THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE" FEBRUARY iqoi I3 II ' : m n U I tfiWiiWrSl 111 VHLru iwHitiiiMMmwui -Vegetable Prcpacalionfor As similating tbefood andRegula ling (he Stomachs aMBowels of m m mm Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur nessandRest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Hot "Narc otic . JHeetpe of Old IJrSAMUEL PITCHER Mx.Seruui ybnteSeed Ctaified Stujar Wmteryreen tlavar. Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Fion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature oF new'york. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. THE NEW SOUTHERN HOTEL, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. "jccomodated 450 guests Outside h.0at airy roc. is. Several suites u bath. .Daily Evening Oichastra in .Ladies' Lobby, overlooking office. Unex celled Table, large Dicing Room, Spacious Parlor, Wine, Room stocke I wl the b st supplies. New Pool and' B'.lliard Room. Our own Electric Plant, The Travelling Hen's headquarters. The "i tourists home 150 miles best n-- tn i country, mild ?Iirr:ate all wit er; one Hundred points of visiting im In end around the city. "When travelling 'or buslss or pleasure stop at e NEW SOUTHERN HOTEL, F. A. Lincoln. Mag'i Formerly of the Swannianoa noteL Asiheville, N. C. hie Q n "u !! ?n u D ?gl A most delightful winter climate and pleasant Lice o spend th winter. Fine roads for riding nd driving. First class liver'es. GOOD HUNTING, GOOD GOLF LINKS. . Q THE SAPPHIRE INN Are open the For Booklets and Rates, Address MANA jER OF HOTELS, Sapphire, N. C. Booklets and information of the Sapphire Country cart aiso be nsii at the City Ticket Offica of tbe Southern Railway, oi) Patt( n Avenue, Opposite Post Office, Asheville, N. C. FOR MOTHERS. The period immediately following child-birth is fraught with many dangers. The strength has been used in the painful ordeal through which the mother has passed and she finds herself helpless and weakened. Many mothers, like Mrs. Ford, date the beginning of their illness from the birth of their child. Indeed the frequent spectacle of a healthy young woman becoming a chronic invalid after motherhood is one of the tragedies of life. All this is unneces sary, when Vine of Cardui is obtainable. It rehabilitates the shattered nervous system, strengthens the organs and ligaments, and re-establishes a healthy, natural condition, saving years of chronic sickness and suffering. "Wine ot Cardui taken just before confinement will render the ordeal comparatively painless It will te-enforce and strengthen the organs for their work. For every trying crisis in a woman s life, Wine of Cardui is the medicine to take. Ask your druggist for Wine of Cardui and take no substitute. If one is offered send $1-00 for a bottle to the Chatta nooga , Medicine Company, Chattanooga Tenn. .MS M WMEoCAHMJ! Clarkson, Ark., July 30, 1899. After my baby was born I took the whiten and falling of the womb, and was in a rery dan f erous condition. I read one of your home reatment books, and commenced to treat myself with Wine of Cardni and Black-Drausrht. j am thankful for what the medicine did for me, and I am now In better health than I have been for a long time. Mrs. MARGARET FORD. For advlee In cases requiring tpe ttl direction!, ad drew, RiTlnc rmp toms "The Ladles' Advisory Depart. menw The Chattanooga Medlolne Co., Chattanooca Tenn. C3 Bears the r The Kind Yoa me Always Bfltip iture PARKER'S mm uaid nALSAM rt, " j v 'Ha hair.. f-J IWu a firm riant KTOWtB. I if! Cure Ip diee U bait ttlixat. A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havi Always Boisgm Bears Signatur I Thirty Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. ma ID D- a" NlrJ 9 a. AND COTTAGES year round Jj CO his 3Q an i sa a n w A TunmreiiTTftrl omnrino annnt run With 3. webk boiler, and we can Ieep uip the strain of active life with a weak ston- ach.;' neither can fwe stop the 'human and chine and make repairs. ' If the stom ach cannot dizest enough food to keep the body strong1, such a preparation as Kodol Dysroensia Cure shculd be usea It digests what yon eat nd it sinrply can't help but, do you good. Dr . l , v Smith. G a itette'-wabt ads . reach ; the - people . GLEANINGS. France has 22 organ manufactories. Tibet is larger than France, Germany and Spain combined and has a population of 6,000,tXJ6. - In Bohemia 63 nobles own the bulk of the country. None of their estates are less than 12,000 acres. According to recent statistics, there ia one man in about 500 in the United States who receives a college training. The Nile is noted for the variety of its fish. An expedition sent by the British museum brought home 2,200 specimens. Eighteen states and 'one territory now have valued policy laws that is, laws re quiring fire insurance companies to pay the face of the policy, no matter what may be the actual value of the property burned. The lowest bidder for the contract of furnishing seeds for congressional dis- i tribution during the fiscal year 1902 re- ceived by the agricultural department was the New York Market Garden asso ! ciation at $100,153. A man charged at a London police court the other day with being drunk and disorderly pleaded in his 'defense that his real intention when he bought the whisky was to poison himself in the pleasantest possible manner. The dailv noDiilntion of the Eauitable building in New York is 3,100, and the ' rr,u 6,.o,.o., nhnt 1 ftnft r i n v Every 4" Jiinutes mail wagons run over from the postoPice and carry back with them 75 pounds of outgoing mail. PEN, CHISEL AND BRUSH. The death is announced at the age of B3 of Mr. Herminfard. the world famous historian of the reformation, his book on this subject having been translated into every civilized language. The parents of Paul Laurence Dunbar, the negro poet", were both slaves in the , antebellum days. The father escaped to Can.-ida. and during the war of the re bellion ho fought with the Fifty-fifth Massachusetts infantry. J Charles L. Hutchinson, the president of the Chicago Art institute, was the first American to secure a Rossetti pic ture. This was fhe great preraphael ite's "Beata Beatrix." which Mr. Hutch- inson has virtually given to the art insti tute. Frank Simmons, the American sculp- ! tor, long resident in Rome, has returned to New York for a visit. He says that j he doubts whether the American public ; is not well enough supplied with free i librarifs and adds that, therefore, we j should give more thought to the establish ment of free art galleries. If . there is anything in a man hid opportunity will come sooner or Later. THE ROYAL BOX. Queen Wilhelmina is averse to music . and hunting. Her husband to be is de- J voted to both. I Prinde Joachim, the 10-year-old son of j the German emperor, is 'the youngest lieu tenant in the German army.- Duke Adolf of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, who is to marry the sister of the German empress, is younger, darker and hand somer than his brother Henry, the fiance of Wilhelmina. The king of Italy hates publicity, and, finding that all the particulars of his daily life were appearing in Italian pa pers, he has given strict orders that oa news of a personal nature shall be made public by any member of the royal house hold. Tfce emperor of Austro-Hungary has placed at the disposal of the Empress j Frederick- the famous villa of the Lite Em pi ess Elizabeth on thp island of Cor fu It is large, luxurious, has beautiful rounds and is filled with valuable work? of art. A man is never so Siure' that he is perfectly sober as when he is tolerably drunk. Smartness enables a man to catch on and wisdom enables him to let go. NOTICE OF SEIZURE. Notice is hereby given of seizure of the following property for violation of the Santern-di revenue laws of the United States. At Goid Hill Jan. 1st by C. E. Mill D. C, engine, Loiler, distillery outfu and 4 Tjw.cK.ages, about 150 gallons corn whiskey, as property of D. L. Martin. At Bethonia, Jan. 4. by Storkey Hare, D. C , reportedly J. M. Davis D. C. Statesville, 3 i ackases, about j.40 g-al- Ions apple brandy, aad 2 packages, about 90 g-allons corn wiuskey, said, to be the property of W. T. Sprinkle. At Statesville, Jan. 4, by C. F. Bilalock, D. C, 2 packa-ges, about 20 gallons corn, as property of S. Z. Neaice At Wniston. Jaa. 3, by A. S. Pattej son, D. C, 2 kegs, about 9 gallons corn whiskey, as property of E. E. Vagler S Co. At Jenning-s, Jan. 7, by J. M. Davis, D. C, 1 copper istill cap, worm, fixtures and 6 packages, about 250 gallons com whiskey, as property of N. G. Purney At DeloDlane, Jan. 12, by T. S. Bry an, D. C, a quantity manuracture 1 baoco, as piroperity of Reevis Poplin A; Oo. At Shore, Jan. 12, by T. C. McCoy, D C, 1 engine, boiler, disii'.lerv outfit and 12 packages abonxt 500 gallons corn whis key, as property or J. B. Siiore, also By same officer at same "H f .Jun. i 2 mules, one wagon and harnes, and packa;geI About 30 gallons, corn whiskey. as property cf J. B. S!hore At Winston. Jan. 3, toy S. A. Sides D. C, 1 package, about 45 g-allons corn whiskey, as (property of P. A. Davis, amdi one packaige, about 49 gallons co r whiskey, as property of F. Eddleman. Persons clalmin'Sr the above property will file their clafcms with me in my office witlhia 30 days , from date hereof required toy law or tthe smjrife will be forfeited! to the use of the United Pates. ' H.;S. HARKIN9, Colleoior 5tih -Dist. ,By: J. Werhoo!, D. C VALE VICTORIA. .The words of the pone in his teltvnn iexpress the simple truth: The reien of Victoria will leave an indelible impress upon the history of the world. Syracuse Post-Standard. It is the greatest of Victoria's distinc tions that she will leave her country bet ter . for having ruled over it and the world better for having lived in it Baltimore Sun. Few sovereigns have commanded so much respect and admiration from the world at laige. No other sovereign has been so universally loved and respected by the English people. Chicago Trib une. Victoria's womanliness was the touch of nature which made her kin to the whole English speaking world. If to be well beloved be a token of greatness. Queen Victoria was the peer of our Washington. Philadelphia Record. It would be impossible to sum up the results of Queen Victoria's long reign in a few words. Whatever defects after generations may discover, whatever de ductions they may make from the praises we are wont to shower upon ourselves, it is plain that the Victorian age lia been one of the great epochs of the world's history. Providence Journal. u ltl " as a puritan reiormer rri, -r-. w,f ' more "f sorably swept out of court a" L"c -""Uc una license ana intrigue that had made the Hanoverian regime odious or who set and rigidly enforced I a higher standard of personal nuritv and integrity of life. The sovereign was not lost in the woman, as was unworth ily the case in the reign of Anne. Nei ther was the woman lost in the sover eign, as was too often the case amid the splendors of the Elizabethan era. New York Tribune. IMPERTINENT PERSONALS. The Count de Castellane proves to be sadly unbusinesslike in everything except the manner in which he made his mar riage. Washington Star. And so the immortal Patti may come and sing to us again. It is now believed that this diva's farewell tour was the original installment plan enterprise. New lork World. ' Now that Sir John Tenniel has retired from his work on Punch a rumor is , abroad to the effect that he is to be raised to the peerage with the title of Lord , Sketchener of Cartoon. London Express, j While Nikola Tesla has been talking i foolishness about communicating with : Mars one of his friends has invented a I submarine telephone. When will Mr. I Tesla take a hint from his friends and do j something practical? Denver Republic an. It seems that Pa Zimmerman has not yet settled the debts that the Duke of Manchester left in England. Mr. Zim merman may be playing a deep game for the purpose of keeping his daughter at home in spite of her marriage. Chicago Times-Herald. They say it cost young Alfred Vander- bilt about $200,000 to get married, but that's nothing. It cost his brother Cor nelius nearly $50,000,000, and it is gen erally understood that Consuelo put up a tidy wad for her duke. When it comes to paying for wives or husbands the Van derbilt children evidently consider it poor economy to try to save expenses. Chica go Times-Herald. THE DOMINIE Broadwater, near Worthing, had but two rectors in the nineteenth century. The late incumbent was appointed in 1797 and the present one in 1853. Rev. Father M. C. O'Brien, the new!? appointed Roman Catholic bishop of Maine, is widely known in educational circles as an authority upon the various iialects of the American Indian, of whcni he has made a lifelong study. The Rev. Jorais Boodoo Maloof has been appointed to the charge of the Syrian Greek Orthodox church in Boston at the request of the Archimandrite Raphael of New York city, the superior of the Syrian mission in thirs country. English Catholics propose the erection of a monument to Adrian IV, Nicholas Breakspeare, the only pope of English birth, in St. Peter's. He resisted and humbled the Emperor Frederick Bar barossa and began the long struggle be tween the papacy and the Hohenstau fens. Bishop Charles R. Hale of Cairo, Ills., is said to be one of the most learned men in the Episcopal church. When an undergraduate ' at the University of Pennsylvania, he was associated with Henry Morton, now president of the Stevens Institute of Technology,, in trans lating and publishing the inscriptions on the Rosetta stone. THE COOKBOOK. To parboil means to place anything into cold water and bring it to boiling point. Mayonnaise and bailed dressings for salads may be made in quantities of a pint or more and kept for some days if put in glasses, covered tightly and kept very cold, but a French dressing must be made just before it is wanted. In making very delicate light cakes that are not rich with butter it is better to use water in the place of milk, says one giver of advice. Milk is likely to toughen in baking while water, being neutral, makes crumb and crust soft and delicate. Steamed vegetables are said to be much more nutritious than those cooked in the usual way, as they do not come in con tact with the water and so do not lose any of their flavor. Beets and onions are especially delicious cooked by this proc ess, and even meats and chicken, it is claimed, are improved by first steaming them and afterward browning them in the oven. TOWN TOPICS. Blackmail, blackmail, who gets the blackmail? That's the great Gotham prize puzzle now. Boston Herald. Superintendent Bull isn't able to find any gambling? And he doesn't know that policy is being played, nor who is backing the game? Buffalo News. Six Italian cities have just heard con currently first productions of Mascagni's new opera. New York is fortunate if it hears one really new opera in six years. New York World. Kansas City realized gross receipts of $17,103.45 from the splendid century ball, and after deducting $6,724.70 for ex penses had remaining the gratifying bal ance of $10,378.75 for the Convention hali building fund. Columbus Dispatch. Try a Careiia "int. wl Hi Fir I9 l f? Y;,m oflfo fek J "iff oeif rf l MiO I , if p And bring children into the world to suf fer from an inherited blood taint? People do not realize that foul blood may lurk under a fair skin, and that the fire smold ering in the blood of the parent may break into flame in the flesh of the child. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery puts out the smoldering fires of scrofula. It cleanses the blood from disease taints. strengthens the weak lungs, heals the diseased stomacn. " Dr. Pierce's medicine has done wonders fdr my two sons," writes Mrs. M. Hartrick, of Demster, Os-wego Co., N. Y. "Both had scrofula. I have lost two daughters in less than five years with consumption and scrofula. My eldest son was taken two or three years ago with hemor rhage from the lungs. It troubled him for over a year. He took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and has not had one in over a yeai . My younger son had scrofulous sores on his neck; but has not had any since he commenced to take your medicine." Use Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for the bowels and liver. HIVE AND BEE. Look out for leaky roofs among t'u hives. A strong colony is 3l ,vays proof against rohbers. Two drones cost as much to raise a three workers. A good fertile queen is capable of pro ducing enough bees in a very short time to make an immense colony. Dysentery in winter is often caused by long confinement of the bees to the hives in severe cold weather. Spring dwindling is often the result of continued exposure of the bees to very cold weather and heavy snows. During cold weather it is not safe to feed liquids. The only food that can be used is candy made from granulated sugar, Drones and queens are perfectly harm ,,ass and may be handled as safely as a dj. Queens only use their stings or other queens. It is barii'.v worth while to move bees for the sake of getting rid of moths Vigor and strength are the most reliable protection. St. Louis Republic. When a young man takes a pretty girl for a boat ride he is seldom content with hugging the shore. Strange to say 'the ice crop is never harvested with icicles. PEOPLE'S 4$ TOTFCFXT.ANKOTJS. 'FOR SALE' iFlcck of seven fin? large snow-white English turkeys, 'for $15. Address B. H. BURG-BR, Buena Vis ta, N. C. u WANTED FLTjS, FUR'S, FURS On possum, Mink, Raccoon, Fox, Musk rat. Otter, etc. High test cash prir-t paid. For prices STERNBERG. inquire of A, WANTED 'Parties occupying No. 1 Haywood street wish to let thair com pletely furnished apartment, including piano. Apply at No. 102 Haywood street, or to Oliver D. Revell, 32.3 Pa t t on av nue. ROOMs. AM? BOA'iT- FOR RENT One flat of six rooms, com pi tely furnished. All modern im provements, including steel range, bath with hot anl cold wate Eleetrk lights and bell. First floor ad in the most desirable part o the city near post office. Apply to Oliver D. Rev ell, 32-34 Pat torn, avenue. FOK BJ5MT. ROOO'MS Nicely furnished for ligat housekeeping. Call at 139 Bailey St. FOR RENT AT BILTMO'RE A few cottages, just completed, with electric fixtures, sanitary plumbing, etc. to. particulars address Biltmore Estate. Biltmore, N. -C. FOR SALE A g'.-l's bicycle very light wheel. Terms reasonable. Inquire at Gazette office. tf OLD POSTAGE STAMPS WANTED I 'Will purchase old cancelled United States of Confederate s tamos, on ori ginal envelopes preferred. If you iave any old letters or papers, I will cal and examine them and pay cash for ary I may select. Address "Postage," Ga zette offic. 3rtl-26t BOARDING. The Rock Ledge N. 52 Hay we? street; modern house; central location on car line: lvation 2200 fct; fine views, sunny rooms, warm halls, oT-'er fires, efectrio lights. Rates on api)lia tion. MES. V. COLi-J, Prop. Phone 416. 301-1 m. i ROOM AND BOARD Pine hurst oi on Pearson drive; modern bouse sunny rooms, warn- halls. open fires Inhale the health giving odors of th pine forest and yet be in ten minutes "walk of postoffice. Take Rivrsid Park ard Bingham Heights ear ge ff at Cullowhee street. Two minute a: to Ptaefcnrst. Pb9: Nt, COLUMN IN BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. ' la the matter ot Adolphua Erwin Rob ens and Douglass Conklln Roberta, for meriy trading under the firm name of Roberts Brothers, bankrupts. tice is hereby riven that a bid ot 4700, cash, for tne brick store house and lo: on winch the same is situated. Ir tilt town of Weaverville. N C, for merly occupied by "bove bankrupts; and a bid of $30.00 each for the reversionary interest, of the ah jve bankrupts In th homestead exemption in land heretofore allotted to them, nave neen received by the trustee of said bankrupts; and all creditors cf said bankrupts era hereby notiiled that they are require 1 to mak their abjection to the acceptance of tha said bids and the sale of said Droperty at a meetirg of creditors to be held before the. undersigrvd refeie at ths United States court house icing Asheville, N. C, at W 'clock a. m. on Monday, February 4th. 1S01. At thai, meeting there will a t be a "nal hear ing of the petition for discharge of said bankrupts nd cbjections thereto, and a final accounting by Jie trustee. H. S. ANDKRoCN. Referee in Bantu uotcy. -an. 22. 1901. Recent expeii.nents show that alV tiaf ses o: foodb may be ov.-nle'.ely di gested by a preparation called Kodol Dyspepsia 'Cure, which absolutely di gests what you eat. As it is the only ijunbiiialion of all the nviii.rl digest ants ever devised the demand for it has become enonr.ous. It has never failed to cure the viery worst oases of ir;diex ration and it alwa; instant r. lie1 . Dr. T. C. Smith. . Reports show a greatly increased eath rate from throat and lung trou bles, due to the prevalence of croua, pneumonia and grippe. We advise th use of One Minute Cough Cure iri all of these difficulties. Jt is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. ' Children like it. Dr. T. C. Sn,;th. j There is Something to See Along the The Line to the Land of Lead and Zinc The Quick and Most Comfortable Route from ST. LOUIS and KANSAS CITY To Points in Missouri, Arkansas Texas, Kansas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, The Southwest and Far West. Every Modern Appliance for Comfort The best railroad Restaurant and Czlz Car Service in America. Cheap Home-seekers' Dates TWICE MONTHLY. Write to Room No. 720 Century Building, St. Louis, for one of our illustrated pamphlets, entitled "The Top of the Ozarks." "Feathers and Fins on the Frisco.'' "Fruit Farming Along the Frisco." "Oklahoma." "The Ozark Uplift." "There is Something to See Along the Frisco Line.'" . The mostcomprehensive railroad literature for the home-seeker or in vestor ever distributed gratuitously. 3ui;ker& md Brokers. NASSAU STREET, CORNER VT.vLL NE YOr.K j- jsit accounts received, sujoi t keck on demand. Inter-at r.rtUiv. aionthly od dally balance. A. counts of oaiiKft, "-or; ration, urm ani ind: vMuaia -ect-.'v .m av arable terint. Ccupjzi, InltrcsL, iiriaeula, aotes, drafts collecteu far our correspjrHnts Orders executed for the puf'i- or . on commission, of bon-ir ta, Investme or carried on margin. Clients may telegraj no frt on npi-ll- tructions at oar expense, telegraphic code may had ef,on. Information rega.rl!7 cheerfully fumiFhed. o dotation DO YOD GET DP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable8 Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful' cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, lNer and bladder remed . ? J .1 : ji it is us Kreat mecv cal triumph of che nine- teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid troi bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. K'lmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be founj just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relie and has proved so successful in every case that a sxicial arrangement, has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may .have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Yhen writing mention reading this generous ffer in this paper and 4 fC-L v send your address to i Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Bing- hamton, N. Y. The Mil & STOUT. g 53 i 4 U V fit ' WWMmt II IIS l W I I I I 9 1 1 regular fifty cent and Home of swamp-Bo 4oUar size are sold by all good druggist.1 - V ' ' 5 ,i ' , ''. ' r . 'v ."F Jt . -i J "

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