. A, 1 V , tnE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE; .iHOVEMBER 6,: 1900 THE MARKETS R!;TELEGl BSrEBDATS qVoTAIONS j ON ' YORK - 'CHANO AND CHICAGO GRAIN ' AL" Unanimous in'SESgTfortSj 3-rr Chance of BepubLican yicterjr. Highest, Lowest and Closing fox Active Stocks. QUOtte- Speclal Cotton Telegraph .Features of Market. the Imported by Murphy & Co.. Broker U "church Street Asheville. New York, Nov. 5. The dealing 4n the stock market upon the opening fof business were exceptlbnall svNve;and advances which extended to fully one point were recorded. ; All quarters nf the market received a fair arnouaft Of attention, with particular strength and animation tbelngwWlhduS trials, Federal, , Steel ...d. -'Wire . and Sugar Refining all advanced ' sharply r Manhattan was a conspicuous feature of the local traction, group, .bu f ma terial gains also appeared la Metropol ian street Railwayand tn Brooklyn Rapid Transit. In the railway, list the conspicuous features were ' Union . Pa cific common, Southern Pacific prefer red Baltimore and Ohio and Pennsyl vania. London furnished a. higher range of prices for American stocks hre were active dealings In the American quarter of the. market. The upward movement of prices was plain ly the outgrowth of confidence In re? rmhiiflan success tomorrow. The latest advices on the political situation re ceived from every quarter were prac tically unanimous in setting forth the growing chances of republican 'Vic tory. STOCKS. mgh. MARKETS" A. Cotton Oil. 36 Am. Hoop 24 Anaconda 47 Ami. St. & W. . 36 1-4 Am. ?ug. Ref.. 126 1-4 Am. Tct .... 99 A.T.& S.F. ... 34 A. T.& S.F.ipfd . 75 3-4 B. & O. 76 1-2 B. & O. pfdi ... 82 Bkyn. R. T. .. 62 5-8 Ches. & Ohio. . SI C. B. & Q 129 3-4 C.C.C.& St. Li.. 63 5-8 Colo. F. & I ... 40 1-8 on. Gas 174 1-2 Con. Tab.. .... 30 Can. Tob.. .. ,.. 81 1-2 Fed. Steel ipfd' 69 5-8. Fed. Steel.. .. .41 3-8 Gen. Electric ..143 Mo. K. & T.pfd! 32 5-8 Illinois 119 1-2 Jersey Central .136 L. & N 77 1-4 ManihatrtaiEi L. : 98 1-4 Met. St. By. .. 159 5-8 Mo. PaC.. .. ...57, Nat. Steel 31 N. Y. CeniLrol . m 3-4 N. & W. .. .. . 37 1-4 Not. Pao 58 -2 Nor. Pac. pfd .. 73 1-4 Onlt. & W. .. .. 22'l-2 Pao. Mail 44 1-2 Penoa.. .. ..133 1-2 People's Gas.. . 95 Read. 1st. pfd . 59 Read. 2d. ipdSd 18 Rock Island ... 110 St. Paul 117 1-2 South. Pac 38 7-8 Southern 13 "3-8 Southern pd. .. 58 Tenn. C. & I. .. 57 3-4 UDioni Pac 63 5-8 Uiniion! Pac. pfd 76 3-4 U. S. Leath 12 1-2 U. S. LeaJttonpfd; 72 3-8 W. Unilon Tel .. 82 Low. Close. oLhJ..l'ml 36 23 36 3-4 24 1-4 46 35 1-2 124 7-8 97 1-2 32 1-2 74 7-8 75 1-2 81 1-4 62 30 3-4 129 1-4 63 5-8 39 1-4 173 3-4 29 3-4 81 1-2 69 1-4 40 143 31 5-8 119 3-8 135 76 1-2 97 1-4 47 36 1-4 126 1-4 98 1-4 34 75 5-8 76 1-2 82 62 1-4 31 129 3-4 63 5-8 40 1-8 173 3-4 29 7-8 81 1-2 69 1-2 '40 3-8 143 32 5-8 119 1-2 136 77 1-4 98 1-4 159 1-2 57 30 1-2 132 3-4 37 1-4 58.1-2 73 1-2 22 a-2 44 1-2 133 1-2 64 3-4 58 1-4 18 109 7-8 117 1-2 38 7-8 13 3-8 58 67 3-4 63 5-8 76 3-4 12 1-2 72 3-8 8 1-2 159 1 55 1 "30 132 3 37 1 57 3 73 22 43 1-4 132 3-4 9 4 IB 58 1-8 17 3-4 109 3-4 1163-4 38 3-8 13 1-8 - 57 56 1-2 62 1-4 76 ' 11 1-2 72 3-8 80 1-2 COTTON. New York, Nov. 5. iCotton in Liver pool advanced l-32d on spots, middling" 5; sales 7,000 bales. j?utureg ruled fev erish about 2-64d higher when this market opened easy, about 4 points lower, but reacted and further ad vanced 5 points on rather general buy ing, influenced by moderate receipts at iports and colder "weather predicted along the Atlantic - At this moment the market has a holiday appearance with no disposition to sell short as the weather and election predictions favor the bull side. COTTON. New York spot 9 9-16. High. Jan 9 10 Feb 9 09 Mlarch. 12 April 9 09 May - 9 12 June 9 11 July 9 08 N'oviimber 9 08 Thee 9 08 LOW. 9 00 9 02 9 02 . 9 02 9 03L 9 02 9 00 S 98 9 01 Close. 9 05 9 06 9 07 9 07 9 08 9 07 9 00 9 01 ' 9 03 WHEAT. Chicago, Nov. 5. The market opened fairly active and a little stronger this morning in all the leading markets, but after going up fractionally it showed very littleinterest. TJhe foreign mar kets were stronger, both English -and continental, but there was not a gTeat deal of interest shown in transactions." The amount on passage decreased two million bushels and exports nearly a million bushels less than, estimated on Saturday. The London Times wa re ported out with, a- statement that the "heat crop of the Argentine Republic Tvas suffering from Inclement weather, hut that the flax crop would be the fcest on record. Northwestern receipts were 43 against 1,266 last year. Wheat was dull in the afternoon wlth-lprlces steady. ' . ;. - .'..a.'v CORN; .J.' The market was moderately active and stronger for nearby deliveries, ai though forward, deliveries in Chicago were weaker, possibly' due--to fine "weather iand reported good movement v The foreign markets - were , generally stron ger . Corn ; was ste'adyvf or all de "veries, closing firm'. . CHICAGO. . - High. .Low. .Close. . . '-74 1-4 '73 7-8 - 74 ' ... 75- 74, 3-4: 747-8 Wlieat ec . . Jan. .. Corn lec May.. Dec 74 3-4 35 3-8 36 3-8 rS5 7-8 36 5-8 35 3-4 . Zd 1-2 t ;B2,; . . A' A.- lEDiVJaciEn: hor?7 P00 ' heads, ttit S compared with nZx????11 carry upon Swi ..There ,are chUdlesswoSen childless -bomesj CThat-'burdeq oi cMdleasne been, lifted fromTthe taeaxt of many f a vomaalby the x&t& jWe. Sociobstadea .are entirely! re moved by Favorite Preadription.? ! It contains no alcohol nor narcotic i .... ( !',yk,J1.J . riarried Six Years and ChUdlesa. - f I have never written joa hovr grateful I am to yon for your help in securing good health and ?e of rthe weeteaM dearest, thirteen poand girls that ever came into a home," writes Mrs. M. vastine, of 647 South liberty Street, Galesborc, ny n took at bottles of Dr. Pierce's Tavorite Prescription, four of the Golden Medical Dis covery I and four vials of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Before 1 had taken four bottle of the Favorite Prescription ! I was a new woman, I cannot make -pen describe my heartfelt grati tude, so will close by saying if any one disputes the value, of Dri Pierce's medicines 1 wfll be pleased to confirm theUruth of all I say if they will enclose stamped envelope for teply. Dr- Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a ladies' laxative. No medicine equals them for gentleness and, thoroughness. MTay.. 24 23 7-8 24 R11 Jan.. .. .. 6 05 6.00 6 00 Lard Iec 6 90 6 85 6 85 Jan 6 77 6 72 f 6 72 Pork Jian.. .'. 11 30 11 25 11 25 LIVERPOOL. COTTON. By private wire to Murphy & Co. The .following were the ruiint," quo tations in the exchange today. Tore siteady. Sales 7,000. iMid'dliirjig 5 3-16. Ojmg. Jari-Feb.. 4.60 FebHMar.. ... , 4 6i Close. 4 63 4 61 4 60 4 59 4 58 4 57 4 56 4 51 5 06 6 02 5 00 MiaiKfli-AjprLl . . .... . . Afxril-tMay.. May-Jufoe.. June-July. . .-. .. .v .. .. Ju'Iy-iAug1 AugSeip.. Odt-Nov.. .. .4 57 4 58 .4 57 4 56 4 5 4 48 5 05 Nov-Iec . 5 01 63 1 Dgc-Jan.. .. . .". 4 NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE. Wheat High. Low. Close Iec. .... 79 5-8 79 1-4 79-3-8 May .. .. 82 3-4 82 1-2 - 82 5-8 Corn Xtec.. .: ...... 42 7-8 42 3-4 42 3-4 May 42 3-8 42 1-8 42 3-8 All the exchanges and board of trade will be closed tomorrow. The movement of negroes north from this section has 'ceased for the present, but will be renewed in the spring. Many will leave next year. Raleigh Correspondence. This week the Work of extending- the Cape Fear and Northern railway southeastward from Harnett county will begin. This road is owned by the wealthy Dukes, of Durham. t Two thousand volumes hlave arrived for the new Raney memorial library. Five thousand more are to follow. The library will .be formally opened Janu ary 1. An. expert Is here to classify and arrange the books. Raleigih Cor respondence. J Mr. G. G. Walker, a silk dealer in New York, is now in North Carolina on a prospecti'ng tour for the purpose of selecting a 'location for a silk mill. He has been in several other southern states, but expressed himself as most favorably impressed with this state. A matter of special note at the last meeting of the Raleigh aldermen was the presentation of forrmal notice to the 'board that the Wake county sidhool board demands of tihe city the payment of the fines forfeited and penalties col lected and received toy the .city over to them! to be placed to the credit of the county school fund in accordance with the law. " I The semii -annual meeting of the Doard of trustees of Charlotte township -will be held at noon today in the crim inal court roomi. 'Mr. D. Parks Hutch ison Is chairman of the board. His re port, -which will iba submitted today, will advise, 1 among other things, that the board of . trustees; ask the next ses sion of the legislature to pass a law re quiring the.tnse "of .broad tires on -road wagons to Mecklenburg county. Char lotte Obseryer, 5th. v- s v : A" record breaker was (made Monday night by Engineer Robinson on train No. 44, Seaboard Air Line, due here at 11:40 p. m., in the way of & run from Hamlet tckRaleighr In that he made the run of ninety-eight miles in ninety minutes is the time the train was actua lly in motion. - The train left Hamlet at 12:12 o'clock and reached here at 1:05 o'eiockl frevas no intention, t Jo run for- iaf. record, the only object bev ing to make up jas m-uoh lost time - as pospleiRaleigih. Post. f '7Tfliiere"is n)o pdeasiKiei iii Mfe if yon dreadr going; .t Wia itairte HJo eat a4 can't rt ifijt 'Iglhiti'oSf ttoooutait of indigestion ; Henry 1 Williaims,-1 of HBoiotnviHei&Indl aba isays he suffered tthat way for v year till he commeinced; the se vof Kodlol dyspepsia Cure, a.nd 'adds, "Now, I can eat ryany thiijtg! "! like atekl all I Waat aaid sleeb aoundly " every sflglht." v Kbdol (DysDce ia Cure) iwill digest wfhat you eat.: Dr. r. c. snih..; . ' r , v -; 4 ' -- . i Love can neither toe bought nwjwdi CA80LIM NEWS, UNIQUE :WIGRS "V -1 ON THE ELECTION. BomTbTi1frHrai Made liy Political Eathusiats of totu l'artle& Although the airis ifuU of rumors concernlng- aboutertalnthafciiffib ta . date "thee wti- gersof Mr. Richard' Crn1r(r n Ttrvan w -jfS'by far. the largest genuine ones ynai were made during the campaign. . f.iCols Dewey, a cousin of the Admiral, hftlover S20,00Qi 'bf real inoner on Bryan, againsr which $40,000 on Mc kinley was quickly placed, land other iieavy transactions have been recorded Mr. Croker lost t50,000i which he bet in1898 on the electionoC Van Wyck; forXS(vernor of NewrYork," and was deternnedJtojpJa mpnev, back thU ywns3fgiarfbte. MrWormser, wno took some of Mr. Croker8 wagers, has made many other, bets, on McKin ley, the total so far reported -being In the neighborhood pf a.Quarter of . a mil lion dollars;, Jte j gave - odds fof 5 to' 2, aid there were pienty ol Democrats with luoney to take him up. ..Aside from, the money .transactions, the usual number of crank wagers were offered up. One bet is "reported from St. Louis between two residents jof that city, 1 the terms at which were that the losr was to ' eat -a' live eockroach. ' -' ' Another one is reported from New Mexico, in which the stake wa& a bride. If Bryan was ele?tecT,Tames Howard was to marry Mary Johnson; if McKinley. waseiected.the terms of the wager which, are with the father of the girl Called for the cessation of the young man's courtship. In the early days of the Republic it Iff recorded that in a campaign be tween Federalists and Democrats, a cask of ale was wagered on -the result by two prominent men or Philadelphia, The terms were that the ale was to be drunk at the Blue Anchor Tavern in Dock street, then a widely patronized inn. A fortnight after the election was held enough returns had come In to show the result, and tho bet was paid. There was a good, old fashioned Jam boree at the ale drinking, and before the night was ended the whole party was in the hands of the night watch. The newspapers of the day got hold oi the story and printed it, but, after the fashion of those days, no names were given. And, also after the fashion of the day, the little affair referred to as "a brawl and affray," when in these days it would be- called a case of "drunk and disorderly." A bet wnich was watched with in terest has been put up in one of the Middle West states. Two men, on named Ware and the other Terbot, were boys together and aspirants for the hand and heart of the present Mrs, Terbot. Ware bet Terbot " his farm against Mrs. Terbot on Bryan. At first Terbot hesitated to take up the wager, but after a few moments' considera tion of the offer telegraphed the news to his wife who was In a neighboring city. Mrs. Terbot, who is an en thus! astic "McKinley woman," was delight ed. "Go ahead," she wired in reply to ner nusDana's telegram, Trou nave a cinch." The election Ehows whether or not Ware agrees with Mrs. Terbot, Following the coarse of time and the election bet, it is found that about twenty years ago Jay Gould put up a steamboat as a stake on an election. 1 Whether the other party to the wager put up another steamboat, Or an equiv aleht in cash, real estate or railroad stocks, is not recorded; but at any rate Mr.' Gould won. Later he sold the steamboat he had wagered to an actor. who converted it into an excursion boat and got rich. When' George Francis Train, tne ec centriq,llyed.in Omaha some years ago, at the time when, he was prominent in the building of the Union Pacific Rail road, it came to I pass than an election was scheduled. Mr. Train thought he knew how the election was going, and to prove his courage made a wager that if his man was defeated he would wear a duck suit all the year round. Mr. Train's guesa was bad, and he lost He . lived up to:the letter of the bet, however, and for a whole Winter one of those Omaha' Winters, too. in which the thermometer takes'sudden and un expected dips to far below zero, and blizzards come along over night and freeze everything that is not actually on fire he wore white duck. There wera those who said he violated the spirit of the bet by wearing half a doz en suits of underclothes under his white duck. But Mr. Train could stand criticism better than he could stand an attack of tmeumonia. and refused to abandon his warm underclothing. They tell another story of an election bet in the blizzard country. It is to the effect that in 1888 Ezekiel Timrock, of HunnewelL Kan., made a bet in these terms: If Cleveland was defeated he would join the church. Tirnrock was gentleman with a reputation as a tough and a bad man generally. He had long scorned religion, and cursed religion ists. So his bet was a heavy one. Well, he lost. There, were many who thought he would back out and compromise by giving the winner a big farm, or some thing of that kind. But he didn't. He made application for membership in the church. It so happened, however, that the'deacons knew the terms of the bet, r and. his application was blaek- L balled. - A TRAGIC END. Timrock thought this released him, but the man who held the -other end of the wager insisted that he had not paid up.- Timrock" considered that; he was insulted, and promptly there was a shooting match. Both, were equally quick shots, and the result was the death of both parties, i J -(The coroner? summoned a jury, and When the , inquest was over , a verdict holding the church responsible, because it bad ' rejected Timrock's application. was returns tl jj 11 ti Aveyatres. j ThegaveratN number; of children per familv in European countries is low est in France, with 3.03; Switzerland. 3.94; Austria and BelcAum, 4.05; Eng land. 4.CS; Germany, 4.10r Holla nd.4,22; Scotland 4.46 ;Italy-4-&t;-Spain, 4.65; Rs5&. -.Tr3l ."While: Ireland Is highest with an aVerare";5; jchilaren v -M tt'iir- tilths- HE Vslfi All ABSURD SUIT. 1 Ag&uui me Ulaana Weliinown Stock! iSfamja of the New York- anSt rtJj- towoijieiwBpapers bave made Lquhte ct sensational feature of le-d thai suit at law has been ctammtencedi by one Rtotoert'C. Foster, of Oawnviii a : r .. a4hat" the'oldrsrtalbledrahai'wideay & Co.. of 61 Rmutnftv Ybr&3hfcsed uoon a iaim whwh tn baa iSEhber fnakes for nearly S66,uu0 damage 4iigjLng toreacft of rust in connec- raowMwroi. thenaplioyanent of ithte bank MKfuseatft of oaftton, A careful riiwftfiJHfiiajtirtT-viR .t,h Aia afTiarfs case oes to show irna herte is MDft a (particle of basis or iuatifiria-tton! lcr the cJaimi wn-icilE is imade toy 'Foster, The. oi or "memaititr,is tttiat toe iwas spec uiw.ux vamersm xttroufiiai miessrs. Mhirpttljy etoA QafJ a.Tnd in iFabrmaar dndt wtuem the anarktetts nram mln bminot L inam, toe was oaided aupon by Jbhe broker I anr more margin He. hOwtever. (failed to respond, and did not re-margin hds "crajaes, amjo 'iaJtt..'n; jmaBter, of couirse 'his accouttut was aos(efl ljnder- like cir cumstances axe would' have been sold ouft y any and every eitock (brokerage inouse an tne country.- There Is mo al- ternamvei uinKier such ciircuahstainoes. No wrokeraige (house is called upoaa ito carry ixs cuawaniers' aocounits at its own riskt andl itlhe courts have rufled times wttlhout noimber ithiat it is rigfht to do precdsely wtaat Murphy & Co. did; In itM case. Instead of .putting up more margin as me wnouid! have done, Bloater (waited un til . me market took ami minwnni thivm some weeks dater - an-! then, wanted to claim the profits that would ujave been oomtog to Mm if he toad dulv protected has trades.. And (because ithe hrokenaee house refused, to (honor liis claim iHe bfrdnigs this suiiit, probably ithfaiMng that tne iinmi will compromise rather thaini go (to trial, .but If thteit is M3 idea, he is likely to .be woefully disappointed. Messrs. Muirphy &IQo. arte as ihtoinorable comcerni as 'Bherte is In itlhe ODusaiiesa, but they know that ;they (have toot only the law butt aUso amoral Tdght on rtihelr side ajud, they win not give uip a dollar in response Ito such a claim'. (EJviery stock brokerage (house has many such oiaimis, but in the course, of a journalistic exoerdemce of twenty years we do not remember a aimafte case in which tbe courts did not sustato Khe usaigia of the Street, or, in other :words. the (brokers. The claim of this man 'Poster is sim ply ridiculous, and! there can toe only one outcome to such a suit and that is, his comiplete defeat and the exhoicora- tion and vdmdicaition of Messrs. iMur- phy & Co. No more ibaseless claim been imade in any New York court Chan thiis one. Commercial iaicd Pinan- cail1 World. An angry queen beats a king full. Youi can't afford to risk your life toy allowing a cough or cold to develop into pneumonia or consumption. One Min.- ute 'Cough Cure will cure throat and lung trouble quicker ttihian any lather preparation krfowni. Many doctors use it a a ispecific if or grippe. It is aim in fallible remedy for croup. Children, like it and! mothers emtdorse It. Dr. T. C. Stm5)th.. Transylvania Railroad Company! General Offices, Brevard, N. C. WINTEB SCHE DUL E. Effective Octohter 28 1900. No.2lNo.4- (Centnal Tlme No.3 a.m. p.m. STATTOiNS. a.m. 3.05 Lv..Hendersonville. Ar 11.05 10.38 10.22 3.30 ...... Horse Shoe .i.. ... .inattnnro 3.45 Etowah ........ ....... Blaintyre Petnrose) ....... 4.05 10.05 ... Davidson River ... 4.301 Ar..... Brevard .....Lv 9.45 9.35 8.00 I - Brevard Ar . ...... jim . ....... k . . . . Oherryfieldi .... f .Calvert... ... 8 35, !Ar.. .. Toxaway .. Lv 0.00 lag Stations. Connects with Southern Railway at Lendersosvllle. , J. F. HA7S, General Ik" aager. T. S. BOSWELL, . Superlntedent Caroliii .i M-Mm Railway TIME CARD.- Effieotlve September 16, 1900. Northbound Pasaemser. Mixed. Chester Torkville Leave.. 7.40 em 8.46 am 8.30 am 10.40 am Gastonia ' Gastonia " Lincolnton " Newton " Hickory Hickory Lenoir Arrive Southbound. Lenoir Leave Hickory Newton " incolntwn " Gastonia " Gastonia ' .. Torkville ... 9.48 ran ... 9.48 am ... 10.45 iam ...11.33 am ...12.00 m ...12.15 pm . .. 1.16 pm Passenger. ... 2.00 pm . .. 3.02 pin . .. 3.30 pmi ... 4.20 mi ... 5.20 pm . 5.30 pm ... 6.40 pm ... 7.50 pm 12.27 pm 1.15 pm 2.45 pm 4.30 pm 5.10 pm 5.50 pm 7.50 pm Mixed. 6.30 am 8.50 am 9.20 am 11.19 ai 12.35 pm 1.12 pm 3.20 pm 5.15 pm Chester Arrive CONNECTIONS. Chester Southern Ry., S. A. L., and L. & C.x . Yorkville-jS. C. & G. Extension. Gastonia--Southerm Ry. Lincolnton S. A. L. Newton and Hickory Synaitihern Ry. Lenoir Blowing Rock Stag Line and CY& N . E. F. RBI!); G. P. Agt., Chester. C. NASHVILLE, CBLATANOOGA AND "ST. L. AND WESTERN AND .: . ATLANTIC RAILWATRr The great through Eae to Arkansas, rexas and the North-west. Three ny trains between Chattanooga Atlaa a e Nashville, Double dailr '-alns t Memphis and Chicago. ; Through, Pull man sleepers and elegant day ooaehes jvithsut change L ween Clattano S 0 and St.; Louis,- and bet iren Chatt taaooga and Jacksonville, Florida. If ijtm arelf eomemplattng .trip tic narv i nois. . vwu will -find It 0s your interest to write or call on. W. L. Danley, Q. P. A., NashylHs, Teas. , ; ' . , - v. " " j; H. Lattier, S. P. A Cor. fth aa5 ll-rk t street, caiattancsgs- Tean. in j W. Ti Bogsrs, JCf P A, EaaxvlUe H. F. BmftX Traf3o IXanajer, Nh- fCls. ; IHETRDKLlNGTONOBIfi New ihraurk friln tn fem - nil ""Pnirt "The Burlington Northern Pa- f at 00 .:m. for Kansas City, St. Jo a ph. North western Nebraska, Black' Hills.- Wyoming,- Montanai Washington, Tacoma, Seactle. ' Pug;t - Sound -and Portiand.' Oregon;4 via Billings, Mont. the short line and time saver to the up per Northwest.- To the Puget sound in 7T" hours, r ThrouAw coaches chair ears (srats free), standard sleeper.' land.5 din- in cars wfeb throueh tonrist sieenm from Kansas City.' This is the maJn, traveled route " St. puis to the --North west." - ' ' . v- Number 5, "Nebrtjsks-Colorado Ex press,- mldda. train from St. Louis for N hraskm.- Ooiorado. ' Utah: Pkelflc Coast; one night ito Denver. -Also St. Psarf. Mlnceapolis and Jbeyond. - .no. .is lac 8:45 o. 'm.. si? Kansas City, Omaha, St. Joseph, Kan sas, Nebraska, Colorado,' TTtah, Pacific coast, via- Denver, also to the NortS- lwest MonltiMUL W&aMnetonL Oregon. - -cff. via" J-ancoin ana SIMng. J. N. MERRILL. Gen. So. Art. E V. I--yor St.a Atlanta, G. ; L, W. WAKB- Li&x, ueu. f&ss. Agt., St. Louis, Mo.; 3-ward ELLIOTT. Gen. Man.. St(' The C. H. & D. Trains between CIIICIKIIATI, TOLEDO & DETR0I1 run through the famous and fer tile Miami valley and numerous prosperous villag 1 and cities; of .western Ohio and Southern Mich igan. There are four (through trains each way. Pullman eleep ars oa ight trains. THE MICHIGAN FLYER, vestnraM carries parlor and oaf e cars, with elegant through iuay coaches. Leaves Cincinnati 1 p. m. ; ar rives Toledo 6:50 p. m.; arrives Detroit 8:20 p. m. Obj of the finest trains in the central states THE.O.&II Is (the direct line from Chicago and the south 1.0 the popular suimmer resorts of Michigan and Canada. Cinnects at Toledo with steamers on Lake Erie and with rail lines for Interior poinfts; as Detroit with rail, and steamer lines for inland and lake resorts. MEALS are served im the C. H. & D. cafe care a la carte, one thus be- lng able to order as desired, at moderate rices. FOUR FAST TRAINS between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and Chi cago. Agents of connecting roads will sell you tickets routing via C. H. & D. Ry. D. G. EDWARDS, -seffiir Traffic Manager. PARKER'S - . HAIR BALSAM ClMDief and beMibRet the bait. Promote! rnxuriant grarttt. Never Tails to Sestord&ray Hair to its Youtliful Color, fhirca aelo diseues tt hair ftBlnr. 0e,and1.00at Droggiitl 'Pbonc 206. I dye to live And live to dye, The more I dye The better I live. t And clean all ladles' and gents' clothes, laces, hall curtains, blankets, ch 'ill curtains, etc., by chemical process, which not only cleans the most delicate fabrics, but disinfects them the same time. Fine organdie dresses and flannel suits a specialty. Carl Schultz, PRACnCAx DYER AND CLEANER. 55 Soath Mala Street, mm WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 7 WITH ITS MAGNIG1CENT ELEC TRICAL AND SCENIC EFFECTS AND ITS MARVELOUS STORY The Seven Wonders of Stagecraft The Fiery Brocken Tne Illnminated Garden The Nuremhnrg CathedraL The Electric Duel 1 The Blazing Cross The Walpargis Revels The Beautiful Apotheosis And ' All the Great Features of This Favorite Play. ! ORIGINAL COMPANY M CAR LOAD OF SCENERY EVERYTHING HEW BUT THE TITLE Prices 25c, 50c., and $1.00. Seats on" Sale at Paragon Phtarmapy, ooniroencing y , vXIONDAY- NOVEMBER 6 . -v: 1 1 TRYBAR OF:OUJR " ' t ROSE. , BEAUTY : CuiYCEBjkE SO lor yom toilet. 1 :YOU WILL LIKE 5WTT0II1AYEIIUI X AAA - - - M. m. A X VFW " WVWVTT " r T When you biiy? Buy good cheap photo- graphs fade"qlckfy'ahd are not ; fit to be kept In sight. At our ' ' studio we make nothing but the finest photographs, and our rep utation has grown to such an ex tent that lb Ash evil le and vicin ity the phrase, ''Lewis' are th best,' has become byword. LEWIS, THE PHOTOGRAP 59 S. Main St. FITZPATRICK & WOOTIN, CONTRACT PAINTERS, PAPER HANGEBS AND DECORATORS. 65 N. Main St. Phone 732 ASHEVILLE, N. C. Peisons desiring to employ. . BRICKLAYERS, MASONS, OR PLASTERERS can secure competent hands by communicating with 103 Patton Ave. Phone 52 Baltimore Oysters.... The choicest oysters of Chesapeake Bay a to Baltimore iwhare we buy them. i, They are large and. of delicious flavor. A run of twenty hours In ice lands them here as &ne and fresh as .. upon the coast. Porcelain refrigerators noli tliem at our stalls. Asheville Fish Co. 'Phone 289. Center City Market. F0RSALE. ASHES FROM SPENT TAII, AIID REFUSE LIME, ETC. FOR FERTILIZERS. Price for Ashes, $1.00 per ton. Price of Lime, etc.,. ., ..31.50 pj- Aply to Hans Rees' Sons, AshevUls Tannery. Private "Wire, ContfcMious Quotations. Murphy & Co., Brokers. GRAiii AHD PROVISIONS l STOCKS, COTTON, New Tork Office, 61 Broadway... X 11 Church St., Asheville, N. C,.. PH0HE649. REFER TO Blue Ridge N-Jttonal Bank, V C3MUlottT-Naiaonl Chaitstte, N. C. . Seaboard!,. . National New1 Tctk'-M - ? fr Bnfc Lowry Banking Oo.i Atlanta X Caratol City Bank, JLai, Sradstreet OonVal Photog raphs i ! j 1 1 1 . ! 1 if. ' I4 i H' -, n i i. 'II !vi-:. Hi- n ;'ni . tt V- I 1 i ' it t1 i 5 1 5 3 il 9 if.. H li