A, THE A5HEVILLE GAZETTE, NOyEMBER 371900. 4 7 '- '-vi i. 'v'".' ' - ,. -i -r -;. . ; , : : . i i 1 s NATIONAL CAMPAIGN Appointments of Prominent Speakers. Where Republican Speakers WiU Ad dress the People of the Ninth Congressional District Hon. H. A. Guarerand Maj. W. W. Rollins 'Will address the .people upaniithe Issues of the campaign at t fodlowtag times and places: Marshall, Saturday, November 3. Hon. Thomas Settle will address the people of Henderson county at Hen derson ville on Saturday, Nov. 3, 1900. Hon. Ridhmoad Pearson will speak to the people on the Issues at the dayiaa follows: : i -' Marion Saturday, Nov. 3, 11 ja. m. Hon. A. Reynolds, lieutenant gov ernor, land Hon. James A. L gan will address the people of Rutherford coun ty on the issues of the oanvpalgto) at the following times and places: Rurtaserfordtom, Saturday, Nov. 3. Speaking will begin each day at one ' clock. Hon. R. Z. Liinney and Hon'. A. H. Price will address ithe catizfens of Bun combe county at & grand! republican raily at Ashevdile on Saturday, Novem ber 3, alt 2 p. m. Hon. V. S. Lusk will speak at Spring 'Oreek, November 5. Hot Springs, Noveimber 5, at night. Hon. R. B. Rotnetrts, Hon. H. A. Hay ward, and Hon. J. B. Esosiey will speak at '"Websiter, Saturday, November S ' THOMAS S. ROL.L.J. 3, Chmn. Cong. Ex. Com. C. B. Moore. Secretary. DATES FOR BOONE AND CAMPBELL Homi . J. M. Campbell, dienocmtlc elector, and Hon. Cfoae. C. Boone, re publican eetctor, will address the peo ple of the ninth congressional district upon, the issues of the campaign at lth Burasvttle, Saturday, Nov 3. The speaking will begin at 1 o'clock p. m. AH the p le are cordially in vited. THOS. S. ROLLJNS, Qhadrmani' Rep. Ex. Com. J. I. MURPHY, Chairman Dem. Ex. Com. CAMPAIGN APPOINTMENTS. Greensboro, N. C, Oct. 23. Setatator Pritdhard has accepted apolnfcnaents to speak at the following places: Marshal, Saturday, Nov. 3. Hon. R- Z.'Linney will address the citizens of the &th congressional dis trict ait the following times and places: Old Fort-Friday, Nov. 2nd, 11 a. rr.'. Ashevdlle (Saturday, Nov. 3rd, 2 p. m. 8TH DISTRICT APPOINTMENTS Senator M. L. Buchanan and Hon. S. J. Black will address the people of Mitchell county in the congressional campaign of the eighth district at the following times and places: Huntdale, Peterson & Griffith's store, Saturday, Nov. 3. Red Hill, Z. Street's store, Monday, Nov. 5. Magnetic City, J. H. Gouge's store, at night. MR. BLACKBURN'S APPOINT ME1ITS. Hon. E. Spencer Blackburn will speak at: Walkertown, Forsythe county, Mion lay, Novem! er S. Hon. M. N. Harsbaw will speak at: Gashen, Wilkes county, Saturday, November 3. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bramo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is en each box. 25c. BATHS AND MASSAGE. Plain tub, Russian, Turkish, sitz, trunk, fountain! air sun and sand o-tha at the Quisisana Nature Cure sanit-rium, 167 South French Brsad avenue. Lady and gentleman physi cian La charge. What a dreadful thing it la to wake up in the night suffering: from chol era morbus, and yet cases of this kind are very common. The trouble, how ever, will never become serious if you k pa bottle of Pain-Killer on hand. for it is a remedy that never fails to cure cholera, cramps, diarrhoea or dys entery. Avoid substitutes; there is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis'. Price 25c. and 60c. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrators of Lyman A. Deal, deceased, late of Bun combe county N. C, this is to notify all persons foavtag claims against the estate of said deceased' Ito exhibit, tohiem ito the undersigned on or before No vember 1, 1901, or this notice will be pflead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please 'make immediate payment. This Nov. 1, 1900. T. W. FATtrON, WALTER DEAL. 6 wks Administrators,. BEWAORE OF OINTMIEINTS FOR CA ' TARRH THAT CONTAIN " MERCURY; as mercury fwlll surely destroy the sense of smell and1 completely derange itWe whole , system' when entering it HJhrbugh the mucous surfaces. Such ar ticles, should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phyBiciaing, as:the,damicuge ithey "do is Iben' fold to ' the good you (canposslbly derive from! "them. " Hall's Catarrh-Cure, maanutfac tured' by F. J. 'Checiey & Co., Toledo, . O.,' contains nioi meTcury, and is itakeni ; firternally, aotlhig directly on the blood ' and mucous surfaces - of ztihie system. ; Iwlwyihg HM teuire you get the genuine. It is taken inter ' -nadly. and', :4s- made la'Toledjoi Ohilo, by F. J CJhemey & Co. TestlmoniJails free. Sold by Druggists. Price 75c per bottle. E0allJ Family, Pills tars ithe best. TRAGIC TALE OF AN JNTAGUO. MfiHAFinii of a Girl'a Deatli DroTl Two Men to Suicide. A New York artist is the; possessor ol an intaglio which has a peculiarly tragic history. Two of its former owners hav committed suicide because of influence! more or less directly connected with,-th , fate of the unfortunate girl whose death ' mask was the model of the sculpture The present owner, however, is mor artistic than sentimental or superstitious and has no fears that he will imitate the two previous possessors of the intaglio. Net many years ago an artist of more than local reputation was living in Bos ton. He had an only daughter, a beau tiful girl with many graces which would: have made her- a still more lovely woman. But. like the girl Hood' sang about, sht was "rashly importunate," and to end her sorrows she drowned herself in the bay. The artist father, though keenly sensitive to the great grief, still noted how artistically beautiful the girl was iaj death. He made a death mask, from which the intaglio was made. But the face haunted him. Thos classic lines, representing his daughter! as she appeared floating in the waters oi the bay, her eyes closed and her hail floating like a mermaid's, seemed to lura him to follow her. He reflected on her life and her sadder fate? how it might have been because of his own sternness that she had destroyed her young life and how in a large measure he might be responsible for her destruction. The thouehts became unbearable, and ho ' drowned himself in the bay at the identi cal SDot where the beautiful girl had gone to her fate. The artist's wife could not bear to have the intaglio near her and gave it to a New York friend. The friend was not superstitious, but her husband was a sporting man who lost and won with tha reckless abandon of men of his kind. Naturally he was a firm believer in luck, and the marble features of that beauti ful face had a strange infatuation fot him. He knew something of the history of both the girl and her father. He mus ed over the sculpture, grew despondenl and finally ended all by drowning him self. The widow of the sporting man was not superstitious, but after the death of her husband and knowing the fate of the girl and the artist she waa willing to part with her treasure. The present owner as an artist admires the bit of marble and as a lover of the strange and curious prizes it for its story. Chicago Tribune. HOW THE BRAIN TIRES. Its Cells Shrivel Up Like a Parti Collapsed Balloon. Brain cells, when quite fresh and vig orous, may be likened to small balloons inflated ready for an ascent. They are round and full, and when seen under the microscope they give evidence of being distended. The cells of the tired brain, on the other hand, are seen to be shrunk en, as an air ball or toy balloon from which most of the air or gas has escaped, When our brains begin to work after a refreshing rest or sleep they are, says Pearson's Weekly, full of nerve fluid, which the absorbents of the body and brain have stored up there like bees fill their comb. So soon as work begins this vital force is sapped to meet the de mands upon the brain, and the process that goes on during the whole time it is working may be described in the follow ing way: Imagine that these cells are small gob lets filled with liquid and that they have a tiny stem through which runs a tube or opening. The liquid in the goblet is drained by the demands of mind and body and slowly trickles through the opening, drop by drop, until either the work ceases or the goblet is exhausted, This latter condition is not often reach ed for the simple reason that the owner of the brain is very much more likely to collapse. When the cell has yielded half its vital fluid, you begin to experience a feeling of fatigue, and if you go on draw ing the contents of the cells ydu are doing yourself injury in proportionate degree, and nature will make you pay for it in some way or other. But all the cells are not involved in any kind of mental work, which means that one part of the brain may be every actively at work while the other is rest ing and storing up nerve fluid. Thus it is that a man suffering from brain fag may leave his books and go golfing or cycling and feel that he is really resting. Other cells are being called upon for work now, while the tired ones those re quired for mental activity are enjoying repose. But it follows that the part of the brain which is called into activity for bodily ex ercise is now getting tired, while the oth er part of the brain is still at work to some extent, and so the whole of our brain cells become fatigued, and total rest in the shape of sleep is absolutely es sential. She Was Kingr. Queen Elizabeth was not only queen of England, but also king of France. Ac cording to the Salic law no woman could be ruler of France, and hence there could be no queen, but Elizabeth did not let that prevent her assuming a title. "II I cannot be queen of France," she said, "I will be king." The monarchs of England bore the title for 432 years, but on Jan. 1, 1801, it was omitted for the first time since the days of Edward III. The English monarch is still called "Defender of the Faith," a title earned by Henry VIII at the time when as an ardent Catholic he wrote a treatise against the Lutherans which so pleased the pope that he conferred the title upon him. Henry afterward refused allegiance t? Rome, which led to the English refor mation. Why Her Terms Were Hla-fc. One of the women delegates at the journalists' conference told an amusing story illustrating the ambition which many persons have to see their names in print. She was engaging a servant, an. Irish girl, but found that her terms were unusually high. "How is it," she asked, "that you want such high wages?" . "Shure, ma'am," was the answer, giv en with a delightful brogue, "my name's been in the papers." v "In the papers I What do you mean?". "Shure, I gave evident at an inquist." London Chronicle. - - ... ; Wkipsawed. The Chicago divorcee was talking about her former husbands. ; "What was the matter with the firttT .asked her friend.-; ' '.' "He didn't .understand me? 'trf '"And the second?" V mm i "He did.w-Clevelaad Wor 6L ( PEOPLE'S j 6JLUMN.J MISCEXiiANEOUS. MISS NORA WARE Pianist and Teacher in stringed instruments. Cor ner of Spruce and Woodfln streets. BUSINESS. Io you mane a nice bus iness indoors the year round? If so, I 'have it. the miusioal shootimg gal lery, finest south, no competition. No previous experience needed. FVr sale at 48 S. Mfein street. CLEANING, DYEING AND REPAIR- ing for ladies and gentlemen. We cuur clothing wtth a sweet, disin fecting preparation, clean ladies' dresses and silk or woolen waists sat isfactorily. We dye for both ladies and gentlemen. We will send for and deliver your work. Your pat ronage solicited. W. B. WOOD, proprietor, 'phone 556, 49 East Col lege street. 196 -tf HELP WANTED. - STENOGRAPHER WANTED We want an experienced stenographer and typewriter by November 1st, either lady or gentleman1. One familiar with Remington machine preferred. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 23 Pat toto) avenue . HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES. PRIVATE BOARD (Desirable location on street oar line, only five mimutes' iwalk ifrom 'the squiajre. House amid f urnSfcuTle new. Wiitlh all modern con veniences. No sick Tpeople ever Hi vied in house, and none akerai. Table strictly first class, 'au j rates reason able. Write to, or call at, 16 Charlotte street. 229-tf BOARDERS WANTED larg e nouss in shady grove in suburbs, near Look out car line; excellent table, tine wa ter, lots of Cresh milk, etc Rates, $5 to 7 a week; two in a room $6.25. Telephone 295. Apply at Ray's Book Store, or to Mre. Col. J. M. Ray. A LalMLLTtEID number ox boarders caia find a comfortable winter home, or housekeepers may rent five rooms newly furnished, by addressing Mrs. H. K. Walters, Waynesville, N. U. 231-fft WANTED One or two boarders in pri vate family. First class accommoda tions. 79 Chestnut street. 4J WANTED. Couple ito take handsome front room and board in private fam ily Elegant house; all camvendences; best cuisine. Apply 237 Haywooo. 227-6t ROOMS Nicely furnished for light housekeepiixg. Call at 139 Bailey st. LOST. LOST A memorandum, book coabain- ing $16 and: papers valuable to the owner. Thlei book was 'lost between South Main street and! Gray Gables. oni Walnut street. Return to Gazette office and reward will be given. LOST Bunch of three keys on. a broken riiog, probably inear postofnee. Re ward of one dollar if returned to Ga zette ofiflce. tfOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE For Rent-JFive minutes' walk of P. O., near electric cars, modem improvement, hot and cola water, nouse anai irurniture in thorough order, 'Walls recalsomiined Possession, given immediately. - Also board and room tfor singtle youmg man Special rates. (Enquire 24 Fatten avenue. 228-tf FOR RENT 1 bis lovely furnished flat of five rooms; all modern improve - mnts; located ia the most desirable part of the cllty; completely furnish ed. Apply to O. D. Revell, 32-34 Pat- ton avenue. FOR SAXAr FOR SALE OR RENT Ten room house at a 'bargain. Located on a hill about one half mile from postoffice, about two blocks from street car dine. R. G. HUNT. 231-6t FOR SALE Ladies' saddle for sale cheap. Enquire alt the 'business of fice of the Gazejte. 196-tf SPREAD LIKE WILDFIRE. WThen things are "the best" they be come "'the best selling. ' Abraham Hare, a leading! druggist, of Belleville, O., writes: "Electric Bitters ore the best selling bitters I have handled In twenty years. You know why? Most diseases begin in didorders of the Ftom och, liver, kidneys, bowela, blood and cerves. Electric bitte tones up the stomach, regulates liver, kidney cud bowels, ipuirtnes ithe blood, strengthens the nerves, hence cures multitudes of maladies. It builds up the entire sys tem.. Puts new life and vigor into a'ay weak, sickly, run -down man. or woman. Price 50 cents. Boid oy au druggists. THE APPETITE OF A GOAP. Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomachi and Liver ore, out, of order. All such should know that. Dr. King's New I&fe Pilis, ithe wonderful stomach and liver remedy givte1 a splendid ap- jbedte. sound digestioaii and regular (bod- llv habit that lnsux ea iperawi laeoicm arm lareat energy, hoc, jam am,' anug- gisti. -4--'. " '35 vm FOOLED THE SURGEON Ml doctors told! Renick- HamJUtom, of wricit. ..TefflersoiDL . O., aiftex (suffering 18 mohiths frorri RecttiaJ Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation! was per aWtwt. fh.uit ihe cured Ihimsellfi wtitbi five boxes of Bueklen's Arnica alvte the miimd : Piiia cure oa lEaafth, and Ithe toest gaive in rtlus woirldi"1 25 oeaits a box. Sold MHE BOT WEBSTEB.7 Daniel ;Webster as a Dad is thus de scribed by John Bach McMaster, the historian, in the? first of his illustrated papers on the statesman, published in the 'November Century:. , , ' As the, boy grew tn years ai- -a 5 tu; e bis life was. "powerfully affected by tiie fact thart; he' was the youngest son and ninth child in a family of ten; that his health was far from good; that "he showed tastes and, mental traits that stood out in marked contrast with those of his brothers and! sisters; and thait he was, from infancy, the pet of the family. Such daily work as a farmer's lad was then made to do was notfor him. Yet he was expected to do something, and might have been seen barefooted in frock and trousers, astride of the horse that dragged the plow between the rows of corn, or rak ing hay or binding- the wheat the reapers cut, or following the cows to pasture in the morning ani home again at night, or 'tending- logs in his father's saw mill. When such work was to be done it was his custom to take a book along, set the' log, hoist the gates, -and while the saw passed slowly through the tree trunk, an operation which, in those days, consumed some twenty minutes, he would settle, himself com fortably and read. An Ohio genius has invened an auto matic fishing rod scale for weighing the big fish that get away. It ought to make things much easier for the re NOTICE. Trustee's Sale. State of NorHhi Carolina, mmcom'De County. Bv virtue of the power or eaie con tained to a certain' deed of thrust exe cuted by W. D. Gash, Jno. H. Mc dowell, J. S. West, A. T. stummey, aind: H. L. Baldwin. Trustees Oi. South fiMie Avenue Presbyteira'ami church in the ciiby of AsheviUe. Noriuhi Carolina, to the (umdersigned, Neil Lee, as trustee, bearing diaifce the 1st day i f June, laz, ana registered in book No. 29, at page 450. etc., of th- record of ojeeds oi said county of Buncombe, N. C. to which reference is hereby imaae, ana oy reason! c- default having been tnaide to the payment of the indebtedness se cured in said deed' in, trust whereby the mower of sale therein conitannea has iseoome operative, and tlJe holder of the note secured by said deed in trust having made demiand' upon the iiTiiietrsi'eTed. truste (to sell the ltaima amid premises conveyed to him by said deed in trust according to the t'rms thiereof and 'to apply .the proceeds as therein directed, The undersigned' will on the 24 jl'H DAT OF NOVEMBER 1900, BE TWEEN THE HOURS OF 12 O' CLOCK NOON AND 1 hj CLOCK P. M. sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at tl i court house door to the city of Ashe ville, N. C, the land and! premises described and conveyed in aid deed in trust. Lyons and: beSraig In the county of BuncomDe, Sfaite aforesaldi and .bounded 'as follows: Beginning at a s'take on the east margin of SoutJhsi'de avenue, being a cornier of lOtNo. 21, of a plat of the iMcDowell iamd in salid city, and runs with dine of said, lot No. 21, north 57 1-2 degrees east 184 feet to the corner of lots ios. 20, 4 &5, of said plat; thence wiitto line of tot NO. 5, south 21 1-2 degrees east 50 feet itlo a stake, cornier of lots No. 5. 6 and 19:thience with line of lot No. 19 south 58 d- .rees west 1$8 feet to a stake in east margin of Sou tlbsd.de ave nue, and corner of lot NO. 19: thence wiith Sou'thsiide avenue and. the east east marglmi thereof J 51 1-2 feet to the beginning. Also one other lot ai dom ing the above and 'beginndnig ait a stake on the west Tnangiim of McDowell street, a corner of dot No. 4. amd runs with lline of lot No. 24 south 57 1-2 de grees west 96 feet, corner of lots 4, 21 and 20, of plat above referred to; thence with, link of lot No. 20, south 2 1-2 east 50 feet to a stake, corner of lots No. 6. 19 and 21: thence with dine of lot No . 6 iNorrtihi 58 degrees east 101 ttteet to a stake In the west mialrgiitb of "McDowell street; tlhence with said .west (margin of McDowell street, northi 27 1-2 degrees west 50 feet ifio the begdrantog. This the 16th day of Junto, 1900. NEIL LEE, Trustee. NOTICE. Nortih Carolma, Buncombe County, In The Superior Court. Carrie B. Avery, individual ami i 'Car rie B. Alvey, admlnstratrix of Althea Peaiilandv deceasecl. vs. Morita Samuels and Jacob Friedman. To Morftz Samuels and Jacob Fried man. defend ants: You are fcereby notified thait Carrie B. Alvey, Administratrix of Althea M Penland, deceased, and Carrie B. Alvey, individually, has had issued out of the Superior court of Buncombe county in the above entitled action, which action is in ithe mature of an actaon of debt, a warrant of attachment in flavor of the plaimtiff and against you. Said action was brought by her to recover from you 'the sum of $5,180.00, being 1tie amount of usury and usurious interest knowingly received!, reserved charged and taken by you from the said Althea M. Penland, deceased', a-cd from1 the said Carrie B. Alvey in a cerltaSn itraaisactioni originating between you and the said Althea M. Penland on the 5th day of September, 1894, in which transaction the said Althea M. Peaaand made, executed! and delivered her prom issory note or. bond! in writing fl $7,000, payable ito ithe said Moritz Samuels three years fromiSeo'ember och, 1834, and a certains deed of the same date to Jacob Friedman, purporting to secure the same tthe said note or bond, by .the conveyance thereby of certain real es tate in tin city of Asheville, county of Buncombe, and state of North Carolina. Th" said sum o1- $5180 sought to be re covered in said action is the usury and the usuriv s Interest and the statutory p nalty therefor, knowingly taken aind received by you from, and by you knowingly reserved and dhargevL against the said Amlhea-M. Penland, decs sed, and C. x. Alvey, as her adtminil ' ratrix and as a subsequetoit r ori0agee o5 th land conveye In said deed! mi de by said Althea M. Penland Uo said Jacob rriedmiam. You ave hereby also ifurther notified that said warrant of attachment is re turnable to the next term of the Supe rior court of Buncombe county to be held at tihe court house in Asheville an the temtih Momday after HJhe first Monday in September, 1900. TMs the 16th day of October, 1900. MARCUS ERWIN. Clerk Superior Court Buncombe County AflminMaattifc of Alttea 3. Penland. .,; iNOTICB OF SEIZURE. NoftJoe-is hereby glvtin iof seizure of tlhe Ucrwtmg, p(rc5rty fortvio3ejtilon of I AsKroR our New Paris Shapes k l are I0WBU5T,5TRAIGHT FR0NT& LONG HIP. I 1 1 5mE5 0-52-4404.445-447. pv. 8 FOR SALE AT ALU LEADING RETAILERS lifefe J ''A the inttepnal revenue laws of the United States: At Triplett; October 5th, by J. L. Hayes, D. C, two packages corn whis ky, as property of J. C. Denny and W. ML. Wlhedin. At Adams. October 9. (bv J. D. AiLbright, D. C, three .packages, about 80 gallons corn whisky, one en gine boiler, mill and distillery fixtures, as property of Felix Coombs. At Mooksvllle,Oct.3,by P.D. Afiwefi.D. C. ; 1 keg of tbout 4 gallons com whis key as property of Albert Hunt. At Advance, Oct. 6, by P. D. Atwell, D. C, 5 jugs, about 14 gallons, corn wd-iskey, as property of M. M. Burke. At MocksvillcOct. 9, 'by P. D. Atwell, D. C., one package about 15 gallons, com whiskey, ias pro. ty if D. A. Clement. At Advance, October 13, by S. F. Shore, D. C, fi- j packages, about 200 gallonis com whiskey, as property of A. E. Horrtirna'iii. At Adv&nce,Oct. 15,by S.F. Shore, D. C, thrr packages, about 5 gailoins corn whiskey, as propert: of M. M. Burke. At Gage, October 13, by D. A. Kanipe, D. C, 2 packages, about 13 lions apple b audy, as property of un known. At Gags, October 6, by A. L. McFarland', D. C, 3 packages, about 35 gallons apple 'brandy, 1 copper stiu and fixtures, es property of S. N. Wil liams. At Salisbury, October 12, by C. E. Mills, D. C, 2 horses, wagon;, harness, atodJ 4 packages, about 200 gal lons apple brandy, as property of un- ldnWB. At same time and piace, by same ofllcer, 2 mules, wagon, baimess, and 4 packages about 200 gallons, ap ple brandy, as property of William. At Cross Roads, Oct. 15, by P. D. Atwell, D. C, 1 package apple brandy, about 25 gallons, as property of U. D. Danver. At Poly Carp, October 17, by B. F. Tedder, D. C, 3 packages, about 80 gallons apple randy, as property of D. B. L. Icenhour. Persons claimlnig the above prop erty wiU file their claims with me at my office in Asheville wiJhln 30 days, as prescribed by law, or the sam will be deea.-ed forfJited to .the ussot the United States. H. S. HARKINS, Oofllector 5th District. By J. Wiley Shook, D. C. , Oct 23, 1S0O. NOTICE. Havina qualified as administratrix of rthe estate of Mrs. Althea M. Penland, deceased, late of Buncombe county, North Carolina, this ia to notify all per sons ihaviokg claims against the estate of said Mrs. Althea M. Peniatod to ex hibit them to the undersiigned on or be fore the 20th day of September, 1901, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This September 20th, 1900. MRS. C. B. ALVET, wk-l Administratrix. NOTICE. By vlrtrw of the power of sale con- tainea in a certain deed ox trust ex ecuted to me by Jacob L. Ramsay on the SOiJh day of Novemebr, 1898, and duly registered on page 436 of book No. 47 la the oflce of the Register of Deeds of Buncombe county, default having been made In the payment of the t on- ey thereby secured, I will on Monday, November the 5th, at 12 oclock nooni sell at public auction to the highest bid der for casb at the court house door in Asheville all Ithe interest of the said Jacob L. Ramsay in the landa con tained in said deed of trust, the said land lying on the wa ters of Beaverdam creek in Bun combe county, adjoining is lads of John N. Ramsay, Sol. A Can. and others and described1 as follows: Begin ning on a dogwood, comer of John N. Ramsay's, and runs thence with ithe line of John N. Ramsay's land S. 85 deg. 15 min. W. 12 poles to a stake; tl e-nce 89 deg. 15 mini. West 15 poles to a stales near a spring; thence S. 20 deg. 15 min. West 26 poles to a stake in the roid thenos . said road north 75 deg. 30 min. west 22 poles; South 71 deg. 30 min. west 8 poles; south 54 d west 85 poles to a stake in the eastern margin of the Asheville and Bumsville road; thence with said mar gin t said road north 3 deg. east 15 poles; north 10 deg. 20 min. east 16 poles, N. 2 deg. 45 mist. B. 28 poles Ito a sassafras, the souithwest corner of John N. Ramsay's land; thence with his line east 45 poles to a stake in Sol. A. Car- tera lane; thence with his line S. 21 deg. east 12 poles to a small double whiteoak; thence S. 13 deg. 45 min. wast J. i . a poies xo a staice lormeriy a blackaak); thence south 11 deg. 45 min. east 23.5 poles to thO beginnfciig; containing 19 fcorew. This sale being maae subject to the life estate therein of W. C. Ramsay and wife, EUzabefth Ramsay, or the survivor of tihem. This Nov. ifto. a. B. CARTER, Trustee. NOTICE. state oi JNorta Carolina, Buncombe County. t AO County. In the Superior Court. Be Core tthe Clerk. NOTICE j. iff. isrowtr, Administraltor of W. T. Parris, Deceased!, Intestate, plaintiff. vs. J'mes Parris, John Parris, Noah Pare ns, j . u. ir-arrls, m. J. Parris, A. J rams, Martha Coin and W. R. Cain, her husband . Marv Fore and R. B. Fore, Iher fcusband, Louise Mosely and J'. H.. Mbsely, her husband; Ze- no ijamsr Claudius Parris. Annie L. Parris, Edward! Parris, Edna Hughes , ana - Hughes, her husband, heirs at low of Wi F. Parris, deceased, ta- tesrauft, aexamiants. j s Tne defendants above named will .take: notice thato an action or special proo eooajsf enmneui as &dovs 2ias been Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition: beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child tc be born J f fl iftaA ,tUV .t l j neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Home of swamp-Root' ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. commenced in 'the Super! Court o B'uncombe County, ( efore the Clerk o said court, by the plaintiff. J. E. Brown, as administrator of the estate of W. F. Rrris, deceased, intestat to s ill two certain pieces or tracts of land, si uated In French Broad township, in ;said county and sltate, of which the i said W. F. Parris, deceased, inte Ate, was seized at the time af his death, to make assets ito pay the debts of the said W. F I &rris, deceased, intesltate; that the purpose of said actioia or spe cial oceeding consists wholly or par tially in excluding said defendants from any right, title, interest or lien, they or either of thenu may have in or to sold two pieces o tract9 of 1 md as the lawful he.i- of the said W. F. Parris, deceased, intestate, or otherwise; And the defendamta will further take notice Khat they are requir d to appear at the office of Ithe Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Buncomi , on the 8th day of December, 1900, and an- swe: or demur to the complaint or peti tion ul Ithe plaintiff, or the relief there in demanded' will be granted This the 21st d j- of September, 1900. MARCUS ERWIN, Clerk Superior Court. MARK W. BROWN, Attorney. NOTICE. State of North Carolina, Superior u art Buncomo. county, George . ijreenlee, plaintiff, against Patsy Greenlee, defendant: The defendant above mamed, Patsy Greenlee, will take notice that an action entitled aa aboi i has been commenced in the Superior C -urt of Buncombe couni' '. State of Nortih Carolina, for the purpose of ob taining a divorce from the defeoaani from the bonds of matrimony, for the cause of abandonment and adultery Said defendant will further take notice that she is require' to appear at the next term of the Superior Court oi Buncombe county, North Carolina to be held the tenth Monday after the first Monday in September, 1900, at ithe court house in the city -f Asheville, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complain of said action or the plaintiff will apply- to the court for the relief demanded in, the complaint. September 17, 1900. MARCUS ERWIN, merk Superior Court. H. B. BROWN, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE. State of North Carolina Superior Court, Bum combe County. Lula Washi on, plaintiff, againat Aaron Washington, defendant. The defendant above named, Aaron Washingtotni, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Bun combe County North Carolina, for the p rpose of obtaining a divorce from toe defendant froa the bonds of ma trisomy for ithe cause of abandonment, and the said defendant will further take notice thait he is required to -appear at th next term of the Superior Court of Bun combe County North Carolina, to held omi the 10th Monday after the first '-xnday in September, 1900, at tn court house in the city of Asoe- Je, North Carolina, and ans- rer or demur to the compB""" of said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded u the complaint. This tlhs 22d day of September, MARCUS ER IN, Clerk Superior Court. H. B. BROWN, Attorney tor the plain tiff. NOTICE. Havtna an all fled as executors of Laura B. Hunt, deceased, late of Bun combe county. N. C, this is no nouu all pwsons having claims -gainst tee state of said deceased to exhibit them t the undersifimed on or before the 6 -fj day of October, 1S01, or this motice wiu be plead In bar of their recovery. AJj persons indebted to said estate please snake immediate payment. This 6tb October, 1900. , H. C. AND N. G. HUiMf Executors.

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