f: . j- 1 i -"u-r THEHEVIIXEGAZETTE -j OHOE S3. 1SU ! F ill'liil 1 - rT-. -.;-:.jg . ... ,. 'j THE MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Yesterday's Quotations : on the New Yopk-Exchanges -Chicago Grain Market - ' DEALINGS IN , . LiAUGE VOIiUMB Highest, Iiowest and Closing Prices For AcUm Stocka . Cotton Market Point. - 1 . .- '4 'T- ... By private wire to JiMluirDihjf r & stock brokers, 11 Church street. New York, April 22--Ais ha4 been generally expected tbe etocJc saarke opened with tbie dealing in enormous volume and (for the most part showing further substantial iadvSLnces parttcu-? larly in the railway list) anidj the lool traction. NA very notable exception to the general tendency of the market -was Amalgamated OopaeT wihlch cor ed a Sensational decline w about six points the weakness- in that instance being probably owing toilae expected issue of new, istock (With, which to fi nance the pwdbase of Boston and Montana and Butte and Boston .prop erties. The features of the railway list at opening were St. Paul, Union Pa cific, Norfolk & Western and the An thracites. Further sharp advances on large dealings noted In the local trac tions. The Industrial quarter was cofmjparatively quiteit with few move ments of any dimensions appearing. The London market for Americans was shown at Irregular t and comparatively small changes In contrast with Satur day's local final figures. .The dealings here for foreign account at the open ing wtere on (both ides of market. Apart from the news of the flooda in various directions very Ifttle that was novel appeared in the situation bear ing on the market over Sunday The local dealings showed enormous profit realizing sales and account of ifchis a number of sharp recessions were scor ed 'but as was the case throughout last week new buying appeared on each re cession. ("Western houses in- particular appeared to have selling orders in the market, i i ; , . HiaJb 125 Low Close 119 123 63 63 76 76 147 148 127 127 Am. Copper .. Am. Smelt .. C. O. Am . Sug. Ref Am . Tob .. .. 67 . 77 150 123 A. T. & S 70 8 A. T. & S. F. pfd .. 97 96 B. & O. 98 94 68 96 94 B. & O SKKT 6t B. O. pfd 92 91 9Ui B. Tl. T , 88 86 86 Ches. & O. .-. .. -9 . G. B. &Q 194 193 194 85 97 2?o 46 104" C. C. C. & St. L. .. 88 Colo. F. & I 99 Con. Gas 203 Con. Tob 47 Con. Tob. pfd 104 D. & H. 181 U. S. Steel pfd .. 94 U. S. Steel .. .. .. .. 46 Gen!. lEleotrc .. .. . 39 Mo. K. & T. pfd .. .. 67! Illinois .. .. .. .. .. 144 Jersey .'Central 159 Rep. Steel 48 L. & N 106 iManhatttan' L 131 Me. St. Ry 176 Mo. Pac 109 N. T. Central 154 N. & W. 55 Nor. Pac 102 Nor. Pac. pfd .. .. 98 Onlt. & "W. .. .. .. .. 36 Pac. (Mail 42 Penma 161 People's Gas 116 Read). 1st pfd 77 85 96 233 ' 46 104 179 93 45 58 65 144 157 46 104 128 173 108 153 54 101 97 36 36 160 114 77 153 170 49 49 29 83 67 93 45 38 65 144 159 48 104 -90 54 101ft 97 36 -41 1604 115 77 Rock sland 157' St. Paul .175 Souith Pac 53 South Pac 53 Southern .. 30 Southern pfd .. .. .. 84' (Tenn. C. &. 1. .. ... 68 155" 171 51 51 29 83 67 From Washington How a Little Boy Was Saved. Washington, D. C "When oni boy was about 16 months old he broke out with a rash which was thought to be measles. In a few days he had a swelling on the left side of his neck and it was decided to be mumps. He was given medical attendance for about three weeks when the doctor said it was scrofula and ordered a salve. He wanted to lance the sore, but I would not let him and continued giving him medicine for about four months when the bunch broke in two places and became a, running sore. Three doctors said it was scrofula and each ordered a blood medicine. A. neighbor told me of & case somewhat . like our baby's which was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. I decided to : give it to my boy and n a sbort while his health improved and -his neck -healed so nicely that I stopped giving him the medicine: The sore broke out again, howeVer, whereupon J. again, gave him, Hood SarsapArilla "arid its persistent use. has accomplished &com plete cure. I do not think; there will br even a soar left. ; I xannot speak top highly of Hood's Sarsaparilla: and Irecr ommend it everywhere I get a chance.w Mrs, Nbttib Chasb4T K St., "A complication -of- troubles, dys pepsia, clunJcaiarTlftndin mation rof the stomach,; rhtiiaiatism, etc., made &6 oiterable. mH3"P. appetite rixlll I tooktHood'sapaW" rilla, which acted dike mse. J a thoroughly rcured.jNB6?Lr: 1874 WesUttiTnTex if you Have fauecuo get reuemna other remedies: try Hood's "Sarsapa rilla.. It cures when all 'others fall because ii is Peculiar to Itself.' 88-: 87 ?7 7tf -77 77 1'40 40 94 93. 93 20l , 20 20 U. S. Leatker "7 ; WatlaEhr .. .. WUiarSfreli . U. S.4 Imbiber tenaper in: the trade was" again appar ent to 'the- early cotton market TJhtere was some Uttlel hesitation and buyers brought in a gtogerly fashion at; first hottr' but. soon, inf courage Jand caused a wiM stampede of the bear clique who (had been .snaking some headway ibecause of Improved Weather conditions in the South. Some aggres dye buying advioncted (the market 5 to 8 points' the first half hour, later in the dajn Liverpool eased oft somewhat closing sUghUy ijundieT while thja local market also reflected someTofit tak ing1, the showing on -the whole twas ood and prices since noon recovered the early lose closing -.best of the day. Bad weather gave decided et back to the crop. Best accounts agree that the amount of cotton to be replanted as a result of isevere wether.jwffll be obp siderable : and thia inyoivea expendi ture of : mauuch labOTand money, Its calculated that mWiy farmers will be dishearteffled and decline to txpiant while manyjwho would will ybe unable on account of ecaredty' of labor . There is no doubt t the season starts- un der igoom-y auspices and with bullish feeling. This being the view taken of the situation it Is not surprising that all efforts to depress thte market hav been ineffetetive an .the "long run and that we .are now witnessing a growing bull feeling which Is likely to Increase in interest as May approaches. As the trend of the market appears to be upward we believe ipurehases of July and the new crop months are now in order, i J cxyrroN. New York stx1 8 7-16. Jan 7 31 April 8 18 Ma y " 8 21' Juara 8 20 July 8 25 August 7 85 September 7 46 Ootober - . . . 3 41' November 7 30 December 7 30 7 27 8 13 8 11 8 09 8 11 7 77 7 43 7 34 7 30 7 27 7 29 8 18 8 19 8 09 8 24 7 S3 7 45 7 33 7 30 7 29 LIVERPOOL COTTON. By private wire to Alurptiy & Co. The flowing r --re the ruling quo tat ions in the exchange today. Tone steady. Sales 7000. Mid. 4 21-32. Open Close CMarer-April .. ....... 4 34 April-tMay .. 4 33 May-June 4 34 Jume-July 439 Jiuly-Aiugt . . .. 4 35 Aug-Sept .. 4 28 Septt-Oct .. 4 11 Oct-Nov .. .. , 4 06 Nov-Deo .. .. .. 4 33 v i 9 4 34 4 35 4 35 4 28 4 1 4 07 4 06 New York, April 22. (WHEAT There was a broad, active market, prices advancing rapidly with the May delivery here particularfly strong, ad vancing 1 1-4 dent fromi the final curb price of Saturday, while July rose 3 ont-, -Acaiifii ..wheat advances 3-4 to 1 cent. The advance was largely on the foreign news and covering. Conti nental markets were strong and higher and there was active demand for Ger man account owing to reported jdarn age in Germany. This was given as the reason for the sharp advance in i English markets and foreign houses ' were good, buyers here. .Naturally witn ; the damage in a buying: country the influence was felt most pronounced in the eaSh- and distant deliveries were influenced by the continued favorable T American" condition. Wheat was strong Union Pao nfd 1744 ana active an ine aiieniwn inicunug 108 I further advance with corn and on Eu 1534 ropean crop reports. The close was at the top. CORN1 -Trade was active and prices very strong quickly (making new high records for the advance. Better cables, sympathy with wrheat continuation of chill,-wet weather east of Mississippi I river and chill, clear weather west eas- ilv gave bulls the advantage in the market."" Receipts were small at in terior points. Corn was very strong In the af ternoon at 1-4 to j2 cents up from Saturday and trade was active. The close was at the top. PROVISIONS iThere was quite good trade in provisions tamd prices were strong and higher, selling up rather easily after the opening. Live hog re ceipts Were moderate and the strength izn corn stimulated the demand. Pro visions were firm at the close . with grain. . , ' 1 CHICAGO. High Low Clos Wheat tMlay .. 72 July .. . . ., .. .. .. 73 Corn May .7 ..' .f . 46 July .. . . .. 45 Oats (Mlay ..i 26. July r. 25 May .. .. .. 8 17 J-uly ..... .7. 8 02 Uard1 ...... May ............ .. 815 ffuly .. ... ... ... ... .. ., 8 02 - 5xrk - dula(y .. .. .. ... .. 14 44 juOy ... .. . 14 60 71 71 -44 ' 43 25 25 815 . 7 92 ' 8 07 8 00 1 zT 14 55 72 72 46 44 25 .25 8 15 8 02 8 10 02 14 12 14 57 - (Continued from the first page.) FLOODS G0IITI1IUE . . VORKINC HAVOO Ithey had only a' weekra rations, and no feed ,Jt or ttjelf' JhorsesA's. grazing had heerideOTdeol upon tfjfJOi!tf deeideCibat to renminwculd fbe cer- tsaSeathr!"' -'... fThe road down .sthe ; jmountaito is itwelveto fifteen JeaiiUng'BLxa it requbred 'all day IViday " to reach , the foot fhe jmen- suffered Intensely an4 it .was at thiJiesr.ou ltvwbul fee dropotMe'tOjeethr drifta. 'r (Many trees had .tfallen across pthMilaiDd lotruc their, rtfaheTflnreafchin not arrIveMunl$unidlay . The, cold weherjiwdll ibe fatal to the-cattte, and iB ipoqfoaoed f tiiie coidesrt ever'; &nowri there in the imohtih; af April . Cdnet Your Bowels With Caseftrets. Vcandy Cathartic, cure constipation forever, too, 25d. , If G a O.fail, druggists refund P"--ey. -ADITIOJIAE: LOCALS'- C- .B . HMobrev r. cJerfc of the " Federal court, is jquite 111. The first number of "The Southland a monthly magazine, edited .by.A. H. iMoQullfcin and . published by , the iFTench road (Press, has appeared. aiiss- Nahci Lewis Greene fs" ; editor of thwoman'e departooent, and Fred W. tCoIson is business manager . The mag azine ts a much more protentious pub lication than its predecessor, "Pictures and PehcHlings." The matter Is all well getebted, and" ithie' typog'faphy is very nearly perfect. Mrs. Caroline 'Washburn Rockwood has severed her connection! with the Aeheville Conservatory of Music and wjill thereafter teach in her own music room. Many people In ABhevUle have enjoyed Mrs. Rbekwood's artistic sing ing this winter and ber delightful mu- tsic roomi Willi doubtless be a centre of attraction to music lovers, as long as she stays in AsheviKe. In response to the appeal for ' help pubMsbed In Sunday's Gazette, bythe Flower Mission the following amounts have been sent fin: J. V. Brown & Son, 2; Cash, $1; Mrs. Fred Rutledgev SI; Capt. JT. I. Johnston, $5; Ouest at Knickerbocker, 25.50; Baird .& Rector, $2; dash, $1. JUDGE NOT PRESEHT. The Absence of Judge Jones Prevented Opening of 8np?rior Cpnrt Sheriff Lee opened Superior court at cdock yesterday jmoamiing, and, as judge Jtones tad not arrived, tsmtmedi- ately adjourned fit until 2:30 p. m At ' t iitae, ithe Judge mot halving arrived, court ' was e'gaim adjeurned tc 9:30 this mortdmat. Among the cases to be tried are that of the Emma burglars, who are now in the Charlotte Jail; Os and Ben Lam bert for the killing of Charles Clark near Arden, and Jessie Dewey, charged wixr inifeunitiiicidle . NO DOG SHOW. n . vrrnuryB vauuc mc xmtciucui,, u Account of thi Wftatner. nu-K u,.Tv,v,.f criiv among the c'-haJdren was felt when it became knomc yesterday that the Gen trys would not fill the engagement of their doig and! pony show. This stuow is probably the imiost popular one that visits AshevdJiHe regularly. (The lot on Haywood' street, where the tent was to. have been pitched!, was too muoay to permit at raie pucvuis and removal of the show fixtures. Be- slides this, it Was feared that the ani mals would be injured by taking them out of ithe cars in iwearther so unfavor able as thalt of yesterday. LY FRENCH BROAD COUKCH. Entertainment to be given in the Lodge Room Tomorrow. Ev-mng. Ont tomorrow e vending, thedr regular time of meeting, uFVench iBtroad' coun cil, No. 97, Jr. O. TJ. A. iM., will en tertain the friends of (the members with "The foE'owri'ng' conettitute the commit- itee on arraingement: arable Eflwin, J. F. 'MtetFarlandi, O. V. 'Parker, W. C. Pentneff, C S. tPugh, J. H. Reynolds, Oscar White, Ben iM'altthews, and Dr. I. B; Sevier. The program is as follows: Selection, quartet Misses Buokner and Freeman, Messrs. Quffey and Btoner. Address of welcome Marable Eirwin. Instrumental selection iMiss Effle Wolfe. Seleotion, instrumental Prof. Baker. Address, "The Junior Order" Hay wood Parker, Esq. Kong "Put My CLdttle Toys Away," iMis Mabel Wolfe. Quartet "Came Where the Lilies Bloom." "The Mocking Bird" Prof. Baker. N. C WINS. In Intorcollegiate Debate with Van- derbilt, at Chapel Hill. Special to the Gazette. Chapel Hill, April 20. The second annual intercollegiate debate between Vanderbilit University and the Univer sity of 'North Carolina oaime off last night in the chapel of the University. The query was on the trusts, and the North Carolina boys had the, un popular . side, defending Ithe trusts. rPhe decision was two to one in favor of North 2aro3ina-and the speeches of Mr. Swift f of; the SNorth Carolina side and of Mr. Reeves for the Vandenbilt side were especially fine. FOR CHILDREN Nothing, that comes in bottle, is more important io: children than Scott's emulsioi of cod-liver oil. And "impor tant" means that it keeps the -in even health, on the highej plane of physical life. ' "Do they livejm it then?" No; they don't touch it, e: cept when they need it ! "When do they need it? u Whenever : they ..show, i whatever way, the least disturl ance of evenbalance of healtl lU is not for acute disease mffiqiieqeptior; itisfo 4 in- "off "from firSt ling on. irom uibi 5pistoused;a eneyej their Us;rBBUjdoes popguitansweO wU minA mm a fittle to try. if too Ske. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl street New York. OF THE STATE BY WAY OF RALEIGH SmaUesljBaby in tho World)ead Co nl Oentral Oudger Cominsr Horns. ; Rateigh, N. C, April 22. Creat re gret is expressed at the death of 'Col-' onel A. H. -Belo, of Texas, editor of the Galveston and Dallas News. He was a native of Salem, this State, and had re cently donated the Belo home as a home for the indigent. He was regard ed as the leading journalist of thi Southwest, and one of the ablest men in his .section. Not long ago he re visited the home of his youth, and spent several weeks among his rela tives and friends. The most unique invitations seen in a long time have been issued to the meeting of the Dramatic Order of the Knights of Khorassan, which will be held in Greensboro April 24th. This is the social rank of the Knights of Pythias, and has a large number of members in this State. . It meets In Greensboro during the Grand Lodge, and a number of tyros will eb initiated. The smallest baby in the world, which was bcrn here last Saturday, is dead. A mother gave birth to twins. One weighed four pounds, while the other weighed fourteen three-quarter ounces. It was just the size of a large cigar. The infant died after four days. A photograph of this phenomenon was taken, and the facts will be published in the medical monthlies. A number of important cases will bo tried at the next term of Wake court, which assembles Monday. There are several . divorce cases on the docket, and a suit for $20,000 damages against the Seaboard Air Line. Six or eight cottages at Carolina Beach, below "Wilmington, were de troyedN by fire. The loss is $10,000, not more than one-third insured. They will be rebuilt before the opening of Lhe season. At Dover, Craven county, one Htim- ' Phrey, is charged with assault upon the 12-year-old daughter or a negro named Kornegay. Humphrey is a married man, and well known in his section The charge is said to be inspired by i malice, but Humphrey has been ax rested and will be tried. Mr. Hezekiah Gudger, formerly of Asheville, now Consul-General at Pan ama, is corning home on a visit. He i sailed from Colon on Wednesday, and i will proceed direct to Washington. It ig thought his coming home at this tlm- mav hav ROTri(i connection with the recent proposals of the Panama Canal Company, and the consideration of the route by the Government, though It is announced that he is coming to North Carolina to visit his family. The case of the State Hospital vs Fountain, will be tried in Tarboro next week. Mr. Brown Shepherd, of this city, is one of the attorneys in the case, and has gone to Tarboro. - A party of Methodists will leave here Mftnday for New Orleans to attend. h Eey.jB. VB-Anderson, one of the edi tors of the Christian Advocate, will be one of the representatives from this State. Representatives of the principal cot ton oil mills in this State met here this week, with a "representative of the American Cotton Oil Company, to con sider a proposition to go into the trust The mill in this ciLy was one of the or- canizera of the tru-t. but few of the others in the Ftatp are in the combine. A number of these arc large concerns, and have built up a bis trade. Tt is con sidered likely, h-v-'er, that the mills will enter the combine. In the case of K. J. Whitt vs. W. E. Webb, which involved ihe clerkship of the court of Person. Webb, the Demo cratic incumbent, won. W. C. Wishart, of Robeson, was to-day appointed taxation clerk of the Corpora tion Commission. A mass-meeting of union men was held In Metropolitan Hnll to-night to raise funds for the Danv'-'le mill operatives, who are said to be "locked out." Triplett and other labor, organizers arranged meet ing. Great damage to f;uit and feared from frost to -right. truck is KEKVY C:T OF FIFTEEJf. Gave Bold RrlRncp to Itiirclar mid Irrveiitd n Robbery. Greensboro, N. dl, April B Safeblow ers last night visited the office of John A. Young, proprietor of the Greensboro nurseries, two miles ease of this city, and but for the daring nerve of his 15-year old son Cleveland, would have robbed the safe of a large sum of money. The office is situated near Mr. Toung's residence, and the light from the cracks men's lantern streamed into young Cleve land's room and awakened him. Going out to investigate, he was held up at th point of revolvers in the hands of the men and commanded to enter the office and keep quiet. Whue the. burglars were discussing what to .'io with him, the boy seized a rifle from its. rack on the wall, and would have shot one of the men had pot the other knocked the weapon from the boy's grasp. " Cleveland was bound and gagged and left lying"1 on the floor. In the struggle he coanaged to open bis pocket-knife and cut one of the safe-blowers, who left a trail of blood behind him. Soon after the men departed the boy managed to release himself. FOUlPECrOfJLY, oidFaotf' S ctot Cigar. SLAYDENy FAKES & CO,, Agents. (W2en -thlnga are -ihe best" they be come 't w b.. it , ..AJteatow Hajre, ja 4eadin dimgglst .of BeHeytlie - IO- 'writes: 'Etej&iaBittfia' rt6KxhBsu- frj. yeamr. , "Xou knltm mbyT" Mst 01s oases ftigHafin disor-dters off itoxm er; T fcidittefs. Ibawsfxlood bjkE nerves okv. . Mttpra tans mo e stWDaca regulates the Ur&r, kidneys aod txws purines the mooa, strengmens nerves, b-ooa ourea mu?titnfcdes of smal axKes . It tuilds - p the eatire system Pints new Htfe aandi 'vlsWB tolto Buy weak slokly run tJown anan of woumui. Prio J 50 cenJts. oy-U u.oiigsgiais. . 1:111 T 1 fB uareGORDIALtYNVITEiy to call at mv raififloft SlC5 KunaDouts;;Harr.ess, etc., can show you the most com plete assortmenfof sirigle and double Buzev Harness at Drices remarkably low. A few Studebaker Wagons at cost. O. 86 Patton, Ave, The AUDITORBUM FUND , Is Still Short Of the amount deemed necessary by the board of . directors. Believing that the auditorium h$ proposed is much needed that it will hejp to advertise Asheville by bringing large conventions here ; that it is de sired by the business interests and citizens gener ally . The Gazette Publishing Co. Notwithstanding that it has already subscribed to t auditorium fund, will do still more to help the project. For the Next 30 Days The Gazette Publishing Company will give to the Auditorium Fund one-half of all New, Paid-in-advance Subscriptions to the Daily Gazette. The subscription price is $4 a year. For every new $4 subscription the Auditoriam Fund will be increased $2. NO V IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. flSfiEVlLLE COLLEGE. (MhmFORmhi Y0UNGSW0MEN. A non -d enoml national School f , gd g and youi women, offers llploma, amkl exoeUent xxperpajraibory sdhiool-r-v.--3 upom the entrance reqitf ements of WeMesly, Smdth, V&asasr, (and Bryn (Miam-r. The f-ge Is thorougihly prcgressive -nd appi ail's to t le public for patronage on the ground cf m rlt awd wot tcheapnldss, though the rates Te as low foa oampatMe with, the "best instructlrwii and ej oellentt e olpmfent. Ft further partlcuilars anti c-ta giue addlress the president, Arcnifcaid A. Jones, AsheYille, N. C. New Classes in Ralston Physic al Culture Are lormtog this we. to continue through the moxtb of May. Let all vnho wish to take a courso in this unique system of physical traiufing en iOll at once, land Join one of tie new classes. Class days, 'Mondays, WedJnes d&ys acd rr'diys rH on - Miss Cornellson, Office Hours: 9 to 11 and i to . Gxwa, Pretty. Now 1111 1 DADtD lo, 3c, 5c, Roll, ""'- Sia'tisfactiori! -guartoteed', Sample for stamp. T . H.iClAlDT 'OO. JPuiovnENiCB,R . I . a.' tueroi of tdW: toasiw title deed for toistotrrofwk . 1 -! ! ... .i -..-7 Educate Your Bowels. Your bowels can be trained aiVeK as your muscles or"y our brain Cas carets Candy Cathartic train your bowels to do riieht Genuine tablets stampea v. v. v. , xNcyy bulkl M tlrjiggis i ' r in P. A 43 Sout fflmiri; Street inspect new stock of Carriages, Surries, Bug- B. WRIGHT, Ptoprlttor, Carolina Carriaee Co. MTHERSON & MOORE, Plumbing and Steam Fitting. ROOFING, OUTOERING AND QAIiVAjNTZKD IRON WORK. Refrigerators relined and all kinds of repair work promptly attended to .. ..43-45 nOLIjDCt STREET. ... Telephone 133. Murphy Co. Brokers. Private wire: Continuous quotations. 61 Broadway, Nw York. II Church St., Asheville, N. C, Refer to Blue Ridge National Bank PARKER'S HAIR CAUSAM itfeve Ti to S?tor Grr 2UUf to itc youwrai wior. Com elo li3- A hir l Jxinz, KcaSd $lDQtk Urofgi CV IJ-fl" TOB AC TOBACCO SPIT LWl3 I nl SMOICB You can be cared of any zorm 01 toDacco ustne easily; be made well, strong, mac r. be made well. Strong, magnetic, iuuox life and vigor by taking KO-TO-DAO. new lire and vicor or laune tmU tViat m.Voa tnn stronsr. Maffr srain ten pounds in ten days. Over 3OO0OOO caicd. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book let jmit advfce. FKJSB. Address STBSIJNa tLSXSSSPt CO Cnicaso or New Todc 437 - MAR QUARDT, Manager, Asheville, N. C. 1 gg x v f .J6rf4.--.- ... .V v-- fcJ3- L - .,' " r t X if. - " 1 ;-5L7r .'-lif; , 4

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