- ' f J. ...V . - j V - - t "! 'II THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE FEBRUARY 6. iqoi. 5' ' s t i - t mrr 4 rfrrnpi ASHEVIIXE, N. a ir -igftlishfid Every moroiDg Except Meodays - 1 0 she asheville gazette pub- lishino oomj-ajmx. THKMS OH' SlWSUiUi'nUW I J ti m .tally Gazette, one yfair ....H.tt Dally Gazette, twelve week , i. nrr-.-'' xiH WYfl'W ntUEAttA. Six maattmm N 'qr m A SCESE OF FIERCE FURY Tuesday 'Witnessed another most ex traordinary exhibition of the tone and temper of the democratic majority in the lower house of the general assem bly of this state. The chief news paper organ of the democratic -party at Haleigh heads the account -of the af. fair, "House Unearths Republican iPflot." This "Plot," which it seems was "tinearthed" by 'one Zachary, member from Transylvania county, was "con cocted and formulated for base politi cal pairposes." and was "hell born." In the discussion that followed these gentle; and gentlemanly observations "the thunder of democratic denuncia tion of republican fraud and trickery crashed and reverberated until the raf ters rang with it, and the bright flashes of wit and reparte lightened the fierce fury of it all." (Wa quote the Raleigh News and Observer). And what was it all about? Wlhat was the diabolical plot? It was1 this listen, ye who crave a knowledge of what caused democratic thunder to crash and reverberate, and wits (democratic wits?) to flash here it is,' just as Zachary unearthed and exposed it (am-M the "fierce fury of it all:" A citizen of North Caroiina, home I Asheville, name Richmond Pearson, cir culated some petitions for amendment of theipresent election law in this state. (The petition were published in the Gazette some three months ago) . These petitions end others to the number of 106, signed iby many citizens, democrats and republicans, have been (presented to the legislotuTce. The hell born feature of the proceeding (according to demo cratic thunder) consisted in (Mr. Pear son having circulated some of these petitions. When this horrible -exposure was made, and flashes of wit had lightened the fierce fury of it all, and the walls were still reverberating with the crash es of democratic denuncetion, Juge O. V. F. Blythe confessed that he had- dared to circulate petitions for a change in the election law. 'If Richmond Pearson has Ibeen guilty of sending out any of these petitions, he has been guil ty of no morel than many anotheT mian," said Judge Blvthi1. "I have dlone the same thing myself, and I have no apologies to make for it." That tmust have been an awful moment for the reverfberations, the denunciations and the wit flashes amid the fierceness of their fery. It must have been a period of severest strain on the rafters. ;Mr. BenbO'W of Yadkin made matters still worse ;by acknowledging, "I in troduced some of those petitions, and I think I did it in good faith." "As I rernember," said Mr. Benbow, "the governor in his inaugural 'message rec omimended' some changes in the election law. He seemed to consider that tte present law was necessary in order to get rid of the negro, 'but now we have were rid' of that danger, there might be some modifications. Dr. Ourry, too, the other day, in timated that some thi n'g was i wrong . ' ' This is the first JTorth Carolina legis lature we ibelieve that has gone crazy . over the fact that it was petitioned to perform) an act of legislation. This legislature probably also has the dis tinction of being .the first in the history of thie -world that considered it a "heD born thing to circulate petitions for the amendment of an -objectionable law. T!he iSimmons election law abolishes the 'right -of mandamus. This legis aattire shown an inclination to :Jtolisi the right of peti tion. THE AT AGK ON SUPREME COURT, . (It takes ivery slight provocation for Gteperal Miles to have bis photograph . taken. (His promotion to the lieuten ant !generalship brought forth one evi idently anodeled; on Emperor William. Ml -' ......The sentiment of the Salistmiy bar, as far as gathered, is unanimously opposed to the impeachment of Chief "Justice iFurches and Associate: Justice ' . DoucHas. One memiber, wlio is a strong .'derrocrati as n-early everybody is about ' " lierei Laa written to the forlmer, assiua r img him of this sympathy iwith -html -as b 'a vitvtimt of uilrttical persecution. tSalis- ,, . .JimpeafC'lmient of -a . public of-, i? Vnil -AJkrDI iDTr.t-u. onsijtutKunaerm.n. ra vaffflnre in eatincr. DV alre . X 1 1 I & o ' ' sardine: the laws of nature, 'C ()hvsi1 ranital all fone. if so, NEVER DESPAIR I Tutt's Liver Puis will cure you. . , . jp or sick headache, dyspepsia, hour stomach, malaria, torpid I VPf. CC HlSLIDcLLlUU. uiuuuaucbb and all kindred diseases. nrt Jim w T"V an aDsoiute cure. ficial is a very grave matter and the case should be a flagrant one when it is invoked. Judge Furches has lived an honored anid resrected citizen in this commiuriity for more than a generation, and while he is a strong partisan and 'he and the Landmark are -wide apart in politics, we shall protest against -his being dishonered' in his old age unless it is satisfactorily shown that he has done something worthy 'f death or bonds. There' is, too, in these impeacih-ment proceedings, a suggestion If it does, and it will find, when too late, of so grave a matter. The democratic party cannot affc.d to enter into such a imatter as .this for partisan! advantage. IT it does, it will gnd, when too late, that it will have damaged itself irrep arably. iStatesville Landmark. It seems thjt net very many papers m tie stare have referred editorially to this impearlirrent busi ness, that is, give in expression of opinion; tut that most, cf the expres sion tnus far as adverse Raleigh c-:r Charlotte 'Observer. From all the soure--s of in formation wTith whom we have cm inumcatea, tne Tmpieachment ousiii-s? at Raleigh is reckoned as a grave mi taxe. is the 'nouse very sure or it'p footing? 'Concord Standard. Mr. Booker T. Washington's auto Diography continues to attract wide spread Interest. The in-stalfent con. tained in the February Magazine Num ber of The Outlook includes the fam ous address made by Mr. Washington at the opening of the Atlanta Exposi tion, when for the first time in South ern history a negro was called upon to speak as a representative of negro en auu ucgiu c-iviiizaxion in a great public meeting managed and con trolled by the White ipeonle of the state. ($3 a year. The Outlook Com pany, 287 Fourth Avenue, New York. The region of the Great Lakes in industry, commerce and politics is 3e- acnoea' ax nrst-hand 'by Frederick C Howe, !Esq., of Cleveland, in the cur rent number of JThfe World's Work Fs. pecia'lly interesting is IMr. Howe's de- wa-ipuon- or the industrial progress of Lne uviiaaie west and of its growing political" power. "From, the time of Jackson," says M Howe, "political power has been mov ing -westward. Since 1861 the only pres ident elected from- east of the Alleghi nes 'has ibeen Grover Cleveland. All the other presidents came from tho Tvrir?. dlie West, the states of the Great Laks oasin. iioday the West is predominant in politics. Tomorrow it will he artic ulate in its Dower. Thp .rpnnwtinn ment based on the census of 1900 will still farther increase its -oower in the electoral college as well as in congress VERDICT HOT SPi HQS HOMICIDE CASF Marshall, N. C, Feb. 6. The jury in the )Hot Springs homicide case (State vs. J. W. Floyd, Guy Turrfer and Duke Lamb) came in at 10 o'clock this morn ing. They rendered a verdict of guilty of murder in the second degree as to Guy Turner, not gu'iity as to Lamb and made a mistrial as to Floyd. This verdict seem to be about what was predicted by a majority of those who heard the evidence, and who were otherwise qualified to have an opinion on the subject. D. M. Luther, Esq., left for Ashe ville today, the last of the visiting at torneys to go. (Mr. Luther's argument to the jury in this celebrated and lengthy caste has been highly spoken of by many who heard it. Solicitor Ferguson has been an ex ceedingly ibusy man during this ifcrm i nd the arduous1 and responsible duties of the high office he hol-ds have never ibeen morie faithfulfly or ably discharged With a good grand jury many new cas es .were returned and with a goodoudge and a good, sialic itor both the new and old! -castes have ibeen -disipose-d of with a business like -and wonderful rapidity. Judge Shaw fbao covered into the county treasury for the benefit of the sfehiol fund, some $1,500 and his term cf the court will .got down, into tradition known as the "Reign of Law", and evil deters' for a generation yet to come will tremble at his name, at "the same time it may b'e -said that for the inno cent .misguided he has marked consid eration and regard; flout as for the vic ious, tbe totally depraved these given up to wickenes'sof heart and fatal" y 'bent on ischie'ffmmmmhhfommSHRD bent on mischief to all such he give3 unerringly and unswervingly the limit of the punishment, according to ttoe law, when they are convicted before him.. The good people of Mad ison -would toe delighted if Judge Shaw could -hold, the special spring term. arche Spritib Showings in S,' ' ; Woolens and Lo lions. BOMARCHE, 15 S Mam KIKE EDWARD HOT SUFFERING FROM CAKCER London, February 5. Sir Felix Sem en, physician for diseases of the throat to the National Hospital for Epilepsy and Paralysis, and president of the Larngological Society of London, etc, asks the Associated Press to say there Is positively no word of truth in the! stcy published in the United States y published in the Unltedi States that King EC ward is suffering" from cancer of the throat. Sir Felix Seme i wishes it to be called a "scandalous in vention and ridiculous report." STILXi HELD AS A PRISONER. Pekin, February 5. The Rev. W. S. Ament, one of the nassionaries of thn American Ecard of Foreign Missions, re cently arrested by German and French troops near Tung Clicw, and charged with endeavoring to extort money from th ..in . vmiifse viaaEKib, .ims noi yet Deen re leased. The French troops are holding him foi investigation, a.; vi ih.r; that he obtained money frcn- b.tv.cen thirty and forty vlilngos whr i e clrisiians had been killed on the gicv : '. V. i.t the money was in demnity payable to the families of th( killed. THE EDNKL'TY ESTATE SOLD. Brunswick, sale of the Bun!3-jy land Island ccc ,-; 1 Camden ccurty, ri., Mary's is ir.-icce il': reported thr.t :.:: vrc February 5. The eLEte on Cumber at St. Maiy'a. this afternoon. St. .c- oy wire. It was r kley estate would buy m the . ..y fcreck sui e ;-i.c t!:r i t COO. It was i::f -'x.. negie would not bid. uncer mortgage cl price of $30,- L that Mrs. Car W-lI.l b:h mad;: a cardinal Paris, February spondenc of tha from the Vatici: Archbishop :-.;ar:. ilelegato iu tI:o U him that he vvill b Other letters v-. patched, as eigli t w:31 be create u ?. ".ry. -The Rom.o corre- been posted to It-jd t'xins, notiryi:-; . rrcai.td a cardinal. 1! r.I:.c i :ly be dis r ten new cardinals tl:- CLiTiing Ci..n- vo r::opu DEATH. N. Y., February 5. hcd, three fatally and ro'v.red in a lire whieu Expof.ition Hut-d ' :y. Tbe dead: Harry yenrs of age, a . nd recognition. to L.: . y : ; ; in th'.u (.'.:;: . 7 :y. Severson, alo -musician, b'.;:;"-: .': '.. Sid Holland, -r. focated. Losf. $10,000. ?s man, suf- ADDISON CA ACK DEAD. New -York, February 5. Addison "Cammack, 74 years of asro. at one time one of the most prc-.nin'fnt speculator.; in Wall street, died at his home in this City to-day. OPERATION ON KRUGER'S EYES. Utrecht, Feb. 6. An operation on Mr. Krugers eye -was successfully per formed today. RICH PLACER GOLD MTNF FOR SALE HERE1. Not worked since the civil war. Now in possession of a bank to settle an es tate. Bonanza for lee-it ima.t a m,in)ni. investment, or wiould be a laree divi dend payer for corporation purposes. x nis property of 130 acres of gold vins ! n tne taouth Mountain beLt has vieldrl $100 daily in gold 'before 'the war., THp aubscrd'ber would take an: interest with good party or parties, if wnt i Quick cash price $1,000. Particulars." i W. L. Burke, Morganton. N. C. Ri.rto ! wuniy. 316 it. ! The following deeds have i been filed ior record in the of deeds. oce of the register Joseph Penlev and wife 3,7WU' 58 aCreS n6ar 'SuJPhur Springs, ! T. C. H. Dukes and wife to R U ' Garrett, 396 acres near Sulphur Springs', j J. B. Bostic and wife to iMt Campbell, property north side street, $400. M. T. of Hill 'R. Mb Henry to A. IB. Thrash acres on Dick's creek, $10. 100 There is always danger of using coun terteits of DeWitt's Witch HazeTsaU e i The original is a safe and certain cure for piles. It is a soothing and1 IIJ -res andean8 sos ! uiaeases. ur. fL . C 3T smith . C. A. Ravsor. thp h fund your money you are not satis fied after using Chamberlain's Stomal I Xrs V?LTcfblet Pey cu Xor- ! aers of the s-:omah, billious oonstioq tion and headache . Price 2T Ss Samples free. c. A. RayS(r, ,drUggS; S3 9 EDWARD HOPKIN S, President y IS ? S3 m - o Q a I 3"D Parag B a Opposite Post Office. : ' 2i' . ; ... . D -.' -. -: ffTnn.J3B--. Cr- ': H H QvORrt;nia-ri m tea m THE S0U1H AFRICAN WAR. Th Boem Cnptnro 20h British ?"rivj. i ner A Strict Watch Kept ( tbe Bays of the West Coast of j Colony. Cape Town, February 5. The Bce; eapxurea two nunarea British wV-pn -rj . , . Shed Moderfontein January- jutn. ine prisoners were subsequently released. Thirty British were killed or wounded. xne newiy-rormea guard for the Rand mines left Stellingbosh for Johannesburg Wednesday. An order has been gazetted permit ting the importation of goods into the j ransvaai, subject to a military per mit. uonaon, February 5. The British Foreign Office has received semi-official confirmation of reports that the Boers commanded by BlJce are threatening to enter Lorenzo Marques and that the local Portuguese authorities had re quested British assistance. It is fur ther asserted that a British squadron ha9 been ordered to Lorenzo Marques it is also reported here that British troops are advancing rapidly towards the Portuguese frontier. The Blake referred to is probably John Y. Filmore Blake, who was in command of a regiment of Irish and American rough riders in the- service of the Transvaal. Blake, who is an old West Pointer, first went to the Trans vaal in 1894 or 1895. Cape Town, February 5. Officials hav been dispatched to watch all the bays along the west coast of Cape Colonj against the landing of mercenaries oi arms. With the exception of one, all the guns of the British cruiser Sybille, wreck ed last month near Lambert's Bay, hav been recovered. Clanwilliam, February 5. Colonel Bran der drove the Boers out of Varrhyns dorp, capturing a number of wagons and a quantity of .merchandise. All the farms in this region are deserted. The only per sons being found except armed Boers wai an English governess on one of thj farms. . - London, February 6. The War Office issued a very heavy South African cas ualty list yesterday, showing, in ad dition to thirteen killed and , seventy seven wounded in action, eighty-two Heaths from disease during the present month Last month thirty-one officers and eight hundred non-commissioned offi cers and men were killed in action or pied from disease. Total death list from the beginning of the war shows' 12,989 victims. Look ,not upon the wine whpn This of course doesn't apply to oh.m pagne. It is a poor widow who can't marry Rich ones are soon gobbled up. Always speak the truth-ven i,f you have to use a long distance telephone. Grant's No. Grippe. 2oc. 24 cures Cold and T,a . Grant's Pharmacy. i Onion Sets Pelham's. and Landreth Seeds at Hundredth's Garden ham Pharmacy. Seed, The Pel- CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Hie Kind Yci: 9 Always Bought Bears the ,.- 7 .feMPa of J That-man is generous to a fault who never corrects it. RIENCE W . .",nr:'..e aep.lii. a sketch and (SeseripMon Wis. - kJv as.-.-trf -iin onv opiaton roe whetmir a: -. v"n j:t p---,bl)l7 patentable. Cotnmunip.t : ;!)-.' co'.aetitlai. Ranabook on at tviis '"i- i'lorts i'isiioy for securing ptni c, - ---a v. . -oa-.'h Muvm & Co- iecelrt . r.oiicc, inrr. .oc cnarge, in tbe y tit jr sail vi A. haorifcompiy illtirt.rated weekly. Tarsrest dr .:UHon of any -vaentiac Journal. Terms. $3 a f r: fcr-rooaths. 41 Sold bv all newede.lera. E DESIRE to the new !&MmjUL SO YEARS' 7 Drug elegantly appointed Pharmacy )bject is to conduct the business The ir to meet the approval i-isnevine on Drug BAINBKID6fc'S, Patrick Mclhtyre, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCH A ST, 53 South Alain Street. Tel phone 218. Asheville Conservatory of Music and School of Art and Languages. The third of Mrs. Rockwood's Song Recitals, or "Vocally Illustrated Talks on Songs and .their Composers," will be given Thursday, February 7th at 4 o'clock precisely, in Ralston Hall, Par-agon Building. Mrs. Rockwood will be assisted by Alexander Hitter, violinist, and Fer dinand Durikley, accompanist. Bears the TliS Kind Yoa Have. Always Bought Signature a: ME RICA'S Greatest Medicine is llbou's iSarsaparilla, because it Hos tesses unequalled curative powers and '.fa record of cures is GRFATFQT spepsk Cure Digests what you eat. Itartificiallv diereais the fond and m'rli- Mature in strengthening: and recon- structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures yspepsia, indigestion, Heartburn. Flatulence. Sour Stomach "NToncao Sick Headache.Gasiralffia.Orjirrirvs. a ni all other results of imperfect digestion. ; Prepared by E. C. DeWltt & Co- Cfcicaflo. Black Walnut 15,000 Feet ? TT'rvr fioln T7';V,- -r & ur Cut in Dimension Stock to Suit Purchasers. Apply or Address THOMAS TUfiNEB, Bat Cave, Henderson County. HOLLY HOME SANITARIUM BREVARD, N. A quiet home for the care and treat merit cf invalids. Famous for its health i givin climate and beautiful mour :tain scenery. A modem institution for the treatment of chronic; diseases a rest cure, boths, etc Open all the year. On ly 40 miles from Asheville. Address i-r. L. B. Sales, Brevard, N. C. KEALT1L mni m 77? An n. a ore if b&fsrever all Treakc-r; "as 'hnim. leeuuis oriin, rep'aco ras-c-i tij sues and send rich, fiesh-b-Jidiuff blood boaoding through 2vr- w il act, ana causing you to gUvr and tingle h'ALEID DRL'C CO. For sale by Pelhams Pat ton avenue. Pharmacy, 24 ;T-rmr" nitiniiw mi, . . ttu Dy r a? Z I0Snt1 .EJfeSa. You're It nor ..acd can feel it! Thegrcatest HERVS f?ZuUl0 -e7?r ;covered. Palco Tablets Z) ' t.pui-efiniclily and forever Nervous Deb'i VrP nVKC0CieA AtrcPhy, I.css of Memory. isK ?Ji i 13boreQ (wi.h -anlec. good i t-ffll cm nous-. sn i. . . Company, , S. WHEELER, Sec.Treas. to call your attention management of this of the citizens of 2L l Com Asheville, N.O AT 47 Patlon Avenue, r Candy Kitchen, Headquarfc?s for FjneCandi s. Hot and Cold Soda. ' CAFE AT TACHED. Everything of the best and our own manufacture. "Let Me Dy For You. " and enjoy a happy New Year and fine clothes cleaned and dyed by the only first class dyer and chemical cleaner. Carl Schuits, 55 S. Main St. Phone 206. KEEP DOWN THE COST. No necessity of running up extrava gant coal bills if vou huv of ati Coal Company. There you get good, Liies i, wen screened, coal, of fuB weight and at reasonable prices we are n-ot philanthropists we are in business to make a living but it is to our inter, est to treat you fairly and weU, for in that lies our whole urnsnopt tmg and retaining your patronage. Citizen's Coal Cmmv 3 CrROCERS EVERYWHERE- wS . - i (,MT 3any. r 0M t I Pi 'i lit

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