-.V! PAQB.I THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE APRIL 23, iqoi . ' 4" - . fl I II 0 4 'J..: . The Strongest Natural Ihia Spring la Water On the Market. A perfect prescription from Nature for . diseases of the ' -A : a Liver, Kidneys, Bladder and Blood.' . . .. Especially recommended and prescribed by Prominent Physiciansjeverywhere for ! Bright s Disease, Albumenuria, Cystitis and Gravel- Sufferers from Rheumatism, Gout and Uric Acid Poisoning will find Harris Lithia the most effective remedy . v Testimonials from Physicians and Patients that eliminate all question of doubt, sent to any address, - fts a Table Water Harris Lithia is Unexcelled. as - n It is Ciear, pure, odorless, and slightly acid: $ on Still ; Carboy's and Demijohn's: g I Cases of 12 one-half gallon bottles; g Sparkling: Pints and Quarts: For Sale by all Dealers 1 PARAGbN DRUG CO., Asheville, 1 n LfOcal Distributors . i 1 4 C. C. C" on Every Tablet Every tablet of Cascarets Candy Cathartic bears the famous C. C. C. Nevr sold in bulk. T fl J ? J-.OOK ror it ana - ,-, -o r j accept no other. Beware of fraud. All druggists, :ioc Bean tbe fiignator of r The Kicd Yea Haw Always 6of News and - s- - 1? National Importance . ; ALONE CONTAINS BOTH Dailv, by mail, $8 a yea Daily and Sunday by mail, $8 a yeai The Sunday Sim I the reatest undey N--wrspaa)er In the World. 6 cents a copy. By mail $2.00 a year. Address THB SUN, NW Tortt. THE PEOPLE'S . National Family Newspaper. mmmmmmmm - HEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUIIE PubHshedi Monday and! Wednesday and Friday, is In reality a fine, fresb every-other-day daily, giving the latest mews on days of Issue, and covering dw of tine other three. It containa all important foreign caWe news which appears In the DALLY TREETUNB o Bame date, also Domestic and Foreign Correspondence, Short Stories, Elegant Half-tome Illuatrations, Hnznoroui ItemB, industrial tatormaCionv Fashion Motes, Agricultural MatlterB and Oomar preheasive and reliable FbMUantfal uud ilIarket reports. Regular subscription pfrfceL tl-50 per Fear. , We famlA It with THE GAZE7TTE 'or $2.00 per year. ' NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE- Puhliaijd ook rhursday, and Known tot nearly sixty yeara in every part txf United States as a National iFtonUy Newspaper of the hlgtoeat cls,. &r farmert end villagers. Xt conltaina Ml the moat important general jnejw?'j. THE DAILY TEIBTJNB BJ,to datH. Ko4ng -ess, an Ajgricultiuzal Depari ment of the highest order, has eater taining reading for eve cnemtwr.oi the family, old auid ytmngv" MarkEt; ports whl-cn are accepted aa auiQilorltJ by fiarm 9 and country oaercfliatxta, and t clean, tn to date, floteresttniaoiil ta; tractive. - '- ''--; Regular eubecrlntton pr!eefl..WDr yer. - i-s; Send all orders to -t'v THE GAZETTE, Asheville N.C. DeWitt'.; Witch Mazel 5alvo Skin tr ubles, cuts,' touariniB, scalds, an nanng quickly 3ieiedl ty tne se - Witt's Witch Hazel - S e. . It is .ln ltateJ. Be sure -on get UeWltt's. ler all "9 United States of America, "Western Dis trict of North Carolina: The regular term of the Circuit and District Oouxts of the United States fixed by law to conve:. s at Asheville. uu- p. -r . . , western district or wortua car- oltraa on the first (Monday to May next, is heresy ordered to he adjouied, to convene: on Tuesday, the twenty-first oay ox aiayv lSQlAfl iurore amir.wit nessaa vujfesxtooied or ?sirt)poenaeid or who may hereafter be eTmncaotoed or suh poenaed to appear on the sadxl first Mon day in May at tiie said Court, -will ap pear on the day to iwhkfli the same is ajdjourneiJ as above. Defendants in criminal cases, under recognizata'ce or I -1 to appear at said term, -will ap pear on the twenty-first day of May aforesaid. All parties to civil suits, or persons otherwise interested In the business of the said! . court to gether with tlhelr attorneys, will take due notice of this adjournment . The Clerk of the Court at Asheville will cause a copy of this order to be pub lished at least once a weak for four suc cessive weeks, beginning not later than the first week in April next, In the AshevllJe Citizen, the Asheville Ga zette, the Asheville Register, the Uendersonville Times, the .WaynesvUte courier ana the iMurphy Scout. Scout; Tnis the 14th day of March, 1901. CHARLES H. SIMONTON, TJ. S. Circuit Judge, s JAMS 3 E BOYD, U. 8. District Judge. - tnyOOVZ fS HARD TO MOVE. Humorist Will Work In New York biit M ay Drop His Philosopher. London, April , 19. Finley . PeteJ Dunne, the creator of "Mr. Dooley," who is now In London, bears traces of his recent Illness, which his own paper, the Chicago Journal, had pronounced fata months ago. 1. He said to-day that he had been over Europe and Incidentally spoke of his Visit to the Pope, to whom he had let ters of introduction from his friends in araerica. His uncle is Archbishop Rior dan, of San Francisco. He did not da my work in Italy. , , "Nobody," he said, "Works in Italy. "Did the Pope, read 'Mr. Dooley? was asked." " , ,, , , "I am afraid not. Indeed,' the hu morist whispered, "I imagine 'Mr. Doo iey is on the expurgatory Index. He said he Intended to return to America in about a week and remain la .New York, where he will ..work. Jn his next production he may possibly bid goad-bye to the philosopher of "Todn't bring him to 'N?w York, mu know, the numonsi wm, w, Dr.Dayid Kcnrtctfyi lvtfftPiteKemcdv " "i. -..S: n ,1 r y : 0 iiazte what yon cat.; toils tacure -at mtx.Uyq the food you jmfe. jSmanjr mmmtxsti do you coed -PS T Zv a twsWitp & Co., Chicago ZnitS size. 5 : 1 Cure tUEKECESSITTOF THEECBOPEAN H ATIONS UJHTIKG Against America, Africa and Asia at to f be Future off Civilisation Folate Oni by Admiral Cnevar America Nrltb and Energy ,Ta Great for Competition Unele Sam Sadly in the Way In Asia A Bitter Dislike And Dread oi America, tvvnwTn. a ii i jti.- day d&scushes "The- Continent and America,' 'taking as a text a portion o an interview with Admiral Count Cane varo, at Toulon, which the Spectator be Sieves has not attracted the attention it deserves. 1 Admiral Canevaro,- in concluding his uV terances regarding the triple and dual al liances having given Europe thirty years of peace, said: "This fact would, per haps, lead European nations to consider the possibility and necessity of uniting against America, Africa and Asia as to the future of civilization wiU requira them to do so." The Spectator does not consider this the rash outburst of the "man in the street," for Admiral Canevaro has been Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs. "His utterance," the Spectator will say, "corresponds "exactly with that of Count Goluchowski (Austro-Hungarian Foreign Minister), and with all the recent trenl of affairs. The annoyance of the conti nent gwith America, which is very deep, Is based upon three reasons, the first be ing the dread, or rather the conviction, that competition with America is nearly impossible, her wealth and energy being too great. Both are employed, the conti nent, thinks, to monopolize trade and sol to control in the end all the wealth of the world, an idea not without advocates even among ourselves." The Spectator mentions the giant trusts and protection, and refers to the Ameri cans as "not scrupling to commence quid and severe reprisals if European govern ments fence them off with tariffs." "The second reason," the article will say, "is that America is sadly in the way in Asia. The whole action of the Wash ington government in the Chinese muddle points to the conclusion that although the Americans took the Philippines, they are not willing to see any but native powers in control of the richest coujjiries of Asia. "The third reason is America's attitude In South America. She will neither take it nor let anybody else. The total result Is a bitter dislike of America, mixed with dread. Our object is only to awaken the Americans from an illusion, to Induce them to increase their fleet, and to per suade them to think steadily out what they are doing. They may rely upon it that the continent will lose nothing by want of planning, and that, when- the al liance against America of which Adtairal Canevaro talks is transmuted into facts. It will be full grown and full armed." MRS. HATBBirS'S CASK. Her Pardon Delayed by Agitation of Her Case in the United States. Washington, April 19. Henry White, secretary of the United States erribatesy at London, was introduced to the Pres ident to-day after the Cabinet meet ing by Secretary Hay. Mr. White Is here on. his annual visit to this country Bnd will return to Bnglanld next month. He has taken a great interest in the case Of Mrs. Maybrick. "The worst thing that could happen for Mrs. Maybrick," aadd he, "is for dome one to resume agitation of her case In this country. Her eventual pardon has been delayed by the agita tion over here. The revival of the talk Was teki to (abusive letters being sent to the English authorities by the people in this country. Even Queen Victori-a Was the recipient of severe letters from enthUisiasts in Mrs. Maybrlck's cause. I have been working on the case ever since Mrs. Maybrick was sent to prisori and at every opportunity to do some thing for the unfortunate woman I have exerted myself with every Home Secretary in the English Cabinet. 1 have no means of knowing what King Bdward will do, but I Jo not believe he will interfere in the case. The late Queen maJde it a strict rule to have, fvothing to tfo with capital cases. Mrs. Maybrick is in the Aylesbutrg prison and Is kindly treated. I hear indirectly from her twice a week. Her health is not seriously, affected, although she has. pot been in the best of health She is -fairly cheerful aartl has a gooid prison record.' A TESTIMONIAL FROM OLaD ENG IiANi-. "I consider Cham Iain's Couch Ram edy the beet in tbe world ftr bronchi fcHT says Mr. Widliaim Savory, of War ingtoai, England. "It has saivted m wife's life, she Laving been a marty to bronclhitis for over six years, being most of the time confined to her bed. One oiiorw quite well." Sold) toy O. A Raysor, druggist .; , A lottery in Europe for the Boers in (being organized by M. Henri Roche fort. Quick Relief from Pain. !AM who use CiiflimlbertJLn's Peln Balm for rlieuanatism are deJ4lhteic!i withjtihe quftok relief from pain wihlctt it atrds Wbea epeakin of this Olr. i. N. Sinks of Tlroy Ohio, says-. "Some thne ago I had a seve- i attacfc of irtoeutrntettlsm in any arm ansd shouMr I tried num erous rnedie nt got no relief unti I was a ominended. 4y - Mteears. Geo F. Parsons and Co., droggtets ; rf us place, to try-XSiaimlbexJainfa Pain Balm. Tmey ,recornme34d) Tttr4 blghiy that fclougSht rBSftfe.1 wtt soon relieved of Ivtenctf recnirnendedi this iinisnentf toinemr ntf tny ttends, wo ftsree-twitiBinBilih.K'as-uia .asm. w market. For ;sa!e7fc7;.CV,jA:.- Rysoa" Druggist. Cteneral Lew Wt0 J!T . - , . I) si -'f- 1- : JOB OOUXJSNT HAjyiJ SS'OPP vET; "OCT d !ho bad! itdhtogr TIlest;i Tlheyr itMtf m(wii!fl. .Jbiit - Buckie AamSca Solvie wffll cume 3ie worst case bf files 00 eartn. iraa8 cw 2nd?. toJurtes; ';J2& tiona. it's tke best salve in theworld See 25c a box. Ourfe guaranteed Sold .by all 4rogglgta.- fSOJD NEWS comes irom those j who take Hood's Sarsapanlla for fr.ta 1vprhei)sia and rheumatism. PREPARATION FOB VIRGINIA'S GOHVfciniOH iRiicbimdnd, Va.f Aprfl 22. Tb Consti- tutfonal Convention will bring together tome old-time political enemies. In thd body will be John W, Daniel and WHj Ram EL Cameron, whp opposed i each! Uher for Govemor in 1S8L That was. one of the hottest campaligns ever wit- neased in Virgima. Cameron wa Elected and served Ms four years, In the meantime the Retadjuster party lost Its bold vspon the perple, aril the Dem erits came "back into power. Panic!' was Bent to the Senate and Cameron wtas retired to private life. These men tn that eel t rated carr-p uvn xefVr'-ixl in Wad many "rough, roil and tumble: naostes. They were nrettv evenlv htZ H ? S -v-.- him iiicy vvuuuu iiietri ill. jvnrs OTscussioin a great crowd was sure to Veax their ure-uments. Otherwise tlw lentlemen have always "been prettv Ducat secret society who are charged frtpd iersonal friends and each has a- with burying alive. Filipinos who were tfce convention. Maesey came very of insurgent agents has elicited near to getting the Readjucter noma- tne fact that in one locality all the lo cation for Governor when Cameron cal officers, the parish priest and the fairried off the priTt?. He has had n- presidente were the chief offenders. A mer rfnce-""ft reign of terror was secretly inaugu ame. Massey attd Daihiel have met . , . , many a joint Jfhate. Twenty years raed and persons refusing to con ago Masasiey was. the greatest stum - , tribute to the insurgent cause were speaker in Virginia. Daniel says lie buried alive by the direction of the ivas the hardest man to tackle he ever presidente. All the details of the con met in - THnlltinW-1 fllhntn Thi "narann" - - .inxich of hils old-time vigor. He is ex- lected to figure prDmirently in the de- pates. A fourth person) who will be a most Interesting figure is the Hon. John j poodle. He used to debate with bbth j Uassey and Cameron. John Goiode and John Rand'o'lph Tucker in these days were regarded as the ablest stump ipeakers the Democrats had. Daniel was locked upon as only an orator, but fluffing- recent years he has made a great reputation as a debator. FAST TIMB TO DULTJTH. Chicago & North western R'y. "The Duluth limited and St. Paul Fast Mail leaves Chicago every day in the year 10:00 p. m., arrives Duluth 10:30 a. m. the next morning. Fastest time to the head-of (the lakes. Drawins:- lor Cars, with Cafe, and Free Reclining x ZJ ' w w j LA x a. mx cnair Car. The best of everything. For tickets, rates and full information, apply to yodr .nearest agent or address N. M. Breeze, 49 North Fryor street, Atlanta, Ga. THE CHESS PLAYERS' BATTLI New York, April 20 After a fierce bat- tie which lasted two days, the chess play. ers representing the United States ana representing tnt United Kingdom the United Kingdom broke even in tha sixth international match by. cable. The 6Jl.illilcli 6"a ai. the lead until this evening, when victo- ries by Newman and Fillsbury offset their advantage. Two games were agreed upon J V1U eStablished soon. The precise as drawn, so when the twelfth hour, Lon- fate nag not been fixed on account of don time, approached, there were still h e adrniniStrative difficulties confront four games going, which, by the rule, . th commission. It will probably be aheutd have been submitted to the referee aLye utn June 1st, otherwise Hh. however, two more games were called a draw, and each side was awarded one game. BOERS CAPTURE" A TRAIN LOAD OF CATTLE. East London, April 19. A train load d with cattle and coal was captured by the Boers near Molteno, Cape Col ony, last evening:. The forward loco motive escaped and ran to Stormberg and returned with troops, who found the train on fire. A couple of natives were killed. The train hands had been stripped and then released. BURNED TO DEATH. Saneca Falls, N. Y., April 20. An old house, the property of Cornelius Hol land, supposed to be empty, was dis covered in flames early to-day. The house was destroyed. In the ruins were found the charred bodies of Patrick Harmon, Alonzo Sanders and Charles Mink. The ruins are being searched for other bodies. ; J DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applicaitions, as they cannot reach tne diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure d Jtaess and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inflamed con dition of the : jou lining vf the Inflamed you have a rumblLig sound or Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets imierfect barii. . and when it Is en tirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inl aammatio . can be taken out and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrb, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give one hundred dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by He ll's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Totiisdo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c Hall's Family PdHa are the best. General Baden-Powell is a chiarming writer of little (personal notes. A FIENDISH TRICK. An attack was ijateiy noade on C. F Collier of Cherokee, r Iowa, that nearly First with. rbeusmaJtasm m too enousaer from wnicn. lie suffered escrutfetlng berJain'e Pain Balm twice with tiie most reinajrklable results in eacb case. proved fatal. It cametlhirouen mis na- neys, . His back got so lame be could not stoop "without great pals nor sit In a cfcai except propped by cushions, NO remeay helped Mm unftil he tried Electric Bitter whicb effected such a Wonderful change (that -ha -Writer b feels'' like a, new man. This marvel job medicine cures backaslie, end kidney trouble, purme 1 bkiod and builds up your healtb. Only 6O0 lot an drag Btorea. ' - r :" 'r " Edmond Exstand, author -of r'X3yran de Bergerac" and "L'Aiglon," bas re cbvered from els serious Illness. The Kind You HaT8ihraysBot Befiwth 10. n.ioe. Gentxim irtwped CCC Never sold la boBfc , - Beware of the dealer wko Iries to scQ ggrosething Jastai BURIED ALIVE VOO WERE OPPOSED TO THE PHIL . IPPISE IKSURBECTIpSt. Details of the Conspiracy Unearthed The Ringleaders Will Probably b Han iced A Relffn T Terror Secret ly Inaaaratcd-Affulnaldos Ad dress Will Prove Beneficial Tho Filipino Chief Desirous of Peace- Prisoners Released la Exchango for Gans. Manila, April 20.-3:15 p. m. TLe trial or tne members of the Mando- J tr , uuua J arrests nave Deen maae, tnere is abundant evidence and it is probable that all the ringleaders will be hanged Aguinaldo has been removed from the Malacanang palace to a private resi- dence, No. 56 S'olano street. The guard placed over him has been modified Greneral MacArthur informed the, rep resentative of the Associated Press that Ihe effect of Aguinaldo' s address to the Filipinos would undoubtedly be bene ficial. Aguinaldo composed his address without assistance. The original draft was in Tagalog. It was afterwards translated into Spanish. It Is believed Aguinaldo is sincerely desirous of peace. He is not an educated man, but Is possessed of considerable character and, improves on acquaintance. Agui naldo is not anxious, to visit the United States and it is considered best that he phould remain here, pending the com pletion of the work of pacification. The insurgent prisoners at uiongapo i - t ,ir111 returned to Manna jviany pnb- !ners are released daily, in exchange for guns surrendered. General Trias, (who surrendered March 15th "at San Francisco de Malabon) is accomplish ing much in securing the surrender of outstanding insurgents. Lucban, in Samar; Malvar, In Ba tangas, and Minio, in Abra province, ire still heading bands large enough to be troublesome, but it is almost certain that these three leaders will surrender , Wn a month - - v,QorQe orai'net tteneral Cailles have placed him in a different -ateeory but the fairest investigation yp-jjj be 0ffered Cailles in case ne sur- I T. ia , ' flpr?ttnnfi that civil government enders. ripctmved Tav Tay, in Mo- rong province. MOZELEY'S LEMON ELIXIR A PLEASANT TiEMON T")NIC. For .biliousness, constipation and ap pendicitis. For indurestion. sick and netvous headache . Fnr slerJlessness. nervo isness and hear failure. For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Demon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or gaiiic regulation take Demon Elixir. Dr. Mozeley's Lemon Elixir is c-re- pared from the juice of lemons, com- biinied with other vegetable liver tonics audi wiill not fail you in any of the above named diseases. 60c and $1.00 bottles at druerglsts. Preroared only by Dr. H. Mozele.y, Atlanta, Ga. AT THE CAPITOL. I -1 i- mysevetmty-itMrd yefar, and .,br fifty years J have been a great sufferer from: indigestion, constipation ana sii iousness. I have tried all the remedies advertised for these diseases, and got no ibera-Janent relief. About onie year ago, the dis ase assuming a more severe and dangerous form. I iDecame very weak and lost flesh rapidly. I com mended using Dr. Mozeley's Lemon reiixir. I cained twelve pounds la three months. My strer th and health. my appetite and my digestion were per, fectly restored and jdow I feel as young and vig'orous as I ever did in my liie. Li. J. ADORED, Door-keeper Ga. State Senate. State CapitoL Atlanta; Ga. MOZIJEJY'S IjEMON !ELIX'1R is the very best med'eine I ever used for the diseases you recommend It cor, and I have used many kinds for worn- an's troubles. - MRS S. A. GRE3HAM, Salem, N. C. MOZLEY'S DEMON 7IOT DROPS Cures all Coushs, Golds, Hoarseness Sore Throat, Broncbttis, Hemorrhage and all throat and lung A ureases. Ll amnt refliable. 25c at drUTK'StS. tT- only by Dr. H. Moziy, Atlanta, Q,a j NOTICE. ! BUNCOMBE COUNTY BOND SALE j - Thousand Dollars of Boncombe r,r.ilt t- are offered for sale. rPnese tjondB toe'issued to pay the floating kidebtedness of the county, and are authorized by act, of Geperai as sembly of 1801. They will oe issuea in dflnnmdnatlons of not less than $100.00 nor more than. HQOO.-OOaad: are- to be payabie In 10 years from date and will draw interest at the rate 01 o per cent payable semi-annually. Sealed id will be received until Fri dav. the lOtb day of May, 1901, by the undersigned cihairmAn at his office 8a Asheville. The rlgttt to rejoai any ana all bids is reserved. Further: informa tion will1 be gladly fumisis upon, re qjuest. April 9thv 1901, 1 Address u M. L.; REED,, CSsalrmaa Board Oommissiotiers Btfn combe County, Asheville, N. C. The Kind Yon Haw Always Bought Bears the Bigaatare r of E SURE tnat your Wood is ric .1 . fill, ilxAni enricher and vitalizer isllood's Barsa - jilla. Be sttre;td:OlHOOD'Si 5 NOTDOE OF SALE OP VADTJABLJ COPPER LlANDS. Br virtue of m. dnrM trf tfhe 1roiiit court of the United States for the western district of Notrtb CarOiina, the undersigned, will, on Monday, the 6th nay or Mayri90lr"between tie hoars DC 12 o'clock m. and 3 o'clock o. m..' seU at f court honise door in the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe CA state of North Carolina, at public aut- uoa to the hisbest bidder upon the terms below stated; tftose three tracts,' pieces and parcels of land in Jackson county, North Carolina, locally known as the CuMorwhee Copper Mine Tract, the Alice Copper-Mine Tract and. the Savannah Copper Mine Tract, jnore particularly described as" follows: FIRST TRACT, OR CUDDOWHE COPPER MINE TRACT: Beginning on a. sarvis at 4be . sad of a branch that run- into Tennessee creek,and runs thenoe south 65 degrees west 23 pole, to a hickory; thence south 75 degree west 160 poles to a wMte oak; theac south! 15 : degrees' east 240 poles to stake; thence north 75 degrees east 19 poles to a stake; thence north 55 de grees east 135. poles to a stake; theno porth 15 degrees west 238 ooies to stake; thence to the begirmlng', ontaftv ing- (four bucudred acres. SECOND TRACT OR ALIOS COP PER MINE TRACT Beginning In th Thomas gap on a chestnut and run' south 40 degrees west 3 poles to an Oak Wild am H. Brvson & Co.'s corner thence soutlh 70 degrees west 100 pole .to a chestnut oak; thence south 30 de grees west 125 poles to a hickory in th. county line; thence north 83 degree' west 154 poles with the county line t a wihittoak; thence north 70 degree wtest 60 poles with the counity line a spanlsb oak; thence miorth, 40 degree, west 90 poles to a double chestnut thence north 25 degrees east 100 poes to a stake In Fox's line; thence -nortl 85 degrees eact, 32 poles with Fox's line to a Stake; thence north 15. degrees east 50 poles to a poplar; thence north 45 degrees east 72 poles t a hickory in D. Presley,$ line; thence as 72 poles to Presley's line; theno tnence north 10 poles to a stake; thenc' north 80 degrees east 93 poles to a span' ish oak; thence south 37 degrees eas 235 poles to the oeginniog, ontainln oaJi4 acres. HIRD ' TRACT' OT? cav xr- -p COPPER 'MINE TPAJCT, composed o uwu a.ujomarg tracts, the first hPiinntn on a white oak; and running thenoe north 20 degreer east 1 poles to a iia.Ke on tne line of a tract known a the Jon? Copper Mini tract: thtn east with that linle 79 poles to a stake: inence north 9 degrees east continuity with said lime 88 ooles ro a sfake. coi ner of said Jones traot- tenrrt nnrth degrees west 55 Doles ) a stake on the original line of No. 130: thence North 20 east with that iiiu 45 doIps in siake; thence north 22 degrees west 1 poes xo a stake on Isaac Ashe's linA thence east 16 poles o a stake on said isaac Asne's line; thence south wit his lime 32 poles to a stake, thence eas poies to a stake on the orln! Una of No. 130; thence soatli 15 d-aTea- east $v-ith that line 66 poles to a Span- i&fl oaK; uience soutn 20 degrees west 70 poles to a sitake im Bumgarner's line thenc north 80 degrees west with that line 54 poles to a stake: then, ami, 10 degrees west with Bumgarner's line ow poaes no a stake: thence soutb SO degrees . ast .39. poles to a -stake on, the original ake of No. ,130: thence avrM.vu . Av uicco 'wesc zi ,ooies to a sxane or corner of trjactisro. 130; thence south 70 degrees east? 100 poles to stak corner of No. 130; thence south 20 de grees west Wies to a stake: thnA souttlh 32 degrees west M aa stake, corner of Jon-s' tract; thenoe south 58 degrees east 15 poles to a stake; then, ... th 20 deees west 7 poles to a stake on Jones' line; thence north 60 degrees west 63 pol3 to a stake, corner of Jones' tract: thence soutn 60 poes to a stake in tMe line of Jones' or Alii soul's and1 the Keener tract; thence west 60 poles to a stake - in the line of J. HigdOn's -'act; thence north 10 poles to a stake, corner of said Higdon's tract; thence west with Higdon's line 100 poles to a stake in said Higdon's cornier; thence south 8ft poles to a stake; thence east 72 poles to a stake on the line of the Jones or Allison and Keener tract; toenoe south 30 poles to a stake on the original line of No. 130; ithence with that line North' 70 degrees west 148 poles to it stake at the corner of the original line; thence north 20 degr -es east 217 poles to the begdnnirs; the second, Besrinndng on a white oak the corner of No. 130 and runing thence south 2d degrees west 36 poles to a stake, a cor ner of Thomas West's entry; thence south 85 degrees west 145 poles to a white oak on the Macoa county line thence in.rfch 62 poles with said line to a white oak; thance north 27 degrees east with said county line 43 poes to a black oak; thence North 35 degrees west with said 'line 204 poles to a chest nut; thence North -11 degrees east with said line 30 poles to a stake; ibence fe.uth 73 degrees east 204. poles to a stake, . corner o Jones' copper mine tract; tLence south 170 poles to a stake at another corner of said Jones' tract; th nee east 70 poles to a s'take otn the .original line of entry No, 131 ; thence south 20 degrees west 16 .oles to the beginning, containing 260 acres. TEtrtiMia OF SAHJE OF SAID. LANDS. The purchaser jot purcbaers. of eai lands will 'be required to ipay' in cash at the close of the biddings, twenty per centum of the amount 'bid, and to make three notes in equal installments, pay able to the undersigned, commissioners, to become due in six. twelve and eigh teen months from date, bearing inter est from date till paid, deferred pay ments to be properly secured, for the remainder of the purchase 'money; and title will be retain -1 until all the piB7 ohase (money is paid. Tbe purchaser or purchasers to have option of pay ing' cash on day of- sale or before ma turity of notes. The three tracts r 111 be first sold separately and' then together, and the tad or bids will be accented which will Km teh most Leaeflclai to the parties to interest i - 5 - - -r - -. Unles the purcbaser or purchasers shall promptly comply with the above terms of sale by paying wenty pr cemtmn of his or their bid or bids which may be accepted!, and by making said notes as above required, then and forth with after suidh acceptance of said bid or bids and such failure, said lands will then- and there be resold at pub'io aut Hon upon the terms above stated. - This April 4 1901. Jr. "t. UUtfif, STilAS. A. MJOOR3. w Commiraiaaears. . 'Utst winer I twar confined to mj be wftfo ft very b col oa the lungs. No thin?: gave me relief. Finally my wii .ougbt a bottle of One a nute Coug Cur that effected a speedy cure, catonot &peak Itob blgbly of that- e$ cellent. remed,T." Mr. T. K. House man, Manatawney, Pa Sold by all druggists. HOOD'S barsapariiia is the Onf True Blood Puiifier, Great .Verve Tonic, Stomach KoguJator. To thou- 1 mavis its src&t merit fi KK OWN-'

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