II 0 St If j fit 1 jf-"5 " : -.'r: " THE AHSEVIIlLE-GAZETTE DECEMBER 28, sqoo - - ; THE MARKETS street's Increase of' 1,624,000 touahels agalnst the official 574,000 decreiaee had lfbtle effect. -nhec lose wiaai quiet. Provisions: The trade was quiett witk prtcea steady. Live hogs were slightly lower on (somewhat snore liberal re ceipts at the stock yards- Provisions closed quiet, i CHUOAGO. MEMBERSHIP OF prlvtate "Wii'e, Continuous Quotattana. x3 BY TEUGR&PH THE HOUSE jftu phv & Co., I YESTERDAY'S QUOTA VTfYWa Reapportionment a Matter of i NEW YORK EXCHANtSES AND CHICAGO GRAIN MAKKET. s Much Interest. 4 0 1 and Provison, .ks, Cotton.) Vew York Office, 61 Broaxiwiay. . . FEOftE 649. i BEFER TO- illve Ridse National Bank, A'aiiville, N. C. Charlotte Ne.tionial Bank, Charlotte, N. C. Seaboard Nktiomal Bank, " New York. Lawry Banking Co., Aitlan ta, GTa. Capitol City Bank, Atlanta, G " i;radtret OonYl Aigency. Smoked Fish V,,, have just received a fine Un of smoked fish direct from the New England coat. Rnoked Halibut. . Cromer ter Bloatr. Scotch Herrings. Cape Ana Lunch. Quality th brt, prefl reasonable. Erie 10 Issue Thirty-Eiye lli'lions isoiitts to JSIake Coal Purchases. By private wire to Murphy & Co. nunowing were Ue ii-uliag quo tation in the exchange today: New Ylork, Dec. 27. London prices this a. m. mere 1-8 to 3-8 under New :Tork parity tout later the (market hardened witlh Atmerfcsani stocks toeoom ingr Strong" and active.) Consols were 1-4 finmer at 97 3-8. Tne Bank of England did not change its rate of discount. In the way of news bearing on the1 market this a. m. it waH re ported that the Erie will issue 35 mil lions of collateral bonds to make coal purchases. Some news concerning P. O., obviously the work of manipula tors. Misiouri iPaiciftc receimta eross receipts for the third week of Decem ber increased $73,000. There is a pretty well settled belief ithati important changes w511 toe made in the Brooklyn Rapid Transit directorate in January. The istook tmarket opened irregular. In some quarters of the market the fluc tuations were sensational. This was notably true of Peo. Gas which had a wide opening-, eelling- from) 108 to 110 on an extreme advance of 3 3-4 points. St. Paul, Missouri, Norlthern and Union Pacific opened at fractional gains. There was a 'bag- batch of selling ord era encountered and first prices were soon sharply shaded. Sugar led the down ward movement. The Price Current isays: Current prices andi conditions favor liberal marketing of corn. Growing wheat unchanged in outlook. Wheat market ing restricted. Packing 540,000 hogs against 515,000 last yeaar. TVIheat IHsh. Lowi. Close. Jk 70 1-8 6 3-4 70 Miay .. 72 3-4 72 3-8 72 3-4 Com i J!.n .. 36 3-8 36 36 Oaite May 36 1-4 35 3-4 86 1-4 Jan! 21 5-8 21 5-8 21 5-8 May 23 3-4 23 1 2 23 3-4 LIVERPOOL ICOTTON. By (private wirtet to Murphy & Co. The following were ItJhe ruling' quo- talons In tihie exhchanlge itbjlay Tone quiet tout steady.. iMUdidllmig 5 1-2. Fteb-Mar 5 17 rMlair-'Aiprill 5 15 April-May 5 12 Mlaiy-'Junie 5 10 June-tJuly 5 07 July -Aug 5 04 Aug-Bep .. Nov-Dec .. . Dec-Jam 620 'SiaJes 6000. fOpo'2. Close. . 5 17 . 5 15 5 16 . 5 12 5 13 . : 5 10 6 10 . 5 07 5 08 . 5 04 5 04 . : 4 53 . 5 27 ,. 5 20 The Census Committee Divided Ma jority Favors Retaining Present Humber An Increase Probable- Colorado's Position! NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE. ASH Centre of Market. Phone 289. Howard A Haven. Wriglt C. Stoul .mtcttrS OF TH ew Voik Stick Exchange, Xfw icrk Cotton Exchan&e Chicago Board ot Tr?4. Wheat- High. Low. Oloae Dec 77 76 7-8 77 May 78 5-8 78 1-4 78 5-8 Corn i Dec 45 1-4 451 1-4 45 1-4 Mlay 43 1-8 41 7-8 42 fee Qm STOCKS. rtSiiiers and Brokers. STOUT. 3AS3AU ?TPEET, CORNER iWALL NE YORK. D- 'sit accounts received, subject tc cieck cn d".tr.;al. Ip -rast credliti monthly o :a tIsz:c. accounts of bAiiks, -Larnoration., firms and jndiviiuais receiv. d on fav- Ccupcns,Ji interest, dividend?, notes.. draf;e col'e; ed oar crikt:ci ts Oidiit ti--- wi the pui.:he oi ca on cojrtr ..ncc. o' bandr. st.'.ki inefc.rr.e c: cn margin. Clients n;ay is.egraph orders and in strucvn at uur espense. Copies, ol telegraphic c-cde a.uy t had ob appli- Informatiou rcgardiig dULaOBJ cheerfu.ly turr.s-hd. Hlh Amg. Copper ... &5 1-2 Am. iSt. & 'W. . 45 Am. Suig Ref.. . 145 1-4 Am. Tob 112 1-4 A. T. & IS. F. . 4T 3-8 A. T & S.F.pifld 88 1-4 B. R. T. 88 1-4 Ches. & Ohio .. 42 1-8 C. B1. & Q 141 1-4 Oon. Gas .. . Con. Tob .. .. Oon. Tob (pidl Fed. Steel pli Fladi. iSteel .. . Li. & N Manlbaictan L. Met. St. Ry .. afia. Pac .. .. Nlat. Sit N. Y. antral . N"or. Pac .. .. JSor Pac pd . . Omit. & W. .. Pac. -Mail .. . People's Gas . Read 1st pf d . Read1 2ds pfdi . Rock Island Now to end the century In a b!az: of glory.... V'"U X. L yo'Li. your y. u v 3 e another chance. we wi . i ,tt-rs of gain and loss. i . . .a. in !vnMAn rr :y uarvesL j ui;ciuut; I do is to go out ana l. y. I 1 . ;1 i tury cvt r 1 yoi ;t The fates have been good to r-rcps, gcod prices, god l i n good spirits The I. t-:toif have done their share for n ven can ccme tow and select od- find we will save them for ii j- i wi-h tbem delivered. The i ir-ifeht. Ic a lew dp.ys more this i .-.io-- selling will make great : our stock. ; l"v.. yocrself th2 pa-.?g of re i.v ; . ;n?; your orders at once, lirsr , c-rtrin: whether you act ,rt oi not, the I. X. L. Grocers -ave dece their fuU shsre towaro I ;c ea-y for ynu to end the cen- 197 1-2 39 1-4 93 1-2 77 7-8 58 88 116 1-4 172 72 42 3- 143 3-4 84 87 1-2 32 1-8 44 1-2 110 70 3-4 25 3-8 .120 1-2 St. Paul 140 3-4 South Pac .... 45 5-8 Soutiherrni .. ... 22 3-4 'Southern pfd .. 72 3-8 Tenn. 3. & I. . 7 1-2 Union Pacific .. 77 7-8 Unreal Pac pfdi . 82 7-8 U. iS. Letofch- ... 15 ' TiW. 92 3-4 44 1-2 139 1-2 111 5-8 46 3-4 87 12 86 41 1-2 140 5-8 194 38 7-8 93 1-41 77 1-2 57 86 5-8 114 3-8 170 5-8 71 1-4 41 1-2 142 1-2 82 fct 3-4 29 1-8 44 1-2 107 69 3-4 25 119 3-i 137 7-8 44 5-8 22 71 3-4 65 1-2 76 7-8 82 3-4 13 3-4 rase. 93 3-4 44 3 145 1 112 1-4 47 88 1- 86 3 42 141 1- 195 39 1 93 1 77 7 57 3- 87 5-8 115 7- 170 5-8 71 3-4 42 1-8 143 5-8 83 1-4 -87 1-2 31 1-2 44 1-2 108 70 3-4 25 3-8 120 1-2 140 3-4 45 22 3-4 72 3-8 66 77 1-2 82 7-8 14 5-8 From a wreck will attract the world's attention to the life-saver. Yet let the life-saving be continued every day, and .A 1 At J very soon it attracts no puDiic attention. If the scene of the saving of one life by that life-saving remedy, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, could be made to stand out alone, like a picture on a screen, it would attract the notice of the whole na tion. By a curi ous contradiction the very frequen cy with which the "Discovery" saves life, robs the fact of general inter est. For obstinate coughs, bronchitis, weak lungs, and other diseases of the respiratory or gans, "Golden Medical Discov ery" is the one medicine which offers certain help, and almost certain cure. It contains neither alcohol nor narcotics. Dn1w for PoctOT Pierce's Golden Med ical Disroverv I think I would be in my grave to-day," writes Mr. Mnws Milps. of Hilliard. Uinta Co., Wyoming. I had asthma so bad I could not sleep and was compelled to give up work. It affected iuy lungs so that I coughed all the time, both day and nisrht. Mv Inenas an tnougni. i naa con sumption. My wife insisted on my trying 'Golden Medical Discovery. I have taken iour bottles and am now a well man, weighing 185 pounds thanks to Dr. Pierce." The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers, is sent free on receint of 21 one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y COTTON 'The C, H. Trains Between 1 0 New York, Dec. 27. Cotton in Liv erpool unchanged for spots mid 5 1-2 pence; sales G.000 bMes. Fi. lives opened unchanged to i-64 decriciSe lower; declined during the day owing to liberal receKs at Bombay. 63,000 against 36,000 last year and free miove- mentt closed 2 to 3-S4 pence down., opened unchanged to 1-64 pence This market opened higher in -the early advices but eased ofr during- tne tore- noon on liberal recelptes, pointing to about 225,000 bales altt ports this week against 266,000 last week and 172,500 eo,mo rnrpir a. vpflr aeo. recovered about points on buying supposed fori tUZ MIHHIQAH FLVER- Vestibule Vpw Orients hull account, 400 bales of I llIWiy-H 8 -1 . cotton arrived here this run through the famous nd ter S? SSSS valley and merou prosrou9 villag and olU SSrm Obte and Southern Mlc iffaa Tbere are four Ithrou h t?a?B eacTway. Pullman Bleep ais a iht train-:. Thv L X. L. Grocery Store THTbuILIMION BOU'll New through train, to Portland, found "The Burlington Northern Pac iac Express." No 41, from St .oms . at 9:00 a. m. for Kansas City, St. Joseph Northwestern Nebraska, Black Hiii&, "Wyoming. Montana, Washington ia com;. fift2itr.le, Puget Sound a.Ed ctl land. Ore gen, via. Billings, Mom.. in short line and time saver to tine up -J,-r North we g t . To the Paget -sound -n TT hours. Through roaches, cn? T cars, seats free), stardard sleeper -ni cars -with throrgh tourist sleepers tr-.m Kansas Cy.'Thl is the main tra led route St. Loufi 4o the nortbwest. Number 5, ''bska-Colorado Ex rifas." midday train ifroro fc. Louis tor Nebraska, Colorado tfiah, c Coast one night to Denver. Also . tfor St. Paul, Miinnee.oolis and ibeyoncu. No 15 at S.45 -p. it., fit. . Loui to Ka City Omaha, St. 3h,KaAS Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Pacific coast via. Denver, also to -the Ncrthwesx Montana., Washington, Orison, vaa. I'neoln and Billing. Plea-se write : . J. N. MERRILL, Gen. So. Agt., t V T3,. A lTniTl.t'n tra.! Lt' VV "W-AKE, Edward Lflliot't, Gea. Man Louis. morning in the steamer Chattahoochee from Sa vannah. Some thing this yet to be sold for December and delivered on contract. Prices now are 3 to 5 'points over yesterday. cantos pirlor ant cafe caxa, wit elegant through - ay coache. Leaves Cincinnati 1 p. rives Toledo 6:50 p. m.; arrives Detroit 8:20 p. m. On of 5jiet traina ta th central state COTTON. Nlew York spot 10 51-6. Hteh. Jan 9 59 Feb 9 40 March 9 40 April 9 32 May 9 33 June 9 25 July 9-22- Auguist 9 99 Sep't Octobe r 8 02 DIecemiber 10 06 HE C. H. & H Low. 9 52 9 35 9 33 9 27i 9 26 9 25 9 13 9 92 8 02 9 99 9' 54T . 9 37 9 32 9 29 9 P6 9 21 9 97 J 8 38 8 01 10 05 is me direct line from Chicago and the eoutb i.o th popular summer resorts ol Michigan jtod Canada. Cinnecta at Toledo with eteamT on Lake Brie and wita .oil lines for Interior poinfts; aB -rtrnit -with i ail and steamer tinea for Inland mod lake resort MEALS I n St. for instant use as soon as these symp toms appear. For sale ,by C. A paT" SOr. - "3; -;' m CASTOR Tor Infants and ChiUren. The Kind You Hare AlwsssTBoiigW Bears the Sigwuxe of Chicago, Dec. 27. The wheat market was dull and easier at the opening, affected by the continental cable which showed a loss in Paris of 1 1-4 4b l 3-4 cents (from tlhe final of Last night. English markets were quiet and fractionally easier following- the holiday but the number of orders was very few and the indifference which has characterized the foreign demand rfv. rh rr,st. -three week, continues. Professional sold prices off slightly, fol- m lowed by a partial rally 'with the 1 1.8" . 1 . ... hv 4-h imita I "SB' market nucxuaxions r . , and calls. Recetpts to th north west were only 293 cars against 279 last 'that the year, imt? mvc growing wheat ds unchanged with the marketing 'restricted. Wheat was dull late The London Times was credited witli a cablel estimating 70- mffllion bushels -ATgenJtine export surplus. - The close! was steady Corn': Trade was moderately active, prices ishowltt . a sneaker none w u. wheat. Foreign markets were slightly (Wi foreign orders contanued i nood The Price Ourrent condition :tovorable fto mmB Nwt l?LiA toirterior.-- Chlcaago-re- 1 teeiptts today were 770 cars with one car 1 1 ' iTrvffc Corn was firmi late. . Chica- I ratoal Contract JOrn vraol- I V.,lnHIl wired rumors or tna- rZtZT Washington, Dec 27. Special. One of the most interesting matters to be determined by congress after the holidays is the congressional reap portionment. It is altogether too early as yet to predict the passage of either the majority or the minority bill de vising the congressional representation of the state. It is, however, morally certain that the total representation will be fixed either at 357, the present total, or at 386, as recommended by the minority of the census committee. The committee itself is divided as closely as possible on the question, seven fa voting the present membership and six favoring the minority proposition, lhe mlnnritv nronosition diminishes the representation of no state, but in order to accomplish this it was found neces sary to bring the total number up to S8G. This is accomplished by adding 29 members to the house. An Increase Probable The success of the minority proposi tion appears more probable than that of the majority in the light of nistory Only once has congress failed to in crease the total number of members of the house after each succeeding census. Fifty years ago congress ac tually diminished the total number of members of congress, but on every other occasion it has been inei-eased as a result of the reapportionment after the decennial enumeration of the inhabitants of the country. Uuuei either liill tlio -"Rmnirfi State contiauti to increase its load in n:u;Cii;.i ence. If the minority bill ivjou. '. pac New York would have 01 mtitu'jei-s whirh. with hc-v two eoiialors, jvsvtw her 39 votes in the electoral c on1 -Urn crrent vnto )f 7? ill llitllOiiijl conventions. The Empire btate of the KrmtVi p.lsr takes creat binder uiidci either bill. If the minority uni passes Texas will have three additional con gressmen, bringing her delegation up to 10, her electoral vote to 18 and her vote in national conventions to 3b. l?or . 1 . the first time she becomes a ciose rival of Missouri for leadership of the southern states in numerical strength in congress, electoral college and con ventions. Under the minority bill Mis souri gains but one congressman and leads Texas by that one. Colorado's Carious Position. A curious study in mathematics is offered by the singular situation re garding Colorado. By the tabulated statements prepared by the census bu reau, showing what the distribution of congressmen would be by states under every ratio from 850 to 400, there is but one cf all the ratios under which Colorado would not gain a mem ber. Yet that one ratio is the 357 which has been proposed byvthe ma- I jority bill. It of course is only a singu lar combination aud not at ail a matter of design. But it can easily be under stood that the Colorado members are hostile to the majority rcpoit. One of them says, "It is a mere juggling of figures in order to make a rank dis crimination against our state." Gains and LosoeSt Briefly stated, the ms.jority bill gives one less member for Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Nebraska, Ohio, South Carolina and Virginia, while it srives a rain 01 uue iqjicui,auYt each to Illinois, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York and West Vir ginia and a gain of two to Texas. It will be seen in this connection that Texas will stand in exactly the same relation to Missouri under both bills The minority bill provides no losses for anv state and the following gains: -S.T . T7 1- Texas, three; Minnesota, iew aui, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, two; Arkansas, California, Colorado, con necticut. Florida, Louisiana, Massa chusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, JNnrtn Carolina, North Dakota, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin, one rep resentative each. It is said of the ma jority bill that, based upon tne pres ent political representation in congress neither Darty will gain any aavan taTd ThA Rennblican states would gain five and lose five congressmen The Democratic states would gam three and lose three. Under the mi- nnritv hill Renublican states would gain 19 and Democratic states 10. Geographical Speculations. There are a great many interesting CTouninsrs that can be made demon- The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been, in use for over 30 years, has borne the sigrnatnre of and has been made under his per- - sonal supervision since its infancy, CCCiC4 AllnwTin nnn tn dfiCfilvft vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment W hat is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Coli. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORiA alvays Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Y.ears. THC CENTAUR eOlAIY. TT MUHHAV TWEET. HW TOBK CITY. IfflfS issues Boctozs Audi. I d P A Cjoo resorption cor ma Tt for f r east, at Draf (ftti. Grcctn, JUatatrutt, Salooos, Ntw-Sundi, General Storea and Barbara Shopa. Ther baaUh pita, Indue aleep, aaa prUif bla. Saa flraa reliaf I mattar what tao matter, ut wtjl o yon food. Taa aamplM aal aaa woaaaad taata CiealaU teat br Hull If aar addrat ea raoelpt ojt fri, r the lUai oSCeil Nttfraaa tc, MewVatk U. W5C "" ' " " D tt rft a. ta. rMe. one thus be delred. at tllfi irx w FOUR PAST TRAINS ocbwwu ago. Agta of comneating rju i Birauug gams u Kinas irom mese a-yijui. x-xuuj.. Hii mw11 vou tickets rouUag vw C. H. & D. Ry. D. O. EDWARDS, sairr -Vainc Manaj:r. Urn mm m ii ml TMJB CARO: - . Efflective Secftember 18, 1900 Chester . Jjeav.... 7.48 m Torkvlll OaatmaJjai GaatOMta UnoolntOB " y fton Hlekcry " Hiekry Leaoir " Jretre . Southbound. VeuxAT: . lieare. nvv esport yestety via. Baltimore. Brad- 8.46 am .... 9.48.rm .... 9.48 am ....10.45 am ....11. S3 &m ,...12.09 m ....12.15 pro .... f.l foa passenger. 2iOQ pa- .... 3.02 pm .... 3.3S ni ,...4.2 Ji .... 5.20 mm .. 5.30 m .... 6.40 pm 7.60 9m 8.80 am 10.40 am 12.1T pm 1.16 pm 2.45 pm 4 . 30 pm 6.10 pre 5.50 pw 7.50- prr Mbcel 6.30 ar- 8.50 enf 920 W ll.lt am 12.35 pm 1.12 pm 3.20 pm 5.15 P0 Under the majority bill those states wholly east of the Mississippi suiter a net loss of two representatives and therefore two votes in the electoral college. The states west of the Mis sissippi river, including Missouri ana Louisiana, the larger portions of which are west of the Mississippi, would have a net gain of four congressmen and the same number of votes in the elec toral college. Under the minority bill the states east of the Mississippi would gain 15, and those west of the Missis- siDti would gain 14. In view or. tne much greater total population: of the states east of the Mississippi this would hii n distinct frain to the west. It is in teresting also to note that the 29 elec toral votes gained under the appor- tionment, according to. the minority, would have been cast as follows in re- ppnt nresidential elections: 1892, Cleve land, 21; Harrison, 7; Weaver, 1; 1896, McKinleylS; Bryan, 11; 1900, MclSJn ley 19; Bryan, 10. Abthtjb -W. DxnN. . m OlMuars All through trains, via the Cotton Belt, carry hand some Free Reclining Chair Cars from Memphis to prin cipal points in Texas with out change. These cars are furnished with chairs which can be made to recline at any angle, thus affording an easy seat dur ing the day, and a comfort able place to sleep at night. It addition to the Through Tree Chair Cars, Cotton Belt trains are equipped with Pullman Sleepers at night, and Parlor Cafe Cars during the day. The comfort thug provided for everybody, combined with the fastest time, make the Cotton Belt the most desirable route to Texas. Write and tell us where you are going and when you win leave, and we will tell you what your ticket will cost and what train to take to make the best time and connections. We will also send you an interesting little booklet, 'A Trip to Texas." FED. 0. JOKES. D. P. A., Memphis, Teaa. W. C. PEELES. T. P. A., Heophlt, Tew. . G. ABAiS, T. P. A., lUtarffle, Ten. F. B. WYATT, T. P. A, Cincinnati. Onie. B. H. SUTTOR, T. P. A CbattUMta. Tes . 3 E W. UBEAUME, 0. P. and T. A., St Louis, Mo. lyspepsia Cure Digests what you. eat It artificially digests the food and a Nature in strengthening and recon itmctlnff the exhausted digestive jyr gans. It is the latest discovered digest' ant and toniu. T$o other preparation can approacn it in efflcieacy. It in; gtantly relieves and perrnfwently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion," Heartburn flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea Sick Headache,Gaatalgia,Cr6mp6inc; 11 other results of imperfect digestion ?rared by E. C DWltt AC. CVca?o Ti ansylvauia' Railroad Company- General Offices, Brevard, N. C. oal Schedule, EfTeotive Monday,. . Decr ber 10. -NV.2lNo4j(Etostern Standard Thne)No,3; m mj STATIONS. 4:05Lv . .HerdersonTille ..Ax 7" 4:30) 4:45 5:05 5:S0Ar ii .io .Horee SiKw canaox -i ' Etowah.. .. .. .. 12',5T t Blantyre.. . .. .. ..Penrose'.! .. .. Da.vidon River , ...Brev d ... ..Lv .. ..Brevaixl ..Ar . . . . . .S&lica. . ..CHrerryfiel. ....Oaivert .. ..Toxawiay .. ..Lv I, 12:1 i' 12:10 - 2, Ar am' t r f 1 1 31