nn or o n 'a T"t' LA. HA AJb Jjk.uX!4 X X . tflhksd Every morDingExeeptMor idays SHE ASHEVILLE GAZJSPTB JTO- tfcaws E Norton .". .PresWenit:. TERMS OF' SU?5S(iiiTO0N;'i'V Weekly GMt&'joM jrs&.;. JUW 7'l7tkfly Gasette. Lx mon...,.. .tH I '1 "I topics flOTS TOwa, : igEB. ttSotox: ' Jam?3- of Pitt JQountyi :IWll.4n the , ' legislature wM I regardias a mnost important- "One!'.: .a' pTjomfoent lawyer of :the csty,' twtho ,was . formerly a superior court, solicitor;- "odd Che other day. "It ,pr vidtes 4htat no iUtoV: aiiali receive a , fee" i any pase unless, heiprays 'the Juflgtoeax of the court. . Heretofore tne amjportuni ties . : of; . friends: .a nd at torneys' isxT-"" in&uced; ; ,. the . solici tors o consent to isuspenslon of 'jrudgtmtent oni .payment' o,costs in- many & ncsase m which the defendant .snoura (have (been lined or -Sen t to the roads. Iimsmusch as the solicitor's fee i twice as large to such) cases a It is in those in which) the state pays the cost, (there is an element of Cemptatiop-for him in the "matter. The , measure would not t'e a good thing for-solicitors from a pe cuniary standpoint, tout it would relieve them of a great deal ox (bother. We Have Ju Rcei Yetlv Some new Parlor Purniture Ifcat we would xlike to show you. The prices are quite as attractive as ithe new patterns and designs. We are better pre pgred today to suippry your ery fur. Hiture want 'than ait lany, other time Bimoe we Ixave besen estajblished. Give us a. call. N Blair & Simathers 45Patton Ave. . knowledge inquired 'the other quitoes,'?" 1 a seeker alter AiVE you "The Three Mios- day, evidently , Unitendins tot (be pre- ipared tfor the presentation of Dumas' masterpiece at the opera house. - We have 'The Three Musketeers ' " eai'di the polite seller of t)ooks gravely. Aifter all it was tout a comipromiise in the iposi- tkm of e" 's. A DISCREDITABLE AFFAIR. The attack on1 Dr. Curry at Raleigh ,in which the two representatives from ithis ctocunty ook an unsavory r part, was a thorouigjily discredlditaible affair. Dr. Curry addressed the (legislature on the su!bject of leiducation yesterday, in ssipite tof the efforts of fMessrs. Craig anAl Curtis aind some others' -to " defeat the resolution inviting' him! tK do w, and the twt mietm:bers from Bunicocnbe jwere placed in the undignified position of apjpologizmg- (to binii, not po muchi for wihat they had charged: against as for tthe ruffianly tfornii in which the had maide .this charge. It was the hope eumong-'aGl people who have tine- interest of the ftate at hteart that the. aocknn plishment of "white supremacy" had put an end to suchi dnldleioent politics as was played in the house on Wednesday, a slander to the majority in this con gressional district which elected a re puMican congressman last Nbveimlber, irepuidiating' Mr.- Oratwtford and his grievance. CDr. -Curry ds the secreltary fcreasurer of the Peaoofly fiunHl, and has the araportionSng. of this ,grand ibene fa'ction among ifchJe schlools. . The. in . Buiting aanguagfe used' (by a few poli rticianiS in, tihe legislature regarding- Dr. tJurry manifested a willingness to sac rifice 'the schools of the state to the appetite1 sfor the venting' of partisan gplte. Hunldreds of people in AIheViire are deeply toterested in the action of con gress on. the Boufthera; fast mail appro priation.' It may be Uhat there is no 5roblaTMlity that 'ithe appropriation bill will ibe : withdrawn, (bult ' the .ptasaiibility bflways exSsts. It is unJikeOy that any eourthera repreisenitativie will need urg ing to do all in Ms power to secure the continuance c JtMsappropriation . But tHhteir constituents arnd the press and business - orgianizations in the States primarily interested shouQd not neglect to tack these congressnien in their .-f-tortis and urge rtihem to assiduous at tention to the' matter. The south needs ithe fast nmir service must have It. -V ,. -.- A discontinuance of this appropria tion wouHkJ leave .Ashevillle with only one ttnail a day or vtweave hours. addi, tional delay In the receipt and trans mission of an en"o)rmcaisi mass of im portant mail matter. Business, trans actions hy.mii,il would' re'qufar'? twenty- xour hours' longer t!han at present. It 4s earnestly hoped tMit our congress men wtfn see to it that, the appropria tion is continued. " . - " The snta-cigairette feiil in'the legislature is a ver-Datiim copy of the Tennessee statute.; That statute jwais held ocmsti tutional Wy the suipreme court of Ten. ' - , v Jt was playing unUer Quite , tli.-dvaa-, - i WCnty CSrS5 t CO, tae d it wasnonlywitli-uc'h effort ' t'-V'c T "i vVr Pilk keD the bow- that she -appeared aA ail. Her throat ..tS 9Pl. Py I was in very lbad,cond$ttan; uMu ap- el$ in natural ipbtlOn and Cleatise ,-.imtto;.4faatAleaice n?v1hoe . sym- j.e system, of all impurities, ied even as 4t was. i ,t ,jy r)Wftlte"CUl" for SlckH'ead&che V Misa Stoddaild imadea queenly jnne dyspepSiaSdur Stomach, COn- that strength of manner anids rwomanly il: 'jwA'lTeMe charm that is rooked for; - , ; - - puuaifaix , Mr Barreitt.a Richelieu jwos gtfodas Catft do-wltboat fotif' graihaim- Mr. ODorimer as Louis VIII. .was capable md Miss iCampbell ma de rc.dhjaranlng' constance.-. j The playiwas staigeld! wtelliand spjen didlv WandOed. At a matinee- this af- i T.iVVr1ietaoc - for OVer tVeritV Uern!xn and again -rtoniigiht the per- '-f-i. p , iormance will 1 repeated. Savannah ,yeam. "Am .now entffelyxure . , R VSmittuK331esW.-yi writes 1 qonjKnownpw 1 coma nessee,, iri-.the case'of the iState against.' Austin, and-on. writ': of: error to the sjf- liremecourt ptf 1 the;TJn3tedl ta-tes. - ;. u IP George " Gr. Heneken of ' 'Knozvlllfc , is - 4J ; O. ; Harrisoii '"Of HVauklin is in the City. V fW.-G-t. Dwiffht, proprietor of tshe HoL yoke, -M!ass;TraiiScript ds In the city. f B. -A. Carlisle of Newtoefry; S C, iwus in towJi. yesterday. , C s . 01. G-.' Saunders of OBad'ttmore is re Istered1 at the; 'Berkeley. t" (OV li. Tlwodidle of-Holyoke, Mass., is atayimg at 'the Berkeley. - , . 1 ' fc4 , ;5- ; - Hoh. James JVt. lMoody of Waynes ville ia '4n tawn. H Editor Gazette: I douibt not you knew how deeply the plight of the poor misionary iwould ap- ipeal to my 'Sensitive organization till found' some way out for ifihds martvT of the ifaith , OtheT;wise I sthouldi dfe of a "guilty conscience tnac 1 Heartlessly left this appetizing Saint to hia sad fate. I therefore send; you a possible solu tion of help for the . cannibal 'and es cape for the crushed1 missionary, and once more :breathe and eat freely with out suggesting rwihat migiht have been . (Yours very truly, POSSIBLE SOLUTION OP AN AB SORBING PRJOBLE2U. "If the blood of the martyr is the seed of -the Church," iwe should infer that ttoe asppiiopriationj of one masticaited; mission ary would so stimulate the propulsion of evil from the canni'bal tbat" not .only reipentance must ensue, 'but a violent mal de mer expulsion of the innocent missionary, thus leaving' the spirit only of the good man conqueror of the dis gorging penitent epicure. Consequently missionary master of -the situation. OTHjER HOPEFUL. SOLUTIONS. (Science asserts that we become like to or iassimilate the food! we eat. Possible digestion conversion of canni bal. Theosophy declares that we have an astral as wen as a pnysicai ooay. Perhaps it was only -the astral body the cannibal ate. Christian (Scientist :here was no 'body, only .mind to swallow. iSpiritualism : no assurance that .the eannibal could keep him down; "they come back to us. ' . Inference; natural or ethical escape of poor missionary. T IliE Gaze'tte was enbarassedi a short .while ago by a well meaning cor respondent who i wan ted to know several things about the history of a missionary and a cannibal after the lat ter had eaten the (former. We answered as 'best we could in view of a; determina tion to steer clear of theology and poli tics in this columro; tout .we if eared, at the time that our correspondent was not sati'Sftedi. 'Now a lady 'way up In Brooklyn comes to our .relief, and fur nishes a tnumfber of solutions, any one of which ought to he entirely satisfac tory. 'Her letter and the solutions foU tow: AT THE OPt RA HOUSF. Mr. Harry Glazier appeared In Sa vannah for the first (time as a star last night and (his acting and the reception accorded him would augur that (he has something- o iacareier flsetfore him. He was seen as tJhtat delightful swashibuck ler "DIArtagnan" in the "Three Muske teers.' ' The version Is different from that played (here last season Iby Mr.-James O'Neill.', It d onbre Mke that wihich Salvin' flayed 'and'" probaibly followed the story more , closely in an historical way. ' ;N . -JMr. Glazier has the advantage of youth, therefore he took the part of DlArtagnara, the -fearJess, impetilous and- roMicking' Gascon. His reading was r excellent and his actirJg finished, while he is a. very fair swordsmian, quite a necessary qualiftcatioin tfor the role, for he kills a man on the average of once every, five niiniutes ; . . . -Ttliss de Veirnfon, .wiioi Was' Miiladai; BAR C0M1HTTEE WRITES To Bepresentatives at Raleigb A k ng For Action on BUT- - The coniimiitteeaptpolnited at. a recent meeting of the 'bar of Asheville to draft a bill intended to secure ihetter court facilities to the county, consistin.s . -of Duff Merrick,. Louis M. Bournie, Judge j; h. SMerri'mon and .W. ,W, Jones, have forwardedi the tfoliowingv letter to "The umderaig-nea coiriiMee aippoini- d tw the Ashe valle bar to draft a bill to estalblish. a new judiicial distriot in i.n.tArp&t of affording: Buncomhe ant: Other counties named' in the (bill fcrame- mlediate and addiuonai court iaciimes. after a careful consideration or we niistlon iraoared! such a .bill and sub imltted the same to the toar in general meeting. At sucin. raeeiangi tne ouii was nnBjndimously approvett, apa tine comnux- tee was directed to fonward to you -and vmur associates fromi Buncomlbe county in the legislature, with the request that you urge Its wnimeiojiaie passage. in o-nmnldance with this action of the bar we ibeg to nerewim jnano you a copy 01 said Ibil'. 4trsnries of 'this ftim haive also toe en sent to 'inemfoers of the bar in Hender arvn and Transylvania counties and we have heard of no opposition from them . In fact, we. think "that Henderson ana Transylvania counties will (be heartily in accord .with? the purposes of 'the (bill, "onvo fMrtt- thait the entire bar of Ashe- viJle has concurred in recomimiending its passage ought to "be- in itself sufficient evidence of its necessity. Further, you, as residents of Buricomfbe county, know well the congested condition or 'tne docket in Buncom'be county, and. the trrAAit. iinroortance, "both to the county and! miemfbers of 'the bar, of our (being able to dispose of some civil litigation durine this spring; and it as tnereiore not necessary for us to go imto .the mat ter ait length here. If. we have to wait for the general court hill, which we un derstand will toe passed redistrtcting the entire state, we will not 'be ale to try a civil case 'in Buncombe county until next (fall, wiich will work great 'D. .W. Thomas, of jSoutli 'Carolina, ar rived yesterday. x . Sydney T. Bir"d of .New York is regis tered at - the Swannanoa. ! "" :. - . . - J. O. .?3!herrim' of tMt. ,UKa arrived (here yesterday. - ' . W. B. .Coliton, of iChJarlotte", arrived esterday and' is staving at the .Swanna noa. V ' w : Judge G. A. Shuford; returned from Marsiiaia lasl evening.. . fMirs. 'Matter and" diaugihter. IMiss Kath erine iMatter, of IMlarion, :Md, are stay ing' at 73 Haywood street. EACH HAD SUSPICION. A Story of Two Partner, Both of Whom Were Honorable Men. "My first business venture on my own account was in well, never mind the name of the '.city," said a New Orleans merchant, chatting over old times with some friends at the board of trade. "Tb location has nothing to do with the little etory I am going to tell you, and, for rea sons you will understand m a moment, 1 don't care to" be too specific. "I was a young chap of 25 at the time, and getting tired of working for other people I opened a cotton brokerage ofSc with another ex -clerk who was consider ably my senior-in years. We put up an equal amount of capital and agreed tc share and share alike in the profits an3 the hustling. From the very outset every thing went remarkably well with us. W both had lots of friends, who took pain.'' to throw business in our hands, and tW end of the year showed 1 very nice littlt. balance of profit. NesJv year, however, the results weren't quite so good, and I began to have a faint apprehension that I was getting a bit 'the worst of it,' as the saying goes. I heard a vague rumor that my -partner was living at a pretty fast gait, and tb more I thought about the matter the more . dissatisfied and suspi cious I became. You know how easily hardship upon litigants and also upon j suca estrangements will grow upon a members of the !bar. The passage of tnis bill, in our oipinion, will not interfere with the general court 'bill m any way, nor 'will it interfere with, the work 01 any of the judges as they are now as signed. We also therewith enclose certificate of the clerk of Buncomlbe suDemor court, showing present condition of our dolcket, and you will observe from the same that there has not 'been a sinerle civil case tried since lMay term;. 1900. To allow this condition of affairs to contin ue would1 be outrageous." rm rJOTTT TOe Size OI It. Rusfcem I haven't any upe for loafers, " Gushem Oh, they are ail right in their way. Rushem There's where you are wrong. They are always righf in somebody else'a U0 treat him with extra cordiality, and a way. Exchange. A Limited Sujpuly. She said she meant to speak her tniDd And wouldn t take much time to do it; The other said, with sneer unkind. It wouldn't take long if she knew it. Chicago News. Inherits the Hop. Miss Askit What tnakfs Mr. Malti hop so funnily when he dances? .Miss Gabbeign It's hereditary. His father was a brewer. Baltimore Ameri can. . ' Can't Take the -Medicine. Bobbs Laughter Is a cure for indiges tion. ' Dobba But a man can't laugh when he las dyspepsia. Exchange. The Thoughtless Farmer. Rube bought a hat, believing that 'Twas just the size to wear, but Just after he bad bought the hat He got his yearly hair cut. PhiladOnMa firm, and to make a long story short I finally went to a detective agency .hat made a specialty of 'private investiga tions' and arranged to get a 'report,' as they called it, on my associate. I admit that it was a rather sneaking preceding, and I felt secretly ashamed of myself for reso'rtin.sr to it. but I crgued that it was my duty to know whether he was really In the way of getting into any embar rassing entanglement. "Well, in the course of a week or so the agency made its report, and without going into details I may say that it com pletely exploded all the disturbing gossip I had heard. I realized after reading it rfiiat I had been doing my partner a great injustice, and of course I was conscience Btricken. To make amends I determined r- - Vs v'44 sN CC v C V - :S TAWONERY-'-? farrfl'sBtf . Grant's Latent Styles::: Bainbtfdge'S, Pation Ave. i.4;Formerly of San Anfori' Texas.1 ' -. : .' - - - it ' ! X 1 Everybody Knows Btow pure, fresh amd d eliclous our candles are, but everybody ought to see what quantiu es we have this year. Our packages are more unlotie than ever , and aU tastes can 5y mAfpA. m 3dnda of Fruiw i.jmLt9&i:.- T.; . Oranges, Bananas, Apples - Grap6s9 Grape;NutSi Figs, Dates, Nuts, etc. Ice Cream; Salted Almon! s, etc, &t " Candy Kitchen, S3 South Main Street WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT Sole Owner Beech Nut Rye Wklskey. Sole Agent Anneuser-B i eh Brewing Association's Celebrated Budwei r Beer. And dealer in evory thinj knowni to the Wtoe and Trade. .'.'..Telephone. 218.... Spdrlt X)OOO0CXXX)(00000000O00000 . . : . . - : - i - the: same time it seemed to me that his own bearing, which had been a little dis tant, became much more friendly. At any rate, whatever coldness had existed soon passed away and the three years of busi ness association that followed were sin gularly pleasant. Then he received a flattering offer from Liverpool and went there to live. "One day several months after his de parture I was looking over some old pa pers and ran across a big envelope mark ed 'private and confidential.' Thinking It contained something relating to the firm, I tore it open, and what do you think I found? a report on myself. from the same detective agency I had hired to investigate my partner. It seemed that our suspicions had been mutual." New Orleans Times-Democrat. E SURE that your blood is ricV and pure. The best blood purifier. 'hricher and vitalizer is Hood's Sarsa--"Ila. Be sure to OT HOOD'S Imported and Domestic Cigars Sold by the Box ' at Factory Prices at the Berkeley Cigar Stand AshevIIte School of Music, Art and Languages. : ond of Mrs. Rockwood's Ten Song Recital s, cr Vocally Illustrated Talks on 4tSongs and Their Composers." Ralston Hail, Paragon Building, Thursday, Jan. 24, at 4 o'clock. Admission 25 cents. Course tickets $1.50., Send for catalogue: Office, Room. 15Sondley Bldg. Hours 10 to 1; 3 to 5. 00HSU1FT10N. ROOMS OCCUPIED "BY CONSUMP TIVES CAN BE KEPT FREE FROM ODOR AND CONTAGIOUS DUST BY TEE DATIiY USE' OF PLATTE CHLORIDES, WHICH INSTANTLY DESTROY FOUL ODORS AND DIS EASE BREEDING MATTER. An odorless colorless liquid ; powerful, safe and economical. Sold in quart 'bot tles . on! b- Druggists and hig-h class Grocers. FREE A practical treatise .. comipiled from 'board of health . reports on infectious diseases, such as: rMpfhtheriia, Scarlet Fever, Typhoid, Measles, Cossoxmption, etc.; how vcf prevent' and treat them., with iUu straits ns ' sfiiowlng methods of household distmfecition will !bfe mailed free. . Address Henry B. Plafct, 36 Piatt Sfi., N. T. dtrr.. - '& Sarsapariiia ia v.e Ojh True Blood Puriiier.Gve.-.'; N"c?-: Tonic, Stomach Regulator. To i'vrt suds its frreat merit Is KOWrr HEALTH, POWER, E TRADEMARK, w we; mm. A forever all weakenindfcii. teed tne brain, replace wasted tia saea and send rich, flssh-builciiag- uwi oounazng inrougn everyisat i mo EyBiem,xnaiaiigeveryc: -aa l cansine von to t c and fir - liff act, and causing you to gk w an pffwita newly round BtrenstI iAJT man, ana can feel it I The ijf iusiu ever oiFCOvered. Palmo Tablets y) f CCcureaiuckly and forever Nervous Cdll- KV eePIes3ne8S,pyBpep8ia,Kidney Biseaaes. as gold). $3.00t SeU anywhere. HALSIQ OBUaca! .Clove!?-.'.), 5. For Sale by Pelham's Pharmacy, 24 Pafcton Avenue. aragpn. .JJrug ED WARDJHOFKIrJ S, President J, B WHEELER, 5ec-Treas. : i Bon Wlarchs XR WBDNIBSOAT, THURSDAY, TRHAT AND-; SATiUR JpAcT, J1AN. 2.245-26; THE SECONI ANNUALi UNDBR'GAR- ..IpaNrriHALiE takes-place. 1 I 7 : t'0 IXXT lAT'10 CESNTS. ; UOT 2 AT 15 cents: -4,24; LOT JAT 25 CENTS. LOT 4 AT 50 CENTS. . LOT 5 -AT 75 CENTS.. IX)T 6 AT U.00. x - JZ, 1 , wmmwmTmi a bargain they -"were, but tills yer tfcey we even tter Jt , vv 4 wietr larger., , LADCCeS. yotTdon't, want tajthlsjriaJcf, f BoniWIarchiSSWlain-f? a ; . , v. - s . .. . " . . .... E DESIRE to call your attention to the new management of this elegantly appointed Pharmacy Their object is to conduct the business " to meet the approval of the citizens of P Si cs : 9 a a f a 0 Asheville jX j& it Opposite Post Offlo. 3. t - : Asheville, 33"br. Oar.

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