& V','.OL.i;;Na)281 ?Zit BHEW1I& N.JC, TpES0AY !IOBNIN&, JANFABY 1, 190ir: - ; y PfiICE5CENTS i C , 3 ' ' N."' "i- - -.'v IIESTfiEIGieSGB 5-.. r - ' 'j. . - . v 1 K. i v ' During stock taking we 'yill i ;teduce ' prices vQii our ntire. istock, Especially;,, . - V " : " ; "t55 ".fc. ""il jackets c-uape ; . : : and ailorMadsSuits t Vwhich will be offered for sale J: i-at about 1Reiilai--PriGei ;i We have few pieces of nice FURS which iwe will sell aft thetsame redueticn. " i-'vy-'xj'' TREICHER&nn 51 Ptton Aye, 1:,..;:,. C . ... . . . . j-Valuable; Building Lot i - At a Sacrifice. ."We are offlerlns a v ry desir- alble resideace' lot at consideiraJbly less tham ats" value "do o y ter to make a quick saie. , lit la lo . f ien on i'lntei street, near ter ' v r oalinis ; of diastnut e tree size , 2 94x422. C v.'-..- 1 WILKIE & LaBARBE, 1 Real Estate Brokers 'Fhioiie 661Z 23 Pattota Avenue - " SCHOOLS, Colleges. Institutes, Attention L r, y ' v ' " Colleges; Institutes, Attention. -, Are :ou looking! after the bealth of those who Vre slaeed In your charge. rWhac 3dnd of Bakinr Powder are you using? IS HHAITKFTJI, . " , - ; ... JB TUB VERT BEST 11' ASHEVliJ J - - m -'.1--- I if ' 1 . i ' , '.:::-'..y i"- i '. . I 1 I x ' ' - - " . . - -J , - - J. ) ! ' v. ,-'" " CJIJfl fiCGEPJ Emperor, AndjDowager :Yery Angry at th e DemanVif Explanations Asked ! Chinese Believe That the r; Peace Terias -Will Inpease Anti-Foreign Feelhag ' BURLESQUE PRODUGTiON , " ' v : iH'TEM Pie OF H EVENi .PERFORMANCE THAT.; SCANDA- ' iLIZES THE CTINAMEN 'NOTIFIES , STATE 'DEPARTMENT ;! OPs ACCrpPTANIB OF DEMANDS. ;Shang'hai, Dec, 31 . The emperor and dowager eimpre beqamie veryrangry when the demands of the .powers were suhmitfted"ta ithem . ; They thought the powers were taking advahtagejof Chi na's eondftlon to exact a humildating peace. Itis"the general opinion, of the L Chinese ithat the peace conditionis will greatly", increase the anti-foreign' feel ing and. give increaseid oportnndties to secret Societies -to fomentseditian'. .The Chinese commissionerihuye, ver bally informed the foreign anSnlsters of the-throne's assent, to (their denaands; butthe Afncial.docnimenfc.tfaBjiiiQiit yet been presented. . - " ; ' - Pekin, Dec. 31. The Chinese note accepting the conditions 'inipesed by the powers says that the Chinese plen ipotentiaries, on behalf of China, agree to the conditions "and. ask a conference wifth ihe ministers. A Xiaffan. -T?!iiiTwih ? do not object to the demands hut wish some ? explanations. THey wish ihe oowers (to asrree to dismantling -the Taku iforte in lieu of razing' them, they also desire information ffithj regard, to The , strength of. the legation . guards, and want to know if itSlifno poislhle to; Istop ' imililtary expedfitions ; into; the 4 interior.; It is possible Jthe (ministers will agree to dismantling Jttie forts but the size of .the legati'tof gtfards will depend upon howl theoyernment .acts when -restored': 4 "Ira r&gftr1Joaliir tary expeditions the ministers are al most unanimously opposed to them. The German minister is dispHeased with WaWersee's policy which has been to drive the Chinese army out Of the country , and kill all possible. LI Hung Chang is still ill. Washington, Dec. 31. The slate de partment has received a dispatch from Minister Conger at Pekin, dated De cember 30, announcing that the Chi nese plenipotentiaries have notified ttoe representatives of thepowers that the emperor "decrees acceptance of their demands as a whole, and 'that Prince Chflng requests another Conference. They also desire that military excur sions into the interior shall- cease. It is well known that this last request is In accordance with the views of the president. I Among diplomatic officials it is said that .this is not an unconditional ac deptance, although itis such a con currence 'in the general principle of the note ithat the powers 5anniot well set it asiide. It appears to be directed to ward reopening the wfordi "irrevovable" and securing more definite and if pos sible more moderate .condition on some of the points involved. It is not clear whether the envoys will sign the note first 'asd then ask if or negotiations or; endeaveor to ameliorate the terms before the final signatures are affixed. , In any event it is felt that the rrav er - features of " the trouble have been overcome by the submissive attitude of emperor, and tout little " remain now 1ut to perfect details of the peace treaty on the general lines heretofore laid down. Pekin, Dec. 31. The Chinese are scandalized by 'the production of a burlesque in'the Temple Vf Heaven by British officers, in which they ridicule the Chinese royal family. , Captain Hamilton, who impersonates the em press dowager, sings topical songs and dances jigs. The empress is - so3id at auction during the perftwmanoe" as . a fine 'bit of old China. The ' Temple of Heaven is regarded as China's holy of "holies. ' ; ' s -' J ' IF WE HAVE IT, lT lSTttjE . W . . The NEW YEAR is here: - We feel ready tovmike a good start : and continue; the v prompt and courteous : lattentibri vwe nave ' always mven business entrusted. ta s. - : i?Dil?e C0,,S Cor. HO! THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. EX-PBES!6EHT1IAnBIS0H. Does Not Regar 4 Expansion as Safest Avenue of Development. Indianajpoais, Dec. 31. Oolumfoia, club, the aeading republican clulb of ithe sitate, dedicated their remodeled home 'tonight. At a toanquet In honor o'f ithe. occasiom ex Piresidienit ?H3arrison wia .the princiipal speaker.. Replying to tthe tioast "Hail iCtolTUiubia," tlie said ihe considered the governang faculty to be Gods gireatest giift Lo .una Anglo-Saxon, and in the con Stitultiion of the United Stiates (he salw the greaJt'eat aidhiiievettnent Of that mtost 'rare fjacuMy.H did not, (he declared', as some do, Hook tto .expansion las the safest or most aJttracitiLve aiveniue of niaitional de vel'opmeinit.. By the jadvanitageisof aToun diainit produidts andl inviention and econ omy land production the Americans are maw-leading: Iby the aiose ithie origdnall of th'e gireiatest colonizing ma'tions., Aus 'iiralia lainidl New Zealand! Hayally- send their contingents tio South' Africa, ibut England' cannot hold the tradia of her colonies agiainsffc Ajmerioa. He added: "Ieapitail!ioni of ex-Preeiiden'ts' when fthe oalth (of bffiice is admiinisteired to his su'ecessor wouldi greatly vivify a some wihaJt tfresionne ceremonial. Upon th'e greatt qnestion, however, especially up on the . qiuiestiion (of conteKa'buittonal Haw, you must give an ex-piresldenit tois free dom or the axe, andl ilt is too late to givte me the axe." He closed' hy hoping that any die mo -crats who were ppeseht .wouild ..pardon hiimt skiing (that the deimlocraitio party was never Hess aikrdcititve than mow. THE PURCHASE 0FvTHE DAHfSH WST INDIES Washington, Dec. . 31 . There appears to be no hitch in the .negtotila.tions for the' transfer of the Danish West Indies to the United States except the pfolit cial : : status to ibei .accorded to the in habitants under American rule. The price, it is .understood, . has been agreed oron and other terms arrang ed Denmark ds deteirouis that her sub jects be accorded full American citi zenshop, but the Uhited Sta'tes prefers to 'let congress settle the status of the inhabitants. When the question is ad justed the 'treaty will he signed. BEST: Cpm Sqi-PhoneSZ - S3 - . - . i - .". .' . r. .... - -. f . .: ,- i ' - H'Wiii . ..:,'"'. - v -,.. - . r" - - - - Jr " v - '.''I - ... - . ,,)..' . . T i,: ,v,. :.. ..- ; ; '. .' - - - s'; 1 1 1 : - . - - -i-.. ... . .t. y : ? , - V!'i STAMPING COMPANY'S PLANT BURIIED lit ILLINOIS Many Mill Employers Thrown Ontof Work and a Loss of $400,000. Chicago, Dec. 31. Fire destroyed! the Beillaire iS!tamping tCompny's pflant at Harvey, 111.," early today, cau&ing. a loss of $400,000 and throwing oniiM men, boys e.nd girls out of employment. In surance to the value ox $375,000 was car ried on the plaint. A high wind' carried great quantities of Iburning embers ahouit the village, fchireatteininig its destrucftioii. Ciitazens iformed a ibucket (brigade andi prevented the spread of the flames. At 8:30 a. m. the water-supply (gave out. To ladidi to the ' excitement severt .tainks,. two of them fililed' with napthai, exploded .(Frag ments of iron flew almost everywhere, hut no one .was seriously dn'juredi.When the waiter tfaiiled Ithe firemen left the factory, which was'iburning ftertcely, to tits fia'te .;and itunied their attention to isurrounding property. Several' build ings suffered slight (d!afmiages.v FELL INTO THE ABYSS laimtpcon, JMich'. , Ieo. 31 .A: cave-in of the (Ohiampioni mine 'ooourred here today arid John Homgreem and George WiJliiam were precipLtaited into ithe abyss. Their- IbodiJes will mot be . re covered. Gazette - "Want"' advertisements reach the people of Asheydlle. jmiiimiiiiimmimHHUiiiiiiiiiiii DRUCI ST0BE 1EWS S ' The "best way to avert a cold g 5 or symptoms of la grippe Is to g S -get a hox of Grant's No 24 and S take one or r two capsules . every g 2 three of four hours. It never fj fails. Price 25 cents., 5 1 '' " -l i -. Feed .Pratt's Food to your cow 5 ,,it increases the milk and 'makes 5 " r 5 S v more butter". Price 12 lb bag 75c. S . Got a had cough that, ordinary S v1 " - - , , " - 5 remedies will not cure? Try 2 .J.. ' 5 . ? Grant's Egg Emulsion" of Cod - 5 ' XIver Oil. , It. 4s easy ' to take, Z 3 . ' easy to ' digest an iiexerts great S . curative power. i v " tie;.- x ,y 50c and $1 hot- ' - i PHONE 19 n .-mr" . Agericy for vWocTs Seeds. SII07 STORa I II ;THE WEST, v Eiliteenbegreej Below Zeroin Color- aao ana Eisyit in Iowa,. - rWalsenbairg, 'oolo. Deo. zi.-lt hak ibeen stormy ..ut Intervals inthis sedtion for several days and the roads lead- to the summit of Mount Blanc are im- passabae. Pears have been entertained for the safety of the hundred or more miners on . the top of ; the moun tain who had; not yet- laM in their win der supplies for provisions'. People liv ing at ttne -base of mountain say, how ever,, that if ithey were in danger of scant winter supply, some of them would have cut their way through be fore this and called upon the neighbor ing camp for help. Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 31. A snow storms, driven by a strong north wind, prevailed here last -nighlt . ThV storm was general in the southwest.' ' 'No -re-jports of damage ' or delay of trains have been received. 1 , Des Moines, ' la., Deo. 31. Iowa ex perienced her first sndw storm of the, season last night Trains are delayed somewhat. The thermometer register ed 8 helow this morning.. Cheyenne, Wyo.; pec. 31. A general snow Bitorm ihas prevailed over the eastern, and central sections of Wyom- J Powider river and Salt creek the snow is very deep.. Much difficulty in feed ing stock is experienced1, although no serious damage is reported as yet. - Denver, Colo., Dec 31. Eighteen de grees helow zero was recorded at the government' wealth er station in this city. ankT at Cheyenne, Wyo., at 8 a. ml. i&day. The coldest place in the country was Lander, Wyo., where 28 helow zero was reported. SEHATOR QUAYS flCHT- Harrisburg,' De. 3i. The house democrats and anti-Quay republicans held' separate caucuces at 11 o'clock today to discuss plans for fusion on the organization of the house. - A committee of democratic members Waited upon Senator - Washington Washburn, . of Crawford, ' today and asked him if his formal statement that he would attend the republican caucus and be ibound by its action was cor rect. The senator eaid his position was clearly set forth in hisstatement and that he had nothing to add or re tract. 1 ' The democrats nave not fixed a time for holdingtheir senatorial caucus al though, it will be held some, tiTne to niorrowni(o fey - will ibeVuhe choice?'o'f the d'enocrats for senator. " . There is no doubt of the nomination of Col. Quay by the republican caucus tomorrow evening. ThereS is doubt though as to whether he will have 127 votes, -the number required to elen. His friends say .positively that he will and his opponents are just as positive that he will not. iSenator Plynn of Allegheny, presid ed at the caucus of the anti-Quay re publicans. Messrs. Plynn, Martin, Wel'ler of Bedford, Emiiston of Brad ford, and McKee of Percy were ap pointed a committee on the part of the senate to cknf er with a like committee of democrats to discuss a plan 'of fu sion for the senate. Messrs. Ford of Allegheny, Emery of Venango, Drum of Luzerne, Edwards, of Buchs, Good charles of Northumherliand, Savage-of Philadelphia and Lamax of Bradford, were appointed' a comimitte on the part of the house to meet with a committee. of democrats. These' committees will meet during the afternoon and report to their respective bodies at 7 p. m. 'Ti-ere ds only one chance to sa yo r Ufe and that fs through an opera ti n'r were tre startling words heard hy Mrs. I. B. Htnt of Lime Ridge. Wis., fown her debtor after he had Lralniy tried: to cui'-; her of a frightful disease of stomach treble czra yeiiow. jaundice. Gall stones had formed and she constantly grew worse. Then she began to use Electri' Bitters, which by all druggists. N-" The compliments of the season to eyetbpand inany thanks to our patrons and friends. ARTHUR TA. FIELD COMPANY, - . Leading - Jewelers. ; -s Church Street and Patton Avenue. Asheville, N. C. I- t w v -"it . v : . - , 4. ... .... . BOERS SURPRISE BRITISH POST 4.V ThepEnter Helvetia, But are : Shelled Out of the Town; V -Escaping, . r - - ; : rt ' ; " - ", y' EelieviDg Column Failed to. Arrive in Time on Ac- ; ' i- ... ; A v." count of JSad Eoads. - AN INVADING PARTY BREAKS THROUGH LINES THEfF DAMAGH RAILROADS ANT ARB IMOfVlNG SOTTnnwiA -rtvt i a nr , DESPATCHES PROM KITCH- London, Dec. 31. Lord Kitchener has wired fromi Pretoria under date of Sunday, December 30: "The post art Helvetia was surprised at 2:30 a. in.,. the enemy first rushing a 4.7 gun. At dawn the officer com- ' mandimg the .post at Swartzkopjes sent t out a patrol and shelled the enemy out of Helvetia making thera . abandon 'the gun temporarily. The Boers, however got away eventually. No ammunition . ' belonging to the gun was captured. ' , The casualties were four officers wounded, and eleven men killed and twenty-two wounded. A column was sent out froin Machadodorp, but ow ing to the bad roads if failed to ar rive in time.', i ' London, Jan. 1. Kitchener in a lis- " patch dated Pretoria, rec. 31,' reports a ' small party of Boers invading the eastern part of Cape ; Colony have . ' broken through the British lines and. . ; gone in a southwesterly direction. V They orosed the railroad between Ban- ' ; ger and Sherborne, damaging the line. General WilMiam's column is f oliowing- them. FILIPINOS BUK TKKOUGH , CEfc CWSCSRDOH ; .- Manila; Dec;;314en. 'Ajandrinoi; 4 the reli;bomma follow-. " " v ed-;Mfflfe under ;j , t Gen. Grani 'ffllfclfewSssfut; fitCetopfc.-,' at imjidnighfr last njighti - o Ibreafc through the cordon drawn around hia forces by the American troops. He lost a few wounded. ! Gen. Puns ton wHT'V reinforce Grant with five companies of ,'7 ' Sthe Twenty-second infantry . On the northeast sloiTeiB Friday night lAmt , Oqxsha and Lieut. Wright with forty- trto men hnd two hard engagements with a rebel tforce tider Col, Tacson ' " The insurgent colonel who was wound- ; ,, ed, escaped disguised as a priest.. - ' Official staltements show the inisuirgettfe x casiuailities from August (to Christtn'asr ' ; ' killed, 27 officers, 1740 mien; 106 offlceiw and 1904 men caplturedi.. ' Tonight's c&- - nci'al 'bulletin!, reporlts ffifle' capture of, ten officers and;' 71 jment iby Amerloana near Imus. . , .:-ruy, ,1l r - A harness dealer calls his store room, a hridle, chamber. - V-j HEALTH 'AND ECONOMY. v 3000 boxes of Wheat-Hearts sold" 'last month. It's' the foest -foodlfor youngr and old. That's the reason.: ?t t THE WHEAT-HEARTS CO; Admit one absurdity and a dozerr others will demiand entrance. ' ( The Gazette's People's Column is best small ad. medium in Asheville. . v Something nice for little folks .luytha " foaiby a go cart from (Mrs, L. A. JohBh-V eon. A new and handsome line; jur received'. ; : .,T J' V.if l'i - j- -- c - ...... ffj.;-, ' - - 1 ' i - - .Al i. - '! A , - . ti , . ? -..-v.

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