THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE FEBRUARY 8. iqoi IT- Y Y TB Jt2mA JXjV V j,. inl M I m n IPIlie jSQifc JeMMfM IHIealttlht and JFleasmiFe EBesirit Inn itfine TOmilouu 164 miles ctnt of Chattanooga, 42 mile? east of Knoxville, on the K. & B. Railway, in the loveliest valley of the East Tennessee mountains. Two ho tels, 25 cottages. 40 acres lawn, walks and shade trees. Electric lights. Complete system water works, with modern baths. Splendid orchestra, spa cious ball room, telegraph and long distance telephone; in fact, all the amuse, ments and comforts Bept German and American cooks. Write for 40 page book FREE. . PriC9 Of TftTfttOr Slli'D'DGCL The water is shipped all season of the year Q KA t , in Poplax barrels, Oat $5 each. Half-banel a.50. Cases, one dozen half-gallon bottles, $5. 5 gallon Roekerjohn, $ 2.73. 10 eallon Koekerjohn, $3.75. 5 gallon crated Demijohn, $2.25. 14 gallon glass Carboy, $3.75 Special rate to dealers in car-load lots npon application. Terms cash. Rmit by P 0 Order on Tate Spring, New York exchange or registered letter to fate Spring, Tenn. Shipping daily at the rate of over 4,000 packages per annum. Special freight rate to ail points cari be secured. Tate water is sold by the most reliable druggists in all principal cities and townsr Last year shipments increased over 100 per ce at. of any previous year, Analysis made by Dr. T. S. Antesell, M. D., Professor of Chemistry in National Medical College, and Chemist to,the U. S. Department ot Agricnlture, and can be found in the page pamphlet. TATE'S ANNEX. Mountain Spring H Miles From Tate Serines- Fine Lithia and Chalybeate Springs, flowing from side and base of Clinch Mountain). Beautiful scenery among the Hills. Hotel, Cottages and Grounds Greatly Improved and now open to vis itor at xnese low rates. 1 00 and $1.50 per ay; $7.00 to $8.00 per week; $25.00 to $30 (per month. Hack line from Tate at moderate prices. Privilege of rate to guets and Tate Water kept j cLraught for ttoee desiring it. For fur ther information, address THOS. TOMXiINSON, Owner, Tate Springs, Tena. Tfc following list is taken from 5900 am file in the proprietor offic. Tkey own from every ,point of the com pas and rep resent persona is. every walk el life: Senator E. W. Pettus, of Alabama. "I have found Tate Spring water a genuine peciflc for the cme of malarial tiwiblee." R. Li. Taylor, ex-Governor . Tennes see Nashville: "I regard Tate Spring a the beet oa the continent." The A. Mellon, of Mellon 3roe., bankers, Pittsburg, Pa.: 'l believe there is no water la thl country equal to Tate's for the cure of neuralgia, as well a dyspepiia and liver troubles." J. W. T comas, President and General Manager of Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway: "I take pleasure in recoomme ding it to any one who wishes to enjoy contin uous health." R. A. Hemphill, Atlanta Otoetltulloa, Atlanta, Ga,: "I greatly appreciate Tate Waiter and highly recommend it." GEAT WAGON MANUFACTURER. J. M. Studebakcr, South Beid, III-.: "I relieve there- s no spring in Amer ica that contain the healing qualities that Tate Spring oes.- THB GREAT TOBACCO MAN"JTAC- TUKBBc J. S. clrr, Durham, N. C: "I think it the finest water to be found anywhere." PRESIDENT OF LARGEST SNUFF CO. IN THE WO. LD. Geo, B. Wilson, 924 Arch St., Philadel phia, Pa.: "In 1894 I suffered very acutely from indigestion, which lasted untii 1895. In the fall of that year friend sent me a case of Tate Spring water. Before, re ceiving this water I was visiting a doc tor three times a week, taking all kinds of medicine and after using the water for a week I have never since t&at time been to see a doctor in regard to my In tlon I have ever known. I have re commended thi water to a number of ft lends Who have used it, iad have never known it to fall in beneflcal re digevdon, and have never taken a - "ep of medicine for indigestion since. I believe this water saved my life, and consider it the finest water for tndlses-sults." IT SAVES LIFTS . E. L. Greer, Washington, Pa.: aved my life berand a doubt.' "It RS CHITTED RENE- SUBSTANTIAL FIT. A. E. Carr, Cincinnati, O.: "We have received substantial benefit from Tate Spring water. GREAT BENEFIT TO A GRBAT BUS INESS MAN. James Swann (of Taman, Swasa A Cm.) N. Y.: "I have found Tat water of great benefit." FROM THE COURTS OF JUSTICE. Judge Henry R. Bryaa, Newberne, N. C. : "it does me more good than any water I have ever used." CURES CHILLS. "J. M. Elliott, jr., of Kyle Lumber Co., Gadsden, Ala.: "It cured me ef dyspepsia, chills and malaria." EFFICIENT TONIC. T. M. Miller, Vicksburf, Mitt.. "The most efficient and agreeable toaio of which I have any knowledge." ONLY RELIEF FOR CHRONIC MA LARIA. G. D. M. Oantrell, M. D., Littlu Rock, Ark.: "It was the only agent I found that gave relief of chronic malaria." INFALLIBLE CURE FOR DYSPA SIA. David Kirfe, preside of McCain j Oil company, "Pittsburg, Pa.: "I re lieve Tate Spring water Is am Infallible cure for dyspepela." MAY USE HIS NAMB. W. S. Pope, Columbia, S. C: "Con tinue the use of my name, and I will cheerfully distribute as many of yeur catalogues as you wish te send." THE WATER Cures Indigestion, Dys pepsia and ail troubles ot liver 'Stomach, Bladder Bowels, Kidneys, Rheu matism and Blood Pis eases, SHIPPED ANYWHERE ANYTIME Asheviils The Paragon, J. E. Wingood, C. A. Raysor, W. 0. Carmichael, Dr, T. C. Smith, Pelham's Pharmacy, Theobold's Candy Kitchen, Pat Mclntrye, B. c, McTn'trya, Bonanza Wine and Liquor Co., Hampton & Feathers ton Biltmore Dr, G. W. Reed. Hendersonviile W. H, Justus. Brevard J. E. Clayton Allison & Co. Waynesville Mcintosh Co., Waynesville Drug Co, Hot Springs M. McFall. Capacity of Hocel 500. 40 Page Book Free. All the comforts and amusements. THOMAS TOMUN Franklin Franklin Pharmacy. Bryson Citj J. E. Smith Co,, A. B. N, Prop., Tate Springs, Tenn. . mi 11 - - 1 irfTW mii mi 1 mi l n iiisii bm ii ii. j COLD STEEL OR DEATH, "There is but one small chance to save your life and that is through tux opera tion," was th awful rospeat set be fore Mrc. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, iWis., by her doctor tuiUer vainl trying to cure her of a frightful case of stom ach trouble1 and yellow jaundice. He didn't coumt on the marvellous power o Eiectnc Bitters to cure Stomach aad Lrver troubles, bu; .nc :ieard of it, took seve but'tles, as vn,l,'y "ured, avoid ed surgeon's knife noA' v. -dghs more and feels better than e er. It's positively guaranteed to cure S tomach, Iiiver and Kidney troubles and never disappoints. Price 50c at all drug stores. Taking time by the forelock causes lots of worry about things that never happen. A FRIGHTFUL. riiUNDER Will often, c-use a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Buckler Arnica Salve, the best in the world', will kill the pain and pror- .'tly lueal it. Cures Old res, Fever Sores, "Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin 'Eruptions. Best IPile sure on earth. Only 25 denlts a box. Cure guaranteed. Soli by all druggists Every dog has his day but the cat has the monopoly of the nights. A wise young man never kissess his Bister before another girl. He miakes 6ure of the other girl first. A MONSTER D'lTILi FISH Destroying its victim, is "a type of Coaastip-Jtioii. ' The power of thia mur derous malady is felt on orgajns and nerves and muscles and brain. There's mo healt till it's overcome. But Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and certain cure. Best in the world for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Only 25 cents at all druggists A sunny mood should Ibe long trawn ou1- . Pcisons -ho suffer X.'om Indigestion cannot expect to live long, because they cannot eat the food required to nourish the body and the products of the un digested foods they do eat poison the Moxi. It is important to cure indi gestion i.s soon as possible, am the best method of doing this is to use the prep aration known as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat amid restores all ithie dige- 're organs to perfect heal' . Dr. T. C. r ilth. A doctor visits the sick, beacuse like the pitcher, if he went to the well often he'd go broke. BLOWN TO ATOMS. The old idea that the bdy some times needs a. powerful drastic purga tive pill has been exploded; for Dr. King' New Lite PUls, which are per f ectlv harmless, stimulate v: liver and bowels to expell poisonous inaitter, cleanse the system and absolutely cure Constipation ani Siclc : Headache. Only 2&c at all drug oire. , v v Many a man Is known by the company of his THE PENALTY OF MTJ3IC Players Who Are Forced to Quiet Because of Deafness "Few realize how niauy musicians are obliged to go out of the business on account of deafness," said an old mrhieum to a reporter. "Only a few of " v ibui. sands oi pmyors in the coun f, y beeome fanit)iis. The gre?.t mass Uii iujjlod along day after day in the mme old path. When one of us drops out, no one cares to inquire why, but many times the reason is deafness and nothing else. "Loss of hearing s particularly the affliction of those who play brass in struments. A cornetist who has play ed in Kansas City orchestras for many years has stopped playing novy be cause he is losing his faculty of hear ing. He went out of the business be fore it was too late. Many of the old players hang to their instruments until the loudest strains of an orchestra or clamor of a band sounds to them lik a mere hum. Then they are forced to stop. Their usefulness is gone. "The musician's deafness is undoubt edly caused by the injurious effects of the constant vibration of musical not8 upon the delicate machinery of the ear. A man who blows a cornet or a trom bone or' a horn of any kind for several hours will notice a queer buzzing in his ears. When the playing is kept up ev ery day in the week and every week in the year for a long number of years, it's no wonder that deafness comes. Some musicians play without effort Their skill is natural. They pour oat music as free as breath. But the skill of others is acquired only by hard and constant labor. In addition to their regular playing in band or orchestra they must practice industriously sever al hours every day. . And these are the ones who lose their hearing and drop out of' sight unnoticed." Kansas City Star. . rrhe great1 t danger from colds and la grippe is their resulting in pneu monia. If reasonable care is used, (how evier, and Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy tal 5n, all danger will be avoided. It wil cure a cold or tan attack o- la gripp in less time than any other treatment It is pleasant and) safe to take. For sale by C. A. Raysor. The man wbo seeks damages in court is sure to get what he's looking ifor. REST CURE PLACE. One ot the most (beautiful houses & Asheville, chorimlnigly situated, but rounded toy 62 acrea of land; on street car lime; 10 minutes' walk to postoffiee. Elegant general table for ret-cure boarders. Hygienic diet for those under treatment. The strong man is weak if he confidence in himself. lacks Intense suffering was endure by witness T. L. Martin, of Dixie, Ky., before he gave this evidence: "I coughed every night until my throat was nearly raw; then tried Dr. TCing'f New Discovery, which gave Instant re lief. I have used it in my family tor four years and recommend It as the greatest remedy for Coughs, Colds and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. It will stop the worst cough, and not only prevents but absolutely cures Con sumption. Price 50 cents and $1. Ev ery bottle guaranteed. Trial bottle free et all drug store. FEAR OF WILD ANIMALS No matter what rank vegetables may obtain, the cabbage is bound to get a-head. Ftor the weakness and prostration fol lowing grippe there is nothing so prompt and effective as One Minute Cough Cure. This iprepcration is highly en dorsed as an unfailng remedy for all throat and lung troubles and its early use prevents consumption. It was made to cure quickly. Dr. T. C. Smith. The rules and regulations1 of the prin ters' union are "rtough on rats." Such little pills as i DeWltt's ' little EJaaiey Risers are yery easily taken; na they aire woind'erlfully effective lm cjfans- tnig the, liver and ' oorweif ir .x., IWIORKINC- OVER TIME. Eight hur laws are ignored by those tireless little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work night and day, curing Indigeston, Bll ousness, Constipation, Sick Headache, and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel trou bles Easy, pleasant, safe and sure. O-ly 25c at all druggists. It isn't necessary to cultivate fools. They grow of their own accord. A DEEP MYSTERY. It is a mystery why women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy Painting and Dizzy Fpells when thousand prove that Electric Bdtters will quickly cure such troubles. "I suffered for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Cherley of Peterson, Iowa, "and a lame back pained- me so that I could not dress myself, but Electric Bitters wholy cured me, and although 73 years old, I now ami able to do my house work". It overcomes constipalton, tm pro es appetite, gives perfect health. Only 50c at all drug stores. A woman is very apt to exaggerate except When she refers to her own age. Love may be blind, but the girl's fa ther and h dg tooooooeot ag-qddEfig ther and the dog seldom require the services of and: occulist. wife's relation he Keeps .as. a i mg me. wvvjt hoj.i-w-- -t j ,r. David Kennefiys CURES AU KIDNEY.. STOMACH 'AND I4YEH .-JBUUBM, V' Really a Less Groar.d For it Than For a Dread of Ligh timing' Of all the questions asked by peopla who have never been much out of doors none seems so simple to the old timers as ii'-it Tvl i.'h concerns tbe d in :' n- to which r.ij car-ipor may bo- expoho-l fro:n tLe at tacks of wild beasts. It is chic-ny vioi.i en and childrn who ask such questions, bat it is evident that in the brains of many inexperienced persons is firmly es tablished a belief that wild animals are dangerous that wolves, panthers and bears prowl about seeking whom they may devour. This belief is in all prob ability a survival in part of earlier days, when the most civilized men dwelt large ly in the east, where might be encoun tered lions, which would attack them, or hyenas ready to snap up the stray child wandering away from the camp, or bears of the type encountered by the ir reverent infants who apostrophized Eli sha, and also in part of that time when the weapons of primitive man were so feeble and of so little avail against the wild beasts that these were justly to be feared. This feeling already existing is en couraged and strengthened by a certain amount of the writing of the day. The average man and woman love to read a bear or panther or wolf story not less than do small boys, and round eyed chil dren listen with pleasure to the tales of some veperable uncle or grandfather who relates the story of the wolves that used to howl about his cabin or visit his sheep fold when first he settled in the country. In this land of America, as many know, there are no such things as dangerous animals, though there are creatures which may be made dangerous. The wolf, the bear and the cougar are far more anxious to get away from man than man is to gc l away from them. If given the opportu nity they will always slip away and run, and if they fight it is because they be lieve that they have been cut off from ev ery avenue of escape. Where an animal has been wounded it is a different matter. Then often considerations of prudence are forgotten and the animal acts on im pulse instead of doing what it knows to be wise, but even so, there is much more danger from a wounded deer than from a wounded panther and vastly more from a wounded moose. But for the average man who is travel ing through a new country where wild animals may be plenty, who stops when he has made a day's march and is at home where night finds him, there is not now nor ever was more danger from the wild animals of the country than from the lightnings, which blaze in the summer sky. ilany more people have been killed by lightning than have been run over by stampeding buffalo herds or killed by un wounded grizzly bears or by all the other animals of the prairie puf together. One might almost say that more people have been struck by 'falling meteorites than have been killed by panthers or wolves. And yet from day to day the newspapers continue to print bear stories, catamount etories and wolf stories, and probably they will do so until long after the last bear, catamount and wolf shall have dis-, appeared . from the 'land. Forest - and Stream.' " : - ' The fame of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, as the best in the world, extends around the earth. It's the one per fec. healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only inf alible Pile Cure.. 25c a box at all drug stores. Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of D-e Witt's Hazel Salve are worthless. The original quickly cures piles, sores ' and all skin diseases. Dr. T. C. Smith."! A CONVINCING ANSWER. "I hobbled into Mr. Blaekmon's drug store one evening," says Wesle Nelson, of Hamilton, Ga.' "and he asked, me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism with which I ha suffered for a long time. I .told him had no faith in any medicine, as the all failed. He said 'Well, if Chamber Iain's Pain Balm does nt help you, yoi need not pay for it. I took a bottle o it home and used it aceordi-ig to the di rections and in on week I was cured and have not since been troubled witt rheumatism. " Sold by C. A. Raysor. Clubs are trumps in the policeman's game. There is only one chance to save your life and that is throug an opera tion" were the startling wors heard by Mrs. I. E. Hunt of Lime Ridge, Wis., from her doctor after he had rainly tried to curs her of a frightful disease of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Gait stones had formed and she constantly grew worse. Then she began to use Electric Bitters, which by all druggists. Judicious silence is an eloquent indi cation of wisdom. A KEEN, CLEAR BRAIN. Pour best feelings, your social posi tion or business success depend largely on the perfect action of your stomach and liver. Dr. King's New Life Pills give increased strength, a keen, clear brain, high ambition. A 25-cent box will make you fee like a new being. Sold by all druggists. The poker player is always ready to uphold th red, white and blue. DEAE TESS CANNOT BE CUBED by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear.' Trie- - ig only one way to ure deafness and that is by constitutional remedies. Deaf nesa is caused by an inflamed con dition - the mucous lir: g . of the EustacMan Tube. When this tube gets i amed you t'tve a ru bllng sound or tarperfec. hearing, and w. n it la en tirely closed Deafness is the retult, and unless 'die inflammation, can be taken curt and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed; condition of he mucous sur faces. We will give one hundred dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. . P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo O. Soldi by all druggists, 75e. ... ' Half's Family Pills are the best. MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR, A Pleasant Lemon Tonic. prepared from the fresh j ice of Lem ons, combined with oth - vegetable liver tonic cathartics, aromatic stim ulants. So"" by druggists. 50c and $1.W bottles. For biliousnece and constipation. For indigestion and f.ul st mach. For sick and nervous headaches. F, palpitation and heart failure take Lemon Eli ir. For fleeplefismen and nervou pros tratiot. . For loss of apetite and debility. For fevers, malaria and chills take Lemon Elizir. From a Prominant Lady. I have not been able in two years to walk or stand without suffering great pain. Since taking Dr. Mozley's Lem on Elixir I can walk half a mile with out suffering the least inconvenience. Mrs. R. H. Bloodworth, Griffin, Ga. At the Capital. I have just taken the ast of iwo bot tles of Dr. Mozley's Lemon li-dr for nervous headache, indlgestio-, with dis eased liver and kidneys. The Elixir cured .me. I found it aiue grre test med icine I ever used. J. H. Mennlck, At torney, 1225 F Street, Washington, D. C. Mozley's Lemon Elizir. W. A. James. Bell Station. Ala. writes: I have suffered greatly from in digestion or dyspepsia, one bottle of Lemon Elixir don' me more good than al the medicine I have ever taken. Mozley's Lemon Hot Drops. ures all Cough, Co'ds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat and lung diseases. Ele gant, reliable . 25c at druggist. Prepared only by Dt. A. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga urn. ROOMS OCCUPIED BY CON'S UUP TIVES CAN BE KEPT FREE FROM ODOR AND CONTAGIOUS DUST BY THE DAILY USE OF PLATT'S CHLORIDES, WHICH INSTANTLY DESTROY FOUL ODOR- AND DIS EASE BREEDING MATTER. An odorless colorless liquid; powerful, safe and economical. Sold in quart bot tles onl b. ' Druggists and high class Grocers. FREE A practical treatiia compiled from board of health' reports on infectious diseases, such as: Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, .Typhoid, Measles, Cossumptioo, etc.; how to prevent and ftat them, (with illustratr ns showing r-jethod s of household disinsection will be mailed free. Address Henry B. Piatt, 36 Piatt et...N. :. cat. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR The 5 Minute Breakfast Fo' easy mark "A - r - I -

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