ISEVILLE GAZETTE JANUARY- 3. iqoi ; i DAY III THE LIFE OF -p: Ptrlvtale Wine,. 1 - , Continuous Quotations Brokers. Gtij ind Provison, t Stocks; Cotton, r New York Office, fcl ; Broa4iway. :V 11 Church. St:; Ashevllle. N. ?. . . PHONE 649.1. REFER TO , . , Blue Ridge Notional Bank,. ' Asiheville, N. O. ' - ? Charlotte National Bank, Charlotte, N. C. . Seaboard National Bank, T V Nevv York." 'y 5 Lowry Banking' CO.. Allan, ta, Ga. Capitol City Bank, Atlanta,: Y ' G-a. T Bradstneet Com'I Agency. . 5 ;V FJSH, FISH. 1 V oor fish, 8- BliA'OK BASS, FRESH WATER PERCH, . RED SNAPPER, SNAPPER JOWI PECKLIED TROUT, ( PLOUNDERS7 . ' CHANNEL BASr, SHEEP'S HEAD, " , HERRING, HICKORY SHAD, iETIC. SCALLOPS, BLUE POINTS, LITTLE NECK CLAMS, LIVE LOBSTERS, ' ASHEyiLU? ;s lHS CO centre of Market, i phone 28S. HAVEN & STOUT. Bankers and Brokers NASSAU STREET, CORNER WAXiL, NE YORK. Deposit aecounte received, subject to ckeck on demand. Interest credit monthly oa daily balances. Accounts of . banks, corporation, firms and individuals received on fav orable termt- - Coupons, inttrrest, dividend, notea, drafts collected for our correspondents. Orders executed iCop tae purchase or a on commission, of bonds, stacks, investme I or carried on. margin. Clients may telegraph orders and in structions at our expense. jQopies ol telegraphic code may be had: on appli cation. I informatioa regardiag quotations cheerfully' furnished.. Now to end the century in a blaze of glory,,.,. We'll never have another chance. When 2000 com-s you and we will not worry over matters of gain and loss. A splendid holiday harvest is ripening, and all you need do is to go out and gather it. The fates have been good to you good crops, good prices, go id times, national good spirits. The I. X. L. Store ihave done their share for .you, that you can come cow and select your goods, and we (will save them for you until you wish them delivered. The end is in sight. In a few days more this fast and furious selling will make great gaps iia our stock, i Better save yourself the pangs of re a orse by placing your orders at; once. One 'thing is certain: whether you act your part or not, the I. X. L. Grocery Store have done their full share toward making it easy for you- to end the cen tury. - Grocery Store. TIME CARD Effiective Septtember 16, 1900., r , Northbound Pasaemger; 3&Ixe&. Chetter Leav.. 7.40 im 8.80 am Yorkvln 8. 4S aim 10.40 am "Gastonia " ..... 9.48 rm 12.27 pm ?astonia 4fc! ... 9.48 ami 1.15 pm Liacointon " ... Jl0.45 am 2.45 pm K wton " .. ..11.53 am 4.30 pm Hickory " ,...12.00 m 5.10 Open Hickory m ....12.15 pm 5.50 pm -Lenoir Arrive .... 1.16 pm , 7.50 pro Southbound. F&asenger. Mixed Lenoir Leave. . .. 2.00 pm 6.30 am Hickory ' .... 3.02 pm 8.50 am Kewton " .... 3.30 pm 9.20 WT Incolnton " 4.20 ui -11.10 m Gastonia " .... 5.20 pm 12.35 pm Gastonia " ...,5.80 pm r 1.12 pm Yorkville " . . .. 6T.40 pm : 8.20 pm Chester Arrive.... 7.50 pm 5.15-,im Among the tens of thousands who have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for colds and la grippo dujring'the past few years, to our knowledge,' not a single case has resulted '.. In pneu rnonia. Thomas Whitfield AOo.UO. Wabash avenue, Chicago, one of ; the most prominent retail druggists 'in ihat city, in speaking of this cays: :'We recommend Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for ia grippe in many cases, as it 110 1 only gives prompt and ; complete recovery, but also ;. cbunterkcts any tendency of ,1a grippe to result in nea-r "toonia. For cale toy 'C' A: Raysor. 'i., us 4 COuD NEWS comes from those who take Hood's'Sarsaparilla for scrofula, udygpepsia and rheumatism. -reports agree that H O O D S C U RES VOr.lAH PHYSICAL XContInud:on' second page.) 'V the reporter ;bfVa isxmdkyl paper ltc whom she had given ait Appointment" sMl ' wish to get out, iaeas on a vitar topic," stated this self possessed young woman. v4,Do, yotr, think that marriage Interferes vvith a1 womans professional career? pour opinion "as ft physician will be most Valuable. ivhave state ments, from a woman' lawyer a oman preacher, an editor and an actress, and of course- I mVsget the .theory of a physician." : - .,.J, v v ? - JaneJeaned back'in her chair and regarded this seeker of light thought fully. ?eat she said with just the suspicion of a sigh .VI do not see how a woman can be a good wife and mother and yet attend faithfully to theduties and demands of a profession It is too much for thedelicate organization of a woman." bo you would advise professional women not to marry?" asked the young scribe, 'pencil poised over the pad on bef knee. , -''.r'- .-'-"v,;.- VYes," said DrJane dreamily. How iar away that girl "reporter looked and why was she making faces at her? 'Yesr Ix should?; advise professional women" not to jnarry," she went on, witha tremendous effort tn nnii horcoif together, "and yet I question wheth er love and r marriage-- are not, best for women after all.'' , And then Dr. Jane ' quietly ' fainted away. ' :;' . The girl reporter rose, to the occasion. She rang the bell violently and helped the maid lay the doctor on the couch, loosened her gown, put smelling salts under her nose and shook her. Still Dr. Jane lay looking like a white lily broken by a rude hand. .."I'm going to call a doctor," said the reporter suddenly and thereupon rush ed out of the house. Now, as fate would have it Dr. John was at that moment alighting from his carriage across the way. "Are, you a doctor?" demanded a shrill voice as a highly excited young woman grasped his arm. "I'm supposed to be," said Dr. John quizzically. "Then you had better hurry if you wish to save the ife of a fellow practi tioner across the way," stated the girl. "What!" shouted Dr. John in a terri ble voice. i . TJome quick ur. jane cstuart. l ni afraid she's dying. I guess my inter view was too much for her." And the reporter rushed back seemingly on the verge of frenzy. ';- . She stood by until Dr. John revived Jane. She saw the blue" eyes slowly open and look up with an expression of wonder changing to doubt and then to something else. She saw the big, handsome Dr. John take the little, fragile Dr. Jane in his arms and heard him murmur, ""My darling!" Then she cleared out. In the hall, being a highly emotional young person, she seized the maid by the hands and proceeded to do a dance ofrastonishing steps. .'Looks like a wedding tra-la-la!" she sang. "Should a professional wo man, marry? Tra-la-la! Give up her career? Tra-la-la! Love and marriage bfst for a woman after all tra-la-la !" . The "door into the doctor's office opened, ""and Dr. Jane, still weak and white totter u$. "Dofi't quote me," icfee Mid apix-sri- ig7 - -"No; I wont," responded the fsisky young person. "And let me say right now that you are th,e most sensible pro fessional . woman I've struck. For What is a'career compared to the love of such a suDerb fellow as that? Doc tor, I congratulate you;" And then Dr. Jane blushed again. An anecdote is a tale rwithout a body RTROTVII A PROMINENT LADY , I have mot been aMe in itiwo years to waak or sitand iwiiithouJt suffering great txain. JSumoe taking Dr . Mozley's Uem on Eliiir I dan fwalk half a mile with otUU sozritering .the least inconvenienice. A wise mian 'adorns tills mind; a fool adorns ihis body. ' A PRIGHTF,UX. BLUNDER Will often -cause a ihorrible Bum, Scaidi, Out or Bruise. Buctolens Arnica Balye-.the best in thiet world, will kSJil the pain and pnomptly hseiai it.' t Cures ,OId! Sores, Fever isores, uucersv isoiis, Felons, Corns, all ISkin; iEruptioin. Best Pile sure on eaaith:.- . Oniy 25 emits a box. Oure gjuaraniteedl ..- Sold by al Two can live as clieaply as one if it' a case of ' A MONSTER DEVIL FISH Destroying 5ts vlotim,' ia a type oif Const iipatiloai).. The power of tuna uror dieirous ttniaflady . ds tfelt on- ongajns ana nip(rv tnd miutscles and brain. Tlbere's no thleaatuAf ttill it's overcome. But Dr. K4ng':(Newf L&fe Pills, aire a safe and eirrt3ai . cnire. Best- to ithe (world' for Stooimadh, Liver .Kidneys and) BoKirels Only. 25 cerate lait all druggtists. i 'A thing isn't necessarily .done right because it Is done properly. , - , ?.Tiere Us onl y one chance l.r to sai e vrf r Uf e and that fs through ' .an opera ti1 n" "wene th startllngi wiords . iieard by Mrs.' I. B. -Hum't of Lime Ridge. Wis., fromi her doctor after he had mlnlv tried to' cure (heir of a frightful disease i;c' stomach, crotible ead: yellow Jaundice. Oalt stones inaa arormea hum she constantly grew-worse. Thea she to&emn to use EleotrJo Bitters, . which by, att'druggiffta. ;.; s " r :, 4 IWnen "you pay a" visit If .Isn't 'neces sary t o take fa receipt for itsh c-" 4 ir. One Minute Cough Cure, cures; That u vbn It was rrnao sor. , NURSING MOTHERS. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG 1 AND SICK WOMEN WELL. NOTICE OP SE1ZJRE. Notice ts Ihereby given of flizure of the followinig property for vdxjaaltian - the internal (revenue laws of ttoe Unite! States. At Salisbury December 15, 1900, by C B. Mills, J. C, one engine, (boiler, com mSll, diistilitery outfit and 5 p-ajokaiges about 230 gal'lons, cam whiskey, "said tb be1 the propeiity of M. A. Goodman., Aft Gdilreath December 3, 1900, by B P. Ledder, D. C, onie copper still fix tunes and 5 packages, about 220 gallons corn iWhliskey, said to be the propert -of H . M. Purlion. Ait Hunting Creek Decemfber 4, 1900, by B. F. Ledlder, D. tC, two copper stills fiHtiures audi two packages, about 3 gallons corn whiskey, said (to be th property of A. F. Combs. . ' A At Salisbury Decemlber 19, 1900, b C E. Mills, D. C, 4 kegs, about 1 galos, com wfodfekey, said ito be the property of R. P. Rosemon. At Cleveland Dteoeratoer 20, 1900, by C. F. Bilalotek, 3. C, 13 (packages, about 98 gallons, corn iwiMskey, said to be the property of R. B. Brown. At 'Sheffield Xedemiber 21, 1900, by J. M. Davis, D. C, one copper istlill, fix- (tufres and two packages, about 58 gal lons corn whiskey, said to be the prop erty ol A. A. Smith. At Winston, Dec. 22, 1900, by S. A. Sides, r. C, one horse, wagon and one .package, about 50 gallons, corn whiskey, slaid to be the property of Aiken Dou Chdt. At tOonraids December 24, 1900, by S. A. iides, D. C, 13 packages, about 580 gallons, corn' whtiskey, and 4 packages, about ISO igalllons apple brandy, said to the property of unknown . At Cleveland December 25, 1900, by C. E. iMills, T. IC, 2 capper sltdlls; fix tures, and 3 packages, about 130 gallons corn rsvMskey, safld to be the property of R. B. Brown. lAit iSallsbury, December 22,, 1900, by C. ID. .MJlls, D C, one engine!, -boiler, -mdll land disSUllery fixtures, said Ito be tthe property of T. L. Foster.. Persons claiming- the abovie prop erty will file their claims with me in ,my office within 30 days as required by law, or the same twill be ; forfeited to the tuse of tfcJa United iStates. H. S. HARKINS, y ', Ooilecifcor 5thi Dist. . ABheville, N. C, Jan. 2, 1901. By J. WILEY SHOOK, D. C. Some imen acquire that tired feeling from looking1 for an .easy Ob. . - Bucbess comes from mot making the same mistake twice ; fPersons Wfhlo suffer fftfom vind5igtesion catmiot expect to live long, because they cannfiott eat th-e fooflj required to nourislh tthie boiiy aaid the products of (tihe un dlgesitieid foods -they do tefett ptoison the blood!' .It is importanft to cure imdl gefetiobi as ooini as tossfible, and the bBt method! of doing hls 8s DO use ; the prep- station known! as Kodol (Dyspeipsia Cure. It diigest what you' eat and restores all ' ttihiet digest Ve organs fc perfect health.. -Dir. TV 'C ISmsEtli.. V . r TTIHtEJ AHOTtEIER'S FAVORITE. , ' A CShambeirthalifc's Cbugli Remedy " is .the m)others ifavorlte. It ' Is pleasant and safe ifor ctLildreni : to', take and - always cures v It la , Intended! , espaclaily for coughs colds, crouip-v an5 iwlioioping couigih ; anld ia tl laest-'imedicinse made fltxr Itheige diseases' ' There 4s not - the le&sft danger to giving1 It to children: for i)t codbalns nV opium1 or Other' Injurious drug and (may be. slvfen as confidently o a babe as to an adult. For sale - by C. y-Raysor. V 'VX-'-vY Tlie.IIoiiae lToblem In Parisi ' ; The housing robiem is,' one that for years has 4 lain heavily on.- those . with small incomes in ParisV Every; day ; the French . -capital : be comes more and more impossible-as a residence, for poor people- and, -while handsome houses grow' moreVumerousV reasonable lodgings become " scarcer. The poor no longer find It easy to se cure apartments; at a modest . rental" in the city unlessthey are willing to be confined in barrackHke tenements on the sjxthor even seventh story or shut off in a ' courtyard where they get. very little daylight and hardly ever see -the sun ' ' ... , ' . : T ' The workingman has-therefore been bblhjed to migrate to. the outskirts of the - city, and whole suburbs,; like La .Villette on one side of Paris and Gre nelle on the other side, are' now Inhab ited exclusively by Industrial colonies. Every exhibition in Paris has brought a rise in rents all around, and today the landlords' dues are liigher than ever. Less accommodation is available in Paris for a given rental than in London, and the sanitary con ditions are generally inferior. The better housing of . the working classes, however, is now beginning to attract the attention of reformers, and when the extension of the city eventually takes place perhaps some improvement will be effected. Paris Cor. London Mail. Ancient Castle, Carious Clock. Rushen Castle, Castledown, Isle of Man, Is the ancient seat of the kings and lords of man. The castle is a veri table curiosity, both historically and otherwise. The first mention of it dates to the year 1257. It was taken after six months' siege in the year 1315 by Robert the Bruce. The castle is built of limestone and is not a ruin. Until a few years ago it was used as a prison. The town clock seen in the castle wall was presented by Queen Elizabeth in the year 1597. It has only one hand on the dial. This is the hour hand. The minutes are judged by the position of the hand between the hours. The works of this clock are also a curi osity. The weight at the end of the pendulum is a large stone, and it is driven by a rope coiled around a cylin der of wood, with another stone at the end of the rope. The clock is still going after its centuries of service and is still the town clock. Newcastle (England) Chronicle. Not Arguing-. The person who feels like "Let us keep silence, that I nmy have the talk all to myself," would fain re duce conversation to an entirely one feided affair. . The London News says that the late Charles Keene, the artist of Punch, used to describe with great delight the method of a certain man whom he called a "pot house Ruskin." This person was sitting with a friend in an inn parlor and was haranguing the other man on matters in general. Finally the friend ventured mildly to interpose an objection. .The speaker drew himself up with much dignity. "I ain't a-arguing with you," said he; "I'm a-telling you!" Hopeless Woman. Mrs. Shears Oh, "dear, how the wind does blow! Mr. Shears Sly dear, did you ever know the wind to do anything else hut blow? "But the other day you said the rain ?ame right down. Did you ever know 'he rain to go right up?" "That's quite another thin?. Just like a woman! Never can stick to the question under discussion." Boston Transcript. A NIGHT OF TERROR. "Awful anxieity was felt for Whie widow of the bravo eG-neral Rurnfbaim of Ma dhias, Mo., when the doctors said) she could mot live till intorninig," writes Mrs. S. H. Ldnooln, who attended her that fefcrfuil nighit. "All ithomgant' she must soon die ifrom' Pneumomia, ibult she beg ged for Dt. Kirug'is New Etiscovery, Bay ing it had miore than once isaved her life and toad cured' her of Oonsufmpltionl Aifiter 'fchiree doses she elept (eajsiiily all nfight, and its furtehr use oompletely cured her . " This msarvelou anedictniei is guaracoyteiedJ to cuire, all Tthrtoat, Cihiest amd Iiung Ddseiases.. Only 60c and $1. Trdal ."bottles free at all drug stores. The Asheviile Woman's 'Colleige enters upon its second term Itodsay, .under m'ost auspicious cAroutaistaaiices and with every promise of (being even niore suc cessful than !ih the first. , New pupils are engaging ihoard, and the old! ones re turn ito work iwtitih little inlterrupition, hlavirig! spent j imost enjoyable an! hap py Christmas In tHue college. On Sat urday evenlngr Thetmibers of itihe faculty and students had the advantage - of - a talk and free lecture ifrorni the magnetic Chicago ledturer, GDr.iThomjas P. Bailey Pnesiideiiit A. A. Jones - deserves 'the greatest credit for raising this college for. youngi women im our imiiids't, (to oae of Siuch ihigh ddeais. v It 4s salid Ithat time will tell' yet people are constantly asking you what time It 4s. Says a poet: "Her flBaJce was fair, but sorrow came and left, its traces.'' what Borrow did with the rest of the harness the deponent sayeth not. , If you would nave ui. appetite like a bear and a relish for your meals take Chamberlain's ; Stomach "and liver Tablets, They correct disorders of the stomach and ' reigulate the liver and bowels; -Price, 25 cents. Samples free, at C. A. Raysor's drug store, s A KipEN, CLEAR BRAIN. . Pour best feelings,' your social posi tion or businesa success depend largely on the perfect action ,of your stomach and'lfver. . King's -!few Ldfe PU1 give' Increased strength, v., a keen, clear brain, high ambition. 'A 25-cent 4 box Will " make? you fee like a new bein g. Sola by all druggists.' w- j " - - , . REST CnjRB PLACE rsOnexof the ; most ibeautifail bouses to Ashevllle, chrroliig,ly eftmaAedi,' .enr rouoided by 62 acres of land; on street car liaae ; 10 mimrtfca,v walk to postofnee. fBIegaant genera? - tahle ; (for -rest-cure oardera.Hygienic dieit for; ithose under m ,7 a r-- A 1- " J U . A 1 1 I I 1 I I f III I. . I V" - J I W I Ml I. 1 The Kind Tod Have Always Bought, kni wldctf lial lia in use for over 30 years liaborne the, signatnre of ST? '1 All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are hut Experiments that trifle with' and endanger the health of Infents and Children Experience against Experiment. , What is CASTORIA Castoria is , a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. -Its lage is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nd allays Feyerishness. It cures Diarrhosa and Wind C5olic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacear-The Mother's Friend ' GENUINE Bears the CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 1 THE CCNTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY BTRCET. NEW VORK CITY. - res p Tta far y taati. t rjrnvr!t r.rrM, a...A. Saloas, Nw-Sm.b4i, OA ffrei ralUf I No atttr Top fxxt Tm tampla and ec duMtta4 tMttV All through trains, via the Cotton Belt, carry hanJ Jsome Free Reclining Chair Cars from Memphis to prin cipal points in Texas with out change. These cars are furnished with chairs which can be made to recline at any angle, thus affording an easy seat dur- ingthe day and a comfort-, able place to sleep at night. -. ; Its addition to the Through free Chair Oars, Cotton Belt trains are equipped r with Pullman Sleepers at night, and Parlor Cafe Cars during the day. The comfort thus provided for everybody, combined with the fastest time, make the ' Cotton Belt the most desirable route to Texas. Write and teU us where you are going and when you will leave, and we wiU teU you what your ticket wiU cost and what train to take to make the best time and connections. We will also send you aa interesting little booklet, "A Trip ) to Texas." v RED. B. JOKES, D. P. lenjlilj, Teaa. f . C PEELEf, T. P. A., lesif hit, Ta. f . 6. ADAIS, T. P. A., RaiWne, Ten. r.LIUn.T.P. A Ciaduttl, 6bis.e a w. LaBEAUME, Q P. Peisons desiring to employ. .; BMCKTi A YES,E MASONS, OB ; PLASTEEEKS can. secure competent hanc byxommunicating with , 103Pattoh Av:ri,; Phone 52 HAIR BALSALT; mm ud beauttCM M hf& Werwr TadH to Heatore Qrtj jEiair so its xoouuu yoiov. Cure scalp dte&sea hair taUiof. v ml ana had peenjnade underbills per- sonal supervision since Its infancy . Allow no one to deceive votZin. this. ALVAYS Signature of 1 General Store ud Brbw what't the'mttur. 7 4l 'A -if) ' B. B. SITTTO!!, T. P. CbitUiMiapTcai, and T; A., St. Lonis, Mo. V Tt ans j iiania g Bailioad Compacy 1 ; ri mt ii ii i ib ii jni k.i jnjtL. General Offices, Brevard, N. C. , . eal Schedule, Effective Monday, ; ' -'Decer ber 10. No.2No4jEastern Standard Time)INo.S a m b v4 ; ' STATION'S. JpsS . 4:05Lv ..HetidersonviEIle ..Art :W - 4:30 .. .. .Horse Sbo 4:45 V ..Etowato.. .. .. .. 12:5T ....Blanitvre.. 15:05 .. .. Penrose.. IU: f 5:S0jAr V. ,23irev d . . .' .XVi 10:40 IiV ..Brevard ..Ar ; Sollcft ;. ....OalverV f .... SUt ll.lOf At ..Toxaway ..' ..LvJU:4 N. 2, daily except fiunday. ' r. "A" if I J, i 7 '7 r 'f-V j -t , 'f fit i 4 "4 , "1 s

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