f IT 1 if !, TREIG H r'j 4 During stock taking we wni . . - Teduce prices on our entire stock, especially Capes, Jackets ' '4 and Tailor-Made Suits whictr'wrli be offered for sale at about t 1-2 Regular Price. We have a few pieces of nice FURS which we will sell at the same reduction. f . OESTREI 51 .Pattou Ave. If we have it it is the best. ("We have! joist received a carload of -cpLUHBUs mm GO'S VEHICLES TVVMidh Include NOW ANI ATTRACT- IVE aines in Open 'and Top Buggies, ear- j-iages, isurxies Etna u-itoimw... We -will! be able to display to a short i&me, and! invite your calif you. are x . - '. :'; , "' ; v.. . i " ' v -"; in need of ianytthing to -HUGH' (JLiASSS WORK. i A ASHEVILLE HARDWARE CO S. B. K3ar. . i Oouitt Square, pawn! 7. SCHOOLS, Colleges, Institutes, Attention! , ; "Colleges Institutes, Attention i Are you looking after tflhie ihealth. ; of those who, are placed ia.. your charge., What .fclad. of Baking Powder are 'you using? :v IS HHALTHFUXi, , -I r;- ' ' ; is'- economic alV ?. J'"( -. IS THE VERY BEST. , THE iMJOTHER'S PAVORTIIB . v ICbamberliato'a mother'a favoriite. ' , It i&s pleasant: and safe ; for' dLiWren ; to-: itake , Bind - always cures. " It is ' intendedi - especiaaiy ; for coughta. : . colds, - croup andi Whooping cough, audi is the best anedJt fine' . made for tthese diseases. ".There - da not the least danger, in giving It to childnem for fit oonltatas nb opiunii or other Injurious rdrug and may ibe given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. For sale by Raysfor.;. v Ji - , EK&CO C . ... v..-.. - fcr - V .!. ' . : . . 1 . J'- v' - ST06K .7 . TAKING SfM. DEMONSTRATION Fifteen Thousand troops Keep r.Backrthe::CrowdS That; ; Greet Roberts. The Little' -Meld1 Marshal , Welcomed as 'a Conquer- ing JB!erp. v - . ; DINED WITH ROYALTY ' . : : :: AT BUCKINGHAM THE - STltEETS .t ARtiA&E "WITH COLORS IAUONG THE ROUTE OF PIARADE AND A GRHAT AMOUNT OF ENTHUSIASM- SLtondon. Jan: 3. JFleld Marshal Liord Roilerti9 arrived' in Ltondoni toidiay. His SpeceitI6n iwcxiiifal,v'toutitt deman straWon (was not attend'ed-, (by itoe ' In tense enbhusliaism land enonmious crowds Jwihich !hajvte ieestedi ithe xeiturndnig vol- unltteers frorm timie to time. , CJrowds of people, flotokjefli to ?xlmt8 of vantaige along the route to ibe ifolilo.'wed by Lord! Roberts from iPteKMingttion jta tfop to tane BhiCklnghiaani paJiace during the early hours tuf (the morning, (but the numbers on no way compared nlthi ithOse tihiat gathered (Cor ithe' dehronsitration in honor of the return, of ''the 'City Volun teers "frttan iSouth -Alftlca. iFeara of fthe rioitus bethlavior and dis- 'astera of Tlratt: occasion dtetierred! amany people from takinig part in ithe ponblic weTtcome. "WarnetJ :by oxJourrenices at sthe time of the Volunteers' return the authorities today furnishiefd1 harriers -to prevent crushing, and 15,000 regular troops, in feddltJioh to 1000 ipollce, Mned the route, (blocked, the side streets and oonicentrated in , iwide spaces to eutard against idiangjerou amshes.- Lordl . Roberts reached Taiddinton etaition only 20 ttniniutes tbeihind schedule tume. As he descended! ifram the' sa'loi carriaigeLto the platform oC fli elabor ately deoorated! ratlroad" station he Was greeted) oy phe Prlraoe of Wales, ifche Diuke a-ndi iuich)ess of York, the Duke "of Coninauglhlt! and the Duke of Oam- ibridge.; Members of mte royaa family snooit itiands heartily with" the field nalarsfcal while hands played the nationoj 'anuneani. The Princess of Wales engaged! Lord iRiciberts ins a conversation of some length. The iscente was alifcogether bril. iiaai't. Jfiverywriere were masses of 'bunting; troops in ar4ght costumes, cab inet mimsiters and) staff officers. nye irrince of Wales soon left the rai'-road station, iprecedins Lord Rob erts to Buiokintghaim- palace! 'Tihe re- turning: field arJarsh'ail iwas thc-n pre sented v,iJi an address from "thsr mu nicipaiity of Faddingtoa. " The people on the stand opposite the carpeted platform could see little but &cocked.hi2s and ladies' ban. ets . The first captain, of the empire, five feet, two inches high, was visible but from the front of the circleXAf ter congrat ulations had Ubeenexchanged - Lord Roberts walkedsjtfrth the Prince of Wale, the Duke of York and Gen. Sir Evelyn . Wood and. reviewed the guard of honor. The veteran field marshal, who appeared to toe in perfect health, with pink cheeks, 'bore hiimiself jaunt ily and with evident enjoyment. He walked down each rank, saluting with his left hand as his right hand is still in a sKng, as a result from hi's fall from his horse in South Africa, speak ing to the sergeants, sand occasionally picking out a private for a few words recalling previous service together. After the inspection Lord Roberts had a few miiTifutes conversation with his old comrade before, he. went out into the station inolosoire to meet the Ijondon multitudes T The recession " wast . formed, the headquartersi staff, in ix carriages fol- lowSnlg! atanuesdiaitiely . (behind the field marshal who occupied a. state car riage escorted iby Indian cavalry. . .The secretary of estate for war, William St. John Broderick and the secretary of state for tforeign! affair, the Marquis of Lansdowne were seated to another carriage. A detachment of cavalry brought up the . rear. ; The' party pro ceeded to Butekinghami palace, toy way of Hyde Park and Plicadilly. Deafen ihisr cheers1 greeted the chief , marshal acommanded-in-chieff of the forces along all parts of the moute. Clutoland was BJblaze with color and, the greatest emthusasmi iirvailed. jTne -ladies aa- ;Valuai)ierBiiiWing lot At "al Sacrilice. - We are offlertoe a v ryideslf- -J able residence lot at considerably . ...... - - . , .- ' -. ; , .. tess thaa Its value In , o ier , to , 9 amake a quick eaie . V It , la Io- eaten on'ltine stseet. near, ter- J . minus oi "jmaauiifi. WILOE LaBARBEi K:-1-Cctr.i2 CrcZcra, --f- . .,....r 7xt4.n' o o o d mdtted to the iclubliousea -throhged ibe windows and. ; Ibalconleis. The' ihotels andt other ibuildtogswere all -(lavishly bedecked witSbv-alT! wdd: fr;dm top to. bottom witihT eDff.fptdfTi roar'of welcome mUed.on jiocreasingly until "the iterant ob the ates of ;the;-palaceift;"tf'-'. r .:IA. '.ifew! disttogfiushed ipeopi were walttogr nrearily wi ttCtb-pasire pal-' ace'-quadranglewUlt human iddmly: In , etfojggyooni. The foot guards on duty wearbig their overcoats were drawn up wlthln while without ome 5,000 person were pack ed together dn an : nideavor - to (get . a view of the hero f tile hour; i v! The royal party arrived hal4 ja hour toefb; L Into . the quadrangle . amid a ilvo of cheers f roimi the croWda and a flfenified waving of, lilandkerchiefs on the part of the bareheaded nobility i Hl - ; Wdtirin, the Prince "of Wales: armly greeted the, field marshal.. px t ? sEveryhody ;; by;,t!;ttfaev. , 2 m. was very huinsgry would not go to 'huicJieon uirh.had inspeicted the guards Acoomp4nl?d; by one or two officers he walked; between the lines of men towering! ovetf tiny commander-in-chief, ? onakin& -a him appear smaHer than; ever angalmost overweighted, by iimJmetosfty of lite 'field imarshalbat. - fW!he the Insa3eco&t was 'over Uord Roberts, the members' of ihej royal family and the neraas went nito ae palace ana tiaa arirrvate - luncneon, whereupon the crowd dispersed. " Those preserntfift 'the, luncheon at iMclruetnam paaice, wntere tine ceremcm-1 dea endedi, consiisted of 60 persona, about! m ox winornj wrv t iujvu wwu, uu-u i were off tine noDiiwy, -me ranCT ijro8 LiODd Salisbury, the Duke of Devenshire, TtkJ Wolseley fiaid; a majority or tne members of ithe cabinet : ' " . COLORADO CONFRONTED WITH BAilKRUPTCY Govenror Recommends Greater Taxa tion of Industrial Corporations. Denver, Jam. 3. -Governor Thomias today transmitted his final message- to the. ieeislature. Concerning the con dition of itlhe sifiaite's (finances and plans for increasing the revenues he said: " Our credit is teadhausted- and? We are la-e' to 'face 'with'-the edtermvM re lief or btihkruptcyi: t T . (T17HM1 industrial corporations operating and owaaiing property scattered jthrouighout I the state the placteki, with transportatton wmipanies, -under the j-urisdiotaon oi tne state board of eauialSzaition. There is no other imetthod whereby they can be comroelliedi to justfly contribute to the miblic burdens. , Their evasions of the revenue law are general and notorious. Tlheyare powerful financially and poli ticaldy and use both in choicia amd -con trol of ithe assessing authoriity, thereby securing the adopti'on of their oven valu ations." j he -governor advocates- the taxation f f unionise. He recomtmerids a bond ,ysue tor the funding of tht s--.-i.irc ftai.d'ing v. arrant in uetiteraiitnt yiae incluaing -.ne so -called a', smiles and accum uiaied ; irt. e-pjii. i'he ficai.in vJh - lie I '.v.e :-jr ti.e i-a meiit. ox v.-.m.- ernmemt declares some provision should be made, amounts to $2,073,077 FOR CHINA'S SICHATURE. Ministers Pixinsr lip a Paper That Will Clinch the Deal. Pekin, Jan. 3. The ministers held: a meeting today ,at which ' they began the work of transposing tbe demands of the powers into a general formal agreement for China to sign befor any questions' are asked or answered . It is not likely there will be any oampli-, ance with the demands until the agree ment now being drawn up is actually signed. , - A revised list of American mission aries killed during' the uprising shows that forty-four adults and twenty chlildren lost their lives. ? TRAGEDY CAUSED BY DEADLY FIRE DAMP IR A K1IHE a. .---'. 1 a j fri..i - an ISVesuffaWDg raiiy auuuuou .Wonld-l)e Bescners Overcome. Wfilkesbarre. Jan.'1 3; illlne sup erintendent Williamsv Assistant toup erintendent Morgan and tire isosses Early and Fortune went into the Pine Ridge mine this morning for the pur pose ' ofv ascrtalnlngthe damage , done ' j.n 3 - . onfan 4ta fTOnV oy ujie ure 'wiuuiuM bjc . o"-" fronn the IJelaware mine . adjoining.. They'bad not returned up to a late hour this evening and a rescuing party of six descended the onlne dn search oil them. After two hour's wait nothing had been heard from tne rescuing: par- ty and another rescuing' party ox . ten, with appl5ances-for overcoming fire Tdamp, ' descended vibe shaft. y About 10 o'clock , tonight i the secpno rescuing party passed, word that Wtuiamis and Morgan bad been found dead, suno cated by fire damp, and Early,, and! Fortune partly' suffocated. .Tnear con ditionfli were precarious The nrst res- colnig party were found overcome and 1 .ys - : nnT c. i K All . -; (TP-O.TA death. v All '. brought .out. Including the two; bodies: .V, -tf J JrzSj dead SUbCfEN DEATff OF BISHOP KINDER iTYttirrtMjMaiob.' Jan. 3 . JBdshop Wu X. fifL f the M: . cburcn. waa found- deadi to. nis Jbea at ma me today.,. . It is thout.the cause of his -dcth was (heart trouble, Ileattera .f-j'-rt-l yc-tcr'- c w c . TEST VOTE 0 Adverse Vote on Resolution to Reduction of Southern Representation Na rmw fn i avi far 'hf 'Turn I liailUW aLajOriiy OI .1 WO t j. tt : 1 . i 1 VUWJS in HOUSe iUramSl w i Consideration ot Question Army reorganization- v nnwcmcDCn im CCMATCP1 vuiioiuiilu u otiin 1 1. SHIPPING SUBSIDY BILL DIS- 0?IiAjCED TO HyJB PREXEDBNCB Tb THE ROOT BUsLr-TILfr, BE TWEEN t HAWLEY iAND BACQN WasMngton, Jan. 3- When the bouse reassembled today not jmore itihlan, 7t members were present. Immediately after .the reading of the journal Mr. Lwmsiea ox iennsyivanaa, sprang a sujrprise iby . offeringas a matter of privilege a resolution reciting the al- abridgment of the right. to vote I in Louisiana, MississTppi, South Caro Una and North Carolina and instruct ing the omimStteeon census to inquire into the subject and report the facts The reading of the resolution caused a flurry on the democratic side. Be fore it had proceeded far Mr. Richard - jumiped to his feet and Interrupted the reaudred unanimous consent. 1 It does not." replied the speaker: It is offered as a matter of privilege. 'I make the point that the resolution does not constitute a matter of privi- leg-e." said Mr. Riohardaon. - "The reading' has not proceeded far enough to determine that point," res- fDonded the speaker. Richardson took bis eat, but before the clerk could proceed Mr. Underwood of Alabama, Was on his feet. "I make tn point that there is no dTKM-um-1 present ," said he. The speaker glanced about the house. Evidently there was no quorum' present. "The -chair will count," he said .. . The bouse was counted and when the speaker announced 141 present, not a quorum, Mr. Ijnderwood, immediately, moved an adburnment. An aye and nay vote was demanded and obtained on this motion During the roll call there was hurried consultation on both sides of the house The motion was lost ayes 68, nes 95, present, but not voting T4, notd pras ent 2. Th --n e:kei- ncluen rum-eir in order to make up a. quorum. The ispeaker held the Olmsted reso lution privileged. The tomiority then raiistpd tbe Question or consiaeraxaon a era in.st it. whiicfh forced another roll ' 'call. The vote to consider tne resoiu tion rwais ayes 81, noes 82, and five pres o.r.n- Hn.t Timit votinsr no auorum, ana still another roll call-was made. s iWasbinton, - Jian. .Representative resolution providdnig for the reapportion ment of the- house cf representatives in a. r.n t!i tiiiit.iona-1 manner . Tne ressoxu- tinn, itri,k-PiS at the soutift because oi negro disfranchisemeni. IN THE SENATE. iTvrf-iwihj-'flinddTiisi the fact that the holi&ays scarcely ended!, 'the atndance at (the opening session or tae senaxe swas notably large. Presideait Pro 'lem TTVmft idalledt the senate to order, une time just Ibeifore the session convened ana just after it iwas occupied by many! senatoirs ia ejwaiajige 01- TuaJt was1 tne 'cniiy evieaeiure miasi tircic had been (a. recess rwaiem the shipping- subsidy (bill was tern (before he senate at z o'clock Mr Hawiev taOved! that the senlate take up the amuy reorgandzatlon bfll as the un - fibished busahessL ttlhus temporari'iy ais- 1 iril'fliHnw the sbitrMDiUlff subsidy bill. -Mr. obieeited: Mr. Bacon asked if itlie Jtaktoig.up of -the army bill dis placed! the subsidy bill ais ithe unfinished business and' the (chair ineplied in the affirmative. 'flSLr. GPettigreW oia aiot anisist upon bis ofbrjeotion and the lanmy Ibxiil - was tniajde the funfinished huisiness. While the army 'bill i was being! ail cussed it wias enlivened by a tilt he- I . ' . . -r- TT 1... ... i tnveen oeaxora xxuuuu. . lauu.-'naiwicy. ena tor "Racon took exceotion to a le- mark made by Senator Hawley while j f0Tmer .-wajg opposing' leaying' to the diiscretlon of the president as to when I he army should be maintained at its i maactmtumi' strength of - 90,000, aa - pro- I vlded by the bill Senators Hawley's J remark was that ; Agunaldo Jmfgbt 'have J eometbdng; to say about tt, and Senator l Bacon retorted In a reply unworthy of I ithe' occasion' and the gravity. of the - 1 euhiect Senator - Hawley dlsavowecV discourtesy .tout further on' agato riled - 1 Senator Bacon by. ad verting to the fact I that - Ltocola called . out ' 70,000 Twhen J Sumpter wasv fired on ; and adding: 1 ' . . ...... -1 Of Mr. Bacon." Senat6r Bacon expressed surprise, at the remark and expressed the hope that ienator would confine themselves to present conditions, (rather than to those of forty years ago. .- After further discussion the bill went oveiy as did also, a rerorstlon by Sen- Pettljrew rcrtlr- f r,- t f -b r r .. . j .. then adjourned-asj artark of respeet to the late Cbngressman Wise . - HEARING RESUMED ON 0LE0MERGARINE BILt. (WlasGjingiton!, Jan. The senate tiaicb- aiaittiee on agiteultaire today resumed its hearing on the oleamJajwarine bill.- non KS&S: first; person to 0e iheard; , He spoke In opposlitioh) to it hie bill; vHe said the as- sociauojii wumcm ine aippearexi for ' rep- resentied! i a- capital of $600,000 000. anxj that at JhoMs anmual. conventionis'. Jtie react a imiemoriaii. nam- itlna ass-)cu ation in opposi'tioai. 'to ithe oleamarearine W8 effort to touMdt up one -interest at the e3ene of amotther He quoted figures too shiow (that whereas 'the mil ih owa of the country are, valued at S.Vf4-.(MM (MV (Kh tfvfhAT rfH-Toi iflmrtf . V,- aggregate of $689,000,000 in value. He sattd the opanion of stock" 'raisers ' Is unanbnoue- thai the passage of the iend mgr iwii mouiid imean the tdestructioii of tihe oleomargarine dndustry land he,ajv guea that there was atttle effort on the piart of the promoters df the bill to of the promoters of the icoriiceal this purpose TWo gentlemeii present, named re speotJveiy Atarm and - Knight. inter- ruptedi Judge iSpringer while (he' was quoting from) reports of the house to isay thiaib -they Kiaidi been eritireMr misi. represeated toy (those reports.M'r. Knight T fiadd that a- letter had been printed; ln the lOongressional Record, which, pur-1 poritecu ito mave (been written by him, wflicm rwas an aosoime irajsencioia;..' Mr. (Springer was (aUso toterrufoted' br Gov. Hoard, of iWasconsin. who reit. erated his charge of attempfted bribery of imridhaints (by oleomargarine manu facitoriesv Conttaiuinig. . (Mr. Srorineer charged 'the ttWeods of the bill with to e Bering to poliitics, and he auoted! m Mwcer arami -wxjzm&ost. Who is seicretary NaMonai Dairy Utniom directed to a tcomsitltaient of 'Ocgressfman Wads!; iworth saying that his re-election, unless oy a greatly reduced; majority, (would be a tnumpii of ithe stackyard and oleo- 'margarine frauds. IMr. Knight, who was roaiesenit skirl that-Wadsworfch's majority had been re aucea: ArrUIN I IWfcNTS MADE Dl 1 nc rnCallitnl I Washington, Jan. 3.-JTh:e president today. sent the following among other nominations to the senate: 1 ,J9car. Williams of New York; to I consul at Smgiajpore; Frank Mower. j 01 Oaio, to ibe consul at Antigua, W. I1" reaerack 33. Rittman of Ohio, to . De e-uctHor i t or -the- war -department? James i . Harlan of Illinois; to be at- J torney-generaj of Porto Rico; Capt. H. I A- narw, assistant (surgeon U. S. A., to be surgeon of volunteers' with rank of -major; Corporal Oeorge .Steunen oerg, Troop ia, .Eleventh cavalry, U. S IV., to ibe first lieutenant; Commander Augustus Kellogg; U. S. N. retired. j to be transferred from ithe furlough to I the retired pay list. PAUI KRUGER'S ILLNESS. The Hague, Jan. 3. M5r. Kruerer was disturbed during the night a; a result of ithiai slight attack of (bronchitis- but he tv as better this min?. Rnn.r.t-a Me that the bronchitis is following the normal course. - mam io m i VLii, LLC' Remarkable Bahavior of Gen Vifquau at Lincoln Ldncoln, Neb., Jan. 3 A reception and ball , in honor of 43en. FItzhugb Lee was given this evening. Gen. Vifquan of the retiring -governor's staff, caused a stir by re-fusing to ap pear in publio with Oen!. Lee because the latter once bore arms against the union. W quant iwas a brigadier gen eral in the uniion army and received a medal Cor bravery lis action. He was Bryan's lientenant colouel 5n 198 and served then under Gen. Lee. SUICIDE OF A CIVIL ENGINEER. iPensacola, Ha., Jan. 3. 'William H. jei aas, a civiiu engineer, in the em- pioy of the United States engineering department liei, shot himself this mornang and died almost instantly. jrt The compliments of the season -.- . . ';- - . -'?.'".' to everybody and many thanks to bur patrons and friends ARTHUR M. FIELD C0A1PANY, ; Leading ' Jewelers ChurcH Street and Patton Avenue. I AjshevOlelT. C. FORTIFYING CAPE TQOd In View ? of the Southern .Movement of the Invad-: ing Boer Forces. s it ; Evidences That the Western Incursion Bas Been iji ' verted From 3its Conrs i MORE BOER PRISONERS SENT TO ST, HELENA KITCHENER TELEGRAPHS i3a JFORESratEJR - jUjKEIr aAQPFKQSH ' : " ING DEFENSE MEASURES lissi'.-- DIRECTING THE MOVEMENTt OR l . oofixwsnSTs southjWajeii. ' I London, , Jan. 4. News concerning . South Africa, except, doings in Cape Town, are meagre and disjointed.. V WiUiston or Amandelboom whitheit tha - ' ..vowwu awvc is siajtieo to DO majk" r iinig, ia seventy mules nbitthwest of 3Blra ' efburg, in a sparsely settled countrju 1 This movement ts regaraea as an mda cation that the western incursion)" haa been turned. '"r Of the advance from the east there ', is little news, but the vanguard of the invaders! is stated to be within four -day's ride of "Cape Town. v , - ; The .whole situation, is full of ,.U3i- .' certainty. tCape Towni is thoroughjjf awake to 'the danger. A number of '. sailors from the warship Moaiarc5 " -have been landed to stren'gthen lite ; garrison anid .some Of the ethdp's gums is undersitcod will be sent up counitrf-' Two of them have ibeen mounted-ra. Devil's peak commanding the lanclr ward approach to the capital' , ... -", Fifteen hundred Boer prisoners coa- -fined near -Qape Town bavebeetif fi barked for St. Helena. ' Pretoria, Jan. 2. At a meeting today; of influential burghers who had sulH J ; rendered to the British, the chairmali of the meeting said it was the ,desir : of tiie Binitlsh authorities that! ttte , meeting consider suggestions looking' to ending the war" . A suggestion was made to send the surrendered burghers 'f to their own districts and send procla-, mationig to those in the field tellingr f . Lthem that if they 'surendered thejt wTiild be.' sent to. their own dis'rictk,. ' The participants at the meeting pressed the ''belief .that tbis would 'V(H. suit in the immediate surrendering oC -" many how in the field. The sugge -...; tion, was adapted.. ' . Gon. Kitchener subsequently :vislt--: d the meeting. He S-id he considered'; it the duty of every burgher for th sake of humanity to save the countrjf . . from utter, ruin. He said that. fherl ; was no wish to oppress ithe burghers' ; If conciliatory methods failed he had other means he would be obliged .fl exercise. He declared that he had' I- sued instructions that burghers whjr surrendered be returned to their owft, dtetricts.- ''irS-'i DCEJFEIN19ES OF THE CAPE." ;.- has sent a despatlch ito Gen . Forestier -Walker, in commandi of the forces. iCbpetownv saying: . ' - 'I am glad! to bear of the mdniiStera, action Give themi all assistance to your power. Use trains to get colonisiB south of the. enemy. Ask (the pretolett r : ito jruform me if I cam help in any.way-. . Inform him the enemy are few but very mobile. Well mounted' men are smosfc-j requiredl to surround them or driive (then - SDiOTthl." -''. ' ' The action, of the mirdsters of Ca-W sOoliony referred to by General Kifcctt assist the military bill In forinatlou .for . aid) and defense of the cape. ' - - . - A Vanity 13 r sometimes - cure- by -a (Photosrrr -i tolrcm. 1

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