THE AHSEVILLE GAZETTE TANUAIIY 4, iQOX fit Fi:l)!isli8d Every mdrDing Except lion ISSUING COMPANY . " tsaies 23; Norton' President. TERMS ,OF, SUBSCRIPTIONS l slly Gazette, -on yf8n- Csily Gazette, twelve pm&.U . .. 1.W Daily Gaaet;iOfn mcit3i.V..i;V.r Weekly Gazette,, one year... .i.t Weekly Gazette, six' gmoatto..!,-.ytt 2? 5 The Family Dining Room Is a- fair index to fh. & lily's v " social standing.. A: " good!, solid, 1 substantial dining taMe - and of soodi dirmiers end pleaaant 1 compaiKi . The dining-room is v ithe awKne of ihiospitallity and the lair of er , -tamtiaili'ty.. We believe '.'we ihEuve Wie best, anoat ' aiid, " ri substantia! ddining-roioimi furi'tu-e . '' (to be 3sad andi at prices that cam -M not toe ibeat Drop in our store and1 Suspect our stock. Blair &Smathers 45 Potion Ave. day fciT IT imM I t - If. "-T PI .ill. ' x THE ELECTION LAW. "X" fWe are gratifieia to learn Jthait the pe ; t&tikma noKvi- in ciTfculaition !asking for ; , to- modiflcaition of tttoe harshest tfeatuires . "of ithe election law are toeing genieinatlly v Signed' from Oiserotoee to . Dare. Dae r-'.j miigners in-cJuide amindreds of dte-macrata ' ' 3 well las Oiundreds f aniniateTS of taae ' gospjel. In fact, it is difficult to un : fierstand ftiaw. iany reasonaJble irrian couM refuse- a request s abviously flair as EhBft- icontaiin'ecy '"to this (petition!. The , letter of expianatiion fwnich aioconapan- r iea- ithe petitions, addresses itself witfli . jverwihe'Lminig force tto every (honest cOnstoiea'ce. We areauitihorized to intake jwablia this letter of expaamaition, and tfrt ;.' - expressdons of tne Clh'arl'ote Ofbsenvter,. ' lleCh,atblaJlrl, tlejoord and' otiher leading : 'liSeanacratic papers in 'favor of 'the pro ' iwsed changes convince us ithat (the de- terjandt for a reasonably -Ixtmest iw will I- he too strong if or the general assamlbly . " tp refuse or ignore, v; fTIhe deonaaidis eet fortb' in ithe Bjocom- p'onylng petition are &o skmple ' and - reasonaJble thatan explanation - fieems ' r tiiardly necessary, as tihe constJJtutl'oaxal ? v tedniendmient goes onto effect (before the - 2ate of the next general election there 'Can toe no fhoiiesti excuse,' even amioaig f l?!artllziams, ,ttx refuse to allow itJhte voters wiho may still be entitHed to vote a ' reason'albly ifair expressioiL of their will, '-anldh it la infl!dnitlyT.:jDeMevw;':l " thousands oif fairanindied! denaocraits will loin in ithe effort to secure mis result and : sign- the petiition .for . tthait purpose.. ' TIhe first l&esnwti&: If grteuntted' toy the ' legislature, simply restores 'to the cooirts .. the righit ito issue (writs of tmandamua mid .injunction;-in 3ases iwjb.ere electa'coj : Cfficers mefuse -to do tlheir duty, or open- : .ty; violate -fhir dtuity. -Tfhese great : writs ihaive never ihertetofore toeem, sus ' -Bended to'-North'-'-CSarolina.-tolttoe , of - ! ;. etaice.- . The r s'e'doiniai "demand simiply requdres the regisitrars to take an oath to dis charge their duty honestly tand' inupar- ., Cally. . iNb offlfcer iwill refuse to itlake an : tjaifch, nnleaa ? hia irrtendls . .oi commit a xrianid;-.. ' -' The.tJhlrdi demiandl requires the 'judges ' to deposit the ballots hi the proper ba'lr Jdt- ibox; :this ' larw . fhas ibteen -upon- our Sftatute -books ' for " 123 iyears-Hini dBact, r; fiver since the. formiaition of the ssate. Kut - it was repeialed (by the : legislature xf 1S99, land' in many pLaees 'diurlng the " August " election t!he , voters were re quired! "to deposit their own ballots, -and Of course the Ulttserate voters were tfcas - " Rubjedted ,to an' uoiconatltu'tlocail test. . fTbe people of TPransylVania counity. lost the representative of their choke solely onfflarahe tofore. - The line is une-quailed -for, quantity and variety at r . " " 10c,; 12.11-26. 15c,' '25o ;.to$1.5f- each in cotton-linen 'and': silk--- plain hemstitched for 5c to 50cLaced, for 5c-to $l.'00Embroid- y V ered for 5c to $1. 50 - for Ladies,J Children and-Men-M - : i. KDI GLOVESA' large Variety -merri's celebrated Kids, Umbrellas.: anar Jrurs, ana .f s : Silk Boas,, Fine vTowelv Id'nens, in.fact Hots of, useful ar-", ( f, . Tutt's Iliver Pills keep the fcoi .Ismnaturalmotionand cleans. the system of all impurities 'Ar; absolute cureforsickheadachcv dyspepsia; sour, stomach con . R; Ri Smith,:; Chflesburg, Viv writes I don't know how I couk do- without them. -I;hayeihaV; piverrdisease for over twen ty years ; Am tiow entirely cured becaiuse - the judges of neleotion at (Bre vard .required! the voters to deposit Hiheir own ballots, Vwhidh in imany Instiantoes jwent into the -wrong box, tamdJ rwtere ithns destroyed! a9 completely as. though theyt i toad been: oast - toto the .fire fllae. honest -h men. ; ; of f, ' North. Oar olina wilf. not submit 6 the pertmn nent enforcebraent -of vUhis unjust, cruel and tuoiooaiiStiitionM 'pro toultrwlll eag-erly join ttttse deamahd for its repeal. Tlhte fourtih diemland simply provides that an1 election officer , who iwllfully oomttniita jDrtcud jshiall be putnishedv Who w4H ; deny the imJanatfest jtsstice of tlus dtexoanft? - ..''-".'-' . . .." 1 - Tlhe fifth; demand provides for. minori ty represen'taitioni on the county and pre clniot boards of ejection and requires rtaiat ithie ofiloera iwho are tehosem to rep 'resent thef manoriity party vhaH: be homest waki oompetent, insteid of being coronzpt and illttenate, ais many of them conifessediy iwere at tare, August. election, uiepuibllcans would naiturally prefer to select an honest democrat as their jvii resentaitrre, rather than a dishonest reiwjMtoanv? . ''u-y. . The sixth denmnd aimply. requires that the eletitflon offioers, to passing upon the qualifications of electors, xn& as such atoting ini a . judicial capacity, jshall be btoiundf by the aaane rules of evidence as Would: govern superior court Judges in distefharging their ftmcitlons.,. Tba petitions sihould) be sent in If possible before ithe- convening of the leglsaatuiPe,, Sq;as tto toe latd before the the appropriate comonittee in time for deliberate taction. The appointment of Col.V. 8. Lusk of this city to fill the vacancy on the supreme court bench created by the deatii of Judstre Fairchild. would be extremely gratifying to Col. Iiusk's host of friends In these (western coun ties, who recognize his ability to fill the place .-with; honor to himself and to the state. Of all who have been men tioned in oonection (with ihe ap point - ment-and there are several none is better qualified or more deserving of the high honor. All ANTI-K1DHAPPIHG LAW. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 3. Senator Ran som of Omaha, introduced in the state senate today xu' bill to make kidnapping under certain conditions punishable by death.- It provides for three grades of punishment. For simple kidnapping, three to five years in the penitentiary; for kidnapping and exhoMng money, a life term in prison and for kidnapping and threatening to injure the victim, hanging. ' Three other bills bearing on kidnapping- and not greatly different in phraseology, were Introduced. The present 'Nebraska statute on this crime da regarded as very lame, and good authorirties question (whether ,for the act of abduction alone a conviction would be possible. W&th members of the legislature to their present temper, one-of these bills is pretty-sure to be given right of way. WARY FILIPINOS SURRERDER. nwioTTot .Tin., a. Gen- iFunjston re- ,,f p.ti,. gandlco. h!e rebel lead, er, da thidtog in vncroorxa. me u wj 5 rpbrih iMtamJlfL. His efiitire follotwinsg is v - . ' ... TJr,, I ddsperseds and. thJe men are Individually surrendering. Small encounters and cnnnr-ocTiiart-a rtf Tbel3 are reDorteiu every - rwthere.. Gen Aiejandeffino has apparent ly teseapedi, as ithe !MO:.nt AryUrtat ex pedition is retiumlng, after killing or captoiTims a nuuriiber of insurgents and burning all (tine reiDtsa Bup"piai wu CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGA- T10N OF THE B0OZ CjlSE.K Philadelphda, Pa., Jan. 3. The con gressional committee to investigate the Booz case arrived too late today to examine (Witnesses They held a short executive session. At Its conclusion the committee announced that It iwoild o to Bristol tomorrow ' to hold a meetimg at whiich it wouia try dispose of Hhe Bristol and Bustleton witnesses. An effort Will ' be made to finish the taking of. testimony here tomorrow" night. " Gazette x ' "Wanif! advertisements reach the people of Asheville. - Cult this out and take It .to C. A. -Kay-sors 'ing store and get a fnoe sample of Chamberlain's Stom.- and . Liver Tablets, the physic. -They also cure disorders of the, stomach, bilious ness and headache. " - f Work has begun', on the' Brunswick and Birmingham railway. - . l' Lli . -Mnt'fA trrv trf fceft ' the best display of f v-1' ' ; HOLIDAY HAJNUiiiii-n-xxx o ptipt shown at any season nere-; 'and stocks fromgc to Cente--y 1 stipatiori and kindred diseases ''Can't do without i&em" -V ' I f' 1 T,lf niCAl! BOARD OF ? FOREIGN r.HSSIG!i'S REPORT Opn and Violent Hairc of Protest ' r . 'tantsixiSpain; ' iBoston. Jan;." S.-rrTae nineteemn. an nual report off- the American Board of FVreign .Mlssitms wtes. ' made public .to day.'. '.The ''donations' received during the year'' ajggregaited! $317,913. MThe report jgteysr r-. 'uiv-v'"' v j v : - ""thirtog - the last d'ecaae She; niUimber of organized Churches, in the MJairathl mtission," India; has increase' from .82 with 115 members, to iforty-sdx, with a mtemibershiip of 3935.' AH departmen'ts of evangeTization unite . in the 260 Sunday schools with ; ' 7468 ' , pupilsr scattered throughout the entire field of the arrta siomr. .-l'(' t, - "By 4he operation : of nleiw treaties, missionaries" can' reside dn all pants of the emipire of Japan; and all classes cf Japanese are .becoming more and more accessible. . The call for.asew' Ohnstian Mterature is loudi and persistent . . The Doshiisha is the only, school of high rank in tPapan wMch 'has its hristdan ;prln "clples ,-ci!early set forth in its constitu tion. . .. 4-. ; ,':fiy.'v.r-'"-t . 'Never' before;" since .'Jthfei 'elutlon that inltdated the new Order of. things in Spaim in thyearllS69 has thtea-e been such open and 'Violent hatred expressed against not only the gospel but all iib- eralizinig students of the schools and university, two or three different timtea in course of one month they attacked th.. Protestaniti tiapel 'in broad daylight! tearing down the sign that iwas inside the public door, stoned the housei break ing windows and; making such a noise as tto alarm ithe neighborhood.'. Not un tii: after repeated conplaints did the governor make any pretense of checking tne acanaaii. r , TMs is buti tan illustration Of what has takien plaice to the province of (Cadiz in Barcelona aawJ other , places. These movemients are openly condemned by Tin UfDtera pacxyan sspain." DEATH OF MRS. UCCRARY. Specdal tothe Gazette. v "Washingiton, I. C, Jan. 3. Mar shall! Milikan, who came here today bringing:.; three boys to ; the Reform School, received a telegram announc ing the death, of Mrs. MteCrary, wife of Chief Clerk iMcCrary of the Mar shaJris office; Mr. MteCrary left to night for QreensborO. . The Olimistead reolutionl caused a big flurry among North Carolinians. BROUGHT GOOD FORTUNE. A small item in his own paper re cently brought good (fortune to Editor Chriis Rettter of-the Saginaiw, (Mich.) Post and Zeltung. He and hia fam ily had the Grip in Its wort form. Their doctor did them mo good. Then he read that Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds was a guaranteed' cure for La Grippe and all Throat and Iiung troubles; tried it and says: "Three bottles cured the iwhole family. No other, medicine on earth equal it." Only 50c and $1.00 at all drug stores. Trial bottle free. fj WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF BLANK BOOKS, , OFFICE S TA T10NER Y, Photo Supplies, Eastman Kodaks, Photo Al bums, PictureTrames and Mouldings. Call and see us .before purchasing for the new year. The French Broad Press, A, H. McQuilkin, Proprietor, - - - - - - - 3234 Patten Avenue ODDQDPQDID 2k (LL JL JiUL 1 - -1 i p V Q G O EDWARDSHOPKIMS, President. C3 . ,,-.. D ' ft T , S'S ; ' LI 9 a 5 S" " Opposite Post Offlcel " O ,'trict Attorney Helton is S.t , V lp? W ; hSft Berkeley. r -5s k. j- 'Ar - s-': -v y. r r - u." r ,- oritur has .returned- -to iwme in BurnsviUe, after . spending , a week, to Asheville. n; iG.1 Gtudger Was returned to 2xapel Hiri-; "r: r V,v- VJ. J. Grant of the internal' revenue of fice, has gone to Washington. J if ' ta tviTYifl-n, AailsonTs tolas returned' to vacationpe,ntte,t his old) home- In, Ten- ntessee' s ' . ' . -' . ' t . s r- 'r " Miss KaJthleen 'Ware has returned, to .Converse, College,:' SpaKtanburg, ; ,after spending, he holidays ait home.: -. ' IfiiriflinA's lOouiEih iBaJsami' la excellent -for Oavrglhs, 'Oolids,; Hoaraeneas 4 and Rron- cchiaL - a-treouoni , . me , iw. .v Phmmacy.- ' : . -' - - - ' Honsekeeplntf For n Millionaire. '.. : In the niausiou of a modern millionaire the. most interesting feature Is the invisi bility of the honsekeeping machinery Ev erything runs with precision, and orie never sees "the wheels go round," 3y 9 o'clock in the morning every department is immaculately "clcaix andin perfect or der, except the. bedchambers, where those who dwell in the lap of luxury may still be slumbering; or perhaps they may be breakfasting in lonely grandeur. Minion airedom lies abed late the feminine part especially, to' whom "beauty sleep" is an Imperative necessity. In a great house, whatever the size of the family proper, two or ten, it matters not, a certain hum-, ber.of servants is always requisite to in sure the proper conduct of the affairs of the household. If the people live elegant ly and entertain frequently the depart ment of service must be composed of skilled . hands who are inmates of the house. The chef and butler only may sleep out. Ladies' Home Journal. ' .- iBaMwto's HeadadLo Cure quickly re lieves sick, nervous and neuranRic headlachie. iEt is extremely jopular. Rarely a day passes (without . demand. Price 25c. Grant's Pharmacy. . Never mention your own faults; oth ers will attend to it for you. TORTURED A WITNESS. intense suffering was endured by witness T. L. Martin, of Dixie, Ky., before he gave this evidence: "I coughed every night until my throat was nearly raw; then tried Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave instant re lief. I have used it in my family for four years and recommend It as the greatest remedy for Coughs, Colds and all Throat, Chest and OLflrag troubles. It will stop the worst cough, and not only prevents but absolutely cures Con sumption. Price 50 cents and $1. Ev ery bottle guaranteed. Trial bottle free at all drug stores. E E)ESIRE to call your attention t . .. ... tojjthe new management of this elegantly appointed Pharmacy Thdr object is to conduct the1 business to meet the approval; of the citizens ' of .- ,.V " f. -3'-'i -- "T - - -" 7 - - " -2' -r -.' :T. .---fe - " l. . " --.i" V .-:- i " '. ' - xr: - '.O; V iT.' -" Asheville 'X. S -4 . -vi .-. - f - i ..,1 TWENTIETH CENTURY DIARIES. f f V I -M : V"- if", -'it :-: ; . 4 rn? IP fir 5 f Everybody' Knows v." Ho-w' pureresh iand -d ellciosis our candles aie, but everybody: v- ought tqj see what ' quantia' es we (have this ' year, ' Our packages are more unique than ever; and all tastes oan be suited. Also all kinds of EVtrit "" - Orannes. Bananas Apples Grapes,-Grap-Nufs, , . , : Figs, Date, Nuts, etc. ' Ijeave ordiera early for CSiristmas day;-Ice" Cre lx Salted A1- mkxnds, etc at- f ' ' r ' V- ' ' ithe: Catidyy Kitchen, V WOCCCOOOfvO000000050i 53 South VJIME AMD SPIRIT RIERCHAHt; Sole Owjiw Beech1 NutRye Wlhlskey. ? s ' Sole Agent Aniheuser-B usch Brewing! Aissocflation'a Oeitefbiislted Budwel r.Beer. ATZf'T ." And dealer in every thins known to the Wlnie aaid"&)irlt Trade. - ' - ....Telephone 18.... Tfte Asheville School of Music, Art and Languages.. 8 4 k S K- FERDINAND DUNKLEY, PrlncIjpaU PRIVATE INSTRUCTION, to piano, irgan, voice, theory, !hmn:ony, composition, di swing, painting, French and German. iPOr terms see caitalogue. Class Instruction as Follows: Voice Culture, 2 hours per week, 8 in class; $7. for term of 7 weeks. Sight Singing, Mondays and Thursdays, 5 p. m.; $3 for (term of 14 weeks. - Elementary Musical theory, Mondays andThursdays, 4 p. m.; $3.50 for term of 7 weeks. Harmony, Tuesdays and Trldays, 4. p. m., $3.50 for iberm of 7 iweeks. - . Mrs. Rockwood's Fortnightly Repertory Class; admission 25c. Sight Singing & Repertory class, FREE to vocal pupils; Theory or Harmony FREE to Inst rumen tal pupils. . k Art Class, Monday mornings, 10 to 1; $7 for term of 7 weeks. French and German CI asses for adults, daily or twice a "week; $6 upwards. French and German classes for children, two or three times a week; $3 upwards. For further particulars apply at the .office, Room 15 Sondley Building-, 44 patton Ave. (over Wingood's drug store), belt we en Ithe hours Of -j and 1, or 3 and 5. Phone 307. Catalogue sent free. $$&$S$$ Imported and Domestic at Factory I. B. WHEELER, Sec-Treas. g ? ' -fc' , ? M-.;7-lU,Vv i wok Shop -3; ' ( - -: t . o Alain Street, Cigars Sold by the Box Pricesjat the. n i Stand 5 ? u y n -S-S Bn in 13- -, k3 i! D - i n " -x- je- f 8k tides for' presents See' . the JLUli XlJtiJbl ! XI V ' nice tings at e;-:Vc : V'.;' . 3, - " - ? r7. ;:Mk''V C?- d ' - . - . . :-v" r V - . ... jf tyf