n w T 1 r ! VOL IV: NO. 260 ABHEYILLE N. C, SATUKDAY UOBNIN0, DECEMBER 8, 1900. PBICE 5 CENTS -J . . " OESTREICHER&CO We put on sale this week 150 "SAMPLE" UHBRELLAS." These aire bought at one third off the regular prices, and we will sell them while they last at the same reduc tion of prices, g This will give you an Urn brella at a trifle iless than the cost of manufacturing them. The assortment comprises all the styles and qualities made by oae of the largest factories They come in colors andblacks and no two alike. Prices ranging from 40c to $4.00. Regular price 60c to $7.00, OESTREIOHER&RD 51 Patton Ave. The Kiad You're Looking For. Lamb chops, tender amid juicy; teak which reuqires no axe; beef and mut n of the same hdg-h grade In fact all km . of meat but poor meat are con stantly to be found at Zimmerman- and Whitehead's meat market. There's a satisfaction in gtetting Tvlnat suits you. isn't there? We (have la long" record as satisners in the meat iHirveyins Hne7 Zimmerman & Whitehead, CITY market: Native and western 2F V23. Tel upborne C . f Tw o3 Biad MacHWF&V Full esa shirt, Is jm wihaA you wiaait for "-nnamos, to wear to theatre tend balls 7n buy fchena at Glaser5. Z T77"e - ' PgS!--L.- V i Have you thought of a Pankr r- OLEOMARGARINE BILL PASSED Measure Receives Approval of House by a Vote of 198 to 92. Places a Tax of Ten Cents a Pound on Immitations of Butter. ANIMATED DISCUSSION ENLIVENS THE DEBATE SUBSTITUTE MEASURE OFFERED BY MINORITY OF COMMITTEE VOTED DOWNr-MR. GROUT EX PLAINS HIS BILL. Washington, Dec. 7. The Grout Oleomargarine bill, pro4d!iin!gr to tax that article wttiien colored to iml'taite ibuitter ten ceats a Taund, ipaesea' the Ihotiise today 198 to 92. Tiua debate was initeresttog', charges of (faiaud and deceit on one Juand', and a dleslire 'to oruh out a competing indus try on the other being made ax.d eon ceded. 'Slamiples of ibutber and oleomar gaTine added reality to the 'proceedinigs . The imotfani ito adopt a suibatitute ibill recomtmiendled by Ithe miinorti'ty of the for a regni'laJtb egflaid(SiHRDDUHRDL Commiittee oni agricul'tiure, providttng for ia regulationi of ithe 'manufacture and sale of oleomairgiarine and reqaitiring" it 'to be stamped "Oleomamgarihe," was diefealted, 113 to 178. Utoider iMe anranigemenit made yester'V day the Grout 'bill, wMoh Tvas poeft-' poned to allow the army reorganization bill 'to be disposed of, came luipfor coosidenat9oni immediately following the reading of tlha Journal. Mr. Grout said) ho dttKf anot think the emiaiotment otf t$t& sugelt&tiuite offered by -aBHwcy TTOuaia prevemic iraai in icoe sale of oleomargatrlDe. Mr. 'Hefury produced figures to show that ttoe coste of miaaiufaoturinST oleo miargaTlne ' incl-udllng ithe paymtennt of the present internal tax of 2 cents was mot more tlhan 10 cents a .pouMd: IMIr. Wadawortsh, Ghairnmn of the comimittee on algriouttuire, who with six other memfbers of the conimflittee Higned tthe minority report against tlhe Groutt (bill, explainieid ithe swibstlt'ute wlhicfh tiSsef mtnortty wOu'ld: ofCer for It. Mr. Wiadworth (N. Y.) ttsserted. with the greatest ennplhasis 'that the minor ity twere Just as earweett to thielr desire to prevent the fraud pow fwttpttllsed In the aalle of imitation ibutter a the majority could txe Thr only dlfOer raoe was that fthe1 mflnority recognized t!he value of Oleom'arigarlne ais a -whole -Boma anfd iniuitritious article of food and etntnaed to place as food! product . He charged that ithe purpose of the sup porters of the Grout WM wb to dwafcro the mlantuiflaoture of oleomargaine; sot to regulate Its saafe. Mr. Grout (Vt.) tflne aurthorr.of thJ Wll, at this- pcttnit aesumed Charge of the measTJine . land1 spoke in 'Support of it. He declared' irla)t "the pwjjose of tfhe bil was 'to-'supress fraud in he Bale of a food; product toy preventing itiho coloring of oleo In imditajfckwi of but iter." The bills mlake all articles knowa as oleomiargiariJDe outterine, Imitation but ter or iimitation cheese transported into Bitfy state or territory subject to the poJtee powers of sucih sate or territory, lit tfcsctreasaa the taxes on majnoifaotured - : ValnaMe "Building Lot 8 : At a Sacrifice. We are offlerdng. laJ very .-desirable residexuee Jolt at cbnisid'eraMy less (bhtaim its value or Uer to (make a qoiick sate. It is lo- . ' . caJten on Piirte dtreet, near tter- mfinus of Ohastnut street, sia 94x422. 1 WILKIE & LaBARBE, : Real estate Brokers, I PBne 561. 28 Pattan Avenue,. J 4 Have Xtf It Is tlie Best, For Ohristmas Present? ' . r ' '"'"'... -,r:'V- , f , - . bhitter ctoiored ta faaMattlon. of butter Crora 2 to. 10c per poutitd and Kiecreasoa m tax on niaufaotured' "butter txnool ored from 2c to ome-fourtfa. Of one eewt per pound. Am atemipt was made t reach an lagreemewt tor a final vote this u5temoan but it ftfited. iMa. Heary, of CoMJectlout. wttio iwas 4n cihargeof tine imee4BUjre, xijjiened the dfelbate in Its u3?orit. Tbe fncrease of the tax on colored imfttatioTii totrtter he aid, the ntojortty of the icomtmi'titfe on agrieulture 'believed nra abso lutely aaeoeiBSary to protecb the dairy istoareste of the1 cottabry. SENATE VOTE (Jfl'OAVIS AMENDMENT NEXT THURSDAY "Washington, Deo. 7. The major por tion of today's session " of the senate was devoted to the consideration of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty. After! brTec open session, during wfiioh the busi ness was mainly of a routine character, the senate at 12:35 went into executive; sesssion. Morgan resutued liis re marks in advocacy of ratification. He spoke at length, consuming1 an hour. Teller floiaowed, djevoting most of his remarks to urging the adoption of the Davis amendment. The senate agreed to vote on the amesdment next Thurs day and it will undoubtedly be adopted as it only requires a majority. It is be lieved the final vote on the treaty will be reached at the end of next week. At the conclusion of the executive session the senate adjourned to Monday. TEUiER'S TALK AGAINST ' CLAYTON BULWER TREATY Washington, Dec. 7. It is not alto gether certain that the senators who favor a policy that will give the Unit ed States full control of the Nicara guan canal will be satisfied with the adoption of the Davis amendment, the vote on which is set for next Thursday. They may insist "upon Ithe adoption' of an amendment that may be positive 5n the' direction of giving the United States full power to control absolutely its own waterways. Teller was the princdpaiT speaker today. He said the sQflstate department made a serious mis- lake m recognizing the Clayton-Bul-wer treaty which had been violated by iskgland. He accused Morgan and Ifrye of being inconsistent. They de clared' nfrne years! ago that t)he Clayton -Bulwer treaty was obsolete, yet they nnVe wpw -roil lifter to vote for ttipr trea ty t warf acogDze';Tr. He ppoh-poohn the idea of wot with Ftglinfl over the canal. England's representatives here knew the trend of public sentiment In regard to the canal and1 were ready to accept it for the reason tJhat friendship with the United States was the great desire with England. He declared he would oppose the treaty unless amend ed so-.as to give the United States f uU control. SENATE WILL TAKE UP ARMY BILL ON MONDAY fWasfhdngtoni, Dec. 7. Senator Haw ey, chiaHrmlain of .the senate comimittee en military affairs said today that his committee "would diajve its first sit Wng for ithe consideration of the army Ibill mext Monday! .morndnig ait 8:30 a. mi. He added that it was not the pur pose of the house to ask a conference . MURDERERjJEHEADED The Slayer of Two Women Executed In Berlin . Berlttni, Dec. 7. Aug1. Goefciczi, the Hungarian wlho murdered a wealthy yri&aw manned Scauftze and h3 d;ftuf?n ter here Ink 1897, was ibeneaded this rooming in t!he prison of -Ploetesjense. The nnurder was am atrocious one sued was commdUted 8m the center of Berlin. The murderer was ultflmaitely traced to Brazil 'tfhrougli a pet dog and was arrested at Rfio Jtajruerio a year aeo. CteffifttM punisbimentt i-a so unusual here ithalt the execution attracted considera- ible attecitfion. It was only yesterday that the court of criminal apeals affirmed the sentence of dearth passed upon Goenczi. His (victims were miserly persons who were known to have bonce al 2d Jairge sums of" money in their house on Koeni'gr'Graeitzer Strausse. The triail of Goenczi was remarkable from 'the far' tnait (he iravented for 'tine purpose of. d.fts defeiatee 'a man whom !he caMed Loewy. axitd persuaded a niumber of persons that "Doewy" was in existemice and he had seen Mm. TEST FARM FOR PHILIPPINES. Berkeley, Oal., Dec. 7. Under the patronage of the United States Philip piiaes eommissdon am expeflmeir- farm will be started some 200 '. miles from Manila wfhere -tibe growth ' of all sorts of seeds and plants from this cousmtry will be tested. tJnderwear in cotton. woMlacd silk from 80c to $15.00 pr sultat Glaser's. , 3 DHGLB f ADL KRDQEB AHONd HIS ERIENDS Crowds of ffeofile Sing Nation al AnfJienis Outside His Hotel at the Hague. POLICE SLOCK STREETS ABOUT THH BRITISH LEGATION THE QUElN JtAT B.ECEIVE KKUGER .iW SMsm, Dec. 7. Queen Wllhel tnttta has not yft received Krugrer, but ft f.Serstotf 5ttJt she wiK give him an audience tomorrow.. The crowd out sldeiia hotels this evening is immense. teople 'sang Netherlands and TrtfiEertfcal national anthems. Their tnafiy- calls for Xruger to appear on the balcony were not responded to. Dr. Leyds. appeared ennd eocplaiined thait Krugrer was resting1. There was a pro cession of several hundred persons In honor of Krug-er. The police blocked the streets leading to the British lega tion. Members of the legation dined this evening with Queen Wilhelmina. OEMftllD OH GUATEMALA FOR RELEASE OF MAY Iastructiohi Sent Bj Secretaiy Hay to Hinister Hunter. Washington, Dec. 7. Secretary Hay sent a telegraphic provisdanail demand to Mindster Hay ia)t G-uatamiala to re lease the American .railroad contractor May, prevenifced by Guaitajmal'a from leaving the country under the law vndch forbids - debtor ifrom lieaving the couurtry without payinig his obligations or leaving some represenitaltive to set tle them!. Hay, iihi -the instructions to Httfntter, aid lit faad been clearly shown to the state depaaitment tlhat May had appointed an attorney to respond to any suit, and! 4f this was suibstamt4ated Hunter should demamd 'M3ay's freedom forOm re0apant.. .. ... TO SOUTH AMERICA Iowa and Philadelphia Hurriedly Prepared For Departure Sam Dedgo, Cal. Dec. 7. Admiral Kut2 received orders itMsr fiternoan to eail 'without delay for South Amer ica, and in aocordamcie with these in struotions preparattiona are being hur riedly made for 'the sailing of the Iowa and PhJIteudelphtta tomorrow. The cause of he hurry is osnreveated ibut orders cam - as a 'g-reatt surprise to the . ad miral and iclavtai ffleers; .CHEAP WADE CLOTHES. dheap (looking people. $4 and $4 suits are not cheap, but Ithe people who wear them are cheap;- If you widh to avoid 'this embarrassment buy your suits overcoats, ulsters and gemts' furnish Overcoatts, -Ulsters and eOnit's Furndslh irsgis ifrom Olaser's. Completeness, : Neatness and Cheap -mess. Smail, 'but packed full, at I. W: GLASER'S, 18 Soultlh' Main street. NOTICE Of proposed Amendimenta to the Char ter of 'tine Towini of VictorSa. Mayor's Office, Victoria, Dec. 5, 1900. Notice is .hereby given thatt appQJoa tiiOn will be made to 'the snesdt session of thd Genfefnal Afasemb-ly of North Oar olLnta to amend tibia charter of itihe 'town of VBctortia. SAMUEL P. MicDrVTTT. Mayor. Buy a Johm B . Stetson or a Broadway Speciial Hat from Glaser. -They are the 'mosjt stylish. In any style. .......... DRUGSTORE I HEWS. Tine next . time you prepare Junkjeit -HavVxr tit rwtMi Gratat'a iEJxtracit Oananige. Its delicious fla voring quMJties have been highly praised You cam ouy "much or little. GRANT'S NO. 24 CURBS COLD. When you ibuy n Century At omizer you get cha best. We have a complete assortment. GRANTTS NO.24 CURBS COLD. For - Roaidhea and Water Bugs we know of nothtog tt2iat- serves &o 'weli as the CoJumibiaia Insect icide. 50 tundl 75c per can. BRANT'S PHARMACY. DISACREEMEIIT OVER GREED REVISION Reformers and Conservatiyes Fail to Eeach Amicatble Conclntions. New York, Dec. 7. There is a big row between. tn reGarmefrs and coni semaitives on the PreBbyteriam creed revision. The comtmittee held ft meeting here anJ two of the amemfbera left for home last night in a buff. JPwo more left toniefht. and instead n,f arrivino' latOi aanlicaJble concflusion as o what shall jt: iicvvuijxu'cujiuu w nxre igeneraj -semlbly next Maiy it has been deoidted tSiat (another meeting of the revisioa commkitee wfill have to toe held in Feb ruary. LIEUT. HOBSOH'S ILLNESS. Congressman Pearson Goes ta Hew York to See Him. Special to the Oazette. Washington, Dec. 7. Congressman Richmond Pearson has gone to New York, where he was called by the Ill ness of Lieutenant Richmond Pearson Hobson, the hero of the Merimac inci dent, who is a nephew of Mr. Pearson. It is said Lieutenant Hobson has re ceived more letters of sympathy than he can read in weeks should he recov er, and his room is always filled with flowers sent by friends. HORACE J. HAYDEH KILLED. New York Central Railway Official ."ggll or Jumped From a Window. New York, Dec. 7. Hor. J. Hayden second vice president of the New York Central, elthter jumped Or fell from a wtrndow of Ms aipartments in Seventy sixth street and 'Broadway this eve ning and was instantly ktU'led. He had Mbeeni iU for some 'time. THE WAR TAX REDUCTION. Washington, Dec 7. '(airman Payne' of the house Ways ana means comimuttiee in a- rerort on the bill re d.uicln'g war revenue taxes, says the cbmimftitlttee ...disagrees with Secretary Gage's estimates1 of the revenue amd crpeadC'tures fbr 1S02, and' brieves it st&feto make a reduction of about iforty million fin expenditures. HOLDING INSOLVENT CONVICTS A Decision cffUreat to ail Counties ftfee State. A case of" some interest concerning the working of Insolvent convicts oi the roadS" has been decided by Judge Hoke, his opinion having been received in Oreensboro recently by Mr, John N. Wilson,, attorney for the board of county commissioners The point de cided Is' with reference to fhe right of the authorities to nold a convict who 'is insolvent, and therefore unable to pay costs, the usual twenty days be yond the number of days for which he is sentenced. It is said to be the cus tom In ithese cases to imprison-a man twent days for costs, and in some easos the man is g'yen an additional term on the road as a punishment. The point was raised by a local attorney at a re cent term of Guilford court, and. the question being an entirely new one Judge Hoke took the matter under con sideration, and his decision was receiv ed and is to the effect that an Insolvent prisoner, cannot be detained the ;isual "twenty days for costs" after serving a specified sentence as punishment. The matter may be of interest to all coun ties in the state working their public roads by the convict system. HEALTH AND WEALTH. Can both 'be obtained by substituting a diet of Wheat-Hearts in the nlace of the ordinary indigestible and expensive breakfast and supper. Wheat-Hearts with stewed fruit makes a most deli cious, wholesome and i'nexpensive meal . Try it for one month and note the. sav ing in your provision bill. Very few people know we carry anything except solid gold and heavy solid sterling silverfarticlesj but we hav been selling for aV; number of years Roger's genuine plated tea spoons at 65 and.,75 cents per set Roger's gennine plated dessert spoons and forks at $1.35 per set Roger's genuine plated table 'spoons and forks at .a. $1.25 and $1.50 per set Rogers genuine plated medium size knives at .... . . ..... $1.36 per setr -, i We have other makes that are better than the Rogers. Liok for ourChrrslmas advertisement inafey days. ARTHUft FIELD CQfflPANV, Leagitio Jowelers Eiurch Street and JPatton Avenue. PORTUGAL VS. HOLLAND Tension That Has Caused the Severing of Diplomatic Relations. King Charles' Warm Words . of Friendship For Great Britain. A SQUALLY SEQUEL TO SOUTH AFRICAN WAR SPECIAL CHARGE THAT THE RUP TURE IS DUE TO BRITISH IN TRIGUE AND THAT PORTUGAL IS UNDER TUTELAGE' OF SALIS BURY. Lisbon, Dec. 7. The minister of the Netherlands to Portugal and the Por tuguese minister at The Hague have left their respective posts. It is be lieved that a difference has arisen on the subject of the exequateur to the Dutch consul at Lorenzo Marquos which the Portuguese government has withdrawn. Tension between Portugal and Hol land appears to have been emphasized perhaps not altogether unintentionally by the popular warmth of King Charles toast to Queen Victoria at the banqruet given yesterday at the SRoyali palace to Vice Admiral Sir Harry Holdsworth Rawson and) the officers of the British fleet now in the river Tagus, and by the telegram which the king after wards despatched to Victoria banking Her (majesty ifer sending jbhte fleet and for the friendship thus 'de monstrated. "1 beg to record," telegraphed the t king, "my great sat it action at the firaink amd loyajl alliance uniting Eng land and Portugal." - 4 In the caurse of has speech, when he toasted Queen Victoria the king said among other things: "England baa often shared the efforts and glories of Portugal. Our mutual friendship and close alliance .ire strengthened by history wad . the bkxxl shed together In the causes which have always been Just." Admiral Rawson replied th$.t the words of the king harmonized with the thoughts of the government and people of Great Britain. CHARGES BRITISH INTRIGUE. . Madrid, Dec. 7. The Impartial ays It considers the rupture of relations between, Holland and Portugal to be very serious. It adds that it was due to the intrigues' of Great Britain, fur ther asserting that Portugal is now un der the tutelage of Lord -Salisbury. Observers thirnk that the speech and telegram constitute an intimation to tfhe 'world itfhat Porrugal can count on strong sufyport If necessary. ., DON'T HURRY TO MEET CHRISTMAS. for it wM overtake you. Buy your firne Silk Suspenders, Silk Handlkerohliefs. Fine Neckwear, Gloves and Fancy Hos iery, at Glasers. Our new fail stock of Furniture, Stoves and Furnishing Goods generally, is by far the best we have ever been afble to offer to the trade. A doee ex amination as to quality and prices ts solicited. MRS. L. A. JOHNSON, Phone If 6. 43 Pattoa Ave. This , is extract day ask the grocer to send Blue Ribbon, lemon and vanifllla ( you'll 'be delighted. The fewer airs some musicians can play the more they put on. For "Wants" see page c. S3 t t . 1 ; ,1 .1 - - -f . - 4 '"J PHONE 10. JueBK7 for Wood's Seeds, ASHEVII.LE HAHBtfAtlB C0,:t &?z,.QmJ . v.. V v 1 --f i ff E -a. .: -i TV--. 4 TC rf- IIS mlil

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