one of the small government steamers plying coastwise three times weekly, disembark at the Brighton pier and proceed to the scene of the "dig ging." Of all the crude, rough and ready means of extracting wealth from Mother Earth the Trinidad lake asphalt opera tions are the most striking.'. The visitor arrives on a fairly level plateau, spotted here and there with tiny pools of water, beneath which the soft, shiny substance known as asphalt glitters in the reflec tions of a fierce tropical sun. Scattered over the surface of the lake dozens of swarthy negroes are plying pick and hoe, extracting the tar coaly looking stuff from the earth. One may sit in the shade of a nearby shrub or under the protecting shade of an umbrella and watch the negroes pile heap after heap of the asphalt into the endless chain of tubs that hurry along to the pier from which one has but recently landed until a yawning excavation of 20 or more feet suggests to the supervising darky that the time has come to move a bit far ther on. In the course of a few hours the excavation resulting, from the morn ing's digging begins to look less deep, and by eventide the spot from which more that five or ten tons have been dug Is again level with the surrounding earth and ready to be dug over by the gang of noisy blacks. From the point of digging to the pier is but a mile or less of endless chain descent. Moored to the pier an big sailing vessels and sometimes steam ers, into whose capacious hold9 the tubs discharge the pitch at the rate of 200 or 300 tons per day. ' On the voyage to Trinidad, West In dies, and during the traveler's stay there many other objects of interest may be "taken in." Within a few miles of the city of Port of Spain is the Blue basin. aJ lofty waterfall culminating in a valley of gorgeous tropical verdure. Eight miles in an opposite direction 'are the Maracas falls, of equal beauty and novelty, while all around the city and suburbs are vil lages of Indians in their primitive gath erings of tribes and castes, but quite alert in their readiness to make money by the sale of queer relics of their craft There is but one direct line of , steamers to Trinidad and one to the neighboring islands of the Antilles. The rates of passage are reasonable enough although the accommodation leaves something to be desired. The voyage requires any where from 9 to 12 days, according to the point of disembarking, and the cost of a round trip of five or six weeks may be covered by the prudent tourist for an ex penditure of ?300. New York Post. He Kept the Watch. On one occasion Jose Maria, a Spanish brigand, robbed an English gentleman and his servant of their horses and ev ervthing they possessed save their clothes. The Englishman was a pleasant. attractive youth and submitted to the robbery with great good humor. This ap pealed to Jose Maria, and as they were 40 miles from Seville, whither the trav eler was going, he determined that he should not walk that distance and gave him back his servant's horse and doubloon $16 out of the 200 he had taken. The youth thanked the robber warmly and added that he had still a great favor to ask. "Will you not return me my watch?" he said. "It was the parting gift of my dear father." "Is your father alive," asked Jose Maria, "and does he love you very much?" "Oh. yes." said the youth; "he lives and loves me." "Then," said Jose Maria, "I shall keep the watch, for if your father loves you so dearly he is sure to give you another. x. Siberian Fairs. Fairs are very numerous in Siberia and possess great importance. The greatest and most ancient Siberian fair is that of Irbit, founded in 1(5.34., The Irbit fair is open from Feb. 1 to March 1. and dur ing this time the little town wakes up and welcomes 25,000 strangers, doing business worth 'from 40,000,000 to 55, 000,000 rubles. According to. t lie Rent. French families have to pay what is called a personal furniture tax, which, however, is a misnomer, for a man may have $1,000 or $50,000 worth of furni ture in his house, but the tax will rbe the same. It is regulated ,by the amount of rent paid, families paying but $80 for rent being exempt. The Onlyl Possibility. He Nothing could ever come between us, could it, dear? She I can't think of a single thing unless J, should happen to , become engag ed to some" other man. Harper's Bazar. He who .gets -what -he ;wants is fortu nate, but he who wants what he gets is thricesol--Mappe. - ' ' - 1 The only excuse f Or lazy people ts that they are seldom- dangerous. Nevf York Press, i i BgnJatei tlie liver, Stcaaelri BiatFela 4-widKidiieyi: 1 ,For !bUliouaaiees. conkinflUAi Z-nA Irxialaiia. . - t . -: , For Indigestion, sick end nervoca For eleeplesnesa. nparsmn mBa miA For" fever, chills. deMlroilBv disease nae-Leir4iEaixir - Ladies or rat ari Mrngfo -or-aa!jlaitiori, take Lemon Hllxir. f 50C.ami.ji Dottles at druegifrts. Frepared otry.iJv rr. j-Miwrta- A fcrOTUfient llinistet Write, 1 After ten -years nf tmx anfrwdur Tom indigestion. mitiK oo pttdta!ionv hlliiousness, diorderedTrid-4 neys ana constipation, I have been cur ed by Dr. Mozley e Lemon. BUxir, ajad, cum WW: iwu mam. RBV. C. C. DJLYIS, - .EM- M. E. CJrurch, fitfatH. No. Tatnali street, AtlaahvtM. A Promirj errt Memphian Writes. Dr. H. Mozley. Atlanta- firr heen trafferer Tor puree years hotx jiaaiKesTionL and bn trrotAt Ivo- many physicians, wfho ifaiwi - me amy relief. Oontihuing to ' erow worse, my brother urt-iH Dr. IDozfey's Lemon. pniiHr rrofhiwh edy he had used or RvTii t eommenoed ts use and must say tthat your ijwion muxxr is the greatest med icine on earth. I neve never suffered, a day since I commencen using1 Lemon Elixir. m. l. JLCtoCO. 206 Hernando, St., Memphis, Deofi What a dreadful thine It Is to wk up in the night suffering from chol era morbus, and yet cases of this kind are very common. The -trouble, how ever, will never become aerious If you kesp a bottle of Pain-Killer on hand, for it is a remedy that never falls to cure cholera, cramps, diarrhoea or dys entery. Avoia substitutes; there is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis'. Price 25o. ad 50c. Umbrellas are erealt M-uffrs 4r ia a case of put up or shut up with them. Torturing skin enntion. hum a.nr? sores are soothed at once and promptly neaiea !y applying DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for piles. Beware of worthless counter feits. Dr. T. C. Smith. JOB COULDN'T HAVE STOOD IT If he'd had Itching Piles. Thev're teirribly annoying; but Bucklen's Arni ca tsaive wni cure ithe worst case of Biles om, earth. It has cured thousands. For injuries, pains or bodily eruptions it s the best salve in the world. Price 25e a (box. Cure guaranteed. Sold bv aix druggists. For ' Want drertl?ements see page 6 Ns.lL Ns. 87-11 4.30 pm 6 55 pm 9.20 pm - No. 85. 12.05 am 8.50 am 6.22 am Ns. 18. .-- 1?. 43 pm 11.15 arm 6.10 am 6.07 pso 12.10 am 12.91pm 8 .35 par LtO am 2. 09 am 5.1C am - 9.10 am 2.50 pm 8.60 pm 6.85 pm t ........ 4 7.40 pm .8.03 pm m9.01 pm 9..20 pm i0:30 pm 12.03 am 12.10 am 12.15 a. . 1.29 am 3.00 am 4.25 am 7.40 am 7.10 pm 9. 10- am 10.12 am 10.52 am 11.13 am 12.84 pm 2.12 pm 2.20 pm 2.40 pm 4.02 pm 5.55 pm 7.40 pm 11.35 pm 7.10 pm 5.55 am 7.20 am 9 20 am 11.00 am 9.20 10.88 12.30 2.10 5.50 7.40 1.05 pm 6.40 am 6.88 pm .50 am 7.60 p 7.80 am 7.86 pm ...... fi tt issossss oOssssoos sso Lis syv Ne. 14. 7.00 am 08 am 8.02 am 9.13 am 11.22 am ' 8.20 pm No. 10. 2.05 pm 2 12 pm 2.57 pm 4.00 pm 6.00 pm 9.35 pm No. 14. 8.00 pm 8.10 pm 9.00 pm 10.1 pm 12 Sam ".17pm 7.10am Ar Charlestea Lt. 7 6 am 11.06pm ......... I'"' ' 3 ; Central Time. 1.15am At Savanaah 12.65am .......... ...... - ......... .9.25am Am Jacksonville Lv 7.45pm - 8.00 am At Augusta Lt. 9.66 pm 9.86 pm 3.65pm 5.10am i.Msjii At Atlamta ....Lv. 7.56 am 11.59 pm 11.66 pm '"11 : 111 : 7.40am 8.80pm .Wpaa Ar....... New Oriui -....E. 7.45pm 7.55am 7.55 am g - ...... 7.40am ...... -..T ' Ar.......... Ifemphls ..-..r....LT. 9.06pm ......... ....... m g. 7.19pm 8.80am I.Mam At ICaeos ...... ....Ev. -6.06 am 7.10pm 7.16pm No. 17. 9.15 am 10.45 am 11.00 am 12.40 pm No. 2.45 .1C 4.26 O i OS OS Daily Excey Bunday. rraina 7 and 11, and 12 and 88, ctrry Pull man wleepers between New Tork, Washington, Asheville, Hot Springs, Chattanooga and Nashville. Trains 9 uid 11, and 16 and 12 between Jackson ville, Savannah, Charleston, Asheville, Hot Spring. Knoxville and Cmciamati. Trams 8Fand 86 carry PuUmea sleep ers between Salisbury, Ashevllls, Hot Springs, Chattanooga tad Memphis. - Train 83 &a 84 earry Pullman eep ern between As&srrSle, Atlanta, llaeon, ? fcrtu-tsabwrs;; and iPullmssleep- ITCHINQgTJMOllS,, EULm JPLis-cman, s b. k s. treating Erupwoo. tfte SkM mo you feel ashamed to be sees in compaiivi D Scabs -and "Scales fetm sai ess Sklu, Hair or Scalp? Have you Eczema? Kin SSotHf and Ci -c feed? Hash lorm ou the dkJo? Prtekim tjt, i,. h sirln Boils? Phnpies? ions -piin? 80! - - tea .Joints? FallLog Hair? All Boa Down? Skin Pale? Old Sores? :'mang toma of Bcxem aod Impnritlr 'sndi trw&am to the Mood., To stay cored' take B. B B. - (Botnlo Blood Bahn) 1 "e axund trip. For military, oocn which makes the blood xure s rtcfcTf1E)a,llIe and brass bands- In uniormar B. B. B. will cause tLe soreg to heaCi itchinsr of eczema to ston forever. skin to Deoosna dear and fho hreaHi sweet. B. B. B. is lust the remedv -rati have been looking: for. Thoroughly tast ed for thirty years. Our readers are advised to trv B. R. B. uvu- ai druggist at Jl Per largu bottle; ix large Dotues (full treatment) f5. Com plete dtrectioins w!tlv hntiH sufferers may teat it, a trial bottle riven I balm oo., AtJamta, Ga. Describe yourl wwoie ua xree personal mrdical ad-t vice given. The camdidaite who Is unable to dodge Issues toad better give up the Job and go to rwork. DOES IT PAT TO BUT CHEAP? a. cdeap remedy for soujehs aia colds Is all right but you want something- t will relieve and cure the mere severs and dangerous resutta of throat and lung troubles. What shall ou do? Go to a warmer and more regular cUtraute? Tec, if possible; if not posslbls for you, then In either case take the ONLT remeQr that has been Introduced in all civilised countries with success in severs throsit and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup." It not only heals rad stlmu lu s the tissues to destroy ihe germ disease, but allays Inflammation, causes rasy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient. Try ONE bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. For sal y W. C. Csrmichael. Most men worry over their trials, but the lawyer worries when he does;i r have any. A Card. This Is to certify that I used Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir for neuralgia 0 the head and eyes with the most mark ed benefit ito my general health. I would gladly have paid $600 for the re lief it has given me at a cost of two. or three dollars. H. A. BfSALX. Clerk Superior Court, Randoiph Cw Ga. .Dr. David Kennedys Favorite Remedy LURES ALL KID NET. STOMACH -AND LIVFR TROUBLES. SOUTHERN RAILWAY IN EFFECT JUNE 10, 1900. Eastern Time .. New York Ar. Philadelphia Ar. .. Baltimore Ar. . -v. LV. Lt. Lv. LV. Washington .. Danville .. .Ar. .Ar. Lv. RicmoohA .Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. .. Norfolk . ... Selma .. .. Raleigh . Greensboro .Ar. .Ar. .Ar. .Lt. Central Time. ,. Salisbury .. Statesville .. Newton .... , .. Hickory ... , .. Marios. ... . Biltmore . . ,. Asheville ... .. Asheville .. . Hot Springs . , Morrostowm . .. En vllle .. Chattanooga , . Memphis .. .... Bristol ... Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. .Ar Ar. Ar. s ee o sTs Ar. s o AJT ...... Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. ...... Ar. , Lt. Lt. LV. am am pm pm pm am Ar NashvUlo Lv. Ift-S.jS Ar.. Louisville Lt Ar ConcinnAti Ar New Orleans iT. 7.tCm Ar Mobile EV. At AND S; BRANCH; Central Tlma. .. Asheville .........Ar. ... Biltmore Ar. Hendersonville Ar. .... Tyron Ar. Eastern Time. . oartanburg . . . .Lv. .. Columbus ..Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. BTORPHY BRANCH; Central TS&u. Lv Asheville .........Ar Lt WaynefTfll .......Ar. Lv.. ..... Balsam ....... .At. . Lv. Bryson City ..Tv. Ar.... Murpky .........Lv. 19 P pm pm tanooga, BlrmiBgham an Uobfio, via Morris to wu. TPrains 13 vdA 14 carry Pullman jsjtr. lor can between Asheville, Spartan burg, C lumbla aad Chariest s, . Together with our exeellent ralp ment and schedules to the next an e ' , all rail through Washington, the public's speclul attention is ailed to our rail and water; route to the north and east Southern Railway aad the Cheo SJiorrs orapoy ersjt "swn ssoQ mvr nsta 01 XsrsniaoddO rs 8m I1EDUGED RATES, Southern: railway for the following: oc casions: Account North Carolina State Agri cultural Fair. Raleigh, N. C. Oct. 12- fl inclusive. Tickets on Sole October 27 inclusive. Tickets on Sola Ortaber " inclusive, with final limit October 29, at rate of one first class fare fus SO cents for one admission to the Jr grgucds, for Rhe round trip. The rate from Asheville, including one admis sion to the fair grounds will b 19130 for the round trip. For military-com - Id parties of 20 or more on one tic!- a special rate will be made if aoDliea- Kloo is received several days In -ad vance. VN Account Thirty-second Annual State Fair, Columbk S. C, October, ttth to November 2nd. 1900. Aran ta at Asheville and intermediate eUutionslto uoium-Dia, win sell tickets October 27 to November 1, 1900, art rate of one first CiaSS fare ,Dlus 50 cpntJ for m Htti1 sion to the fair grounds for the round p. Rate from Asheville, including one admission to the fair grounds -will he $5.50. For military comnanies And bras (bands in umlformv 20 or more on one ticket, a raite of $3.25 per capita each will apply from Asheville, fordihe round trip. Account Southern Inter-elate Fair, Atlanta, Ga. .Tlckefts on sale October 12, 16, 18, 23 an. ;25, with flnaUimdt Oc tober. 30. Ba&e of ohe first class lim ited fare for 'the round trln. !iu50 eeats. forgone ittdmtaston to the .fair grounds. ' Rattf ' from Asheville $8.45. For military companies sod brass bands In uniforms, parties of 20 or more on one ticket, ratseL from Asheville $5.25 per capita. w- . Bates account of the,:North Carolina state fair at 3al4gh,-N. C, wili -Xe f ulay.advertlsed, wtthltt the next -few days. - :-- - - Account fiflth annual free street fair and trades carnival, Knoxville, Tenn. Tickets om' sale October 10, 11 and 12, with final limit October 15. Ticket on sale at Murphy, Morgan ton and Hen dersonville and intermediate stations at raite of one first class fare for the round rip. Rate from Asheville $4.00. For full information call upon ticket agents or address F. R. Darby, C. P. & T. A., Asheville, N. C, or R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte. N. C. ROBBED THE GRAVE. A startling incident Is narrated by John Oliver, of Philadelphia, as fol lows: "I was in an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow eyes sun ken, tongue coated, pain continually In back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters; to my greait joy, the first bottle made a decided improve ment. I continued their use for ithree weeks, and am now a well man., I know they robbed the grave of ancther victim. No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at all druggists. No. 12-88. No. 88. No. U. N 12.41pm' 6.85 am ......... r, lO.ie am 2.56 am . 8.00 am 11.26 pm 6.42 am t.Cf pm ..... 11.25 pm l.XOpm 1 1 i' 1 g. 6.40 am 6.25 pm ......... .... . . . . .. . 9.20 am .BOara 2.45 am 11 45 pm 5.55 pm 12.35 pm 11.85 am 8.50 am 1111 s 1 s s 6.85 pm 9.40 am 6.27 pin 8.51am ... 5.00 pn 8.18 am ......... 4.41pm 8.01am- ......... ...M., 3.22 pm 6.52 am 1.40 pm 5.26 am I. 30 pm 5.20 am f 1.10 pm 5.15 am 6.66 son 9.25 poj II. 45 am 4.06 am 4.28 pm 7.18 pm 9,50am 2.80am 1.46pm 6.66pm 8.25 am 1.15 am 1.29 pm 4.25 pm 4.00 am 16.00 pm 9.6s am 9.15 am 9.16 am 2.15 pm .... .. ....... ....... 6. 2Bl - - 10.00 pm 9.1 am . . i . j, .nn 7.45 pm 7.49 ass ......... . .. 8.66 pm J. 86 ass ..fiuun - ......... 7.86 pm ......... - .. .s ......... T.66 pis !.. No. It. 6.15 pm 6.07 pm 5.11 pm 4.60 pm 3.40 pm 11 40 am No. 6. 12.16 pm 12.68 pm 11.18 am 9.5 am 9.65 am 6.16 a Natl. 6.65 am 8.55 am 8.62 cm 7.66 am 7.68 am .-.. ... tuijina No. 12. 6.56 pm 4.16 pm 8.95 pm 5o. 20 12.65 pm 13.SI am 16.16 am 8.46 am 5.16 am ... . .. . Daily fSxoopt Ccmforf (Fort IZoirron), YtL, Tbstna Ifr port News, stew Prssk 8. Oannos T iri t Resi dent and General Iffaaagsy, sadEC toe, D. C; J. M Cnlp. Traffie Mtaaftg& Washincton, J, k . ? 7 I A., Tostfc Ss eral PassengM Affoat, WsslTiCfosi. D. a; . 1 . Hardwl4Jc, A. : T. JL, Atim ts, a,; a A. Boxojtftr, ,JL JOB. A-g Chnttanootf , Tmaz W IX T&7te JL a. p. a., LouisTiEo, Er.T -a C1.T nssoMt'BPAT AOfl CS6a0V fcsosi - - 41 "1 1 ... V 1 ft r A 1 1 ill1 n r f 1r rf 1 . VrA : i 7.' K-3 ft n 1 5 i '1 tj:' n ri'-" K f h in 1 ft i' t - " i 1 1 - 1 "If X - f 4

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