VOL. V. NO; 52 A8HEYILEE, N. O, TETJSDAY MOENING, APRIL 9, 1901. c PRICE 5 CENTS 1 $4:00 PRYEAR 3 - i. it f rd" 4. a. r- ii t; k. f- WC HAVE THE IMPROVED Method For Sponging Driss 6oods. A ttOCESS VUICH lEUES TU 600BS A MCMLOTl Flllll ' irm BEiis ikmes. - - ONLY A SMALL CHARGE FOB THC WORK. jjfc at our Dsbss Goons Dep't about it FOR THE GOHVEIIIEtlCE j OF OUR CUSTOMERS : We purchased this New, Steam Sponger that thos whb buy their Dress Goods I of us may have them prop erly sponged by leaving their order at our 1 DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Z Under 5 yds- 25c; 5 yds. ; and over 5c a yd. c e It is our airrrto handle the beSt of merchandise , keep pace with the times, and be up to the minute in everything. "Our prices are alwavs right, . & Co. 51 Patton Ave. Stands for Health- ;rcnath fuinesSf and Puiity- Don't Boa d Any Lwgcr Let Mrs. L. A. Johnson fur nish rooms for you, pay feer on instaUments and save attaej, 43 Patton Ave. . , II II I II I M I II I U 1 I WIIBT M I wa aM in MvntTol of four Stone Quar. ipa in dty and eulbaa. Aire prepared evm ,rmiwtMnsT buildiiss: ertone, tep BtoiieB, beartai tomes, coifctog, etc. t "-on IrTartiA of bulMiUi? VtObe. Al- eo tor eraOing ride or jaxti. irttikm and exxsavatlng work. BURGESS & MOORE, nu.iui VA. iS. P. O. Box 121. W P Western, Masseur Watson & Rmcul real estate office. Court Square; - Pinone 223. " WOOD'S 8EEDS. A full line "of fWWod''s Garden Seeds, Lawn arass, ; Sweet Peas and Nasturtium Seeds: fc bulk; GRANTS PHARMA CT t HEADACHE r Headache rouicterr- Tiered ,TJf Oestreioher Balling Powder eigiiiiippii Bf liKE TROOPS Disorder BeportiMi in Seveinl Court 8eriously Alarmed by Rebellion Led v by General Fun Sian. - Pefcin, April 8. Neiwis "Was received today that the Gernuans had advanced further wesit. They (met s:ime opposi tion irami "Chinese troops. Chinaim.n of all classes are extremely anxious concerning the outcome of the Manchu rian question. They are convinced that any 'treaty with China will -threaten tha integrity of China. Many are dis heartened and otpenly acknowledge that the partition of CShin'a is coming. Boxers have risen in the district of Shantung province. A magistrate "who iwas endeavoring to protect Christians was killed. Troops lhave 'been sent to restore order. ' 1 Pekin, April S. The rumors which have 'been c-uraemt during- the last few days of the outbreak of a rebellion (headed by Oen. Tung Fuh. Sian, the former commander of , thie northern army in. the provinces of .Mongolia, and Shen Si, have 'been absolutely au thentdcated. c Li Huns Chang and Prince Chi tig have received informaition on the sub ject which though indefinite still proves fchat the court is seriously alarmed. Gen. Fuh Sian was, (according Itw .last fuocounts. about 150 amies from Ith court with 11,000 Tegular troops at1 sup nosed to bla-devioted to hiimself . The court has about the same nu-mioer oi soldiers ait SJan Fu, but it is probable that the troops of Tung Fuh Sian are better drilled 'and better armed. It is believed hat (the Mongolia re - bellion was -brought about ithrougn agents cf Prince Tuan and ?5n. Tung ttsvv QioTi ,T,i Huns' tmng luunco REPORTED PLOT TO KILL LOUBET inrv Prftf.antions for His j m. j Coming Trip to ice. ' London, Aprffl 8. A despatch to the j Evening News, from Paris, says that the French dettfiiv;s have been priv ately informed of a projected attempt to assassinate President Loupet tmrdiis hi coming trip. Extraord-inary precd.u- tdons have been taken everywhere anu he usual police pro'tletotion has Deen doubled. Outsiders have been exciua- ed from the railroad stal'ions. xen oaid.iers have been detailed to maintain order during the French, pres ident's stay at Nice, -wtnere smm orders have tteen issued to rigorausiy suppress the siignxest . luvau. stration . . , , ' President Loubet ds inc ined to laugn at the detectives' fears ithat an attemipi will be made upon his life. DAMAGE III II W ENGLAND CAUSEDJJY BIG RAINS Six lives Lo.t Mills SHut uown iMuinj - a Boston, April 8. The southeastern storm accompanied heavy rain, Which !has swept New England the past iwfefek, imscost&ix lives, swollen all the rivers, jmrtiallT stxpped railroad traffic and ia many cases compelled -mills to shut down Four lives have heien 1st in ehipwrfecks. At. Franklin, N. H., a .man was swept into the river and drowned. 'At Haverhill the body of a woman was seen floating in the river and dt is reported that other bodi are lu-kno- in itlhe flood. A seri- j Uv ifuviirrpd at Hudson, , I ous rauivau wjwft - $?hout on txi3 I I MO GHB irt4L321,UIC UJ. ' ' Most of the main lines are running hut branch Sane are 'generally crippled. THE FEDERAL COURT K-,iKrtTvi Afrvrii S.dFeieral court "Vjr vijwwv vj r has been engaged ftoday itryin aoime .n1minnnfiani wTiickP'V . Case. GUS Srwa4m, charged with, ibtockading, -wa aoquitted. The case, anst Joni . Stewart 'Albion Iick and John Wbitt for trregularltiies was taken w ; this afternoon... Blombers's Selecto. Cigars, good etaoioike Judge Tbtt XSgajrs, BaoaiiJbferg's. 'Accurately - i'-- Fitted Glasses 7 , fc preserve tout - sight and., re- i Sieve your r head- bhe. 'il'amlaicai Free. District of China Imperial there are aJbouit 5,000 regular troops in Mongolia and. Inclines to the .belief that they have not joined in tfhia rebellion. 4 f FBARiFUL FPJTCTIOiN BETWEM NATION ALJTTES . Tendon, Acril 8. A Pekin despatch ivwresenta- the ministers 'as not wholly I favoring the military arrangements re- sopctins legation guards, tearing inv- tion between the various nationalities. They prefer ai encampment some miles off. -Tins, idea was promptec. oy the fact that several ministers nave been insulted iby foreign soldiers. -dv, mi onvi T.aitin Aimerican ana IWUUHl CUAiV British representatives, were recenuy returning (from dinner in Sedan chairs when German soldiers stopped them and .beat their ibearors. PUNISHMENTS DEM1ANDED. ,hanhai. April 8. The foreign anin- isters at Pekin held a meeting Saturday and handed the Chinese envoy 'a list of 25 officials whose punishment is de- imanded. Thiet .Ust includes the names of several magistrate's nd minor ofll- uio in mi5n TVTVivlncfi for whcon tne Vi'J 2 " ' death penality is demanded. For two provincial governors peirpetual ban ishment is demanded . The despatch containing this infor mation also states 'that only after these 25 are ipunishied 'will the ministers dis cuss the question of indemnities and the withdrawal of troops. The agree ment is signed by representatives of ten governments, including the United States. The Russian .minister did not RAILROADS Will IN FREIGHT TARIFF CASE Long and Short Haul Claims of Inter state Commerce Law. Washington, April 8. 'In the United States supreme court today an opinion was handed down by Justice White in various cases involving the long and short haul clause of .the dntietrstate com merce law. The principal opinion was rendered in the case of the Bast Tennessee & Georgia 'Railroad company and the charge was to the effect that a lower rate was charged on freight carried to Nashville than was charged on freight .to Chattanooga, the distance to the first point being greater than 'to the latter. . The decisions of the interstate com merce commission, the circuit court and the circuit court of appeals were ai11 an tagonistic to the railroad company though on Kfifferteint grounds. The opin ion handed down today reversed' all these decisions and was in favor of the rai'road company though without prej udice. The decisions in other sdmiuar cases wlere on the same lines. PASSENGER TRAIN DIlGHED AND PULLMANS BURNED -i Seven Hundred Mai Bags Destroy ea On Central Pacific Txr.,,. xt , tvj a i rrihp. iwest 3 haa ffh nniHifll Pacific was near here and! thtreej Firemen lioeder and ditched: oast nint mear jji piuHmans burned killed and EngiinieeTS Warner and MoBryde severely imjured. FTTii. ,t n nua 9w mr fTWll IIPQ DV XIWOI Cil- gines ufp & stiff grade -when the forward engine toppled over amtf She theren- gine, baggage ana mai'i cetra iwciw 1 laa utoip. The fjlassengers escaped! injury. Seven hundredf bags" of anaH were ourned. MAYORALTY I LECTIO II nn tlTCOT III mntVk COHTfcOl III lUrtRA rrbpelca, Kas.- ApU 8.-Abert Parser eiammlenoed an ucVtoti in the trtot court today by snandansus to oomtpei Col. J. .W, F. Hughes to tarn (ge of fice of Tniayor over to axkeiton jtauntf Jthat be iwias legally. fed On tte face . of the returns Col . Hughe 7Z . 1 .x rmta.- WnHMfete. received - m Vo tickets, ciemooratlo nE 4he 4UentfV, SEE-THE Easter Novelties rtEBmti; DISTRUST OF AGUINALDO inos in Manila Think He Ought to be Severely Punished. targe House In Fashionable Quarter Bt ing Prepared for His Occupancy. HiS NANIFEST0 NOT YET SI GNED THE CHARGE OF RENDERING AS SISTANCE TO INSURGENTS PROVED ' AGAINST THE BEL GIUM HEEOUTERMAN. (Manila April 8. General MaJcArthur says it is imwssi'ble to make ia state mtent concerning Aguinsaldo mow . it is possible that Agui-aldo Will soon ipe re- imvjvii fiwmi ,TVJtajiMirtfLTva.Tii2 (bajlaice! to ' A lairge house with pleasant grounds, No. 56 General Sola-no street a ifashdomoble ouairter of tta s city loesidie the Pasig Riv er, iwhich is heing len'ovated and pre Agudnaldo is purchiasing diannonds and other jewelry. He conltinues to see certain visitors, Put newspaper whcb pondents are excluded. If is said that the manifesto which Agmdnaldo foas been preparing has not 'been signed, acwt as aaaea' tnait a Uinaldlo is reluctant to toomply with the conition. i '. ,Tt mrrkTVPiUjrH ithwlfc itlhe mlaiority of the Filipinos da- 'Mandla ddstrust Aguinaldo nd dislike to see him accoraea special favors. They say he ought to be severely pundshed . Manila. Aardl 8. Oem. amdiico, a iformier mem'oer of Aguinaldo's cabinet has surrendered to the Amerroan '.14Vi vtav - inoe of New 'Bciia. He has a toad rec ord and my be tried. - - The t-ial of iM. Brix Heeltearoman, the Belgiiain, who was connected with the PhLldppine Trading company, land whose aorrest on Che chiarge of 'furndshlng supplies to the ansurgenrcs was au nouirced February lft, has ibeem com pleted'. The eviderce of Filipino colonel. Herrera, who recently suirrenaerea clinlcihed the rosdcution. The colonel testified that Heeltenman hiad furnished money and rice supplies to the insur. gents. WILL COMBINE WITH THE SOUTHERN Ex-President Thomas Admits That Negotiations Are in Progress. ohirtaw. AtvtI.i X. 'imat steps iww v-o. invUnKiiroHfwi rvf the Cincinnati. u.,(itvn innwi Tavthnn. the MononL the ilBimwu w- j r I r-iirvimmaiH oiithvrn and the Southern rail way are under consideration "was ad mitted iby (General isamuei Tnomas, ior mer rresident of 'the iMonon in an in terview today. "t tvhtnir !h pvmiVvi niflit iorii ."wilil be ef fected', ifor all the roads concerned are ,r o rTM!bl.A to it." said iGeneml fThomas. "The scheme is.tnot ttkj amialigamate the Trtaris bnit. nnereiv to ibnine' about a cen tralization of power in the management of the afmirs of the various roaos. RELIFF IN iUPAN i YOKonamia, tAjprii 5. imw nc-wo Russi(a.a decision not to press tine m. dhurian agreemleinit is received with a feelin ictf relief . In anticipation of rtminliicatlons that mdsht ensue had Ruesia reatahed! anottoer conclusion, the TCrrr)ifmtt hlad .resolved to oostpone trrvanif nmderitajtoines. Li ix-i iv". mi(vi. 'M.v involving large expenditures, FAILURE OF D G FRISBEE &0, 'Marshall. N. C. 'April 8. Through their atitomeys, iPTltehard, Adams an t Rollins a ipetaitkm- In bankruptcy has ibeen flld :by D. G. Frisbetet & Cb., rf ODynch, N. C. The liabilities Jare 000; the assets about mow.- u. . prfsbee & Co. are ooe of bJe largest mercantile firttis to "the county, 'linear failure Is a great surprise. BOARDING HOUSE the We basve a reHaftie ; W3p3ttoant a Bnirvivt mjdltte hOUSe iiiehedJ house iireC-red. ' tt-t. H:ninTn.e' tA receive tn- oulries fol" furhOshed ootages for the summer. WILKIE & LaB&RBE Rebl Estate Agents. 23 ;Patton Averl.;,v Phone 61. (Kemlbers iNatteoal- iEtefilty "r'and 4 VERKiQF OF M M Minister Wu CaUs on State Department in Anxiety to Know the Facts Heporte in Government's Hands Contradictory, Washington, April 8. The Chinese minister was an early caller at the state department today to seek Infor mation as to the report that there had been an interruption of ddplomaitie in tercourse .between Russia and China. Mr. Wu had not been advised of amy such developmlent, and the dnf ormation before the tstaite department was so contradicted that it did not - permit any- clear explanation of the rteal irtate of laffadrs. Doubt arises from the fact that Rjoctohill's latest dispatch does not intention any such ddsagreemient, and the official's feel bound to accept' this as Tret)ty strong evidence that prior rnlHfrWWS RAILWAY MEN'S STRIKES Rumors of Dissensions in the Eanks of the Employees. iNew York, April 8. Indications to day were tT at ithe representatives of the employees of the Central' railiroad of Ne w Jersey had not made out a vtery giood case regarding the grievances of the men. "Chief -Clarke of the conduc tors said the employees were voting whether to strike or not but he would not venture a prediction as to whether a strike wouM actually occur. Rumors are flying thick today re-B-ardine dissensions in the ranks of the .men. It was said that five chiefs when thev came here and found the griev much exaggerated that they were placed in a false position and th!s was one reason 'they left the city. Superintendent Othausen of the Cen tral and Superintendent Wentz cf the First division had conferences aM day with reference to .preparing for a pos sible strike. BASEBALL AT R'CHMOND. Richmond, April 8. The (baseball game here today resulted: University of Pennsylvania, 8, 10, 1; Richtmond col I , a 9 ,c jTnnt and Deary; Ker- regc, v, foot and White were .the battel is. CATAWBA DEFEATS D. & D. Special to the Gazette. ! Marnton. April 8. The Catawba college team' of iNewton defeated the D. & D. school bays here toaiiuraay tfemoon in a one-sided game oi iScore Catawba colleg'e, 17; D. & D. school, 3. m fov,frVAimt and Rome, Ramsey LLXCUUfl J -fcw-- and Crutchfield. - ATTEMPTED CHfcSE INVASION. IMalose; N. T., April 8-wtoty nine Chinamen were arrested on the Cana dianlSa north of Malne today tryirg their way to the United States. FIRE IN HICKORY. Hickory Inn, Owned by Frank Lough ran of This City, in Flames Yes terday Afternoon. NeVs was received here yesterday afternoon that Hickory Inn, the fine hostelry at Hickory owned by Frank Loughran, of this o2ty, was in flamtes. It -was learned! later- treat wwr been extinguished and the main part of the building saved . The fire setetmed tw have started in the kjitehen, which is in- the rear, about 'noon. All the tumixuae wo from the building, as, tnere .mians of fighting fire and no iTtyoav. it was not thought .that. v..;itnff ihe saved. A bucket I'll; lu-uiivwuie, - Tanked! dSteenOy, however, and a linef ihose 'was finally, laid from the adjacent anills. . Mr. Loughmn fwiB UJWU t"ia mornin und out the extent ttf the damage. He thinks, from what he has ibeen a.ble to learn, rthat the main, part -r-'- . 4 7w rv woman 7 btautifal at some tlmcof ntr lite." : , VtctorHigo. 0 Bvierywonla r rl uht0 ,.A moeitions than :- .oSw 1port41We try tfindl taie inostrieconrTn ex- oressloaS(the natiuwl onej u there tebere -we ere ifPf -your teli.. We (hve 'SfciiTWihlclhi vwiiH -work wonders ' to srraigittt ' Irregular fea tures and ffoundiine thin1 bosoms jo.,- trprps for 1903L shall he bet ter than ever toefoHe. ! Photognphtr - sJDrUCA, ptton Aye, J ? J ' 1 : : : If (we "do not 'anake your ipor- J if V tle- 2 10 trait beautiful it will be because aidi I -It swias taken ;at Jthemog:1ltme:r RELATIONS RUSSIA intimations of discord have not taken actual form. Yet .the despatch received from Squires, American charge d'affaires, in the absence of Conger, appears to have been quite explicit that ithe diffi culty had already made itself manifest. 7 The state department maintains an attitude of doubt and expectancy, and is not yet preparted to admit that hers ha been an interruption of intercourse between the two countries. The latest advices from Pekin, however, reporting that an interrup'tion ha actually oc curred, seems to be directly in line with the threat previously conveyed by Russia. v.a KniiiMnfr 1s itMle damaeea, ana that 'the total oss, including datnage to the furniture, can hardly exceed $7,000 or $8,000 . The building is valued at $35,000 and had $16,000 insurance. Gold Values We have for sale a valuable gold mining property fifty miles from Asheville. ALSO 200,000 acres in iwesternl counties, 'comprising ranch, agricultural, mineral land timber lands. Prices are reasonable and the attention of capitalists is called to these properties. Clifford & Davies, iRieal Estate Bealers, Room 37, Library Building, .Asbeviile, N. C. The following marriagee licenses have 'been issued: , 'Robert Smith and Fannie LVLauns. rr. r. Atchley and Bess:ie Crowell. . J. IM. 'Barrett and Uolie Clark. Jasper Sims and Daidia B'urns, col- Thomias Oollett and Katie Morris, colored . George Hertfield and Jessie Robin son, colored. DESlis Penley and Ha'ttie Presly. Virgil Webb and Leonora Anderson. James Presley a.ndi Ijou Miller. Wm. McCoy andTevier .Priica, col ored. 1 Try a Gazette Want. Your Dress will look neater, set and wear better WILL NOT SPOT NOR SHRINK if the goods are SPONGSD by the SPOTLUSS STEAM SPONGER. a process that leaves the goods beautiful after j being sponged. 1 Bay your DRESS GOOD8 of as and have those K-v FREE OF COST UNTIL HAY 1ST ur policy is to give the best of verythl-nig for .the feast money possible You twill find us not exacting in small matters, but liberal in all dealings. It Is mow, demonstrated that SPONGENG is a necessitir, and a otwwenlence to have It done where the dress Is (bouaht. Recognlzin that fact we bave - added Special Machinery for Per- feA Sponging - t?e are . headquarter ' for jWelor Made Siritlfligs 1 all .the latest weaves in Dregs1 Gooda.y III FACT WE ABE UP-TO- DATE IH EVERYTHING. 1S3 jgOOTEE WCAIN STEUStTP. 4 AND m"8 5- 1 . ' .ft- - Bald!w4tfe Headacthe Cure.r S5o- GRANT'S PHARMACY. J'CPsitestofncer 61 Paitonjive' s. or- J. Sir 2.Jf

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