i - - -Y " 5-1 v! - w - - Af, 4. : - 1 4 at til "iktrv nPT' ASHEYILl N. TUESDAY H0KN1NG, DECEMBEE 25, 1900. PBICE 5 CENTS l - Y MMf f 1 -. ... 1 -J L OESTREIGHER&Cd Gall attention to a few items for Holiday gifts and all are useful. Bath Robes $4.00 to $15.00. Dressing Sacques. Fur Collarettes. Muffs and Boas. Neckwear. Handkerchiefs, in all varieties. Api rons, Umbrellas for Lad ies and Gentlemen. And one of Novelty Dress terns makes a our Pat- very handsome present, up to $4ioo the yard. Q1STREICHER &RD 51 Patton Aye. Store open evenings this week Valuable Building Lot At a Sacrifice. We are offering a v ry desir able residence lot at considerably less thain. its value to, o er to make a quick saie. It Is lo cfculen on ine street, near ter minus of Chastnut street, size 94x422. .; 9 WILKIE & LaBARBE, Real Estate Brokers, Phone 661. 23 Patton Avenue. SCHOOLS, Colleges, Institutes) Attention I Colleges, Institutes, Attention. Are you looking after the health of those who are placed in your charge. Wtoa: kind of Baking Powder are you using? RUMFOfRD IS HEALTtePUL, IS economical! IS THE VERT BEST. m hi : i -- - - ' : f) z 1 ' ( If we have it, it. is the besi 1: IJSb ',(1h - r season. -' ' y ? THE TRAIL Of KIDNAPPERS Evidence f hat Crowe is Guilty of the Abuction of Young Cudahy. Lantern Used For Signalliug and the Kidnapper's Horse ARRESTS EXPECTED AT AN EARLY HOUR BELIEVED THAT MOST OF THE GOL PAID IN RANSOM WAS BURIED CROWE'S CONFEDER ATE PROBABLY AN ORDINARY THIEF.. Omaha, Dec. 24. -If Pat Crowe da not guilty of abducting Cudahy's son he had better communicate with the Omaha splice before tomorrow night or an entormioiis re'ward (will be offered for htm dead or aliive. The boy's fath er had. announced this, ihasmiutoh as he is rapidly being convinced that Crowe is guilty. A iphotograplh of Crowe has been fully identified as one of the men who rented a house from) a man named Patrick a month ago and by others from whom he rented the house in iwhich young Cudahy iwas detained It seems the sheriff drove the thieves from the house they rented' from Pat rick because of their suisiplcdouisi ac tiohs, and they subsequently rented the house in which young Cudahy was de tained. The police say within the next few hours arrests will be made. The lantern by which the thieves sig nailed Cudahy to the (place appointed for turning over the ransom was found today and also the horse which the kidnappers used. The honse was found ativ Pacific Junction, just across the river from PHattsmouth, Neb. Every thing ipoimts to the fact that Crowe made his escape in that direction. It is believed that Crowe left on a train from Plottsmbuth. The police believe Crowe's confeder ate was an ordinary thief, and they ex pect to get him shortly. They also be lieve most of the gold has been buried. PROBABLE ABDUCTION GFAYOUNC WOMAN. Pueblo, Colo., Dec. 24. Maggie Hoel has been milling since 'about 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon and it is feared that she has been murdered. The girl, who was about 18 years of age, lived with her Sister, Mrs. Charles Beatity in a lonely .spot about three miles west of the city. On Sunday Mrs. Beauty left Mkgtge in charge of her little child at her home., Upon her return two hours later, her sister was gone and the baby was alone in the house . Indications about the premises led to the immediate suspicion that the girl had been taken from her home by force. There wias evidence of a struggle and in the yard were found the footprints of a man, evidently of large size and weight. The footprints led to the direction Of the Arkansas river and at some places along the trail appeared the printe of smaller shoes such as Maggie Hoel wore. At .other places the trail indicated that the girl was dragged or carried along by her captors.- Near the river bank, where the ground is harder, all traces were lost. A 'large number of men have been searching but the girl has not yet been found. Ait Mrs. Beattys home. Mag gie's hat and the wrap which she or dinarily wore out of doors were found undistrubed. In the immediate vicinity a1 3arge force of men have been working on reservoirs now under construction. ANOTHER BOY KIDNAPPED BUT WEATHER SAVED HIM Kalamazoo, Dec. ,24. 'Hobart Clay- berg, ia 17-year-old boy whose (father, John B. Olayberg, tts a iprominent cm- Our Moliday has been satisfactory, and want you to remember that we are as teady to serve you for aitQf your wants Jn oiir tihe as In th$ holiday -7rrA.:, . ...v j. , i . . - PH03E19. ' - v . . , OurStore is Open Every Night, b zen of Heteraa, Mont., iwlas' kidnapped im tihis cilty; last ndgltt toy two xneru The boy TVaa 'blindltoided and oompelled to "walk1 to MattewuA, a dltamae ol eleven omlles, it bedajme stormy &ha the , Jddnaippers reieaisedi young Oay berg at , Mattewian! after robbing hint of the small sum! of "money he ihad In his i (possession rnhe boy, telegrapihed here for toean and: nwas brought home during t3he nigihft. EARTHQUAKE III CUBA. . Santiago, Dec. 24.-JA) severe eartl qake lOck at noon today caused' ipante In ithe spoorer quarters, where ithe ipeople ifled fearing he (houses -would 1! fall om ithem. The walls or a fey buUsdings ciracked. WILL HOT CRAtIT REQUEST OF CEBMAH SUBJECTS i rroiocihiTTidtrtTi. Te3. 24. -Germany Ssa Mised ia ooiestion of the liability nf ttoS ToT break of the Spaofeh-' American !wwsv isuH. bedne radsed ibv fnin WWnmw-. G-erman subjects in Ouflaa ffor euoh q&ffiVwvB - amendments aigesi The govenwnenft will not iffj to ttiem. take td ay daime for foreign wxpjei growing out of .the insimeaaD. suoHay receIved: a, .M fmm sequent war in vw. ana -. -- php rrnFtHni Y nnriR POPE CLUotO HULT UUUII. fRome. Dec. 24. The pope today per- formed the ceremony of closing the holy doors of St. Peter's cathedral with .the forms usual to the great fuiactaons o& this kdndl. It was a mlagnificent spec--; taicle. There was a great igathteiring Of the princes of the church, Who painticd-i pabed in the clerernony which was wit nessed (by enormous crowds. INDIAN OUTBREAK FEARED. Sitka Alaska in a Condition of Sup- prSSed Excitemet n,d prohibition of the importation of Seattle. Wash.. Dec. 24.-dvicess OWna- indicates clearly that .at ,tAWn IS iTV a COIlir Hd-r. nf s.nrvnresseid excitemeiait. fearing oinit'break of inidians. The United States marines stationed there are un der srms and he marshal and deputdes aire taking every precaution to protect ftihe whites feu case of trouble. The as pect of affieuirs is very serious at Sitka, as the Indians ore by far th)e e'troiigest .nuimerieally. There are flfty-fitve ma rines, commanded toy 'Captain Pendle ton,, at sSitka. WORLD'S RECORD BROKEN. San Francisco, Dec. 24. -John Nelson-, f .-RsH-on.. defeated Harding Downing, of S&nJose, in a five .mile motorpaced race at the Velodrome in 8:01 2-5, break ing the World's record. CHRISTMAS EVE NOISES Horn Blowers'in Lively Measure For an Hour There was evidence on the streets last njtg,nlf esptecially on Patton avenue and c.v. .iu-ovTiha many people delayed w,Qn,. rihristmiais, -buying till the last .,.ilt;AA v - momeiEt. All stores selling enns-m ,q. 1,1.0,! -ran.fh CUS goods were open auu . Hhia; ihmndile carry itomers. anui n:uws tog .crowd, on the streets the tin horn Slyer? mingled and tooted, regardless S Town and on the public square and, Nonth Main street the firecrackers ad iNontn .yiK"" .arrTP'hiiig horns, ded their noise to the sc?reaeiniJto iiu rrhe hern blowers as the night ad vSfeined in squads and picked up and coin .the crowded street,s weir music. One of these squads numberea sixteen boys, marching an twv AJe wlere all colors and ages among the noise producers. Six negro girls going Kme together through Patta,. enae each JL-u v ,K,inriiift of nurchases, todtea On 'the streets Jutt converging from the pu Wic squ :, , T est ;ctorist- .mas evening ever Known TCrrm is for mm& folks., Buyjtlhe ba by a go cart -from' Mrs. L. A. J- A jnew ana iauuuoviii - - ceiveil. Stirring times miay be expected, now Ithat the plumb-pudding season is at liand. An ancient philosopher once saiu. -There are only 'two ,good men; one -of them is dead and Ithe other is not yet born." J g I - - 'Z Trade THE TREATY SENT TO ENGLAND No Protests Against Amend merits From Nicaragua or CosaRica. . IN SIONING NOTE TO CHINA CON- QER SXJBMiTTESD A WIKTrTEN EX PLANATlbiN OF OUR ATTITUDE. Washington, Dec. 24. Sealed dis patch bags which went from the state department and British embassy to day conrtalned copies of the Hay Pauncefote treaty as amended, ad dressed respectively to Ambassador Create and. the British foreign office. They go to England by Tuesday's steamer.- According to the Nioaraguan minister Ils governimen and that of Costa Rico wlH not make any protests to the state epartmenit against the Benate amend- ttKsnfcs or make any representationB on auibject vMhatever until negoitfationa to the srixbjecft have been reopened ;w!th em. There 4s no 'trutlh in the state- .ODrta Rica &hdf Nicaragua have .been made, and wqf warrant for statements " ffehat Ah is objectionable Washington, Dec. 24. Secretorr --fttttatater danger, at Pekin, annexing rtnat he has signed ' the agreement re- Prted by the foreigners, but did, so' tjj a written, explanatory statement settiner forth, th . pxnt TwvrfiOiTi vf iia government. The itet of th m. ment ds not forwarded' but It is under- stood to be based upon the last instruc tions he received fromi the department which, while disproving the inclusion 5n ithe agreement of some of the more severe language, accepted it as the 'best arrangement that could be made rat this (time. It is believed that the United States also while sanctioning tthe provisions of the agreement rela tive to the malmtalnimeht of permanent iliines of comhrmiViiS'rtflttlon Wtaiinr ettarrAs COXlWW'VU!UOi iWilH CVCUl WW Ci ecutive from making any pledge to take part iin the execution of ithese plans. The signature of the 'agreement by the ministers closes what is regarded here as the first, ithe most important and the most difficult phase of the ne gotiations as to China, for it is not doubted .that the- Chinese envoys will subscribe to the agreement, without amendment. Its conclusion has been marked by one of the most curious mistakes in the history of international exchange, for by a cipher error, the j majorities of the last signatories found to their amazement that they had con- itracted to do exactly what they did not intend, and moreover, the error was irretrievable. THE SLAYER OF MORRIS. Washington, Dec. 24. 'Samuel Mc Donald, the treasury clerk who shoe and! killed! FVaink H. M'orrds. auditor ,oif . :tne iw'ar department "Saturday and then attempted to suicide, was reported to be some better this morning. Last night he hiad a sinking spell and it was tnoug(hi,t at ltne os-pital that he could not survive umtil morning. BRYAN TO ANSWER CLEVELAND .Chicago, Dec. 24. The Chronicle says: "William J. Bryan will answer Cleve land's criticism of 'the democratic iparty at the annual banquet of the Bryeja league of Chicago on the anniversary of 'the battle of New Orleans, January 8. The affair will 'take place alt the Sher man house. 1 "It will be Bryan's first public spleech since his second defeat for the presi dieracy. DRU8 STORE mm "We have opened an elegaat line of perfumes for holiday giving. Goods axe the beat, are daintily boxed and reasonably priced GRANTS NO. 24 CURBS COLD. 'Fresh violet and heliotrope Sachet Powders. Palmer's and Colgate's. - GRANT'S NO. 24 CURBS COLD. - Chamois skins, best quality, 5 to 10 cents, according to size. The roost popular violet waters. Roger & GaUet, Colgate's and UzzeU'e, .25c itx J1.00. GRAFT'S pnnhtiflGY. WORK OF TRAIH WRECKERS. Passenger Train Tarovn From the Track Near Komc, Georgia. Rome, Ga., "Dec. 24.-A passenger train on the Chattanooga, , Rome & Southern irattway'was .wrecked by an funknown miscreant at Miller's station early last evening. The train employes were Injured and the pasengers badly shaken . upi 'ibiit 'nobody was fatally hurt. The wreck occurred one and one half miles below Rome. The North bound passenger train' between Carol ton and Rvme due here at 4 o'clock, was running, at full speed through Mil ler's station when the train suddenly took the side track and crashed into a dozen box cars. The engine of one passenger train was almost totally de molished. The engineer and fireman saved their Hves by jumping, although the fireman received several Internal injuries. Several of the passengers were thrown from their seats and ,'brulsed. but nobody was fatally Injur ed. It was ascertained this mfornlng that the switch Sock had been broken and the switch piurposelyi turned;, The matter will be Investigated by the counftry authorities and the railroad people at once. DISCOVERING OF All ISLAND. London, Dee. 24. A dispatch from Berlin says that Capt. Saxtgaard, a Norwegian, has discovered and named after himself a hitherto unknown is land in. the Pacific ocean, tying in lat itude 24 north and longitude, 135, SO east, between the Philippines and. the Caroline groups. It is stated that an American gum boat has annexed the is land, which seems to be richly wooded and very fertile. DISASTROUS C ALES III EHGLAHD London', Dec. 24. The gales wie'n swept over England were very disas trous to fishermen iu the Shetland is lands. It is known that 25 were dlrownted and! many boats lost. BOERS WATCH RAILROAD BRIDGE RACES AT RIVERSIDE. Fine Program of Spnrt Jlor TMs Afternoon There will be plenty of sport irai the racing line at Riiiverside .park this af ternoon. The track has been put in excellent condition. . Therla will 'be mu sic by" Douthwaite's .orchestra. The (orosram will open .wdth'the 'lOhristmos Handicap, "for trotters' in inarness,morses which have won on this t,racK to go m high four-wheeled! vehicles, others m any kind of vehicle. The prize is a piece of silver valued at $25. The iu&e will be run in half mil4Jhea;tSi, ibest 3 in 5. The entries aire: pet, t. u. Lady iMargaret, Pattci & Stikeleather; Lady Jane, A. P. Parker Annie D., C. Millard; Queen Victoria, J,. H. Dunlap. The second race will be if or named ponies; that is for the ponies named. This race will be run, iim three-eighth3 mMe heats, best 3 in 5. The prize is sill ver valued at $20. The entries are: Lex, E. E. Curtis; Jack, Mr. Fitzger ald; Indian Jim, DP. A. IMears, The principal event oih. the crd will come next, this being the "Battery Park Hotel stake," runnliaig, this priz-3, which is a cash purse of $40, being do nated bv Proprietor McKissick. The purse is divided thus, $25 to first, $10 to The race will! copAn be run io half mile heats, best 2 in ati'Shiffts with the British outposts, and it catch wteig'h'ts. The entries aire: Fisch-jis rteported that parties cf Boers are er J. M. Lorick; Daisy, A. B. ParK-ar; hovering around Johannesburg." Black BeautyCaney Brown; !Fox, Capt. Price. BIG FIRE AT J0L1ET, Ffl RE OMFW1YF W x F Uolliet, 111., Dec 24. The Fox Press ed Steel Car Works, one of 'the largest industries in Joliet, was nearly destroy ed 'by fire this morning. The plant con tained much valuable material which more or less damaged. The loss will reach many thousands of dollars. Two houndred men 'are thrown out of em ployment. A woman's hioppines may depend up on the offer of marriage she refuses. If a man would live in absolute peace he should be blind, deaf and dumb. Our Store Is Open Every Night. A good durable, useful present, present, no matter how small, re flects credit on yourself- ARTHUR iW. FIELD COMPANY, Leading Jewelers Church Street ahd Patton Avenue. AsheyiUe, N. C. Sill . . i. - -, i -. i a ll GEN. KITCHENER IS AT DEAAR Where He Has Taken Meaar ures to Crush the Boer -Invasion. Cape Town Despatches Fully Confirm the Gloomy .Re ports From Cape Colony. MUCH ANXIETY IN ENGLISH MILITARY CIRCLES BOER ACTIVE BETWEEN JOHAN NESBURG AND .PRETORIA DUTCH COLONISTS HAVE SUP PLIES OF DHNAMITB. London, Dee. 25. The only important news from South (Africa is the ferrival of Kitchener at Dearr, where It is said he has taken measures to crush the 'Boer invasion of Cape Colony. The Daily Mail says further reliable information has reached! London from Oeupe Town . fully confirming the bad condition of affairs. The invaders are still receiv ing much assistance from the Cape Dutch'. iRaliflroad) commfuniication be tween Cape Town and .the north is al most, entirely severed, partly by the Boers, partly by washouts, and partly by the Dutch colonists. Thle ipaper adds there is considerable Bnziety in (Military Circles at Cape Towmt. A despatch to the Mail from Pie termiaritzlbuirg says a force from Hei dleberg has desitroyed 37 farms, sweep ing off all thle live stock. London, Dec. 24. Advices from South' Africa say: The Cape Colony cfcbinet had an important sitting yesterday af ternoon (Sunday) . It appears that the Boers have destroyed a railroad bridge cinety feet long 'about twelve miles south of DeAar and that no Cape mails have arrivied) at Bloennfonteia for three days. (Further anxiety has been dti&coverecD in Cape Town by the discovery that dair ing the last two months public 'bodies inf "out of the way places have .requisi tioned supplies of dynaimdite. The coioi ial governmect is now: endeavoring 4o ' recover jpes session of thtese exlosiVes -and is removing "all stores of 'amms and ammuind'tiion from suspected depots. Other, ad vices ;f rem! 'Cape Town reipre sent true Dutch -element in 'Caipe colony as greatly elated over the southard .progress of the Boers and as boasting that the whole district- of Victoria west will join the raiders. It is suspected in 'Cape Town that the force traveling from Soulpiaia's drift lis not a body of Boers, but one of colonials, ' hastening to join the invaders. The Pietermaratzburg correspondent of the Daily Mail says: "The Boers 'are active between Jo- hannesiburg aind Pretoria, exchanging The Gazette has received a handsoma calendar from Muslin-Rob jrtson Com pany. The head should be educated to think, the heart' to feel and the body to act. More misery and crime results from idleness than from all other causes combined. The man who loses money and ac quires wisdom by it is a gainer by the loss . A genius in generally a man who lets his wife take in washing to support him. i " : 1 1 .

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