? Gordon & DllWOrth'S q The AshevMe Hardware Oomipefliy Brandy Ft ttltS tie" Junior Gymnasium, J lv nw (C!. A- win have & (hare and; hound O , M I vaoe today, ' The memlbeirs f the cflf Onlv the best branay anu met the stn rocm . - . . j ' s Trtmnnine ax iv wwn.. n coUrfpH fruits are useu. a 4 a 4.V D - "Tfci Slen of the Boo-" .-pinji or tenj are ruled or plain .Owing to -These, are for pen direct iwiun the JaST youl: .will tootory, are aW . lW otf to-fine erade www uniuv , 24 SOUTH M1AIN STKEIir MAGISTRATE 5-CENT CIGAR. p Delicious wncu ocivw g with pudding, ice cream tit.) WIV. line cbi'imiw siuu . " r day evening toy rt&a Uadles' (AJd adety' of North AsbeviOile MetUxxiist ohiuroh' vro. tihn-n $30. rwlhidh -Will go tX lime new vijiui'v.ii v -w or nl Mayw tsiwvr a imac w X Peaches, 1 quart glass lair., i . ao . 57 1 Easiness. He, mas not ueeu w Cherries, i feint rjar.. .. TVhes. 1 1-a.itot 1.05'D everal iwihte. diauerliibe a j -QA I . tit. .j. 1 ( .Cnmito lemrCruL. W Jdied yesterday -rnjortatog. Tihe K-fiuneial CGGO f I .l)u Ami-pnnmmt will b at Riverside. -y .... m- - " " ! a a G. A. Green 53 PATTON AVENUE. " Q I A .Lang- dfisftantce, as toeretotfore. (Dt is sCill uecessairy to 'transfer on the1 Martttord' avenue car UnfaeoMt$ g (Che street work, tout the cars almosr meet and dt is not necessary w v to. . -? - Phone 254. ' - - ' , L nHBIIIIuann JiUliEitb - liUUoi v s v .69 Soutu main STreei. , " TEIJESP&ONB 054. S Bvexyone should , use Silver Spray Flour. - it has no superior, We iave a statement from Dr. J. H4 Williams saying that Silver S Stray Flour i the finest flour 1 that he has ever . used, without any exception. , ' I f ' We sell Silver Spray'Flour for " 5 oUC per quarter inivk, ub cloo. 70c and 75c. (or the same grade. Why throw- away your oaoney. S We.fiePark's j ipedal Wend Mocha and Java at 25c per m. Others Ask 35c for same coffee. We have added to our stock a S nice line of staple dry goods, , 5 gent' furnishing goods, shoes,! 5 glass, and queen's ware. In fact we have nearly everything' you 5 need, and are prepared to save , you money. "' V;' S S.J. HABBIS. s ASHEV1LLE Ice Coal Co. 1887-HELXABUfr--1900 Best Quality Hard and Soft Coal and Wood. A Pure Ice of Crystal Clearness. 14x14 TBXCSW-SXSFS LOKQBB PB0KS 41. u patton a: AXiHFfUti . leek Coal n. T. COIJINI, 3 Do You Miss Florinie ttowa-uc wuaue - - - . . kL I v,r.ir. M,t-v was suTorisea omia pueaiswu. tv 1 1 Vour cmaiuce no ex a .tucycie .v. w ftndi a lot of famlMar ipdeturee of !Sn'et 1 now offering l ittoe wfheels we have o hand at cost raithe4 vil-ie. Eil.bmore House, 1 I river scenery taken toy O. It . iEly . ti on Miitell died yesterday, I taiftercoon, ait ihier ihome, 14 Afnn street. iFiumerai services wlia. the contauciea tn aiftermoon ait 3 o'clock at (the home. The remains will temjporarily foe placed in thse' vaiu'tt. :Mr;';! .i ve..are. lifeicarry them Asheville Cycle Company, -r-v ii r ' Want a UOH JOr yOUr Arttoir Rankin and F. A. Hull have . - Ipurdhajsed the aibstnact business or I Fank -B. Robinsoo and will soon toe in I.. 1 1 i.U- oK r I posltkm t fuTtnlsft abscraiots ox property lllUC gill 111V w to Eu-ncomf not break ? You can get one at 1820 Church Street. Pbone 228. HESTON'S t ... 26 South Main, 191.UUUIU iv " - - TR(ii.nwiTTiiHp- irountv. The ibwstoees will (be conduatedi to the office of Mr. Hull, in the Legal Ibudldang. .Ric'haTd Hawfckiis, colored, was killed vprdiav on the track of ithe Munohr Krminh. nif . ihhe Sfvutiiern Railway. An inquest was conducted .by Or. Sevier, i and iwltnesses stated that the engineer Juadi blown, his wnisrae, iduc w,nw kins had! failed to heed the warning. . (A n TnPP.tiinr of he Bilue Ridge Rifles iat niErait At -was dec4dedi that as the time for holding the election, or om-.i era cairue on .JSToy. 9 'Oie - conupmy. :-Jia 'biave Tankying; xnmner.. in 'ittfe- armiory. Final . arrangewients, 11 be made ait the drill Tiiiesday -eveaing. Jhey will not attend tine New Bern iaar. Six For Want Advs. See Paff .. y : . . . r.j. rOANIiJM COMFORT. We fit the hat to the man not the man Q, th? hat. We have all styles PmiTt ddhsfETBA Horf . -iTohn :W Statttiiey came in. iroxm Haywood county yesterday. ttffttttyyy,l'tiravelmg man of ialtiimtore, arrlvedt in - : Halibut . . Scollops Codfish Salmon Live Lobsters Quail Pheasants Rabbits Smelts. Trout Pompano Mackeral V BEST BAUHIMORE OYSTERS. Phiere's aiways a fine assort- HAT STYLE Imported and Domestic Toys. EVERYTHING NEW. You .are especially invited , to call and look at my stock of Imported and Domestic Toys, just received. All the latest designs. Largest and most complete assortment of toys in the south. Call and see for vourself. ' A. A. WHITENAGK, 22 SOUTH MAIN ST. .V .A . .. . . a -soft and stiff. ; -i - ithe'citytihls morning iaihd 4s" stepping Bit the Swanmanoa inotei . u ACrs. Andrews and ' dianighter, QVMsa IJiae. -have gone toTryoii- to spend'- the winter. Li . Mr. V ;VolkeirfbWg Ot.ew-'Tork-is I at the Hotel Berkeley. George K. . Prttchard, W. N. Lonon and Prof. BTitt, are in the city tfroan; Baker svMie", IfiPatton Phone 1 - ' onfentof FlsJb, Oysters and Gaimf C J. HSUrrls of DBllsiboro is at -the Battery Park 4hote. J. WiH Jkmea has srone to Salisbury for a month's stay, H 1 4 ,r". ; .v - " ( AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHf H frffrfrdlftfft T Mr. fW. iR. Crawford; ' who ihaus been , "hoaDdtal n Richmond; for several; , . ; ir 1 . 1 very mowsn aimip-rovea. Jtie leix ii-ng-ui xn ui wiiioi, . jQ Aaderson of JHayesviiae X Telephone 23 li attending federal coourt.- He is a sob X - .4 of Hon. J. S. Anderson, -wbo -a sev fttt ttttttttf-tftt eraii times repres-antajtlve from' Clay. Y M. C A EALXY. Golds, Grip and Ghills. ; This is not patent medicine aftrv .tisemecat it's only intendied o extoll ft'ervvof bur whiskies, brandie and cordials for common ailmeati s peccilyrPTevalnt at. this season of tto cures-the- are u ften preventives. Ctt OW Saratoga brand of whiskies, 'with a iltftle sugar or syTup' added, will knjpfck. , out a troublesome cough lim times out of ten and It's good to to taste. " ' Tt.E "BonMA" nine aud liquor co Dogskins In Jans and Browns SLOO Kid gloves In Gray end Browns, $1 50 - Undressed Kids In Bro wh and Gray I SO 4 Botith Main Stieet. onb Silk Lined Dogskins at SU25t 2? rbatf Gaknilet Gloves From 50c to $1,50 Ve fve tfe Best $1.25 Kid Glove ever Shown Here. The VJtin lock OKTEiinG House, To be Held in Interest of the Internii- tionaJ Committee. There will be a grand rally in the, in terest of the international committee of the Y. M. C. A: tomorrow after noon at 3:45 o'clock in the association rooms on Patton .avernie. Secretary H.- P. Anderson, : who has recentlv returned from Paris, where he represented ' the associations1 of ATnerica at the world's conference Of the Christian Students' federation, win had dress the "meeting. ' . A special music programi nas Deen x - ; v .iiAAI arranged : and among the number will atltt be included a vocal solo" by Miss laisy ' - .. . - i , 'Soulef; violin selections' by. Mr.. George I - - There's a Fine Thanksgiving numbers given by the t. m. c. Ar J"y the oazette s want column; (-JUCLI LCllC, VV 111 CXI X1CI.CJ uvvu "V in Prospect. Prof. Potter. . . , . Both ladies and gentlemenare;lnvit- lor the nmn'-.w!nose stock is red upon ed to attend this. meeting, per. It goes wit-mt saying thatrour cat t-,,. horses ; ntd poultry will be in prime xxmditiion if their daily food comes from otfiT 'warehouse You don't stint your jself on Thanksgiving 4e .equally gen erous to the dumlb folk under your care. V3 O. S. CCOEBE, 39 South Main. To Huntsmen; . osti'opatht,::: s The better way -to health.' Dra. Case & Woodhull. S Tel 683. 9-11 Brhumor Blk. I emmmmiiimiBnmiinntemmimiiiBiimiwniwiiiiiia Citron, Currants, Seeded Raisins, Cranberries, Jellies, Sicily Shelled. Almonds Jams, Corn, Peas, y , and Tomatoes, A fine line of Hunting Coats and Vests, Leg' nilNKhEY I fc i.'Kif" ococ 3 The best assortment: of Tia waire and House vFurndshlng -jj Goods) have ever fcsad. Zi Reptoce your ibrofeon flpots, ketttJiea and pans with our "Iron -- CQad Ware." WiiaH showi yiofli Carvers that will carve, Table Cutlery, etc., at prttcas itihat are 3 Jn&'ht. 23 oooo W -4. Boyce. f r of pupils in ........ L . . X. O.MbMliT . 12 ' has openea nis stuuw i a w - . gingsi Catr ge Belts 15 ley.Bidg. (over wingood's omg " 1 fetrp'l roomie for the reception m n - , ana uame tsags. Pricesjto Suitlevery bay. J hi' ' BLOMBERG'S The Leader in Sportst t7Pzttcn'Aye.' ') , ;Est. 1887. Piano, Organ, The ory Harmony and; vr sight: singing: " ' Mne two-nmnual-and-r'efll Parrand & Votey : organ for les- , 11 SoufhlCbiirt Square. Imiuuiuiiuiuuiiuiuutiuiu iuiuiuiuuiiuiuuiiutuui CARRIAGES ..BPH01STBRED AHD TRIHUE&. a w M :-ff material for carnage upholster- Wand trimming. just received. Strictly -first- class, wiprk. I Bumette Lambert, t C AEBIAGB 'MND VTAQOK T.TAk t ,K.S. 85,v 1B7 od 00 " South IZaln Gtroot l s A Fresh Lot of eihd y tttit Niits; Just Received, New arrivals almost every day in the Household Supply Goods, CLAUDIUS H, JiaER "General Calamity Store " i 30 & 32 N. MAIN STREET. im CALL 227. ; T" - thSmik you- will - find our fine hi ck hose at 25o. E, ,!palr amich better than " amy ito he had elsewhere; they- are at the price of ayear ago,' and the adVfjnre 1 Bjnsce-then is ahon 25 per cent r ill gh v,gmadie, all wool . casakner? suitinge and v sklrti&igs at $1. 23 for the 5& Inch yard well1 below the' market . ' Several numfoers of high grade wool . ' . . iDnPSa cvirVIa iholnar imrPvaiMnr nfl.tl a lit- -.tle-reoflrne of our, customers fay a great ' dteaV hut that seems Improbable. . Sola J fast eett'ng silks strong; cards, ."iish, durable and not very expensive. 1 WJ&dwodd & Co. M-ads. Clothing iHsuuBunnnnmBUUnnraHii"'aBIMaa

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