TOL IV: NO. 278 ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY JIOKNINQ, DECEMBER 28, 1900. PBICE5CENTS OESTREICHER&CO IN BATTLE m Gall attention to a few items for Holiday gifts and all are useful. Bath Robes $4.00 to$i5- Dressing Sacques. Fur Collarettes. Muffs and Boas. Neckwear Handkerchiefs, all varieties. Aprons, Umbrellas for Lad ies and Gentlemen. .4 ' r And one 01 our Novelty Dress Pat-1 terns makes a very handsome present, up to $4.00 the yard. m Kitchener Reports That En gagement in Progress Near Leuwkop. Boers Active Everywhere, iu Transvaal and OraDge Kiver Colony. ATTACKS REPORTED AT MANY POINTS REPULSED AT BURGHERSDORP RENEWED RUMORS THAT BOER COMMANDERS ARE READY TO SURRENDER. London, Dc. 27. The following- dis ipatch. lias been received from Lord Kitchener: "Pretoria, Dec. 26.: Knox, with Bar ker, Pitcher and White, is engaged with DeWet'g force holding a iposition in Ithe neighborhood of Leuwkop. De Wet hopes to break through and go south a gain. "Boers' eastern coluimjn in Cape Col ony apparently headed by our troops about Reimport Spruit. Boers' -western column reported to have gone north in two portions, one toward Prieska and t)he -other through Strydenburg. They are being ifloWorwed up." The following dispatch from Lord Kitchener is received: I "Pretoria, Dec.. 27. Yesterday 200 Boers attacked ia small police ipost near Boksbiu-rg. The1 police (gallantly drove them off (before reirforcernents from Johannesburg' arrived. The, Boers damaged mdniiing, iwachinery in the ueaghborhood. ' -. 'Tii'e Boers attacked Utrecht at 2 this (morning and were diven off. v The iBoers held Ufc a train three, mileswest vodEPan. land wfere drtveotfj SEHSATIOHAL BtClHNIfiC OF ENGLISH A8MY REFORM Maj. 6en. ColviUe' s Resignation De manded, But is Mot Given London, Dec. 27. The war office has begun the promised! reform1 of the army in a -sensational maner. It haa de mand ed the resignation Of Maj. Gen. Sir Henry Colyille, commanding" an In fantry brigade at Gibraltar and re cently commanded the Ninth division of the South African field force. Gen. ColviUe refused to resign arid lie is now on his way to England. The news is ail the more startling as the question of Gen. Oolville's responsibil ity for the yoemanry disaster at Ldndley last May was fully investi gated by the authorities when Gen. ColviUe returned from South Africa last summer. After the inquiry Gen. ColviUe was reinstated in his command at Gibraltar in September last. The attitude of the war office indi cates that a mew regime in Pall Mall wall reverse the decision ot; Lord. Lans- downe and Lord Wolseley in regard to somft of the recent commanders in South Africa. Gen. ColviUe, like Gen. Methuen, has always been a great social personage in London and a prominent club man He has had a most distinguished ca reer, has been repeatedly mentioned in despatches, and lis as familiarly known as "Odgers." He is also a well known author and on the occasion of his mar riage created a stir by going on his honeymoon in a balloon. MYSTERIOUS TRAGEDY IN INDIANAPOLIS William H. Smythe Shot in His Office He Alleges, by a "Blonde Woman.". MYSTERIOUS VISITOR ASKED TO BE ALLOWED TO USE TELE PHONE AND THEN FIRED THREES SHOTS INTO HIM. . 'I cannot exactly describe them in detail, but I think they were the usu ail forms, suchi as holding out Indian clubs until it became tiresome, doing Wooden Willie eunsd other things- iwhich were in vogue at that time. Breth was a very afwfctwaird mfca and did not seem tto be able to d(o anything right. He was subject tto uervoueaiess and was easily rattled." The witness, im reply to Gen. Clous, said thalt (he knew of about eight fights having occiunredl during the first two years he was ka the academy and about nine during the next two years The wltneefs .-said Khere were some men who used to haze more than others landl tihajb some of them, seemed to be without the f acuity of Judging when a mfan had' enough Cadet John A. Pearson, of Tennessee, when asked if he (ever hazed Oadet Roma- ainiswered m the negative, in describing several forms of exercising he Said: ahoo-chooiig is th!e most exhaust -insC The "man is required to get down iamd use his hands and legs as rapidly EMPEROR SU IS NOT WILLING Objects to Some of the De mands in the Joint Note of the Powers. Is Opposed Sternuously to the H eduction of the Chin ese Foits. Indianapolis, Dec. 27. William' H. Smyth grand secretary of the Masonic Order of Indiana, was shot and proba bly fatally wounded at noon today while he wasi in his offiice in the Ma- Ls pgiible in propelling himself over the j AQ TQ (CREASE OF somct Temple in this caty in west giroannid." - Washington street. The hooting is a Asked to define the line where hazing witness Baid ir ne CRONJE AND HIS MEM ST. HELENA'S ISLE OESTREICHER &RD SlPattonAye. Store open evenings this week Valuable Building Lot At a Sacrifice. We are offierlitsr a v ry diertr iWe residence lot at cansMralMy less tbeua Its value in o er to make a quick eaie. Ifc to lo oKten on iimie ertHeet, iueir ter mlntia of CJiastnut Btreeft, eiee Mx422. WILKIE & LaBARBE, Real Estate Brokers Phone 661. 23 Pattom AWfflU. SCHOOLS, Colleges, Institutes, Attention! College, Institute, Aittentton. Are you looking after the health otf thoa kind of Baking Powder are you using RTJMFOQEtP IS HEALTHFUL. is kv some hit- si-eastern itoree of jters in OUpe Colony was headed yeerdaaiidr driv en in the d4retiiBi of yenterstad . The western force is tiH being driven north through S,trydeoi,Siurg,.' Burgthersdorp, Dec. 2S. Col. Grenfeli continues in touch wfdht rultzangers commtand . In oaTrylng olt the British prisoners Krultzinger (has abandoned Ibis maxims, whiCli bate -been plicked up toy the British. The Lancers have suffered by some -casualties, including t -r. uvcMftnu "Rlaekwood. who waa wounded. ' OFFER TO SUiRRFNDFR? Bloeimfontein, rec. 26. There are re-newed- but JuncotyfiTOnieG rumors here thalt Gen-eral DeWet, Ptesident Steyn and Cteneartd Haasbaoecli bave bad a conference and decided to offer to sur render, itfovided the colomdal rebe s are ALARM CAUSELESS. Uondo-n. Dec. 28. ttdhenier return ed to Pretoria Wedneday. The general view htere is (that Ibe'alartn. caused ny the Boer invasion of Cape Colony ia causeless. All reptorts indicate iChat the colondal Dutch haven't joined tne (Boer's and the invaders have been suc cessfully checked. According to a dispatch from tmrgn- tdom dated December 26, X5ol. Gren feli, p .cosnananded tne ximiasn in, x skirmish at Raisiterhuvei, reporxs in vaders niuimbered 700. They were bard pressed and abandoned the maxjm uns and carits. A number of belated dispatches from the Transvaal and Orange River show that tne oers are active in all directions. i THE DAILY NEWS CHANGES PO SITION. London Dec. 27. It is announced thiat the Daily News, the oldest liber al paper here, will cease supporting the government's policy and demand a cessation of the war In South Africa and the tfrine of liberal terms to the Boers. The paper has been strongly imperalistio since the beginning of toe attu-vIA Morley. one of the pro- prietors, is chiefly responsible for the change. myaterious' one. The story told by Mr. Smythe, who retained consciousness for several min ute after the shooting, is that a blonde woman entered his office and asked to be allowed to use the telephone. As he was busy he told her he could not be bothered at the time. Without further words, he declares, the woman pulled a revolver from some where about her dothes and fired at him. He felt ithe siting of the bullet and af ter that he did not know what hap pened until after the woman had made her escape. The police reached the scene only a few minutes after the tragedy and threw a line of patrolmen and detec tives about the Masonic Temple, but no trace of the mysterious: woman was Thftv Are Still EODeful Of Boer Inde- found. Mr. Smythe was discovered by l I T pendence. Boston, Dec. 27. A letter has been received from! 'George Gardiner of this duty, who is on his way to South Af rica, describing a visit to the -Boer prisoners at St. Helena. He says: "We saw Gen. Cronje and over 2,000 Boer prisoners. We had' to climb 700 steps 688 feet) to get where the pris oners are. They were all singing church songs, and still think they will get their independence. Cronje is a quiet old fellow, and hie would not talk much. He seems to be in bad health. The Boers are aw; Dig leiiows, and nirre out of ten of them wear fall beards. They could go back home if feeywiouildf eflgh- Ja41eancrto pngOaod, but they " are game and iwont admit that they" are whipped. Cronje is well x. tr M treated. The (Boer prisoners ai mv 'A i4m'nUtAn rv PirUt Helena are suffering from scurvy froiri bharp AamQUltlOn IO lZ-dtl lack of vegetables, which , are , very scarce there." CHILD KIDNAPPED: Mother Secures Possession pf Seven Year's Hd Son. Indianapolis, Dec. J7. Sidney Miller, the seven-ye aar-old eon of Samuel D. Miller and grandson of, former United States AltJtorney-ueneraii) juuw, was kidnapped by bis mother yester day, was recovered this morning. Mrs.. Miller and the child was lounu beicame bruital, the saw a man brutally (treated he could tell 'at once.. The ufext witness wTas R. ICi. Bboz. The -witness had not seen his brother during the time he wats in the West Point academy im 1898. Mr. Booz 'con tinued: "I received a letter from him shortly after, he went to the academy. In it he siaid he felt stra!nge at the place as it was Ms first experience away from home. In the second letter, which I got about the beginning of August, he told me Ithiart. he would be called out to fight ia about a week. He complained of having haid to tiake 'tobasco sauce and suffered from a sore throat in conse- quernce. rie ciaimeo, xnax n iwwu dtotwan Ms thiroat and he had to slwallow it or choke. "In o,ther letters .wfcich I goit from Mmi," the wifcneeb added, "he complain- edi or being hazed1 and said that he was being treated more severely than ottiWers. Later in the year, about October I think, ihe wrote ijo me and suggested htat my father alidw !himi to send in hi si resig nation, dbcar was mtoit the kind of a boy thlalt would Ibe hiazedi.'' "Did he ever mention any smames of ithe tmien 'who 'hazed him?" Gera. Obus 'asked . "No, he did not." In reply to &uspt. Mills the rwiitness said: "I spoke to Oscaa" some time in 1899 about his treaitmeiiit lat the aidademy, and he toldi me ttot thei tabasco sauce w"ituj f oiive d do his 'throat '"Did you ask him who 'were the par ities who forced Mm ltd do ithi'S?"-' "No iootat that time. Uater in the year I . wrote ihm but be ouilo ot Mot." ' , -" " - He skid Oscar ' dddt- not 'tell hSs sis ter any Games and v1he supposed the reasons iwere -the same as any .college boy would hajvte, ia false sense of honor "Wnieaii you say ycjuir brother, was forced ltto swallow tttafbssco sauce, do you mean that force was ui$ed asked Gen. -Bates. 'Yes, sir." "Didl you see your brother within six a party TO THE CllTME IF HE I mowthis after his 'leaving the academy?" LEGATION GUARDS Lewis A. Goleman, an attorney of this city, who had gone to the Masonic Temple to transadt business . Smythe, he says, was lying On the floor, half between his desk andl (the door of his office in a pool of blood, uoieman called the police. Smythe's son says he can not imag- ilne who the the woman is who fired the shots. A medical examination re vealed 'that three shots had been fired, each of which took effect. Three bul lets were removed from; the wounded man's head . BODZ'S BROTHER 5 ah nraft Peace of North Carolina For His Admissions SAW BRUTAU HANGING AND DID NOT INTERFERE, A MEM BER OF THE COURT DECLARES. her. He then comolaine-v of a sore thsroat and dizziruess. He wjs being treated by- a physiciaui in Bristol, Pa., either Dr. C. B. Abbott or Dr. E. G. Fj..m8, 1 can't say Which.. Whe witness wets (then 'haBded a portionT feirOsoaar said he wouldgb ..home eooh. PRINCE CHING DISCUSSES THE MATTER WITH THE EMPEROR A MILITARY FORCE SENT TO EAST OF PEKIN TO QUIET DIS TURBANCES, UNDER COMMAND OF A UNITED STATES OFFICER. Peking, Dec. 27. Li Hung Chang amid Priqace Chdng, the iChinese peace com missioners have heard from the em peror Kiw'aing 'Su. Prince called on the former for ctomsultaitioin remaining over ami hour. The court objects sttrenuously to redue&nig the (fonts, amd also ;to allow ing permanent legaltion guards, which it seexnla to think could! be made suffi ciently Sarge a)t any itime 41t was desired, to menace the courit itelf . After the comference it was decided to hold fur ther commuiniciaaoin with the court; be fore seeing the (ministers. TO QUELL DISTURBANCES. Pekin, Dec. 27. Continued receipt of reports Of disturbances in this provinces ihas resulted in the sending out of a mil itary force 'to the country east of Pe kin . The expedition included infantry and airtMdery,TUnder the command o Lieut. JCol. Went of the United States. The-object of tfee expedtU. is Danhow where it was7recently reported that 1 native Oathoii were ' itfJItKiie. ;- The Americani oounsui at Tien Tslnv has .informed Minister Conger that two ; Japanese were killed and several .wounded. by Chinese in a village riea Taku. The Japanese are sending an ex pedition to that place. A British sub ject was shot and killed in the Brit ish distract today by a German soldier. The affair is creating a stir. FORI Y-HltlE CHILDREII . i - T TT OT T i r Vfi : fWest iPoiet, T.Dec. Zi. xxOtoboi Better to tae recorder. In this iet- "-6. - - " " iyycbi xa, - i , i ,rw-,nori wiiih a. telenhone TnesBage rtnn-r etc Bristol Pa., wlxela n&w mvwttttt'vs aiu ne wBuia41go..nffme coon, r '. . Jkt Booz, o Bortsto fV ftoaasN euM mot starM tfce,treitment airyko the Hawkeye that forty-nine school in op jnear Buffalo, arxtvelfieaK mm J waw. fflt were drowned at Foster, Iowa, M& Twriice asleep dn the home of a to itastfifjr foe&we taaaa cwBJfeQHga aeama hfe hKitTW(a troubliaffg today by the tweaking of the ice cn .Tsh Be3BSSK &tttfctf hwhich they iwere skatinr. Fifty-one llOUUViU " r - w . tm m - - - - -1 " - oibtained lodging' iflor the nigmi. the child was ttu vinld. courteous and polite treatment of all persons is one mark of the true man pa woman . iiMniiHiim! DRUG STORE HEWS. Dnzecdiats. Toledo. O 0trrb Cure taken internallv ftCrting't8eotlr ap the bJood ud mii oous surfaces of the sys.em. Price 7. per bottle. Sold by ail druggists. Te timnii free. taker, to the hotel by the governess 1 ked :tio desorfbe the Cgftns ffAIJBffl, mwtw ,ftT,T a there Mrs. Miller catueo u, to which Breth wa UDjeowu, rxvvx, . I carriage. The governess objected i npiied: Ihavin the hoy -leave her sight , as sne hd been Warned Ithait an atiemtpi- . kidnap anight be (made. Mrs. Miller isaid ehe..was only going for a drive, hut the.glrl Insisted on go ing along. The carriage was onmi w the undon station and the girl became teirm . SShe oranK out and' telepfhon- ed the father to come to tne eraution. This gave Mr. Miller Itme opporcumacy she desired and sne caueea me i one of the longest chases they have ev er experienced. Mrs. Milter was formerly Mfes Helen Karcher of Plttston, Pa. She married lyoung' Miller nine years ago. They have been Ifylne apart since last sum- BIG FIRE III LOUDON. ltitimesnit received! by his brother, Ots- zisom ioaamr wamsr guinea tar- weTe to .the party and only two escap 7, rteeased. white a. fourth clas n-680 reftfcatln of the ttedephone and telegraph ms car, Oately deceaseoi, wxiire a-i ohiarges of ooairdice and ineomJetea- ! tLf tr nnnflrm fch det at the West Foimlt .military acad- agaInis6 his brother. WomhtosyIn-Ba8,t( l fa" conflrm th emiy 4 wo years ago. patry of those presebt. rePort dt is wndexstooUi tnax a Kjen-eml Bates star tied Cadet Pease iwiho lives to Illinois will be to&re roraw-ijjiy infortmdng hdm Itaht If he .was ures- -Miia here from her home L, rivb hois version of the thazaxigi (wWetntt ithe brutal ba!ri In New York last Friday and stopped I piae'tieea ait the post 'du1:n b s" haainig iwas igoasiig on and he did not . he Denton hotel. By agreement i,mer eaKSampmeoas ioa'rr. pniencere w oouia roe nera as a par ax Une xwwoiwi . . I . v,,- BScnmWwl Cadet I -vyo Th 4n. w rf-rt ct . j Wi'ttis G. Peace, of Ma Oarollna, of Pleaise had said previously that he the first cftass, -wai the first wfefeness. He didnlt thimik he could he held responBl eoidi he knew former Cadet Brett;hii' ible for the doings of others, saw hfan hazed in the tent of eqc-3adet After Mr,. Booz's testimony ithe court Beder In 1897. The witness. Barter i book a recess. mho; mnfliiftft reakmed the place ab day- lfghtt. Mrs. Miller gave up the child and was mot -placed under arrest. The entire police and detective forces! had been caUed Into the case with her husband, who has. had charge of ithe child since their separation! last OTmsrnar, Mm. Miller Was allowed to see the. hoy once a Yesterday afternoon London, Dec. 27. One of the most disastrous fires which have occurred in the east end of London during1 the last ten years broke out today at the East India docks. Five immense sheds filled with goods. In eluding a thousand bales of hemp and quantities of ite, iwere consumed. The shipping in the neighborhood and other warehouses were only saved toy the great exertion of the firemen. not punished and the leaders, including themselves, are not deported. GRANT'S NO; 24. When troubled wi-h colds or' LaGrippe take Grant's No. 24. It quickly controls chill, fever and pain.. . Price 2oc. mer. ,,t . - I if we have it, it if tne b"t The old year will soon be gone. We have i 1.1, 4-t-orl ( whii --h nnr natrons have aopreciatea uic . r.T--. ----- given us, and wish to assure them that our most earnest efforts will be made in the future as well as in ;the past io serve tneir best interest promptly and courteously. . 'numnuzpF COv. S Cer Court Sq. Phone 87, : GRANTS NO. 24 CURBS COLD. : 3 POUIxTRY FOOD. Z 5 - The hiffh price of eggs should S be an imiuce-ment to feed Pratt's Pountly food to your hens. They 5 will Lay more eg-gs a-t a lai-ge S S profit to you. S GRANT'S NO. 24 CURES COLD. TOOTH BRUSH. Ten eiiits seem' small for- a good tor h brush, especially a sol id back -with good bristles. We, halve such a one and have sold over 2000 with excellent satisfac tion. You cam buy three f --i a Quarter, too. GRANT'S- prmnnflOY. '. - - PHONE 10. ? Ageticy for Wood's Seeds. Compliments of the season to everybody and many thanks to our patrons and friends. i ARTHUR M. FIELD COMPANY, Leadiny Jewelers. Clmrch Street-arid Patton Avenue. Asheville, "N. C. - - . -.,. j I "-.-V I' I - 1 ' I . ' i ; .:,-. I,. i i " f i -.1 -s f Vs"., z 1 V s . .' V7?. ! V ! 1 - iuiiiuiiiiiui C

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