t ';r rv,. V-r-r' rOV''' ' . v1 . ?-s7 --' V THE ASHEVILLE GAZFTTi DECEMBER14 iqcx I J New Paris Shapes h If " , LOW BUST. STRAIGHT FRONT & LONG HIP. l I f STYLES tfO-440.44-447. j il flf tT- l3rZwj tr J j f,J Mill--'-- eSXsSu 2 I B Gommemeiit 01 its mgpgi hildren woma De Dome n ine mower uuu.ua 5x5 22? I s, worries and tribulations or S-Vt ' " fJSS' 5? bided. CN5l5sSr Wi in relieving ana v vc bs FLATHOUSE KICKERS. ; -je sere that the Z lotion could 1 V "MOTHER'S " . . -ei,n3 liniment) is uniaue S ('-? ""ri hn strained tendons and muscles, as well 2 re?7 jl ..-nded organs. There is nothing like it. It teas to easy." ft aS t -TINDA PASCHEL, Lamberton, Ark., proves the above statement when she says: " I have had J , whs always in labor from twenty-four to thirty hours. This time I used only one bottle of ,jj c!"' ' j:, j-uJ with my seventh child and was in labor only about four hours. Motfcer s 1-nena is just at ' M:h" :,m-nded to be. I will never be without it again." P .11 Kpct diuTrrists or sent by express prepaid on receipt of price, SI. OO per bottler " Motnernooa, written lor women oi au a.es, mauea ireo. Book, AtlantA, Ga. THE BKADFIEL.D ItEGUXATOR CO, The lAshevillei School of Music & Languages FERDINAND DUNKLEY, Prl ncipal. One Among Tbem Wh KnoWs What J In Rlsnt and Inslut I'pon It. "It is," said a flat dweller, "a bad thing to have everybody ia the house a kicker. That only mixes everything all up and gets the janitor confused and makes ev erything uncomfortable all around. But it isr a grand thing to have among the tenants one good stout kicker who knows what is right and who insists on having it done. "I don't refer here to the growler or fault finder, but to the straightout kicker who knows his rights and dares to main tain them. He is a blessing to the whole building. I have lived in flats where such a tenant was regarded lightly by feebler minded tenants, but my experi ence is that most people come to regard him as a common benefactor, and they leave to him the correction of the evils that affect the tenants in common. "Thus, if the dumbwaiter is not kept clean or somebody puts hot ashes on it. the kicker can be trusted to kick and in sist on having those evils corrected. If the halls are dirty or insufficiently lighted or not lighted early enough, the kicker in due time attends to that, and the im provement that he brings about is obvi ously not for his own benefit alone, but for that of the whole kouse. He will in due time kick, and kick hard, against the noisy tenant if nobody else likes to com plain. He in the cold spells insists on more steam and gets it. His manage ment of the steam question, by the way. may not suit everybody. He may want it turned on earlier than other people in the fall and want it turned off earlier in the spring, but you will do well to leave it to him all the same. "In fact, in all things not immediately pertaining to your own aparpnent the safe and wise thing is to leave them all to the kicker that is, of course, if there is in the house a kicker of this kind, not a mere complainer or growler or kicker in the narrow sense, but one of the stal wart, downright sort, who knows what's rio-ht ond insists on havine thines so. It makes it easier for you and easier for him. And thus the stalwart kicker be comes by a sort of simple, natural proc ess the representative of all the tenants, and his presence in the house is a com mon good." New York Sun. SHOT AT FOR A THIEF A BQARDING KOUSE THAT EFFECTED COMPLICATION A REFORM. I 4 MHS. ROCKWOOD, Director of th(e Vocal: Departmenit, will give FREE TALKS ON VOICE WORK as conducive .to health, culture and pleasure, every day bhla mveek, December 10-15, ifnorn 4 to 6. Each 'talk will test ihalf an hour surd only six persons will he re ceived in ea-oh ciasa. The tiexual iiurnlber wlho can aittend during: the week de .therefore 144. Time slhoulkJ toe engaged art once by ap plying at -the office between the hours of 10 ito 1, or i to 5. Amy per eon interested &b the voice, either prajoticail'ly or theoretically, la invited' to evmga.ge a plajce in one of these free classes. The First Veiled Prophet. The first "veiled prophet" was Hakim Ben Allah, called Mokanna the Veiled. He was the founder of an Arabic sect in the eighth century during the reign of Mahadi at Khorassan. He commenced his career as a common soldier, but soon rose to be the commander of a band of his own. An arrow pierced one or nis eyes, and to hide this deformity he wore a veiL When he was conquered by the sultan Mahadi, he poisoned his soldiers and then threw himself into a vessel con taining a burning acid, which completely his object ttemg to The Startling Incident In the L.lfe of h Yonns Tippler That Sobered. Him For Life A Wrecked Mirror and a ! Conniderate Landlady. "If I should ever appear on the plat form ars a temperance lecturer," said the man with tie red mustache, "I could nroorh mv most effective sermon on a text derived from my own experience. You wouldn t think to look at me now that I had ever been a tippler, but I have been, and it was the incident that turned my appetite away from the seductive bowl tbjrt I should work up as the strong oolnt of my lecture. "I was quite a young fellow then, and I was living in a boarding house in Twentv-third street. This house was a lanre one, and four of the boarders in it T have special cause for remembering. These four were a man named Donley, who occupied a room ou the fourth fkvor; a Miss Chapman and her maid, Elise, who had a suit on the third floor, and a cnunsr dentist named Maverick, who had rooms directly beneath Miss Chapman's. Although she - lived in the house six months, the only thine any of us knew about Miss Chapman was that she had macniheent diamonds. "One night m those days 1 got m awui 9 a m.. more befuddled than usual. I stood on the stops awhile fumbling with ho .lw kev. and while thus engaged a mon hurried un the steDS and addressed mo "'Hfllo!' he said. 'How fortunate 1 nri mmtihrnlv flsp comins in at IU i . 11 v . w ... ... , , j , - this time, and somebody with a key too out without mine.' "Stupefied as I was, I didn't notice the man's appearance. Understanding him thirx? nhnnt his kev. I unques- tioningly took him for a boarder, and when the door finally yielded to my pa tient endeavors I made no protest against his entering the house. He pushed in close behind me and went directly up the stairs. As for me, the effort of un locking the door had been too much for me, and I sat down on a chair in the hall to regain my equilibrium. In the few minutes I rested there I must have dozed, for the next thing of which I was conscious was a succession of blood i,T-HTicr fpmininp creams from some where in the upper regions. Then I realized that something terrible was tak ing nlnfP. but lacking both wit and strength to mount the stairs and offer assistance I left the chair in the hall and stenDed into the parlor. I had been standing there only a few seconds when a mans ngure sioie soiuy uunu stairway and out at the front door. I understood in a dull way that I ought to try to stop the man, but my limbs ana Health and Beauty For generation womca have been tiaght that beauty is only skin deep but, like many proverbs, that will not stand. Beauty is blood deep. There can be no beauty without health. Our grandmothers lived closer to nature than we do, and they were so sheltered by their home life that health and beauty were theirs naturally. Skin foods, freckle lotions and face bleaches were unknown commodities. But there ha been a great change in the life of women ince then. With broader education and larger opportunities, she has developed mentally at the expense of her health. Nora the quiet duties of home she ha gone forth until now we find her In many avocations of life, which prove too great a tax on her vitality. How sad it is to see the cheek robbed of its color and the eye of it Rre. These symptoms nearly always shew de rangements in the delicate feminine organ ism. They don't call for bleaches or paint or powders, but for a remedy that will make the afflicted organ strong and well. Wine of Cardul is just such a remedy. Women broken In health and spirit have been made rt-lhv and hiDDV bv this Wine. No should give up to the "blue- until this reliable remedy ha been tried. A baa proven a blessing to other women and will not disappoint you. it brings that buoyancy of spirit, elasticity of step and lightness of heart which is the mm ttone of beauty. A healthy woman t always beautiful. Wftfitvillft. February 4. 1899. v m i v. t . mnm wnMi hn nnlu of the Ladies' sreateet friend. Wine of C&rdiil. I is the moat wonderful remedy that I ever tried. I have been s antterer for years, at timegbeing confined to mybed two or three days ea month. friend recommended Wine of Caxdui, and since I have taken it I have been IrVeTtlyUeVeSr I totend to continue toTtake It, for I ow It Is m reoommjmded. I will use every effort to get others to use it. jhjb. . For advice to caies rarairlng special idlrectfoB-, eB?jT BT Tne Ladlee Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Company, Chattanooga. Tenn. Ball&Sheppard, 16 Court Square. . myono wtohdngr to pout steam heal It their builddikg coufd do no better thorn Harris burg Boiler. But you must have experienced "work ir iTin itih work, eund re are con- EAIAXA w w - f Tent that we can lease you. BALL & SHEPPARD. TELEPHONE 88 3iscard mU your preconoelvd Ideao o. what senuime bargiaina la cMna end sdase are until you have trtecl some of these. That ia wtuut w dM when eeieoted each number rom a large var iety of its ktad. The very best for the very lowean price was out aim, and how well we mcoeeded tt will be our pleasure to con vince you rvbea wo fill your orders). Tour opinion of our business, our methods and our price 1b every Un t THE SCHOOL, NOW OOUCPIES A SUITE OP ROOMS WTOLMY BiUI"LT)ING. OFFICE, ROOM NO. 15. (Over Wingood's Drug Stare.) Office hours, IN 10-4; 4-5. Phone 620. destrovotl his body. persuade the people that he had ascended I tongue were paralyzed to heaven. I The Candy Kitch len is headquarters I for hia;h grade can 1 dies, made fresh ev- iervdav. Also fruits C?rSIandnutJoftheyeryI Kjtche I I v rii ir i y . For The Candy was best yariety, CfieanlinesS) Promptness, Politeness. 28Ptton Ave Telphonc 110 At an Election Dinner. The following, taken from The Annual Register for 1761, is an exact account of the articles consumed at dinner only by the voters of a small borough on the day of electing their members, independent of veal, mutton, poultry, etc.. and a prepara tory breakfast, which last alone cost 750: "Consumption at dinner, 080 stone of beef. 315 doznn of wine. 72 pipes of ale, 363 gallons of spirits converted into TMinh " ThP plectors had annetites in those days. Westminster Gazette. Bad Place For a Squabble. "Count Zeppelin doesn't take his wift along when he goes on his balloon voy ages." "Why not ?" "He's afraid they might fall out." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Furs! Furs! FursI i CASE OF GRIPPE. oooo PORTER: "Where shall 1 take your grippe?" TOURIST: "Take it to the Quisisana Nature Cure Sanitarium, 167 French Broad Ave nue. 1 Kanara. India, claims a larger falls than Niagara's, a clear drop of 830 feet. Japan has had a since the year 1182. Hebrew synagogue This may be a progressive age, but it is said that they still drink coffee from saucers dn St. Louis. Life and coat buttons often hang by slender threads. Beauty unadorned may be all right In some cases, but a little dressing al ways improves the turkey. THE NEW SOUTHERN HOTEL, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Having qualified as administrators of r mnan a . tvaI. deceased, late of Bun combe countr C., this is to notify all persona having claims aguinat the estate of said deceased to exhlb-t them to the undersigned on or (before No vember 1, 1901, or thia notice will be plead in bar ot their recovery. All 3er ona indebted to said estato will please make immediate ipayment. This Nov. x. .t T. W. PATTOl. WALTER DEALv 6 wk3 Administrator- "In the meantime other inmates of the heuse were out. Donley, on the fourth floor, happened to have in his trunk an old armv revolver of 48 caliber and a foot and a half long. Donley was a light sleeper, and with the first scream he was out of bed and ransacking his trunk for the revolver. He finally found it and started down stairs. The screams issued from Miss Chapman's apartment, and he headed for the door of her sitting room.. That entrance was closed, but the bedroom door stood ajar, ana ne rushed in. Miss Chapman was stretch ed out on the floor in a faint, while her maid was huddled in a corner shrieking like a mad woman. The carpet was strewn with diamonds which Donley trod upon in his frantic search for the rtlstivrher of his peace. Being unable to gain either from Miss Chapman or her maid an explanation of what had oc curred, he hurried down stairs. On the second landing he met Maverick. The dentist was as pale as a ghost, and he clutched Donley's shooting arm and held it tight. He said nothing, but with a kinrl of nantomime that would have been funny if it had not been so serious he the whv n few steos down toward the first floor, then stopped and pointed through the open doorway into the par lor. Just outside the front windows was a street lamp whose light filtered through the lace curtains. In one of the beams of light I stood, motionless with liquor and terror. For an instant Donley and Mav erick gazed upon me. " 'Trapped,' said Maverick. Then he released Donley's arm. and Donley raised the army revolver. He was about to fire when he remembered that as a man and a Christian he ought to give even a bur glar a chance for his life, and he leaned . i i i j A rx-l-Afl YV"hr nrp ! Now is the time to have your Fur Garment, Over coats, etc., Redyed, Remodeled, Relined, etc. Carl ScbultZe 55 South Main Street, 'Phone 206 THE . X. Grocery Store. L. 2 Patton Ave. 'Phone 107 SCHOOLS, Colleges, Institutes, Attention! Colleges, you looking Institutes, Attention. Are after the heaitn oj. Wh are nlaced in your charge, wna. kind of Baking Powder are you using? RTJMFORD IS HEALTHFUL, IS ECONOMICAL IS THE VERT BEbT .... . -l . J ,Uad u-lfrri :-oomodtl m quests O tea. Daily Evening defcaattra to I-d erf by. g LtoSkeJ ith celfei Table, large Ital R. u- Parlor, JTri t . e best supplies. Nw Pool f" hoW-150 indie lbett roadb enveSk tnees or pleasure Jtop at t:.e NEW SOUTHERN HOTEL. F. A. Lincoln, Mgr. Formsrty of the Swannanoa- Hotl, Ariheville, N. C. .: m VF Tliotisaiids Hare Kidney Trouble and Dot Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your .an'iot it stand twentv-four hours; a Tfaiw w- . sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys: if it stains your linen it is evidence oi Kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. "What to To. There is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- over the balustrade and asked, 'Who are you?' "I heard his words distinctly and real ized that he was speaking to me, but for the life of me I couldn't reply. Presently he.said again, 'Who are you?' I really tried to speak then, but no sound escaped m T7 1lT " 'I'll give you one more chance, said Donley. 'If you don't answer me this time, I'll blow you into the middle of kingdom come as quick as winK. w no are you KEEP DOWN THE COST. Wo necessity of running up extr&va gan coal bite if you ouy 01 vu tJoal CJompany. There you get gooa. honv t, well screened coai of run weagwt and at reasonable ptrtoes. we are plUanthiroplsts we are tn Druainesa w make a hvlng but it is to our Interest to treat you fairly and well, for in thett Mes our whole proapeat of getting and retaining your patroaage. Citizen's Coal Company. REDUCED RATES. Special round trip rates offered by the Southern Railway for the following l round trip rates AUOUUlll., f- - nrintr hA Christmas holidays. Tick ets will be on sale to all points on the Southern railway line and from an cou pon stations to all points within the territory east of the Mississippi river and south of the Ohio andPotomac riv ers. Tickets on sale December 22, 23. 9i 25 and also on December SO and Si, and January 1, 1901, with final limit to J. 0. Randall, Leading Dealer in Vegetables, Fruits and Coun try Produce- staiia 21 (and 24, Opposite Hill & Co. City Market, Phone 341. Ill vv 31f r 1 a i,vvirfni winter climate and pleas ant - Root, the fjyjy ttlllUSi uti6m.r. , , j trigriSn I wish in curing rnc""" 5 " a UU UllVlUg, " nnnti TTTTNTING, GOOD GOLF LINKS. THE SAPPHIRE INN AND CQTT auh a rtwn thf vear round For Booklets and Rates, Address . x! ?r SR?Cc ur.TF.7 S. SaoDhire, N. C. IvlAiN A jCrv Ui nv. - r Booklets and information ICTn had at the City Ticket Office n O. Avenue, Opposite Post Office, Asheville, JS.k,. also be Patton s. liver, bladder and every part rinarv Dassacre. It corrects inaDimy to hold water and scalding pain in pacing It, or bad effects following use of -rfquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won-, derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you snouia nave w best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mall, address Dr. Kilmer & Home of swamp-Root. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing . tioa reading this generous offer in this paper. "What I suffered in those few moments no mortal can tell. I understood that my time had come if I didn't tell my name, but I was so thoroughly drunk that the enunciation of even one syllable was an utter impossibility. My legs were more pliable than my tongue, however, and as Donley fired they gave way beneath me, and I sank to the floor just in time to escape the budget of ammuaKion stored fk vorwanlona revolver. I heard the bullet crash into the big mirror behind me, and then I fonnd my voice. " Dont shoot again!' I cried. 'It is I Donald Webster I' "I was" sick for two weeks after that. When I recovered, they threatened to arrest me as an accomplice of the mys terious burglar, but as Misa Chapman and Elise and the diamonds bad disap peared there was nobody to push the suit except the landlady, and she consider ately agreed to let me off if I would pay for the mirror which Donley had shot s cmithArofvna. I eladly paid, with the determination never to pay for another Hkn HrCTimstances. And that res olution I have religiously adhered to, for I had enough of a jamboree tnai mgui w last a lifetime." New xorK oun. Dealings Foreign Account Continue in Laree Volume. SZ desiring to employ.. BRICBXAYEBS, MASONS, OR PLASTEK. "W K.S hiivl Tsrular first the round trip. For teachers and stu dents of schools and colleges upon pre sentation of certificates signed by the artTvts. euoerintendamts or princl- o,1a ivpi -win be sold on December i5th to 21st inclusive, with Anal limit can secure competent hands itin return January , Aaui. 1 ... . . Account, Annual convention souxnern uy cuniuiuiucaiiilg Willi TWi. 27 ana z iw. 1" ' . . 1 . sale Dec. 26 and 27, wixn nnai wuuv tot, s 1901. inclusive, at rate of one 2 1 Z.na SS 103 Patton Ave. Phone 526 imb rriHi 11 pt 1 0111 l 4. from Asheville $14.00. Anrt -Ran-American mencai ' aim J OA Havana, Cuba, i-ec. 1 . OI lt iom Tickets on saie - limit .Tan . 10. 1901. Kate 01 onr fir-st las fare for tb mnmn iria unci reiura. xwuirv fT-mm Asheville will De oi.ov. . , , . . Aunt. Annual meeting worta v.r r.r.TATVrw I ; . SO.. XJ . vuun.ii, KS11U . r,.T.iv,t N. C. Dec. 19 ana n isrw. Round trip rate from Asheville 7.W, coHhiiT-ir- J6.85 Via Statesvine, iM uaaww.tf r $6.50 via Spartanburg. Hia Experience. Mix I don't like the cold formality ot enmp fashionable women. They ought to rmth in their manners. T.ifxVt4L' von marry one of them, and you'll find eut she can make it hot enough for you. Detroit r ree rress. Th Mualoal Prodlary. hnnd the 8-vear-old Gr- IiaiQ J'm " ' - "Oh, yes. Twelve years ago, in Ber lin." Musicians' Herald. W.P. WESTERN MASSEUR. WAHBON & REAGAN. KBAli xzr WATB OFFICE. OOUCT OVJuaiuu. Phoaa 223. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of WORLDS CSAMPIO:'. "I tried many resmeoJe to cure piles, writes W. R. StmdtJn, ot uatoam, i"., "But foumd no relief until I used BUiok len'a Annlca Salve. I bave not been troubled .wtb pile aiuoe." ittaeoniy chairopioxk pile cure on earta ana we beat salve in the world . 25 eenta pear box, guaranteed by all druggfcs. Wben von need a soothing and heal ing antiseptic application for any pur pose, use the original DeWitf Witch Haxel Salve, & well known cure for pales , end kin diseases. It heals orea -with out leaving a scar. Beware or coun terfeits. Dr. T. Smltn. .1 : 1 Hi si i 1 V -'71. 4 1 I! IP 4 X! "I f I - A ... 7 1 . J '4 i i 1 it 1 ! 1 r Y-s . Mf-l iJI t , , ' ; : . . t-'K Z-ri i" 1 . .,' - ' ' -; " - :- 7-;. .. .,-1 1 -

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