. m, , ,,. , ,, ! 'M , ju.miiii i i " - " ' . ... ' i , .- 5- sc. 164 miles east orChattanoogamH Railway, in tiie loveliest valley of theaEast Tennessee mountains. Twoio tels, 25 cottages 46 acres lawn,- walks and shade trees. Electric lights. Complete system water works with modern bath. .Splendidrdrchestra, spar cious ball room, telegrapii and long dif anqe tekpiione; in fact, all the amnse. ments and comforts, Be.t German and American, cooksj Write for 40 page book FREE r ' PriCS Of KTSitfir SlllDtlSd. TOe water is shipped all seasons of the year , " "" X"m in poplar barrel Oat f5 each. Half-barrel $3.50. Cases, one dozen half-gallon bottles, $5. 5 gallon Rockerjohn, $2.75. 10 gallon Rockerjohn, $3.75. 5 gallon crated Demijohn, $2.25. 14 gallon glass Carboy y $3.75. Special rate to dealers in car-load lots upon application. Terms cash. Remit by P. 0, Order on Tate Spring, New York exchange or registered letter to Tate Spring, Tenn, Shipping daily tit the rate of over 4,000 packages per annum. Special freight, rate to all points can be secured.. Tate water is sold by the most reliable druggists in kit- principal cities and towns. Lastyear shipments increased over 100 per ce tit. of any previous year Analysis made by Dr. T. S. Antesell,v M. D., Professor of Chemistry in National'MedicM College, and Chemist to the U. 8. Department of Agriculture, and can be found in the page pamphlet. TATE'S A JHEJL Mountain Spring li Miles From Tate SiDrinfiS. Fine Ldtbia- -nil Chalybeate Sp1nga. flawtttg1 from side and base of Clinch Mountain. Beautiful scenery among the Hills. Ilotel, Cottages and Ground? Greatly Improved and now opeta to Tki itor at tiese low rates. ?. 00 ana ;t.E6 per aj; $7.00 to $8.00 per week; $25.00 to $30 per month. Hack line from Tate at moderate prices. rlvileg of rate to uets and Tate Water kept j draught for troee deilrtng it. For fur ther Information, addrtea THOS. TOMLINSON, Owner, Tate Springs, Tern. R. L. Taylor, ey-Governoir c Ttonec eee, Nonrllle: "I regard Taie'Bprtng v the heat on the continent." The A. Mellon, of Mellon Bros.. bankers, Pittsburg, Pa : "I believe Uere is no waiter ia'thi country eiual to Tate'e for the cure of neuralgia, as well a1 dyppia and liver trouble. J. W. Thomas, President anl General Manage of Chattanooga & St. leuls Railway: "I take pleasure tu reccomime ding it to any one who wiahea to enjoy ccatin uous health." Thm following Hat la taken from S900 om file in the proprietor' offlc. Tkey cmki from every point of the compaaa and rep resent persons i every walk f life: genator E. W. Pettus, of Alaba-J. "I have found Tate Spring water a genuine apecifle for the exue et malarial treubies.' R A. Hemphill, A.tlaufta Obisoiltutlca. Atlanta, Ga.: "I greatly appreciate Tate Waiter and highly recommeno It." G .ELAT WAGON MANUFACTURER . J. M. Studebaker, South Beud, In-..: "I oelieve tbere no spring la Amer ica that contains the healing qualities that Tate Spring oes.' TBI GRiiAT TOBACXX UANUFAC- TURBR. J. S. Cart, Durhasa, N. C: "I think it the fimest water U j found anywhere." PRESIDENT OF LARGEST SNUFF CO. IN THE WO. LiD. Geo. B. Wilson, 924 Arch St, Pkiladel ihlv Pa.: 'In 1894 I suffered very acutely from Indigestion, wllcih lasted until 1895. in the fall of that year a friend seat me a caie of Tate Spring water. Before re ceiving this water I was visiting a doc tor three times a week, taking all kinds of medicine tmd after using tho water for a week I have never since tlat time been to see a doctor in regard to my ln tion I have ever known. I save re commended this wAter to a number of f. lends who have used It, jid have nevr known it to fail in beaeflcai re dlgesdon, and have never taken a mj of medicine for indigestion sinue. I believe this Arater saved my life, and consider it the finest water for indlses aults." IT SAVES LIPl. E. Li. Greer, Waohlngton, Pa,: "It aved my lite berena a doubt.' BBCSnrED SUBSTANTIAXi B3NB FIT. A. D. Carr, dnclnaatl, O.: "Wa have received subatantiijal benefit from Tats Spring water." ' GREAT BENEFIT TO A GRSAT BUS INESS MAN. James Swann (of Vaman, Swaaa Jk Oa) N. Y.: "I hara found Tats water of great benefit." FROM THE COURTS Olr JUSTICE. Judge Hecrp- R. Bryua, Nsweene, N. C: "It does me more good than any water I have ever used' CURBS CHILLS. J. M. Elliott, jr., of Kyle Lumber Co., Gadsden, Ala.: "It cured me e dyspepsia, chills and malaria." EFFICIENT TONIC. T. M. Miller, Vic k burg, Miss.: "The most efficient and agreeable tool of which T have any knowledge." ONLY RELIEF FOR CHRONIC MA LARIA. G. D. M. Cantrell, M. D., Little Rock, Ark.; "It was the only agent i found that gave relief of chronic maLaHa." INFALLIBLE CURB FOR DYSPEP SIA. Davidl Kirk, president of McCalmont Oil company, Pittsburg, Pa.: "T be lieve Tate Sprlog water is an infallible cure for dyspepsia. " tut. MAY USE HIS NAME. W. 3. Pope, Columbia. S. C: "Con tinue the use of my name, and I will cheerfully distribute as many of your catalogues as you wish to send." THE WATER Cures Indigestion, Dys pepsia and ail troubles of Liver 'Stomach, Bladder Bowels, Kidneys, Rhea mutism and Blood Dis eases. SHIPPED ANYWHERE ANYTIME Asheville The Paragon, J. E. Wiagood, C. A. Raysor, W, 0. Carmir.hael, Dr. T. C. Smith, Pelham's, Pharmacy, Theobold'5 Candy Kitchen, Pat Mclntrye, B. C Mclntrye, Bonanza Wine and Liquor Co., Hampton & Feathersion Biltmore Dr. G. W. Reed. Hendersonviile W. E Justus. Brevard J. E. Clayton. Franklin Franklin Pharmacy. 8ryson Cit J1 E. Smith Co, A B Allison & Co, Waynesville Mcintosh Co., Waynesville DrugsCo. Hot Springs- -M - McFall Capacity of Hocel 500. 40 Page Book Free. All th comforts and amusements. THOMAS TOMLINSON, Prop., Tate Springs, Tenn. News and Opinions OF National Importance THE STJISi ALONE CONTAINS BOTH Dailv, by mail, $6"ayea Daily and Sunday by mail, $8 a yea- The Sunday Sun I the reatest undey N-wspajper in the World. 5 cents a copy. By mail $2.00 a year. Address THB SUN,; NSfW Tor. THE PEOPLE'S national Family Newspaper. NEW YORK TRIWEEKLY TRIBUHE Published Monday end Wednesday and Friday, Is in reality a fine, fresh-every-other-dfly tlaily, giving tlhe latest mews on days of issue, and covering new otf the other three. It contolna all Important foreign cabte news which appears la the DAILY TRIBUNE O B&me date, also Domestic and Foreign Correspondence, Short Stories, Elegant Half-tome IUuBtratkxns, Humorous Dtfwns. i-nrTiistoiai informwfciom. Fashion Notes, Agricultural Matit and Com prehensive and rellalble FStsaaiOflal and Market report. Regular sutjiscrlption prloeu tl.50 per rear. ' ' We furniLsh It with THE GAZ1TTTB toe 52.00 per year. HEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUHE- Puhlisijed am rhursday, and mowia tot nearly sixty years in every Irt! - at -h United States aa a Nattonial rWBBxMT tvA iieihjt class. & famuuv .ml Trlllairora ,T CSOOltaSLnB fill the most imiport&nt geoseral ne o eolner n Acrlculiturat Depart- mmt of the highest order; tow ntr- tnlng reading :jeTery;jnemowrw xne Tamdly. old aua young-, MaiMi i- nwbi ixHholh Afro aAnAntted A8 CJUtlhOiritJ by fexm rs and country mejWhantsand k clean, up to date, tnteresung, buj i Regular Buibacrlptlon urice ll00 p yecr -: .vus. MOZELEY'S LEMON ELIXIE. AIjBASANT IjBMON TNIC. For ibiiliousness, constipation and ap pendicitis. For indigestion, sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervoisness and heap failure. For fever, chills, debilLty and kidney diseases, takeDemon Elixi . Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation take Lemon Blixlr." Dr. Mozeley's Lemon JSlixir is pre pared from the juice of lemons, com bitaied with other vegetable liver tonics audi will not fail you in any of the above named diseases. 50c and $1.00 bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozeley, Atlanta, Ga. I- AT THE CAPITOL. -I 1- mySCVlUfty-ulXiJ! your, bjiu "i fifty years I have been a great sufferer f-iwm itadleatlon. constiipatiom and Bil iousness. I have tried all the remedies Advertised for these diseases, and got no ipera-Janent relief. About ome year ago, the dis ase assumiing a more severe and dangerous norm, i became ver weaCk and lost flesh rapidly. I com memoed uslnig Dr. (Mozeley's Lemon Elixir. I gained weave pounas m tviT monrfihs . Mv ritren th and health. my appetite and my digestion! were per. fectly restored) ana aiow i ieea u ywuu and viFCttOus as I ever coo. in my me. rxoor-ksepeT Ga. State Senate. State Capitol, Atlanta; Ga. Send all orders to it THE GAZETTE; AsHgvjfferWC 57 I.S 4 ' CANDY CATHAPTIC 3& Mil Bears tie Signature of Thfl Kind YouHafB Always NOTICTJ TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue tof the piawer otf sale in a certain deed otf trust executed, to M. J. Beck by James J. Greenwood an i his wife 'Margaret M. Oreenwood, the un dersigned E. W. Candler being subse quemtly duJy appointled in stead of tlhe said M. J. Beck, saitd deed of trust be ing duly registered in the office of the register cf deeds for Buncomibe County on the lTth day of May, 1894, default having 'been imad'e dn ithe paym-ent of Indebtedness secured by said deed in (trust, I wfflil sell for cash at public auc tion at the dourt toous.e door in the city of Asheville, tin said co-umty of Bun combe, to the highest bidder, for cash, on Saturday, 20th day of April, 1901, Ibetwleeni the hours of 12 o'clock m.'. and 3 o'clock p. on., all that certain piece or dot of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Buncomibe, on the waters of Bole 'Creek, jointing lands of Wm. Justice and others, beginning in James Wolfs line, J. Ingle's soutihleast corner, i and rutming north 14 degrees east 63 ' poles to a stake; thence north 2 degrees I east 42 poles; thence north 2 degrees rwest 5 3-4 podes to Wm. Justice's line; then with hi line 54 poles to a mul berry, then soutih 36 degrees east, 65 poles to a stake in Poll Creek; then South 23 degr?e3 west vp said creek 165 poles; then iwiest up said1 creek 8 poles; then south 18 degrees west 90 poles to a rock in Wolfe's line; then west wi'th Wolf's line to the beginning. E. W. CANDLER, March 6tfh, 1091. Trustee. triet, at 11 o'clock in tttoe forenoon; and that nOtiice thereof be published in tlhe Gazette, a newspaper printed in said district, and 1iat all known creditors and other persons in interest may ap pear at the said timie anid place and show cause, 4f any they ihave, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be -granted. And it is further ordered by the court, that the clerk iSfluall sand 'by mail to all known creditors copies of said petition and this order, addressed to them at their places of residence as stated. Witness the Honarable Jamiss E. Boyd, Judge of said Court, and the seal thereof, at Asheville, dn said District, on the 17th day of April, A. D. 1901. C. B. MOORE, (Seal of the court) . Clerk. THE TORPEDO BOAT FLEET. Get What You Ask For! When vou ask for Cascarets Candv Cathartic be sure you get them. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk, A substitutor is always a cheat and a fraud. Beware! All druggists, ioc. st 4M.m. miifhflArl urit'hrindiifirestion for ten .ytars; Jave itried! many tbiass aid! spent raucih money ito no jwnrpose uitil I tried -Ko6M--Dyspepsta -Jure. I trldef from ihemi than mm H .9 nieciiciines E&Ken. x ieei mwic -fcy than I hlaVe l!4stftto wii- years' AWdterson Riggs f Sunny Lane. Texas Tihousajmds Ihave testtl d. as old Mr lggs. BVr sae" iby-fciF dirugirlsts. iw... . e.nw ircwr-fo ihmaltli. ro- 5ta.hfi wloleflyshrm. Haeynever 7 as, we. Genuine stamped C C C "Never sold In boDt Beware of the dealer whd'tries to sell . "something fust as good," HOOD'S JBamva:in is the Ont True Blood Purifier, Gieat Nervt Tonic, Stomach KuiG '"- . To thoii -rals its zrest men ifNOWiV B AINKBjUiPT' petition for dis- CBDARGB. In the matter of Isaac "William Glaser, .Bankrupt, in Bankruptcy. To the 'HonoraMe James E. BOyd, Judge of the District Court of "the United 'States for the Western dis trict of North Carolina: Isaac W. Glasier, of Asfheville, in the County of Buncomibe, and State of VNorth Carolina, in said district, re- spedtfulily represents that on the 8 th riav of Fefbruary, last past, he was duly wdjudiged! Wankcrupt under the ac'.s of Congress relating to flMankruptcy; tlbat Ihe (has duly surrendered all Ms property riefhts of (oroperty, anki has ruuy mininedl with all the (requiremients of laid acts and of the ordier of the court touching Cfiis baniHrupiticy. "Wlherefore foe prays that Jhe may be decreed' by tlhe court to have a full di charge from all debts provable against bis estate under satd bankrupt acts, esjeept such dtebta as tare expected by 'ifiuw -t TO0X6 suWh iddschaingie. : Dated this 17th day" of ApriL A. T. 1S01. - " ' y - ISAIA.C W. GliAiSBR, : ' ' ' ' Bankrupt. ORDER OF NOTIOB TH'BRBON. . Western Disljri'Ct of North CJarollna, ss: On Ibhis 17th day of April, A.' J. 1901. ori reading the; (foregoing Petition, it M WW Ordered by the court,; that a hearing be had upon the same on the SOthT day K. April, A. D. 1901, before said court, eut 'HendersonviHe, N. C, to said dis- neys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold all druggists. Guaran teed. Torpedo Bont fe; ols Wny ho T stalr llMhed Along' the Atlniitlc and V.n eiBc Coantfi. Washington, April 15. The recently appointed torpe1-o boat boarrl hel'd a session to-day at the Navy Depart ment and considered general plans of action. The many destroyers and tor pedo craft now building at the several yards are practically completed and very soon the navy will have a total of fifty-one boats of this class for ec LSve service. The purpose of the board will not be-to determine how this cIhf of boats can he used as an adjunct c " war, tout "there particularly to conside a policy for p-eace t'iries tnat will mal: most serviceable in an emergency o swar. Owing to the lack of naval cfT cers, it is not coridered feasible i Keep the boats afloat all the time, wit a full complement cf officers and mt as there are barely enough officers f the large ships. Some plan-?., therefore, must be c vised for k-eorir.g; tbi torpedo beats . convenient central-rints, where th. ran he made eei vk eable in time l.eed, and yet may be out out of cot mission dniing Cidinary times. One jhe members of the board, Lieutena Chandler, suggceted some time a; :hat various torr-edo 'boat depots i established -alonir the Atlantic and P; iific coasts, as central points fro vhich the tjoats could "be made availa ole in time of nend. Some such pla; ioubtless will be adopted. One of th -iuggestions now made is that Savan ,h Ga.fc,iPort Royal, S. C and Pen jacola,"Fia. 'be among the depots in Southern 1 .'.'.waters, n ' Boston and' some ther point along the' New' England toast probably will be designated . as Jepotsiinithat locality; - t Vt i Accordihg tor the plans suggested, rach .depot . is to be supplied with a yiarine railway, , bkving . a - cradle run ling into, the water,; on "which , the tor pedo boats' can be floated and run put if water when, "not in use. We one sure cure Tor j The Kidneys, liver and Bloo NOTIOE OF SALE OF V ALU ABU j COPDR-LANDS. ' By virtue of a decree of the circuit court of the United States for the western district of North OarOxina, the undersigned will, on Monday, the 6th j r7ay jf May, 1901, between tae hours ofi 13 o'clock m. and 3 o'clock d. m., sell at fp court house door in tlw city of; Asheville, county of Buneoonlbe a,nd! state of North Carolina, ait public aut-j tioa to the highest bidder upon the terms below stated!, those three tracts, ! pieces and parcels of land in Jackson, county, North Oarolina, locally known as the Cullowhee Capper Mine Tract, ' the Alice Copper Mine Tract and the, savannah tjopper Mine Tract, more particularly described as follows: FIRST TRACT, OR CULLOWHB COPIPECR MINE TRACT: Beginnin oni a sarvas at ttne - ead of a branch that ruus Into Tennessee oreek,and runs thencie south 55 degrees west 23 pole to a hickory; thence south 75 degree west 160 poles to a white oak; thenc stoiuxflj! 15 degrees east 240 poles to stake; thence north 75 degrees east 16 poles to a stake; themice north. 55 de grees east 13S poles to a stake; thenc (north 15 degrees west 238 coies to stake; thence to the beginning, contain ing four hundred! acres. SECOND TRACT OR ALICE COP PER MINEE! TRAOT Beginning in th Thomas gap on a chestnut and run south 40 degrees, west 3 poles to an Oak Wiliaim ED. Brvson & Co.'s corner thence soutih 70 degrees west 100 pole to a chestiniut oak: thence south 30 de grees west 125 poles to a htekory in th - oounty line; thence , north 83 degree west 154 poles with the county 'Tine t a whiteoak; tihence north 70 degree iwtest 60 poles with the county line t a spanisih oak; thencexntorthj 40 degree west 90 poles to a double chestnut thence north 25 degrees east 100 poes to a Stakein Fox's ' line; thtence -nortl 85 degrees eactpoles with Fox's line to a Stake; "thence north 15' degrees east 50 poles toa poplar; tihence north 45 degrees east 72 poles t a hickory in D- Presley,$ line; thence east 72 poles to Presley's Sine; thenc thence north 10 poles to a stake; thenc north 8b degrees east 93 poles to a span ish oak; thencie south 37 degrees eas 235 poles to the 'DeginmAmg, . oontainin 633. acres. . hI "i , . nHOERDP TRACT OR SAVANNA! COEPER MJNB TRAJCT, toomipose- o Ibwo adjoining traits tflie ifrs beginnin on a wihite oak; aaS J running thence north 20 dteigreer, east . poles to a stake a 'the iines of attract known the Jodps Copper Mini tract; thenc. east with that lime 79 poles to a stake: thence north 9 degrees east contijouiw with said iiae 88 poles to a stake, cor her of said n-tipo(-eiitHr degrees: iwest 55 notes i a stake on th, original line of No. 130: thence North aiake; thence north 22 degrees west 1 pcles toea stakeon Jsaao. Ashe's Jin- laemoB easx-io :poies o a siajce on. saia s- j2 . . i.- Us line 3f pole&Jto -a; stake;' thenee eas E7 poaesTto &i stake on the oriel nal Uhe of No. 130; tbence . soutSi 15 : degrees east with that line 6 poles to & Span ish oak; thence south 20 degrees 'west 70 poles to a stake in Bumigarner's line thende north 8Q degrees west wtfh titaA line 54 poles to a stake; thence south 10 degrees west with Bumgarner's line 80 poles to a stake: thence south 80 degrees ast 39 poles ito a stake on the original dine of No. 130; thence south 20 degrees west 22 poles to a stake or comer of tract No. 130; thence south 70 degrees east 100 poles to stake, corner Of No. 130; thence south 20 de grees west moles to a stake: thence south 32 degrees west 52 poles to a stake, corner of Jon -z' tract; thence south 58 degrees east 15 poles to a stake; then - - th 20 degTees west 7 poles to a stake on Jones line; thence north 60 degrees west 3 DoJe3 to a stake, corner of Jones' tract; thence soutn 0 poes to a stake In thite line of Jones' or Alldsani's and the Keener tract; thence west 60 poles to a stake an the line of J. HigdOn's n'act; thence north 10 poles to a stake, corner of said Hiigdom's tract; thence west with Hlgdon's line 100 poles to a stake in said Hlgdon's corner; thence south 80 poles to a stake; thence east 72 poles to a stake on -the line ol the Jones or Allison and Keener tract; thence south -30 poies to a stake on the original line, of No. 130; thence with that line North 70 degrees west 148 pols to u stake at the corner of the original line; thence north 20 degr -es east 247 poles to the ibeginndrg; the second, Beginning on a white, oak the corner of No. 130 and runling thence south 20 degrees west 36 poles to a stake, a cor ner of Thomas West's entry; tjhence south 85 degrees west 145 poles to a white oak on the Macom county line thence aiicrth 62 poles with said line to a white oak; thence north 27 degrees east with said county line 43 poes to a bllack oak; thence North 35 degrees west with said Idne 204 molta tn m nthtvrt. imt; thence North 11 degrees east with said line '30 poles to,a stake"! Whence south 73 degrees east 204 poles to a stake, s -orner o Jones' copper mine ' tract; ifchence south 170 poles to a stake at another corner of said Jones' tract; th nee east 70 poles to a stake on the original line of entry No. 13i; thence south 20 degrees west 1? oles to the beginning, containing 260 acres. TERMS OF SALE OF S!AHD LANDS. The .purchaser or purchaers of said lands will be required to pay In cash at the close o the biddings, twenty per centum of the amount bid, and to make three notes in equal installmenits, pay able to the undfersigned, commissioners, to become due in six. twelve and eigh teen months roni dfcrte, hearting inter est from date till paid, deferred pay ments to be properly secured; for the remainder of tihe purchase' money ; and ' iitle will be retained! until air the pur dhase joaoiney Is paid. c The- purchaser or purohasers to h!ve ontian of mr- - ing cash on; day of sale or before ma turity or notes. jrae three tracts t.m be first sold separately eadf then together,- audi the ; bid or bids will toe accented wfhJclr' will fr teh most -Lemeflcdal to the sxarttes Id interest. - . ; - shall, promptly ownply wiiSi the above terms of. a1 hr rw.wintr itvarant-w nr cep$jumi of bis or ifcheir Mdi or bids whicH Mte.- 1. - - - . J ,mi wtth BLftiPJ jrah annrtia.nif nf ttftiA Ytf.i i then and there be resold at puVio aiit- tion upon the terms above stated. This April V1901 f T. .2. COBB. CHAS. A. (MIOOBJB. Commdrsiamiers. 1 i - T V 1 v "if, ,-4 . t.'1rr.. - '""'l 7 ' "5 ' - ...... v iTE V - r ' - -