YOt IV: NO. 226 A8HEVHLE, N. C, St NDAt 1I0BNUC6, OCTOBER 28, 1900. PRICE 5 CENTS. OESTCEICIO&CO Special Announcement- Miss Ferguson of; New" York, an ex pert fitter and deJ monstrator will be in OUR CORSET DE PARTMEMNT for one week, commenc ing Monday, October 29, to November 3rd, and will fit without charge; and explain the superior merits of the Celebrattd AMERICAN LADY Corsets. We cordially in vite all ladies to. call and view this un. usually attractive; display of these cot ;oc wViothpr vnn in. tend to purchase or not. OESTREICHER&fifl 51 Patton Ave. If we have it, it is the best. ATTRACTIVE, CONVENIENT, ECONOMICAL. The Cole Heater m mam tm y ASHEVILLE, N. C THBAST OOR. COURT TJAB PHotlE 87. , TEAIVT BATHS. eatrnent for: NerTOUS, R'JieamAtto other diseases. special: Thur BwuuSt L Mss&se for Diseases; Al FsMae. KOF. EDWIU GJUnER, Uat- Chemnttz OaVt fee, Germany hCZllJ OaMajid , Helots Sana- Uun& -i - Ii' A . . omce Treatneatu Offlc PROSPERITY PARADE Yesterday Was the Greatest Day of the Campaign in Chicago. Every Industry Eepresented ' in the Floats. Th "6 0 P." Elephants Led the Long Procession. Many of the Marchers Carried Pull Dinner Fails. WORKMEN'S REPUBLICAN CLUBS from THE PACKING HOUSES AND STOCKYARDS MADE A NOT ABLE SHOWING. Chicago, Oct. 27. Business was gen erally suspended in -Chicago today and the city gave itself up to the "Pros perity" parade. The prediction of pleasant weather was amply fulfilled, the brightly shining sun and the soft balmy atmosphere making an ideal au tumnal day. Every industry of the city was represented in the floats' that interspersed the procession and each marcher wore a foadge containing the words: "McKinley Was All Right." Among those occupying the review ing stands were United States Senator Hanna, chairman of the republican committee; Vice Chairman Henry C. Payne, National Committeemen Stew art, New and Kerens - and United States Senators Cullom and Mason, of Illinois. The. parade started' at 10 oclock. All along the route the busi ness houses. and office buildings were f profusely decorated with the national colors and streamers bearing the le gend "McKJnley Was Right," "Sound Money and iProsperity," and kindred inscriptions, together wdth representa tions of "The Full Dinner Pail." At the head of the parade -walked two elephants (bearing banners inscribed. 'G. O. P. The Real Thing." Behind the two pachyderms followed a don key bedecked with bells and a clown ish cap upon Its head. Further bak in the column was a stuffed elephant drawn by horses, Tbts elephant led the advance of the Hamilton club of Chicago, which escorted the Americus club of 1 Pittsburg . Another large, dele - gation was the Kenosha, Wis., repub- ican marching club of seven hundred members. In the line of parade were regiments of men in uniform, from scores, of business houses which, to gether with the banks, stock exchange and board of trade had closed for the occasion. These marchers carried "Full Dinner Pails' and banners. XThe workmen's republican clubs, conspicuous among which were several resenttagr the large packing houses of the stock yards, made a notable show- ng, as did the uniformed division of the Cook -county republican legion, at tired In feftaki, under the leadership of Congressman . Williami Lorimer. T&urougiout the parade the industrial features were unique. A - notable section was the republi can students' league, comprising del egations from the various educational institutions of Chicago. FOOTBALL AT CHAPEL HILL. -. - S... I Special to the Gazette. .Chapel Hill, N. C, Oct. 27. In the football game today between the Uni versity of (North -Carolina and the Vir ginia Polytechnic institute the score waa 0 ito 0. It was a hard fought con test. To prevemt consumption)! quickly ewe .throat and lung troubles with One Min ute Cough Cure. Dr. T. C. Smith. o FOR RENT. FURlNI SHED 8 rooam house, Haywood St. . . 55 11 roomhouse,iMioinitfo(rd Av. .. 50 .7 room ihouse!, CTady St. .... . 40 8 room house, Spruce St. .... 60 5rbtomihoUBe, penjand t. ... 37 14 roomi house, choice location 150 5 roomi fiat, Choice location . . . 38 UNIPTJRINTSHIEJD-- 10 room Ihouae, Woodfln fit $38 9 room Jhouise, Sunset Drive. . . 18 8roomlhouae, well located ... 15 6 room house, gteved Street ... 22 WILKIB & LARBB, Real Estate Brokers " ;' - - v '-v PhWDie 661i. -23 !Paifctao ATcnne, GOAL MINE COMPANIES . FALLING IHTO LIIIE Two More Are$ to ISjfe Ccscessiont to the Strikers. Hazleton, Oct. 27. Markle & Co. an the Cross Creek Coal company today consented to make virtually the same advances in pay and reduction in. pow der as other companies, and the oper ators will resume work in their collier- ies Monday. The only companies still, holding out are the. Lehigh and Wilkes barre. But it is understood they will, give in by November 1, thus bringing all companies dn the Lghigh region in line. GBTTlNCr 'KEADY FOR WORK. Hazleton, Oct. 27. Preparations are being made today for the resumption of work-on Monday at all the collier ies in the Hazleton district. The-railroads are. filling their sidings near the min'es with cars and it is expected' tnat when operations are 'begun again the mines will be kept on full time-all win ter to supply i the greatly depleted coal market. POISON FOUND. Result of Chemical Analysis of Mil lionaire Rice's Stomach. .New York, Oct. 27. Prof. Witthaus, in his chemical analysis of the stomach of William Mansh Rice, reports that he found mercury and arsenic in the stomach . Albert T. Patrick and Charles F. Jones, counsel and private secretary respectively for the late William M. Rice, are held to await the action of the grand jury. Bail was fixed at $10,000 each. The two prisoners are charged with having forged the sig nature of Mr. Rice, who died in New York under strange circumstances, to a check pr $25,000 drawn on the banking firm of Swenson & Sons. The check was made payable to Mr. Patrick. The check was presented, at the bank for certification, and owing to an error in the spelling of Patrick's name, held up iby the bank employes. Inquiry at the home of Mr. Rice by telephone dis closed the fact that Mr. Rice had di-! the day before the check was present ed. Prof. Marsh, of Prof. Witthaus' lao oratory, telephoned Coroner Hart rtjoday that Prof. Witthaus' report on tha cnernicai analysis or tne vital organs of the late Willlajm) fflff." Rice' Wa com pleted and would toe deli verect to Cor oner Hart today. . DEATH OF LYMAN DEAL. The End Cama Last Night at 10:30 O'clock. Dded, last nigihlt at 10:30 o'clock, in the 23rd year of hi age, Lyman' A. real. (Eldesit son of .Rev. John A. Deal of Firiadk'Un, N. O. Mr. Deal had lived 4m Asheville for. some five years past, and by (his imiany good qualities miaide a host of ifriendis, who will mourn has "deatHi. He was a member of the torge and .prosperous firm of Summer, Deal & company. TWO CORPORATIONS TO COMBINE. Chicago, Met. 27. The Times-Herald today said ithiat within a week there is to -be a consolidiatfoiai of Armour & com pany of Chicago and the Armour Pack ing comipany of Kansas City and en in crease to the capfttial of the Chicago corporaition from $20,000,000 to $35,000,000. THE POPE'S SUCCESSOR. Tlome, Oat. 27. A great sensation has 'been caused in ViaJtican circles: - y the report now being circulated (that the pope (has, in his llast will and testaiineinit. recom'mended that the Spanish, capcuinal", Vivez y Tuto, be selected as (his suc 0essor. For a Cold In the Head Laxative Bromo-Qumnn Tablets. DRUG STORE NEWS. Headache. Baldwin's1 Headache Cure is an exceedingly popular remedy for Sick, Nervous and Neuralgiac Head'acihe. Hardly a day passes without a demiand . You are aaife in ibuyfang as we iwill refund the antoney 'if it faills 'to 'give eteitisfac tidn. Price 25c. "Weak Xungs. Cod Liver Oil is the bea$ fos weik lumga, ttund Crainit';.Egff tBmulslon tthle best form tiOiiake It is so ipalatabile Mh&iitai&& af . tedious stomiacih! retaiiuff i. wit ease. EoomiioaJ "(to 5wiy, ; f ull pint $1.00, or a. quart $li5. - t Coughs. iGraaut'a Cough Balsam is excefl Jemt for Coughs, Colds, Hoaree mesa lamdt 'Broncihiaa Irriitaitioivs. It quiiets the cough-, promotes easy eapectorartikxn and does not' dJerange the crtomtatoh. Price 25e. ennnrsQ; 1 pimnni&Y. . ; TELEPHONE lb; :? MQHEY TO BUKIi HOW: ' DOLUR DINNER IH '96 Bryan Bat Another Reception That Saggetti Contrasts With Coxey Army Times. New York, Oct. 27. William J. Bry- fatf was welcomed to New York tonight In a reception which surpassed the re ception Groker gave him a week ago Monday. There were fully as many people on the streets and at Madison Square garden as at. Roosevelt's dem onstration last evening, and the fire Jworks display was more "brilliant than the republicans had gotten up. "Bryan spoke at Broadway, Cooper Union and Madison Square garden and roused genuine enthusiasm. In his speeches Bryan touched the money question ligfotly. and trrmde Imperialism and trtwts. the burden of his talk. Other speakers of prominence were Bourke Cockran and ex-Senator Hill. BBYAN NARROWLY ESCAPES AN ACCIDENT On His Way to Railroad Station After Mass Meeting at New Haven ' - New Haven, Oct. 27. Had it not oeen ior tne timely and effective work or nau a dozen policemen Bryan mignt have been seriously injured here today. The incident occurred after the demo cratic mass meeting in the Second regi ment armory, where he addressed 7,000 persons. He was on his way to the railroad station and the horses were going at a lively clip. Over a thous and persons were at the depot to cheed Bryan off, and the carriage was just approaching the crowd when one of the reins broke and horses made a break for liberty. The policemen leaped to the horses' heads and got them under control. Most of the Yale men kept away from the Bryan meeting and there was no recurrence of the disgraceful scenes of four years ago. ARRIVAL OF THE TRANS PORT URANIA DELAYED Disappointment to Londoners Who ' Were Waiting to Welcome Re turning Volunteers. 'London, -Oct. 27. Never (before did the non -arrival of a sihitp disappoint fo many persons as the deflay of the trans ipatr UTteta'a, due at Southampton last night. FUl'ly five mitllioin Londoners were ; waiting to weBoome the City Im perial Volunteers wii'th an explosion of British enthusiasm. An announcement from the-war office at 11 o'clock this imorningtihait the procession was posjt pomied until Monday if ailed o cancel the popular 'program, and the fosseimibled million's pairaided, shouted and sans: to itheir heairts' content. The Urania ar rived at iSouthampton bh!is afternoon. The volunteers are not allowed to land until Monday and friends are not ,per mii'tted ito hoard' the vessel. EPW0RTH LEAGUE. The following prograim -win he .render 'ed at h'e meeting of the Epworth Eeague union 'at North Asheville Meth odist dhurch itotmorrow teveninig. S'acig service, conducted by Rev. 'E. K. MicLairty; prayer; song; paper, by Miss Irene McLoud, on Suggestions to the Literary Department; solo, Iby iMass Soule; address, by Rev. Harold Turner; qiuiajrite'bte ; paper, hy Miss Fullerton, suhject , System'aitic Charity and Helip; general discussion (10 mitauts) ; solo, Miss Louise Simti'th; sog; !benediiociOn. The puiMio are invited to attend. LITTLE FOLKS' FOOD. Let tHie children have Wheat-Hearts and milk for breakfast and supper. Nothing is cheaper. Nothing is bet ter for uhem. They love it. STOPS THE COUGH AND WORKS CFF THE COLD. Laxative promo-Quinine Tablets evre a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. Watson & Reagar S. E. COURT SQUARE. For Ren t 10 Room House, furnished, per mo.. $200 9 Room House, furnished 175 11 R- an House, furnished 75 9 Room House, (furnished 100 9 Room House, furnished. . . .'. 50 6 Ri l House, furnished.. , 35 10 Room House, furnished 85 9 Room House, furoWhed.... 40 Beautlfi' Couajfcry Place, furnished 100 Beautiful lOviRoom (new) House fuimiehedv.. .. 75 9 Room House, unfurniaheO, per mo. $14 6 Roam House, tKifurnlshed, per mo.. 22 7 Room House, unfurniehed, per mo.. 25 8 Room HotisetrnfuTnlstoed, per mo..20 12 Room House unfurnished, per nip. 30 18 Room House, unfurodshed, per mo. .75 ie Room House, imfurniahed; per mp. .34 8 Room House, unfurnished, per po. .35 We tmve m. tue Mmounit of property for sale. Call and sec .-what we liave before you invest. Wo have som- of tne Jiesb stock, sraln mud Trxdl fattne- to be offered In the o unty Cor saJs rery I l7atson & Reagan ItHGLAIIO DISCUSSING AMERICAN COMPETITION jBritUh llannfactoreri Alarmed at our Growing Success. London, Oct. 21. t-There has been a most significant manifestation of pub lie Opinion in England, especially this. week, upon a question of which Ameri ca should take -tibe fules cognizance. American competition principally iri the foreign and colonial markets has reached such proportions that Great Britain is now thoroughly alarmed. Even now the chief cause of American success ds not recognized. The fatal handicap of the British manufacturer is arbitrary restriction of trades unions which limits the amount of-work ma chines and men shall do. The effect is to make labor, when measured by actual accomplishment instead of by- daily wages, far more expensive in I England than anywhere in fheworld. ine oanger or Americans securing vast contracts for railway extension in South Africa is the principal text of debate now going on in the British press. There are loud ' demands to make British manufacture the condi tion of all contracts, against which a few writers protest with the obvious question why should South Africa be taxed unnecessarilv for thp hfmpfit nf a few Englisfh manufacturers. Nobody undertakes to discover why English firms cantn'ot deliver goos within a rea- sonable time and at prices within 20 per cent of American quotations COLLEGE FOOTBALL. At Cambridge Harvard, 17; Carlisle Indians, 5. At Providence Brown, 5; Princeton, 17. At New York Columbia, 5; Pale, 12. At Philadelphia Pennsylvania, 41; Chicago, 0. At Itihica Cornell, 23; Dartmouth, 6. At Chicago Illinois, 0; Michigan, 12. At Evanston, 111. North Western, 6; Beloit, 6. At Madison, Wis. Wisconsin, 45; Grennell, 0. At West Point Cadets, 6; Williams, 0. At Annapolis Naval cadets, 15; Le high, 0. - . INCREASED REGISTRATION. There Will be a Large Number ofJ Nsw Voters in Each Ward. The ' reglstaraition' books -were' 'Closed yesterday at sundown after having been kept op-en for a week . There was an increased registration- of over five (hun dred, voters, the increase, which in cludes transifeTS, beiiag in fche various w&irds as (foflltows: . First ward, 130. iSecond ward, 102. Third ward, 91. Fourth 'ward. 91. Fifth ward, 77. TMrd Ward, 79. R.E BOWLES Has Contract for Work at Govern ment Building. iR. E. Bowies has. beam awarded the contract for making tihe improvements on the second floor ctf the Federal build ing, occupied iby CoHeator KBarkiins. The award' 'was made by the treas ury depaTifmen't. Mr. Bowles ;will 'be gin work toimorrow m:oinniing. Hon. V. S. Lusk will speak at (Saluda, November 1. Fajirview Novemiber 2. Spring Creek, November 5. Hot Springs, November 5, at night. Hon. iR. B. Rotert, Hon. H. A. Haywaird, and Hon. J. B. Ernstey will speak at Oliyde, Friday, Novemiber 2. "Webster, Saturday, Novemiber 3. Nice Folding Screens at 51.50 each. A bargain. Call and see them. MRS. L. A. JOHNSON. Wle are proud of our line PRESERVES as they are tube 'best we can get. We have all! kinds, in large end small bottles and! jars from T5c ito $4.50. ' '. Genuine CANTON GINiGER, PRESERVED, ia-ot4gnil pack age, "35 and 60c. CLARENCE SAWER 9T - - iROCER'; & DRTH-COTJRT SQTJARH. 9 "R0CKBE00K FAESI ' of ; PUNISHMENT OF BOXERS The Matter Discussed at a Meeting of the Foreign Ministers at Pekin. J A Formal Protest Made by Minister Conger. Against Reported Intention of Chinese to Depose Friendly Viceroys. Serious Result Might Follow Such Treatment of Thess Official! . REPLY RECEIVED TO LI HUNG CHANG'S MEMORIAL TO THE THRONE -THE EMPEROR MUST WAIT UNTIL THE BOARD OF PUN ISHMENT ACTS. Pekin, Oct. 26. The foreign minis- I ters held a' meeting today at the house of the Spanish minister. The session lasted two hours and the only question discussed was the punishment of tha Chinese officials responsible for the boxer outbreak. There was no disa greement as to the punishment that should be given. An adjournment was taken until October 28, and the Inten tion is to hold further meetings before a conference is held with Prince Ching and Li Hung Chang, the Chinese peace com m i ss loners . Much alarm is felt over the reported intention of the 'Chinese to'depose the viceroys of Nanking and Wuchang, who have ibeen friendly 'Xxy the foreign ers. Li Hung Chang told Minister Conger that the report was untrue, but the report was repeated to Conger to day, and he formally protested against such action . It is believed .that depos these officials would seriously block the peace negotiations and probabllr lead to the destruction of the Manchu dynasty. Li Hung Chang memorial ized the throne October 23 demanding the punishment of the (boxer Chinese and received the reply that the emper or must wait until (the hoard of punish ment acts. The report of the natural death of Yang Yi .president of ' the board of war, and Tung Fu Hsiang, a pro-boxer commander in the north, s confirmed. They were included in the, emperor's recent decree for punishmnt of certain officials. Tuan and Chwing are no longer with the court and their whereaJbouts are unknown . BATHS AND MASSAGE. Plain tub, Russian, Turkish, sitz. trunk, fountain air sun and sand b-ths at the Quisisana Nature Cure sault .rium, 167 South French -Broad avenue. Lady and gentleman physi ct in. charge. Feelings of safety pervade the houee h Id that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy thalfc pro duces immediate results. IL. is in fallible for coughs, colds and croup and '. throat and lumg troubles. It will prevent cons umpit ion. Dr. T. C. mlth. Torturing skin eruptions, burns and sores are soothed at otnee and promptly healed by applying DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for piles. Beware of worthless counlter feits. Dr. T. C. Smith. NOTICE. To whom it may concern: A mum'ber of ifcickets of t!he national prohibition party, electoral and congres saonaJl, have been, sent ito me, for distri bution. Voters who do not care vote for MoKinley Bryan comhiLnea can have the above on application. BANFORD N. LOOK WOOD, P. O. 'box 464. AsheviBe, N.C 226 -St "Want" ads. in Asheville people. the Gazeltte reach - ir- - It's a Reflection on your good judUmen t m en. paying ren''. wha you mlgbt Just as (well be mfekig resulsr pay ments on your 'o-n house. Cbsie in and consult us aibout St. We have seversl rery clioloe. btv gains that will laterest you. - T-gs?! J; B. Bostic Coinpany ' 23 Patton Arane V, J- Heal IlstdtaBrolLDra . , ' i v " ,t ' it