'Ji - . J'- t 1 - RICE 5 CENTS. flESTBEICH ER&CQ APPElUi' v.-i Special Announcement. Miss Ferguson of New York, an ex pert fitter and de monstrator will be in OUR CORSET DE PART MEM NT. for one week, commenc ing Monday, October 29, to November 3rd, and will fit without charge; and explain the superior merits of the Celebrate! AMERICAN LADY Corsets. ? We cordially in- yite all ladies and view this un. usually attractive; display of these cor sets whether you in. tend to purchase or not. OESTREICHERM 51 Patton Ave. ATTRACTIVE, CONVENIENT, ECONOMICAL. The Cole Heater. mmmEmmm ASHEVILLE, N. O. PHOUB W. ? T &TEAM ' Treatment s for; , Nervous TiniTnHo other Special: . Thur Bramdit) L aware fr ' eaiale Dlaeasea; Alatf Face Maawae. PROP. EDWIN GRONCR, : " B. MAIN ST. . ' - TBL2EPHONH 298. MTneriy iwltb 6aMand Heis?itJ ' Eauu- toca.ll 'r OF j1 A DEP1G0GUE Indulging In Campaign talk About the boring Man. HsqeTe8ty on the ; Kepupiican roiicy Morbid Anxiety About the Size of the Amy. Hakes Thirty Speeches Though Billed tor Only Eleven. THE AUDIENCES LtAUGE AND EN, THUSIASTIC SPEAKS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF THE UNI VERSITY OfF CHICAGO IN THE AFTERNOON. Chicago, Nov. 2. Bryan completed his second day's tour of Chicago at midnight in the levee district. He made thirty two speeches, although he was billed for only eleven. His audi ences were large and enthusiastic. His first speech was made at the lake front in the morning' to several thousand. He devoted most of his Speech to im perialism. He said: "If I delivered a short republican speech on imperial ism I would go about it like this: 'We are sorry we got the Philippines. We did not want them. It looks as though they came to us in the way of destiny, and it ite beginning' to look as If we were being1 lead by divine Provi dence, and besides there is money in It.- He said the democrats were opposed to trade In human blood, and he furth- efrfif'he was oposed to the destiny that made a man a chicken thief oe cause he happened to wake up near a hen coop; He addressed three big meetings in the "vicinity of the Chicago uniyersrty tires airernooiu .nere ne discussed militarism;' Colonel Bryan began the day's pros- gram at Handel hall where he address ed a large crowd' and from -Handel hall he was driven, escorted by Mayor Har rison and a deputation of the Cook: county democracy to the lake front. There another great crowd was gather ed and it was with the utmost difficulty that the candidate .was piloted to the platform. At Handel hall Mr. Bryan said in part: "The single tax question Is not in volved in this campaign, but my friends I can understand why a single taxer should be oposed to the repub lican party, for the republican arty asks the people to do things which they are oposed to doing.;. The single tax movement has given to the ' United States a great man, for Henry George George did all he could for humanity. eGorge did all he could for. humanity. He acted according to the best light that he had and he tried to secure the greatest good to humanity by the best light that he could get. "When our party advocates the elec tion of senators hy a direct vote of the people it advocates a policy which tends to bring1 the government nearer to the people so that the people can make that government what they want It to be. When we (advocated -an in-r come "tax we simply insist that the men who have much shall glye .much to suport the government rand that mn who have little shall contribute little towards the support of the goven- ment. Our plan is that the laborer shall labor -with hope and that he may have an oportunity to live.'v In his -speech at the lake front Mr. Bryan said in part: "The republican party today stands for a large army. When the campaign opened Mr. Roosevelt started out. to make fun of our objection to a large army . At ietroix ne naa rour soiaiers stand up before', the audience and then he asked If they were afraid of these four soldier. Who la afraid? That fwas the way he first met our objec tion's. But niy friends, that is no ar- 3FTTR1NISHBI , ... 8 room house, Hywood St. 65 11 room ihousejMontford Aw... 60 7 room house; eradyBt. -40 - 8 room house, Spruce St. 60 - 6 rotRni bouae Bsnaand fet. . . . 87 , 14,rcomi house, choice location 150 1 6 room flat, Kholce location... SO 'lOroiomhoccse, WcodUln et.! ...8 ; room hotwe, eunset Drive. : . 18 1 groombtru9e,)ireU located ... 15 ,.&toomfaoua;i?iaved market ,. 22 AWl otlerB. 1 4. ma-. .' 1 1 "' if,' 1 tii gumeqjt at all, tfofc ha question can oe . askea wnen an increase is- dnanaea from 100,000 to;200,000;or to-a. half mill ion. -TbsLtueritknn'je'ttsked:iriien- ever any increase is' demanded "Until the army is. so large ; ithat you. . are afraid even , if , you: aria tnot afraid. No rking; eyer aske for' a. large army', all ai once. vnen a Kjng wanes w m- creaaehis; urmy he naska, lor a little noand ges it; then he asks foe a lit Oe 4pore andr gels it and he .keeps ask ing: and. keeet$ng:it nhe ollda up a iiiIIiU''e8fiMlmiien "mppot. the doctrine of. tlje divine" right ;, of kings MThere are people: in this country who have . for years - wanted a, larger standing army In. the United Statesl They have not been among the la-toring men,' or farmers,- or merchants, tout you will find that men who stand at the head of great wyndicates htve some times felt that we need a stronger governiheot and more woldiers .to sup port it'. ' - ' ' ; "There is only"' one excuse otv large army kept in this coumrjy ; nd kept busy and'fthat is to suppress by force the disOpritent among the people that ought lng Juapce as between man an4 tnan. "Thft. republican party does hot give the laboring man the relief which he de serves .;The laboring man wants re lief from the blacklist; he wants-relief from, government by injunction. The republican party offers him no such re- iier. "Republican In this campaign have appealedr to the old soldiers. They have threatened the soldiers with the loss, of their pensions if the democratic party wifls,, I am glad that the sol dier's pension does not depend upon the republican party. , I am glad it de pends upon the soldier's service to his country which is recognized by all par ties. And, my friends, I may suggest here that' if I am elected president I will looklong or search for a commis sioner of pensions who will be as satis factory to the old soldiers as the pres ent commissioner of penions." MUSQUITOES RESPONSIBLE FOR YELLOW FEVEIT Dr. Finlay Reports on Experiments He Has Hade Havana, Nov. 2. Wood has arrived from the United States. Dr. Finlay says that between the years of 1881 and J898 he inoculated 104 non-immunee with yellow fever by al lowing mosquitoes which, had already pitten a-asa.-of yellow fever . tor bite the persons, experimented on. Of. the' 104 cases so treated, 17 had tiie disease? In a mild but recognizable form. Pin lay declares that he believes mos quitoes are the only cause of the dis ease. SOCIALISTS RAISE A ROW New York, Nov. 2. The police to night prevented a number of socialist meetings which the socialists tried to hold in the Tompkins square region without a permit. They arrested the speakers at several meetings but they were bailed out. These subsequently addressed a crowd from the windows of their headquarters, 98 Avenue C, and two other places'. A free fight follow ed and the police iby the use of clubs cleared the streets. A number of heads were 'broken. A -njbSw LINE OF HANISOMEJ LAMPS, SUITABLE FOR PARLOR AND LIBRARY, AT J. H. LAWS, 35 PATTON AfVIE. 231-2t (The jagemt for the celebrated Mrs. Uisk'3 Oak Tins is fohi Asheville and will mafee 'a (house fto house canvass to day showing t!hese tins to Ashevilie hiofuisekeepers. It miSSH pay everyibody tto see luer and exasndne the tins. Our hew fall stock of Furniture, Stoves, and. Furnishing Goods igtetoerally. is oy far the .best, we lhave been able to offer to the trade. A close exam- diE&tion as tto qua3dty and prices; is' soli cited. MRS. L. A. JOHNSON. Pfaome 166. 43 Paititon Ave. ' B BIB iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii III' J I DRUG STORE i i NEWS. A isplendid assortment of fruit tablets, popular flavors, -40a aib. iGramit'a No. 24, best (for Oold. Tratif s Pfoailtry TVjod' wdil make -' our hens lay more eggs; 25c hox. ... . , .- r Gramif4S No. 24, hestt for OoMT. - . '" . . - - . . ,n .. -, ; tFrophylactic Tooth , Brushes in k ! '' ' ."...' - bard, mediumi audi doft bristles, S .texsanttf. - . - . - 5 ; -'( - MUTT'S A GREflT .lEETItlG : ffTTHE OKRft HOUSE y HALL. CTCOW3Ep- TO- HEAR 1PROM- INENT REPUBLICAN ... SPEAKERS. Addressdiy CHua. UeHam, Ex con rexsaan Sattla and 0A. Luik. MiS3or Moody too 111 to Be Present and rills Engagement Cancelled: vfor To fty at Marshall. jjrae reputolicaaii rally at the opeia bo&se toat, night was the igreateslt ipoli ti4ia demotstxtioa), that has been' iheld inLytihe. oky during the pcesent caan iPn. An audieoce equally as 'large fMred the opera, house 'when Chairman. SdSnimons efpoke. but there 'was a' dif ference. TPhie Sferanions -sfljjdeace melted anffay to a great extend aiJbey issott ;tkiettL a, look at the deanocraitic cjiair nayan, wlhiBS last night the great aiudi ace remaihfeid audi applauded! the dia cwsBion of the republican and patriotic policies of the governmemt . It had been taihing during the afternoon and last affht the clouds hung low annd thxeaiten rag. Desipite thd ifact every seat in 'tShe opera house was occupied, and nuany stood in the aisles. The iboxes and a piuirnber of seats dot the "lower floor were oocupied toy ladies-. Musdo (was (pro vided (by ttihe First regiment (band . Attnong the 'distiinguished genitlemen who sat on the stage, it was pleasant to see "tftoe face of Sheriff Will Wilson of Yo-ncy county and to know that though he wore a very large Bryan! badge, Ma jor Moody, whose button !he also wears, has no more ardenit friendianid siupporter !Man this democratic OMgh sheriff. . The Hon. Stomas Rollins as chair man of the 'Cajmpaign coinimiiitifcee in trodiioed', m, a ifew well chosen iwords theTfeon. Charles MNamee. Mr. McNamee said that he had but Just' returned homie, having 'gone di reotly from the Paris exposttiotti to ithat at Ralieigh, and he "assured the crowd t?iat- Paris is not in it ..with' Nortih Car o$lna. ""We ithouight four years ago that we had permiaiujently disposed of ithe free silver 'issue, tout we find mow .that we had only scotched the snake not killed .it. ' It has come to life again and 4s stalldinig abroad, disguised thoughi it is uuader othier" alleged issues. We (Will kHl itthis time. . 'Tithe cry of free silver jhasjno longer the pojS&iKgb sears ago wSjrfh the aaiHs'were closed. .Non?1 Hinder eondttiops of unexampled prosperity; th.e democrat are afraid of it and. are pulling to fore "other qustion of mmoh less Importance, but which they now call paramount.' He said that at Raleigh hie had met a great many life-long democrats who say .'they will vote for McKAnley. There are m.any thousands :f others vho have long been convinced of the wisdom of republican policies aiBd! of the Jolly of tfhose of -the democracy. As their excuse for voting contrary to itheir belief they said 'that 'they would vote solidly with the democrats as long as the negro voted with 'the repulblioans. They have passed 'this amendment dis franchising the megro and now is rtlheir jhanee to let 'their 'ballots express their honest convidtionS'. They may never have as good an opportunity again, as good' ; ap expltajnation to 'give theiT iTiends. If they neglect this opportuni ty icow it will toe harder fo.' 'them to break away next year. Let hem vote, Jhis conning week, tas their reason prompts and their business interests, de mand, and have for" their comfort the proud consciousness that for once they have had the courage of their convic tion's. "I am certain that a very large num ,ber of 'the business 'men, tooth in, this city and throu'ghouit the south, will do it." ' He camparedi the records of the par ties otoi "the more or less fictttiouis issue of trusts. The only ball against them introduced Iby the repulblicans and de feated by the democrat's. And he spoke, too, of the difference that exists between. trusts, as they exist between good men and toad' men; of Oroker'.s ice trust that doubled the price of ice to Itfhe suffer ing poor of New York, and the Standard Oil trust, which sells the best ctualitv of oil for something like one' twentieth as much as we paid (before for stuff that was a likely as not o tolow Tip the house of the fellow that tried 'to use it. More over it has sold -ajbroad octe billion,., three hundred million dollar wortChi of the products of this country and broug'nt the money into" tMcotmtry''ula t - Watson & Reagan 6. B. COURT SQUARE. For Rent 10 Room House, furnlshedV per mo.. $200 9 Room House, famished...... 175 11 R- im House, furnished 75 9 Room House, furnished..... .100 9 Room House furnished...... 60 6 R -- HouBe, (fumiahed....... 35 10 Room Houses furnisbed.....L.'3 85 9 Room House 'fnrniahed. .. . .': 'M?m2-; 49 Beautif Ckwa Beautiful 10 furniehed' 9 Roicmiiainf 6 Reom Sktiimstmth i.;.2i 7 Room House, imiftjrjiihe per mo..25 8 Room House. ttofuaiilEfaed; per mo.,28 12 Room House; unfurnished, pe.- bqo.SO 18 Room House, tmfumishea, per; mo. .75 10 Room House, iinfurBitfjed, (per mo.. 34 8 Room House, nnfurnlshed, per mo. :Z5 We tiave a large amoumtt of property for aale Oatt ttol aee what we bave before yon taveatt-; ha.vprnu )C the -jeal 1 stock, Pt, to be offered te the o tor aala'-rery - f V' try Place, iftiraWhedfe Vlf WtrT . TT: - ' Wm : inwV TTaniiB s4 , .-t;3wiii naiove i&r "those rwoo- 7XC;Ji-Ai&&i: n lotecmmmwe anaiea gotxr; among our laborers aod fturraeri. fliri;. RoIHos. then, after tellinz of the Illness; of Major Moody; -whose ndme caane. next on 4hfe xirogram ; a It 1 had been arranged, introduced the . Hdq. Thoma3 Settle. - . i " His speech wa logical echolarlyaaid eloqueot, andi-we .should be very Wlad TieprodiiQe ItiB full if it "Wte "sioa- stble to 40 so. t v.--' ' .. V He said! "The greatest objection. - to the democracy 4s that ft t a party ot rrBere criticism ainoV cavail. TWey try- tear dwrn,bjat cannotjbulld cpijrhey nature "whieh. .fit I miht criticise our I Creator, 'I would eay -nilgt -well have - -been left out; prejudice, hate, eh-YT,. hd r '. ditrut of our imat Stations taiMthe hoh? L ,f esty 01 our people .v niey exist on dis satisfactlon and the fogs and. vapors of dlsbanfcent . -Like the 'dwellers ia ttje cave of Abdullam of 'Whom the prophet Samuel speaks, they are composed of ail who are dissatisfied' and discontent ed and ism debt.'" - He jconrrast ed theJahoriag moan un der democratic administration when he Yaj,nly sought "or worQS at any (price, - the well paid; mraik of 'today, when asijy mail wfflling and Bible to work can find employment, aaid, saidv they were "living pictures iHuiStratiog the unwisdomi of democratic and the sound .wisdom of republican pollcie. . He (poke p he "solid Bouth," and explained how he fact that it is always considered and counteo: as 'solid" works fto ft tojurv: ccaatrtaisting Its position with that of those states which are classed aa doubtful-, which first getc considenation aa to legislation in 'their interests, and to whose ' dtiizens are given the offices of dignity and honor. Which ever party Wilms he southern states, 'like country cousins, sit 'below the salt. The dem ocrats are sure of them -way, whtet&er they do anything for them' or not; and the (republicans are sure that nothing they cam do will give them their vote . He predicted that the day that sees the Solid South toroken up .wiH "bring the dawm of a 'bright era for the South, and he (believes that day is no longer far off . Do not 'get discouraged (because you fear North Carolina will mot igive her electoral vdte to iMcKinley. If we go down to defeat under this election Law at least we will have 'died on the field of duty with our face to the foe. And our day will come. "Whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad. " You have noticed that the democrats in this state arf pretty mad these days. Mr. Settle was fallowed toy Col. Lusk. who delighted the audience tooth with the soundness of his arguments and the humor of his Illustrations. Lack space forbids even a brief review of his ispaech. He was particularly rich on democratic "white supremacy" and ranti-imperialisim" as exhtto&tediia theft nomination for delegates to congress from Hawaii of an Hawaiian ijigger and a ipxiinoe at that, a son of. Queen Lili uokalarai, whose- vote ptitithe 16 to 1 plaifik in the democratic paatformv. The repulblicans in the island territory nom inated, a whi'fce maim. (The (big audience., gave each, of the speakers frequent and well merited ap-. plause. , . ' ISLANDS MISCHARTED San Francisco, Nov. 2. 'tviscoveries of great value are reported by the TJnited 'States fish commission ship Albatross which has just returned from a fourteen months' cruise in the South Seas and in Japanese and Alas kan waters. The officers of the Vessel state that nearly all of the South Sea islands are mischarted anywhere from two to a dozen miles, making steering by chart extremely dangerous. A world's record for deep sea net dragging was made abut fifty miles east of the Tonga group of islands in latitude 20 degrees southward. Speci mens of marine life were brought up from a depth of 4,200 fathoms or near ly five miles. LITTLE FOLKS' FOOD. Let the children have Wheat-Hearts and) milk for breakfast and supper. Nothing is cheaper. Nothing is bat ter for them. They Jove it. SHE OUtR NEW UESPE OF FANCY BRASS GOODS, INCLUDING TA BLES OON10BS, 'MIRRORS, ETC., AT 01. H. LAWS, 35 FATTON AVE. If you would know a man as he really is you must dine with him occa sionally. "B0CKBR00K FARM I CREAMERY BUTTER." J ao- irs f andtlu Jthait jwe ; bave ta uch --- j variey 'Crdl$a. vegBaiM, tc. We pride Djireelves onr the 'gradeof -these Boods and; guarantee n. We have something excellent in IOTTJS PEACHES 2 .1-2" lb: Cans.. .. 1Kb. Sans....... 15o'' flaRBMAWYER r TE1PL ES DESTROYED "v T 7 . - Acts of Vengeance by Allied Troops in the Cltv of Pao Ting Fu, tyrr Promineiit Officials are Con demned to Death. Inhabitants of Boxer Villages Show ing Repentance. Progress of the Negoiiatiom by the Foreign Hiniiters. THESE VITAl, AND FAR REACH 1N)G QUESTIONS TO BE DETER MINED DEMAND FOR THE RE-. TIREMENT OF THE DOWAGER EMPRESS. Pekin, ct. 31, via Shanghai, Nov. 2. The foreign ministers held another meeting today and ; further discussed the French note. Considerable time was devoted to discussing guarantees to be demanded from China to prevent the repetition of the outbreak. No de cision was reached. There ia the, strongest reason for believing conclu sions will be reached on every point in volved. General Gaselee, commander of the allied expedition to Pao Ting Fu, re turned today with a report from the in ternational commission apointed to as certain what Pao , Ting Fu officials were responsible for the murder of missionaries and converts there. The commission found the governor, provin cial treasurer and judge guilty. They are in , custody -and Condemned . . to death. Gaselee reports that the allies at Pao Ting Fu destroyed the temples . where the missionaries and others were imprisoned prior to 'their execu tion, and also destroyed the city wall and the gate near the placerpf vexecu . tion, and burned the towers, thus dis gracing the city. American mission aries have- returned from expeditions '' to Chou Chou and (Liangh Slang, whetfe.';, they 'collected indemnities and obtain ed grants of land for murdered con verts. . Rev. Mr. Ament, of the American board of missions, says the inhabitants of boxer villages are showing signs of repentance and are offering Christians land and money to rebuild houses. Pao Timg Fui, Oct. 26. The committee of Inquiry into outrages on missionaries ' has sentenced! to death Tien Yang, pro- vinclal Judge; "Wamig' Shung On, miltary commandant; General Kiu and two other officials. ... . French troops will garisonPao Ting Fu for. the winter. x 'PrepamtiOTe are complete for the de stroying, Oct. 27, of thiei most venerated temple Ln the city. New York, Nov. 2. Oooruprehensive instructions bearing upon the indemnity this government (Wil'l demand tram. China have 'gone to .Mfadster Conger, says a Washington correspondent to the Herald. Administration officials1 decline to flisouas their cihanateter, 'but the 'deanArda this govermnemt will submit will ho modferate. They will comprise restitu tion for tojnrfes. suffered iby Americans and the daimage done their: property, and rei mbursement of expenses incn? red Ian aesnding .the expedition to China; It cannot be learned tShat this govern ment has dtermied. upon the exact amount to 'be demanded, but whatever It is will probably ba accepted In Ohtcese (Continued on fifth page. Steps to Prosperity. gfcop anxl thinks , X)omntt a. man wao own reat estate always commtaiEd roar respetet? Don' you think,. 'Xh be'a all rtgJst.f! Aunt- you a Mtttae chore will ing to listen to him than to. the jnaai who to (unattached' to any 'earpi? 3t'e natural to tfeel thuat aodr it ?Bnay be right. 'Surely Tespact is diuie to the tnflai (who ets dowm and ' inteUigentay thfnks ahout his powitton, how -to get -Wong 4a the worlcX and) w!ho then puts Ma thoughts, into action . n - - ' There la 00 reason 'mfbjfyiM ahould no: do the same. We di not care If' you get ate doQarfc wiaeJ or aix hun dred dollars. ' We can help you 9to pros perity. , and It wojft take na'lojtg. ta tell-you toow -Wfell ck tt r- '-Sor-, - 1 i If jt t 51 1 i rjatson & Reagan &K BosGlC Company s TELnPnoim 10. NORTH COURT 3)m er oOoa Treatment. OSca siPhotae 661 . C3 (Pat Ion: ATenne, m m- -: 3 heal Estate JJrotcra. , ': . 2J Patton. Arenue. ' U fit tk tti & t3 ICctSa

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