The - M DEEAMLANFS DEMON V -. X .JUL, jT Now in Its Sitf.h .Year, ASDEVILLE'S LEADING NEWSPAPER G&STORIA: . For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Alwajs Bought - Sears the STsf'- vTTt t Signature QCutW7&&d Senator Hoar makes notes for his speeches on envelopes and odd, scraps I ox paper whtch he carries In his pock ets. . NIGHTMARE, THAT REALISTIC TOR . WENT OF SLUMBER. TH3 DAILY NEWSPAPER 03 NINTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Circulation in EvqTowii of the District. Zgest Town and SnbmiBan carco5atioa--iTUea by All Visitors Entering Ashe ville For Sato at All .News Boomsr and on v All Ballroaa Traina. . " Most Complete, Litest aid Most Accurate News Service of Any Paper Ever Published in Western W. C. A CONVINCING ANSWER. "I hobbled fhto Mr. - Blactonon' drug store one evening," says Wesle Nelson, of Hamilton, Ga.' "and he asked me to try Chamberlain's Pais Balm for rheumatism with which I hat Buffered! for a long time. I told him rid no faith to! any medicine, as the all failed. He said Well, If Cumber Iain's Pain Balm does not help you, yoi need not pay for it. I took a bottle o it home and used it accord r to the di lections and in one week I was cured and have not since been troubled witl rheumatism." Sold by C. A. Raysor. 8T IT 'OCAL NEWS, LOCAL GOSSIP. AND DEVOTED TO THE SUILDING OP ASHSVUJLB. UP- Gold tissue roses are ar stylish touch Of color In the all black hats. It is the recognized Advertising Medi um of Asheville. Its advertising columus fu.nish information of real valu from the houses ol this city. SHAKE INTO TOUR SHOES. Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures painful, smarting, nervous feet and in growing nails, and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and ' hot tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. T. To the peoplefof Asheville and western North Caroli- "Writing with white ink on blue pa per is said to be one of the ultra, fash ionable fads in Paris. eiriip'Joyes, and two thousand men are idle. The strike was caused by the discharge of a boy at Prospect col liery. He was discharged yesterday for refusing to oil a wheel, saying It was not Ms business. Scranton, April 16. Three hundred switchmen employed in the Lackawan na yards quit work today and, it is said, there is danger of the strike ex tending to all yards of the Lackarwanna system. Tfcday'a strike is due to the discharge of two men without any cause 'being assigned. Tlte Causes of the Distressing Trou I Die ana the Methods of Avoiding It. Some Popular Beliefs on the IJlr V Affliction. According to the Bavarian popular be- I uei, me nigntmars is -a woman who ap pears in. -the morning asking -to -berrovr something To keep her away at night they promise her the threef whiter gifts if she will come for them the next1 morn ing,' and When she does come, a? she surely will, she is given a handful of flour, X handful of salt and an egg. In Morocce!1t is customary to place & ' dag ger under the pillow at night to ward off the nightmare, and in Greece a black handled knife is. supposed to .have the same effect. The ancient Germans be lieved that nightmare was due to a demon who during sleep seated himselfL upon the chest of the sleeper and op pressed his breathing. The symptoms of nightmare are varia- i ble, though they may be always extreme ly disagreeable. It may be a realistic sensation of falling from a high place, such as the summit Of a steep precipice, or one may suffer all the horrors of a flood or fire or a struggle with enemies superior in force and number. Frantic animals may attack or spring upon the sleeper, and with all These visions there is an inexpressible anguish and pain, with a sense of imminent danger, escape or defense seeming impossible, while the victim is unable to cry out for assist ance or in the always present struggle at last utters a groan or two which may awake him. Nightmare is especially distinguishable from dreams by the sensation of depres sion and suffocation. It is, in fact, a true temporary miniature delirium. Some times, long after awakening, it leaves the Riibiect a Drev to nervous anxiety, violent palpitation and unusual debility. In fact, it has a marked analogy with' insanity, and if it is constantly recurring it may be of serious portent, pointing to some af fection of the brain or mind. Not that nightmare causes nervous disease or in sanity, but that nervo'us disease pre-existing causes, on the contrary, this special disposition of the brain to temporary de lirium From this it can be understood why nightmare is often hereditary, just as ab normal nervous impressionability may be inherited. The child, too, sensitive to the slightest impression, a living bundle of nerves, is more especially 1 -r---?1::1- ..!5ggrT &i iif iNwt Wp ? WW MM IJalW FUN FOE THE PLEBE. A WEST POINT CADET WHO KNOCKED OUT ALL COMERS. He Whipped Thirty .Youths ox the Yearling Class and Then Finished Up Every Man of the First Class Who Called Him Ont. The hazers of West l oint ran upl against a hard proposition when they encountered J ohn Patrick . Sullivan . of Louisiana. He is the youth of musclt and brawn who as a. plebe whipped 30 cadets of the "yearling" class and every cadet of the first class who called him out " He was so busy with fights that sometimes he had" as many as four in one day, and he never lost a battle. He was the best scrapper" the Military academy ever saw and as a plebe used to whip upper class men as fast as they appeared before him. Sullivan was "found ia-math" in Janu ary, 1897. "Found in math" means "found deficient in mathematics." He therefore left the academy, but the re membrance of his prowess still remains there. In his "plebe camp" Sullivan was challenged by every yearling who was of equal weight with him and whipped them all, sometimes meeting as many as four. Then the first class was weighed in and met the "rapid plebe," one by one. Sulli van won all the fights and kept the doc tors at the hospital busy. Scarcely a day but some man reported at the hospital with a disfigured face which he had re- viuk . - bv ninnine lnto a tree." Before subject to nigm , ' a,Urra wna nft If ott harent a regular, Healthy moTement of ths bowels open, ua ira won mn, " - jrc lVntphTtUe op PHI poison, Is dangerous. The smooth , easiest, most perfect way of keeping the bowels eiear ana cieaa v btuko CANDY CATHARTIO tod EAT JEW1 LIKE CANDY Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Tasto Oood, Do Good. Kever Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10, . andi W ceM per box. Write for free sample, and booklet on health. Address TL BTUBX15G BKBKDY COHPANT, CHICAGO er HIW TORE. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAI1 nigut Snlli-rnn ws no lnneer the terrors, even while awake, owing to the i K h "rrhU nlhe." . He was a rawboned youth from J-iomsi- Pretty trimimings for collar (bands, wrist bands and waist deoo ration of various sorts are nuade ty joininT rf hraiifl with a Iojcg stitch, ar ai- na "wbo desire aSclean.lenterprising daily"newspaper, de- temating narrow ribbon with brat Uft " " and ioindnjf thtem In the same mannsr. r.lcA 4A thA interest S Of this SeCtitfl, WhOSe COlUmUS are Crepe de chine Is-one of the moat VOted tO Xlie lniereSTS Ul WW Lonular materials for the bridesmaidi always open to encourage and assist every worthy move-lwn. s,A ment the Gazette looks for its support, pledging to people - hoia. s up a congressman. meuiy uu,v" KK "Alt the id of the Jast camiDaign,' writes Oliaanip Cla k, Missouri's brlMan congressmiain, i5rom ovtrworK. nervtm tension, loss of sleep antd constan speaking I had about utterly collapsed It seeml that a)U the oneans ln zm body wi re out of order but three bot ties of iiectrrc Bitters made be al right. . It's tho best all-round medi oine ever sold over druy;fist's coun ter." 0ee ied run down men. an. weak and sickly worsen sain stlendi health and viaility from Bieotric Bitters. Try them. Ondy 60c. Guaranteed b all druggists. offthis section its" most earnest endeavors to publish here a newsp&per that will serve every useful end for which a daily journal ean strive in a progressive community. To each ana every intelligent citizen ot Asheville and Western North Carolina, we ask; rn ti not think that twe Gaae-e Reserves your patronage? It otters you more ti any newspaper published in this section has ever offered; it works const iy for the progress for which you hope; J fa fearless and independent Its opinions, it ym keep yon to touch with the world'o news and with mt- rsathome. When you stop to think of all this, do you - -nk that any enter- arise fa the community offers you bett r value for your money or more richly &( serves your suptportT ' - High crowned and broad trimm'ed hats are in prospect for the coming season as a suitaJble accompaniment for the wide lace collars.. A HOERIBL ( UTBRBAK. Of large sores on imy little daugh ters head developed into a case o scald (head," wiites C. D. I-Jbill of Mor ganton, Tenn., but . Buckleni's Arniec Sadve campletel'y cured (her. It is guaranteed cure for Eczema, Tetter Salt Rheum, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers an pdles. Only 25c at all druggists. A' yoke of fur shaping- down to te belt as a vest in front is the novel I feature of a velvet iblouse: and the new lace collar fall all around. from underneath this SUBGSRIPTIGtJ RATES: One Year. ' Six Months. Ckrtf Mftnth ... One WeeH (by carriers la Asheville, Victoria or BUtmore) ....$4.00 ..... 2.00 A RAGING, ROARING FLOOD. Washed down a telegraph line whic Ohas O. Ellis of -dsbon, Ia.f had to re pair. t tandiDig waist dleep in ic. water," hie write, "gave me a terribl cold and cough. It girew worse daily Finally, the (best doctors in Oakland Neb., Soux City and Omaha said I ba Can sumption aad could noi live. The I begum to use Dr. King's New Dis covery nid wl wnolly cured by si bottles." Positively guaranteed fo Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lain troubles by all druggists. Price 50 and S1.00 "Trial battles free. . .AO cents French knots in either black or white silk -beutify some of the narrow gold braids. They are done by hand and one row through the center da sufficient for the narrow .widths, i THE IB 9 Published Triursdaysf eight pages Ton wtill waste tii e if you try ciure indigestion or dyspepsia by sflarv ins yourself. That only miakes i worse when, .you do eat heartiLv. To always meed) plenty of good food prop erfy digested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure i the result otf years of scierntiflc re search for somehing .thut would diires colt only some elements of : food bu every klndi. And it is the remedy the wtiH ;do It. Sold 'by all druggists. ot the lbest! Weekly newspapers in thestate. . Chlffoto, net and gauxe with narrow braids of silk stitched (in at intervals make very pretty. vests. One row of J embroidered' polka dots down the cen tre 'jot the 't'ands 3a an effiective addl- tio 0I40 AiAf. TiniSo'AinnrEI Address .4: A 1: 'ii:,;M.4.. MEDICINE FOB A GOOD COUGH if . CHILDREN. . "I have no hesitancy In rcoaninend, ing Chamberlain's Cough remedy" says F. P. Morgan, a well know: and popu lar baker of Petersburg, Va. "We h!ay given It 6 our children when trouhed with bad cough a also whqop ing f-cough. and -ft'has aways given perfect satisfaoUol4"It .was: recom mended td me. by a druggist as the best ough medicine for ohlldsen as ft con tained nordpttrui or power of the mind to project ideas into space and with the eye to see them as actualities imbued with life. Next in sus ceptibility are women and some men whose brains have remained in the infan tile state properly called simple minded. Anaemia, fever, disturbance of the circu lation caused by diseases of the heart of the large blood vessels, disturbed respira tion due to asthma or a full stomach are the most freauent predisposing causes and are as powerful as nervous disturb ances, such as hysteria and hypochondria, in causing nightmare. Sometimes nightmare is due to pro longed wakefulness, a radical change in diet or faulty position of the body, such as lying upon the back or face. Some times it is due to some mechanical inter ference, such as an aneurism or even swollen tonsils. In nervous persons emotional in charac ter nightmare may be caused by grewsome tales or woeful spectacles, grief, discoui agement, hatredi anger, etc. In fact, the most intense nightmare is due to exalta tions of passion due to the loss of dearly loved relatives or friends, sudden and extreme reverse of fortune, disappointed ambition, the fear of disease or even a shock to one's self love and esteem. The treatment of nightmare consists in awakening the subject and if there is perturbation of mind giving some mildly sedative potion, such as warm water sweetened with sirup of lettuce. Follow ing this, care should be taken to remove the supposed cause to prevent recurrence of the nightmare. - In the case of children intense moral impressions, weird stories and grewsome tales should be avoided, es pecially before bedtime. The child should be put to bed early to avoid the exciting environment of the social circle, of animated conversation and convivial jollity. The evening meal should be a light one both as to quantity and quality of food and drink, avoiding highly spiced relishes and stimulating drinks. The chamber should be spacious and well ventilated, the bed not too soft and without too much bedclothing. Per- fppt. muscular relaxation, avoidance of false positions and perfect freedom, all compression interfering with respiration nr circulation, must be avoided. The feet ought to be warm and lower than the head. The body should be extended and not cuddled up into a ball. The bed ought to be slightly inclined from head to foot, but the proper eleva tion of the head varies according to tem perament. Anaemic people need to have the head quite low, but full blooded peo ple rest easier if the head is higher. An oYPitnhle. congested brain may be re lieved by. warm baths, tonics and anti spasmodics like the bromides and va lerian. If there Is a tendency to palpita Hon. the person should lie upon the1 right side. If is disordered by chron ic digestive troubles, the person should lie on the left side. The stomach should be in good condition, especially if there is flatulence due to gastric torpidity, leading to fermentation of&obd, and dila tion of the stomach shoulde energetical ly treated. . , - . In Bacon's "Natural History," which is quamtly worded and based oh very Crude knowledge of natural history as it Is un derstood today, the author says, with a grain of truth, "Mushrooms cause the in cubus or mare ' in the stomach." The same might be said of Welsh rabbits and similar indigestible delicacies eaten just before retiring. These lie hard on the stomach and cause more horrible dreams in those not hardened to such gor mandism. But it is4equally erroneous to gd to the opposite extreme and prohibit all food before retiring, for often a light repast is a most exeeUeht nigntcap and the pleasantest and safest remedy against insomnia and In fact against trhtmre. for an - emntv stomach may jrause it Jast as much as an overloaded oner-Indianapolis JoprnaL ' ana and eminently built for fighting. He was not a quarrelsome fellow by any means, but his name and his prowess caused him a lot of trouble, It was a case of fight with him as soon as he went into barracks as a "beast." Several year lings paid Sullivan the customary visits and asked the usual questions. When the I festive yearlings found that his name was Sullivan, they asuea, .are you o vmi xj. Sullivan?" "No" rpnliprt the candidate: "1 am John P. Sullivan." After the usual instructions about the use of "sir" and "mister" the yearling asked, "Can you fight, Mr. Sullivan? "I don't want to fight, sir," was the re TVIV. 'But don't you know that you have got n fi o-ht to keen un the reputation of -c-onr name?" Snlllvan said he would ngnt 11 oougeu to do so, and as soon as he had passed his preliminary examination and was in "olebe camp" his hghtmg days pegan The first man who had "deviled" him on his first dav in barracks was the first one he whipped. It can be imagined that ne foujrht his first fight at the fomt witn a rrrwi rt. After that it was a matter of duty with him, and he knocked out 30 of the yearling class. After Sullivan had beaten all comers he was not aevnea Dy the. upper class men and in the -fall wag the only man of his lass to whom was Hvpn h nlace on the football team. Sullivan got his snare 01 missing at uibi and took it without a murmur, unce they told him to stand at the door of his tent and. whistle for rain. He did so cheerfully and whistled long and loud. He never resented any of the usual testa which were applied to cadets, but the readiness with which he accepted a chal lenge and the rapidity with which he put his opponents out of commission were traits which made the upper class men rather wary of deviling him. The youth from Louisiana was respect ed at the Point for his physical qualities, even if the academic board had doubts as to his mathematical ability. Perhaps he would have done better in "math" if he had not had so much fighting to do. It is rather difficult to "bone math" and whip four upper class men a day. Sullivan's name is one which will long be a consol ing remembrance among the fourth class men at the academy, for though the days of fighting are over the class feeling is very strong at the Point, and it is always A consolation to olebes to be able to tell tales of the physical prowess of another' plebe, even though he has fallen from tns ranks. Many officers' now in the service also are proud of the fighting ability . John Patrick Sullivan. Plebe SulUxan was tall, muscular and -well built, with not an ounce of useless flpsh on him. Every movement of his THE INDIAN AND THE NORTH WEST. A 'handsomely il aistnated .book just is sued1, bound in cloth and1 oonitalning 11 pages of interesting historical data re lating to the settlement of the grea north-west, with fine half-tone engrav ings of Black Hawk, Sitting Bull, Re Cloud, and other minted chiefs; Custer battleground an ten colored map plase shlprwing location of the various tribe dating back to 1600. A carfeu'l reviev oi the book impresses one theit it is" valued contribution to the history o these early pioneers, amid a copy shoul be in every library. Price 50 ce.nt.3 re copy. Malted! postage prepaid upon re ceipt of 'this amioairfit by W. B. Kn.n kern, 22 Fifth Avenue, Chicago., 111. t CONSUMPTION, i ROOMS OCCUPIED BY CONSUMP TTVES aN BE KEPT FREE FROM OR .ND CONTAGIOUS DUST BT THE DALL" USE OF PATT'S CHLORIDE S , WHICH INSTANTLY DESTROY FoCJI ODOR AND DIS EASE BREEDING MATTER. A11 odorless ecworles;! lUj uid; powerful safe and economical. Sola quart bot ties only by D ugglsts and 1:1 gh class Grocers. FBEE A practical tre&tifj compiled from board of health reports ca infectious diseases, such as Dir erla, Scarlet Fevec, Typhoid. Measles, Cossumptlon, etc , how to prevent aid treat them, vekh illustrations showing methods of household disinsection will be m!ie free Address Henry B. Piatt, 86 Piatt St., ev York City. HAVEN M STOUT - Bankers and Brokers, fc'-SSAU STREET, CORNER WA1 NEW YOI Deposit i. count ; leceived subject to check on demand.. .Interest credited monthly on daily balances. Accounts of banks, . Joorporations, firms and individuals received on favor able terms. Coupons, interest, dividends, nott drafts collected for our corresponded. Or rs executed for the purchase 0. on commission, of bonds, stocka, investm . ts or carried on margin. Clients may telegraph orders ana' in structions at our expense. Copies of telegraphic ide may be had on appli cation. Information regarding quotations cheerfully 'furnished'1. Accordion pleated chiffon finds many uses this season, one of which is the entire lining of an evening cloak over another lining of silk. Ar AonntoA strptijrth and aeilitv, and4iway 10,000 treatments. B. B. B. win UUUJ --. - . 1 .... THIS WILD INTEREST MANY. To quickly introduce 'the famous blood purifyer, B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Baton) dnto new homes, we will give V other ' (harmful Slmnar.tfr'Different. viMiles Do you believe that history, real ly repeats itself? - Giles xes, wru vuw nxv - man's personal history. Miles Why the exception? " Giles In the hitter case it ts repeated by the man's neighbors. Chicago News. those who felt the grip of his big hands thought their fingers had been in the jaws of a vise. When he had his first fight, no particu lar! attention was paid to the affair, as the average plebe does not know much about fighting, and it was taken for grant ed that the yearling who had called him out would get the better of the oattie. But Sullivan returned to camp without a scratch while the yearling, with the help of several. of his classmates, went tojthe hospital for rest," recuperation and "re pairs. Then it was that the yearling class got together and began to call out the "rapid plebe" one after the other. If was necessary, according to the code, to take the plebe's conceit out of him, and so the series of , fights began which re sulted so disastrously to the upper class men. After he had whipped every man of his weight in the yearling class it was decided at a class meeting that he should be let alone. It was then, that the first class tool? a hand, with no better result? than the yearlings; - But, alas, SuHiyan could not "get away" with mathematics as easily as he could with "scrapping" ca Aot and his career at the. Point wa thnnch never dull.' -New1 York Press. . . . v-,:.: The shearer makes a poor shepherd. .. .. . U icton Ave (positively cure all blood and skin trou bles Ulcers, sccruia, eczema., cauu sores, itching humors, swellangs, pim ples' boils' carbuncles, bone pains, rheumatism, catarrh, blood plcason, af fecting throat or bones, mucous patch es, cancer, swellings, persistent pimple or wart. B. B. B. makes the iblood pure ajar rich, heals evfery sore or erup tion, anid stoops ail acnes ajior yam. DruigKasts $1. For free treatment, ad dress Bdofcxi Balm Co . , AJHanta., Ga . Describe trouble anr free medical aa- viceglve n unail cured. "B. -cures old, deep-seated cases that refuse to iieal under patent mnedidines or u vx.trrAnt. B. B. i-B. composed of poire botanic drugs and is the finest blood purifier in the world! . MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It 4s certainJy gratifying the pub Be to Jfcuow , of onie concern which i not afraid to bo generous. The proorl -r-w- xrt.'a "NTftw Discovery OansnaniptJon, Coughs nd Odds, fcav yswvMUMts , mmrn trial bot anven away wc v " , ties and have the satisfaction of know lug It bas cured thousands of hopeaes. cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, LaGtdpp and an Throat, Chest aaad Iiungins eases are surely cured by it. Call o axy druggist and get a fre trial tiottle iRegiutar size 50o. and U-00.- Every bot lie gut- xtf - d Snip,' iTi.. 7k.& -jSi t.z.ix.m-f-

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