-1 -1 lieu Pad : We Have Singapore Sliced Pineapples In their Own juices, 20c per can. m I I When you buy Heston's Bread you may be sure you get the best home made bread, steam bread, rye bread, whole wheat, graham and Vi enna. You get it at Heston's Phone 183. 26 S. Main. SMOKED FISH, ! We are "receiving weekly ship- nents of the best smoked and 4 alt Fsh that come t'ru.ii the East. ERS, 40 cents r'ozen. SXPPERED HERRING, 50 cents dozen. 3MOKED HALIBUT, 25c per lb. RINNAN HAIDIE, 15c Der lb. tMOKED SALMON", 35c to 50c per lb., according' to cut. SALT MACKEREL, 10c and 15c eaciu Also the finest BALTIMORE 3YSTERS that come here, at t I Young's Fisn Maet, i In the comer, Telephone 23 I .& If you want g( od Cake and Biscuits use RU1F0RD BAKING POWDER. INDIGESTION, resulting from weakness of the stomach, is reliever" by Hood's arsaparilla, the great stom ,ach toic and cure for DYSPEPSIA, To My Customers and : the Public in General: o ccco Beginning with Sunday, the 10th, from 9:30 Ito 10:30, a. rn.,I j wlll give each customer a JOUR-'- NAL tor a WRLD on Sundays. -Until further notice. : BL0MBERG, tne Lead :.,;inijCigar Score and ' News Depot. ,A full line- ctf.JMJagazines, peri- odicals'and . Newspapers. . . k '. -17 Patton Avenue. :!stpslieflil887. , Oi An 0 T6 6 Fa 1 mi wm The Asheville Hardware Company. .Bora to Col. and Mrs. H. V. Hor ton,' a daughter. 'Cbi V. S. Lusk 'has ibeen quite, ill, but 1 nowi considerably better. Dr. R. F. Campbell is confined to his home v, 1th a slight attack of grip. The executive (board of the Asheville club yesterday afternoon, postponed action for a week upon the matter of new quarters (for the club. The regular meeting- of the board of tx'oo A last evening1, for the- transaction of routine business. At the IFrenoh Broad Baptist church .at 1-SO ,this evening, the members are to give a reception ito their new pastor, Rev. JD. H. Dudley. Sarah Lunsfiord has been, appointed administratrix of the estate or James Lunsford and Dovie Young" administra trix of that of JohnsonxH. Lay. The state h'as authorized the Balfour Quarry ocimipany of As&leVille, to In crease its capital stock to $50,wu . The Mount Mitchell hotel at Black Vifl.q, ibeen lleased for four years by Mrs. .N. L. Ward of Jackson ville, Fla., an experienced hotel mana ger. It will be opened May 1. W. 'N. Cooper of Asfhevile was here several days last week.. He was trying to secure a site on which to erect a $20,000 furniture factory, giving regular P.mnlrtvrtTPnt to fiftv hand. "We trust he can secure what he desires, as noth ing we have yet heard proposed would be of imiore benefit to the town. Mur phy Scout. Deputies 'Britt and Norris of Colec tor Harkins' office swapped desks. Prof. Britt has ibeen promoted to the position of cashier, and Mr. Norris takes charge of assessments and lists. The duties of the stamp deputy are very ardous and have been for some while telling upon Mr. Norris' .health. The change is- made on this account and !t if hoped that Mr. Nor ris will soon r-cover his usual health. J. V. Brown and Son bavevmoved into their new place of business, 16 Church street, next door to Sawyer's Carpet store, where they have fitted vp the most convenient rooms for their busi ces to be found in the state. Telephone- orrice. Cj tvv'O riuajs; C T'-' . Brown's residence, 65, three rings. Of fice open every hour in the ye'ar. tf V7KITL0W-GTJEGER. Marriage of Well Known AsheviUe Lady to Acton Physician- airs. B. J. Whitlow and Dr. D. M. Gudger of Acton were married at 11 o'clock yesterday morning at the bride's residence on Haywcpd street. The cer emony was performed by Rev. R. S. Eskridge pastor of the Oak Forest Presbyterian church, in the presence of a few relatives and friends. Imimediiately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs . Gudger drove out to the homi of the groom where they .were given a reception. The bride formerly lived in Mecklen burg county, but has made her home in Asheville for several years and is well known and quite popular. The groom belongs to a prominent j fa-mi v. i; e is a brother of Judge J. C L. Gudg-er, of Washington, D. C, and on uncle of Walter E. Moore, of Web ster, speaker of the flower branch of the legislature. SUPERIOR COURT. J ad Shaw's Charge to Grand Jury Delivered Yesterday Afternoon. Judge Shaw arrived yesterday from Marshall, and court was opened in the afternoon . ' A large crowd was on hand to hear the judge's charge to the grand jury. J. H. Sams is foreman of this -body. Judge 'Shaw at the ibeginning of bis charge gave it to be distinctly under stood that quiet is to be observed dur ing t'he sittings of the court. This is 'especially necessary as the acoustics of the court room are Door. The charge to the grand jury is gen eraly comented upon as a very able and vigorous one. At its conclusion the docket was called and' a few aninor cas es was disposed of. SCHOOL COMMITTEE. R o utions Adopted at the Monthly Meeting. At the monthly meeting of the school cornimiittee of Asheville 'Tuesday teve ning IMiiss Edith 'Randolph was elected to fill the vacancy left by the death of Miss James. A committee which had been appoint ed to examine the West End school building recomimended the erection of a new building, on Park avenue, as soon as possible. The following resolu tion was adopted: "Whiareas, the school system, of the city o! Asheville was established by a special act of the aegisl'ature, an'di ibeing a branch of the organization of said corporate body is entitled -to the rights of control and privileges laid' down in the city charter; and "Whereas the organization of a sys- tern of graded schools' is quitie dif-" ferent from that of an ungraded sys tem, andi often the imetLod of presenta tion of subject matter- taught is dif ferent from itihat used in country schools, . and also, a text book written tor-the one is often unsuitable for the othev; and "In asmuch as the city graded schools in every scafee in the union have ever been an inspiration and a center from which has spread! new educational ideas and a broader culture: "Be 'it resolved, that we, the school committee of .the. city of . Asheville, do herelby protest against any legislative action which Mends to restrict or aibrid,erp anv of our rieihfs or ioowers to adimiinister the: education Jiv affairs of the mid city of Asheville in the mw?t advantageous 'manner; and 'Ee It resolved, further, that we be lieve the so-calliedii-unifomi text book bill now (pending in the state legislature, to be rejudicial to the toest education al interests" of ' the said city of Ashe "See Sign of the Book." , - . Special Drive. Picture Frames. We fcave- another supply of those Fine Black Frames, a greater variety of patterns. 8x10 at 35c:; 10x12 at 50c. A few with gold burnished ornaments: 8x10 at 50c. ; 10x12 at 75. ' ROGERS9 BOOK STORE. .'..-"' 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET. We Want You To come in and 'see our line of 1901 BICPCLES. .We have about 40 for your inspection, and we will take pleas ure in, showing you. Some of the wheels have COASTER BREAKS and others have CUSHION FRAMES. And if desired, we can furnish you a wheel with both Cushion Frame and Coaster Brak e attached, if you desire. Come in and talk it over with us anyhow. ASftEVJLLE CYCLE COMPANY, Phoilt 228, JVn.. 1ft anH OH Chnrrh trt COAL! COAL!! COAL!! Dealers in all Kinds of Hard and Sioft Coal and Wood. Manufac turers of Woodbury's Rubber Elastic: Roofing Paint and Cement. WOODBURY COAL COMPANY, Phone 121. - 20 N. Court Sauare. v. .X AAAAAAAAAAA. . . . 7 XT T. W7f fr A pleasant home in the mountains, one and ooe-half miles from Hendersonville, N. C, Beautifully situated. Large-roomy farm house, pure water, home dairy, excellent cuisiae. Consumptives not taken. Terms Reasonable. Address MRS. E. W, GURLE I , ville; 'because it sdeks 'by its .provis ions to make a more or less extensive! ohanee of text bocks, thereby entailing U'&on the ciiy school patrons a needless exoenditurie' Of thousands of dollars; and because by its provisions for uul- foTfmity it will tend to stifle that indi viduality and freedom which are so- essential to the progress of a city school ystem.; and ".Be it resolvedfinally , that these res olutions be spread upon the minutes of this meeting1 by the secretary, and that copies oe sent to our representatives :n e state legislature and to each of the local daily papers by 'him for publica tion." JOHN HEY WIDLTAIMS, Chairman. R. J. TIGHE, Secretary. THE PURCHASE DF1H! n ji E IROH WORKS New York, February 5. The Triburu to-morrow will say: Negotiations fo the sale of Andrew Carnegie's controll ing interest in the stock of the Carnifi Company was brouf"it to a cucces j conclusion on Monday, J. Pierpn Morgan and his assor.-iates being the purchasers The terms of the transav - tion cannot at this time be announced, but the transaction is a colossal one rivalling the recent change of control cf the Southern Pacific when that property passed to the hands of the Union. Pacific interests. Mr. Carnegie held nearly 5-1 per cent, of the $160,000, 000 of the Carnegie Company. The stock has not been listed on any stock ex change, but $1500 was recently paid for a $1000 share in the Carnegie Company. Assuming that Mr. Carnegie has dis posed of his holdings at par, he will re ceive fully $85',000,00O for his interest, while at the same time he will retain 53 or 54 per cent, interest iD, the $160, 000,000 bond issue of the Carnegie Com pany. The object aimed at by Mr. Morgan and the interests allied with them when treating with Mr. Carnegie was the assurance of an enduring peace in the steel industry of the United States, and this condition is now be lieved to have been obtained A SUIT FOR DIVORCE. New York, February 5. A suit for abso lute divorce was brought at White Piai:.: to-day by Isabel B. Walker against John Brisben Walker, Jr., son of John Brisber, Walker, editor of the Cosmopolitan Mag azine. She names a Mrs. Moore, of Bos ton, as co-respondent. The defendant en ters a general deruel. THE HOYT WILL CONTEST. New York, February 5. Formal noticf tf contest of the will of the late Charles ti. Hoyt, the .playwright, was filed with he Surrogate, to-day. TTie contestants arl Toseph B. Hoyt, oT Nashua, New Hamp hire,'ani Ella M. Green, of Concord, Nj 3., cousins of Mr. Hoyt. The question of jurisdiction is made 00 (he principal points of contention. Con testants assert that the will offered is in Talid because ef the fact that it was not ixecuted under the laws of the State ol Jew Hampshire, of which Mr. Hoyt was citizen. It also alleges undue, influence ixercised over Mr. Hoyt by Frank McKee Snd others interested in the will, and that : is not the last will. The will offered Hsinherits all his relatives. The Lambs plub and the Aotors' Fund were the prin cipal beneficiaries, together with Mr. Mc Kee. KING EDWARD'S DRAGOONS. 'St. .( Petersburg, Feb. 6. An imperial ukase been issued changing the , title of "Prince of Wales iDralgoons" to that cf "His Majesty "King iEdward the Sev th's Kieff Dragoons). ' ' BOYCOTT LIFTED New York, Feb. 6. Typographical Union No. 6 sh'ais decided! by formal Vote to withdanw', t!he . boycott against the Newt YorkvSun and take no' further hostile steps against thte. newspaper. ' Hendersonville, N. C. MIGHT SESSION ON SHIP BILL (Continued from the first parje.) to throttle free speech." He eharac ed, "I will not be a party to this effbrt terized the bill as a "jimmy" topem the doore of the treasury and loot it for the benefit of !a few ship owners. Several speeches were made for and against the bill and without disposing of it the senate adjourned. The house devoted the day to the discussion of the postoffioe appropria tion bill, and adjourned (without action thereon. ' KING STEVENS. Miss Pearle King and Robert C. Stev ems (popular young people of Raimoth, were married Tuesday evening at the Wome of Prof. H. L. King, the bride's father. Ashevil e Conser vatory" of Music PRESENTS THE Frieda Siemens Concert Company AT THE Grand Opera House Nexf Wednesday Niht, February 13. MLLE. FRIEDA SIEMENS, Pianist LAURA S. HOWE- Soprano. CHARLES RUSSELL, Violoncellist. JOHN F. HARTWELL, Accompanist. TICKETS 50 cents, 75 cents and $1 Sale Opens Monday at Paragon Drug tore. Just Opened in Cen tral Maiket. Stall "A" A Pull Line of Western and Home Meats, also Poultry, Game and Pure Pork Sausages of all kinds. Everything Neat and Clean and Up to Date. All orders will receive (prompt atten tion. Phone Call 754. Mike lutz tcac 10 satisfy, ceo Choice cut and delicious choos Ever think how much the quality of meat depends on the war it is cttf. We buy the best of animals Y and are masters of the art of cut- ti- S Agents tot Western Meats, f t W.MmHIIl i2 Co., I Phone 66. Prompt delivery BEA M 0 t t j FILL THE CUPS WITH OUR . , Morning Joy Mocha and Java Coffee. Judging' by the number of our patrons who always order this coffee, we should th-ot vrurw a cup is filled with :he delicioais codee ?every inorninx. '- Fresh Roasted, skillfully Mended costs no more than some imferior Cof fees. It is jut up in twio (pound cans, and our price is 75 cents . can. H. C J Phone 188. 39 Patton Are. For a Cold in the Head Laxative Bromo-Qainine Tablets. WHEN YOU are feeling tired and OUt Of SOrtS VOW Will find Hnnrl'fl Sarsapanlla will do you wonderful -J good. i5e sure to GET HOOD'S. Edncate Toat liowels With Cascaret. Candy Catharw'e, cure constipation forever. Oc, 25c, If C. C. kJ . fail, druggists ref und money YOUR OPPORTUNITY. WTE HAVE JUST BHOEIVED THE HAOTSOMjEST LHsrE OF'CAIliPET RUGS, RUGS, ETC., IN WILTONS, AXMIN rERS, BODY BRUSSELLS. SMYENAS, ETC. f Let us nave yourorder for yu-i- carpets. We can show you the handsomest line ever shown on this market, and the latest things in patterns and olorings. W B. Williamson & Company, it ratton Avenue. A CASE OF GRIPPE. oooo PORTER: "Where shall I take your grippe?" rOURIST: "Take it to the Quisisana Nature Cure Sanitarium, 167 French Broad Avenue. Rummage Courtney's We have rummaged through our stock and selected all odds and ends in Underwear, Fancy Shirts, Gloves, Men's Pants, and Boys' Suits, etc., etc. 25 cent underwear 19 cents. 50 cent underwear 39 cents. 75 cent underwear 48 cents. $1.00 underwear 59 ceits. $1.25 underwear 79 cents. $1.50 underwear 98 cents. All other articles in this lot at cor. responding reductions. " They will go quick at these prices. Don't delay. ' all&Sheppard, 16 Court Square ."yone wishing to piK r earn net! n their building could do no better thas H arris burg B Dile r Sut you must have experienced work mem to do the work, and - are con v 1emt that we c&n lease you. ' BALL & SHEPPARD TELEPHONE 88. Cola and Wood Yard Telephone 555 Wood and coal delivered in any quantity Block or cord wood. Prompt attention giyen to all orders- Honest meas ure is our; motto. V C L..Lindsey Astieville Ice & Coal Co,, , I887- 'Reliable 1901 Best Anthracite and Jellico Cofc and Wood. Phone 40. H. T. COLLINS, Pre s. Biltmore Patent Flour, Highgrade winter whtat. The BEST, as a trial will prove. ASH SVILLF MILLING r0 Do You Think This Ad Will Pay? 009 We Do. coo Zimmerman & Whitehead, Meat Dealers, Phone 4. City Market Furniture, Rugs, yALENT! NES r Large assort nun nf latest L designs dainty efT.cvs in E Celluloid and a tinLace N Valentines, Comic Valen- T tines. Prices the lowest. I Last shipment delayed. H Wait for it, it will pay you S to do so. Our prices are fair ones. Ray s Book Store tme Minin Couti Cure, aires, Tha'' That it -wus u-'uiz ivi. Now Let9 s Start The Century Right, What are your hopes this new year of good omen? If you are getting your share of prosperity they should be high. You want business; so do we. Why not work together? In this space we will offer you goods at a price to 'back them up and make your efforts resultful. We think we can help you to start the new century right. Are you willing to be helped? Then do not feel that we want you to buy unless you need goods and find we can save you something1. - ou will not see another starting the century wfith such daring prices. The!. X.l. Grocery and Department Storte, 22. PATTON AiYE. PHONE 107. N THE LAST JEW t ftzys hsbve gone oyer stock a n d made a, number of f clearing out pnees I on seasonable goods We deal in Dry Goods, Cloth in, Fancy Goods, Shoes, Hts and Butteriok Pat-tern. I Hs Redwood & Co. . . f - -7'''

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