. . '. V.. r-: I I .- ASHEVILLE, N. .0 tltONMUlOKNIN&, APEtL 23, 19fiL VOL. Y. N0.62 CITIZENS' STRIKE 11 r NATIBNAL TUBE NOLI itpiorjs EMPLOYES i - a: I. ' if: Go 2 A Special : tion Sale of our : Celebrated Eag j brand of Ciridnnati the Raters Pass the ? Daijger Line; aiifl Crest of the Flood is Yet to Gome Indiana . afid Ohio Towns lnundated. Rill City Ticket Putf Out by last night's Non-Partisan (Over 8,000 Men Effected Train Men will Eefnse to Han- -. Convention. die -Freight of Tnbe Company. MoKeespiort, Pa., April 22. All em- i Muslin s "UNDER- WEAR Our stock of these goods consist- -fcne of GOiWCN, SKIilTS. ORiAJWEIRS, CHEanSSE-, and. . OHUMISB, and. CORSET COVERS, being tmixdh larger than -we are to have at this season, we have V.decddied to offer ;oirr- et theuni . f own rediUiCJtion of one-fifth (1-5) rff otBr regtular prices., Our gwda are aM. marked 1 plain flg-ures off wMoh you de duct xrte-fi-iii Sale Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. - over -thirty faoTirs iri transilt and- the " '.pet trains have tieea ' ig frora cold, and inutigvr. uuc iraly today 'was Only 1,000 bead, Ivihere 2,t00 head! wias ex peoted.. j v ! j W . Atiil At 11 today it has oeaseidi rklninig; here, but it is still -cloudy (and (threatening. The Adlegheney marks registered) . 20 (feet 9 in'dhes and) the iMbnonflaJhela. 22 feet. Both rivers faere (falline at the rate of about 2 Inches an hour. The Al leglheny rose aibout 2 feeit ,t Oil City sfiaoe last night, but os this water wrill xuoit reaoh Pittsburg' Tiatil some ftiin to- miorraw, - river men have little a.T pre hension of another flood!. It is ImiplossSble !to faiirly ajptproxtmate tfbe loss resulting from the hiigh wateirs. Esttauartes "vary tfiroxrt $100,000 to $3,000,- , ... - . i 000, but the first figure rwlll rprooa.uiy come nearer tie correct amount,- r ejus JuiuuiiM.uu( 1 I 1 (mountains, under samall ptnes ana lau- . ... . xl , . . I J7-. . - ' j. it rati XT a fViHrmna l n Qmio fVT 1 aw nrAewA tn strike torrtormyw. Di- Bad Weather. ttelburg, April. 22,-Ofwfing b de- lio viw) ifMl-na . lfcf fiaHiMKa -"Hva etwV ers 7 today are experlernK a cattle rel, to die fffrom coldi. eeventy-nve cax- 1 Oestreicher ! . 1 Co. . 51 Patton Avenue. Cincinnati, At)ril 22. The danger line was readnea nere xoaay an tuc vjjjh Hvr flood -which smarted at the head-. waters last week aindi did so much damage at Pittsburg- and intermediate points. The backwater along the lack ing river on the 'Kentucky side has inundated parts of Oovington, wew nort and other enlburbs. The Mill creek valley is f u!ll of water and doing dlajmaee in tthe west end of Cincinnati The crest of .tthe Pittsburg rise is not due here till tomorrow, tout the extent of it has been closely anticipated; and Tvnftrn.nntjinns imiade accordingly Mayor BTMshmann and city officials tfwto- moAe a tour of inspection in inatirol waerons around the flooded dis- TMint-a.nd: afterward took a boat. Re- WpH' wail ,be provided .for all in need! of it The Chicago Dall ciUD arrives iu- riM v ihnt the -water lacks only ten inches of flooding the hall park andi there will mot likely be any games, tt&a teek a retut (portion t-iPayioo, Ky. submerged. ' At Dawrenceburg, lnd., the fifty foot danger line was reached at noon and a general inundation, tf olio wed . tie had diediwhen: the mten- left, and they ear the others have douatHesa perished hy this time, as the men say there waa no chance (for !theam. Aa the snow was four to six feet dteep It was ImipossJble touibring the cattle away tand dt was only hy superhuman effort that ithe mem were able to walk. and lead their horses, as the animals could not standi up under a man on account of the now, Ice audi severe cold. flRVr imiflnv vears farmers and stock growers of this sectioni have take. ad vantage of the verdure that grows on the Smoky mountains by sending cat tle .to these fertile .pastures. By April 15 the 'grass is green and the leaves have 'begum to ibud and on this date tthe pilgrimage to the mountains gener ally begins. Thertei are two great ranges. One is near Battd mountain, and the other near Sipencer's Oaten. The Davenports and Sam Love had sixty head of cattle, while the Sevier county parties had! sevtenty-flve, and by the time the mountains were reach ed 200 were in their drove. The trap to Ithe' ranges was made successfully. Overi 250 head of cattle wtere already in the mountains in charge of herders. Last Wednesday the snows began to fall. The clouds grew dark and as. sud den fall of temperture came. The herders predicted only a short cold spell, (but were surprised Thursday to find the snow falling so that it was blinding. The cattle were coralled In the timber in order that they could be crowded together and kept warm. By Friday the snow, was four to six. feet deep. Many cattle had! dSed from cold and the men decided that the snow might last for several weeks, andi as (Oontiaued om fifth page. Wl LU AM A. B0YCE HFAOS THE TICKET CITIZENS' TICKET. 5V)r mayor m: A. BoyCe. jAMerman', Second: wardW. M. Hill. Alderman, Fourth ward -G. . W. Donnon. "Aldermlan at iarge-F. M. Miller. Tax collector Charles G. Lee. Treasurer iW. B. Heston . : iWaterworks superintendent Wil liam Francis . Chief of police-nJohn S. Fullam. PoUce justice Mark W. Brown. The large, earnest crowd! of citizens which filled the court room last even ing afforded the first incontestible proof that the people of Ashevilie are deeply .concerned as to the "men who shall occupy the offices to be filled by the -coming eledtion The final proof as t the degree of this concern wri be furnished on May 6, two weeks from now. 1 ' The meeting Was called to order by Dillon M. Luther. On amotion- of J. L. Wagner Mr. Luther was made tem porary chairman . In -taking the chair IMr. Luther said that the meeting had (been called for the purpose- of nomi nating a citizens' tfbeket, and that every citizen, regardless of party affiliations, (Oomtlnued on ifourtn page; are ordered to strike tomorrow. Di reotiy less than two hundred men are concerned, hut over eight 'thousand more will be thrown out as a result of the trouble. The trouble began several weeks ago when a committee headed toy P" . F. Butler waited on the officials and de manded a dinner hour, the men having been given no time for dinner. The company agreed, to give 40 minutes, but later discharged Butter for alleged In- . fraction of rules. Thirty-five men re fused to work unless Butlrr was rein stated. They were discharged. The committee waited on the officials this morning and requested their rein-. statement. A meeting of the Brotherhood of raiilToad; trainmen was called today and a strike ordered. The employes of the Pennslyvania, Baltimore & Ohio, Pittsburg and Lake 'Erie railroads are in sympathy With, the strikers and will iief use to handle freight of the Tube company. f 300,000,000 III GOLD TO BE PAID BY CHINA Li Hung Chang Taken to Task for laboring Viceroys. i 'Pekin. Atoril 22. Li Hung Chang has been severely ceneureSi' in an edict be cause, after the French and Chinese had agreed upon (boundaries the Ger mans, who had no concern in the mat ter, are to march west and threaten the Chinese. ' The edict orders Li Hung Chang to prevent the expedition and says if he fails the responsibility for the conse quence will fall on him. Li Hung Chang also is taken to task for Ignor ing Viceroy Liu Kun Yi and, Chang Ohih Tung, who were appointed joint negotiatlves with ham and Prince Ching Tung. He is directed to consult them hereafter on all important matters. DEFEATED PRIZE FIGHTER REMOVED TO HOSPITAL London, April 22. Jack Roberts, of London, knocked out Billy Smith1, of New York, in ttfoe eighth round at the National sporting dub tonight. Smith was dazed by a Mow-and removed to a hospital, where he has since remain ed in an unconscious condition. GARTER REFUSED BAIL. Washington, April 22. The United States Supreme court today denied the application of former Captain Oberiin M. Carter to he admitted to bail. At Paxkersburg, W. Va., Ann, Julian a a I .3 - r i -iWoto ma iiTvrior t P-T ELB4a iviix.rnt-1. ouccrbo and the first floors of (business houses are filled with water. In the Riverside and South: Side suburbs the water is in the second stories and aunareoe ox people ere nameless. Mayor Vander- (vort has appointed relief committees and appealed to the public for funds. A 4 DW-cn-nvntVl C mlPTTihiajltS in the At A VI kOUXVU.M , lower districts are submerged and hun dreds of residences have 'been aoan floned in that vicinity.! Public schools are dftsmlssad so as to tiset the Ibuffldings-'ror sneitenng hub homeless. The (schools were aismissea at I ronton for the sarnie purpose. i RUSSIANS ANSiUHINtm FIGHTING IN MANCHURIA Protect The Ei A Host of the Troops of China Entrenched in Fortified Positions ani well Armed. DDDQDD orne i ,-cr dhould be ijvwry "usw volver. We keep In stock rv.it ftmdth & Wesson, aand Tver Johnson revolvers itban which no oewer e"" ctre made.... We have thera, nd they are the A8HLVILLE HARDYABE COMPAllY. Don't Board Any Longer Let Mrs. Ii. At Johnaoo tor nish roomai for you, paytferp Installments aan4 favie ujIobbt 43 Patton Avd. r - U j' KnoxviUe, Tenn., April 22. .The cold weather continues here today, though indications arte that warm v weather wiU prevail. This is the coldest poxnt south of St. Paui, MdnnM acoordlng to the wather bureau, the temperature toeing 36 this inornlng. Kingsport reports many orwnarus in jured, owing to heavy snowi orva the Ibribs. Upper east Tenriessete points report snow still falHng-. Wew iRtver, In Virginia, flust y Bristol, Is 23 feet out of banks andi do- tec ariocib daanage. a Brown's cut, on the jnotioiid railroad, near NeW rivter, has de layed traffic, trains (being: annulled. An ofBdal report from Qie University of Tennessee xpertmenitr station here is to the effect that Wei damage -co x. n nAr ntfik not "be .very heavy on aocount of the eradual thaw- ing wt. ... i nn dho have (been in the heart of the Smoky mountains with ..ti-i. amih itihe city, after ex- iperlenxdn what LorJdon, April 23. A despatch to thte (Daily CMaiffl frorm St. Petersburg reports a new hostile movement in Manchuria:- It says that the Chines troops are entrenched at three points around CMoukden armed wduh Mausers and thirty Krupp gums. Eastward 12, 000 Chinese hold strongly fortified ,tks1 tions near Turchau sen. These troops are commanded iby Cteneral Lutanse, a .boxer. To the northwest uiere -c , FOUR MORE HEADS DEMANDED OF CHINA 000 troops under itne ex-gwvcmw Moukden, near Kulo. Nine thousand are near the Igshan mountains. Gen eral Alexisff accorddngly organized a strong expedition, under Genera! Zer- Iplnski, with sixteen gums. Kulo was the first position attacked, eariy iu Aipril. The position was taken and the ex-governor captured. They subse quently advanced against General Tur chausen (but the result has not been re ported. ShamehaJ. April 22. 'A Pekin des- i patch states the indemnity to ibe paid iby China has been fixed at $300,000,000 i in gold. KENTUCKEY DESPERADOES FIRE OH A POSSE The Reynolds Gautj still Rssisting Arrest. -London, Ky., April 22. The areports come to London from Letcher county this morning that over one hundred shots were fired Sunday between the sheriff's posse and the Reynold's gang. So far as could Ibe learned none of the posse mten were hilt. Deputy united States Marshal Hollifleld is with the sheriff with twenty-picked men. Judge Blair and the good citizens of the county are doing afll in their power to bring about a surrender. It is stated that the accidental discharge oi a gun brought about th!e shooting which ceas ed after two volleys had been nrea. Book Sale in DRAM DRINKING TAXED DY ARKANSAS SENATE INSURRECTION DYING Only Sixty Insurgents Remain on the West Coast of Leyte. tvto i Amril 22. There is little left of the insurrection of the west coast of Leyte. Only sixty insurgents remain. wmitv Allen of the Forty-third wOnniteM- infantiiy has been appointed governor of Leyte and lieutenant, colo nel of the ame regamenit, treaeuii . . : S, . ThosWlio would Drink must Pint MflllllT VFSUVIUS AGAIN Alo tie uegraoauon aua p S5.00 for licewe. ;. " ,T, .nriuc CDllDTinB 80 Other OfficUU, .... . ... .. , M BUMc tnuri Of The M. A Late Novels BY Popular A J Writers, -r-i 'Ani 5 desbatch from xu o, ' . - .pieklri says the: conxnittee ox mnu- tere, including: themiinTster oi aae United States, to whomi the quesmom w punlshanents was assigned, have .re- norted demanding four (more heads and the exile and degradation ci other officials. The demand, was sent j to the Chinese plenipoteneiaries. (Ldttjle Rock, lAlpril 22.-The 'senate roased a tbill tlooJay, by a vote of fourteen to one, tmakinsg at lunmaiwirui jjw uw beverage oinless he shalll, have. obtained license as a dram uranKer. xmo nx irfiee is fixed at five -dollars per aoinu I and the . penalty wtt&croea mor vaw.w" of the law is fifteen aoiiaira ant? vi nriswnment for thirty days. a .n iTWvunt Vesuvius is again in a state of active eruption and many .people, scientists, student tourists including 'Americans are leav ing Paris toy every (train for . wapies. The first signs of disturbanda were ob r !. week- when for three day columns of smoke issuing rapidly from tr n-e.t volume towered high Usual Prices 25 and 50cts. OHM MINERS STRIKE Columbus, Ohio, April 22. Twemtyr n j-a imm wrkers of the lower. u ,.Ktrlc -No. 6 Of Ohio and against ftt w . .. ..t (Ml "West yjrganla, wem on perienan-g th Aooaitalcih- morning. The strike was ou w , J7v. oihtb as nts --i v,a irrtino. Then came occa- rvlainiceoj on atuv -w. vi am? . . niA tpmfrrtnel Hflmost very 4VM1o1 -os, of the cinders, someumte i, Air(WaTi ito irtontribute to tne rwiintrv for eeverai Crtbue.. JJ8"ZZ miles around. iNew lava ts beginning the houisa aonu irsw 1 . rrrhe fire at tihe crater is very 1 Tiiffht illuminating the sur- (Kf5ii-ifiinv. Only two Blomtoerge Selecto Ogare a good tremors of earthquake Sve heen smok. - felt bo far. G. A. Wears 33 S, Main. , . 1- mVK tfrotai' cold to the We are to conitrxfl ofoor stone mey wei nxWr.lbound. They aeix ries in cdtv and suburbs. Are preparea K . , . - - tor furnishing building : : stone, Also for grading side tor yard wai n eroaveting. BuaMi-JJiSi vr- V Ashevilie, N. C, Plne 25, Br 3zz . 1 fS ... '"leeSns i r-j-A -c WOOD'S SEEDS. A full line Of WBjJjGa411' Seeds, Lawn Gracs - Crsr 5? " and Nasturtium Seeds pa tralk GRANTS PHARlUCt rris TS THE LAST WEEK OP THE SFRmG OliESAKEN SALE.; W -J ft flnnrtllllitlf TO EVERT ONE'S AUV " i " WlIC UUJJUI IUIIHJ Blrtfere' Cleamafid Sporting Good -ymtiooioi u well y6ur iight ja.ta .. im proved with rirfee;-: fit-.'' flag glaf e;; nAtiott.Free iCAere Photography ; Leaves Oft we Begin InteriorBdward B. Moore of Mlchl- gan to be assunant cwnuaewwwi v patent. : HEADACHE.:. Kick, Nervous viA ileuiao r Headache Quickly s reSieved - tT Baldwin's Headache Oure,f f: GRANT'S PHARMACY. : !? ( w? FreshMARSH HALLOW Drops knutfrMainjSt' To Purchase a Suburban v.. jij- ... BW hoose of ix rooms, hard- Wood finisn ana dmww Awtf t TarM larn and dot- . ThwB Acres firroond. one acwjeieffbicn jard. Price untirMay iss fw. alone coat $2,400. Good neigh--unnA nner fats business ' IHI1 AAva - w - - v ltetelinty which, require X : ki rMidiner near in: - T I nauK hot. ntot ir j , iiww. 9 to those (With Iwilkie MaBarbe, 23 "llve ptione 6f. produce enfargedi B"5'.? crayon ndr pastel. I to have t enlarged -wheeu , f have u ooaue-urv.- .rrii Our ' pbrtoaita may f. J52 ed,uose WJWg. bouse agent offers mW, Is difference tn quality h( not computable inrdouff " cents 2$ Patton Ave- nxrtk itk aar to those witn fwbom we have had Ojiuslness re iationa, Ithatmr efforts injtbeir toehalf, fw the -xast two montns sha41 Secootinuedi without reiax- We s0 bUU offering hangaina not are BEUI and oof toagilna ry; tfcey are unprecedented ana .idfT competition. Our rule is to push sales of aj aw,perties to our handa-we dont rtdt for purdbhsers-Hwe tount the up. If, therefore, yioabave amvthine for sale or rent, call land us, at noon 37 library IBldg. : CLIFFORD & DAVIES. 8BAS ESTATE BBJpKBRS Asneviae, . -A .. -i '-it 1 if r ft . T lerc U6i 1 -"- - ' V JLTrl real esUt,offle,' C ' .. .... - - : ,.. , .. .. .. : . .

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