s. VOL. VI: NO. 42, A8HEVILLE, N. C, SATDttlJAY MORNING, MARCH BO, 19k W 7'." 1 . i '.'-...,4...,. " - -'W'-l .'-.':Jr'-:y'- p If you get it from OestrScher & Co. It is up-to-date. j666 aicher d Co. ?Te call especial attention to our strong li.s of Dress Fabrics for. Easter Wear. Both In Woolen and; Silk. . In wooleni goods we are dis playing the latest -weaves; such las ; !.:: ! ffi J-'Jitl Batistes Nun's Veiling, Crepe de Chine ant Albatros, In all the leading- colorings. Prices 50c to $4.10 the yard. In our Silk. Dtepartment we are show ing the Lest selection, and largest variety of Foulards ever dis played in Asheville. (so well in formed shoppers say. PRICES 35 to Z 50 the yard. Er.OCADEiD BV .TNG SfLKS IN VARIETY OP COL.ORS, 85 TO $1.25. St Patton If we have tt It is the best. We k.o just received a carload of COLUi.lBUS BUGGY GO'S VEHICLES Whlcb Mclude NEW ANJ ATTRACT fVE lines in open and Top Buggies, Car. tfagee, Surriet and Trap. Vtf will be able to difltplay In short time, and invite ur eall If you are 4 In need of anything In HIGH GLASS work:. ASHEVILLE HARDWARE CO 8 B. Corl Court Square. Phone 87. Don't Boa d Any Longer Let Mrs. L. A. Johnson fur nish reoms for you, pay her on installments and save money. 43 Patton Ave. - ROCK! ROCK! ! ROCK' ! ! We are In control of four Stone Quar ies in city and Btrburtw. Are prepared for furnishing' baiildlxiig atone, tep etones, hearth Btwnes, curbing; etc. In fact any kind of building atone. Al io for grading Bide or yardwalk and excavating1 work; . '. BURGESS & MOORE, ASHEVlLIiEt N. Ci Phone No. 25. P. O. Box 222. W. P Westerns Watson & Reagan, real estate office, Court Square. Phone 223. -; WOOD'S SEEDS. A fuir line , of Wood's Garden . eds, Lawn . Grass, - Sweet , Feas ami Nasturtium Seeds in luilk. .. GRANTS PHARMACY. HEADACHE ; Nervous; ana ; jisjwiKx&' , Headac&e M quickly- retteyed ry;. Oestr Oestreioher Co, Ave Masseur - th i km mm mm -m mmm u immbw mm mm it mm mm mm Km m ma mm mm - mm mm wrm mm mm- mm mm mm mm mm mm mm- . mm mm m m mm . . mt mw mm mi THE EMBip THE mR? Confers With Fprner; KisPrison at r Trey Explain to Him th Hopeless of the Insur gent Cause. Four Natives Hijo;ed at Man ila for the d itiMer of aii American. 'Manila, March 29. Agutoaldo as kept a close prisoner at Mialaoanan. 'News paper oorrespondents are not permitted Ijto see hiim. He had a conference today J with ex-Insurgent Leaders Trias, Villa jjand Barcelona. Trias wishes to induce j hiim to accept American supremacy, ; but-AguinaWo's attitude is not known, j While AguinaJldo was heing 'brought j Huere iby his captors on the gumboat j Vickshurg the said that in June, 1899, jibe, together with a number of h: offl i cers, iswore to prosecu'te the war as , long as they lived. He conisidered this oath invioilable, and he intended to Jiive up to it. Later he declared 'he had desired peace from the outbreak of hostilities and if he was convinced that a "majority of his followers desired a cessation of the war he would use every means in ihis power to accomplish this end . These two statements are character istic of the shifty nature of 'the 'Filipino leader. In a further conversation on the gun fboat Aguirialdo said he had never been In a single (battle. He admitted (he or dered -the assassination of 'General &flina, because the 3curity of the Fili pino cause demanded it. It Is reported that a Spaniard, named Segovia, an ex -Insurgent, iwho -gave valnalble assistance to" the expedition wMoh captifred AiguSnaldo win tbe 're coTTumencted for acosHrnlssion as an offi cer wf -native troops. The other three exinsurgent officers who participated i In the expedition received heavy money ) rewards. " j 5Phe expedition learned at Palanan ! that a hundred riflemen composed1 the entire rebel force In the province of Is- ' abella. 'Twelve thousand natives at Sam Vi cente and 763 at Namacpacan have taken the' oath of allegiance to the Uni ted States. Colonel Guiterrez and twenty-two other officers have cur-rendered) to 'Col, Thompson of the Four teenth infantry and sworn allegiance. Manila, March 297 Aguinaldo today conferred in the Tagalog language at the. Malacanang palace with several former memibers of his cabinet and other prominent Filipinos whom he has asked to" see. Theiexprain tb him1 the hopelessness of the insurgent cause and advised him to use his influence to es tablish peace and tfor the recognition of American sovereignty. The result of the conference is yet unknown . The first execution in (Manila under American rule took place at Fort Ma- late, where five natives were nangea !hA imnTvtar- nf Archibald Wilson, an j Englishman, superintendent of the wa terworks. The motive for the murder was robbery. " Twelve thousand Fl'ipinos hav tak en the oath of allegiance to the United States at San Vinc'ente, iSouth Il-ccs province. 1 ' . . - possession at fM&lacanan. Genierau FITNISTON REWARDED. Funston is loud' in his naiise of every- Harrisburg (Pa.," March 23. The thing, the navy did. The entire army lower' hous 'of the state legislature I join in thanks to yourself and men " lower nous, oi j eeteretBTy Ij0jne repQie to Adnairal today adopted a res Remey as follows:1 the president of the Unitea biates io . nfo.lMatfAjrtw .that I ..highly ap "reward General' Funston in a manner !.pI1eicvia)te - his and' 'Funston's generous that will fully recognize his great and ;Praise of the navy and! congratulate meritorious Aguinaldo. services," in capturing "Washington, March 29. Another im porram f rn Mac- tXrt . a . a .uviTrarl air xnRriofi'UKu in we wwu i rrifMi tin ii i ndAuc 'ijj xji'v- Iwrioa if3Twttirtv (relating' to those yesterdlay's despattteih- of.the rebellion. $s near at inano. ia a'n.feBAu(ne' of at w-trnt raw-Buiwiwci .1 Accurately Fitted Wlii rV'aJreserye your .. Bight and 'Te ; Cleve your heiad- ': V aohe,;Sa2nl;: .. .- w , gNTlFICpPTrC In Generals in Malaeanan marks the. complete stamping' out of the insurrection in thfa island of Min danao, which" is next to Luzon, the .Jar .gest. isOand im the Philippine grauiP'. The dispatch is as liioiws: ' i iManifci, March' r-iBrigfedie'r-OeneTal William A. KobfoeV reports surrender SuimiuUao, (Mindanao, nine officers, 160 men, 187 rifles, U startguns, 'Capistra no's comrmand-. Tjjjg ads trouble ia Mindanao as far tas Filipinos concerned'-IBrig-Gen. (Robert Huges reports Alikpali and! Ruiz, 34 ignins, surrendered to .Oap-fcain David G. Shaoks, Eighteenth United States infantry (at Mamibuiao. 206 guns Fallon's command) surrendered -to Lieut -Col. Soit)t. Fortv-fourth U. S. volunteers. iMac ARTHUR . F END ISH DfcfcD OF A FATHER- Killed His Three Daughters ad Stab bed Himself to Death. Devil's Lake, $. L. iMa-rch 29. Bmll Segeriin, a farmer residing near here, killed1 his three children and stabbed :htSnnelf t!o death today. Segerlim wtent t his ibairn this morning Btecompanied' by his daughters Delia an'di Ldlly, aged sev en and five. As he did not fito home to dinner has eldest daughter, Esther, wa slant to call him. It is "thought before she reached) he barm (her (father, had. killed Delia and (Lilly and! Immediately Killed her. msther evadeiar-y made edcxuit resisitancie. She was horribly mu tilated!. 'All thiee were kiHedl with a knife Segeriin was confined in an insane asylum some years ago. but was dis charged as curled. -His wife is an. in valid.. MURDERER OF FOUR HANGED 'Hend'erson, Minn., Mlarch 29. Theo.' Wallert was hanged today for the mur der of Ma wife: and four stepiohlldren; oo 'the 21st of last August. The tragi ediy .was the result of flamily disagree menits. T0 SIGN Paris, March 29. The ooirrespon that Russia has 'given China until A SIGNIFICANT JAPANESE MILITARY PREPARATIONS Force in China and Corea to ba Chang ed and Strengthened. Tokio, March 29. The newspapers here say it is 'proposed) to relieve the Japanese troops in) the Chinese province of iPe iChi La iby a fOrcta fifty per cent stronger. Although 'May is the usual anonitih in which the reMef of the force at Seoul takes iplaoe, the relief of the troops there will 'take rvlacle; immediately. Thiree officers of the neadqu&rlters staff will aflso proceed to 'Corea. This move ment with the unusuall activity at the arsenals as taken to point to rthiet adop tion of a strong policy by Japan. MAG ARTHUR SENDS THE HEWS Washington, March 29. The follow ing oaiblesram was recived at the na vy department this morning from Ad miral Remey: ''MactArthur telegraphs: "Thanks to the splendid do--operation of the Vicks- i boirg, I ihiaye Aguinal'dO securely in my them heartily." rme itansas congressiiiu uemgajuu has decided to ask 'the president to ap point Punston brig'aidaer general in the !ing capture Of Aguinaldo. -This after- rvTHiTYt -fvr- t,h,is .mmriose. consKier tnax a langaxuer geirciu &ma a .remiard for General ,lamMiitn- o be- TV. If You '"vamt a Nice Cake for Easter beautifully decorated! you can set one at -Hes tori's or (plalnv L NERS WILL T STRIKE Dfidsion Reached Last Nierht at tne uonterence in Wilkesbarre. . 7$ 3 ors Promise Future fiecognition of tbe tn ion if Order is Maintained, GREAT REJOICING m COAL fiEGI 0NS laiEJ'CHlEILLi, WEDO FORJOEBD THtB DE- IOISSDON INIOT TO 'STHRIKIE, THiE, HE rm OF fPHE HOUR AMONG THE TMJINEIRiS. rWaikesibarre. March 29. (The TTnit- ea mine workers executive icarrLmtiittfcee oeciaea tonight, after am all day ses sfton.-not to call a strikla. This was set iotui m a lengidny report issued late J yomght.- This report showed that the unron was not isranteifl d,i tion tout that the operators offered to recognized it at some funther time, ipro- vjKuing xne union in aneuintimie demon oundiLe a'i3 euirrcy to control itne meo ami' iprevenit brakes andl disturbances flhat have Ibeen onstant occurrences smce the enddng- of the ibig strike ne otperatorc also repeated thir of fer to 'continue the presenjt scalle and meet commtitees of their own employees at eachi collaery and adjust with them any grievances thiey have This is (believed by the comimdttee to be the ibest offer the union can now cfbitain ar l they declare iit is to the ibest interest of the mdners to accept it. f This decdsioru was not Teaobed with put a fight. Several members Ifavored strike. Ibut IMi'tJchell assisted! Iby Pres- iwei xNicnous or tnas edistritct suc- poeeded in whippmg the delegates into line The decision, was (awaited by a crowd rtihiait (tJhirinigedl the stret in front of the irooans of tfhe Oentral liatbor .union where iflirriii t M 3 RUSSIAN TREATY dent of the Laffan .News bureau learn pril first to sign the IManchurian treaty. THE TURKISH SULTAN'S FEAR OF ANARCHISTS Cms88 Him to Take Extraordinary Precantions at His Palaee Constantinople, March 29. Owing to laipprehensions of attempts (by anarch ists, upon :tlhe life of the sultan, his 'majesty in'Uemds to completely exclude itcu'rists from the preciinicts of the Til diz kiosk.' 'As a step In this direction he has ordered !tje demolition of he pavilicni erected1 at thia grand gate of the palalce ground's for the atocomimo diation of tourists 'hitherto permitted to attend the selamtik. Arrests of Builgairians continue to be mlade in the districti of Mtonastir A smtall harald of Boilgtari'aji' revolutionaries is reported at Brod. The authorities have 'discovered that lalnms are (being sniugigfledl in spirit barrels. The garri sons at Kumianovta amdl Uskubi have ibeen further reimflorcJad. NEW MINISTER TO TURKEY. Constantinople, 'March 29. John G. Iei shmari, whia eucceeded the late Os car S. IStrauss as United States min ister to Turkey, had an official confer ence with the sultan today, when Deishman presented his credentials. AT ONE CDOLIiAR FOR1 TWO HOURS On Tuesday, Ap 11 2nd, between eleven atjd one oictock ornly the annual sale of all our $2.00 silkaline 5-focft screens at $1.00 each. 4t. 'J. H. IiAW, 35 Pattart Ave. Keeping1 out of defbt is a first clas: life policy. Blooirnlberg'e Selecto cigars, sonoke. a good TWO REAL BARGAINS In Handsome Residence Property: One within the city limits near car line, 5 acres ground. The other a lovely suburban home 6 miles out, 68 acres land. See us for particulars which we will cheerfully furnish. JILKIE ft LaB&RBE, Real Estate Agents, ; 23 Patten "Ave 'Phone 661 NO POSSIEILITIES OF WAR : FREELY TALKED !i! JAPAN Emperor and Senior Conference -Tension Severe. London, (March 29. A despatch from Yokohama reports there is great ten sion in official circles there. The for eign, office is open day and night. There are frequent conferences between the senior generals which are attended by fest satisfaction throughout the region. 1 the committee imtet, and iwhea 'the de cision was learned there were repeated chteers. 'Mitchell was almost mobbed i (by a crowd! of entthusiastio admirers who shook his hand! iwhenever he made an appearance. line decision is received! with mani fest satisfaction throughout the region. Pittsburg!, March 29. The coal min ers of the Pittsburg district in convten- tion her today .raitified the wage scale signed! last iweek by the scale commit tee. This action will ensure steady eim- pJoyimemt for ;,000 craea in this district the coming year. The convenitoni then went into execu tive session to 'oonsidieir the situation in the Irwi'ra dii strict and devise means to nduce 'the miners there to insist upon the adoption of the 'Pittsburg iScale. A GONSPIRACP IN COREA. St. "eterisburg, March 29. tfTews reached her today from Seul, Corea, that the Corean minister of justice ni officers connected with the interior, and General Tsdhusieimen have heen ban ished, owing to the discovery of a con spiracy to throw a bomb into the Rus sian embassy. Their cibject, it is" said, was to bring foreign troops to Oorea and establish, a new ministry. ; VOH yES-KB'3 MtSSIOH CTjondon, March 29 General Von Verdner, who left Berlin 'Fefbruary 2?, chareed iby Emperor William with . a nas returned and :made a full report to the kaiser of the result of the mis sion. In a dispatch from Berlin at the time of General Von Verdner's depart ure for the Russian capital, it was as serted that Emperor William, had in structed him to the effect that,, if in the course of his stay at St. Peters burg, his conversation with the Czar should turn that way, he might ex plain the actual state of Anglo-Ger man relations and the motives of Em peror William1 for his conduct during his recent visit to England. MANCHESTER'S BANKRUPTCY. XiondOn, March 29. The Duke of Manchester 'appeared in bankruptcy the case was again adjourned to May 20. 'It was represented that Zimmer man, the Iuke'3 father in-law, had j'ust arrived in England and was in vestigating the debtor's' affairs, and that therefore .t might itfe for the ben efit of creditors to adjourn the case until the lexaminatiom is completed. Miss Portia Knight's statement of her claim in the breach of promise ac tion brought ODi by her against the duke is approaching completion. It is un derstood' that heavy damages will be demanded'. The Duke of (Manchester has entered an appearance in the action, so he evi dently intends to fight it. CALEB POWERS TALKS. Frankfort, Ky., IMarch 29. Ex-Secretary of State Caleb Powers, after carefully reading the decision of the court of appeals' granting1 him and Howard new trials, dictated an inter view in which he said he believes he will be acquitted on the next trial. He suggests oo-opera'tlon between prosecu tion and defense in searching out the murderer of Goebel, and says while he does not think it ineumlbent on the republican party to discover and pun ish the murderer he thinks the party will suffer as long as the murderer is undiscovered . Jim Howard had little to say further than that he felt very much relieved, notwithstanding he had perfect con fidence that the decision would be for a new trial. Every woman is beautiful at some time of tier life," Victor Hugo. very woman Is more beautiful some lights and positions than others. We find the most be cominc llJbit and position when we make your portrait. We try to fni&the most tecotnirg expres sion thratural on ) but there Is here we are dependent upon yoarstxeVi.' We ave a pencil whirfr . 'a -work wonders in .3trfe:ing Irregular Heatures and roundTs thin bosoms. Our pictures for 1901 hall be better . an ever before. FtPfick Photograph r Tf we do not make vour por- iraltbe?i;; tif ul VkJV& 1 life." - 1 - ' . " " " ! Generals in Constant the Emperor, who is anxious to know the exact conditions of the military and navai services. Three eaff officers have been sent to Corea to investigate the sftuation there. The passibilities of war are freely discussed. ANOTHER FILIPINO GENERAL SURREIIDEBS G. ronimo Lays Dcwa His Arms at San Mateo. Manila, March 29. The rebel leader Geronimo, commanding the SMorong district, mentioned as the possible suc ' cesEior of Aguinaldo, surrendered un conditionally yesterday with six staff officers and forty-six riflemen, to Col. Thompson at San- Meteo. McLain, 111., March 29. In a collision between two-Chicagc-& Alton passenger trains Engineer Templeton of Bioom- ington was instantly killed. The pas sengers and other trainmen escaped with a severe shakine gines were partially demolished and travel was destroved sK-rnt thra hours. Astonishing 14-room liouse .with. 7. acre Sawn in Hendersonrville. Well suited tor (boarding hbusa, at a ereat-1argain. City and ieountry property, both improved and un improvedi. W iwfeinft a,. Bare house in the the city for-tedy who wishes to iOp- n a ,bOjndiiinig house ifior the summer., . $6000 to loan o improved real estate in AshevaJle. Apply to Clifford & Bavics, Room 37, Library Building ASHEVILLE, N. C. ' . Onions are particularly healthful, -i i and should be indulged in more fre- ) " quently than they are. HE arniva is he next attractiohi. To those interested not ini "Street Fairs," fakes and fakirs, but In an elab orate dispHaiy of ail that is new and tasteful in new fabrics and millinery. Plain printed words will not convey half the elegance or value represented'. S i 1 k " "M jiisl i 'STvif 30 incies wide, stripes, dots and hemstitch, in gray, lavender, cream, hlaickr blue and ed . Q a cloth for easter dresses 46C Mousselfne De SoTe, 45 inches wide, just the fabric for hat trirr -dug, black, white, blue, and pick. Usually sold at qQ 75c. For this sale yc Silk MulJ; 45 inches wide; black, white', lav ender, pink, blue and yellow 19o splendid! substitutes for chiffon New Miliinery. Irresistable Fancies For Spring. The millinery (room is a scene of striking beauty with a bewil dering: array of floral hues. The loveliness of fairyland presented for your inspection!. THE HATS ARB WELL! LET JUST THIS HINT SUFF1CCB. $10 Hats for S4 95. Famous From the Start. The first tot we ever sold at that price was a mascot; now our patrons are universal in saying1, "the greatest $4.95 (hat ever put on sale." Ribbons. A nrofusdon .o all that Is new and desirable; In, all the colors of the rainbow- A sample is 5-ta. wide, all silk, and heavy, finest lustre Taffeta; a fine 60. 25c ribbon -'..- .'. . . c 6iMcars.:.r s GRANT'S PHARMACY Qpioslt6 Postoffice. 61 Patton ave , , ' 26 So. (Main St , -Phone 183. , . ... ...