r i. . ' V O - : I . ""r -.-'v f if--- VOL . VI: NO. 3 &HEV pbice 5 crurra . .. k 1 . .... - - U M 1 ffu SIIODTS K1TQ : rennessee'-Man Wounds Two Men in New York TIIEUflfW INSUf!RE0TI0i ,v ; " V ' - " -. " . " .. ' .. - "t , - - - 1 urrenJei: at Antign8:Ends : the Troablo : in ; nayl Provience. : .-jtsJ:- . -i? K-'-iJV ?"-(- r .. s . j If rtt get It from. Oestrelchcr; & CO. it is r-up-ia-aaie." Id X5CO Oestreicher 60; - CAXJi ATTENTION TO THEIR IINB 0!P LiADIBS TAitLOR- MIA1DB SUITS. Silk, Clotn and Cheviot. SUrts. (SILK AND WASH WAISTS IN WHITE AND COiDORS. liATBST THINGS DT NECK WEAR -JNID BEITS. . ' .?- . - AGENTS AMERICAN : iJADY ; CORSETS. COCO Oestreinhof .St'Pafton-Ave. If jwe- have it it la : the." best. We ih&vts iust received: a carload!: of 0LUr.BUS:QUGGY CO'S VEHICLES Which. Mclude NEW AND ATTRACT- IVE linta In open Bawl Top Buggies XJaar- ri&ges, Surrlear'MJd-Tjpj). T, - Te t.111 abO to dlalay tn hrt time, ami Invite .war. all if JOtt . are ia need -of anything fa-mGH CLiASS WORiC. - 'Z A8HEVILLE HARDWARE CO f? E. Cor. Court -Sqnare. Fihoae .87. Don't J3oa d Any Longer. Let Mrs. I.' A. Johnson fur nish rooms for you, pay. her on : installments and save money 43 FattontAve.- ROCK! ROCK I ! ROCK-' i! We are In control of four Stooe Quar- itea in city.ja.valmiftis'AiMnipavea for furnlsMng luildiag stone, step etones, hearth Btwnes,l curMmg; .etc. i In fact any Kfna of building stxxne Al o for grading eldeor yard vraltaijuid I excavating" jwork. C - : M, BUBQESS & MOORE, 4 r Phone No. 25. . P. O. BOX 22Z. WP Western, Masseur Watson' A-ReagakW estate Offlce, Court ftniu-n. Phone 222. i" v. WOOD'S ; SEEDS,; tlri A full line - of Wood's ' Garden 1 eeds, Lawn - Grass, Sweet s Peaa audi Nasturtium Seeds in bulk'. v '.. GRANTS PHARMACY? HEADl0HE::::i; Sick,- iNervous - elcJd ;-..Ne.uralgite Headache ' QuicMy 5 xirelieved ' toy Baldwin's. Headache Cure.- 25c. GRAMS PHARMACY. Kitcheners Offer Contained I Greater Con-r cessions ThamMiJneranS Ghambesrlain ,r j Would Permit1 " ; WILL GREAT BRITAIN ; HAVE TO: BUY PEACE? A Pessimistic Feeling That : the British Military Posi tion isfNot Equ il to i Ending the - " War. . "London- Manch" 22. The iparliamen fcary papers giving details wf the nego tiations between vthe oomander-ln-tdhief, Gen. Bothta, and. Lord Klbciiener oocnananding (the . British forces in (South Africa issued "this ctnorning be- Igin jwlth a teiegralmi from Sir Alfred Mihier to Colonial Seoretary Cham-toerlaln-.--'The despajtch Is- dated Preto-rlaV- February 22, . and states thait Mr ." Botha 'has- retunnect if rami;: a (meeting with: ther husband Ibringi ng a -letter in reply to Sir Alfred iMilners - verbal message "offering to ameet 3en ,; Botha as "a;inean3 ;of , endin'the war on .-the -express rmdeTBtandtog: (he.. -would not "discuss "t!he quesftSooii of the inde pendence . of the Tran vaal and. the Orange River cottony. Mrsl Botha as- "siured feir Alfred tihait- the lettetr ';vras written, "with. Jthat jpoint dearly: under- i stood .". "Genedal. Botha referred- the matter to his-generals and it as stated v tthat the meel'mg -wou'd Tdbably takj -(place at iMMdletrarg. rr ChteumibenTain Tepffed that he -was glid' (o ihe'f KS.'oth'a's desBdwti I treat 'and'ffoped-dtr was genuine. "He iSpilUnad! us, said (the colonial eecre- I'tfarv "anxious3 to mteet 'rn xamjii Imotattf etotingt'hls"- individual p6& ?:kf 'February . M-Sir , Alfred MT:ner T 6a4bled lird Kitchener informing! him that ' Cten.: Boiha: aid wrtten t2mifi he woaidlbe in Pretoria at 10 o'clock" a. mf February -28. ., BOTHA WANfTS PEACE. . - A deapteutch pora,,-I)(rd:Ki'tAe5ier:to-the Twar office: dated . Fetoruary 28 re ports ' a long" -Intenview with. Gen. Botha, -who showetd very good tfeeliHg: and seemed; anxious for peace.. He asked for information' which he said he- fwould - sulbmdit to -his governanent, the generals and; the people.', v If they agreed: he rwould Visit the Orange Pver colony andi get tlheml to agree i.c Should 'all (then hand in their arms it wwiM finislh the -war. : "He said thev could go on for some time and. he was'ruot -sure hie would be able to bring labout (peace iwithout dndepenjaence. decline to discuss sutah- a point," said Lord Kitchener, "and said a modi fied form of Independence wouid-be most dangerous and (would lea to , war. dn thef "utureA Replylngtq 'Gen. Bktha inquiries. I dnforme' him that -when hostilities ceased the mMtary 'ffifiuM. be replaced (by a' crown colony ajdlmlnis toratlon, consisitdng of a nominated ex ecutive and an elected asembly td ad "iise him, (followed afiter a fperiod by a. a.mf aiti-tro i"wprn!mient. The (Bper (would be licensedto Wave rifles to pvo Itect - tthemselves agalnst-Jthe matlves--ti frvntdh niajtlves'the' JDutch and English languages "were to Wave qual (rigfote, Kaffirs -w-ould. not have the franchise' 'mtil after representative VArmTnent- had - Haeen grauxeu. V- Oran.ge Free State-.laiws- for. .Kaffirs .nii beconsidereu gowi, church HHr ""trniWiirf? , trUStS and. -. orphan funds fvwrald-tbetouched-nor tax teince-iau . be; givenr ,IW r Je. (burned farms and enable the farmt ers to start afresh 'and JZ Joined the repufblic'shouM .jbe disfran- dhhised. - Z - ' V v - " - 'iXL JGea. Bothk generally seemed satis fied twlth the'donditlofas:" . Among the questions to jwhlcK Lord -Kitchener apparently"- dtd. not- irep.y -rwA iwhen the war tDrisomers Vould re' rtum and ".regarding the -.taking ovt legally contracted since. xe HiClVOI Vic. !.".v, ... T-'.- t , . I mf the warr- , V JL- - ; Bbtha "nvas reported , ffco be awaking' a ( strong 5odrBt of &S 05euireftrrso; xo Accurately Fitted Glasse ' Will-; -iweserve ' wnvr- sisht and re- 51 eve your s head- - "aoher (iJamlnirtlon Free. : 7 S&McKEE, I ; SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN ' Opiosite ppstofflte; hi Patton ave IW s V ' - - ' notes which had been issued amouting to Hess than a million pounds. ' (Lord Kltfcfhener arnainged ta cammu-; nicate: both ; asviews . to - his. -govern- ment. All thait he said -was qualified by being subject to confirmation by the hme government. " - , .-f On March 3 Sir Alfred 'Mllner cabled Lord Kitcher suggesting the follow-. ing replies bo Gen; Botha: - 5 VI beg to inform . you . that on the cessation of , hostilities "and " the; com plete surender of larms, ammunition, cannon and mniniiuon in the hands of the burghers in the field at govern ment depots or elsewfflfere, his majes ty's government is prepared:, at once to grant amnesty dn the Transvaal and Orange River .colony vfor, all bona fide acts xf"fwar during r the --hostilities, as. iweli as move the 'governments of Cape Colony; and 'Nartal to similar ' action, qualdfied by the disfrancMsement of any British subjects-- inpficated in the war. The military nrisoners in Sit. He- ena, veyion ana eiisewnere on com.-; lete surrender, shall be brought back,. to their country. Military lawi shall be replaced: by a civil administration but it is -the deisre of his majesty's government" as soon as; circumstances will-permit to establish a representa tive government. On the .ipessation of hostilities a high court independent of the executive " administer the laws. Land: .church propepty, trusts and -orphan funds shall be respected . The English and 'Dutch languages shaH1 be taught in the pub lic schools and used in (the lajw courts." : 'The legal debts of Ithe state to th amount of 1,000,0000 .pounds shaH be paicB even, if contracted dluring hostil ities. 'to the extient of a creditor p?oves he has (given vahie. ; The govrnnjt does raot- intend - to extendf" the . f ran chise to Kaffirs n ithe TtfansVaat nd Ommig6 RTiy)ero61ony"1befare.a repjeesen-i tttver governinient is granxea . -m-' The conddUons regarjaing assistance the . farmers, fire' airm, etc.;-arecthe saane as thoseVIbi ioril t&enerfst re- Plies to Gen 0.- Alfred M adds that he agrees rt the above, except as to the desires for modSncatlon regard ing Sritdsh; subjects dn Cape Colony saad Natal In the Bder armyvjwHho,- df Ithey rfttiirna ito tihose eolonies. will be liable to be detalt rcvfttfa undter the colonies passed to meet clrciametairjces arising m war. l . , - -He idd!edl: - TWnhfflerl am wllMoig to concedie imftich Sm order - to strengthen Gen. Botlhla dn.Mdiintg -the people to both fwrties. -Pioctor had a sumit, amsresty -for tihe rebels is not,fiong) interviews wiitS? Senor Capote, pres in my opinion, ai point in which his" maj- Jldent of the convention. estys government: can afford to con- oedie. H thttnk it would (have a deplor- able effect upon Caper Colony and! Na - iSa. to obtain peace by such a oonces-;, stani.. Mr ChamiberJain, in a reply dated FEELING AGAINST THE BRITISH AT TIEN TSIN Dislike More Serious Than . British Officers London,- March.-22. A despatch from Tien Tsin says the an -British feeling shown by ih" French " and German itroops-ls muehmore "serious than the railroad siding affair The dislike in irgl creased - by a' recent .procuaimiation -lor-, bidding foreign sofldiers to traverse "the British iettlemen and. fru'coming' to. How TVine shops land- other resorts where they become drunlr tnd Indulge in brawling. I - ' , - . - - 'V " -The officers agree the 'prohibition vras wise but the men resent it; -with the re sult that he "British officers and ladies' are menaced and even, assaultedp 1 the streets. lit - has -become necessary - to substitute marines in' place of the In dian sentries around the settlement.- ACNOTHI3R VIEW OP THE MATTER J'dtfrererices at Tien Tsin.be- (Pekinrarch 22. -The amtcahie-set- ' - .. . bo;1 on! tween- "the TBritish and Russians - and British and French is regarded .here as Chocolate Chocolate -zCfdquettes Extra ''fine fLSt - i 1 I Heston's is South" iBIlaln street.";: anarch 6, directs - ZjoiKi' Kitchener to modify r the terans caj ; a number of points; Eventually Lord Kitchiener re ported (to-the fwwr office: iunder dlajfft of J Pretoria, March. 20 that he had wrttten i Gen. Botha the iterans the govemmenit was 5pteeii to adopt.. Thesfe iwere the same as already given excent dn rfihe fol lowing particulars: TElhe 'fevernmec!t idaamoif TnrlPTrfia.kP any aiaiWlitaes regardlns vthe debts of tUa 3atie-epubiiLcs: but is nrPTMwrt'M an lawt of ginace, fto set aside a million pounds 6 -repay iyhe inhabitants for goon ; ren.uisrtaonedi by the republican oearmie4ts. M the iclaims '"after ad justoaenit: fexceed 1,000,000 pound's -4hey 6u4ablftto reduction pro rata.; . The iCafiltfranohiise iwhen (given 6fha31-b so' llintea as to secure a just predom iaanee bt the white race. The aegaL positdoni of e . colonedt inhabitants iwote; similar to fjh-at mxw tield by Uiemtin1;;l0ape Colonyi'':.: ;-vy- ''"' The letter concJudes: - - -; vr ,,;V"r - (must Inform your. ; Ssonor. - thait If tefpanb w offered lore not-aoeepted after a-; reasonable delay for considera tion itihey must .be regarded as .cancel edu.., - .'.:.- : ' On"March 16 Tra;";"Kl'tchener'';:V-ceived-froia Gentr Botha acknowledge menit 'ixfttoe)' -receiot of the letter: -? "I have adwiised ray government," iirote Gen. Bothia, "of your jexceil;ncyrs letter but (after the m u t aal ex.olia.De of Vaews- in) otw Interview at Mid-lleburg, February 28, ft will certainly not sur prise your-excellency to know, that I do not .reel aasposedl to leecommend terms of sa33l tetter, but they -shall have . foe eaatnest considerati'omi of my eovarnment. l amay aoia tniat) an(y governimient and my chief .omcers here - entirely agree with my Kews." - .: London, CMaridx. 23ir-dt is significant that ih.e -overtures Kitchener, was dis posed to offer. " the Boers contained greater concessions than Sir Alfred Mil ner and. Chamberlain 'would permit and. as; suggesflngha positron noti realty, equal to ending the-war and England; will "have to buy peace. ?Thd jingo' press is particularly irritated. ThTiy?iMalt ' under ; a cajplcWagabqE sa Itrris palnf lyjr the British government :shouidpKuiate on - so mahy 1 vital ! points mmmmmi:-. : PLATT RESOLUTION wh iK.'PnTmBr Obiect to .-ttea80n8 wny ine OTmer, MOject 10 ine Pleasure - - Havarna, March' ' 22 .Senator Proctor who arrived1 here says that congress did mot pass- the-PJJatt ifesoiutiort umder of the i resolution when Teasonably considered I should not arouse the Cuban sentiment of jealousy for :its owaa dignity. Coa- ! gross simpily wanted .to dta what was ..--Ouibans espeoiaHly object to the clause rpirovidinig ifor coalW: stations and inter- ,ventlon the former oni the ground that at may oreate frtotion, andi the 'latter ifbecause it is feared the United States wouldl interfere for trifles. the Railroad .Siding Affair and Ladif s Menaced. a imaxter or oongrarouuiation. xne set tlement of the trouble between the British; and the .French is largely due to the courteous action of General; Bail- loux the French: commander: It is understood am.aologyhas been made J-Vl JrW w-- -r - "T"-" The Frernchi regiment heretofore ela-r tioned at Tien- Tsin has been ordered elsewhere. The. French regiment consists mainly. .of . roughs" from Ton - quinv The regiments -wMeh arrived. late- ly are more orderly It is believed the Britishi commanier -win seno, a- cour- teous reply to the French commander. Try a Gazette want ad. 1rtfttMMd0'0dtMO' J; "Every woman is btnutlful tr- S: :'t t some ilmcU her lite.' x New 5-roon cottage on nearby- rMddeace : street, . just ? compiexea. con- -venlences.- $1;0 per months !' Two nice resid es ,on Mont"" for J avenue for Tenttrom' April 1. rlJILKIE & LlBABBB, . ReafEstdte Agents, ; "Al 23 ?attqiAve;'PKofie 661 . Hotel. . Is a Student ai Columbia University ; fie fs Belie v d to Haye Been -.- Insane ' : New Yorkv March 22. Two men were shot at: an early -r hour this anofning in tOtee TOiths9cellerj(Kf the. Pabst hotel by-a man? rwho is believed to be insane-. Itappiara. that (about V:i5 o'clock: this morniing tfiuere jwere about 75 men asd women ini uws. rathskeller teatingT and diriai'klng. Spdaeniy . the .door of the raihtskeller was flung open aisid- .Moul- ton -entered. He iappeared to beunder the infliuence of drugs or liquor. Shortfly "before thac "iMinnlie iSeMigman tag. iactress, arid' ejnother mmimx, mem bers of the broadfway taeater company, entered the ratiLskeller escorted by John B, -'Ifangwell ami an elderly gentle man. IMoulton on entering seeing Miss SeMgman, seated -himself 'where ihe would (watch her every movement. Just iwhiat iMoulton did to annoy the aciress is not knowos but she complaJned to ;Mr. Lefflmgwell and that gentleman rising jwent. to, iMoUlton am told Mm he would have to (behave himself or move his seat. " .Mpuitqut's reply was tto diraw' hds re volor and start Shooting. The first ball struck Iffingwiell in the side and he reeled back. - His companioni ran to his a.ssistance and grappled wiiflh the youiag mlanv fFor his padms he Teceived a glancing iwound in the iback, MoultDi kept om shooting, his revolver being lev eled at Miss Selignsan a'nd her complan- -'Mefanwhile itihe crowdedi cafe iwas turned into a bedlam.-- The flying crowd swept ."ithe waiters off their feet as they charged toward the- twild young iman . with , the revolver . - Finally the head waiter and st'dlatectiVe ireiaihedi himi and disaJimed him. '.. ' - -v - lit, -Was learned later that the second maim who was shot was Alexander E. D4ngiweJl, general manager of Jasob Litt'S theatrical enterprises.- , Mouilltoni skid he was user of mor phine' and that -he look a good deal of the drug yesterday . . He said, he, iemembers gotog -fo -lle::.(blro&awayiiheatre 4aadLre- memibexs:: the .second' act ;Ane ; iay he45ut;K)th4Dig more. - Be- also re members coming out, but asserts . he does (hot Tfememberj any, thing .that hap pened from that time untdl hie found himself " In Ithe patrol wagon. , It was said at "ithe' hospital that Dingwall was resting easily. . When. (Moulton Was arrested he - ap peared to be dazed amid asked repeated ly-- "What have I done? What have 3 done? ilt was only after repeated questions had been shouted drato Ms ear that It w'aS cdscovered) the miaioi iwas deaf. The ptrisomer then gave his name andi ad dress in amswer. to tfhe (written ques tions. - DinigfwaM: rwas itakent to Roosevelt hos pital iwhene it was found that a bullet had entered his shoulder. When Moulton iwas arraigned in police court he said his home was in Spring field, Tenn ., and that he had 'Deem a sun denlt for three years at.-(Olumbtai Uni versity. ; He was held In $5,000 bail far examination on iMondlay next. HAS KITCHENER BEEN . CAPTURED. BY THE BOERS? Alleged Despatches and letters Con Arming the Report.. Dover, N. H., March 22. Baron De Guizberg, "who to a1 lecture Wednesday, declared that Kitchener had been cap tured by the Boers and vwoildi fi.notably be sent back home, rwas asked today as to the authenticity or ims news . - ie stuck to his assertion,' saying the news came direct from tbeseafof the -war He says the despatch; stated that Kitchener iwas captured last Ihiursday or-- Friday in British -v luniform J' -'He" i showed a number of letiers and de vattches -which he said (were ixt cipher. Qoe of these despatches -he deciaired. contained Information -that DeWet three weeks ago captureda.SCO British J jhe;country north of the" Free State jn;eral French's force and released 'them after cutting. off the ngnt sleeves of their coats and shirts. Victor Hugo. -: Very- woman" 4s more - beautiful; some- Sights and . positions -taan , others.- - We ' find the most be- - comlno lijht ' and position when ; we" make jour portrait; "We :try a to m d the most becoinSr expTes-j sion (thtf natural on:) but there Is here twe are dependent upon- your- beV'. -Wis - ave- a -rpenctt T tmalehtsnlng '.irregular features" r and- roundliig thin bosonv Our yictu3ces,for lSOI.iiiall be better J JS., an ever before,".; ;. . -J Iwas taken at the wrong lile." " JIf 7werdv'"not-"make Tourno-; trait -be?ttiful -it -will because it -; Plan of ProTineia Gjyernxant Ex plained to the Hativei by the . Gommistion. Bacolod, Niegros. (March .22. rurfne the present week there has been almost a total collapse of the Visavair insur rection. ' There " have been. 800 surrenders at Ueyte and an Insurgent ooDnmander in Panay surrenderedi 180 Rifles yesterday. The, Philippine commission held a conference this moncjlng (with the citi zens rank! explained the plan wherebv it is proposed to" substitute the provin cial or cdvxi government for a territori- al or state form of governanent, (wblct has existed hee for 22 months aiud which was inaugurated during. - the ireign of General Otis. It is iohought the com mission willl have a (comparatively easy task1.. The inhabitants had been saddle with a popularly seaectedl but an un scrupulous native civil governors QUEEN GOES TO COPENHAGEN. London, March 22. Queen Alexandra started for Copenhagen this morning. " King Edward accompanied her to the Victoria station. - .. : JJ? Try a Gazette Want. LOOK HERE! A farm of 180 acres near Own bey, N..C, 15 acres bottom, 50 acres .wed! set in timber and bal ance cleared. Dwelling house with 5 rooms, In good condition, one stock barn, tLree rental cot tage's, three ftobacco barns, 600. fruit trees (apples, peaches and 'pears) yielding well. This is the -gfeattest bargain ever offered in Buncombe county. A large amount of city property for sale, i See our . large . Hist of valuable properties and prices. Clifford $ Davies,"; - REAL ESTATE AGENTS . --Room 37 Library Bulldlng ; a Washinfftoni iMtarcfi- 22. There have been S.27? eiMstenents ior the , jresrular arony service "since - the enactmiMit- of the army le-org'anization law. v: . OD'R AN1EDEISARY SALE. ' Spring Opening Saturday; ... ..March 23rd. . Monday (March.. 2&fch. ARE THE ACTUAL DATS FOR Millinery and Dry Goods During the Hast quarter century .we have offered Spring Millhiery and Dress Goods for March and April sales. For tMs eiimiversary saHe we are determined to crowd two months" (business into las many dlays. Our onUy regret is the embarnassm elnt we cause our competit ors .by such extremely low prices (that we must offer to sell the tanaense quan tity. CORTIOELLI, 50 yd spool silk thread, all colors . . ...... Clark's O. N. T. spool cotiion.. . .AQa 3-4 percales, calicoes and large assortanent fine patterns, al 3c 4c latwns, 4c so solid colors and tints .. .- ... Sea Island Percales, not remulajnfts 9c Seasonable Silks: gSiZ! No waiting for business bult airways making tilt, the first note of Spring tell ing of new fabrics, new prettiness, -fresh daintiness, as exemplified in the dozens of exquisite NOVELTIES T71B OFFER FOR TOUR INSPECTION. jlPoulard Silks, 24 indhtes rwlde, finest quality of sal : , silks . EJlaborate end dainty designs in the most beau--. V ." tilfiul colorings.. .. .. .. . : ou Foulards and PlaMs 21 in., wide, harmo nious coOoring blues, eds, iuyan-- - - der, graens, every one a . RKn Fncr Taffeta, all silk: 21 Inches wlde, ;. A 90o quality in stripes, new shades of redv-tonivy Muej''ciadiet,',alx--1lckV60C:. Bliack Taffeta, air silk, 1 yand (wide, fine lustre'--'heaivy.' twei!gJh!t..iNe "er, mMched before ; im (the dty $1,00 Blaelfi- Taffeta-- i. all "18 --Inches 39c value 60 cents Bright, ;Breezy Wash i3oods: TAn nssnrionent of bargains, ana fW' - gains aSonep perfect In ull respects' to" k finitely' more value thsar printed!voras -. oawi teM.'slFme Cinghaanc,- 'the.-' best brands trepnesenteJ' labxendant newness, : testefulness and - ortglciaJity are appr-, ent, 10 CEN7T8 TARDi "Pine -Ginghams (xmpor. eo; ou'icisasse. ' -. all 'others.-dotes this peerless creation. ". ' ' ' m Jt, 4 rTvrft. - .... i: . W W : V . . . 25 and 50o. Embroidery on bxUI 10 CentS.;r?..SpeciaI VersC-v-"-. 4 M 1 ... tifi' - y