- rv 7HElf YOUKQ MEH" MAKE CALLS tv.i. Ttain V,wl dally: ruibTring vlgor- "v ously for five minutes at ea-appdica-: hrxiitld. be-.worn What to Wear, How to Act," When to r?r a few 'days to ? Arrive and Depart and So On- t no-tan. afternoon 'call a man 1 paiim. k uTvenualled.. .,.oiiv lves Ms ovencoat umbrella J a. Raysor, Druggist. or stick, hat and gloves in. the hall be-J ra. onlcrinfi' fhf rirawiiner,. TOOm. xxe For sale by G. may, room if he choose, carry his hat ana stick Into the rotxmi at a first or formal call, if it d$ to be very brief, except at el reception. He removes his rignt glove before eff ring to shake hands. . He never off era his hand first, but waits for the invitation of his hostess. If she is behind her tea table, she may not rise to greet him, but gracefully in cludes (him in .the conversation and,per haps bows her adieus. It is an evidence of good breeding to enter and leave the room unobtru sively. It is not usual to introduce a guest upon his entrance to more than one other. He never shakes hands -when presented to a -woman, but always wheh introduced to a man. He may leave upon the arrival of other guests after fifteen minutes, turning his back as little as possible upon the company and bowing com prehensively at the door. A woman never 'accompanies a man to the vestibule, but takes leave of him in the drawing room. It is no longer customary to press one's guest to call again. The lady always gives the invitation to call. A man must not go beyond an evident pleasure in her society by way of suggestion. Sometimes a woman friend will exert herself for him. The sooner the call follows the invitation the greater the compliment. A fort night is the usual interval. Mrs. Bur ton Kingsland, in the October Ladies' Home Journal. PEOPLE'S BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CA TARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell 'and completely derange ithe whole system When entering it through the mucous s-urTaces. Such ar ticles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phyisicaams as the damage they do is ten fold to thle good you c'an possibly derive from them. HaliFs Catarrh Cure, -manufactured bF.,J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken 4: ternallx, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of fehe system. In buying Hall's Oatarrh Cure be sure ' Dwra to . southwestern Missouri a preacher announced; thatt in tUte raeaip future he wouldVdiscour&e on "Hell and -ctri TOmiM Oo There." The good mam hais hesa somewhat puzzled on receiv- inz several ieters .. ifrom ipari'aniwrs i:h'iii,n!c" wM r kilnida wf . vengeance their .name aire mentioned in t)h3 fariQx- ocumcfig sermon. . " "I, have used 3hamiberlam's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and; find ft to foe a great medicine," says " Mr. B. S. Bhipps, of Poteau, Ark.; "It cured me of ibloody flux, I cannot spak too highly of ft.'.' This remedy always wins the good opinion, if not praise of those wiho use It. The quick cures wiiich it effects eveoi in the most severe cases make ft a (favorite everywhere. For -tale Iby C. A. Raysor, Druggist. Orange .grower in 'Florida rntow coyer their trees with tents so arranged ;as to adlmiit the sunHigM on one eide and keep out frosty winds on tlho- Oither. lua each tent is ah oil lamp, iwibiich is lighted on coTd nigh;ts to keep the trees wiarmed. The growers are warned of the approach of iinifa-vorablei we&JtheiVhi a ulndque way. As mails travel slowly in. some of the thinlo" populated districts, the govern' requires the engineer oif express trains to blow their . whistles six 'times in every 'three miles whemi a "cold wave" is known to be earning. SPREAD LIKE WILDFIRE. "When thinigs are "the best" they oe come "-the best selling.' Abraham Hare, a leading druggist, of Belleville, O., writes : "Electric Bitters are h 'best selling bitters I have handled in twenty years. You know why? Mst diseases begin in didorders of the stom ach, liver, kidneys, bowels, btoxl and cerves. ElecMc blttfe" .tones up the stomach, regulates liv-r, kidney cixd bowels, purifies tbJe blood, strengthens the nerves, hence cures rauiucuaas oi maladies. It builds up the entire sys tem. Puts new life and vigor into aay weak, sickly, run-down man or woman. Price 50 cents. Sold by all druggists. 60LU1 - BOARDERS WANTB1V-lre i hOus j - tni shady grove to suburbs, o" : out car, line; excellent table, Ane w-v ter, lota of fresh milk, eic; iCiiv - i to a. ;weex; swou a-iwwn- .w . Tplnhone 29b. . ADiuy at Ka iv Stdre, or to Mrr. CoL w. M, Ray. - l- ' Jim ' A LIMITED number of ; boarders can find a comfortable winter home, 7 or housekeepers may? rent " flv rooanB newly "f urni&bed, by fddressinfr Mrs. H. K. Walter. TWayneHvCUei Ny O, MISOEXJjANEOTJS. MISS NORA WARE-Fiaaiist and Teacher in stringed Instruments. Qr ' ner of Spruce and Woodfin streeta. SALESMEN wanted to sell our goods by isamiple to fwiholesale and rttail 'ferade. Te are the largest a-nd only 'manu facturers in our lice in the world. Literal salary paid. Address CAN DBX Mfg. CO., 'Savannah, Ga. tf BUSINESS. Do you mane a nice bus iness indoors the year round? If so, I have it, the musical shooting gal lery, finest south, no competition. No previous experience needed. Er sale at 48 S. Main street. The last weirds of Lord Russell, Lord Chief Justice of 'England, testified to nis string reli'gious faith. Just1 before he died he said: "Father, lay your hand on any head and bless me." STOPS THE COUGH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Bromo- Quinine Tablets cure mAn ywAf rfiV r fTwvnnrnja T'f is- .Q Irn 1 Tff XT 4.r, na m,a,riA in. Triipifv nWo. hv. cold in one day. -No Cure, No Pay F. J. Cheaiey & Co. Testimonials free Sold by Druggists. Price 75c per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Price 25 cents. A young 'man from Bowling Green, Mo. applied for work in a store 'locat ed some distance fromi his home. He presented the iflollowing letter of recoim mendiaJtioni, afd' was engaiged. on the ert: "I have found him industrious, truthful intelligent and saber. I have observed also that his services about the house Were satisfactory -to my wife, and an&-iooie who cam g&; along - ith her is a peach-.' To remove a troublesome com or bun ioxii: First soak the com or 'bunion in (Warm water to soften it, then pare it flown as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chaanberiain's The placidity of expression worn by la man in a crowded barber shop is al most equal to that of a spinster with her first love letter. MOZELEY'S LEMON HG-x" DROPS. Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Sore Throat, Hemorrhage, and all throat and lung diseases. . Elegant, reliable. 25 cents at druggfists. Prepaired only Dr. H. 4Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. When you feel tfbait life is hardly worth the candle take a dose of Oham- beir'liains Stomach and Liver Tablets They rwill cleanse your stomach, tone tip your liver and regulate your bowels, making you eel like a' new'jnan. For sale Iby C. A. Raysor, Drugg st . CLEANING, DYEING AND REPAIR- ing for . ladles and gentlemen. We scour clothing with a sweet, disin feotimg preparation, clean ladies' dresses and silk or woolen waists sat isfactorily. We dye for both ladies and gentlemen. We will send for and deliver your work. Your patronage- solicited. W. B. WOOD, proprietor, 'phone 556, 49 East Col lege street. 196-tf WANTED One or two Jboardex bk pri vate family, r'jrst class acoommodaw tkns. "79 Chestntst street. : v ' - ... ' "' ' " " :" i ' ' 1 '" "1 '' r RANTED .Couple fo ake bamdsome front room and ibtoai'd in prtvate amr ily . Elegant house; all eomrenJences;: best cuisine. Apply 237. , Haywood. ROOMS Nicely furnished for liht houeekeeplus. Call at 129 Bailey St.: - won sent ' m FURNISHED" HOUSE For Rent Five minutes' iwaik of P. O., near electric cars, Tnodem Improvements, hot and cold waiter, house ' and furniture in thorough order, waife recalsoxnined . Possession given immediately. Also board and rtom for single young man. Special rates. Enquire 24 Patton avenue. 228-t HELP WANTED, ft STENOGRAPHER WANTED We want an experienced stenographer nd ltypewriter by November 1st, either lady or gentleman!. One familiar with Remington; machine preferred. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 23 Pt totm avenue. MANAGER old; les'taiblished mercantile house wants honest, capable imlan to manage, branch, alary $125 month, exitreu commissions. iNo solicitiinig re quired, but rmiust talke general direc rtion ibusiness and 'be ambitious. Good ref eirences and! $800 cash required. Ex . perienoe as manager rfat necessary if Qualified! In other respeclts. OPPOR TUNilTYi, Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn. 233-2t FOB RENT ne lovely ifufratehed flat or ave rooms; all modem Improve ments; located in the most desirable part of the city; completely furnish ed. Apply to O. D. Revell, 32-34 Pat ton avenue. FOR SAL&. $ FOR SAUB OR RENT Ten room house at a bargain. Located on a hill about one half md'le from postoffice, about two blocks from) street car flinei. R. G. HUNT. 231-St FOR SALE Ladies' addle for al cheap: Enquire ait the business of fice of the Gaze Jts. 196-tf LOST Small bunch of keys, between 'AsheviHe Hardware corrnpany'si ofttce and positoffice. Please return to Aaheville, HardwaTe company. " HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSE 3. PRIVATE BOARDDesirable location on street ear line, only five minutes' fwalk (from 'the square. House amd furnilturie new. With all modern con veniences. No sick people ever lived in house, and none takeni. Table strictly first class, a- rates re'asoni aible. Write to, or call, at, 16 Charlotte street. ' 229-tf ) THE APPETITE, OF A GOAT. Is envied by all. poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and-Liver lare out "of order All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the 'wonderful stomach and liver remedy givte a splendid ap pelLlte, sound digesti'oini and 'regular bod ily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c, t all drug gists. HE FOOLED THE SURGEON. AM doctors told Re-nick HaaniHtoni, of Weat Jeffereocn, O., aJfter (suffering 18 months fromi Rectal' Fistula, lie would die unless a costay operaJtion was per formed, but he cured himself 'With five bbx.es of Buckleri's Arnica Sal vie, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and1 the icest Salve in the world. 25 cents a box. Sold all druggists. iti) tin i (1 4 TIOWBuSTRAIGHT FRONT&LONG HIP. FPR SALE AT ALL iEADING RETAILERS &Sfrt ever, wiu never uctuuw ibcijuob u. juu mt. a tt.a TriA. m . . k p a bottle of Pain-Killer on hand. ThoHBanda Have Kidney Trouble for it Is a remedy that never falls to cure cholera, cramps, diarrhoea or dys entery. Arola ' snbstltutes; there is but one Pam-KIller, Ferry Davis . Price SSo d 50c. NOTICE. Harms qualified as executors of Laura B. Hunt, deceased, late of Bun combe county, N. C, this Is to notify all pnsons having claim's -gainst the state of said deceased' to exhibit them the undersigned on or before the tin day of October, 1S01, or this motice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said - estate will please make Immediate payment. This 6tb October, 1900. - H. C. AND N. G. HUNT, Executors. KATHS AND MASSAGE. Plain tub, Russian, Turkish, sitz, trunk, fountain air sun and sand b-tha at the Quisisana Nature Cure sanit -rlum, 167 South French Broad avenue. "Lady and gentleman phyai ctaa lm charge. NOTICE. Having qualifleJ as administrators of Lyman A. Deal, deceased, late of Bun combe county N. C, 'this is to notofy all persons havicig1 claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit ttflfleim to the 'undersigned on or (before No vember 1, 1901, or this notice will be' plead in hair of. ith'edr recovery. All per sons indebted' to -said estate wliil please make immediate payment. Thi Nov. 1, 1900. T W. PATTON, WALTER DEAL. 8 wks Administrators What a dreadful thing It Is to wake up in the eight suffering from chol era morbus, and yet cases of this kind are very common. The trouble, how- MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. ft Is certainly (gratifying to the pub lic to know off one concern which is not afraid tto fee generous.. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumptflomi, Coughs an3 'Cold, have giv en away over ten million trial bottles and have the satisfaction of knowing that it has cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, La Grippe land all Throat, Ohest and Lung dis eases are surely cured by it. Call on any druggist and get a frfee trial bot tle, )ReiguSar size 50c amd $1. Evfry. bottle guaranteed. and Don't Know it. Sow To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a i seuimeni or set tling, indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent aesire to pass it or pain in the back is alsn convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. "What to Do. There is comfort in .the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in pacing it, or bad effects following use of .iquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this Wonderful ' discovery and a book that tells more about it; both sent absolutely free by mailj aaaress ur. ts.nmer oc Home of Swamp-soot Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper.' ' We have a postofflce at the Gazett oaunting room for "Want" advertisers. - Doctors are supposed to be healthy because they never take their own medicine. It is an easy matter to distinguish friends from relatives at weddings and funerals. Jill p 00 nine CarBlba(i If America IFlke MT&st UlellsMfral Mealtilhi soot IPlef&sraFe ESesowrtt Im ttDie TUnniton. 164 mileb east of Chattanooga, 42 miles east of Knoxyille, on the K. & B. Railway, in the loveliest vaUey of the East Tennessee mountains. Two ho tels, 25 cottages, , 40 acres lawn, walks and shade trees. Electric lights. Complete system water works, with modern baths, plendid orchestra, spa cious ball room, telegraph and long distance telephone; in fact, all the amuse ments and comforts. Best German and American cooks. Write for 40 page book FREE Pries of Tater SMppel The water is shipped all seasons o! the year in poplar barrels, at $5 each. Half-bane's $3.50. Casep, one dozen haif-gallon bottles, $5. 5 gallon Rockerjohn, Jp.75. i0 palkii , Hockerjohn, $3.75. 5 gallon crated Demijohn, $2.25. 14 gallon glass Carboy, $3.75 Special rate to detlers in car-load lots upon application. Termscash. Remi-- by P. . Order on Tate Spring, New York exchange or registered letter to TatejSprino;, Tmn. Shipping daily at the rate of oter 4,000 packages per annum. Special freight rate to all points can be secured, i Tate water is sold by the most reliable druggists in all principal cities and towns. Last year shipments increased over 100 per cer t. of any previous year. Analysismade by Dr. T. S. Antesell, M. D., Prpfessor of Chemistry in National Medical College, and Chemist to the U. S. Department ot Agriculture, and can be found in the 40 page pamphlet TairsjnriEK. Mountain "Spring U Miles From Tate Snrinsrs- Fine LitMa and Chalybeate apings, flowing from side aiu base of Clinch Mountain. Beautifu1 Scenery among the Hills. Hotel Cottagea GcoundJi Greatly Improved and now open' to vis itors at these low rates; ; $1 00 ana $1.50 per; day; $7.00 to $8.00 per week; 25.00 to 50.00 per month. Hac" line from Tate- at moderate prices. Privilege of Tate to guesto and Tate Water kept a. draught for those desiring it.- For fur ther information, address j THOS. TOMLINSON, Owner, Tate Springs, Tena. : Ttot following list la taken from 6000 om file In the proprietor' office. Tney.otm from every point of the compasa and rep resent persons la every walk et life: Senator B. W. Pettus, of Alabama; .VI have found Tate Spring water a r genuine tpeciflo for the cute of malarial R. L. Taylor, ex-Governor ox Tennes see, Nashville: "I regard Tate Spring as the best on the conttaen.". ' Tho-. A. Mellon of Mellon Bros., bankers, Pittsburg, Pa.: "I believe there is no water la this country equal to Tate's for the cure of neuralgia, -as well as dyspepsia and liver troubles." . J. W. Thomas, i' esident and General Manager of Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway: "I take r easuri In recommending It to any one who wishes to enjoy contin uous health." v f R. A. Hemphill, Atlanta Ctinstitu'tlon, Atlanta, Ga.: "1 greatly appreciate Tate Water .id highly recommend! it." . ; GlEAT WAGON MA1HJ11A1CTTJRER . J. M. Studebaker, ' South Bend; lEnnZ. : ; "I believe there & no spring Is Amer ica, that contains the healing Qualities thai Tate" Spring - Aoes. 4 TUB GREAT TORAOOO MANTJPAC- TURKRj,' J. S. Carr, Durham, N. C: "I think It the finest water to be found anywhere." PRESIDEJNT OF LARGEST SNIDiBB' CO. IN THE WOQIiD. , Geo. B. Wilson, 924 Arch St, Philadel phia, Pa.: "In 1894 I suffered very acutely from Indigestion, which lasted until 18.S. In the fall of that year a friend sent me a case of Tate Spring water. Before re ceiving this water I was visiting a doc tor three times a week, taking all. kinds . of medicine and after using the water for a week I have never sloes that time been to see a doctor in regard to my in- digestion, and have never taken a ifrsp of medicine for Indigestion since. I ' believe this water saved "aiy-life, and consider it the finest water for Indiges tion 1 have ever known. X, have re commended this water to a number of friends who have used It, jmd have never known it to fail in benefical results.- -'f ' " IT SAVES UFB. .B, Xi. Grser, Washiligtion, Ba,: TB saved my lite beyond a doubt,- v RJECSEVBD BBNE- STJBSTANTIAIi ITT. A. B. Carr, dncinaatJ, O.: "Wi lhavs received substantial benefit from Tate Spring water." GREAT BENEFIT TO A GRHAT BUf -- INBS9 MAN. James Swann (of Iaman, Siruxn & Co.) N, Y.: "I have found Tate water of great benefit" FROM THB COURTS OF JUSTICB. Judge Henry R. Brya, Newbeme, N. -C. : "St -does me more ceod than any water I have ever usedu" CURES CHILLS. J. M. Elliott, jr. of - Kyis Lumber Co., Gadsden; Alsvi 4Ht eured me. -sf dyspepsia, chills, and malaria. ' EFFICIENT TONIC. . , T. -Mv MlBetv Vtoksburg, Miss.:. The most efficient and agreeable, tenia of which T havs any knowledge." , ONLT RaLIEF FOR CHRONIC MA LARIA. - . - G. D: M. CantrelL M. D., Lfttle Hock, Ark.: "It was tha only aarent I found that gars me ree si afcrsnle malaria. , , INFALLIBLE CURE FOR DYSPA SIA. David Kirk, president of McCalmont Oil company, Pittsburg, Pa.: "I be lieve Tate Spring water is am infallible cure for dyspepsia." i MAY USE HIS NAMB. W. S. Pope, Columbia, S. C: "Con tinue .the use of my name, and I will cheerfully distribute as many of ytur catalogues as you wish to send." THE WATER Cures- Indigestion, Dys pepsia and all troubles of - Liver, Stomach, Bladder, Bowels, Kidneys, Rheu matism and Blood Dls eases. SHIPPED ANY" TIME. AJffYWHEKli 7 rABheyilTe The Paragonj7EcWinng6od, C A.Ray8or,7W. C. Cannichael, Dr. T. C. Smith, JPelham's Phaririacy; Theobold's Candy Kitchen J Pat Mclntyre, C. B. Mclntyre, Bonanza.Wine HdXiquor ' n :rt - - r , -'o"r5nV. ' '-"V v .rgitoimo FrannFrankUn Pharm Smith Co,, A. B. AlUson& Co. wayneaviU . - , .Capacity of Hotel '500..' 40 Page Book Free. All the comforts and amusements; v r - mym. .THOMAS TOBiULIBISON r li y- f -ft - -irin'trMriiu"si-i " d m " " ' i 1 . '; ".' " ' 11 ' i i ' nu .. mum .n ... ' ' - , - j . i.j.iU'Sss