A'-V, -.V... , , , ..'..,....: ,. . , . . . .... . , - ; . .. .. v.- ", " ... ,' :. l - , v '" .. ..V:'i: : V 4 i: ' r-, o' yf 'i VVo. ;VV:' pTrAi::; r; ;-vi t'v- VifA Tift e- 7-oVv , - L. ... - ----- - - - S -r i-- .j - z- --. i T x ' " ".j iei - V ' V V 5r . .? - 14 I' o P a m, CD MLlPltlO MEMORIAL A Petition For; Independence Presented - Yesterday fn 'the Senate. , - . 85,000 CHI11ESE X TROOPS DRILLING In? t he n Locality Where r the Empress' Court at Present is, ' - " -' ' - r-Bitter'AntiForeign.Feelirig; GOl'EilllOP.'S MESSAGE BIG BATTLE FOUGHT ' WITH THE JOBRS The Army Bill Still Further Amended--Shafter Eetired V as Major General. 7 MORE HOT DISCUSSION ' JN THE HOUSE s . . : - OVER THE RIVER' AT HARBOR . f . . . ... - BILir-MESSRS. HEGPIBU'RN AND SMITH HAVE- A TILT ON PRO BOSE3D APPROPRIATIONS . CKNCtElSlSII!OfNB ORLAJNTBD TO RUS- Dealt Ghiefly'on ;the;'Sybject of Litigatiorisr:j hpoftant ; :?j : Billss Burghers'Make Simultaneous Attacks on British Posts 60; Miles Apkrt T f MESSAGE FROM F'THf EMPRESS ft BttAi IFiOR HBR "AID.IN SECURING (PCElAJC' ClAIISES THE MINISTERS OONlSimEmiAIBIiEJASTOmSHMENT, iPu, fwihiere tihe catycurt is at present, says? bh&t within) (the dfty 85,000 Chines? troops are dirillintg cotattouously anI ttoe rtau JorHy KxC tJhfenii are anmed with lEodeK rifles. He siajyia tihat he fueling of the Dtple tanene is ibi'ttiertly antiforeign, and that itihey (beM'etvie IfihaJt they can meet thfe laWiea ini the opsen, flgtht and dct&i 13X60X11; . . - - Tiie imifhistfiers aitfe coooiaideTably aitou dtahed ovier t!he JOhinesfe grant to Uu3Sia of a,Sonceoni aiojitb of the Pei Ho at Tden Tsdn, oamjaxed .with ' COIIPULSORY EDUCATIOII AMD CHILD LABOR -; . N. C, Jaar. 10.-The gov- "Washinigon, aJn. 10. fThe senate to day further considered the WIT to fur ther inksrease the efficiency' of the army and several , amerudrntentsr-'were offered, some ctf which were "rejected and others wre adopted. The most Jtapartant of these and the one wihioli aroused the Ire of Mr. Pettlgrew was an anien.- msent ty Mr. Seiwelli to plaice Shafter on the retireid list with the ranlc of major-general . Pettigrew read from Lodge description of the battle of San Juan to rovethat thre is nothing J tpeceiivia tat ilavom'Me reply regardin to ithe 'bitstory of that transaction f- he agreemient itomorrow LOSSES OfN 'BOTHi STDtESf WERE - iHESAVTY FfQG E2"JtABUEn,BOBTlS TO 1 OE7TI "CLOSE QEtLMNGEI BEFORE IF'INGr" BiEKSAiN .- r ': " Qjondoni, Jai. 10. Genieral Kitdhenef" sends news oif a serious siansultaneonis ermorts onieiseage to the legislature to-1 attack on the'siiight of Jamtery 7, by 4ayaealt largely with; railway); and 1 4he 'RepwiblicaniS on ithe British; positioiis otber; litigation in whiob. tber jgtatejhas lioetweem poanits isdxty mtfles apart, along been'SeniBa.Ered ' -. '-:.:. -I T- Ian..... ' x.J. a " . w . -. .. . - it rrJ i i nu nr mnp ' twt rivt iu, wnn iMnrfmiPM' ICC reformatory 3ov. Raissell'says: 1 ... - , . . ... rrtoe9UfDremie mmrta.Tiice of Aakln " steost-at once ifor ttshe. estaiblihiment of meavy. Acroraing to Tepuris .une--r suoh an iaistitutioai at 'some i&ud'taiblef lo-L were titetajten off after prolongeldi fig!hlti13g,, cataion -is manifest. , . I TrdvwnTtito. f W ipna.tdh .t . 2 -j. -i-1 - Luiix. -i f --vr"o W lt "snwy neraa Kitchener: .uieyvxiwryw. . . . ' , 'Pretoria: Wednesday. Jon. 9.-Otn . If .the charities are to toe sustaanea i ndelhrtof Jajiuary 7 the Boers made and. nlargedi tto-jnieet smaMf est wants j5irr aT1 determliiedl attacks and to relieve the sufferings of toe un- oni all of ., our posts at Belfast, Wbh- f ortvBhates and albolishi existing horrors,-1 derf ontein, Nooitgedacht, and Wildificm- suobas the confinement of lunatics in j tern. ' Intense fo arevailed,, and! taktegl ivrmmnn Tail am,A?',iTb private xuorusea aiu.vaintaseor to cover ix anoroem rone iBritisto and Frenob ooncessioms oomDin- wJtb families unable tlo care for them &o were, apie to creep -up oiose to our . - . v-v T3 if vwat tm,r. Ipos-JUon.r Aneavy. nre coiranuea omiu ed 'rne grant, " 7' ZLC S : 40 a. --jiri,, when --the Boers were diriven ians was imade volxmtarily -for services iment; If refornmtories are to b- off . . one ofacV, killedv and tHrfee .h. .nas. Ttoef"8 e iegiu w,- . ere WOfandtea ;(wfhdle -twenty men were I It Mr W V 1 II 1 ire IAJ 'Mffk'VM'v ! - I -J.L m Tim IMA. lV.Vr TI.1 IT T r E 1 - . WA-vw . - - . - '" -'"--f Will Inflict Punishment on Officers Already Named: 1 But on no Others. Ministers Are Drawing up Lists of Many : Additional Culprits. ; . f, V 1- EMPRESS' OBJECTIONS . THREAENS TROUBLE PROPOSITION TCT REMOVE IN-i BEMNITJT PIROCEEDTNGS FROM PEIKN WITHDRAWN BY OUR s X)VERNME(-CONGER TOLD . '" ' TO HASTEN MATTERS Pekln, Jan.' 10, X message came from the empress today in which she said she .would inflict the severest pun ishaneint on itihose officers whose pun ishment was demanded in the prelim- 4ng Incapacity, and inefficiency.'; De spite Pettlgrew's Opposition the ainend ment was adopted 'by .a vote of 41 to 11? -v,?T&en-we-ioyer and- tbe sen ate adjourned toil' respect, to the mem ory' of late Congressman' Clarke. Ok me desk of Mr. Oallinger, (N : H), at the opening' of today's session the iJniversiiity are to toe imet, and if the 113 fifv rwnmidted!. The loss of inary . note 4ut ion. no others, and that imdmisters tbimkrtliat the 'concession con- 00.mJnin schools are to ibe enlarged; the rihe Boers iwas 'heavy, twentv-tour diaadl must end the matter. stltutes good! pay when considerel in general assembly must find additional being counted!.' Under the provisions of the punish- j-4-' v tri&QT, of ;i Man- sources of lincome. i . "A convoy taking- supplies to Gor- ment clause the ministers have been addataon' to tne annexation, vi.. , prospects of thie railroad litiga- dos brigade nortb o( Kmgersdorp compiling lists of officers whose punish- cihuria. a - ' ' , tOI1 such as to give reasonable ws (altibajckedf ; Iby- Btelyer's comimiS6 ment is demanded. These lists will LI Hung iCfcang Ibelieves that he will ound for ,the (that sonUe addi- S?. SS'S Prdbably contain the names of bun- t-he tlonal income will be derived frttn tms 5" 7- fos5y 80ns:.:. i wounded " 1 Ame ministers say u.ivy "iu inoiou vn the punishment or every one wnose name is on these lists so that to those whose names are In the punishiment clause may toe added many others. These are the ones to whose punish iment' the empress Objects and this is likely to cause more trouble than any thing thing that has occurred thus far. source. .... . . -. . - .i.-'4.i 1 o"a T . 1 I'Tt Wa mtTi tiirwni(- caaVnnsr tTTVaX ailOUKi in spate ot Shr-s "BluMOer- OimKa x w - :the LYNCHING AHDKIDHAPPIHG. 3 iT.ri - I 1 -rj4n.r. fTvim.lrtal rHhlPt nefiTOtla I j.n --u rP i . rr-ca cai n ,a- tiW TVftTlll'f I tions -(wiii vuti' uu. d t are not for the generall assembly only the con siderajtdon of making a salle of the as- ..i th1 river sets ol the staitfe or iDy iDorrow-ms aiiwoi. order after thte disposal of the . river oro. and Jiarbor bill. , frbe most valuable property of the m-i . .elVrvnni.TVO- 11n.V VWere Set aSide I0r - , iv. t.V,Mr. 1iivte. of tbe senate, ' . , and shares 100 parkin the North Saturday, Uoruary o fcaroiina Railroad company. - - - to the vate Senator Davis : fcns message. Among, these are" tbe sota; ,oaiuu4V4a.jr, j. ' . 7 roses, serit by friends as a testimonial of bis efforts to secure! abolition 01 ine caaateen in theJarmy. - -' Mr. Vest and'Mr . Rawlins announc ed -Uhat they bad (been detained un n.v1duMV froms tbe senate yesterday. J They would' bave voted to sustain tbe action of. the senate xnnittee tnat is against ithe abolition of the canteen. tvtt- nrv.nip.r mresenfted " ai' memorial or's Message. Indianapolis; Jan. 10. The Ixty setcond general assembly of Indiana convened at the state capitol today. , The feature of tbe first session was the farewell alddiress of Odv. MountT ANDRE'S-PRESENTIMENT OF HIS UNHAPPY FATE op-sas;- rtrvwti-nrtr-Alip) TVimHi n, ( npn. will be . - ; - v. -i. .v, iTtAft-nmAnt Writtun am He Was About1 v - -L-r. Ttftote f Vireinia; Jan- f lerislatdbn ATOI.T'il:. rr ; uary 26, at 4 o'clock, to the late Sena- Ifdh are worthy of youT . - T-riwtQ'' flTpJVvriiiia.rv i6. -at 4 ,Qtnt wMrih are not sneclfiof Among these are. the subjects of legislation 'Zr.. Lw xt r fWTAfi ITi.Mboil Vcvaffe vMisiaerataon 1 B uncofec v- .... , w t - . . ' 4. y-tcinir of Iowa: iFelDruary. io, -at aaiia wmm are not gpwiawujr jikuuu. Viena, Jan. lO.Pror Anare'a wiu Concerning the recent lynchlngs in I which gave1 instructions should! be I opened at the ena of 1900. in case ne of itke nUTOiber of superior i The people of Indiana reel Keeniy i nad not returneo cromi maw wtuwu. c- louse tnen -weau . tudtffes: -the Testorattion of laiutfiom- the im of.Teproach and the justice dedition to the north pole, has been - on -rr.n!r,,a loni rAn refill in- I "" . lVvn I ty to 3uageg no, jumut 01 -Buarc i af the criticasm neapea upon tne state i reaa. - . from! 2,206 "FiUpinos andipeacerui m the river and-barbor bill. A in nisi orius trials. ? Z JT,. t,h ta nnM. W a series of let- ,. tiiiirw r , I T HV ! TTB-tnJLL Pl -i. 1 ITT- Ul U lb-r J livillimw I A W Cf ww. mf . . . jju- i.ock -t? pnfl?pseiixa Li v c i nm. inns messase. ociock, w UaioKiiahnt ffa code .commission: an! Indiana, Gov. Mount saM - , u.1 nMnnA s-r AnmiTTraTiee i "- Ito Douae ukjiji ua-Ditan-is . v . . ..77;;,.. Mr. Sbaoklleiora or uyiuiu, ,.tAn equaL if mot superior an im. - ic,lrtTirVT.o!(q name. A I r rfVom trbminent scientists en- "la iT.r x SZ A as 'tested against the action of the com, ipOTtamse to oil other subjects of legis-1 - asSerably of lawless men couraginig btai in -his dangerous enter- "e in alisMng.tbe Missouri er 1 ? of Can-suLriseano one from M. De Fonvielle, -::ZZnl, oMrnnWi. - rrrr Lax enforce- warning tolm. against it aiiy Dy tne itixie Mr. Grosvenor or Jmo, appre.-u -- .. i, iKH.n-ti laiwyers, bankers ano proreasiwKia Ereat- clamor of tbe prospect 01 wi TC-preBOTting vem. .u-. -rt rejglOJls OI tne oouo- r".j: . C riera-tion of h,, nr it is too late. I hare .mode all It pa-Da a nign hrress to enter -upon a vast scneme ui nnft . v o,t snna ln,t of !he law and not throueh back." , of , 'Aguinaldo ana mis coaojuwx . . Questioned Wb pro- a. saiairy wl ,vw -:A, . , :t w ftAir .1 veWhort. and the -- 1 vir nvt. vo r. tha cfi iTifri ( 1 r roil r .1 mL- 1 rnou v ihciiujc. x. iuiw v. ouuia" 1 " - Mete to .16? the governor to-appoint is recomtaended," . - introduction "seems to dm -that Andre -r., 4,.xa mriii - isjrtTiltons: ... Dj I 'lne messaene siays, on itt-itAaiinyms . imviubu uic iNichols of Pitt, to amend the donsti tutiKMi' so negro taxes shall go to ne g'ro schools and white taxes-to white 1apihrto,l 'h.v Mr. Wriigiht, a labor bill, If we nave ft ft is the best. We bavei Just reoeiveid a carload of COLUMBUS BUGGY W VEHICLES Txn,r, -n at,i N353W AND ATTRACT- T.t; moirvted out that Aguinaldo . ; - . -, dared be imiight lose the hope of vic- IVE -lines in Open and TMP Bug esKJar- tory but not th,'h,?pe of , rtftn,' f bis roeople. JJt pointed out thaft ithe revolutionists supported practically their endeavor to obtain andependenoe . for the people of thse Philippines. Hepburn of Towai, took the floor Reference was mad to some of the (hour's soeech;dn which he vig 5printcapaa, events of ithe present reyo- " asaiiedl various features of lution 'against American authority, the m ' petition urging that the American H? .. tovor cf promoting in- r ne retionary.party. m,; com- prohibiting the employment of children. ,t tiht-Affulnaldo bad de-. ZXZ, .i,m ap- under 11 -and making 10 .hours a day's (piaineu w xxi cr,ra th, 15 vears.. J-t ipropriated for purely loeall and improvements. I understand." said Mr state work far.' oersonsi up to 15 years. compels children between 11 ana 10 Henburn, to attend scnooi tnree iwuuu)-i-x "Where tbe Mdnappers have no legal text begins: or blo'od olaiim; Where ithe abduction is "I write today probably my last tes for ransom or for any other unlawful tament and thferefore it is legally vali, purpose .possible it should be made- in I 'write on the eve ofa journey, full of extreme cases punlisbable by death or d'anigers such as history has never yet rvnmAni- ffimr- 'been able to show' My presentiment rui'ivi i w - - - , - tells me that tms temDie juunxcy vii. INCREASE OF THE NAVY. signiify my deatn. ; ' .,tAn !Th rAmia.lTMier ot tne toi i'iIUCW Washington, Jan. 10. The - house riages, Surries and Tjaps. . .. J 'j-t.- nrvta, " iKpi PhildrDnines and We will be able to display u; T mtinists ,. , . I.., a .a ,v,w ,'v-i.nrnTTCi rf IflhoT f or I .tfan M-vn Tiia iTin.i fPal-po 'tmlav flrac tbat.some gentlemen nere.are 1S ,fc n v-o rnilessl Uiw rvi ithe navalaoDrbbria, and sisters tbeir .backs u.p because a gentlemen y - - 'f..TZl,r j Andre's property between .bis brother. wi -"."-'" . r i w-r-pBtea V w y. AnEMPI TO BUY DANISH l..j.-.w. IWI.AITV.' rvcvrn vt uii-tr ,J - i . 7 1 xne sc vHvf n .tblis bill What a petition in the matter of the Appa,- qllSttiOI1 of ie increase ot tp. axe tiaken care tot in mnas oiu., ",uii r r; , wa 11 n. -. ' r,n-Qn,a h .mtolaininff of ?" be .askea, laoman cMation .- addres-ing the members of tbe commit- trbdmcea bill later. "The notoriety 01 tne aut yx time, and; Invite your - call if you need of anything in HIGH CLASS in WORK. iiiiii ASHEVILLE HARDWARE CO 6. B. Cor: iCourT Square Paione 87. are Ibe destroyed, 1,000 will,rise up to.sup- ,port the flgWt for independence, iahi w tbe islands of tbe archipelago, says the immemorial, are - tsu'pporting the revOlu on' and tbey will not yield until the last drop of Filipino rblood bas been shed. " ' S'.-'ii ' . .: rih Piw.nino nation, the memianal ntrnues,-bearing- in mind tb-history of Amerilca, and its huananitamaA doc- T4nt asks 'the .government TTv5,to.rT iftta'tes Jto cease its " WEST INDIES ABANDONED fLondon. J&n. 10. A Cop enbageiL de- tee .1 act itself ?' the na- He will . in- I which usually entails the largest contest was easily settles tnis year oy . r.nnn to the Thef Greensboro dispensafy' ac was tbe acceptance of the recommendation -J. , iIn)dies' to the Unite States repealed . ' othe secretary or navy ior uwu, un- seejrug to ibfe ind an ni cely auanaonea. . -j nvM.nmi 1 riH I . "u . 1 , . . . TiTi, i-v . vwm A bdll was lntroa-uceu. w cuirc" itisnnps ana two urursjcuTs. j- Mr . Hepburn ana uvir. x - . . rfo, llS,t.s bv including lumber rTOittee also decided finally to give the of.lMdcbigtah,.bad a narp e - -"7 -- -; . ;; 4- An.H.Pfl ' :,men of. the ".s'.-TT - v-rtifl back comnaniesf ' . I fur , increase, 01 eniistea aoen wbicb; personauties Xl unanionomsly for,by the seczretary-5,O0O-men and icortn. iairy L . "--r-, i-f ii:'- .bv the demo- ha w Wn .... ..... ,i , 1-1 a iiTinue TOrnijnaieu- jjiaw . -j- vwktf- mruzvrjk m,i 1 iiv 1. viiv. - UI I'W.'UliOIUlO' VV.i.w . a- 1 I Hv,-h m-jate of Michigan critic caucus-. W1L1JA'1XK.JD V : received and this fact aroused tne re- as! tentatively alereed 'upon yesterday. The bill will The repubicans in the egisature will I carry a provision; to commassion Z inmn strugglinig Do 'be free- member. vote forPearson for senator. , two classes trom.ftne nava' u. tion of the gL , wddB an'd 'aentment JSf5fbill 1' democrats fast ' ndt tof caucus on tneir cruises and also to com- tiiiiiiniiiiMiiiiminiiMim"' ' I DRUGSTORE I . Bl llllvilltn" inetoivot JetfemBOw of Unpoln tov tne nspHesSaj, participant intbe ae- ... jm ad n, fM. Bttle folks.rw th kG&.illllH UNl te af.gtlce-alia In' the rfarne of H wa eweciWlT in last -nS. W S ffiS, l3t a go oarrt- from' Mrs. I. A.' John . . . TTitcmiSll." . . ' I ,..'...JJ!1i!haTtielaSIITf. Me OJSUl"J' -, I .mirwrt. o.TlfflKIl'SiaStlC 'ERttUUI, iwiftv ,rr - . , 4inA JiaTMlSOme ilne HART EL)EC3TiitIC!AL CONTRACTORS, To. 37 Library Building, in Easement. '7 ' J. A A A A A A 4fe A 4fe A A A A A A 4) 0 9 V w w 9 V v" rrr tbat autonomy XTJn-. Wmoney - 'rne app rr- - a W ed.two icnarus :- at Work inttihsta l iinlnbs.;'Wh desire'full flrtyl pne4nefelIs; He ald-in school He : 2SSraL larffe rowdH -inaepeix. ----- . was ,.mug. u ,r attend, the inauu. Z tt.i: VI. Tl,li T a tetavernment of tne UI1T- I on the seaborU Pm- ec---0;tB...JooiCK. JI7r2 J v V-ai litiUltj JJ liilUlUU -liUU , . nid independence. . - I w - mTnnd states. -Mc hii Hve the rate of one,.iAreiw 1. j uiiuuiuiu wuuuiu v w S.-WhenKhe.reaatoS'0 OnWmilatlo9i,Jie fomd-m (W the romna tft. .. - . i r- ; '- I. fcafSin WLgsyg grtvTS-.. -rjL."! ..j-lv.- v . At - At a Sacrifice. is a treaspnaoi, I marks printed ancne rvu - V We kre bfflering a r ty deair- If 4 m."Z2 attack upon 1 Y .J." would vote Cor af eai- .U1'v" - - v . .1 tf ; our Tbe senate. ihas erataon 01 , - -- - - vvMIiiff wu. . , - ad-- amendTnent wa -r- I Soon after .XTrv An amaxn r -7 ' Memory I : that persons .not uv , - . jl0(Ujrnea ouv oa, ncwj r" , , , sxar Orleans tnat A -,nTrfp-Marmiy Por J""" w,McrTi Clarke. . t V who serveu m "J..4. firfft 1 of tne.-uuwi6 , , .Aprli .21. 1, my - ,;,v-..x..' .--j. , :v" MinriiT : ri'tf nil lw i. a. v.. , iji.wiiik.il i mi iiri i a - - , i - 1' " , V V- v !.'ia.itW its' value" Ja o ter to:. Will 'ignore Eeqiest of LKew;Orlean v;f-flk - Tan . 111. JIUKTW - . . - - "V - W GPiAsH G HO. 24 I Cures c61d;ani la grippe I ; : 5 -lt quickly controls chills, J ; VX, : iever ana pain. 1 acii ai -, 1 the beginning of an attack J f ; 5 ;it gives immediate rehet s - ; anu -sciuuiii jaii iu tnt incomplete cure within 24 f IhOUfS;-." 7 AGMErTi tfosanjMPH motor : F- SAVE PASSEIICERS ' veterans in the suggestion rtbat Memphis ;.:ci . Is'.-"" Price -25 cents : par box. w - - aVasseur. ES- Twhicav ft. T. t sniT RETAXi JJTi' ciToOtoX SQUARE.; 1U THE HUU9C. - i t MtviftojM Sand 'covered -"J n ie ttiouse met to witb". flowers when tne bm diaV - Br un-anamiyuia' v ftf t reviS codify the ptal towof SJuSed States was a ePoial j fn-rrTttoi tnfranlev- UOCB aiUl.. linan-rf : 1 - .-'..;'-V.. - . . JL.tL't-M federate reunionjtbere, is, mating th - .rmAir 1 , j vnfifTVT-fYwan. - Tne veicaua FR0L1 JHE STEft .IfH HUW.C SJi:Sat .: ' ' tot, ift Th1 evoiiir.g con-i-wtii ignore tir.iOT--v" 1 nvfiarseilles, Jan. 10. l )i, t? l-towhi i vwaeraea'and: the .invlta-l jttane ffo to Peog'- ' a V tbe-cr official com- 55fiw"-. li.i.oTi Hie anxi-rirrnttee anui-uvujf.w - - - - ".'.''- - - 1 8 remains, tout efforts ito effect -r Wpose.-; . ' '. . phone lOw lie ; v ; Agency ftr Wbbd'a Seeds.