"ad." in the gazette (brings results. the': H. Petrie, ASHEVILLE High class service Bates $1 per day. Special rates , ,by week or month. MES.L.E. FREE MAN. Uniailor 5 PATTON AVE ASHEVIIiLE OVER BED WOOD'S STORE. REMEMBER The Asheville Pressing Club, PHONE 389. We are always cleaning, pressing, repairing aml dye ing. Join my club your oloiflies will cjhemioally steam ed cleaned and pressed, only $1-00 a, month for xnem ership. Quack ser vice to the travel Sag .public . Ltatd3.es' work given special attention. Prices reasonable. Phone orders will receive prompt attention. All clothing sent for amd delivered. 4 N. Court Square over Gazette office J. C WLLBAR, Propria or. mil mm MB3.J.L. BUCH- ANAN, Prop. Bates $1 per day. Special rates by the week Good rooms cen trally located; ... ASHEVILLE. 20 Patton avenue. Phone 837. Try sun '1ad." to oxer "BuMneBs Di rectory.? It will pay you. We have them Just in .. '. K Gold .Mouldings, Silver. , Mouldings, Bronze iMoulditngs, every kind that's nice. , plouare Frames too. '-s ART PARLORS. Next to Public Library . We Have What You Want In the Grocery and Feed! line. Fancy Groceries bit the lowest prices, laind they're promptly deliver ed. Large supply of Grain, Feed and Hay always om hand. J. C WALTERS 44 N. Main. Fine Photographs Special B&rgaltois for the Holidays! Tool don't have to look twice to see that I mate the beat Portrtlts im the tedty, and my prices are tone- tMrd less than others will ask you, for tine tfame class of work and filnisn. Call md get prices and be convinced. J.M.McCAiNLESS 7 & 9 Patton Ave. J.LMARQUARDT ladies' and Gent's Tailor Cleaning and re pairing. 41 South Main street. Phone 671. Oor Millinery Stock Is up to date in all branches, and com plete in every par titular. Mcville Millinery Co., Miss Nellie La Barbe, agent. 66 Patton avenue. ;CLEANING and Dyeing. .Work done on short notice, and satisfaction guar anteed . Especial attention to ladies' work. We devote Our en tire time to cleanimig, repairing and dyeing, and have had several years' experience at this work. rUL'S HOUSTON 18 Willow St. "VISITORS DESIRING in formation concer ning Boarding Houses, Rooms, ete., will be fur nished same free by applying to Chas. M. Steele, at STEELE'S; LAUNDRY. 24 Churdh St. TRY OUR Brands o Morning Glory Coffees No 1 35c, No 2 30c No 3 25c, No 4 20c D.G.NOIiAND An elegant cup. EAGLE HOTEL C. C' BROWN,. Proprietor 641-2 S. iMMn St. Also Eagle Hotel Feed . and Sale . Stable. Jatee $1 ner tJayl tFfee Driving cHorses. Centrally located on car Hone. Phonies: Ho tel, 240; Ldvery Stable, . AFiHESVTLiUEi Commercial Hotel (MRS . S . STtEVTSN- SON, Proprietress. 102 Paittton Ave., Convenient to usiness and the (postoffice. Both dimes of eleotiic oars from the de pot pass -ttoe Ihotel . fTerrns: $1.00 per (per day. Special rates by. the axflcevth. MORGAN'S BOOK STORE Will supply you vvfttti ftaahionable papular books ana; wiui sell you standard) books at one half publisb er's price Great bargains. MORGAN'S BOOK STORE Kjourt .Square. Asheville Steam Ijaundry 43 W. College St. A?sheville N. C. Nelar Pbetaffice. Our Motto: Sat- 4sfacion to every iuetomer. Our prices on able and: Bed Lin en ana very low. -Telephone 95. J. A. NICHOLS. Proprietor. A POSITION at general office work about thirty miles from Ashe- vMle is mow open to a young moan. Iif you oare to In vestigate the (Place, address Box 235, City; al so, in you have a good, eeconld band roll top office desk if or sale, address Box 235, City IF YOU WAHT to buy, sell or x" dhangi Furniture, 'Carpets, Heaths or Ooo king1 Stoves W. TURNER, 35 N. Main St. Phone 226 Ashville Gon and Look Smith. I am now jpre pamed to do all kinds of Gun and Trunk Repairing, af alU kind of work. Dents re moved from your' gun barrels whdle you wait, toy the latest improved machine. All kinds of key work, promptly done. J.W.KESTBRON (Manager. : . tbcb APPEfrmu of a goat, " la envied by all oor dyspeptics w3se Stozntaclb and ' LAver are out of order. All such ehould know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, tlte wonderful ctomach and idver remedy give a splendid ain peJte,.souaad digestion and regular bod- uy aabit that insures perfect bealtb and great.xenergy. Only 25c, at all d ug giarts. - There is no better tried and truelriend. mirror than a If you have ever seen a child in. the agony of croup you can realize how grateful (mothers are (for One Minute Cough Cure which gives reMef as soon, as it is administered. It quickly cures coughs, colds, and all ithroat and lung troubles. Dr. T. C. Sttndths. . The midnight ghost la probably the dead of night. Many people worry because they be lieve they have hdart disease. The chances are that 'their hearts' are aM night but their stomachs are unable to digest food. Kodol Dyspepsia dure di gests what you eat and prevents the formation! of gas which makes rtflre stomach! Dress against the heart. It will cure every form of indigestion.. Dr. T. c. Smith's. NACHVILLJ2, CHATTANOOQA AND ST. Li. AND WEST3RN AMD ATLANTIC RAHiWATa. Thm crel Cirourb Can to Arfctaaaa, Texas asd thm NorUk-irest. T2vm Cally b-aizw between :CbattMBmosm ' AtTrTa a Nashviae, Doobl dally 'Om t i: jnplua ad CSilcag. ThrooiA PnXl mu sleepen and tlerant day c tJum witkitat dam L 'tween Ckattaneo- S and St. Louia, and bet tb C8iat tanooga and . JacksanrlIIs s 31rld. If you are cevven&lajthig i trip, to potat, yeu wffl fiad tt rour interest x write or oall en. , W. I Danley, a. P. A. NaehTfS. J. H. LatfMr, B. P. A Oor. ftk a&a t street, Cbwrtsaiisscsv W. T. Bosers, T. P. A, H. F. CxaHk, Truffle Mamiar, Nash BIGassort- ment or Granitewa re vessels for the kitchen, Housefurnish- ing goods a specialty. Thex 5 & 10 Cent Sure H. P. Pearson, Dealer in Beef, Pork Veal,Mutton Sausage. Game in season. PHONE 195. StaUJE... E. 0. CHAMBERS Dentist. Office, Johnston building ver Dr. T. O. Smith's drugstore "FITS" Guaranteed, We; make suits from $10 up. H you,, buy a suit you sniuut be satis fied or rwe take no money. Over a IthousanHl varieties i select from. (Ev ery garment tailor imade. Ladies' sufts a specialty;. tchiej tailors: 35 1-2 Patton Ave. . Over uaw'. Don't Fail to Call and See McFall No. 36 N.M:Jm. St. before you buy your 'Wall- Paper. He will save you money and give you new designs. FANCY GOODS A iSPECETALTY FOB RENT 47 (Freneh. Broad. Furnished house six rooms, pan try, servant, coal and wood rooms, porcelain bath add closet china clos et, bed room clos ets. Eledtric Wights, telephone. 50 yds. of oar line. Paved walk. A beauty at a bargain. 24 PATTON AVE DON'T FORGET those elegsunt Coupes for rainy ni'glhltg 'and days, and all sorts of fancy 'livery traps at CHAMBERS, WEAVER & CO's Stable. Asheville. Petrie the Tailor, 5 Patton Ave. Restaurant and Lunch. Counter For white and! oolored people. Heals served at all hours. NEVILLE JACKSON. 40 South Main. IPlhohije S47. i Fine Jine of Inx iDocted Winter Suitings (and! OvterviogutJaA j&rslt class workman- ship guaranteed. My prices are. reasonable Roberts k Rigsby Gun & Ijocksmith and General REPAIRERS 22 N. Alain Sit. AM kinds of re pairiing neatly and pronptly done. Scissors, knives and saws Jharp ened'. Trunks re paired. "Uimbrel las recovered. Have yam any old furniture, stoves, etc., to eeM? We buy everything and pay the Mghr est cash price for it. D. GROSS. Phone 650.OaJKIus. One dee store on square ito let, rent $15 per month. D. GROSS. You will? Then do! Make us a visit sot WINGOOD'S iCor. Patton Ave. aod Church St. The Prescription ..Drug, Store. No other store like ours. 1dm U L. Nettles & Bro. Prop. "The only first class restaurant in city. Your pat ronage solicited and satisfaction gauranteed.: Open day and night. Asheville Supply and Foundry Co. Market street All kinds Foun dry and V Machine Work. "Eureka Gro cery Store" 41 COLLEGE ST. The best iplace for bargains in Staple and Fancy Groceries, China, Glassware, Sta tionery, Etc, Etc. We sell best qual ity Sugar 15 lbs. for SI. 00; sacoii 25c. ; Flour 50c quarter sack. inome and see us for further prices, i. mioholov. CIjEANING rvvransfG AND R PALtuLIN U- FOR LADIES. AND HENTS . We scour Cloth ing wi'th. a sweet, disinfecting pre- parataooi; clean Ladies Dresses and Silk or Wool en Waists satisfactorily. W. B. WOOD, Proprietor. Phone 556. 49 E. College St. FAMOUS ASPHALT LAKE. Recent estimates are to the effect that asphalt is being dug out of the fa mous tar lake of Trinidad the most notable existing source of the material in the world at the rate of 80,000 tons per annum. There are still 4,500,000 tons in sight;, but at this rate the sup ply could not last long, were it not that the lake of bitumen referred to is re ceiving a constant accretion from the wweis oi me eartn. unis; accretion 7s reckoned as amounting tc about 20,900 tors yearly, says the Saturday Evening Post, and would suffice to restore the lake to its original condition-if H "were allowed to remain undisturbed for: a few years. ' 'X'-. ..- This wonderful lake of pitch has an area of 114 acres and recent soundings made in the middle of it have shown its depth to be 135 feet in 'that part. Near the centre it is semi-liquid and bub Diing, out eisewnere it has so hard a surface that a man on horseback can ride over it without danger of break ing tnrough tne crust, scattered over its surface are a number of small l3l ands which have no proper roots in the earth, so to speak, but are composed merely of accumulation of soil, though trees of considerable size grow on some of them. These islands are not station ary, but are carried slowly from place to place by the movements of the lake. Now and then one of them is entirely engulfed. , Various theories have been entertain ed as to the manner in which this re markabie deposit was formed ana -js resupplied. Geologists today, however, are satisfied that it is the result of cer tain chemical processes operating upon immense accumulations of vegetable matter stored away deep in the earth during a past epoch. Evidently the processes In question, whatever the nature of them may be, are still going on in the depths, and hence the steady accretion already spoken of. The whole lake Is nearly pure as phalt. When a cargo of it is wanted workmen go out on the black surface and dig as much as they require with picks or shovels, according to the de gree of hardness of the material. The stuff has a low melting point, and on a very hot day it literally boils. No such beautiful and pure asphalt is found anywhere else as that whim comes from the pitch lake of Trinidad. Not a pebble Is to be seen In it. The rough looking asphalt, which is full of pebbles, has such im purities because it is dug put or the eart. It Is known as land asphalt. The traveler wisher. in a desert is a well- It is certainly firatiifTlne- to the nub- ic to know off one concern which is not afraid to be generous. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, have giv en away over ten million trial bottles and have the satisfactijani wf kmowine that it has cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, La Grippe and all Throat, Chest and Lai rig dis eases are sorrel cured by it. Call on any druggist and get a Cnee trial bot tle. Regular size 50c amd SI. Evcrv Of all 'the practices of love praise the most treacherous. BATHS AND MASSAGE. Plain tub, Russian, Turkish, sitz, trunk, fountain! air sun and cand b-th at the Quisisana Nature Cure sanlt -rlum, 167 South French Broad avenue. Lady and gentleman physi cian iini charge. To believe that a task is impossible Is to make it so. Transjivania Railroad Company- General Offices; StCTterd, INT. C. ; ., ; v. e v- V . WINTER 8CHEbULB. Effective Octobter 28 1900.. p No.2No. 4 (Central Time.) No. a.xn.p.m. STATToCNS. .a.m. 3.05 3.30 3.45 4.05 4.30 8 00 :v (Many people' worry because they be lieve taiey have . heart disease. The chances are that their hearts are all rlgSutrtrtrtsbieir' sttmaoba are unable to digest (food. ? Kodoi DysjjeDsia Cure di gests what - you eat aad iprevetefts the iformation of gas which maJoss the stom ach press against the heart . It wUl cure every form of iniddgestion. Dr. T Ct Smith. ' The wisdom of one man may be;-the foVy of another. The C. H. & D. Trains between HICINHATI, TOLEDO & DETROIT run through the famous and fer tile Miami valley and numerous prosperous vtllag '"and cities of western Ohio and Southern Mich igan. There are four tthrough trains each way. Pullman sleep- ars ob ight trains. THE MIGHICAII FLYER, Ve.ubuue carries parlor and cafe cars, with elegant through uay coaches. Leaves Cincinnati 1 p. m.; ar rives Toledo 6:50 p. m.; arrivee Detroit 8:20 p. m. On-j of he finest trains in the central states THE G. H. & !l is (the direct line from Chicago and the south i.o the popular summer resorts of Michigan and Canada. Cinnects at Toledo with steamers on Lake Erie and with rail lines for Interior poinfts; as Detroit with rail and steamer lines for Inland and lake resorts. MEALS are served to the C. H. & D. cafe care a la carte, one thus be ing able to order as desired, at moderate rices. FOUR FAST TRAINS between Cincinnati, Indianapolie, and Chi tago. Agents of connecting roads will sell you tickets routing via C. H. & D. Ry. D. G. EDWARDS, r-mfr Traffic Manager, . . Ar. J 8.351 L.v. .Hendersonville. . ArlU.05 VTnfA i .. Horse Shoe ... . ....Cannon. (Etowah .... Blantyre ....., .... Pemroee Davidson River ... Brevard L,v .... Brevard .....Ar 55rfiA ... - CberryfleL I .... ( Calvert Ar.. .. Toxaway .. .. Lv 9.00 10.38 10.22 10.05 9.45 9.35 "jkig Stations. Connects with Southern Railway at endersonville. J. P. HATS, General nasjer. T. S. BOSWELLv Superimtedent. Mil h M-Mm Railway TIME C4i?D. Bfflective September 16, 1900. Northbound Passenger. Mixed. Leave.. Chester Torkville Gastonia " Gastonla " Lincoln ton " N wton " Hickory " Hickory Lenoir Arrive Southbound. 7.40 tm .... 8.46 am .... 9.48 rm .... 9.48 am ....10.45 am ....11.33 ami ....12.00 in ....12.15 pm .. .. 1.16 pm Passenger. 8.30 10.40 am 12.27 pm I. 15 pm 2.45 pm 4.80 pm 5.10 pm 5.60 pm 7.50 pm Mixed. 6.30 am 8.50 am 9.20 am II. 1 am. 12.35 pm 1.12 pm 8.20 pm 5.15 pm Lenoir Leave.... 2.00 pm Hickory " ....3.02 pm Newton " ....3.30 pm incolnton M .... 4.20 a Gastonla " ....5.20 pm Gastonia " .... 5.30 ym Torkville " ....6.40 pm Chester Arrive.... 7.50 pm CONNECTIONS. Chester Southern Ry., S. A. Li., and It. & C. Torkville S. C. & G. Extension. Gastonia Southern! Ry. Lincolntoeor S. A. L. Newton and Hickory Southern Ry. Lenoir Blowing Rock Stags XAns and C. & N. ' . E. P RKnr.Gi 'PrAgt., eer. S C.v No other pills can equal DeWltftfa Little Early Risers for promptness, oer tiny and efficiency. DrT."1 0. Sr'- - Pretty women without sense are like flowers without perfume. De Witt's Witch llazel Salve will quickly heal the worst burns and scalds and not leave a scar. It can be applied to cute and raw surfaces with iwomot and soothing effect. Use it for piles and ekin diseases. Beware of worth leas counterfeits. Dr. T. C. Smith. W.H. SMUT, WATCHES CLOCKS, OPTICAL. GOODS, ETC. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Re paired and War ranted. ASHEVLLdUB Ter ms Cash . ' Gazette "wants" one cent a word. S. I. Bean k Co., 103 Patton Ave. Phone 526. tMonumem'tal; (Mar ble, Stone and Granite , Works. ToimvbBtones Tablets, Marble Fittings and "ile3 Slabs of all Ufcnfl'. Iea3teT in A-nOa of Gsteinltes, Doth An rioan and Foreign. Also T'taMam and . other StatuCiles. Bargains IN Furniture, HOusehoM Goods, Books, etci A first class organ for sale cheap. r MERBJTTS, 100 Pattom Ave. Only the Best at the 'Union Saloon' JNO.E. SUGG 34 S. Main St. Phone 630 To be trusted Is often a greater com pliient.than to be loved. GREAT LUCK OF AN EDITOR. "For two years all efforts to cure Ec zema in the patois cf my hands failed," writes Editor H. N. Lester, of Syra cuse, Kam., "ithen I was wholly cured trv rRucklen'B Arndca Salvte'." It's the world's best for Eruptions, Cores and all skin diseases. Only 25c at all drug- TOWN TOPICS. One of the strongest farce comedy or ganizations of the season is the pro duction "Town Topics," which will be the attraction at the Grand next Sat urday, Nov. 17. For laughing purposes alone "Town Topics" is well worth see ing. It Is interspersed with bright, catchy music, some of which you may have heard, but it is safe to say never n wpll simer. The ladies are said to be young, pretty and well gowned, while the men fit to a nicety the char acters they portray. Tou follow the plot without effort, and although you have to ?stop and laugh every few seol onds, you are able to follow the story and thus keep in close sympathy with all the characters to the very end. There is perhaps a certain insufficiency in motive, no convincing reasons for the complications of thep lot but iti s futile for a person to find fault with the exaggeration and grotesqueness of pure farce. "Town Topics" is a suc cessful fun maker, and that Is its aim. NOTICE TO aCJERGTMlEN. Annual clergy permits for the year 1900 will not be good for use afiter Dec. 31. 1900. Regular ordained ministers who are entitled to clergy permits over lines of the Soutthena Ry., under our rules, should apply at an early date to the nearest ticket agent to make appla cations for permits for the year 1001. F. R. DARBT, C. P. & T. A. f SOUTHERN RAILWAY X y- il-,,-, ..... t No.21. No.37rll, No.35. Astern, Time. No. 12-38. No. 36. No. 32. 4.30 pm i2.05'am'-Iir.vNew?-T6rk.'Ar. 12.43 pm 6.35 am 6.55 pm 3.50am Lv;. Philadelphia: Ar. 10.15 aro 2.56am 9.20pm 3.50am LviiBaltl more-. -Ar. 8.00am 11.25 pm 10.43 pm 6.07 pm Lv..Wshanttoii..Ar 6.42am 9.05 pmi 6.10am 6.07pm Lv. ...Danville ..Ar. 01.25 pm 1 30pm 2.10am 12.01 pm Lv Richmond. .Ar. 6.40am! 6.25pm 8.35 pun 9.10 am Lv Norfolk.. ..'Ar. 8.20am 5.55pm 1.10am 2.50pmiLv Sel ,'j....Ar. 3.50am 12.35pm 2.09am 3.50pmi Ax.'. .. .Raleigh.. ..Ar. 2.45am 11.35anni 5.15am 6.35pm at.. Greens b -o. .Lv. 11.45pm 8.50am Eastern Time. 00.10 am 11.12 am 11.52 am 11.13 am 1.34 pm 3.12 pm 3.20 pm 8.40 pm Lv, 8.03 pm Lv. . 10.01pm Lv.. 10.20pm Lv. 11.30 pm Lv . 1.03 jam Lv., 1.10 am Ar. . . .Salisbury... Ar. 7.35pm 10.40 Sam . States ville. ..Ar. 6.27 pm 9.53 am ..Netwton.. .. Ar. 6.00pm 9.18 am . .Hickory.... Ar. 5.41pm 9.01am . . .iiaarioji Ar. 4.22 pm 7.52 am ,.Biltmore...Ar. 2.40 pm 6.26 am . Asheville . . . Lv . 2 . 30 pm 6 . 20 am Central Time. 5.55 am 7.20 am 9.20 am 11.00 am "Not guilty" is an innocent remark. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund the money if ft fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is en each box. 25c. An ""ad." im our WaiMt" coituimni , will fill your boarding house. Dp-Witt' Witch Hazel Salve will qufckly heal tthe woTSt burns and scalds and not leave a scar. It can he appiiea to cults alnd raw surf aces with prompt and soothing effect. Use; it for piles and skita diseases. Beware of worth- 1'eSg counterfeits. Dr. T. C. 'Smith's. Pharaoh's daughter wasn't a broker but she got a-little prophet from the rushes on the bank. When you want' (prompt acting 1-Mrble (pills tblat never gripe use JJewma Little Early Risers. Dr. t. C. SUW'tn. It Is the easiest thing in the world to see that wealth is a curseso long as the other fellow monopolizes it. SPECIAL RATES TO WEST AND NORTHWEST. On November 20th and 27th the C. H. & D. Ry. and connecting lines will sell tickets to pants in Utah, Colorado, Oregon and Washington at exception ally low rates, one way and round 'trip. Further particulars by addressing J. S. LeSahy, T. P. A., Oincd'H'iiati, O., or D. G. Edwards, Passenger Traffic Mana ger, Cincinnati . "I have used Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine," says Mr. S. Phious. of Poteau, Ark. "It cured me of bloody flux, I cannot spak too highly of it" This remedy always v. ins i the good opinion, if not praise of those' who use at. The quick cures which it effect? ysj the iroet severe fc" make It favorite eerrwhere. f sale by C A. R&ysor, Druggist. DeWirtf s iLi-ttle Early Risers are the best iver pills ever made. Easy o take and never gripe. Dr." T. C. Smith. It's a poor horse race at this season of the year that doesn't bring a light overcoat to the three ball merchant. HE FOOLED THE SURGEON. - All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jeffersoo', O., after suffering 18 montha tflnom RectaT Fistula, he would die unless' a cosMy operation was per formed, but he cured himself with five boxes of Bucklen'B Arnica Salve, , the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the ajest 9-lve in the world. 25 cents a box. Sold aU druggists THE BURLINGTON ROUTI New throusrh train to Pot! ad, Puget (2..i riKo, RnnMnfltan Northern Fa ifl TThrnncuui NO. 4l. fTOm St. LOUIS of ft oft m tat Kansas dty. St. Jo- ph. Northwestern Nebraska, Black mua wvmiinir "VTinn tana. Washi ngton. TViNvm RoawiA Puffit Sound and TVvT-tlnrt Oreffon. via BiHings, Mont. the short line and time eaver to the up ner Northwest. To1 the Puget eouad in 77 hours. Through coachee chair cars dua ifi. standard sleeper, and din- in cars witth through tourist sleeper fwvm trvrsmas. CHtv. This is the mala .tt.ixa rMMitto nt. mils to the -'North TjntTr.!So k Tbm-ska-ColoTad6 Ex press," midda. train from St. Louis for ts- a cv. rnirftilo. Utah. . Paclflc rmoot- iftnA nihit ito Denver. Also ir tt nuii. vn-nmrta-Tiolla and beyond. ?Ia 1K ft.AK r im... Sit. LOUle tO Wl WV " r t, a s rM-w fm h a. St. Joseph, Kan a joHtVa .: rviiorado. Utah, Paclflc wa'- iriA- Denver, also to the North cw.,tj(rTtn :iia. Washington, Oregoo, via. Lincoln and Billing. Please write: T -yor St., Atlanta, Ga.; L. W. WAKE- LET, Gei. tass. Agx., tt-t t imr cun . Man., vt 2.40pm 12.15am Lv... Ashevilie ...Ar. 1.10pm 5.15am 9.25pm 4.02 pm 1.29 ami Lv.. Hat aprings. Ar. 11.45 am 4.00am 7.52pm 5.55 pm 300 am. Lv..Morristown ..Ar. 9.50am 2.30am 6.00pm 7.40pm' 4.25am Lv...Kn'oxvtlle.. .Ar. 8.25am 1.15am 4.25pm 11.35pm 7.40am Ar. Chattamooga .Lv. 4.00am 10.00pm 7.10 pm 7.10 pm Ar. . . .Memphis. . . Lv. 9.15 am 9 15 am i 1.05pm Ar ..Brl'3tol.....Lv 2.00pm 6.40am 6.33pm Ar....lsas!hv-lle...Lv. 10.00 im 9.10am 7.50 a '.40 pm Ar . . .Louisville. . . . Lv 7.45 pm 7.40:am 7.30am 7.20pm Ar. .Cincinnati. . Lv. 8.00pm 8.20am 8.30 am . Ar. New O'rlean Lv 7.30 pm 7.30 am Ar., Mobile. .Lv 7.00pm A2 AND S: BRANCH; No. 14. No. 10. Eastern Time No. 13. No.9. 8 . 00 am 3 . 05 pm Lv . . . Asheville. . . Ar . 6 . 15 pm 8.08am 3.12.pm Lv Biltmore. ..Ar. 6.07pm 9.02 am 3.57 pm Lv. Hendersonville Ar. 5.10pm 10.13am 5.00pm Lv.. ..Tryoaj Ar. 4.00 pm "astern Time. 11 . 22 am 6.00 pm A Spartan burg . 3.20pm 9.35pm Ar Columbia 12.10 pm 02.03 pm 11.13 am 9.58 am Lv. .Lv. 3.40 pm 11.40 am 9.55 am 6.10 am 8.17pm 7.0amAr.... Charleston.. Lv. 7.(!0am 1100pm Cantral Time. 5.15 am Ar Savannah ..Lv 12.05am 9.25 am Ar .. Jacksonville.. Lv. 7.45 pm 8.00am Ar ...AUguta.... Lv. 9.00pm 9.30pm 3 55 pm P. 10 am Ar .Atlanta. Lv. 7 50 am 11.59 pm 7.40 px 8.30 pm Ar. N r Orleans .Lv. ,7.45 pm 7.55am .w 7.40 anr- Ar ...Memphis ..Lv. 9.00pm 7.10 pm 8-30 am A Macon Lv. 6.00 am 7.10 pm MUKPHY BRANOHi No. 17. No.19. Eastern Time. No. 13. No. 20. 10 15am 3.45pm Lv.. .Asheville... Ar. 6.50pm 1.35pm 11.45aS 5.10pm Lv.. Wayne ville ..Ar. 6.10pm 11. Mam 12.00am 5.20pm Lv... Balsam.. ..Ar. 4 35pm 31.10 ana Anx i z riTTY T.v. Brvson Cltv..Lv. 2.45pm 9.40pm ' lo 30pm Ar... Murphy... Lv .20am .... ,MIW LX except Sunday. Dally except Sunday. Trains 37 and 11, and 12 and 28, carry Pullman sleepers between New York, Washington, Asheville, Hot Springs, Chattanooga and Nashville. ' Train 9 and 11, and 10 and 12 between Jackson ville, Savannah, Arheville, Hot Spr gs, KnoxvUle and Cfimdnnati. Tralnw $5 and 36 carry Pullman sleep era betweur. feallsbury, AaheviBe. Hot Springs, Chlattanooga and Memphis. Together with our excellent ecrutp mnt andrschedit-'es to the noJJh and east, all rail Jirough Washlagton, tine prbllc's special attention ?a called to our rail and water route to the north and east Southern Railway and the Chsaat pojee line. This schedule ' allows a Anr-,n tfr Aver at Norfolk. V fordine an opportunity to visit OllTt C. mtfort (Fort Monroe), v. Beach, Newport News, etc. TJVA'jfck . Gannon. Third Vice dent and General Manager, We-ag-tteoL D. C. : . M. CulP, Trafflc jMeer Washington, I- C ; W. A. Turk, Gen, ITassenger Agt., Washtngtoa, D. C.; I. Hardwlck, A. P. A., Atlanta, Go.; C. A. Benscoter, A. G. P. A. Cbat tvygU, Tenn.; W. H. Taylor, . Br. P. A., Louisville, Ky.; P. rDfrby, City paesenger and fttclcet Agent, Adhe itaL M. fl- ' i 43 South Main St lilt., iV.a r jtvH t - ;