'1 v- I tr PAGES . BANISTER'S WORLD'S BIST SHOE For Men. PRICE 05.00 Vici, Patent Leather, But ton, Lace, Oxfords. Vici Kid, Black and Chocolate, All the newest shapes. Any size and widths Sold exclusively in asheville by Tha Boston Shoe Store, Leaders of Styles s,n jes shiaed free. Phone 671. YCU CAN'T HELP j I BEING SATISFIED J With the quality of our -work. That is one of our strong points, satisfying out customers I Telephone 95. Ashwlllc Steam Z Laundry. I s .....IIIIIIU1 The Oarnival ! OF Can be seen free at our place. Striped Flannel Suits, $7.50 to $16.50 single and double breasteu Blue Serge Suits, single and doub le breasted, $8.50 to $16.50, all sizes Black Uiifinshed "Worsted Suits from. $10.00 to $18.00 See the Norfolk Jacket Golf Suit at $12.50. It is a beauty "V:ra pants in extra sizes, sEms, Dongs and stolid. $2.50 to $7.50 per apair . .. .. . . The Greatest Stock of Clothing Ever shown in Arhevilft at WHITLOCn 41 Patton Aveuue. 'i Specials. Fine crawberrles. SRed Tomatoes. Fresh Celery. Asparagus. Bjadishes etc. VaIton & Jnabnett, CITY MARKET. Stalls 9 &10. Phone 173. n Spring Special Valu$ in 000T $12.50 jC5.00 In ITIannela; Ohevlots. Serges and- Undressed '"Wtorkeaa. , ; ; Stouts; Slims and Regulars, k . f These Suits are irarth atieast 25 ier' cen more. ' Every Suit (guaranteed ar money refuinded. , " - The !Phcne 1i lThe:Jiei Be&re Company.: : The -ojirtnof ttxe golfitfeurnsament, to have beeniJaayed' tails week' ;iat the Swajmanoa untry .cltth has fceen postponed" to' next Moiilay . ' .... ..: -'- -r- The AitfieviUe Steam Laundry fca la sized very unique' advertising, fclotterBv which ame the counterfeit presentment of freshly iainuxred cuffs. The coal - coomnleayrere very 4my yesterday. EJvery -extra team in town tihatwuldtoe engaged wiaemplyed to help the companies me " demand . . Rev. E. . K. iMicIiarty of the North Asheville church, baa gone tot New Or leans to attend the missionary confer ence. Mrs. J, EL (Bay will leave dur ing the week-esja delegate from, the Wioman's Missonary society of the iMethodist churches la Aeheville . " Several engineers of the United States' Geological . purvey traveled itiroiughr in mountain Kooners yester day imoming. A mieteiting of thei hoard of managers of the Ldndley rPraining school will be held this afternoon at the residence of Mtns. Hilliard. A full attendance Is re quested as am election of officers for the ensuing year will hie held. H. F. Hoffman, a former member of the Art Students' league of JNew York, travels with the Gentry show as spe cial artist. He makes the Illustration for their advertising and other reading matter and writes the stories .that ac company them. As he has (ervery oppor tunity to study and sketch the animals, and travels all over- the country in a special car, dt is a fine opportunity for a young man., At the Swannanoa casino tonight ct 8 o'clock a veritable direamiland of fa ries, and a gorgeous array of kings, queens and princesses will (pose before an admiring public. Music and sing ing of a high order will add to the at tractions, as well as the clever acting of an am.u'sing comedy. Sixty perforor- ers will take ;part and many society young ladies are to grace the final tab leaux. As the proceeds will be given to Thompson orphanage and other charity the ipatronage should be Yh eral. Admission: 25 cents. Rev. H. It. Dudley, (pastor of French Broad Baptist church, has announced that he will ipreach next Sunday night from a text found in Jer. 5:1. "Run ye ito and fro through thle streets of Je rusalem), and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, if ye can find a man." The subject for this sermon is, "A Man." The following Sunday night tMir. Dudley will preach another sermon fromi the same text, the subject being, "!How to Find Him." -J. Q. Grant Host ris pocket book on the train Sunday evening between Asheville and Hendersonville. The ipocketibook con tainted $44 to ipa.'Der money, one American gold dollar, one Becthler gold dollar and a number of notes and due hills, two of the notes had been paid by him as surety to J.B. Bostic & Co., and transferred by Bostic & Co. to him. A number of Confed erate hills and old state hank money were also included. Mr. Grant will 'give as a reward to whoever may re turn the hook to him (or L. A. Grant at the (postofflce) (the $44 of (paper money. ' Smoke Judgu Taft Cigars, Blomibergs THE BANKRUPT STOCK OF I. W. G LASER. "Will be old at and below cost. Fine Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Hats Caps, and Imported and domestic Hos iery. Also a beautiful line of John B. Stetson Hats. A beautiful line of two and three piece Children's Suits. There is a fine line of IMexchant Tail or made Suits and Pants. A beautiful line of imported cloth for Ladies Skirts. 18 SOUTH MAIN ST., AshevUle, N C. A CARRIAGE REPOSITORY Call ana see as pretty a line of Moyer's Carnages, Sur reys, Buggies, Concords and Stanhopes as you will find in Asheville . Also a full line of Studebaker and Weber Far mer's Wagons. Fine single and double Harness, Whips; Robes and Oils WlLEf & BROWN & SON 15 I-EXIENGTON AVE. Outfitter .:llfWatton Avfe.- . THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE rAKUL z x.,,31 Whitlijg'f Be;t Four Shades. ' - 20 SouftSk Main when syou,(ore tom mdfles jflrom home. The "thecoi yoiii 'ore sure you have w rwheel A she ville Cycle Company, Phone 228. . . . NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! liYSBiETira A Tale lof the - Dutch," by H. Rider 'Haggard. " ... , THE 'WIAYS OF THE SERVICE-Arniy and Navy Sforiea, (by (Frederick Pal mer . , BABS, TUB IMP'OSSirBIJE--by the author Of "The Hearvteally Twtos." HER MOUNTAIN LOVER A Mining Story, by Hamlin Garland. TtHJEJ OCTOIP(US-A Story -of California, by F; Norris. MISTRiDSS NBXJLiA Merry Tale of a Merry Time, by 3. C. Haleton, jr. AndrewsBook Store. 28 so wain street Good Country Butter, .....20-25C lb. "Statesville Creamery" 30c lb. Big fat Hens i.39c each. Some Early Spring Chickens every day. Just try our v getables and be convinced. Quick; Djliver. Hi mm I itiHc7 South Main Street, Victoria, MIIi&liiM JUiilU&Gjf PHONE NUMBER 200. MEN'S SHIRTS AND LADIES' SHIRTWAISTS Made to measure. Fit and workmanship guaranteed Office. Room No 9, over Sumner's HANMOM sHIRT PD Store. 40 & 43 Patton Avenue, n AIN IN Ji orllt 1 NERVOUS troubles are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which en riches and purifies the blood. It is the best medicine for nervous PEOPLE GoodEhoes Af the Kind to Wear. That's the kind we keep sub stantial soles, mio rdsk, anything that proves wrong! we make right. $3.00 Hindi $4.00. J. pan gen berg, j OSTEOPATHY Has cured thousands of so-called In curable cases. Perhaps it would cure'. you. Investigate. Call for information or literature. i DR. CM. CASE, DRUJxMOR BLOCK. BUILDING PLANS and etructoral suipefrtntend!ance . Before, you start to toum Just inspect any ilairge IcebUotoi of pilaris tL-pho-togragphs huildlngs constructed Jy mie. It iwHl coi you nothing. Com xnence right and! save (money. Open from 8 no 9 o'clock ptov ev& mlng. ETRIAJNIK ELWCOD BROWN, ' 60 Patton Ave. Architect ..M..............B...HH.-...-aB S I sN S : ( jajk : Half Off ABE 60IW6 FAST.... WE HAVE LEFT ' ' " . 15 Prince Albert Coate khd Vests. ' 25 Black Cutaway Coats and Vests . 12 FancvCutaway Suite. . 35 Black Suits. : ' FOR ONE HAlFt&BWLAR PRICE. - -45 Fancy Sick" Suits. tt .V - SOBlaCk Sack Suits. : . 200 Bofs Suits.. - r : r Ancqsr. '- ''" -; Ulster caif Heavy Oretcooia ai Hilt hid. ' ; AU Mnrt go in the exW dal ; Bp Bi 5 '-vfr Writing Paper 2 Per Pound-C Le" Sizes.. ; ; -! - xotbk tmcm. Street.-7;-v - . Jhiohe o. 254 If Your are Going One Mile to Your Work,: .V . . or twenty imdles ion a Joiimley you iwonlfc a, Wiiciycile -thoit ytouOTe surie.w53i hold chealp fb'ioycle it da (liable to break at any moment, of course, they ore all ..imaort tw htn Will not hfilm VOU bes"ti wtay to dor Js to louy 89 EAlGLiB, yoiu depend isn:. ) . . 18-20 Church Ft ANI M'F'G'S OP Woodbury's Rubber Elastic Roofing Faint and Cement WOODBURY COAL CO., Phone 121. 20 North Court Square. Tel. 759. Tel 759. EACH GALL Responded to Promptly MY HAND LAUNDRY 5 & 7 East Court Square. AlkEN & FORD, Props. BTfk STYLES of Men's " Tan Shoes at actual cost for the Month of April. AT fit. A. HEARS. Shoe Store. E I G h;t hundred Pairs Men'Tan Shoes Worth $2.50 to $5.00 We . offer for the (Month of April at $175 to $3 25 Piffet Styles Tan - - G. A. MEARS. Bow Are Xonr Kidneys t - Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Pills care all kidney Ills. Sam. pie free. Add. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N, Y. -ia ML! " . ,1,1 j iiw IWWIIIIIW r S chum n el Is.... ; pure frut preserves, - iellle ana 3ama. m ; lass Ja- s andS. and 20 apound bhuckets. H. C. JOHNSON Co. Phone "188- 89 Patton Ave. H CD IE . Lecuve your orders for Ice at 20 ? N". Oourt squats or TelepSbOine Nt. , - .3 21. ;T2ckets can. he procured from w&gooa or it offic. Ice Delivery Company. BARGAINS IN CAMERAS. AGENTS PORTHc"CLEBRATED GRAY DAY M0NTAUK CAMERAS A fuil line of. Eastman Kodaks and supplies. If you photograph call on us and talk it over. - THE FRENCH BROAD P3ESS, 32-34 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE, N. C. FIFTY STYLES Of Men's Tan Shnefl. at Antnal Cost for the Month of April, at. G, Pi. WEARS, Shoe Store. REDUCED RATES. Asheville, N. C, April 20, 1901. Specdial round) trivp raduiced rates offered by ithe Southern Railway (for the follow ing occasions: Account Sciuthern Baptist Assodation meeting. New Orleans, Da., Mlay 9-16, 1901. (Tickets on sale iMbjy 7, 8 and 9, with final limit May 20. iRalte of one first dass if aire (for the rouiad trip. Round trup criates fronu Ashevdlle, $22.10. An extension of fin&l limlBt of tickets of June 6th may 'be ohtadned by payiment of 50 cents bo D. B. Morey, Joint Tick et Agent, New Orleans, Da., provided ticket is deposited with said joint tick et agent on or ibefore !Mtoy 16th. AWcount meeting Ashevftlle lesbyltery of iWesternt North Carolina, Heniderson ville, N. C, April 30, 1901. Tickets on sale April 29 to (May 1st inclusive, with final limit May 6th. Round trip irate from AshevdWe, $1.10. Aiocounit 'General Missionary Contfer emce, M. E. Church, aulth, (New Or leans, Da., April 24-30 1901. Tickets on sale April 22, 23, 24. Pinal limit (May 3kJ. Rlate of one first 'class fare for the round trtip. IRound trip from Ashe- Wlle, $22.10. Account Annuall Convention TCdner's Daughters and ssoois. Creenville. IS. C. Anrii' 30 to May 2nd. 1901. Tickets on sale Atpril 28, 29, 30, wtitth finiaJl Mmilt May 5th, 1001. Rousnid trp rate from Ashe ville $17.85. . Account Annual State Convention of Chtristiian: EJntateiarvor, WBnstoia-Salem, N1. C, April 25-28, 1S01. Tickets on sale Ajpri'1 2, 2. 25, final limit Aprill 80, 1901. Round trip rate from! Asheville vita Barber Junction, $7.50, v&a Salis bury and Greensboro $8.8V. Acicount Merry MJakers' Celebration, Augusta, Gia., April 22-27, 1901. Tickets on Salle April 20-26. inolusive. ftoal lim it -Airil 29th. Rate of one first class fare tor the round) triD. Round rtrin rate from Asheville, $6.35. Aodourcit South Atlantto Stlates fMJiisdft iPestivaa, upiartanburg, S. C, .April 29- J0 and May 1. with final Itaif t Mb.v 5 (Rtound trip from AsheyiHe $2.30, twthicfi as iraite or ome first class fare for the rwundt triip. Aicooumt Anmnxal cOnverttfion of KMghts of Pythias, Greensboro, 1ST. C, Aipril 23, 1901." flttckets 6ri sale 'April 22 24, rwth final Mmit April 27. Round & irate from Asheville f.7B.' " Account fMeettnsr Norfih Oaroftfeia FUv- oiety of Cotanfta! Dojases, waioniington, in. j., (xvoiay iat, 1901, fntokets off sale 'April 29 anid u0, final JimSt (May . Riound trip rate tfrorw Asheville $15.65. lAooount fPnienniar Cowclaiv - TTn-iefhts Teraplar, Doufisviiae, Ky., Augusit 27-30; 1901. TBcfeets on sale-Aagost 24-28, in chisive, with, .fiinial Mmlt Septetoher 3, 1901. Rlate or one onrst class faire- ifor the round trip. Rouird Hjriip raite from Asnevillee $12.00. HSxtension of Anal limit maiy'' Ibe obnairred rm fna.-vtmie'ntff iaf 0 cents additional- tofe tJoidt 1 AKeht. Uoudsvillle, if deposted! tetweea Alugusft 28th ana -Sept 2nd. Brass hands to tcnl Jtonni, . teh rjiwrjttoreote one tka&t, will he igTtactted irate of onWcent ser imlle tlus jajhdtraries. This rae will be $790 for tfhe Tbund itrio: - v . -' 'For fuM. infortmatinm mnll inn i mirk Agents,- tSbufthenni Radiwiay, oi' eaU on?1 x ixaxay,,u. je. tender A;, Aflhe-! vllle N. K3. I .. ; GDORIOUB NEWS. ; " J - Com from Dr. (D. !B. Cardie, ot Waenitai I. T. He writes: "Jur hot ties of Electric Bitters has cared Mrs. Brewer of scrofula which1 bad caused her great ufferlnfe for year. Terrible sores quld brteak out on her head and face wid the hest doctorg could give no helipT hut herlire to ooimplete and; lier health is excellent." This &hows wh&t thousands .have proved, that Electric Bitters Is the hest fcloodmrifier known ' " .7 vu:b BJia Those WtlWUr lifcttklMa -riAr74.i- 5ll Tie Early RiseTS, wim remove all lrxKjur Ittes . from :you?' system, cleanse yoti" II 'THE BEST FiniiH 1 1 Bijtmore Patent. Sells at 65c per quarter sack. Isneyllle Ice & Coal Co , ; I887 Reliable 1901 M Best Anthracite and Jellico and Wood. Phone 40. H. T. C50LLIN8, pre8j Zimmerman & Whitehead, Dealers in Choice Native and Western Meats. Phone 4. City Market I We Sell to Satisfy coeo Chj'-ce cuts and doll Ever think how Truck the qualitT "tv ucvej.ua on me way it Is out. We huv the tMt f , - w OrJ-iiiiiJenH and are masters of the art of cut- Agents for Western Meats. W. M. & Co., i Phone 66. Prompt delivery Ball & Sxieppard, 16 Court Square, -A nyoafe ;sMng to put steam heUt 5a their huilding could d'e ni. better than put in a HARRISBURG BOILER But you must have experienced workmen to d r the work, and we are fldent t at we can please you. Ball & Sheppard. TEDEPH NB 83. 55 S. Main street. Phone 206. Carl Schultz, The Dyer, Chemical Cleaner and Furrier. Will Dye For You! Clean your garments Alter your gar ents Repair your garments. Let them he of silk, woolen, mixed, or fur of any kind. ASHEVILLE Dray Company, R. M. RAMSEY, Manager. TransIer,Storage, allKinds ol Hauling. 5 flffinn. No. 1 West Court UilllA;. Square. Phone 223. Ask Jlr Ray About Photography He Knows, FRlSHf MEATS Received Daily A Coll line of western and home meat! Also Poultry, Gamae, Pare Pork Satx- age. erythln? first-class. : MIKE LUTZ. t3taH A. City Market. 'Phone 7M. AH orders receive prompt atteation. . 6ur Stock has been much Gomplimented-justly so we cari But think-and the Mercb- lahdise is Seiiing. Mahy Items are we'll below Maricetr prices-Bought Under vihfe and Sold Accordingly : Hi Redwood & Co- v 1: J? ,1