A8HEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY JIOBNING, DECEMBER 16, 1900. PRICE 5 CENTS VOL, IV: NO. 267 - 4 i i t i i t - . I Ti OESTREICHER&GO KITCHENER REPORTS - CASUALTIES Gall attention to a few items for Holiday gifts and all are useful. Rath Kobes 34.oo to $i5-- Dressing Sacques. Fur Collarettes. Muffs and Boas. Neckwear. Handkerchiefs, all varieties. Aprons, Umbrellas for Lad ies and Gentlemen. And one ot our Novelty Dress Pat terns makes a very handsome present, up to $4.00 the yard. 573 of Gen. Clement's Force Was Captured bv the Boers. FRENCH SCHEME IN SOUTH AMERICA A REMARKABLE ENGLAND'S MINISTER BICYCLE RACE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN Plan to Establish a Protector s' Ovpt a Lartre Tract of Brazilian Territory. These Comprised the Four Companies of the North umberland Fusileers. DE' WET'S COMMAND LOST HEAVILY in m OESTREICHER&nO 51 Patton Ave. Store open evenings this week Valuable Building Lot At a Sacrifice. We are offering a v ry dleakr able residence lot at xiddralbty less Cham 5ts value So. o tea to make a quick, eaie. Itt to lo caten on -Ixfle' street, near ter minals of Chastnut street, size 94x422. WILKIS & LaBARBE, Real Estate Brokers, Phone 661. 23 Patton Awu. OBJECT OP REVIVAL OF BOER CAMPAIGN' TO STRENGTHEN KRUGER'S HAND EDITORS DE- LANDING BULLER'S HEAD. jamioi, Dec. 15. Lord Kitchener re ports that 18 officers and five hundred and fifty-five imn are mriswing from Gen. Clernments' force. They consist of four companies of tie Northumber- land fusilier. Clements' casualties December 13, amount to five officers and nine men killed and many apparently wounded (Following is Lord Kitchener s me sua one itirt thp war office: "Pretoria, Dec. 14 Clements brought out his force to command Nek unopos ed. The casualties were, I regret, to say; killed, five officers and nine of oth er ranks; missing, 18 officers and five hundred and fifty-five of other ranks, These latter were four companies of Northumberland fusilier who iwer stationed on the hill and some yoemen ry and other details sent up to support them. The names and nature of 1he wound e-d are oemg Leie-gi-p-c- xiWi Cape Town. ; "Broad wood's ibrigade tooK no part m ta engagement The Boers suffered severely. Knox drove DeWet north to k Taihanohu-Ladybrand line which .was heQd by our troops. DeWet's iforce. about 5,000 strong, imaxte several x-tem-pts to get through during the day, assisted by a force of Bofers operating from the north. These were driven back, though- some of the (Boers south were able to get through th line;. Wiring later, Lord Kitchener reports that while passing the Wnes 5n the neighborbod of Thanbanchu, DeWet'a -ftY-r lost considerably. The South Af- irlcan light horse and Thorneycroft'a mounted infantry capture- a nixeen pounder, taken at Dewetsdorp, . a pom pom, several wagons with ammunition, twenty-two prisoners and some 'horses and mules. A portion of the enemy hs not been able to pass north. - The newspapers see the prearrange mewt in the recrudence of Boer tlvity everywhere, the object being to strengthen Mr! Kruger's hand, while the fact that the fresh disaster comes w Tiniversarv of the battle of Co- lens, furnishes the editors with an ex cuse to demand the head of- Lren. St. James Gazette declares that is has reason to credit the Natlon- oi t?m-1pw'5 recent statement that Bui ,oo- (hi- first failure to drive tne - - rno-ro frmm1 the 'lTlgeia, couiiiwncu rr, wiio tin surrender Ladysmith The St. James Gazette holds Buller alone, to blame for the disasters of the rrs - v1 nQ rrri.rn. 'When comparable blunders occurred in the navy a courtmlartial meted out rrorr55 ARBITRJATION'S BOARD'S TvTT!inTS5TTJi INTERFERED WITH JU,rWip. ptjant BTTT IT HAS NOT BEEN ABANDONED. London. Dec. 15. There is 'an in teres ting scheme on foot to esteblisih a iKovernment over a region of a hun 7rr t.nou'sajnd sauare miles in the heart of South America, to be christen edBAffnazonla, and to be placed under French protection. The matter is really serious, and as it involves the Monroe doctrine, deserves the attention of th Wflftiiniertion authorities. It seems court in the Franco-Jraziiian boundary ,rH,siTYiiti. ihaa ffl.iiBPl considerable di- oQtiaf.Q.r"tiinn. in PiAiTis where a Doweriui igrrouiD of financiers have bPen badly bit T.ir .vm viP, sTent miliioPH of Xran s in opening up an auriferous country in the heart of the dispute 1 region, ana oav constructed seventy miles of railrcaa tr ithp smoiith: of thi river e,ar3erene. All this and much more is now given to Brazil, but so sure were the rentctnm&ii that the arbitration would result in itheflr favor that ths arranged to run the country on the lines 01 tne -British chartered companies. They decided to iname the country Amazonia, anl an early issue of soecial postage s'taniE8 had already been printed. 'Certain fi nanciers are now engaged in indue iog the gevermment to arrange with Brazil for at least a hundred thousand square miles of the lately contested territory, including, of course, the gold producing regions. Two of the Madison Square No Important Changes De- Garden Teams Rode 2629 mandedin Preliminary Note Miles in Six Days. in Chinese Negotiations. A SLASHING FINISH AT 10 O'CLOCK j LAST NIGHT A KILLING PACE SETT BY THE WINNING TEAM FROM; THE START. New York. Dec. 15. Elkes and Mc- Farland first. Pierce and McEachern second, Gougoltz and Slmar third wai the result of the six day bicycle race finished at Madison Square Garden to night. It was a slashing finish to a re markable race. Gougoltz, Mcariana and Pierce were the three to cross the tape. Gougoltz was half a lengtn ahead of McFarland and the latter an open length ahead of Pierce. The fact that Gougoltz and Simar had been a lap behind since Monday put this team in the third place. Although the men were 104 miles, 7 laps, behind the record it had been a killing pace rrom tne start. The winners were sprinters who set out to kill off pluggers and did so The last mile was covered by oountz in two-minute, 15 seconds. Kazer and Ryser were sure of fourth anone" and quit the race at 8 o'clock. The final score was: Elkes and McFarland, 2628 miles 7 laps. Pierce and McEacrchern, 2628 7 laps. Gougoltz and Simar, 2628 6 laps. Kazer and Ryser, 2586 4 laps. Fischer and Frederick 2532 . Waller and Stinson 2308 1 lap. Baboock and Aaronson 1499 7 laps. LOCAL MAGISTRATES WHO FAIL ENGLAND AND ' NEWTREATY Only One of the Proposals Made at Washington Ex cites Resentment. TO PROTECT FOREIGNERS TO BE cAsmma-yri Taken That Only REQ UREECNTS . SiDecial despatch to Laffan Bureau Pekin, Dev. 14. It is understood that iintnitions f rom the British fareie of fice, the lack of which has delayed the Dresentation of the areliminary not to the Chinese plenipotentiaries bajve been received! by Sir Ernest Satow and that no important chajnges are demanded. It is therefore believed that a meeting or the (ministers will be called within a few .avs. when the note will 'be sisned Meantime ministers are preparing rules ihrt ewvien n ithe tneieotiations. One sec tion of the preliminary note considered mirtsrt- iimnortant was (DTODOsed by Oon- e-er and provide that whenever a local magistrate fails to protect foreigners to the extent of his power he shall oe ra;shii ptpAi a,no never 'ai-ain nermitted to 'hold office. Another important section proposed by Satow provides for a re- ivti,siin.n mf all icotmmercuu treaties Be tween China and! the .powers and reform of the present form of government. Am ct.hr .swtiioni. which Clangor proposed. rvrrvTiiiihiits examinations for degrees of .mmalter and ibachelor of arts for five veairs in every province where foreign era were killed. As '.passing the exam inations is requisite to holding office this is the severest mmishiment that could be inflicted on all classes of Chi namen . Prince Tuan is under arraeL at Nigh sia on 'the border of Kanso province whither be fled before the edict for his punishment s issued. Yu Hsian is under arrest at Weinanhsien. War or Mutual Consent Can Abrogate Old Treaty. INCLINATION TO GRANT AMERICAN DEMANDS justice. Why, therefore, should not the same rule hold good in the army ; The public, apparently, is little af fected by ithe fresh troubles. Soldiers are still eager to go to South Africa, the news from the Magaliesburg- having resulted in offers from volunteer reg to oroceed to the front. In contrast withthe apparent Insuf ficiency of troops to TH'SLster the situa tion in South Africa comes a revelation e ,o. miiitarv resources at home still at the disposition of the government in today's announcement that o,uiro troops will be from Aldershot to Lon don to participate in Lord Robert' trt umpha.1 entry,' January $ v FUSILIERS RAN OUT OF AMMUNI TION. Kitchener cables to the war office from Pretoria under today's date say ing: Clements came to see me today. BRYAN WILL START A NEWSPAPER P0PE 8AYs WE SHOULD u d wum win HOLD PHILIPPINES 11 VV 111 Ut d. tt wrvij iK 1 1 v Defend the Kansas City Platform. THE EX-CANDIDAE WILD BE PUB LISHER AND EDITOR WILL AL SO LECTURE AT ODD MOMENTS. TAncoln. Neb.. Dec. 15. William J. Bryan gave out the following interview I today; "I have for several years haa in con templation the establishment .a weekly newspaper, and this seems an opportune time for undertaking it. x I intend to devote my fe to stuay ana Would Imperil Christianity ana Civilization to Give Them Up. vtnrm w . 15. Ttalv announces that the Pope after a cante-i. v T ; Archlbdshop of Manila has declared bis conviction that United States should retain their .hold over the Philippines. His holiness considered tittat it tow (gravely imperil Christianity and civil ization if the United States should) abandon, the govermment of the Islands. It the United States snouio wam-raw, tiKi ihHt, ssuidi it would be the duty of the Roman Catholic church to take what imeasures might be possiPie xo influence a oession of 'the Philippines to Some other Christian power. ji,,,c-5rr me mm hi If. miesitions. I have He ay four companies of ' the North- - lt st ROMPERS REELECTED umberian- rusinexs nem uui a-s uu6 , wi,T,win -n.--.-ti mm their ammunition lasted. The Boer acompnsn - r PRtSIOcN I tUtKR I iun force that attacked the Ml held by the economic Northumberland was 2000 strong, whl e .VXvlems. The oaper will another force of 1,000 attacked his ,f 1llf ul. vide By 6:30 in the morning the hill :'Inp ' roeCuniary e. o- ttih -wm-k win allow m i CfliTlTD had :been caried and reinforoements failed to reach the top. Clements' re tirement was caried out with regulari ty. A messenger under a flag of truce has (arrived at Commando Nek from the Boers. He reports Joubert's son killed In the fight with Clement and their losses were heavy. Ow new fail stock of Furniture. Stoves and Furnishing Goods generally, is by far the best we have ever been abfte to offer to the trade. A dose ex aii nation as to quality and prices is solicited . MRS. L. A. JOHNSON, Phone 166. Patton Ave. EAT WELL. mho ,fifljmoii Eat -Well Gelatine and Bat-Well Salad Dressing will he served ifree ait OestTeicher, Dry Goods Store Ri Pta Wyin avenue. Monday and Tues- lianr Twnheir 17 fend 18. All goods bearing Eat -Well brand are guaranteed pure food of highest grade. Souvenirs to the ladles. TirtnWiiiift. Dec. 15. The tweniilet- o-omimv rf the American Fed i.t T .oiK nA IrvlTT I P-A: tOnn Zult. 9J-- T-piriTiit TvmTieTs ano LCI 1 c-x- . ton. Penna.. as the next n-. .r Mtin?. The other orncers more time with my family than I have I were re-elected; except a few changes la ,kt, ohie to enlov for several years tne nst ox vkt ENGLISHMEN TOO BUSY WITH WITH THEIR OWN AFFAIRS TO OCCUPY THEIR MINDS SERIOUS LY WITH QUESTIONS INVOLVED IN NICARAUGA MATTER. London, Dec. 15. It cannot be said even now that British public interests In the fate of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty or as regards the Washington situation in any way, is threatening to the good relations between the two countries. Englishmen have quite enough to occupy their minds in the latest disasters in South Africa and ninety nine per cent would remain 3n- difffrnt if tiTiA TTniffvl ,S r t OiS o n run i n r-arV Its intention to annex all Central Amer- i ica and construct the canal with forts a mile anart. It is Quite true, however. that popular indifference will disappear it tne America or any other govern ment attempts to set up the principal that either party can abrogate a treaty without the consent of the other. The English position and that of all Euro pean governments is that only war or mutual 'consent can cancel a treaty. Otherwise all international conventions speedily become valueless. None of the other proposals made at Washington excite any resentmpnt herf . The English :e"i"- -":rv.r.c to be lieve tnat the motive hhinrl th m- ponents of the new treaty is hostility to T71 1 3 i . . mugiiviiu ihi wouia not ODjeot if Sal isbury granted the extreme American aemanas. How far Salisbury is Willi nr f rr lt C3 O not known, but lt is VveHevfwl that h 4 ' ' -- ready to make snbstanitlal concessions. mere are some signs of glee on the continent at what are regarded as in dications of a falling out between Eng- land and the United States. Oonitinen-' tal opinion upon the merits of the ques- xion is on tne side ox Great Britain, but there is also apparently a genuine desire to see England worsted. . 'I expect to lecture occasionally, I nioiiTr in. rHp-(i towns, where I can speak to students, but my principal work will be done witn tne pen, or nerhans I should say with the pencil. "The naner will be called rne vjom- morier. and will deteraa tne prraapss set Ifortlk in the Kansas City pdatform. I shall be publisher and editor ana i Lincoln will be the place of publica tion." CHRISTMAS PRESENTS IN GREAT VARraTY. PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMES, KODAKS AJM1 tiUffUi--FANCY AND COMMERCTAiL STA TIONERY. THE FRENCH BROAD PRESS, A. H. McQUILKIN. PROPRI ETOR, 32-34 PATTON AVENUE. as S2 ; I S IS i n in n inn i H I a HHUHHimHtHI WTT.L SELL AT MY STORE SOME wwv TifiR SKIN RUGS. HEAD MOTTNTED. ALSO SOME OTHERS, AS WILD CAT, ETC. irt-tWeli Gelatine and ,x,-- viii v - - " 1 I Etet-Well Salad Dresam'g will be served lifree-a Oestreicher"- JJry jO0OJs store, '51 Pattomi avenue, tMonoJay ana -lues.- dav. December 17 ana is. ah gooua bearing Eat-Well brand are gu'aranited pure food of nigiiest graae. Souvenirs to ladies. DON'T HURRY TO WEET CHRISTM for tt wA overtake you . Buy your flme StSlk Suependers, Silk Ilkerchaefe. Fine Neckwear, Gloves and Fiaaacy Hos iery, at Gl-ere. TTnd-erwear in cotton, wool and silk from 60o to ;i5.00 per suit, at Giasera. Frame, Leather Goods Waterman's Fountain peas. Childrens' Book and Game. Metal .Match Safes, Smokers' Sets. Music Rolls Purse. Hindoo Gods. Jardinieres. Books, Books, Books X-mas Num bers of Graphic, Illustrated Londoa News, Figaro, 'tc. BAINBRIDGE'S . REMOVAL NOTICE. Baker & Co. have moved from 45 Patton avenue to Dr. J H. Drake's of fice in the Barnard building over Car- michael's drug store. They will be glad to have their friends call. Are you cartiajl to vanilla flavor? If vwii ota von wnit Blue Riibbom vainillai, made from the choicest Mexican beans, so as to retain all their delidousnees. Yea, most economical too, but it's their delicious flavor that makes Blue Ribbon lemon and vaaill extracts the favorite. X "We 33Ca-Tra "St, It Is tlxe Best il t i HoitieS Jt The most i 8 1 11 1 0 t (Mb are ma(e more 80 complete liae 1 V by the addition of , i l 1 fl rSTfji f ? r i! ever shown J : 1 I ! r til i fancy I s ILJT1 a I - 1 inAsheville 11 lie I Andirons, 1 !e 111 1 t J i ev ready for t j 1 IlLft Fenders, y0ur j 1 '-JI L 1 A j MHBa mmmmt'mmmTTKmm!rmmmmm7m, . ' 09 S I ASHEVIILE HARDWARE tjcys. U DRU8 STORE UEVJ i We have opemed an elgat line tti perfumes for holiday gtTfcog. Goods are the beet are daintiiy boxed, and reaeomabOy prtoed GRANTS NO. 24 CURBS COLD. Freeh violet and fcBotroggie Sachet Powders. Palmer'H and Colgate's. BRANT'S NO. 24 CURBS COLD. S 11 J-llliUcJ JIWJ" -- n ii- nni rriiirrTf--tTri ChamoSe Mns, best o.ualty, .5 to 10 oenrts, according to The anoat papular violet waters. Roster & Gaiters, koObe and GRANT'S PHARiAGY. PHONE 10. lAjgeocy Cor "WoodJ6 eea. See Our First Night Display Monday Evening, Dec 17. Watches I Watches ! w atches ! Watches Watches! Our Store Will Be Open Every Night Next Week, . ARTHUR M. FIELD COMPANY, Leading Jewelers GhurchtStreet and Patt6n Avenue Asheville, IT. C. u n . .. ' ' "

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