v V ;?;.;tE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE - FEBRUARY 8, iqoi ""v ' , ' .V f 1 !:"- t . '.'7 '- ' - 1 . irs." r, ; A ..-I -we liave Singapore I Sliced Pineapples In tneir Own juices, I 20c per can; rilBtfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll When you buy Heston's Bread ycu may be sure you get the best home made bread, steam bread, rye bread, whole wheat, graham and Vi enna, Vou get it at s I Phone 183.. ' 26 S. Main. mrATrnT tit pi tt BMUMU F1ESJ1. We are receiving weekly ship .ruents of the best smoked and 5:. alt Fsh that come frjcn the-East. LARGE CROMARTY BLOAT ERS, 40 cents roaen. CIPPERE0D HERRING, 50 cents dozen.. SMOKED HALIBUT, 25e per lb. TTNN"AN HADDIE, 15c per lb. 1MOKED SALMON, 35c to 50c per lb., according "to cut. ALT MACKEREL, 10c and 15c each. Also the finest BALTIMORE T I Young's Fish Market, t 2 -in tut comer. If you want good Gake and Biscuits use RUfflFORD BAKING POWDER. j 1 3.3 Hd OrooTn Heston - INDIGESTION, resulting from V ' I weakness of the stomach, is relieves by-Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great stom- acn tonic ana cure for DYSPEPSIA, 'Z tfoJJy Customers and ::J,:.-tie Public In General: Beginning with Sunday the y J lOthfrom 9:30 to 10:30, a. an.,1 i.V'LilH'J5re each customer a JOUR- Sundays. fr" ?AUntir further notice V g5BERG, tie Lead- : 'V m U1bwl vvx una KewS;: Depot, c : H j tftill'Ilne of IMlagazines, Peri 'C'(3Bfals and NewBSpfapers. s .- 17 TttavTi. .Avenue. ' - . -. --. f - OTTO HEWS 11 Tie AsiievIUe Hardware Ooimpany. II. .RediWKxxi 1 able to be out after 5 j an illness of several days. ' i There were no cases of importance (before .tbe'Soiperior court yesterday. Ml93 Lorenla Kay- has gone to Bal timore tio take a course in Johns Hap- klns universifty. The retail grocers of the eity have ij xwaxicii luuiw, ui-w wwv- mutual Interests. I ' A .1.1 wAol "1" T. : 4.1 rtt,!fjo VniTvVh, nTo rronn31Wl -1 a, sjhry itMa o,vo.nHTiiT- nt LXltT WUmUIUl vuuivu; .w I IIIITTCt "IC - o'clock to spend awniie in social and : business chat. The Asheville hotel property, which is- located' on Slooith Main, was said at auction yesterday and -purchased by W. H. WestalL for $16,350. The s&'e 5 was under a deed of trust executed to W. T. Martin by D. iL. Reynolds. I .117 J-SMlil& UViCTii HiO-tltUJ "1" .xw ibra'te its eigth anniversary Tuesday evninsr. Peibruary 12. Those of the members whw were not present at the last 'bxusiness imeetinir are requested to see the secretary at once, concerning the program. v The new Christian church on Hay wood street will be opened for services next Sunday .m'orning. The opening sermon will 'be ip reached' by Rev. Ber nard P. 'Smith, off Charlottesville, aV., who has1 far some weeks been acting rpastor of this congregation. The gen eral public are invited, tb be present. Jonathan L. Morgan, a good citizen of the iCamdler neighborhood, died Wednesday morning at 2 o'clock. Fun- morning- at the Hcininy Baptist Church. The deceased was about 55 years old, and leaves a wife and several children. President Loughran of the Good Roads association yesterday apploiinted Irhe following as a comimitt'ee to con fer With the county comlmdssioners and the county attorney ito darft a "good roads" bill: Dr. C. L. Minor, chair man; Duff 'Merrick, and J. D. Murphy. The bill will authorize the county to hold an election to decide whether or not bonds shall be issued for road im provements. It is hoped that it will be passed by the. present legislature. Wood's Onion Sets, Garden and Flow er Seeds at Grant's Pharmacy. tf. Roast goose for dinner at the Antlers today. AUCTION: On Saturday, February' 9th, at 11 o'clock the undersigned will sell at pub. lie auction on the premises; No. 114 Montford' avenue, a fine lot of house.- hold and kitchen furniture. Ladies are especially invited to attend this sale. E. COFEUIN, Auctioneer. SONG RECITAL. By Miss Kathewson's Vocal Claes, of Asheville College. IT'his evening at 8.15 o'clock there will be a song recital in the chapel of the Asheville Woman's college, by (Miss Susanne 'Mathewson's "vocal class, as sisted 'by the Misses Mclonald and iMiss Wr i gh t , pianists . iMusic lovers a! ways look forward with pleasure to the recitals at the college and wiil be glad to learn of the enter tainment. Patrons and friends are cor. dially invited1. TEACHERS' MEETING. To be Held at 10 O'clock Tomorrow Mornirg ers win he held tomorrow at 10 a. m. The program follows: ' I. Cbjects to 'be attained in first year work. MAss McLoud. TI. What can be done in the second grade. Miss Scott. MI. iEnglish in the third and fourth grades. Miss Yeatman. IV. Relation of literature and other branches to English. 'Miss Hallyburton V. Bearing of lower grade English work on later school work. Mrs. Shu ford. Papers and talks limited to five min utes each. , Exhibition of English work from first four srades. HON A. H J0UES DEAD. He Had a Large Number of Friends and Eeiatives Hare. News riBJChed herft va&erAav of tio death of Hon. A. H. Jones, which oc curred at Long Beach, Ca'L, January 29: -nt; naa een m ill health for some time, and his death was not unexpected. A. H. Jones was 'born aibouit -rrins miles from Asheville on .thie French Bread, and was the son ' of .Toahua Jones. After Kprvin'ET la, .tfrm; in con gress as the representative of this dis-J "1VL- "e resauea in wasninigrton. U. C. until 1S&4, when he -removed to Ashe ville: . 'Erecting .the buildimr at 47 South Main, he then engaged, in merchandis ing, and in the publication of a weekly republican paper, "The1 kyjahd Her ald)." . . in 1890 Mr.. Jones soild out and went to Norman, I. T.; After living there about four years he went to ILong Beach, Cal.wwhere he was ridin'g at the. time f has death. . : The deceasied. delves, a wife and four children, all ..'of .whom, are" living: IMrs . P. J.; Johnson, Mrs. T; J. Candler,. Col : Thiad. W. 4 Jones' and Oitto !M. Jones. The. latter lives at.Long Beach. " Jones, who left here 'two. weeks, "ago for the .Philippinias, was ''with his fa ther when he died. I 'MINISTRY RESIGNS Rome, Feb. 7. The ministry has re signed. -.. .. " , . .,1 Oysters in every style ait the Antlers. Onion Sets and Landreth . Seeds ut '8. .., eHnaim's Pectoral for ' coughs and Si 'I We Wantyou To come in and see our line of 1901 i xj x'u'j-icjio. we cave about 40 for your inspection, and we will take pleas- urA in, TiotiHt,p- inrwn I k J vuro mi. uic wiieciM 8 I Iict,v" v. u onj.iiN i JXAJV1.ES. And if . 1 , jmjfw-wr s.i.t -r-m-. . - ."I H,J T71 - . " UBUiWU iis am coaster Jirak v" VVCI WILI1 ASiiEVILLE CYCLE COMPANY, Phone 228. - hos 18 and 20 Church Street. COAL! COAL!! COAL!! Dealers in all Kinds of Hard and Stoft Coal and Wood. 'Manufac turers of Woodbury's Rubber Elasti- Roofing Paint and Cement. WOODBURY COAL COMPANY, Phonel21. YOUNG MEN i Who wish to enter the night class j please make application to 'Miss Emanuel on or before February nth at the lAsmeviiie ibcnooi ot stenography and Asheville Conservatory of Music and School of Art and Languages. Offers courses in Piano, Organ, Voice Culture, Sight Singing, Theory, Harmony, Composition, Drawing and Painting, French and German. Catalogue and full particulars on application to FERDINAND DUISHLEY, Director- Office, Room 15, 44 Patton Avenue. Over Wlngood's Drug Store. Hours: 10 to 1; 3 to 5. Phone 307. OPEHSMG OF PARLIAFt (Continued from fiirst page.) new reign with wrangle with America about a question in which no substan tial British interests are involved. "No serious personycares two -straws for the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, whioh for all practical purpose's has for years been. as dead as a door nail. It is felt that every consideration of good feel ing and good policy should prompt the ministers to waive all- imiere question's of form and procedure in order to be gin the new reign by a signal act of friendship, demonstrating the reality of the case in which the English speak, ing world is bound together." REPORTS PROVE TO E EXAGERATEB London, Feb. 7. With the exceptor tic-n of a few newspapers, the pies hail with satisfaction the announce ment that large reinforcements will be sent to South Africa. Stories of Boer invasion of Portu gese teritory and the seizure and de struction of the Delagoa Bay railway prtove to be exaggerated, although one report says the railway has been sever ed in one place. There is a minimum, of important news from. South Africa, the chief feat ure being Kitchener's report that De Wet has not yet reached Cape Colo ny. POST OFFICE BILL PASSED. (Continued from fiirst page.() any law put a 'small premius upon any kind of money." 'Mr. Bryan cites the premium on sil ver in New York in 1893 caused by the local demand' for small change. He al so cites Senator Sherman in support of his statement. -Proceeding Mr. Bryan says:N "As soon as the silver dollar is made redeemable in gold another endless chain Will be created: and the argu mients used against the green backs and the treasury notes will then be turned against silver. Before the at tempt to burden the gold reserve with this new obligation is, consummated, it may 'be worth while to consider the opinion expressed by Secretary Carlisle !int 1895. The session of the house today was comparatively unimportant , Aside fromi the passage .of the piostofflce ap propriation hill and the taking up of the diplomatic consular appropriation bill, nothing of interest transpired. ; IN THE SENATE, The senate held its second nliight ses sion j tonight'.- for the consideration of thiel ''sub-sidy .fcJiil, wMch measure . en--grpssed;. tmuch of the time of the day's sessiQri. There was. sfamie difftculty in securing a quorum when the senate ad securing a-- quorum when the senate convened tonight and this fact gave rise -to vigorous iprp'tests on the part of ;-.Te'l!er:'aind, .Jn'eSi;(Ark) against night 'jsessionsf. . ' -: . : . ' Jiohes vigorOusfy denounced republi-. cans for Bight sessions. - He declared, the democrats, would be fully justified in ' resorting1 to filibustering to protect t themselves against the tyranny of the majorJt'Wi'ut aetilotn! on the "bill the 'senate "adjourned. N A feature: of tike debate at today's ses sion, was a, lengthy speech by Morgan in opposition He declared'the imieas trre wathe jwoTsit raid on the Indus atrial pottaejof-,the country in. Ms'tory . - ' r "See Sign of the Book." - . : v- Special Drive. Picture Frames. We iave another ' supply of those Fine Black Frames, a greater variety of patterns. 8x10 at '35c,,; 10x12 at 50c. A lew with gold burnished ornaments: 8x10 at 50c.; '10x12 at 75. , . ,"' " .' ROGERS BOOK STORE 20 SOUTH iMIAIN STREETT. ' j, . .. mve OJAN'I'hJiK IKKHJA KH And ntlipra deslired. We .-n fTurnish vrwi a. -whM with . ' " " e attached, if you desire. anyaow. 20 N. Court Square. AND WOMEN. being organized: in short hand will Typewriting. Class room No. 16 Sond- I He twitted 'the republicans.' with their j silence on. the subject and declared it was due to the fact of Hanna's rod held over their heads.. The senate today passed the pension appropriation, bill and has taken up the ship subsidy bill. iMr. McLaurin of South Carolina spoke in favor of the measure. There was a discussion concerning the amount of appropriation at this session and in reply to a question by Mr. Morgan Mr. Allison, chairman of the senate ootnim.lt tee on appropriations said they would amount to $760,000,000. Mr. Hale thought the amount would be nearer $800,000,000 for the session. DEATHS FROM COLDS. Canton, Feb. 7. The intense cold weather is causing widespread suffering-.. There have 'been over' 100 deaths here from cold. Ashevil e Conser vatory of Music PRESENTS THE Frieda Siemens Concert Company AT THE Grand Opera House Nexf Wednesday Niyht, February 13. M.LLE. FRIEDA SIEMENS, Pianiste LAURA S. HOWE, Soprano. CHARLES RUSSELL, Violoncellist. JOHN F. HARTWELL, Accompanist. TICKETS 50 cents, 75 cents and $1 Sale Opens Monday at Paragon Drug Store. MEW MEAT .STAiL Just Opened in Cen tral Matket. Stall ' A" A Full Line of Western and Home Meats, also Poultry, Game and Pure Pork Sausages of all kinds. Everything Neat and Clean and Up -to Date. All orders will recede piwnpt atten tion. Phone Call 754. , MIKE LU.TZ We Se to Satisfy, Choice cuts and. delicious - Ever think how" much the quality of meat depends on the iwayit is cutv We buy the best of animals and are masters of the art of cut- Agents for Western Meats. W. M. Hill cS Co., Phone 66. Prompt-delivery. 1 1 . FtLiLt THE OTJPS WTOH OUR ; Morning Joy i Mocha and Java Cctffee. Judging' iby the muniBer of our patron3 Who always order this coffee, we should say that many a cup is nlied .with :h delidous coffee every morning. 'Fresh Roasted, skillfully iblended costs no more than some imferior Cof fees. It is. aut up in two pound cans, and our price is 75 cents a can. H. C. Johni?onr Pthone 188. 39 Patton Are. For a Cold in the Head Laxative Bromo-Qainine Tablets. WHEN YOU are feeling tired and out of sorts you will find Hood's Sarsaparilla will do- you wonderful good. Bp Pure to GET HOOD'S. Educate Tout Bowels With Cagcarets. .ACdy aih2rfc!c' cure constipation forever 10c, 25c If Q C. 0. fail, druggists refund money YOUR OPPORTUNITY, WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE HANDSOMEST LINE OF CARPET RUGS, RUGS, ETC., IN WILTONS, AXMIN rtERS, BODY BRU S SELLS, SMYRNAS, ETC Let us have yourorder far year carpets. We can show you the handsomest line ever shown on ithis market, and the latest things in patterns and olorimgs. W B. Williamson & Company, 16 Patton Avenue. Furniture, Rugs, etc. .1 .... . lu. j YAEvHONT I A pleasant home in the mountains, one and one-half miles from Hendersoaville, IT C Beautifully situated. Large roomy farm house, pure water, home dairy, excellent cuisine; Consumptives not taken. Terms Reasonable. Address MRS. E. W GURLE f, Rummage Courtney's We have rummaged through our stock and selected all odds and ends in Underwear, Fancy Shirts, Gloves, Men's Pants, and Boys' Suits, etc.s etc. 25 cent underwear 19 cents. 50 cent underwear 39 cents. 75 cent underwear 48 cents. j $1.00 underwear 59 ceits. $1.25 underwear 79 xienits. $1.50 underwear 98 cents. All other articles in this lot at cor responding reductions. They will go quick at these prices. Don't delay. all&Sheppard, 16 Court Square: . -nyone wishing to pui: r earn heat n their building could do no better tha Harris burg B Dile r -ut you must have experienced work men to do the work, and e ar con ''enrt that we cmi lease you. BALL & SHEPPARD TELEPHONE 88. Cola and Wood Yard; Telephone 555 Wood and coal delivered in any quantity. Block or corn wood Prompt attention given iuan oraers. . Honest meas ure is our motto. " 3- C L. Lindscyv' AsbeYille Ice & Coal Co 007 nejiaDie 1901 Best Anthracite and Jellico Cnh and Wood. Ke Phone 40. H. T. COLLINS, Pres Biltmore Patent Flour TT- 1 1 . . ' niga graae winter wheat. The BEST, as a trial will prove. ASHEVILL13 MTLMN r0 Do You Think This Ad Will Pay? GO O Zimmerman & Whitehead, Meat Dealers, Phone 4. City Market Hendersonville, N. C. Y A LENT1 NES L Lare assortmen of Infest j - - - V V designsdainty effects in Celluloid and Saiin Lace Valentines, Comic Valen tines. Prices the lowest. Last shipment delayed. Wait for it, it will pay you L E N T I S to do so. Our prices are fair ones. Ray's Book Store Xne Minute CougH Care, cures t That j wkut it was wide ior. Now Let's Start , The Century Right. What are your hopes this new year of good omen? If you are getting your share of prosperity they should be high. You want busioiess; so do we. Why not work together? In this space we-will offer you goods at a price to back them up and. make your efforts resultfuL We think we can help you to start (the new century right. Are you waning to be helped? Then do not feel that we want you to buy unless you need goods and find we can save you something. -ou will mot see another starting the century with such daring prices. The I. Xm L, Grocery and Department Store. 22 PATTON AVE. PHONE 107. N TEE LAST FEW t dsbys we have gone over stock a n d $ JLUCDUt? tb JJ.UIJJ.Ufl VI clearing out puce3 on seasonable sr tods We deal in Dry Goods ' Cloth 'in, Fancy Goods, Shoes, 1 Hits and Butterick Pat- terns if. Red wood & Co. 1 7 . It ....... v , K V . t -. -t. - i V

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