1 v- " . f f M 1 VOL. V. NO. 56 ASlUSViliLE, N.'O, 8ATDED4.T MOKNING, APEIL 13, 190L Oestreioher & Co., COCO REMARKABLE OFFER INGS For This Week. 1-3 on ! i-3 of n On Aft . fsi p fii fii O- O- O- d- o ru n m ro ft) w n i) ( cJ c2 c) ST ft) CJH C3 : C5 Z EL- I o 5 O" 2- 1 1 ft x co 4 Da o CO on CD CO 0i 00 Only Tils AT xxx Week Oestreioher 51 Patton Avenue. TWO'S COMPANY, THREE'S A CROWD.. But six congenial persons make a jolly picnic party The newest creation in vehicles for such parties is the "CUYBROOK" anew six passenger Surrey, man ufactured especially for our trade by THE COLUMBUS BUGGY CO We have it, and it is the best- ASHItVLE HARDWARE COMPANY. Don't Board Any Longer Let Mrs. Li. A. Johnson fur nish rooms for you pay her on Infaliimmxtff and. save mousey. 43 Patton Ave. ROCK! ROCK!! ROOK'!! We are in control of 'ftraa? sftooie Quar ries in city and s-burhs. Ar prepared. for furnishing fouiidfoig stone step stones, beartta, tifcones. Curbing, etc. Also for grading side or yard walks and excav ting. DUKOES9 & MOOKB Ashjevllle, N. C, Phone 25, (Box 222. WOOD'S SEEDS. A full line of Wtoodfa Garden Seeds, Lawn Grass, Sweet - Peas. and1 Nasturtlnm Seeds tibulk.. GRANTS PHARMACY. HEADACHE. Sick, Nervous." and :NeuraJlov Headache quickly reMeved by Baldiwitni's Headladhe Cure". 2So. ,- ' GRANT'S PHARMACY, A QUESTION OF NEUTRALITY the Neworieans Case. Matter Considered at the Cab inet Meeting and a Brief Dravn up SHIPMENT OF MULES NOT A VIOLATION THE QEJSmitOlN OP iSEOSTlMNiG A COM CVELSSdON TO WA'SHlEMlGTOlN NiOfT iSUiBMOTTlElD ,TO" A ViOTB WAS 5Ll iwasnangToa, 12. TUie govern ment is taking active interest in the proceeding instituted at New Orleans To enjoin a further shipment of mules and 'horses to South Africa for the use of the IBrit'ish. " Under section six of the Geneva convention a neutral matin is prohibited from ipermitting beli-ggerents to renew or augment military supplies. This point as regarded as covering the New Orleans case. While the govern. ment is not determined what action it wnn lane I'll nit; evcux uu. .xw? eiccu'uvc 'oeing orougnt into tne proceedungs, a brief Ms ibeeh prepared in whidh form er uecisions are citeu iwnereuni it was held that only naval expeditions and filibusteiriin:g expeditions may foe xire vented (from leading :ports of the Uni ted States and fhat shipments of m.uni tiaa s of war are not (prohibited. It is llneUd1 in the brief that ithe shipment of imTules and other 'suppMes from New Orleans is 110 illegal. In some offi cial quarters it da contended' that the New XMeams "court has .no jurisdiction, as a violation of neutrality lis a matter for diplomatic adijiustmeet. lAs near as can be learned, members of the caJbinet iwdth legal training are or opinion tnat 'tnese proceeoicigs are contrary to the; rights' of the govern ment. The 'vierw expressed Is that when, neutrality pTO'ceedines are inau gurated in itfte Undted States .courts. they should be brought in the name of thevUtiited Stales, an alleged violation oif neniitrality being a question affecting matic-ns, m,ot indlyiduals. The mover jI the proceedings in the New Orleans case is a man 'olaiminir to be a resi dent of South 'Africa, rwuio contends that his interests are placed in jeop ardy. It is pointed out that if ao. indi vidual c.uld go into the courts and se cure restraining orders on the ground that the neutrality laws of the coun try were bei&g violated, the commerce of the country might ibe seriously en dangered . These views of the New Orleans pro ceedings are elicited during a brief sug gestion with reference to the state ment that the British government bad decided to use no more American meat in its' army. No official confirmation exists concerninig tris report . .Attorney General Knox will make a thorough Investigation of the New Or leans case. If it is ftnind the neatrallrty laws are suicih as to permit individuals to bring proceedings ini courts, congress may (be asked to pass such amendments as will leave these questions wholly in the 'hands of the government. The president submitted to the cabi net a very grattifyjntg cahle from Sec retary Hupt,.'of PortoCRico, expressing the satisfaction twlth wttiich the . news of Governor Allen's continuance at the head of itbe insular governmtot toad ibeen received there. The cajbte also denied tion, distspntent and destitution In the island. HAVE IIEUTBALI1Y LAWS BEEN VIOLATED? Cabinet Orders Investigation of the New Orleans Case. Washington, April 12. -The legal complicationai at Ntew Orleans prevent- mg shll!pmen.ts of rattles purchased in this country to South. Africa wlos the most imporltariit matter discussed by the caJbinet today and tthe (attorney general was dSreoted to artake an inves tigation of the question. If It is foundi that (flhe neutrality lawis are such as to. permit incDividuald to 'bring proceedings In -Ithe jouxitjs,x con gress may he asked to pass7 such amendments as will leave these ques tions -wholly in the hands of the igov errvrnent . ' . '. r. - ,..'.u ; ; "Your Jookg' . :a?.. -weu 'i your proved, with' penece nt tlag gl&8es. ,Yougt UOtlx- wnen we -nt : eu. . fixam- nation free "atton Ave. ,iOppi8iieP.O. W. P : Western, IWlwtson Reagani,' real - estate . office, Court Square. Fhone 223. Belienng JERSEY CENTRAL MAKES All UHSATISFYI1IG OFFER $30,000 a Year Added 10 Wages Ntt Cociiidered Sufficient. New Yiark, April 12. The conlerence (between, the officials "of the Jersey Central and. the committee of employes was resumed today. The! company of fered some concessions tout rxot enough to satisfy the reapreEentatives iof 'thle employes. It was repotited tlhatti the company had offered to add $30,000 a year to th& wlagie ctf engineer and fire men. This, however, was .figured out to to 'be an advance of only about $2.70 a month apiece. One of the results cf the oonferdneer so far, It was said, wias an agreemnt at the part of the officials to 'give a heaih ing to the telegtaphers and! thainimeO as soon as the engineers and flreimenB difficoilties are settled'. The, conference will 'be continued tcmorirow. - GANNON, THE MORMON APOSTLE, DEAD Death Cms Unexpectedly Yesterday in California Montery, Cali., April 12. -George (.. Cannon, the Morman apostle, is dead. The end came learly this morning. Ihe patient oreaithed his last without a struggle. He slept considerably yes terday and the forepart of last night. A bulletin -was issued about midnight, stating that he rested easy and the change for the worse came apparently without forewarning. The body was shipped to Salt Lake City, where the interment will take place. Deceased was a'bout 75 years Id. PROPRIETOR OF A ZOO ATTACKED BY A TIGER Terribly Inj ared Beast Being Trained for Buffalo Exposition. Indianapolis; April 12. Frank C, CBostick, proprietor of .(the zoo in this city, was attacked by the tiger Rajah this morning aand dangerously injured. The anraiais nave loeen undergoing a course of training for the Buffalo expo sition and Mr. Bostick came hene from Baltimore to direct the work. Thi morning (Mr. Bostick took the beast into ithe arena and put him -through some of his old tricks. The animal was cowed into submission while in the arena -and was finally released and started toward his cage, the route being a. winding passageway that extended from the arena hack around to the rear of all the cages. While Bostick and the tiger were in this narrow passageway the animal suddenly jumped for Bostick and sunk his fangs into the trainer's left arm. The force of the blow threw Bostick against the side of the passage and forced him to the floor. Then the tiger sunk his teeth into the flesh, tearing Bostick's face in a terrible manner. He .was unable to use his revolver and shouted for help. Capt. Bona vita1, (another trainer, rushed to Bostick's assistance, fired a outlet at the tiger and drove him into bis cage. . I Bostick was carried Into his private room and surgeons were called. The surgeons eay that Bostick may lose his left arm. HJs right foot and, !eg are also badly injured. VARDOS DEFEATS BAID OH THE LINKS AT FLTHAW London, April 12. 'Harry Vardon met Jaanes Braid' today oa the links at Efltham in a 36 hole match. Both played (brilliant "golf and a. splendid contest was the result. At the end of the first round Vardon had a one hole lead, -the scores ibeing 75 and T7. Var don won the match, two up and one ti play. MCETING OF SHAREHOLDERS. - (London. April 11. The atottiual meet inc of the sharehoMers of the Cunara line steamship (company was fmariceo. bv an unusual incident. A shareholder demandedl thai a committee of inde pendent shareholdiers be appointed to inquire -into the policy and position of the icxrawjiaiiar, declaring that tne proms were made 'solely iifrom1 tranapodt work and that another waT:talad imore .hurtch- erlne wouM be reoaired.to assure fur ther dtvidehds. iThe. vnbtton rwas, not adODlted. ftbt the deport jrecon five er cent dividend wa& a three, per cent aoowusi was sojtJ. ., ji Huylefs Licorice Tablets. -Made ' of pure Spanish. ' ; vUcorice, . For Coughs and Colds: HESTOIS Til E TRIAL OF CAPT. RIPLEY Producing "Evidence"- Simi lar to the other Goebel Killing Cases. Alleged Bough Talk During the Exciting times at Frankfort THE PROSECUTION CLOSES I FS CASE EVEIRY WITNESS INDUCED TO EHRAG IN TAYIXXR'S NAMBDB- FEN'S E .ATTEMPTS NO CROSS EXAMINATION Frankfort, Ky., April 12. The hulk of tthe 'testimony for the prosecution iu the case of 'Capt. Garnett D. Ripley has (been heard, and the prosecution 'will rest either this afternoon or early it morrow. 'Senator 'Newton Frazier, of Shelby county, 'testified first today. His tes- 'Liiuvuy rexatea to the big mountain mass meeting January 25, at which time he heard threat against all of the democra'tdc members of the legislature The .defense is reserving exceptions to all testimony of this character and passes witnesses who testify only to those matters without cross-examiina-tion. Ed. Stellete retold of seeing Goebel fall and seeing a gun which was point ing jfrom the secretary (of state's office drawn back as the window was low ered. Silas Jonles, of Whitley county, who eame with the mountain men, January 25, said he stayed in the governor's of -fice much, oif -the time whiles hene. Be j.rrjpeAlitis sitamenft, anadie in former i trials, that Governor Taylor told him h'e had as well :be at home, as he (the witness), had not brought hi gum: with him. Adjutant 'General "Murray identified some letters f ound in this office after Gen. Collier retired. One from Caleb Powers, addressed to General Collier, January 22, asked for official orders, calling out Ithe London and Barbours ville troops, as the officers of those companies had refused to go to Frank fort except under regular orders. The letter closed with the expression: "We have .undertaken a grave matter and must havie these men at Frankfort. " This evidence also .went in over the objections of the defense, and without cross-examination ion 'that side. Graham Vneeland, a newspaper cor respondent, testified to disorderly con duct on the part of the mountain men January 25. He heard J. B. Mathews, then assistant secretary of statie, call out to a crowd, nearly all ol whom were drunk: "Goys, come on, lets go over there and get that d d' Goebel.' Capt. Halm, of onte of the Barb ours - vtlle companies, testified' that Caleb Powers wanted him 'to brinj his com- pany to Frankfort, January 25, and tcld ham that after they got to Frankfort, Governor Taylor would issue an crder calling them out. Hie declined unless Taylor would send telegraphic ciders in advance. Powers said he did not want to use the wires as he could not afford to have anything, reviealed. Capt. Watkins, of Williamsburg, said. Powers told him the presence of a bfg crowd of mountain men would he takeu by Governor Taylor as a pretext, for calling out tine troops, and wanted him also to take his company to Frankfort without orders, hut .with the assurance they would he put into service as soon as they arrived' here. Watkins declined (to do th&s. 1 i GRAND SPRING CLEARING SAL.,. BEGINS NEXT MONDAY, AJfKJ. u 15th, ANID COW,TINUEB 10 vah. THERE! iWILQLi BB MORE RI&AJj BARGAINS THAN IN ANY PDROavi QUS SALES. J. H. LAW, 35 IPATTTUJN AYECNIUIB. Gazette want ads. reach the people. BELQfl U4LUE1 A buildinsr lot on Merrimon ave. (near North Main street) is J offered for 15 days f at S650, size 75x130. 1 Other lots adjoining, out mucn smaller are held at $750; and owner considei s them cheap . . . f VVi kie & LaBarbe, Real Estate 'Agents. , 23 Patton Ave. , Phone 651. REMARKABLE STORY OF GEll. FUIIST01I Lie Saved Him from Arreft and Death rata Rebel in Havana. San Francisco, April 12. General Fltz Hugh Lee related a story today of "General Funston whiclhi has never been Tinted. He says tlbat while he was consul general at Havana a hungry- looking chap appeared at his office, whtese aetJottS" conveyed "the idea that he feared tbeihg arrst'd'at'ahy moment. When he found he. was in our territory, however, he .braced', up. and said his name was Funslton., .That. Jxe had been fighting a year and a- half, with insur gents and tha.tne--had. - ibeen shot through the lungs. He als: s?id h's hip yas Ibroken by a horse being shot under him. Lee said Funston's capture meant his ibeing placed against Morro Castle wall and summafrilyi shot to death. He therefore (procured' Funston a ticket to New York and fitted him out with clothes. PROPOSAL TO TAX CHINA 200,000,000 Doubtful if the Ministers will Consider This Sufficient. Paris; April 12. A Ptekin despatch aays that the American gavernmeTut has handed, through its representative,, Rockhill, a proposal to the various min- is:ers that 'the powers come to an un derstanding regarding the Chinese in demnities. The American proposal is that China shall pay a lump Indemnity of $40, 0,000 pounds sterling to the powers 'which shall be divided among the various governments in proportion to their losses and exrenses. The urencn minister regaros 'tne sum as inadequate, especially as America claims 5,000,000 pounds and England 4,s 000,000 pounds. It is helieved in Paris that the ministers will reject the Amer ican proposal. DETECTIVES IHBHTTLE WITH BAND OF BMURS One Officer Killed and Two Wounded in Pittsburg- Pittsburg, April 12. As soon as thei murder of Kahney, a groceryman, was reported to the police department this morning, iSuperintend'ent O'Mara put the entire force of detectives to work on the case. This afternoon several of the officers came upon three burglars on Fulton street who immediately opened fiie. The officers promptly re turned the fire and n the fusilade that followed1 "PadSy" Fitzgerald, one of Pittsburg's eldest snd (best knor.-i de tectives was alnv-st instantly killed otd two other ofr'cefS are report ed woan-1-ed. Before Fit: gc raid fell he wounded his murderer and the other officers suc ceeded in arresting the trio and Iodising them in jail. GEN. SAIIDICO TO SUCCEED AGUINALDO Paris, Aprii 12. Agoncillo, the agent Of Aguinaldo in Paris, reeefved a ca blegram this morning, announcing- that the Filipino general, Samdico, has teen elected to succeed Aguinaldo as com mander general of the Filipino forces as weel as dictator during the contin uance of the Insurrrection. jSandico .belongs to a di'Etingu'slied family residing alt .Pandakan, near Ma nila. He is a man of energy, and is iwell educated, speaking several Euro pean languages. As announced' Iby the Assc'ated Press Monday, April 8, in a dispatch from (Manila, Gem. Sandico surrendered to the American authorities at Oa'ban- atuan, in the province of New yblja, island of Luzon. It was added that Sandico has a toad record and may be tried. Smoke Judge Taft Cigars, Blomlberg's. Blomberg'8 Selecto Smoke. Cg rs, a good "Every woman is beautiful at some Urns ot berlitc." "Victor Hugo. Every woman Is mare beautiful tn some irsnts iuod positions than others. We fLnd the -jostbecam- 4,ng Might and position wnen we we make your portradt. We try " to" find: the most becoming ex- J pression (the natural one) hui; iQai rta'txrhATM -we are- dependent 9- x1t-. have al pencil whichi wiH work wonders .J In a adghi. ut g, irregular fea lures sund .Bounding thin bosoms. a Our pictures for 1901 shall 4e bet . ter than ever before. rArU Photographer I Oi CICA, patton avc If f.e do not onake your pori trait hea'uSStuai.'it iwlll be because it was taken- at Ithe wrong time -v REJECTS PLATT AMENDMENT Cuban Convention Finally Casts a Vote of Opposi tion to its Terms. Animosity of Some of the Delegates to Gov. Wood In spired Their ote THE CONVENTION WAG DISSOLVED QUESTION REGARDED IiN SOME QUARTERS AS NOT ONE FOR THE COURTS BUT FOR THE DIP LOMATIC ADJUSTMENT. (Havana, April 12. At a private ses sion tonight the constitutional conven tion, iby a vote of 18 to 10, adoped a motion expressing as its opinion that the convention is opposed to the Piatt . amendment on account of the terms in which, some of its clauses are drawn, and on account of the contents of others, such as the third, sixth and seventh. After the adoption of the motion it was proposed to dissolve the conven tion. The question of sending a com mission! to Washington was not voted on. The convention's action in regard to the amendment is largely attributed to animosity of some delegates against General Wood, they being desirous of showing him he was wrong in predict ing the adoption of the amendment. Desirable City and Suburban Investments We offer for ten days the fol lowing gilt edged property: atoout of an acre on Plat ton Avenue, in lots or (as a (Whole. A L ( sy Cottage of four rooms with acre of land, On Lookout Mountain Street Railway A Bargain. jl wo fine lots on 'Central Ave, nue; three on K3hajrlotte street, and nine on Clayton street. Apply early to Clifford & Pavlce, REIAJL, ESTATE BROKERS, Rooom 37 Library Building. No one hates other cranks more than i ciwuk. PERCALES AND LAWN WRAPPERS In Elegant New Designs and Colorirgs. Trimmed with fancy braids; ruffled shoulders; new sleeve and wide flounce. The skirt is wide and as well cut as a fine dress skirt Colors Guaranteed Past j ; - Satsifaction Assured. Exactly Like Picture, .00. G. A Mears, 33 South Main Street; i i ' ) i' ji,- t -J Or-. - 1 - . -r. f- -r..

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