A. .1. .1 4 FRANKLIN Brevard H C Photographs Are Best. 4 1; mtMi 0?' fe: titE Open Throughout 7 the Year. : Stands on Inchest point in Brevard, over , lookifl the French Broad alley, in the i midst of a park of 80 acres. Accommodates 200 guests,, and. is handsomel furnished! throughout. Every convenience ior pleas ure ana comrort. J. J. HEELAN, Man. Doctors and Midvives Recommend other's Friend" - 2 SSy 35 SS&Jr 1KM j "o. Tre no rain. j,.r fourth confinement, and was relieved quickly, becarsse it ia used externally in cases of the delicate situation exceptant mothers. It is a constant re lief, robbing childbirth of its terrors- Internal reme tl ics are dangerous. "Mot her's Friend " is a blessing in a bottle. There is nothing like it. ' The mother of three children, who suffered greatly lu the With of each, obtained a bottle of Mother s friend at my drug store oetore aii motners wno nave usea it auiee ineir niwr wa mmra j. JOHN G. POLHILL, Macon, Ca. mailed free to ladles Sent bv express paid on receipt of price. 1 per bottle. Book. Motherhood, Sold by all Druggists, contiain?' sensible advice ue TUB BUADKIELJJ lUSGOi&TOB, CO.. Atlanta. Oa. NOT ALL WILL VOTE FOR BRYAN. 50 YEARS EXPiiRlLNCE How the Populists In Catawba County I Ssand. Hickory, N. C, Nov. 3. Notwlth- stan'ding the fact thut ex-Senator A. T. Sigmon has 'been laid up four -months withi ia (broken (foot Ibe oame out througih the rain Friday night and addressed the McKinley and Roosevelt club. There was a good crowd out to hear the senator and his speech was "well received. Your correspondent talked with a number of the leading .populists in Catawba county last week and ;not one -was found (who will vote for Bryan. The majority of them will vote for McKinley and a few will not vote at all. ' CORNELIUS N. BLISS. FORECAST OF RES U NT, Mr, Bay personally makes all sittini it engusemecjt is made and ha under- st&nds exactly how to set the best pic ture possibte. There i no uncertaintj tLbout it. His work iwdll bo wien done he knows howj to def it i la toot sa tlsned umaees Tri ; gets Just 4he picture he desires. He does not agree to rnakJa a photo. 1 of you to Hook like eonse photo you hav seen, but will f?et a pleasing Mbaness o you. t iMost peoplia like our work. Mayha you would. Anyway the work iwdll toe good. We can make a better photo than umy you have of yourself, or win tll you before sibling thiat we carmot. If you i !WiH bring the photo with you. Where is & certain something'' about our photos Chat distinguishes iJiem from ordinary ones. You can see this d-1 ferenoe tLC you (will ibring your old. ones. . The card : will be correct style and the finish will refk-ci crelit upoa Ray's Book Store 8 N. Court Bauare. Designs Cfipyns'uHTs I. c Anyc.6 sendii. a sketch and .ieser:iM:i to ir oKiy as'Jtirt.-iin our oviaion ficc wi.e.'-ic u.; nv'im'it a is probRhiy Ttenfjvi5e. Conny.xii.xfti 'ions t.ricU7 confidential, nanahook un ltui ient frt-o. Ol lc. Mioucy.for BftcarwuyjJitnts. Pateuis ti,ken .Vrouirh Mnnn & Co- receive ipectai nctice, wltKjat charge, in tLc ctenttftc Jimencan. A handsomely illnstrated weekly. Largest clr dilation of any acientlflc ionrnal. TermB, f3 a year; foar months, U Sold by all newsdealers. UNN S C9J36,Broadwa' New York '" Hranch Of. - 625 B F Wa5hlTHrtfn..T. C TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Broono Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money ' it it fails to-cure. B. W. Grove's signature ia en each box. 25c. When a hold-up -man a'ima a revolver at the head of his victimi the latter is apt to see the point of the argument. ! HEALTHrULU:. I 00. 00. n 1 1 II I IA -AND- , CH0C0LATI SOLD AT OUR STORES AND BY ROGERS EVERYWHERE The liability to disease is greatly lessened when the blood is in good con dition, and the circulation healthy and vigorous. For then all refuse matter is promptly carried out of the system ; otherwise it would rapidly accumulate fermentation would take place, tha blood become polluted and the consti tution so weakened that a simple malady might result seriously., A healthy, active circulation means good digestion and strong,'- healthy nerves. As a blood purifier and tonic S. S. S. Has no equal. It is me saiest ana uoi of men lost the thousands they remedy, for old people and children have g.aine because of an insatiable Decause it contains no mmeraiB, uui io p.up9Uit after another hundred made exclusively of roots and Herbs. No other remedy so thoroughly and effectually cleanses the blood of inv purities. At trie same time it builds up the weak and de biiitated, and reno- s vates tne entire sys- Many people worry because ithey be liierve tihey have heart direase. The chances are that their hearts- are 'all rigthit hut ttheir abamiach are unable to digest food. Koidoi Cyspepsia 'Cure di igesta 'what you- eiat a.nd .preveSnits, the formation of gas which makes the stom ach press against the heart. It will xyure every 'farm of lnidageatuon . Dr. T. C mitth. Hello ! All subscribers to Asheville Tetlephone ... . ii . j company will please raaKe iouowms corrections to new book amid always call for numher: 595 Acme Cleaning and "Pressmg tem. It cures perpr.ncntly all mannei oiub, over Blomfberg's, Pat ton avenue of blood and Sian iron Dies. New York, Nov. 4. The republican national committee gave out today the following statement: "On the eve of election the republi can national committee's forecast of the result, based on absolutely authen tic and unimpeachable figures and facts, differs from' its previous forecast only in increasing the magnitude of the triumph which Tuesday will , bring to the cause of national honor and pros perity. All the sources of the com mittee's information including many that are unwilling witnesses, concur in indicating the conclusion that Tues day's election Tvill prove a veritable landslide for McKinley and seal the doom of Bryan and Biyanism forever. "The prime cause of this irresistable and overwhelming popular revolt Is perfectly obvious. It consists in the desire of the people to (maintain the prosperity which they have enjoed and now entov under the Dolicies of the McKinle administration, and in their well grounded fear of public calamity in case Bryan were to be elected. The laboring tman, his wife and children remember the poverty, .misery and -despair which shrouded their lives in the black years previous to McKinley's in auguration, and they remember with gratitude the relief which has come to them since then, with abundant em ployment and largely increased wages. ?'They listen now to Bryan's invita tion to throw away their advantage but they respectfully decline them.. "The business men of the United w -what haoDened to rv 'H ir.i i iJiiivuuwv -thfMTL in those same "The farmers are not likely to forget the evil day when they were reduced to bankruptcy and almost to beggary, and now, with mortgages lifted, their farm products bringing greatly in creased prices and their homes filled with comfort and joy, they do not pro pose to change itheir conditions at the behest of the false prophet of 1896 and the anarchist agitation of 1900. "All who have remunerative work to do, all who have wages paid them, and who have a business to protect and de velop, all who have money deposits in savings .banks or invested in homes of their own, have been confronted with a threat to reduce the value of their prosperity by one half and have been asked to ratify this suicidal proposi tion by their votes. "As they constitute the great mass of the American people and as they are sane, sensible and honorable men, the overwhelming majority for McKinley (and against Bryan which Tuesday will record is thus accounted for. "The people know that the country has prospered under McKinley; 'that wages have risen to a higher rate than ever before; that employment is abundant for all; that the savings' of labor have increased half a billion dol lars; that com-nercial prosperity has been uaiiver-FPl and commercial nonur 1 . . - i . m safeguarded ??a;imst tine aavocaxes oi repudiation, end so they naturally have decided to re-elect him and continue the present conditions of prosperity and safety. "Trie- committee's final .... forecast claims at least the following states for Discard all your preconeelvd tdeaa of what genuine bargains la china and glass are until you have tried some o these. That Is what ws did when w selected each number from a large var iety of its kind. The very best lor the very lowest price was our aim, and how well we succeeded It will be our pleasure to con vince you when we fill your orders. Your opinion of our business," sun methods and our price In every Urn fcs always welcome-. T H E X. L. Grocery Store. 22 Patten Ave. 'Phone 107 Picture Framing Mr. B. E. Ksily, of TJrbAna, O.. writes: HT-hoH Tl.-iri.. t,r, vr -v h s.: r!H and I aCO lot five--years. It wtv.--.li fcrsirout in little urs. mi ctt.ni as. pn,.-.'e wciald fona and dropoff, ie.&viiis tiio sK-iii red and infif-m- rpv a 'rtSnfrtrss rti :r.,- -.3 f?GC-cL I Used all the modic&tad soioa salvos without behetiV' 3. S.S. enred nia, and my skin is as olear and smooth aa any one's." jura, xi&nry tsieginou, 01 wyo "-"Jy J., says taet t-weiity-cne bottles ot B. S. S. nnMif Hr of Oanon of the b roast. Doc tors and friends t nought her case hope less. ' . A ni a s , lliohara 'i. oaraner, x ioreuva, o. suffered for years with Boils. - Two bot kiAtt of ft. a. S. cut his blood in cood oon- dttion and the Boils disappeared. - Send iti our free book, and writs our physicians about your case. Medical advice tree. THE SWIPT SPECIFIC CO. ATLANTA, GA A.rir vmts and McKinley: California 9; Connecticut 6; 628. Babbingiton, J. P., Stove Doctor, " . Mrarti(lfl1 results of Delaware 3 ; Illinois 4; Indiana 15; lowa rvvl1frp street. 1 1U14JVV v,a"- ?T? S". N. in. Tonv IS- Miaine 6: 743. Cocke, Philip C, resiaence. Chestnut etreet. 58-3. Johnson, Mrs. E. F., residence. Atkins stTeet. - 658-2. Mear-s, Gaston, residence, At kins street. 419. Gates, J. R., regideace, Atkans street . 665. Wletmore, Rev. T. C, residence, Sunset drive. - 369. Wills, Rufus, store, suipnur Siprings Road . 249. Tainsslg, J. Rena-., resiaenw, w- anspe street. " . ... - i Kr, In irc-for. ;13- TfansflS 10: KentUCKy JJisuue u, .. vnoi-n o-nA TvrAsner- i Marvland 8: Massacnuse-Lu io, i- ence'tOXne rr ' ' o. Kra- TTaTnTvahire itv of all lines of commercial enxer- gan u; aiiiuitsauu T Z Z ili the oast four years. They : 4; New Jersey 10; New York 36; North .r w the nmoosition to Dakota 3; Ohio 23; Oregon ; reiuiByi- consequ.uu, ---; ; Rhode Island 4; South Da- ir ; ie short of kota4; Vermont 4 ..Washington 4; West rree uaxic w - ttt 19- Wvom ne 3. 3!-Jia Virginia o, i iblujuhl nisanity 1 : Tden. a rrhflTi should ret up before the I break of day in order to lhave the hole day before frina. - MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR. A -PTfRAA:NT LEMON TONIC mtnTa iindiepiPn:: headache, malaria, ing, and' with our large assortimeaat or i Sidney disease, fever, chills, 'loss ox air We have a hundred styles of !ts moulding's to 6eledt from. gilt, oak, brawns, blacks, gretetne and whites. , We make a speciality of lartasfCic cram Vririm rvuln-rs .rvf imftt rDOsaiXl aflO HOW artistic moulding we tmake oorreot frames can tell at a glance just what style of frame wili suit your picture and show it up Ibes't. 'While we do not sacrince the quality of our work you can of tern find many frames much cheaper here thlam else where.. ' You can easily pay more tout cannot Jet better work. , - Ready made frames in. regular 6 l-2x 8 1-2, 8x10, 11x14, 14x17, 16x20, etc., ready to deliver. Rav's BookStore 8 N. Court Square. FRESH SHIPMENT -i Received This Morning. witYftndicltls. try reg- n.TniT, ,h Tver. Stomaoh. Bowels and Kidneys. - Tvrr7'.T5?T.ii;YJifi iiEIMON ELIXIR. Iri-rvt tti- wf indisrestlon. I hd BOffeT- ed for, ten years. I had triea aimoai ! every nDedficihe, tout all failed. Smce usinK Lemon Elixir I can eat any I . . w . m .. m ill IT- A..wa thine' I like. 'W. A. unmcn; jevwevoa- vflle,-. C -M-n.-PTTY'S LEMON ELIXIR. Cured me of indigestion ''ami heart dis ease, after years of suffering when oil other remedied anl aoexoro nuwi N. D. Colemiam, Beuaan, b. v. Tur-ramTBrY'S JiEJMON ELTXIB. T havft beem a great sufferer from ..to ifT aihmit fifteen yesura, my l.. v ouvpu.wi - , . j ,im t.n0 imnr llvAT. SbomaCth ttJCLd on Elizlr cnired me. My appetite Is ! ,jf m mrall. ' T have ftakWl i (barrel of other medicine that did me on or by. I . ...... n rttv,l, TOV ISIS J no gOOO. tjinairitw Jefferson street, Louisville, Ky. Plying Hachine. Ttnnteassnr Bernard! de Baob. the : noted authority on. balloons and air ehdpe, dtic., amid who in the past .year has spent a furtune, has solved the g?reat iwYblem of airshitoe. Prof. Bernard! 's ... 31 ishlp is like a huge cigar, with nns amo limimen'se fans which make seven hun dred) revolution's- a minute. The ship is seventy feet long and ten feet wlcle in, i the mtilddle. It can carry ten passengers. Run and ili'ghtiedi by eleatri'dty. Mrs. Each made hth itriD with her husband. When the Professor was asked how he got 'his Idea, hie said he noticed that his mother, also his wife, made their cake andi bia- cuita (which were always light ana nice) with the Rumford. Baking Pow der, so he purchased a can and addea a litis water to the contents, and In a few miniU'tes the ship begiajn to rise. AUSKA'S WEALTH M HALF I9LD. Red Cabbage, : Cauliflower, MiOSElIJBrS LHMON BLIXrR. . Cured me of enlarged Oivef, nervous ln ioit jiifwase. Z was un- Endive, Lettuce, Wy White Plume Celery. i(da319t ot t untQi-iaed " I Lemon Elixir. I am cow hieaillthy and vdgorouB.--- C H . BaJdwin, xmo. wo Alexander street, Atlanta, Ga. Charles II. Monday, Central Market.' r 68S1 AU YOBS PAIXS WTB Pain'-KHIeri A Medicine Chf 1 1 Is ttaelL - : SIMPLE, SAFE AND Q0ICR CURE FOR Cramps, Diarrhoea, Colds. eoughs, Neuralgia - Rheumatism. 25 and 50 cent Bottles. BEWARE OK IMITATIONS. BUY ONLY THE GENVIW, V3- PERRY DAVI&' i ?'l NOTTCB. , To whom it may concern: r 'Jl' Bsuim.'bfer of iticketa or aae nauomi i IwvhihitiAn mdTt-w 1toral and OongTesv aonafl, have 'been cent to me lOr distri bution. Voters who do not care o vbte for MwKtoley Bryan; comibinea cam I have' ithe wbove on appiascauon.. T f ' ... " . n I'M .IlI J- P..O. bOX 404. c 4 AuicvBic, .-v. tmSaT'TJTCK OP, AN J3MTOR. "..m rm (trpwiTf all efforts to cure Ec-j fema in the pamuso !lf a i -tj . -mujtfsw TTr N. Lester, ox syrsr .Lto &atofe" It'B the ' world fl lest tor i umiw . iSjSSdwfl Only 5c 6 ail drug- A Wonderful Climate Prevails in the bonth With Great Possibilities For the Sportsman and Farmer. Reindeer have made themselves thor oughly at home in Alaska that mar vellous country whose richness in ani mal life and agricultural possibilities is not yet half suspected by the majority of Americans. The pilgrim fathers of the family were Imported from Lapland in the early stages of the Klondike craze to be worked and eaten by the starving miners. They luckily escaped being eaten, and were later reinforced by 700 reindeer doe imported by the Govern ment from Siberia. From the mixed herd of 1,000 head, or a little more, they have multiplied to 3,000, and under Uncle Sam's protec tion they promise to play an important Dart in the future -of Alaska and add We live by OUr blood, and greatly to its "wealth. The twenty-five ijapianaers wno came uvw wiui me first consignment are on their way home with about $700 each, saved out of their earnines as reindeer drivers and mail carriers. But Alaska needed no importations to add- to its fascinations. Gold? Of course everybody knows about that. BLOOD on it. We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. "There is nothing else to live ,When strength is full and spirits high, we are being re freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with con tinual flow of rich blood. This is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved; our blood is poor; there is little nutri ment in It. A now nothiner more nourishing than Ror"U rf thp hlnnd. IS food, to glaciers. ,. ,i t.1AJ WVrnrk it I Oats spilled by mules as they feed kpfcn the blood Tien, wnen u OT1 A f a i1r4a1r -Scott's emulsion of and would yield, It is estimated, 200 . - - ... . .i f 1 1 nchnla tn IKi a niki A1flalrfl.n tnmA.tVia . . ' 1 I a i s.r f- wt n " I -i I V A'w fc .ud ma ....... , , i.. . COQ-TiyeCOU. c c are described as big as a man's hat. All manner of fruit and vegetables be longing to temperate . climes thrive amazingly and under proper cultivation there Is no reason why'' Alaska should not become TJneleam's kitchen gar- but everybody doesn't know that gold is one of the least interesting things about the country that Uncle Sam was shrewd enough to buy from Russia. Take strawberries. Alaska has near Big Stone a strawberry bed seven miles lonsr: and two miles wide. Fourteen square miles of strawberries! And they are beauties. Nothing finer is grown in this country outside a hothouse. Uncle Sam can produce no nearer approach to the English strawberry, whose haunting fragrance is equalled by no other fruit. Raspberries and blackberries too, reach a high pitch Qf cultivation In Alaska, which is popularly supposed to All this, of course, is south of Beh- ! ring Sea, in a region where, thanks to ' a warm ocean current, the temperature seldom reaches zero, even in the long winter nights. As for game, big and little, feathered, ... m finny and furred, it is oi unmatcneu richness, but "bids fair to be extin guished by commercial greed and reck lessness. Deer exist no longer, and the moose and the sea otter are hovering on the verge of annihilation. Nevertheless, an Alaskan traveller has just returned home with a collec tion of the largest moose heads in tne world. But the sportsman is less of a men- ace to tne iauna oi .iio. trader. The skin of a single sea otter will now sell in London for as much as S1.200. m This is how he describes the Bunting of the sea otter by Indians, wno can sell a skin for from $200 to $500: "At least eleven canoes, each holding hunter, are necessary. When the hunters start out eacn is armea wiw a rifle, and each man uses marked bul lets, that may be identified after they are fired. "When the nose of an otter Is sighted the man finding it gives a signal and in a few moments the little fleet is sur rounding the creature. When the great circle is complete as may be, the nose of the animal may be a thousand yards from the nearest marksman. "A shot is fired at the black spot on the water and it disappears. The ani mal is capable of diving 3,000 feet un der water, and it may not come up for many minutes, but if the circle is well formed it is not likely to break the line. "Tht instant the nose appears an other shot or two is sent after It, and the boats close In. Time and again it comes up, only to be frightened down again. Howard A. Haven. Wright C. MEMBERS OF TH New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. HAVEN k STOUT, Bankers and Brokers I NASSAU STREET, CORNER WALL, NB YORK. Deposit accounts received, subject to check on demand. Interest crediitea monthly on daily balances. Accounts of- banks, corporations, firms and individuals receiv.i on fav orable terms. Coupons, interest, dividends, notes, drafts collected for our correspondents. Orders executed for the purchase or sa on commission, of bonds, sTC-Y -as, investmeiJt or carried on margin. Clients may telegraph order and In structions at our expense. Copies cA telegraphic code may be had on appll caMon. Information regard ia 3 quotations cheerfully furnished. Ball &Sheppard, 16 Court Square. Any one wishing to put steam heat their building could not do Better than use m Harrisburg Boiler But you must have experienced wotm- swa to do the work and we are saaft Aeot ttai w can please yon. BALL & SHEPPAED TnLBPHOWl. 88. I bpdy'Soirig aam man woman and cruicu; i: . WcTlBendyiMaBttktotiy.ifyoulike. SCOTT, BOWNfc, 49Teari street, New York fDeWdtfis Witch Hazel Salve will nulcklv heal the worst hums and scalds I and not Jearve a soar. It can be ajxpned i (to cults and (raw surfaces with iDTomot md soothlna effect. Use it lor piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless i 'counterfeits. Dr. T. C. Smith. The less a man knows about politics the more angry he gets in a .political argument. Both makers and carcuaator of coun- Iterfeits comtmit (fraud. Honest men will mot deceive vou into 'buying- worcn- lesa coamterfelts of DeWatt'e Watch- Ha zel Salve. Thta original' is InfaB'i'We for curing piles, sores and eczema and. ail Mctn diseases. Dr. T. V. emttin. It is aa easy for you to please every body as t Is for everybody to please you. DeWitt's Little Barly Risers are he bestrliver fEls'ever nwude. Easy " to take and never frtpe.q Dr. T..O. Sanitn, News and Opinions . National Importance ALONE CONTAINS BOTH Daily, by mail, SBayear Daily and Sunday by maD, $8 a year The Sundmi Is the ereatest Sunday ueiwapsr tm PHea fie. a cobv. Bv-iaail StVi --jr2. 'rr-r -N i "J - i r :rtt ,1 'J i " Want ; dreit!anti se , SC 7, 4

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