f1- , t k . . , t i r- - i -I--? - r . 1 jjj- i ii wmmmmmm , levPrr ta fS - 7NT?a " Pi n n w i-i mhb'X4 I...... ..... . i . . - " j -- it from OestreicSwr fup-to-date reioher Co. a-tention 'to their 3ATIN FOULAKDS styles and ipatterns. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. line Of Wool Batiste, Nuns Albatross" and in ite, fetS tO $1.A. aist Cloths ot Tianglns the yard. fro Kid Gloves, and aluei bey '-'....'rr-.-ft.-; Ave. 1 the best. 2d a carload of iUGGY HIGLES ATTRAJCT- Bufe6ies, Car- lay tn m ehort Ul if you are IGH CLASS 'ARE CO Phono 87. t Lt- L X 8, one Quar. Prepared Jne, tep s, etc. ptone. Al and Office, MUST NOU ? APOLOGIZE B w. r . . . -y- - .. , b t fs mmm m m - mm mm m mmm m m. - . - w m m M m, m. m i' m mmm m Consul General Gummere - Ordered to Visit the Court - of the, Sultan Disconrtesy of the Grand Vizier and Foreign Minis ter. CRUISER NEW YORK WILL BACK -THE CONSUL OONSUU INSTTRUCTESD TO PRESS iA'LL. CliAIMS AMERICA -GIT-IZENS !AGAIlNT '.aiOSUXXO THAT AjRB UNAjDJUSTED . Wasflilnston, IMaaxh, 18. The state departmeaalti tdaMed OonisiU) General itfo piwcieeid ..-'to :!tihe coiirit. of the '-saltan. 1 aiiki'ilDiaioKediby' tihe cruiser CNlew. T'crk at the ae!aire!3t fpodrit,.aziiadfein)ajid an lapciogy for; the. appent &(unsiiD)f .the grand Szier and fordtgn ffninister in ihedr efforts tt defeait the-puaipose o the .Uniitedi - tates J in sjjfateiilhg a epecbil .ifDssion -.Motwxidi City to airxange a-' istementtT'pf peWtSaJin claims of ; Aimieitoan ' izensTThie cnsyjuis talsa ineitrtuotefd :.to-:pres9''-:ciaiL. un- The New York Is expedted to reach Tangier Saturday and -convoy Gu!mimere to Mazigan . The, grand vizier arai for eign m4nister ha.ve threatened! to &nve. tihe reerKjeor f,.ttoour -i-:"Gttneii comes o Morocco City. . . fflll IIEWSlROM - , S? THE PHILIPPIHES Froerress of the Taft Commission Through the Provinces , JMainla, - QTfcihJ 18. Genera.1 Trias, mx& 'will isend an emdssary to tlhe Jake -region fbo persuade General Ca31es;to sunrender. ' i ITwd 43ioisand! - JFllirpinos at Lteipog Ihiave itaken Hlhe oatn aJSegSance . J Residents of JBoac, Mindara; (petition ed the .PhiUpplnei conmnisBfton, -wihioi vis itted that p.Iiace last tfrsday, to or ganize a pMnkaal governimfenit. Judge TadEt pToised tbestfafoU imen'tj - if tehep-rovinee -was peaceful on Hhe Jr6irwraf''qt. the-edrtmflsfeop.. ; Th conilmilsslonT paxceededLto the i' Jand of '! 'As the resuBt of 5Mjrar Sirns vigorous .ftlicy in dealing! wiith Itlhe insuirgents ofthe 1s fliarid of tMaTdnduque tlhelre are -now only 20(V Inisnixgenrtia nt the Island : Theyl visCifce IRon and, efetatoisflvad a cfivil govertmnent in tWat piijovln!k..;Vi'-;- ' - V- THE IRSHMEII AND THE KING Eedmond's latest is to . v:"-V;Ward,s Title. Attack Ed- comimons'tpday ; Irish nattoBfcQist,: gave aaotitee that he would take 'an" eiaMy oopo intformdng King; tBdwiaTdJ ? right-to-use Ithe title of defender; of the; tfaith .v The; to&tr. Redmond question as tto jwhether th title woufld tappeajr.-oaf the new coins, and; if ' so, 4What partticular tfaith; was aneanit.r . yL.'tf - " - IThe chancellor of - the , exchequer, 4r Michael Rtcks-Beach,- replledl that . so aongiEs,the Klng's.,ti!tles remained un alteredt tthey "woufld appear, on the coins. " Then Mr Redimond pates'ted! land was caiaietdo order.. . ' . REGULARS TO BE SENT-tfe ; REPLACE VOLUNTEERS WashJWgtoi" March 18. CXdters were issued! today, Iby eieretaay Root lor ;the eariy . diepartu'ref of - 4,500 regulars -to Mamllflj.vThese 'orders arerthexesuUt of a cWblegranri (fronii MJaoArthiur todiay, say.. ln!g he' would senaV the volunteers home as rapidly as ithey could Jbe replaced! hy fresh trocro.,L ' r-V - t-" Accurately Fitted yi GlQS IMAM preserve your sight and re ..BieVe your . head- s ache. iliamdnatlon Free Fr6H(ll Afllifamr TtiAlinA 4- T 7 J iUV;imou w JLiauuie miS J5fttWPftn KiitiQii and TTfpnTi That Itesult ' London, ;. Maroh 19 .The Daitet de spatetoes -frota Tien- TMn say the eit !aJtJion herev8iaa nndeigioaie no xiange watlh- iregand .to bhedaafp:ute of Engand wu,fvua9u oyer (the Tail-road, siding. iParis, (March 18 .-JA. despatch from. Tien Tain says ithat the tentlon is in creang; and ftlhiat a conflict -may,hj expectedf t any moment . The teooix3 i ijmtwmta. .iare uaraer arms. The uiation iarounld thie staltion 4s; unchaag ""eu tun i uisqiueiung. iit is possible French troops rwlll interfere in fche tjaarrteJ despite -he efforits" of the offtoers ta preserve neutrality. EIGHT HUNDRED STUDENTS l A Revolutionary Outbrcak .in St. Petersburg on .' Soldiers and Students Fight -' St. Petersburg, (March 18. A denWstration (by students in fronit the Kazan cathedmi Sunday develop were oHes of .''Dowin (with the Czar," ibetrwteeni the soldiers clnd the students nuaidredi students w.ere arrested. FIRE ATTRIBUTED . pSillOlS AEOON SMASHERS (Kansas City,tMaroh 18. As Whe re ; 7te11 n6efir. -; 8St30WQS-ffla: iat,& -iJArmoursdale, aneas.; It was (plainly . gasoaine.to fire Patrick Brosnian's "i nv . were seen 'nurrying1 (from uiBwvwry oi nx-e. The less in $40.- COMMISSIONERS AT FRENCH CAPITOL Street Crowds Cheer For Krnser as the JSn'slishmao. Passed. Paris, March IS. The special mission headed by Earl ICteurringiton to fformally notify the French fi-overnameint of the death of the queen and the ascension of. King (Edward to the throne arrived! this afternoon.. The party was imet at the station hy a representativfei of President JEouhet andother dfBcials. "When they deft the station Ho go to the hotel tthey were escorted 'by a deta'-hmient of ouir- isiere.'-.Aanong-ith'.tsrowds on the street ifihiere iwas some hooting at the CE2nglishmen and "cheers f or Kruger and the Boers las the commissioners passed. HAY AND MORGAN CONFER fASfll ISTHMUS GAiiAL (WasMdgton CMDarch.. 18. HSecre:tary Hay haxS a long conference today with Senator. Morgan jiespecting isthmian bainalt anatters and the laklvasahllity of 'I reopening negottaitions with Great -Brit? tScfc'm'Ojtt-: :wie secrenary . s losing -ino opportdni ty of acqtaainting himself with, the views of senators on this"tsnb3eot and the conference today wftthf tSenator IMorgah is only one jof cieiajrly a dozen he shas had on, the same subdeat with leading senators and, rep- i resenltative since the adaournonent or the fifty-sixth congress. ' ASKE1 TO LOOK OUT . FOR OEORCE B CLEIIH Knoxvil. e Police Becfeive a Eeq.uest 7 i f: From This City.; :" ' , iKnoxville, '.Msarch 18. The police ,de paTitment is Injreoelpt of a cornmunlca ititom fromi-'thie authorities of : Asheville N Cir requesting tthe arrest of 'George B. Gl&nii,. a young anan 18 years of age, itf he appears here ; It .Is said! Glenn mys, teriously ?4uasappeared : $romi his . father's -residence in Asmeville, N C, on March. tteaving witthonxt . amoaey or - Bneana . of. transportation Prior to his diSappeax n h Tfcaikea fcticoodl deal about -Tex hsy.ttnA1t is presumed he started, tor that stajte ,:u ' A.-"T 13. i Oroklnole- and Oftrroia and. fifty other games can he played .on the '-came board." " " ENGLISH - a - -. ... A i ;t 'ri Auitfier in me Angiu-Russian m Bloodshed. Sr v. v-TesteWdcuy aflternoon severa frroupa of .JFiienich ' troops jwent to' itSh ritisJi concession sSiianinng, "'Downi-'with the En "iish A qiuajrrei resfnlted and in soane .cases bloodshed. The French Ptt&:ofmtibxtbaiymlte. Once three. iFienchtoien! Taitrtteucke1 Oa'ptain f Bogler of the 'Brfitdsh array iLa forced PftKD3 ieravja Tilokshaw.. TSie idaptain deienldedhlnelf with his fkitafc. A par y Of iSHklhs daime to his re0cu; . General Oadiupbell theni ealied on the tlroops to dirlve the French 'fjojn the concession. He placed sentrie around fchec jowoeisfa5on' and ordered' (them- mot to alfew the French to enter, - RUSSIAN of ed into reVolultiojary'.butbreak. There VLongaIveObeT!ty1,', letci In fight many on both -sddjes were hure Eight ' - suit of the joint smashing crusade, - :ij6es were iburned ithis anorning at the work of Incehdaaraes who uesd saDoon. A . high wind 'did the rest. ttoe-ineighhoahood vjust previous ito ihe 000 : i SERIOUS FIGHT OVER RELIGIOUS EMBLEMS University S ndents at Bnba Pjst Nail Crosses to the Walls - Budapest, March 18. Serfxxus dis turbances have occurred here between the university officials and the students in consequence of Orders issued' by the minister of instruction for the removal Of. aill crosses from .the lecture rooms pf the university. In spite df this prohiblifcion: when the rooms were opened this vttnoniing the professors discovered that the students had gained' entracice iand nailed crosses tt the walls The officials commenced! to remove (the religious emblems 'buitwere hustled and insulted by the Students . Some of the flatter, however, supported the of ficials and violent scenes - ensued and thtet lectures were suspended'. The mat ter will be discused in parlitement. FLAMES CAUSE A LOSS OF $200,000 INST. LOUIS Et. OTjouIs, iMareh' 18:--The See storage warehouse of , the Anheuser-Busch Ibrawery, the Aimerican car ifoundry shops, several dwellings andrdther prop enty, were tourned today. The loss is $200;000. fFgve (persons were lajuredi by jumping ronm th TO PREVENT RESCUE ... OF OP0RTOTB1S0IIER8 Udndton March 18. A" dispaitch (from IJshont says ;ifche pr isomers, jintmibexlng about 200 captured recently in the con fltfetts : with the authorities at Qoorto andi elsewhere were cemoved this anorn ing on -hoard two m&se vessels In order to iffevent. attempts to resoue-them. A LlAJEjGE "LOT' BE7ST - TRIPLE PiL(ATBu MCBaIUiM" SIZED K2NTVES ONIiT. " IN fPWO SHAPES, AT 11.50 PER SET CXF SIX. AlKT OAT THIS WU3EK;'rJ;':H. JJASW. ST. PATTON FiRU- FOR BXCM1T6B. ' Oneof Vthe t best farms j- In ; Western ? North - Carolina, x with 'substantial " dwelling and ' onlt- j houses, is, offered , for exchange. .'t.-v-f-- - -3 " ' r t ' . for Improved cASheviUo property . 4 ; RRESTED PomaUtee AppsiDtiCto Draw iro an .;' EnahlinAct Kow "TOj aa-ch 18 .Mayor Van WycK, CSomptrolller ::oler'-Corporation' Counsel -TPhaleni, Ieputy . CoinptroUer Levy and George tL., Rives had a con Terence today iiegardiuig the gift' of 5, 200,00a by Andrew Carnegie for public libraries in fchisTcitv:- s.After the con ference Mr. Cbler said: ' -'"Mr. Rives, Mr. Levy and MrrWiha3- eti have tbeen appolntiedi aconmlttee .to uraLc an enaniing (aofcrto he presented, to iuue legasiature tet once, r This will She' hoMried to a conclusion and 1 -believe' uuv uiiHpseuas wiui'-o9 comipiete with'jal a yearv"The arragnemerits -will be lefit to the hands of Mr. CUrhegie ana .Ihe diectors.of the .New York pub lite gbrary and 'Brooklyn public libnary. I think that these, gentlemen will be able to handle the matter in a broaid minded' (mjaiaer.'" - . v KING EDWARD RECEIVES THE AMBASSADORS Tbey Present Their Credentials to the New Ruler. fLoadion, March 18. TTnitftrl SttvA Ambassador Choate and Itihe nhher sm. Ibassadors arid ministers to Great Brit- aani (presented' their credentials to King iuawara at 'JkLariborough'1ihous f at noon today. EacH-, anemiber of the dirlotmajbS arrivetS in the roral attended iby three iroyai servants attir ed in ikmg scarlet cloaks. The diplo mats wore ievee dk-ess, with orders arid "decomiaons with the exception OX Am bassador Choate, who wore the ordinary evening oress. Foreign Scretary .' "Lord- Xiansdowne, ira traduced the visitors t the kin-. .who was attired! in fieftl marshiaai's omtiform. . Till CAN TRUSr FORMING. "New York, Marci 18. rThe Journal of Commerce says, several of the ven- ioira concerned aim "th $28,00,000 tto. oa.-0(msolldlation are now inrthe city andf ' 4t is expected the. deal.will be closed fin a few dteys Deeds" of the various properties are being taken - by the ipnrdhiasers, and the stocks of the new company, it is understood, are about to Jae distributed, v "PEDDLER" PALMER "DEFEATED- Eondon, March -18; Harry Harris of" Chicago easily defeated 'Pedidiar" Pataier Inr'ia fUtteieni-roundi ibout at the National sporting club tonight After the fifth round Palmer iwas -kfcocked dorwrn; 'fijve times- suoceesively. was the favorite. " Washington, ilarc'i 16. Some artpi f5 hensicn Is felt in c facial quarters over the reported acixn c f Peru iii - r.-Uh-drawing her Minister -irom the Chili an capital. Although the. withdrawal has net been communicated Glacially :to this government, yet it is accepted as a fact, since it is in line with what was expected to fellow the action of , the Chilean Congress in rejecting the plan of arbitrating thei-remaining differences between the two countries on their boundary question. The Chilean Min ister was withdrawn some time ago from Peru, so that the recall of the Peruvian Minister from Chile, leaves each country . without a : diplomatic representative in the other. Whether this will amount to a complete sever ance of diplomatic relations has v not been made clear by the meager advices at hand, but in any everit it is looked upon as a ; further evidence of the growing seriousness of the issues in volved. SEVERAL LXVE9 LOST IN A FIRE, St. Joseph, Mo., March 16. The Noyes, Norman shoe factory and the Richard son, Roberts and Byrnes overall'! and shirt factory. Third and . Farson streets, were destroyed by, fire this, af ternoon, causing the death probably of several persons. All the victims1 are girls and .were employed in the shirt factory. Miss Louise Eslonda, aged 20, is known to be dead; Florence Terry and Miss Mamie Berry, leaped from the third story of the Noyes Norman build ing and were caught by firemen in a net. They are badly : burned. John Friede, a fireman, was severely in jured. The nre is supposed- to have started in the ' engine-room, where' a fireman had been using gasolene ? to clean machinery .-Many people saw sev eral girls at the fourth story, window of the shirt factory just a moment be fore the walls: collapsed and are- con fident that -none escaped. The . aggre gate loss is J100.000.-- C?: I i " VJSvery woman is bmatifal at some time of AerJJtcS', : I :-: " 's-Tictor JFXago.' ''"? nrerjt-womaa fs tnore. beautiful - some tights and' posltJoos than' m others.- Wejfind , the 'most be- eoanto Ujht and , position when - we make your portrait. Wa. try to find the mostbecbmlr expres"- J Bion (the .natural on -)1 but. there lsr-.here we are dependent trpoa.-9 your teJtv'-jWB-vuave a' pencil; which" 3t work - wonders ; injv J straightening irregular Heatures and roundingxthin hosonM. .Our - pictures for 1501 hall he better .- J . an ever before. - - S ' " gr m COMMITTEE i REFUSAL To. Accept oiesoflS sfcv United v Jtates Basd on y the Platlmehdment. 4 - Committee on Eolations fie jects Senor Tamayo's Pro. P03il YET MODERATE ELEMENT IS GAINING GROUND SEVERAiL MORE DiElLEGATBS RE PORTJEiD AS NQW PAVCRABlLiE TQ YIEDDING WHAT OONGRBSS HAS rEMANXEiD, . - . .' - Havana, March 18 .The committee on relations ; today considered, the - proposal offered by Senor Tamayo, iwhich In ad ditiotu to ceding the Isle of Pines, to the United iStaites, accepts the PJott reso- fliuion to so iflar as it " relaftes . to sani tary laws and intearvenitibri of the Unit- ed states to roreserve- law, and, tfwidr the latter to take plaice when Cuba re questts'it ih the event of a serious out break. The proposal further provides In case of war between - the United States ana a foreign, potior Cuba shall grant' the United .-States the use ? of the dslandj aa a hase Of operations. 5 The propbsaat was rejected. - .x.- . j The opinion prevails that' ibe mod erate lelemeict has gained considerably. Several more delegates ' mow (flavor ac ceptance of the Piatt resolution. THE IMPEACHMENT TRIAL. Judge By nam Speake Justice Fur( li es Testifies.' (Raleigh, N.-rr., Mlarjch-18. -Judge By nuim's pi'esente.tiotni' of the case for the defense ..occupied the "entire morning session of the Smpiaachmect count. It was a complete review of all matters leading to this trial audi 'the argmment was abSte and mafiterful. 'Chief JuStdcta Furches was on the standi this after noon. Raleigh, N. C, March 16. After a hard contest this afternoon in the impeach ment trial over the admission of certain evidence, the prosecution won a decided Victory. The latter introduced a warrant from the State Treasurer's office on which Captain White was paid. When White's accounts . in the Auditor's office were presented the prosecution objected Lieutenant Governor Turner overruled the objection and they appealed to the Senate. The point was argued .before the Senate by Messrs.. Osborne and Bynum for the judges and Messrs. Watson and Guthrie against. On roll call the Senate sustained the Chair?s juliag by a vote of 36 to 5, the latter Republicans. The pros ecution rested the case. Mr. Jarvis stated the defense would be content to offer no evidence, but Judges Furches . and Douglas desired to submit to a searching - cross-examination. Mr. Bynum will make the preliminary speech for the defense on Monday' . In to-day's decision the prosecution gain this vital point: Evidence not to be restricted to simply the issuance of the . mandamus, but the circumstances to be ' considered. The. prosecution -may prove not that White's claims were-not In shape and could' not have , been paid legally by the Auditor, but the- mandamus deprived him of the constitutional' right to pass on the accounts. ' ; . . Mr. Kenan,, on cross examination ". by Mr. Busbee,, said the Supreme Court de cision modified and affirmed the court below. He recollected, that a peremptory writ of mandamus had beh Isgued in the. tase of Caldwell vs. Wilson, but he had f.ever before 'issued a mandamus, of the kind. He h.d never' hef ere heard . of a dissenting opinion1 being- asked to be filed after a case had been decided at a former terra., THE COAL MINERS WILL SU9 . PENT WORKl 7 . Hazleton,Pa.v "March 16-By. unani mous' vote the delegates to.the-United -Mine Workers convention,-. which" has 't been in session, in this city for, nearly " : & week, today decidedto suspend work r- r at all anthracite mines unless the oper i athrs-agreed-to meet the jniners. ex ecutive hoard in joint conference before April lst-A sjtrike seems: Inevitable. -,-,The, .operators "have 'steadfastly- re- ; . fused..-to "recognize the '"miners' ias a" bbdyand there is not theT remotest :Jn- " dication that'- the operators,; will isay : ariy attention to the demands made If President Jlitchell and'otner-' membei -s of the executive, hoard tbatihey meet tne miners in joint conference to adjust grievances. - . . i - : I 4 JV THE BATTLE OF ANSULING PASS. Berlin, March 16.- A- dispatch from Pekin under date - of March 15 th, re ceived at the War Office, ' says the tren t ttl : strength of "the Chir --' f cress In t'-e 4- -. If f - 1 ' - J V1- - 1 TJ '-J. 1U v- L. CP. 1 .y

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