THE HAZ ETTE. . ' ASHEVILLE, N. C. NkMed Every morag Eieept Mondays .AeTnrroTTvTiR GAZETTE PUB- LI SUING COMPANY. Atones H. Norton .President. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: tifiv Gazette, on yair...... ....W.W edly Gazette, twelrfl weeks l.W Dally Gazette, erne m"uti Gazette, one jear.... .v. l.W Gazette, edx montk .M tion of the great newspaper of the com ing: years ' My ideas of the newspaper of the twentieth century imay be thlisv ex pressed in brief. Let us ssppose one of 'the great American! newspapers say The Sun, of New York, in my opin ion perhaps the best arranged of ail American newspapers? under the bbn- ! trol of a man of the Journailastic abali- of the for- winter weatther we (have ibee having, is " , '-. ' - -- . - , . , .... . ' Lincoln," Dec: 27. Bryan in alditi -3 that ttnten could; atJamd io Khe sunshine - w,- . s to the synopsis or his speech fu ru a . andTlbefoul "the eddetwailka jwitlh o!ba!o to e papers, said in coursa o ii juice,", remarks ihe Kmoxvillie' Journal reanaTks at the. Jeffersotnian ciub ban- X aod TWbune. fT his yot course juto qwefc'.last night, that (when ithe aire returns were coming' in . on e .eoa n vs. , .x. Mm jtv . a . ' ' , , night some one tasked him why 'he re- ordlinan.ce prevetdtiag - owlng Pely TJ, , . .. iLUeuiueu li j uiuwiii) iuc iivl k'cu xri. -i e- to itfcie .. .terror inspired by city or- ,pUbiicanism, and he leaned' to the bible daiaaincies) (any tniterfehemjce 'With! the f0r solace. There he found rtv f Tnxlane. the greatest mer editors of the London Times, cer- I damiajnicies) (any infcerreiTeni'cte waran the f0r solace. There he found "love your talnly the greaitest politi'cal edator In J enjoyamemit n of tfahe weaifcheT' in ifihe way enemies, do good " to those that hate the history, of Journalism!, backed by 3 jtihie journal atndl Triboiae. yu" and he responded that be knew Weekly Weekly the history, of journalismi, backed ay suggested toy Itfoie Journal tatndl Tribune. ! the Standard Oil company, and (issued siultflTvmis:1v each imorninsr in (say) New York, Boston, Chicago, Pittsburg, I a T.rHii.fa -PhnQr!pinih!ifl and -cither I points in America; or at London, 'Liv- f t j The Family Dining Room Is a fair index to the ft mily's eocdal standing. A goad, solid, su-bsitanitial dining table and strong comfortable chairs speaki of good dinners and pleasant companj . The dining-room is the harme of hosipitality and the air of substantiality. We believe we have the best, moat srtid, subsiantial dining-rooan fumitu'e to be liiad, and at prices that caiQ1 not be beat. Drop in our store and inspe3t our stock.' Blair & Smathers 45 Patton A NEWSPAPER TKUST. Wiithiirii ithe past year the public of the TJnfiitedl Sitates hlave been shown by ' a iminister of 'the 'Gospel what .a news ipbper should tola and have beard oon sidjerfiJble iJay wpin'ioa on the subject, toim.e liiaftxperieniced people going s ifiar as to endbw a newspaper "to tail the truth." All shiades am'd vari eties of noftions Ihove ibeen laiired' from tiiose held Iby persons 'chat ''think ith'ait neftvtspaipers mever by any laccident do tell it., The mewBpapers1 imeanWhile have report ed all he "views" expressed land gonla on telling the truth or lying, ac cording to their habits. Now, however, an expert has cbtme forward and not on ly Mdi what a newBipaper should be, tout probably what it will Ibe in 'flhe twentieth century., Alfred Hamms wortlhl, (edlitor and proprietor of the Lon don Daily Mail, published 'Simultane ously eachi day in London an d) "Mknches- ain. Is it not O'ovious xnat uie pu,wei of such a paper might become such as we have ndfc seen "yet in the history of the press? Aye, iherels tihSa rub! No doulbt it would, eo far as suppressing: other ctews paoer enterprise goes, but. would a num ber of newspapers pulbli'Sihie'd by a trust hlflve the influence over -the public opin ion that the saTne numfber of papers now have, each exipTeseiaig its own views 'in its own way? Duit to continue with 'Mr. Harms worth, he asks, "But how could such a multiple newspaper come into existence? Ob viously, it would have to be initiated by some man, or group of men, holding practically unlimited capital and pos sessing intimate knowledge of every thing appertaining 'to the journalism, of their country. Such a group might easily be formed of the directors of three or four leading papers of New York, or London. In my opinion, there first steps would be to buy the best brain, newspapers and machinery, ts construct private telegraph wires and cables, or where existing monoiDolies for the time prevented that course to purchase the exclusive or preferential use of the wireis. "The possibilities of such develop ment would be .practically without limit. Possessing its own cables, wires, despatch boats' and special trains, ithe simultaneous newspaper concern would soon have its own pa per mills, printing ink factories, ma chinery shops and the like; that is al ready party true of the London Times and other leading journals. It would probably take the control of all rail way and street news stands, and by persistent and overwhelming pressure would compel all news aerents to ac cept the position of agents of the com bine." In other? words Mr. Harmsworth thinks such a (monopoly would; crush out all competition and at ffche same time increase the excellence of news papers and cheapen them for the pub lic. We venture to predict, however, thla't no monopoly (that bias ever Ibeen at tempted io this country .would lairouse sueh'op position as an! attempt at a newspaper monopoly. .Before such a tbLng fehould be consummated tfchiere 'would bia such a newspaper wfetr as even tore fiercest political campaign meaner saw. If there is any class of men in this world who propose to go tkeir own wray and siay Ifcheir own say (it iia the newspaper men of -'the United States. That is wihat a large nuimlber of tlhem aire in the business for. Thialt is wfhat has made thJa ttiekding mewsplaipers in the world. Horace Greely tmiade the New York Tribiune, Tana made the Sun, (Raymond, ithe Times, Beronett thie Herald, Grlaidy the Constitutiioni, Henry Watsotni the Louisville Courier-Jourinal andl some man of ddteas, origimiality and energy has stamped ihJs tokiiviidiuality on every successful mewspaper In this coun no beftter place to practice this injunc tion than in Lincoln. ! "Hypocracy," he declared, was the name well fitted Ito the repubMcan party and in support of 'his assertion pointed out itnat an 1896 the republi cans repudiated the gold standard and in Ithe last electdon declared they did ;Jaimes R. Huntington, physical direc-, not stand for imperialistm, yet Me ter of ithe Y. M'. C A., returned yes- inley in his message indicated that terday from Gharlfotte, his former home, trial by jury hod been deri ?d Filipinos where Jie spent Chrisibmas. Mr Bryan said the democratic party t. t t- sy c 4. I could not be destroyed until its prin- P. L. Eridsres. one of tne Srartan'hursr . . -. . , . . 5 maJiitaP is nxinZ estroyeo, if tneir prin ciples did not prevaiil the American Herald's machine artists is spending a vacation here. RalpSi R. Ruvinger of the Philadel- I phia Press is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Judson of Cleve land, Ohio., en. route to Jacksonville, Fla., stopped over in Asheville yester day amd spent the day as the guest of Mrs. Ingerstoll at 156 N. Main street-. They leave for FQosuda this aftmvnn and express theimselves as deli e-ht! The waves that beat on St with Asftueivirl'le a,nd the nnoiintfli-n fciir1 shores mav h ta.d but iAxr TtrUi r-a form of govetmment was a falirure. He -expressed the belief that victory surely would come and said he would rather have history say the party died defending these principles than to say it died for any other purpose. Refering to the toastmaster's men tion of Cronje he said those who sup posed he would be forgotten erred. Helena's audi views. 0. iM. Scott, of 'Oeres, Va., arrived yesterday. Mr. and SMlrs. m G. Boye, of Cleve land, O., are staying at ithe Swaninanoa Htom. aTi. Mi. Moody was in town yes terday from Waytnesville. 4 J. (B, arrival W. S. Thomas of Franklin, and B W. Thomas of ,Sylva were in the cit yeisterdky. Mr. ES. Bell, of Columbus, Ohio, ar nvd) hre yesterday. R. R. Deaver of Brevard is im town York arrived ia is mtemibered long after th cheers which greeted Roberts shall be forgotten. Again tuuming to politics, Mr. Bry an declared that liberty was inaliena ble and the Flipinos. could not sell their liberties. He said there could be no peace an the Philippines until the Fill pinos, allowed what the Americans de manded theimselves. Bryan left for Texas today where he will remain ten 'V t f K 1901 TWENTIETH CENTURY DIARIES. Bainbridge's, Booh 8h0p if 47 Patton Ave. n-TW - v vvv? Everybdoy IConw's SnFr tastoLsuiS TSlIT Oranges, Bannas, Apples, . Grapes, Grape-Nuts, Figs, Dates, Nuts, etc veorders early for Cfcrfcma day Ice Cre ted A1-' The Candy Kitchen, Moody. J. Light of New Ashevdl'le yesterday. C. P. (MicEnery of New Orleana Kifiayrng at the Hotel Berkeley, by TORTURED . "WTTNES. Intense suffering was endured a- -Msmin, of Dixie, Ky. lyic xie gave tnis evideoce: "I cough ed e-.-ery night until my throat was .njearly raw ;then trteJ Dr. King's New Discovery, vrhteto gave instant relief I have used it in my family for four years and recommend it as .the great et remedy for Coughs, Colds and all imroat, Chest and' Lung Troubles it H stop ,the worst cough- and not only prevents but absolutely cures Oom suinnption.. Price 50c and n.00. Every buttle guaranteed. Trii : boUtles free at all drugo'ists. STAMEYVS STEIKGFIELD Kotice cf Contest For Senate Seat Was Properly Served. Editor of the Gazette: The Asheville Citizen, on December 24, Stated that there Would be no con test as to Stamey vs. Stringfieid It said -that no notice had been given acdordin- to t'he statute of North Carolina as amended by the last leg islature. Widl you please state that I duly served notice of contest on W. W. Stringfieid December 8, 1900. J. W. STAMEY. HEALTH AND ECONOMY. 3000 boxes of WneatHear'ts sold iatit non'th. It's the best food for young and old. That's the reason. THE WHEAT-HEARTS CO. WHEN YOU are feeling tired and out of sorts you will find Hood's Sarsapanlla will do you wonderful good. Be sure to GET HOOD'S. cer, who is now on visit ,'to ithds coun- try, has given tola views to the public try-not alone his opinions (but Ills views iaugzu xne worth American. 'Review, as to what a newspaper should ibe, and Herai&nks tfhere is bound to be. a news- the newspaper has been forced to main ffteper trust and hat perhaps one or two adn th)a standard and style (sat bfy ithils gfeat journals may control the whole man In orfler (to keep dts readers. iNews- country. After payinig a high tribute cannot ,beooime a colorless me ttb ithe press of the United States, as be- dhanical 'Production, turned' out all over Ing in one respect far In advance of ithe ke so many dans of Standi- (preas of Ms own country, he says: o11' (buit feadh' musfl hove certadn aimainng me century of com- ' "ve qualities (that can be For good Sen it only by a diamlnamt rj-irskvni equation. There are plenty of chances ror comib'iaiatiotti' of newspapers, Ibut A Nice Stock of Hurds & Crane's Stationery - - - 53 South Main Street ocx WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, Soie Owner Beech Nu t Rye Whiskey Budwei g-Bh Brewing Association'B Celebrated Tradend thln3r' ' the' Wice ami Spirit .. .Telephone 218, 0(XXXXXXXXXX)0(X)COOQOCyjQf ine Asnevuie school of i Music, Art and Languages. FERDINAND DU1SKLEY, Principal- Just received Aiso a fine line of names ana nov eltifs. We make frames to order, having the largest stock ol moulding in the city to select from. A specialty o4 photo supplies NEW TERM BEGINS MONDAY, DECEMBER 31. DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGES. Miss Anna Bernkopf, Director. Classes in French and German now being arranged to b-gin with the opening of tne ew term. Berlitz' Conversational Mlethod.comibined) with gnanumfair. SPECIAL CLASS FOR tfULDREN. Evening Les sons Given. DEPARTMENT OF VOCAL MUSIC. Mrs. Caroli-. Washtbun Robkwood, Director Classes ir.i Voal Culture .two hours a .week, eteht In class now being formed, $7.00 for term of seven, weeks Mr ! S5uey Sight Singing Class and Mrs Rockwood's Fortnightly Renertorv Class FREE to Oil vocal pu pils. 5 7 KPrtory Also clarses in Theory, Harmony, Drawing and Painting. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. THH SCHOOL NOW OCCUPIES A SUITE OF ROOMS IN THE SONDLBY BUILDING. OFFICE ROOM 15. The French Broad Press, A, H. McQullkln, Proprietor, - - . . ------ 32-34 Patton Avenue. (Over Wlmgood's Drug Store.) Office hour 10 to 1, 3 to 5. Phone 307 " v V Imported and Domestic Cigars Sold by the Box at hactorv Prices at the Berkeley Cigar Stand a lunation and central or or ill, the day of the small trader is Past, and that of the 'great emporium has come. The tendon - , eoroporations to absorK , 5 ,vlast monopoly, a mOinO,TJO,W rtvfh ao not say that t.hic fc h-.v, v A I tnrevent. n-nv rrvnoi xtri.iu -r bie "rrr urL pos- " : tou tor atoZrrir-'M, from starting fc m w LU lliifJS tiae, laadi con a -.uu!U,U!U:Utuiu.u!B!B:u!nsniQ.fl!aior aia-Dta-a-DiD-o-a - tain that the raewsnamw n r, tieto century will be drawn into the vortex of combination and centraliza ition. m fact, given the man, the capl- " SI 0rg1anJzatkn. nd the occasion, , there seems to be no reason why one or two papers may not presently dom- ' StSt ftlnS the United Stetes, or almost the whole of Great f J!L In where there ere mow a mmtitude of papers-ood , bad and andifferent-there win Then one or two great journals." Here da Mr. ' -"'wm's concep ducting it to success or (failure air- imjg to his iaibiOiity, we do mot thlink even tne twenltieithi cenitury 'Wflai see. .If it sh'OuM (siee ucih ia (monopoly It will also see the decEne oif the newspaper and the rise of the pamphlet as a power. aragon Drug FDWARD HOPKINS, President. c Grover Clevelanldi, as Ithe prodigal son Ash. fl;-. "1 i - ... u iswj'K.m an BOimie wasys, especi aily in Ms miannter of returning and the welcome extended; to hlrm. , M. vic- j " Bon Marche to go to ee Is where you want the best display of HOLIDAY HANDKERCHIEFS tofnre tka Ha ever shown at any season here- SEa-'S !!er-lled for tity and variety at Gc, ' main T,rriiL, lo 5C n cotton-linen and silk - fere fo? ti Wrced for 5c to $l.po-Bmbroia. ered-for 5c to $1.50 for Ladies, Children and Men , xvUB, umrjreuas and Furs ; and Xlberty Uinen0ln fact tota of useful ar ticlai f or presents. See - th 'nice tlnjprftt tto bonlarone - D D mpany, L. B. WHEELER, Sec-Treas. " . , tttt.MOMMt E DESIRE to call your attention to the new management' of this elegantly appointed Pharmacy Theirobject is to conduct the business to meet the approval of the citizens of Asheville V 4 I Opposite Post Office. i- - - 9 ; --5. 4- A' v f