H PAGE 8 .ASHEVILLEDAILY GAZETTE, - . . .MAY 10.-1001 ;,..- j . , ; - 1 ,.- . ill?, 1 ; 1- i tv 1 1 i ii " ir H . 'ft 1 5 .1. , iff V 4 , it -1 f : a' ' 4 ' - I in - i i-i'-. . 2 K ' 4 tTv "5 v (TfiAR,.'.-! ' REMEMBER That until the 20th we give a fl0l0 Discount on all cash purchases of stra.w matting-, in order to make room for our nw shlparuent, which) will be due here then. Gome early oinidi iget your pick. SAWYER'S CARPET HOUSE, Phone 228. 18 and 20 Church St. Own a Home Like This We have several just as attractive as the above that we will be glad to rent or sell you. We can sell you nice mlaces at much less than you could ihulM fhaTYl; Don't you believe it wffi ibe -worth your Hvhiietosee us and find! out about tinese properties. H . F. Grant 6c Son. 48 Fatton avemue. Asheville, N. C. Found Out fThe people have found! out that from a health standpoint it Is better to have their laundry done at a Steam Laundry than Sol the old fashioned way , Asheville Steam Laundry Telephone 95. 43 W. College fet. Straw Hats . Th8 Yacht tihapes in Plain and Rough Straw from 5uc to $3.00 each. Alpine shape straw at $1.00 and $1.25. Wash Ties Big Variety of Wah;Ties in Clubs, Batwings, Butterflies and four-in-hands, from 10c to 25c each, just received. GOO i Whitlock's I 41 Fatton Avenue. a E Epitaph for a lifelong worker. He Old all he could. June Smart Set. : ' ti. Exceptional miues in I Negligees $L0O Comprising a large assortment of patterns in A-uiujj ait ldii, hj You cant afford not to look these goods over if m need :of shifts. They will not last long. Patternsl are thoroughly genteel , Phone 78. CITY I The Aslievtlle Hardware Company. s m m Maraljel Erwin is quite 111. P. IB. Brewitori is critically. Ill at his home on South Main. . .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Valentine have moved to Hendersonville. Hendersonville is to have a 'Visitation from Sam Jones. Tsjiivta.1 Ijieutenant IF.R. Brainard was railed to Washington yesterday by a telefraa ordering him to report lor duty. rro, fnuH-h "nonfirmation' lecture In TMnittv tflrlh, will be sriven in the chapel thla afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. All persons are invited to attend1. The Y. M. C. A. members' frolic will be held next Friday night In the parlor of the association. An effort 'will be made to make this the most enjoyable one of the season. The Woman's 'board1 of foreign, mis sion of the M. E. church, south, meets in Asheville on June 6. There are about 75 members of the board, repre senting almost every Southern State. Evangelist R. V. (Miller will speak at the T. M. C. A. this afternoon at 3:45 o'clock. As this will 'be his only vad dress today the meeting will Ibe for both ladies and gentlemen. All are invited. The following, all from' Rryson City and late privates In the 29th volunteers, which regiment arrived recently at San Francisco from Manila and mustered out May 10, have arrived in Asheville: B. J. and -N. P. Seay, Charles J. Beck, R. J. Warden, and T. J. Spivey. Prof. Venable will sfceak at the song service of the T. M. I. this afternoon at 5 o'clock. A selection will be given by the T. M. I. quartette. "Bible class 1:30 to 2:30 p. m. ; Boys' Rible class 3 to 3:30 p. m. Through S. A. Farinholt' agency the residence property at the southeast corner of Cherry and Flint streets has been sold for Charles S. Bay lis of New York city to Charles O. Davis of Ashe ville. Mr. Davis will occupy this property as his home. The price paid was $5,000. The Elks who intend going to Char lotte to attend the 20th of May Elks' reunion are requested to meet at Hotel Berkeley at 10:30 today. F. R. Darby will be in his office at 11:30 to deliver tickets. Among those who expect to tickets. Dr. D. E. Sevier, W. N. Cooper, Dr. E. B. Olenn, J. j. tike leather, Dr. J. lA.. Gorman, Captains L. E. Perry, George ZHanger, and J. D. Dumphrey, J. H. Bryson,. R. S. Smith and Jack Rumbough. The party will leave this afternoon. Tomorrow, the anniversary of the Mecklenburg declaration of independ ence, is a state holiday, and will ibe ob served by the ipostoffice force. There will be one delivery and one collection by the carriers, In the morning, and the stamp and general delivery windows will be open from 8 to 10 and from 5 to 6. The carriers' window will not be opened in the afternoon. About 80 people participated in a eu chre party given by the New Jersey contingent of Royal Arcanum repre sentatives at the Battery Park hotel last evening. On account of a tie, each of the following ladies was given a prize Mrs. W. H. Beede of Ohio, Mrs. L. J. Meiser of Missouri and Mrs. W. H. 'Shoemaker. P. J. Taylor of New Jersey, won the first gentleman's prize, and Dr. J. H. Wright of Pennslyvania the second. Mr. McKiasick served re freshments. . Cigars worth, smoking at (Blomlberg's. Where are An drew s' Book Stores? At 38 Pattern. Ave and 28 South Madn St. 85-2t A rare opportunity to secure some of the most Ivaluable real estate in Ashe ville at the J. B. Bostic auction sale of lots cm Patton avenue and Bailey street, Monday, May the 20th, at 4 o'clock, on the premise's. 85-lt A CARRIAGE REPOSITORY Call ana see as pretty a line of Moyer's Carnages, Sur reys, Buggies, Concords and Stanhopes as you will find in Asheville. Also a full line of Studebaker and Weber Far mer's Wagons. Fine single and double Harness, Whips, Robes and Oils WILEY B BROWN & SON 15 LEXINGTON AY1.: ii 1 1 ii mm in me niirnpr trnnps. 11 Ptatton avenue. Solio, Yelox, Arisfo FIano. teurs. ' " Rogers' Book Store, us 20 South Main Street. Phone 254. . Ji"" - Mam iWMMi Phone 228. Lawn Swings ' We are sole agents in Asheville for these Swings, and there Is no Defter amusement for children. '1 Price $6 Net, Delivered Andrews' Book Store. 28 so. Main street If Not Why Not Buy Your Vegetables of Us? Hiram Lindsey, The banks will be closed tomorrow. ,t being a state holiday. The telephone line from Sapphire has been extended to (Cashier's valley, in Jackson county, and John Quincy Ad ams can now talk to his folks from the Hotel Berkeley. Although Collector Harkins will be obliged to use crutches until his knee has entirely recovered the injured knee s doing well. He is not worried by his accident nor by the rumors of removal One More Opportunity We will sell $5.00 silk underwear for $2.50 a suit In 'blue and pinik. Don't miss this otyDortunity. This is no fake or humbug sale but come and look at them. You will feel cool and! comfort able this summer. ASiHB YILJJB CJUOTHING 'CO. 85-6t 18 S. (Main St. EBirnck. Fire, Repressed, Finished, Vitrified Side Walk Brick for sale by THE ASHEVILLE BRICK & TILE CO., Room No 10 Library building . The Nicest Oxfords and Sandals All the merits, perfect fitters, excellent wearers, aridi easy as am old shoe at (the start. And the price to plain figures Will give satisfactory wear, or it's made right at r 2 n d t rt K t v A 9 c I OSTEOPATHY If you are tired! of taklni medicine .try Osteopathy. Call and I will prove to you Jcnat at makes good cure even in (very baa DR. C. M. CASE, Druhmor Building. ... H ANNAN'S SHQES, LOOK WELL Th$lr, appearance $ always marked with Mea's Shoe and Oxfords In HzS.COUQTNRY. is pat V s Sfm of the Book. After Ten Years Experience with bicycle Umps, we haye found only one that will abso lutely Stay lit, that are euaran teed to do so or money refunded. That Lamp is the NEVEROUT. Come in and find out abort it. Oil or gas. ASHEVILLE CYCLE CO. Nos. 18 and 20 Chuich St. 540 South Main Street, PHONE NUMBER 200. of the revenue office (before he can get back to it. The Injury was caused by his jumping from his buggy on to un even ground, in order to lead a young horse that is not "bridle wise." Some one, evidently thinking no value was attached to them, took two small Cuban flags used In the decorations for the military fair. The owner attaches considerable value to them as souven irs and a reward will ,be paid for their return. The closing exercises of the Catholic Hill (colored) school will begin Tuesday at the school building, and there will PAINT YOUR g ROOFS With Woodbury's 5 Elastic Rubber Roofing 5 PAINT Best on the Market, . . B D a o a a B WOODBURY CO AXi CO,, g rt Phone 121, 20 N. Court equare. X GIVEN AWAY FREE a package of fine toilet soap, with each' hundle of laundry. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. Get your laundry in early. My Hand Laundry. Phone 759. ; "1 BARGAINS IN CAMERAS. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED GRAY DAY M0NTAUK(CAMERAS. A full line of Eastman Kodaks and supplies. If you photograph call on us and talk it over. THE FRENCH BROAD PRESS ,32-34 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE, N. C. WEAK WELL They hold their shape to the end BUckor Jan Vlci $3 to $6. yMuuGiuaauci, ton Ave Try a Can ot our Gold Seal Grated Pineapple Let the Pineapple give evidence and you be both fudge and fury. H. C. JOHNSON Co- fl IE . Leawe your orders for Ice at 20 N. Court square, or Telephone io. lti. "Tickets csa toe procured from w&ffoo or at omos. Ice Delivery Company ; W, A. BLAIR J.J, MACKEY I BLAIR & MACKEY ; UNDERTAKERS 45 Patton Ave. (up stairs). OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Telephone 193. I Dr. A, Stauffer VETERINARY SURGEON, . . Graduate of Germany. Office : Chambers & Weaver's Livery Stable Phone 18 also be an entertainment Wednesday at 10 o'clock in the Young Men's In stitute. An elaborate program has been arranged for the closing exercises of St. Matthias school, which takes place Wednesday evening in the Y. M. I. ' Beginning today, trains 21 and 22, to Morristown, will be changed to 14 and 15. No. 15 will leave tat 6:15 a. m., eastern time, instead of 7:10, and No. 16 will arrive at 11:45 p. m. instead of 10:15. The New sleeper, direct from St. Louis, will be attached to this train. Hon. Wm. G. Ewing of Chicago, will lecture tonight at the opera house on ""Christian Science." QUISISANA (.m (Here you will grow well.) oanitMlMn . . Most beautifully situated cm an ele vation. On car dine. 'Baths, Massage, Electricity, Swedish Movements, Sum Baths, Air Baths, Sand Baths, Proper Diet, Etc. TLarge sunny rooms. Best of cuisine and) service. Head physician: Dr. Walter Sedfert. Visitors inlvited to inspect the insti tution. The Entire Line of Straw rHats. we will sell at cost the latest designs and 'best value. Will (begin May 20th. ASHEVIULE CLOTHING CO. g56t 18 So. Main street. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. New York, May 17. Goldman, Sach & Company will ship $250,000 gold coin to Holland to-morrow. Liondon, May 17. The suspension of Charles Kelman was announced on the Stock Exchange to-day. The failure ia uot important. Paris, May 17. Count ,Bonl Ife Castellane, who has been suffering from' intestinal trouble, has now recovered his usual health. Paris, May 17. J. Pierpont Mdrjffan la expected to stay in Paris for several days. He will then sail for home, with out returning to Aix-Les-BainSi. Jackson, Miss., May 17. A. P. Brady, & merchant here, was arrested to-night for the murder of William Dinsmore, near Coleman, Tex., ttventy-eight years ago. Manila, May 17. General Mascardo, with 328 men, has surrendered to Cap tain Joseph P. O'Neil, of the Twenty .fifth Infantry, at San Antonio, Zam beles province. Paris, May 17. The attack on Mi Monis, the Minister of Justice, in the Chamber of. Deputies to-day by M. Cuneo D'Ornano, Bonapartist, from the Cognac district, failed. New York, May 17. Between 15,000 and 20,000 bricklayers in the employ of contractors who are members of the: Masons' Builders. Association, were locked out at noon to-day, -. r IiOn,don, May 18. The United States Government is trying to-persuade Por tugal, says the Lisbon correspondent of the Mornings Leader, "to cede an island in the Azores ?f or a cokHng' Statloij.l. 1 London, May 17. The Britlah steamer Broomhaugh, Captain Boys,- which -sajl-: ed from New Orleans April -18th an4. Norfolk .the 27th for Brest, arrived &i that port to-day with the loss of part of her cargo and deck load, it having Ken lettisoned on the voyage. IEnovOneBnTO for an obstinate celd. - Itenuae i Pny- 1i Bemecbr THE BEST FLOUR, Biltmore Patent. 8ells at 6oc per quarter sack "-"UUJC I90I Best Anthracite and Jellico ft and Wood. ke Phone 40. fl. T. COLLINS, presJ Zimmerman 4 Whitehead, Dealers in Choice Native and Western Meat . Phone 4. City Market about where to -buy fresh, few meats. We buy only the best of animals and our cuts are nic amd tender. Ke 3 Call or Send for wihat you want. We hare It All orders promptly filled. W. M. Hill dc Co., City Market. Phone 66. Ball & Slieppard, 16 Court Square, r'nyoa . fining to put steam h-t thefr hruiidiii could dc n btter than put ia m HARRISBDRG BOILER But you must have experienced workmen to d : the work, and w m fldent t tit we can please Ball & Slieppard. TB5LBPH NB 83. 55 S. Main street. Carl Schultz, The Dyer, Chemical Cleaner and Furrier, win uye For You! Clean" your garment Alter your gar enta RenaJr vrnir mnmM . Let them be of silk, woolen, mixed, SAWDUST . . Nice, clean Sawdust for I 11 . .L . If! ailfllllf III If II 1111 u ing, etcs for sale by the ... j Asneviiie Dray Company, R. JVL. Ramsey. Mgr. Office No. 1, West Court iquare. Phone 223- Eastman Kodaks and Films - - - Latest models In all style- daTUlEht Irwdlnc Alms-Pftjrfest M learn how to m. -L : succesaful pictures wlth-ive von less trou ble $6.00 to $35 00. Frlma to fit all Eastman Ko daks. When you buy it, ask Mr. E&7 now to use it. He knows. Ray's Book Store. If Its... a tender, juicy steak, a nlse toast; something good to fry or game of any kind that you want tyou will always find the best at MIKE L.UTZ. PfooBe 754. City Market- Men's -and Boys9 Fine . . . 'r Clothing ) Excellent styles fc In Excellent Materials I Hi REDWOODS CO; , 7 and 8 Patton Ave, Don't Worry I "'-V s' i.-- i 1 , J4 t

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